HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW 4. The Floor Debate 1. The Proposal A representative/senator writes a bill, an idea for a law. Bill is debated, changes are suggested 7. To the President! If both chambers of Congress approve, bill goes to president. If signed, it becomes a law. If vetoed, it doesn't. 5. The Vote 2. The Introduction Bill gets a number Bill is read aloud for senators/representatives Sent to committe for review 3. The Report If committee likes it, it is sent for the whole House/Senate for debate. If changes are made, bill is read again Whole House/Senate votes "yes, no, present (neutral)" on the bill 6. The Delivery If bill began in House, it is sent to Senate and repeats steps 1-5. If bill began in Senate, it is sent to House and repeats steps 1-5. Congress can override a veto if there are enough votes (2/3 of Congress)