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Financing Risk in Islamic Banking: Risk Management Models

Financing Risk in Islamic
Risk Management in Islamic Banking
Review & Definition
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Financing Risk
Review & definition
★ Risk that emerges because of the failure of the customer or other parties
to fulfill their liabilities to the Islamic bank according to what is already
This failure in payment/default can be caused by two things:
the inability to pay
the unwillingness to pay
default risk
credit risk
rating downgrade risk
contract completion risk
counterparty risk
★ Also called
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Wahyudi, I., Rosmanita, F., Prasetyo, M. B., & Putri, N. I. (2015). Risk management for Islamic
banks: Recent developments from Asia and the Middle East. John Wiley & Sons.
Role of Islamic Banking & Financing
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Review & definition
★ Islamic banks mobilize fund
excess funds from the savers to deficit investors
time deposit
★ Various contracts with the savers include
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Wahyudi, I., Rosmanita, F., Prasetyo, M. B., & Putri, N. I. (2015). Risk management for Islamic
banks: Recent developments from Asia and the Middle East. John Wiley & Sons.
Role of Islamic Banking & Financing
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Review & definition
★ Various contracts with the deficit investors include
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
pure debt
exchange activities
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Wahyudi, I., Rosmanita, F., Prasetyo, M. B., & Putri, N. I. (2015). Risk management for Islamic
banks: Recent developments from Asia and the Middle East. John Wiley & Sons.
Sources & Scope
Sources of Risk in the Financing
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Sources & scope
★ Five problems in the business process may
lead to financing risk
uncertainty of market conditions
uncertainty related to the selling price of a
guarantee or collateral
issue of the credibility of the information
provided by the debtor
problem of granularity caused by the
myriad of debtors financed
inability to differentiate between ability and
willingness to pay
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Wahyudi, I., Rosmanita, F., Prasetyo, M. B., & Putri, N. I. (2015). Risk
management for Islamic banks: Recent developments from Asia and the
Middle East. John Wiley & Sons.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Tools of Financing Risk Management
Sources & scope
Debtor selection
Terms setting
Third party guarantee
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Wahyudi, I., Rosmanita, F., Prasetyo, M. B., & Putri, N. I. (2015). Risk management for Islamic
banks: Recent developments from Asia and the Middle East. John Wiley & Sons.
Models for
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Qualitative Models
Models for measuring financing risk
★ More useful when public information is not available
★ Information from private sources might be used
Credit file/ deposit file
Purchase information
Credit Information Bureau (CIB)
★ Subjective judgement about the probability of default based on key
factors with appropriate weights
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
Borrower specific factors
Market/economy specific factors
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Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Qualitative Models
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Borrower specific factors
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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borrowing -lending history
Variability of business situation/earning/cash flow
Value and marketability of collateral
Existing financial obligations
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Qualitative Models
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Market/economy specific factors
The business cycle
The level of interest rates
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Recession - luxury or durable goods perform worse
Financing to such industry should be limited in a recessionary phase
Explore upcoming business cycle of Bangladesh and it’s implication in financing risk
Restrictive monetary policy → higher interest rate
→ funds are scarce and expensive for banks
→ debtors take excessive risks
→ riskier debtors are more in number
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Credit scoring models
Linear probability and logit models*
Linear discriminant analysis*
★ Newer models
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
Mortality rate models
RAROC models
Term structure of credit risk/ reduced-form models
Option model/ structural models
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Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Credit scoring are the mathematical models that use observed financing
applicant’s characteristics to
calculate a score representing the applicant’s probability of default
sort borrowers into different default risk classes
★ Benefit: more accuracy
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCiD
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Overall steps
identify objective economic and financial characteristics of debtor
Assign weights based on the relative degree of importance of these
Collect data related to the identified characteristics
Apply statistical techniques
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Consumer financing: income, assets, age, occupation, location, etc.
Commercial financing: cash flow, financial ratios, etc.
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Probability Model and Logit Model
past data of important j number of important characteristic variables are used
as inputs (Xij) for i- number of old customers into a model to explain repayment
experience (PDi)
divide old loans into two observational groups:
linear regression is used to estimate the importance (βj) of the j-th variable:
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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those that defaulted (PDi = 1) and
those that did not default (PDi = 0)
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Probability Model and Logit Model
take these estimated βj-s
multiply them by the observed Xij for a prospective borrower
derive an expected value of PDi, E(PDi), for the prospective borrower
★ Major weakness: E(PDi) can often lie outside the interval 0 to 1
★ Logit model overcomes the weakness
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
plug the E(PDi) into the following formula, where e is exponential (equal to
2.718) and F(PDi) is the logistically transformed value of E(PDi):
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Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Probability Model and Logit Model
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCiD
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Probability Model and Logit Model
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCiD
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Discriminant Models
divide debtors into high or low default risk classes contingent on their
observed characteristics (Xj)
also, use past data as inputs into a model
forecasts whether the debtor falls into the high or low default class
E. I. Altman developed the famous discriminant analysis model,
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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called Altman Z-score model,
for publicly traded manufacturing firms in the United States,
where the Z-score is a default indicator, not a direct probability of default measure
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Discriminant Models
Altman’s discriminant function (credit-classification model), or Altman Z-score
model takes the form:
According to Altman’s credit scoring model, any firm with z-score
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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less than 1.81
→ a high default risk firm
between 1.81 and 2.99 → an indeterminant default risk firm
greater than 2.99
→ a low default risk firm
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCiD
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Quantitative Models - Credit Scoring
Models for measuring financing risk
★ Linear Discriminant Models
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
discriminate only between two extreme cases of borrower behavior:
very sensitive to the weights for the different variables
ignore important, hard-to-quantify factors having crucial role in the default or no
default decision
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no default and default
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M. (2017). Financial institutions management: A risk management
approach (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Risk Management of Various
Financing Contracts
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Murabahah Transactions
Risk management of various financing contracts
★ Bank delivers the asset to the client but does not receive payment from
the client in time
★ In case of a nonbinding murabahah, where the client has the right to
refuse delivery of the product purchased by the bank, the bank is further
exposed to price and market risks
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Greuning, H. V., & Iqbal, Z. (2008). Risk analysis for Islamic banks. World Bank Publications.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Bay’ Al-Salaam or Istisnah Contracts
Risk management of various financing contracts
★ the bank is exposed to the risk of failure
○ to supply on time,
○ to supply at all, or
○ to supply the quality of goods as contractually specified
★ Such failure could result
○ in a delay or default in payment, or
○ in delivery of the product, and
○ can expose Islamic banks to financial losses of income & capital.
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Greuning, H. V., & Iqbal, Z. (2008). Risk analysis for Islamic banks. World Bank Publications.
Fin a n c in g R is k in Is l a m ic B a n k in g
Mudarabah investments
Risk management of various financing contracts
★ Islamic bank enters into the mudarabah contract as rab al-mal (principal)
with an external mudarib (agent)
★ Enhanced credit risk on the amounts advanced to the mudarib
★ Bank may not have appropriate rights to monitor the mudarib or to
participate in management of the project
○ makes it difficult to assess and manage credit risk
★ This risk is especially present in markets where information asymmetry is
high and transparency by the mudarib is low
Prof. Md Mohan Uddin, PhD
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Greuning, H. V., & Iqbal, Z. (2008). Risk analysis for Islamic banks. World Bank Publications.