INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING Why need of Programming ? • PROGRAM TYPES: 1.System program : 2.Application program: C LANGUAGE ‘Dennis Ritchie’ AT & T’s bell lab B developed ken Thomson. 1972 in USA. why need of c language by ANSI ANSI C 1989 standardized levels of language Low level language High level language 1. Machine language :-which means it is close to hardware, user must have knowledge of system architecture or CPU architecture. .Not machine dependent which means user don’t need to have knowledge of system architecture. .Execution of code is fast. .Close to humans not machine. .It is not understandable by human. .Deals with variables, loops etc. Not run same program on different machine or computers. .Portable language which means same program can run on different platforms. 2.Assembly language:- .No need to understand system architectures .It uses symbols, numbers call numonics eg:for addition use add symbol, for subtraction use sub symbol. .Slower than machine language .Readable by human but strong binding with machine language .Slower than machine language .Easy to read ,write , understand etc Language translators ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE ASSEMBLER MACHINE LANGAUGE HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE COMPILER MACHINE LANGUAGE HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE INTERPRETER MACHINE LANGUAGE Features of C Advantage & Disadvantage Of C Language Advantage Disadvantage .It is open source language. .It doesn’t support object oriented concept. .Easy to learn. .Not support exception handling. .Portable Language. .Not have Garbage Collector. .Easy debugging. .Platform dependent. .Can allocate dynamic memory. Structure of c program Documentati0n section Link section Definition section Global declaration section Main()function section { Declaration part Executable part } Subprogram section Function1 Function2 Function n user defined funs. Structure of C Program • Documentation section ://single line comment :/*multiple line comment • Link section: :- #include<stdio.h> • Preprocessor directive Standard I/O header file with .h extension • printf ,scanf (predefined functions For output To take input structure of c program contd. Console input output eg:- getch (predefined function used to hold the screen) clrcsr(predefined function used to clear the screen) Definition section : Structure of c program contd. • Global declaration section: • 1.Local Variable and Local functions: variable declare within particular fn. eg:- void fun() local function declaration:- void main() { { int a; int sum() } { }} • 2.Global Variable and Global Functions: variable used in more thn one fn. and declare outside the functions eg: int a; global function declaration:- int a; void fun() void sum() { void main() } { Void disp() } Structure of c program contd. • Main section Syntax Of C Program begining ending Program- Print Hello World Program debugging • Syntax Error:- Program debugging contd. • Runtime Error:- Note:- Program debugging contd. • Logical Error:- Execution process of c programming preprocessor #include<stdio.h>,#include<conio.h>(preprocessor replace # by functions like printf,scanf etc) dee.i; Translator (convert high level lang. to binary form) compiler Yes Syntax error No assembler dee.obj Linker output NO Logic error dee.exe Execute/loader Yes Compile the program It convert code written in assembly language into object code Link all object code in one file and link with system libraries. loader load exe file into mainmemory.RAM Functions in c language function User defined fn. Prdefine fn. formatted input function scanf() in c Syntax:scanf(“format specifier”,&variable), &=address of operator eg:- scanf(“%d”,a); formatted output function printf () in c \n:- , \t:- Syntax:printf(“ “) only generate space not print anything printf(“format string or specifier”,variable); Program for printf() & scanf() function Using printf() For msg. printing Using both printf() & scanf() for printing values unformatted input function getchar():program:- void unformatted input function cont. getch():- It Program:- unformatted Input function cont. • getche():- Program:- • Similarity:- • Dissimalrity:- In getche() fn. unformatted Input function cont. • gets():Program:- unformatted Output functions • putchar(): It is Program:- • putch():- It unformatted Output function cont. • puts():• Program:- main() function in c • Syntax:- Constants In C Language • Constants:- const keyword • Types of constants in c LANGUAGE:Numeric constants Character constants Constants in c language contd. • Integer Constants:- Rules:- • Floating Point constant/Real Constants: These Rules:- CONSTANT IN C LANGUAGE CONTD. Character Constant • Single Character Constants:- In this eg:- Constant in c language contd. • String Constant: It contain integer constants program variables in c language Program:40 Output=40 Types of variables Local variable Global variable Automatic variable Static variable External variable Local variable Program:- Global variable Program:- Automatic variable Program:- Static variable Program:- External variable Program: Keywords in c language 32 keywords In C language 32 keywords contd. 32 keywords contd. Identifier in c language eg:- int sal ; keyword double money ; void disp() identifier double Datatypes in c language Primary Datatype Secondary Datatype/Derived datatype User defined datatypes int array typedef char pointer Enumerated datatype float structure void union INT. datatype in c language Types of int datatype short int( size modifier) long int(size modifier) Character datatype in c language Types of char datatype Signed character datatype unsigned character datatype Float datatype in c language Types of float datatype double datatype long double datatype Table for datatypes Datatype Size in byte Format Specifier Range int or signed int 2 byte %d -32768 to 32767 unsigned int 2 %u 0 to 65535 long int 4 %ld -2147483648 to _47 unsigned long int 4 %lu 0 to 4294969295 short int 1 %d,%hd -128 to 127 unsigned short int 1 char or signed char 1 %c -128 to 127 unsigned char 1 %c 0 to 255 float 4 %f -34e38 to 3.4e38 double,long double 8,10 %lf,%Lf -1.7e308 to 1.7e308, 3.4e4932 to +1.1e4932 0 to 255 Operator in c language Types of operator Unary Operator (Work on single operand) Binary Operator (work on two operand) Ternary Operator (conditional operator) Increment operator(++a) Arithmetic operator ?: ( eg:-(a>b)? a:b) Decrement operator(--a) Relational operator Sizeof operator (eg:-sizeof(a)) Logical operator Bitwise operator Assignment operator Unary operator(increment) • Increment operator:- • Pre –increment(++a):• Eg:- Unary operator contd. • Post –increment(a++):Eg:- Unary operator contd. Unary operator type Meaning Example Result ++a --a Pre-increment Pre-decrement x=++a, x= --a x=21,a=21 x=19,a=19 a++ a-- Post- increment Post-decrement x=a++, x=a-- x=20,a=21 x=20,a=19 + Unary Airthmetic a=3,b=5 than c=+a c=3 - Unary Airthmetic a=3,b=5 than c=a+(-b) c=-2 ! & Logical Not Address of operator If a=2,b=3 than c=!(a>b) Used in scanf () function 1(true) size of() Size of operator size of(a) 97 Binary operator(arithmetic ) Arithmetic Operator Meaning Example Result + Addition a+b 30 - Substraction a-b 10 * Multiplication a*b 200 % Modulus(used only a%b 0 Binary operator(relational ) • Eg:- Relational operators Operator Meaning Example Result < Less than 10<8 F (0) > Greater than 10>8 T(1) <= Less than or equal to 10<= F (0) >= Greater than or equal to 10>= T (1) ==(avoid with float value) Comparison 10==8 F (0) !=(avoid with float value) Not equal to 10!=8 T (1) By relational operator we can compare integer value , float value and character value but not strings.onsomewhere == and != operator avoid with float values. Binary operator(logical) Logical operators Operator Meaning Example Result &&(if one condition 0 than output is 0) Logical And (6<3)&&(6>3) F ||(if both condition 0 than output o) Logical Or (6<3)||(6>3) T !(reverse of condition result) Logical Not !(6<3) T (If false return true) Binary operator(bitwise) Bitwise operator <<, >>(left right shift) shift , • << • >> This operator shift number to right side 2 2 Bitwise operator ~(BITWISE NOT) Bitwise operator operators meaning a b A&b A|b A^b & Bitwise and 0 0 0 0 0 | Bitwise or 1 1 1 1 0 ^ Bitwise xor 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 ~ Bitwise Not << Left shift >> Right shift BINARY OPERATOR(ASSIGNMENT) Assignment operators Simple assignment operator = Compound Assignment Operator Meaning += Add and assignment operator -= Subtract *= Multiply /= Divide %= Modulus <<= Left shift >>= Right shift &= Bitwise And ^= Bitwise Xor |= Bitwise Or Ternary operator in c language • Syntax: • Program: Special operator comma. • Comma(,):- Operator precedence and associativity table