Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale In any part of the world, communication capabilities have a problem that is detrimental to the learners’ motivation in communication. The TurkishGerman University reported that the learners in Stellenbosch, South Africa encountered difficulty in communication most especially in expressing themselves by using appropriate words. communication capability of It is said that the poor the students affects their performance, participation in the activities and as well as the socialization with the other students (Genc, 2016). In the Philippines, communication capability is a major problem particularly to the students of Cebu Normal University Integrated Laboratory School. Observation noted that the students in the said school are still lack with proficiency in using the language. Teachers in the said school find it difficult to make the students learn how to communicate one’s ideas effectively in realistic, meaningful situation both orally and in written (Abao, 2013). In local setting, specifically in Semong National High School (SNHS), Semong, Kapalong, Davao del Norte, the communication capability of the students has a problem. According to Ms. Mylene D. Basa, a Teacher 1 of SNHS, even though students of the said school are still maintaining respect to 2 their teachers, their communication capability lessens due to some factors. These factors occur when students are talking with their peers. The researchers had not come across of a study that dealt on parasocial interaction and communication capability in local setting. The purpose of this study was for the researchers to determine whether the para-social interaction can improve the communication capability of Grade 10 students as this can raise concern to the intended beneficiaries of this research and possibly encourage independent learning as one of the objectives of this 21 st century. Also, these will be an improvement in the teaching-learning process particularly in students’ communication capability. Research Objectives The purpose of this study was to determine the significant relationship between Para-social Interaction and Communication Capabilities of Grade 10 students. Specifically, this study sought to answer to the following objectives. 1. To determine the level of Para-social Interaction in terms of: 1.1. storyworld thoughts; 1.2. character description; 1.3. emotional response; and 1.4. direct address. 2. To determine the level of Communication Capabilities in terms of: 2.1. understanding of others’ key ideas; 2.2. valuing others’ perspectives; 2.3. developing active assertions; and 3 2.4. 3. To developing shared understanding. determine the significant relationship between para-social Interaction and communication capabilities of Grade 10 students of Semong National High School. Hypothesis The null hypothesis which was tested at 0.05 level of significance which stated that there is no significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capabilities of Grade 10 students. Review of Related Literature In this section, there were different readings from the authors in the internet that are related to this study. The researchers consider the Parasocial Interaction (PSI) and Communication Capabilities of Grade 10 students. Para-social Interaction The para-social interaction is referring to the connection between people with the form with media characters and specifically through watching television. The interaction shows that some of the persons who watch television is sending their thoughts via social media. It was found out that the participants’ enjoyment is higher when they simultaneously used multiple media. Since, these medias is great source of PSI (Jones, 2013). Para-social interaction as a one-sided, non-dialectical relationship that users develop with characters they encounter in the media. It was examined the same issue and it is regarding how readers develop such interactions with male and female sports magazine cover models. It shows the para-social 4 phenomenon to be impactful in the sense that the users develop such intimacy to the characters in the media (Wasike, 2018). Moreover, PSI exists in the structure of reality television set up that the audience will form an attachment to the participants. Para-social interaction is positively correlated to exposure or the amount of time spent watching the show. Public voting increases audience participation. Thus, it causing the audience to be further invested in the television figures and their lives because they establish an attachment to the figures they saw (Tian and Yoo, 2015). Para-social interaction describes non-reciprocated audience interactions with media personae. These interactions are in many ways like face‐to‐face interactions with the caveat that the response normally expected from a social partner is missing. Para-social theory describes and attempts to explain imagined social relationships and interactions with people who are distant from us and who do not reciprocate individual communication or interest. Early articles on para-social theory discussed para-social interaction and para-social relationships without making much distinction between the terms, but more recent studies have focused on the differences, with PSI being the illusion of interaction during viewing and PSRs being the ongoing perceived connection the audience members experience with the media personae over a longer period of time. Para-social attachment occurs when the viewer seeks regular proximity to the mediated experience in order to experience an affective bond with a selected media persona (Stever, 2017). 5 In addition, para-social relationship is one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other’s existence. Para-social relationships expand the social network in a way that negates the chance of rejection and empowers individuals to model and identify with individuals of their choosing who naturally elicit an empathic response. Also, para-social relationships are cultivated by the media to resemble face-to-face relationships. In the past, para-social relationships occurred predominantly with television personas. Now, these relationships also occur between individuals and their favorite bloggers, social media users, and gamers. The nature and intimacy of para-social relationships has also matured. Reality television allows viewers to share the most intimate and personal lives of television personas, and celebrities openly share their opinions and activities through various social media outlets such as twitter and Facebook (Bennett et al., 2017). Storyworld Thought. These are the thoughts refer to the plot and action of the character as if they are real. It includes the past and future in the events and as well as the commentary about and the reaction to the story. This is considered as proxy to the involvement of the participants of PSI as if it is happening in their real life situation. Also, storyworld thought is about convincing the reader of the brilliance of your ideas as it is about expressing the detail of the storyworld. It is a concise and very short distillation of the essence of your story. In a feature film this is most often a sentence focused on a particular Character, in a particular Place with a particular Problem (Jones, 2013). 6 Likewise, the storyworld thought is acknowledging the emergence of the concept “world” on the broader cultural sense. It spans multiple portion where the representation combined various types of signs and virtual in online worlds which the stories is being filled with player citizen. Also, it represents the transcend media which expands not only on its scope but beyond on its native territory (Ryan & Thon, 2014). In the other case, rather than defining first the sequences of the events, the storyworld thought represents collections of the possibilities to be combined in various ways. In that case, story plots can emerge in every use of the story from the interaction between user and story-environment. The process of constructing a story world highlights how the construction of it and implies a different mental activity and skill development than traditional storytelling (Dettori, 2016). Character Description. This is to describe the attribute of the characters of the media and it includes both the physical and mental. In this level, the character deeds are not being accounted. In addition, the focus of this is on what the character is and not as what the characters do. It corresponds to the cognitive aspect of the participants and response effectively to the PSI. But, descriptions are often found in the action of the character (Jones, 2013). In addition, character description illustrates the character. It attracts viewers and readers’ attention and sets the mood or tone of the story because they understand the character. Character description must be both vivid and realistic because it creates awareness to viewers and for the reader that 7 seems the character s are alive by offering crucial insight into this character’s personality and background (Scheller, 2015). Also, it describes how the setting and action of the story come into life clearly and vividly. It also talks about how characters looks like and think. It goes a long way to let the listeners and readers know the character. It creates a specific image or it reveals important or emotional involvement to the character. This involvement makes the audience more interested to the character because they feel the same way as the character feels (Hauge, 2015). Furthermore, character description brings the readers into the story and keeping them engaged in the plot. Readers will be more interested in the story if they can visualize what the character looks like and understand where they come from. In this sense, visualizing characters helps the readers to understand the plot. The key elements of a detailed character description include the character’s appearance, personality, perspective and motivating goals (Richardson, 2017). Emotional Response. This includes the emotional reaction of the participants to the characters. Also, it comprises expressing likes and dislikes, fear to the characters, and establishing sympathy to the characters. It also makes the PSI more effective because of what the participants feel in the portraying character. These responses are keys to achieve the objective of the para-social interaction. So, the interaction become meaningful when there is emotional inclination (Jones, 2013). 8 In addition, emotional response is a reaction to a particular intrapsychic feeling or feelings, accompanied by physiological changes that may or may not externally manifested but that motivates or precipitates some action or behavior response. This is the superior predictor of cognitive learning and state motivation. It can enhance our ability to experience our environment and our relationships with others (Klamer, 2017). Moreover, others’ emotional responses are an important source of information which shapes the observer’s behavior. There are increasingly relevant to the perceptions of other people’s emotion regulation tendencies and its impact on how these observers construct a view of others’ emotional (vicarious) response. Not being able to attune to others’ emotional experiences can interfere with people’s efforts to directly alter others’ emotional reactions. Inaccurate judgments of others’ emotions may lead to misperceptions of others’ feelings and needs as well as inappropriate emotional and behavioral responses. Thus, studying further how an observer may interpret others’ emotion regulation skills and vicarious emotional responses can help explain the observer’s interactions with others, and facilitate prediction of whether the observer is more or less likely to initiate interpersonal emotion regulation (Parkinson et al., 2015). Direct Address. This is when the participants are responding in the character. These responses are behavioral because the actions are seen from the participants. Actions that initiate by the participants are manifestation of interaction from the media because of they are affected to the character’s deeds or story in the media. It brings the PSI more behavioral because of the reactions of the participants more visible (Jones, 2013). 9 Additionally, direct address is a construction in which a speaker or writer communicates a message directly to another individual or group of individuals as in securing the attention of that person. This process assures that the message will be emphasized and impactful. The person who is addressed may be identified by name, nickname or pronoun. The name of the individual who's addressed is set off by a comma or a pair of commas (Nordquist, 2018) Moreover, direct address is a character who is named as the play’s narrator from the outset and behaves as such throughout of the entire performance directly address the message to the audience as a support to the scene whereas the character portraying. This character is the traditional narrator role, standing or sitting on the side of the stage, serving as the bridge between the other characters in the play and the audience (Cash, 2018). Communication Capability Communication capability is one of the most important competencies in the 21st century global citizen. The students’ communication skills can be promoted by indicating the socio-scientific issues by increasing the interaction, stimulation of students’ reasoning, and constructing shared social knowledge. These issues have a large impact to the students’ ability to understand the key ideas of others and to value others’ perspective and as well as developing active assertion (Chung et al., 2014). Communication is more than symbols. Behind those symbols, language carries certain emotion. It can comfort or hurt. The meaning behind language can make people happy, sad, be motivated or boil in anger. 10 However, to send its meaning, these symbols cannot operate independently; it is tied to context and media of communication. Recently, the rapid development of ICT, as one form of communication media, contributes to the growth of language varieties and evolution/changes of language (Suryani, 2013). Communication capability relates to the ability in using the linguistic process. It entails the transfer of ideas, thoughts or feeling by the sender to receiver via verbal or nonverbal means. This transfer gains special significance in business especially in the service provider's work with human based on communication. In any sustainable plan or strategy, communication capability plays a vital role in order to plan and develop strategies necessary for people to express their selves internally and externally (Genc, 2016). Moreover, communication capability is the ability to communicate effectively with other users of the target language. Teaching to have the ability to communicate in real, everyday situations is one of the most important to practice in every classroom. It emphasizes the importance of communication capability and also the fact that it involves quite a vast knowledge of different language aspects, ergo, it may be perceived as a complicated process. It is also requiring first and foremost a great deal of practice and exposure to the target language (Kuśnierek, 2015). Understanding Others’ Key Ideas. This is to understand the context which the people who has the epistemological knowledge in order to shift through the data. It is also tap the conception of the social justice and elements of virtue and ethics. The active listening is highly necessary to 11 understand what exactly the main points while engaged in conversation. Thus, the main point of conversation is to have common understanding (Chung et al., 2014). Social cognition is the ability to understand other people's ideas and it enables us to predict their behavior and thoughts. Moreover, it is also critical to understand many nuances underpinning everyday speech, because people frequently mean something different to what they actually say. Basically, it involves you being able to identify the mental states of others like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes (McDonald, 2014). In addition, empathy is the most important thing in understanding the other's key ideas. In order to have an effective communication, it will lead to greater success personally, professionally, mentally and emotionally to understand the other's ideas and will allow you to become happier the more you practice of having this empathy. Usually, communication becomes successful when the different parties are giving chance to understand each other (Fowler, 2014). The only way to truly understand what others are going through, or why they think or act a certain way, is to see things the way they see them. Empathy won’t give a power to read minds; it will get a pretty close. At the heart of empathy is the idea of understanding others. Understanding an idea is the key for relating to others, building trusting, and having open relationships (Schmitz, 2017). Also, arguments are a breeding ground for discontent. Yet many arguments, especially with people we love, are birthed from simple 12 misunderstandings that are blown out of proportion. Understanding other people is a tall order because everybody is different but that’s what makes life worthwhile. The time would be mundane if we all had the same personalities, desires, values, and beliefs even with the myriad distinctions, we all want the same things out of life which are happiness, purpose, and fulfillment (Millburn & Nicodemus, 2016). Valuing Others’ Perspectives. This is to value the perspective of others by means of developing the ability appreciating and acknowledging the different perspective that may or may not be consistent to others. This is a significant situation because they have multiple varied perspectives that may explore. Since, the importance of developing communication skills is to respect the perspective of others (Chung et al., 2014). At the same point, it involves of being aware, supporting personal perspectives, values, beliefs, and preferences perspective taking is that all important skill of being able to look at things from a point of view other than our own. In addition, whenever we are in the presence of another it is natural to think about what they may be thinking (if we are not all self-centered) and respecting their ideas is an ideal thing to do (Campbell, 2016). In addition, in valuing other’s perspective there is a great value in recognizing different perspectives in conversations because these enable us to hear and react to things very differently. Considering the value of the thoughts and their own perception of the person is very important before reacting in the communication field. It is useful to value the perspective of 13 others because it establishes a support to whom you converse whether positive or not (Surdek, 2016), Perspective can be defined as a thought, a view, or a concept formed in the mind about a particular subject. It’s a conclusion or belief held with confidence but not substantiated by positive proof or knowledge. Because of this, many people are fearful of accepting someone else perspective. On the other hand, whatever the natural tendency may be, it is possible to learn to appreciate or to value the ideas of others. When you do, you’ll find that your ability to envision and implement new perspective will flourish and you’ll build stronger relationships in the process (Smith, 2017). Valuing and understanding the world from someone else’s perspectives is an important life skill. In order to work effectively with other people, it is incredibly important that we are able to engage in perspective taking. We need to understand how someone else sees the world to be able to work together, communicate and show empathy and understanding. It is an expectation of others that we will listen to and respect or value the opinions or perspectives of other people (Rymaniwicz, 2016). Developing Active Assertions. This is the ability to forecast how the discourse between or among the individuals will happen. This is also the capacity of individual to establish a certain goal in communication and the process in achieving the goal effectively and efficiently. It is also anticipating the probable consequences and choosing the effective lines in communication because it is useful to the discourse if there is a common goal in interaction (Chung et al., 2014). 14 Moreover, developing the active assertion is a positive communication skill and a learned behavior. Assertive people must communicate openly and clearly with the other persons. Failing to be assertive leads to negative communication skills like aggression and deference. In that sense, when conversation has no goal to achieve, there are tendencies that the communication is useless. It may cause misunderstanding for both parties (Schmitz, 2017). In addition, the active assertion has the potential contributor of graphic design practice to the assertion of the cultural identity of people. It becomes a common code to the people who have the consensus in establishing systematic symbols for communication. It may increase the power of selfrepresentation and enabling to convey a recognizable identity, particularly through the use of visual symbols. Also, it represents the invisible or misrepresented groups (Leitão & Marchand, 2017). Furthermore, assertion training helps someone learn how to think and act more assertively. It makes a major difference in the lives of many people. People have become less afraid of speaking up, friendlier and more outgoing, more confident and competent handling difficult interpersonal situations, more successful in their careers, and generally happier. By thinking more assertively and learning key assertion skills, someone can improve your interpersonal competence and be more confident in almost any type of interpersonal situation with almost anyone (Stevens, 2017). Developing Shared Understanding. This is often regards to the ability to interpret and understand the experiences and the feelings of others. 15 In addition, the sense the psychological changes in others for receiving a meaningful message through understanding and sharing others feelings and experiences. It negotiates shared group of norms and actions within the communication process (Chung et al., 2014). Furthermore, it involves two or more people being agreed on the ideas. Thus, developing shared understanding is the most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-toface conversation. It is the way to have an effective conversation if we understand about what they've shared by cultivating each of their ideas and form a one main thought (Magers, 2015). Besides, shared understanding relies on a set of activities that applies by the member of the group who are involved in the process. It is a subject matter or process that cannot be measured objectively. Additionally, there are parts of the process that occur by both shared understanding and other entities like in group works. Members are making collaboration of their ideas to form a general idea (Al-Qerem et al., 2016). In addition, shared understanding refers to an ability to coordinate behaviors towards common goals or objectives through meaning in use or action perspective of multiple agents within a group or group level based on mutual knowledge, beliefs and assumptions in content and structure on the task, the group, the process or the tools and technologies used which may change through the course of the group work process due to various influence factors and impacts group work processes and outcomes (Bittner & Leimeister, 2013). 16 Shared understanding in a team is more effective, resilient, and creative. Alignment without shared understanding is temporary and shortlived. In order to develop understanding about the ideas of others, you don’t only have to share it with your team or with a person, but you also have to share it across the entire organization then you are basically sharing context all the time with others (Cutler, 2018). Theoretical Framework This study is anchored on the proposition of Ruben & Lievrouw (1989) who found out that para-social interaction has a connection to communication capability. The connection is found in the context of the relationship between sociability and mass media use which incorporates to interactive arrangement like communication. In this matter, this interaction is a construct related to the use of computers and interaction. Hereby, it is a variable quality of communication setting where interaction exists. Moreover, this study is also anchored on the proposition of Kumar and Benbasat (2002) who designed a framework which found out that the parasocial interaction has a connection to the communication capability. It refers to the level to which a media facilitates a sense of understanding, connection, involvement and interaction among the participating social entities. They argued that the relationship between the media and the spectator should characterize in much the same way that can be characterize as an interpersonal relationship. Furthermore, from the past study of entertainment-education, the process involving para-social interaction has the connection to communication 17 capability. This is in the sense of stimulating media which is called para-social interaction and can affect the communication capability of an individual in interaction to their peers. It can also a collective efficacy where the individual perceive the information from the media (Papa, et al., 2000). In addition, the para-social interaction and communication is being studied in the realm of social media. As the result, the para-social interaction has become a positive predictor and the communication is an inverse predictor. The study examines the online communication attitudes that fosters such interaction and shapes a perception. It also incorporates the source of credibility which it perceives as possessing competence, sociability, character, extroversion, and composure (Redd, 2012). Conceptual Framework The conceptual paradigm that is presented in Figure 1, the independent variable which is Para-social Interaction that according to Jones (2013) with the following indicators: storyworld thoughts is the acceptance of thoughts in world story; character description is the thoughts toward the characters’ attributes; emotional response is expressing reaction; and direct address is the participant’s response. On the other hand, the dependent variable of the study is the Communication Capabilities which according to Chung et al. (2014) has the following indicators: Understanding Others’ Key Ideas is the understanding to the context; Valuing Other’s Perspective is appreciating and acknowledging perspective; Developing Active Assertions is a set of goals for communication; and Developing Shared Understanding is developing perspectives. 18 Independent Variable Dependent Variable Para-social Interaction Communication Capabilities Storyworld thought Character description Emotional response Valuing others’ perspectives Direct address Developing active assertions Developing shared Understanding of others’ key ideas understanding Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study 19 Significance of the Study In conducting this quantitative research of para social interaction and communication capabilities of the Grade 10 students, we provided significant and beneficial information for some relevant reasons. This research paper highlighted the effect of the para-social interaction to the communication capabilities of the Grade 10 students. However, the role of that para-social interaction plays on how the students communicate with others it is either technologically or face-to-face. Firstly, this study is helpful to the Department of Education (DepEd) as their basis in constructing and developing curriculum that can be implemented in the school. Secondly, this study helps the school to be aware that the para social interaction affects the communication capabilities of the Grade 10 students. This also helps the school to make plan that is suited to the needs of the students. Thirdly, this study provides help to the teachers as the reference to discover more about their students especially the teachers who are handling Grade 10 students that they may have to consider the ethics and focused of their students. Fourthly, this study helps the students to be aware that para-social interaction will affect their communication capabilities. This can help them to find ways to improve their performance in communicating others. 20 Lastly, this study inspires future researchers to conduct further researches which are similar but deeper perspectives about para-social interaction. Definition of Terms Basically, technical terms were used to define the idea and concept of the study. Hence, the terms below were the essential words that purposely defined to be used for the clear visualization and picture of the investigation. Para-social Interaction refers to the illusion of face-to-face interaction between the persona and audience through media (Tian and Yoo, 2015). As used in the study, para-social interaction refers to the integration of a media to interaction. Communication capabilities is an ability or skill to communicate effectively the thoughts to interact, it stimulates reasoning and developing understanding (Chung et al., 2014). As used in the study, communication capability is the capacity to communicate in real and everyday situation using the language. 21 Chapter 2 METHOD This chapter outlined the research design, research locale, research subject, research instrument, data collection and statistical tools. Research Design This study was a quantitative non-experimental research design using correlation techniques. This method used to examine if changes in one variable are related to changes in another variable and describe the variable and the relationships that occur naturally between and among them. It is an appropriate design to use in determining the impact of para-social interaction to the communication capability of Grade 10 students (Sousa, Driessnack & Mendes, 2007). This descriptive survey dealt with quantitative data about the said phenomenon. The quantitative aspect is an appropriate schedule for gathering the data designed for the target respondents to answer the questions. The process of gathering the data was based through the use of questionnaires. The focus of the study was to determine the extent of parasocial interaction and the communication capability of Grade 10 students. Research Locale This study was conducted at Semong National High School. The school is a DepEd managed partially urban Secondary Public School located at Barangay Semong, Kapalong, Davao del Norte as being shown in Figure 2. 22 Figure 2. Map 23 Research Respondents The respondents of the study were the Grade 10 students enrolled in Semong National High School with a total population of 58 students. Table 1 Distribution of Respondents Section Total Population Aquarius 29 Scorpio 29 Research Instrument The study used a researchers’ based questionnaire to determine the extent of para-social interaction and the communication capability of Grade 10 students. There were 5 items in each indicator in the independent variable and in the dependent variable there were four (4) indicators and each indicator has 5 items. The parameter limits on the para-social interaction were as follows: Range Descriptive Equivalent 4.20 - 5.00 Very high Interpretation If the measure in the item is practiced all the time 3.40 - 4.19 High If the measures in the item is practiced most of the time 2.60 - 3.39 Moderate If the measures in the 24 item is practiced sometimes 1.80 -2.59 Low If the measures in the item is rarely practiced 1.00 -1.79 Very Low If the measures in the item is not practiced at all. On the other hand, the same numbers of items were made for the study to measure the level of communication capability of Grade 10. There were 5 items in each indicator. The following parameter limits used were as follows: Range Descriptive Equivalent 4.20 - 5.00 Very high Interpretation If the measure in the item is practiced all the time 3.40 - 4.19 High If the measures in the item is practiced most of the time 2.60 - 3.39 Moderate If the measures in the item is practiced sometimes 1.80 -2.59 Low If the measures in the item is rarely practiced 1.00 -1.79 Very Low If the measures in the 25 item is not practiced at all. Data Gathering Procedure After the approval of the panel members, the researchers underwent the following steps and procedure in gathering data for the study. Requesting Permission to Conduct the Study. The researchers wrote a letter of permission to the principal for requesting permission to conduct the study among the students and teachers. After the principal approved it, the researchers prepared the panel’s validated questionnaires. Distribution and Retrieval of Survey Questionnaire. The researchers distributed the questionnaire to the students after the approval of the principal and retrieved after the survey. Collection and Tabulation of Data. After all the questionnaires gathered and retrieved, the researchers got the result after the consolidation of tallies and tabulation of questionnaire from the respondents and ready for the statistics analysis guided by the statistician and researcher interpreted the statistical result. Statistical Tools After the collection and tabulation of data, the researchers used variety of statistical tools to determine the extent and relationship of para-social interaction and the communication capability of Grade 10 students. 26 Mean. This tool was used to determine the level of para-social interaction and the communication capability of Grade 10 students. Pearson-r Correlation Coefficient. This tool was used to determine the relationship between the extent of para-social interaction and the communication capability of Grade 10 students. 27 Chapter 3 RESULTS The responses of the respondents on para-social interaction and communication capability were presented and analyzed in this section. The topic discussed were the level of para-social interaction, level of communication capability and correlation between para-social interaction and communication capability of the students in Semong National High School. Level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Storyworld Thought The results presented in the Table 2 are the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the para-social interaction in terms of Storyworld thought. The data revealed that the highest mean score was the Item No. 5, feeling the characters’ emotions while doing some actions, garnering a mean of 3.97 and had the descriptive equivalent of high. Item No. 3, imagining easily the events actually taking place got the lowest mean score obtained in the level. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item were practiced most of the time. The level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Storyworld thought has a total mean score of 3.81 describe as high. It implied that the awareness of the students in their para-social interaction indicated to storyworld thought is responded as it was practiced most of the time by the students when they are engaged with that interaction. 28 Table 2 Level of Para-social Interaction among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Storyworld Thought STORYWORLD THOUGHT Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. picturing myself in some of the scenes in the show. 2. thinking about parts of my life that were related to what was happening in the story. 3. imagining easily the events actually taking place. 4. thinking that scenarios in television really exist in real world. 5. feeling the characters emotions while doing some action. Overall 3.95 High 3.83 High 3.64 High 3.67 High 3.97 High 3.81 High Level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Character Description The results presented in the Table 3 are the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the para-social interaction in terms of Character Description. The data revealed that the highest mean score was the Item No. 5, seeing the character whether it plays good or not, garnering 3.81 and had the descriptive equivalent of High. The conceiving the character has qualities that similar to mine in Item No. 1 got the lowest mean score obtained in the level. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item were practiced most of the time. The level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Character description had a total mean score of 3.74 described as high. It implied that the awareness of the students in their para-social interaction indicated to Character description is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with that interaction. 29 Table 3 Level of Para-social Interaction among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Character Description CHARACTER DESCRIPTION Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. conceiving the character has qualities that similar to mine. 2. seeing the character’s uniqueness from any other character. 3. seeing the character reacts accordingly to the situation. 4. feeling the character is thinking similar to what I think. 5. seeing the character whether it plays good or not. Overall 3.59 High 3.76 High 3.78 High 3.78 High 3.81 High 3.74 High Level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Emotional Response The results presented in the Table 4 are the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of para-social interaction in terms of Emotional Response. The data revealed that the highest mean score was from Item No. 5, feeling motivated when the character is striving harder to meet its goal, garnering 4.17 and had the descriptive equivalent of High. Liking to be more like the characters of Item No. 1 had the lowest mean score obtained in the level. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item were practiced most of the time. The level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Character description had a total mean score of 3.97 describe as high. This implied that the awareness of the students in their para-social interaction indicated to character description is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with that interaction. 30 Table 4 Level of Para-social Interaction among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Emotional Response EMOTIONAL RESPONSE Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. liking to be more like the characters. 2. liking the way the character handled his/her problems. 3. affected by the character’s displayed emotion. 4. liking the way the character reacts to the situation. 5. feeling motivated when the character is striving harder to meet its goal. Overall 3.88 3.93 High High 3.95 3.93 High High 4.17 High 3.97 High Level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Direct Address The results shownin Table 5 are the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the para-social interaction in terms of direct address. The data revealed that the highest mean score was the Item No. 3, trying to predict what the character would do, garnering a mean of 3.86 and had the descriptive equivalent of High. Interacting with my family in a way that is similar to the character and his/her family of Item No. 2 gained the lowest mean score obtained in the level. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item were practiced most of the time. The level of Para-social Interaction in terms of Direct Address had a total mean score of 3.71 described as high. This implied that the awareness of the students in their para-social interaction indicated to direct address is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with that interaction. 31 Table 5 Level of Para-social Interaction among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of DirectAddress DIRECT ADDRESS Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. done the same thing as the character in the video or story. 2. interacting with my family in a way that is similar to the character and his/her family. 3. trying to predict what the character would do. 3.71 High 3.64 High 3.86 High 4. treating my classmate in a way that is similar to the character and his/her classmates. 5. judging things like the other characters do in the story. Overall 3.67 High 3.67 High 3.71 High Summary on the Level of Para-social Interaction Table 6 presented the mean score of the indicators of para-social interaction which had an overall mean score of 3.81 with a descriptive equivalent of High or it was practiced by the students most of the time. The high level result could be attributed by the high rating given by the respondents to all indicators. This means that the respondents practiced most of the time the terms, storyworld thoughts, character description, emotional response, and direct address. The total mean rating for the indicator, emotional response, was 3.97 with descriptive equivalent of high or it was practiced most of the time. The high level result of this indicator indicated that the para-social interaction in terms of emotional response was practiced most of the time of the respondents. In the same way, para-social interaction in the terms of character description had a total mean rating of 3.74 with the descriptive equivalent of 32 high. This means that this indicator of para-social interaction shows that it was practiced most of the students by the students. This indicator had the lowest gained mean among other indicator in the variable, para-social interaction. Table 6 Summary on the level of Para-social Interaction among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School Item Mean Descriptive Equivalent Storyworld Thought Character Description 3.81 3.74 High High Emotional Response 3.97 High Direct Address 3.71 High 3.81 High Overall Level of Communication Capability in terms of Understanding of Others’ Key Idea In Table 7, the data showed the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the communication capability in terms of understanding of others’ key ideas. The data revealed that the highest mean score was on the Item No. 2, Drawing my own conclusion from the other side’s argument and check whether I understand correctly during the conversation, garnering 3.86 and had the descriptive equivalent of High. Summarizing the thoughts of others to ensure better understanding of the Item No. 3 gained the lowest mean score obtained in the level with an average of 3.55. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item were practiced most of the time. The level of Communication Capability in terms of Understanding of Others’ Key Ideas had a total mean score of 3.71 which described as high in descriptive equivalent. This implied that the awareness of the students in their communication capability indicated by understanding of others’ key ideas is 33 responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with communication. Table 7 Level of Communication Capability among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Understanding of Others’ Key Idea UNDERSTANDING OF OTHERS’ KEY IDEAS As I’m communicating, … 1. summarizing and checking what the other side intends to say and then argue back to deliver what i want to say 2. drawing my own conclusion from the other side’s argument and check whether i understand correctly during the conversation. 3. summarizing the thoughts of others to ensure better understanding. 4. understanding everyday’s words and expressions easily that everyone familiar with. 5. preferring to find out the thoughts and views of others through the use of open ended questions. Overall Mean Descriptive Equivalent 3.78 High 3.86 High 3.55 High 3.72 High 3.64 High 3.71 High Level of Communication Capability in terms of Valuing Others’ Perspectives In Table 8, the data displayed the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the communication capability in terms of valuing others’ perspectives. The data revealed that the highest mean score got by the Item No. 2, Staying open to the other person’s opinion even if it is different than mine and try to understand, had a result of 4.00 and descriptive equivalent of High. Trying to see their perspective which is the Item No. 4 got the lowest mean score obtained in the level averaging 3.64. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item are practiced most of the time. 34 The level of Communication Capability in terms of valuing others’ perspectives had a total mean score of 3.84 which described as high in descriptive equivalent. It implied that the awareness of the students in their communication capability indicated by of valuing others’ perspectives is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with communication. Table 8 Level of Communication Capability among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Valuing Others’ Perspectives VALUING OTHERS’ PERSPECTIVES Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. focusing more to understand the other person’s argument rather than to criticize in group discussions. 2. staying open to the other person’s opinion even if it is different than mine and try to understand. 3. paying attention to what others are saying, as people could have different views. 4. trying to see their perspective. 5. observing their body languages usually to interpret the meaning of our communication. Overall 3.84 High 4.00 High 3.93 High 3.64 3.79 High High 3.84 High Level of Communication Capability in terms of Developing Active Assertions In Table 9, the data displayed the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the communication capability in terms Developing Active Assertions. The data revealed that the highest mean score was on the Item No. 5, Trying to communicate with a tone of voice that varies to emphasize key points, had a result of 3.90 and descriptive equivalent of High. Not hesitating to use facial expressions and gestures beyond verbal expressions to make sure to deliver the message that I intend to say of Item No. 2 had the lowest mean score obtained in the level with an average 3.45. 35 Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item are practiced most of the time. The level of Communication Capability in terms of Developing Active Assertions had a total mean score of 3.72 which described as high in descriptive equivalent. It implied that the awareness of the students in their communication capability indicated by of Developing Active Assertions is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with communication. Table 9 Level of Communication Capability among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Developing Active Assertions DEVELOPING ACTIVE ASSERTIONS Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. taking the lead in communication or discussion even though i meet people for the first time. 2. not hesitating to use facial expressions and gestures beyond verbal expressions to make sure to deliver the message that i intend to say. 3. preferring to have direct eye to eye contact when communicating others. 4. adjusting to the different styles of communication depending on the specific culture of specific place i gone through. 5. trying to communicate with a tone of voice that varies to emphasize key points. Overall 3.79 High 3.45 High 3.74 High 3.71 High 3.90 High 3.72 High Level of Communication Capability in terms of Developing Shared Understanding In Table 10, the data displayed the mean scores of the respondents’ response on their level of the communication capability in terms developing shared understanding. The data revealed that the highest mean score was the Item No. 1, Understanding how the other party is feeling by reading 36 his/her facial expressions or gestures, had a result of 4.09 and descriptive equivalent of High. Keeping thinking how the other side would understand/interpret my comment which was the Item No. 3 got the lowest mean score obtained in the level with an average 3.74. Both of the highest and the lowest mean scores indicated in the item are practiced most of the time. The level of Communication Capability in terms of developing shared understanding had a total mean score of 3.93 which describes as high in descriptive equivalent. This implied that the awareness of the students in their communication capability indicated by of developing shared understanding is responded as it was practiced most of the time of the student when they are engaged with communication. Table 10 Level of Communication Capability among Grade 10 Students of Semong National High School in terms of Developing Shared Understanding DEVELOPING SHARED UNDERSTANDING Mean Descriptive Equivalent 1. understanding how the other party is feeling by reading his/her facial expressions or gestures. 2. trying to think how my friends would feel if i snap at them with frustration. 3. thinking how the other side would understand/interpret my comments during the conversation. 4. preferring to communicate openly and clearly with the other party. 5. cooperating with the group if we have the same goal. Overall 4.09 High 3.91 High 3.74 High 3.86 High 4.05 High 3.93 High 37 Summary on the Level of Communication Capability The Table 11 presented the mean score of the indicators of para-social interaction had an overall mean score of 3.80 with a descriptive equivalent of High or it was practiced by the students most of the time. The high level result could be attributed by the high rating given by the respondents to all indicators. This means that the respondents were practiced most of the time the terms, storyworld thoughts, character description, emotional response, and direct address. Consequently, the indicator that contributes highest rating to the total mean score of the communication capability is developing shared understanding. It had the mean score with 3.93 or high in terms of descriptive equivalent. It corresponded that this indicator was practiced most of the time. Subsequently, the Understanding of Others’ Key Idea as an indicator of communication capability obtained the lowest total mean rating of 3.71 and had descriptive equivalent of high. This means that this communication capability in terms of Understanding of Others’ Key Idea was practiced of the students most of the time. Table 11 Summary on the level of Communication Capability among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School Item Understanding of Others’ key idea Valuing of Others’ Perspectives Developing Active Assertion Developing Shared Understanding Overall Mean Descriptive Equivalent 3.71 3.84 3.72 3.93 3.80 High High High High High 38 Significance Relationship between Para-social Communication Capability Relationship Interaction and Presented in Table 12 was the actual r- value and p- values of each indicator when paired to the dependent variable. In the first indicator, the data revealed that Storyworld thought had an r- value of 0.789 and a p- value of 0.000, since the p- value is lesser than the significance α= 0.05, thus, this led to the rejection of null hypothesis and confirmed that there is significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability in terms of storyworld thoughts. Secondly, the indicator, Character description, had an r- value of 0.700 and a p- value of 0.000, since the p- value is lesser than the significance α= 0.05, thus, this led to the rejection of null hypothesis and confirmed that there is significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability in terms of character description. Thirdly, emotional response which is the third indicator had an r- value of 0.693 and a p- value of 0.000, since the p- value is lesser than the significance α= 0.05, thus, this led to the rejection of null hypothesis and confirmed that there is significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability in terms of emotional response; Lastly, the direct address had an r- value of 0.838 and a p- value of 0.000, since the p- value is lesser than the significance α= 0.05, thus, this led to the rejection of null hypothesis and confirmed that there is significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability in terms of direct address among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School. 39 Table 12 The Significance on the relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability of Grade 10 students Independent Variables Storyworld Thoughts Character Description Emotional Response Direct Address Mean SD 3.81 0.63 3.74 0.70 3.97 0.66 3.71 0.73 Dependent Variable Communication Capabilities Mean 3.80 SD rvalue Pvalue Decision @ = 0.05 0.789 0.000 Reject Ho 0.700 0.000 Reject Ho 0.693 0.000 Reject Ho 0.838 0.000 Reject Ho 0.59 40 Chapter 4 DISCUSSION The data of para-social interaction and communication capability among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School were presented in this chapter and said discussions were based on the findings appeared in the previous sections. Level of Para Social Interaction of Grade 10 students of SNHS The respondents’ level of para-social interaction was generally high in terms of the following indicators: storyworld thought, character description, emotional response, and direct address. This was parallel to the study that attempts to explain imagined social relationship and interactions with people who are in the media, in distant from us and who do not reciprocate individual communication or interest. It perceived the connection of audience members experience with the media personae (Stever, 2013). The level of para social interaction in terms of storyworld thought revealed at high level. This means that the respondents were greatly involved in media in which they thought that scenarios are really happening in the real world. This story-based learning developed life to strengthen the communication relationship around the child, young person and vulnerable adults (Malcomess, 2018). This is also congruence to the study which states that story plots can emerge in every use of the story from the interaction between audience and the performer. The process of constructing a 41 storyworld highlights how the construction of it and implies a different mental activity and skill development among the audience (Detorri, 2016). As observed, the respondents’ level of para social interaction in terms of character description revealed that there was a high manifestation of the items appended in the study. Beginning with an effective character description attracts the viewer’s attention and sets the mood or tone in the scene. Great character description is both vivid and realistic; it creates a visual image for the viewer that seems to come alive by offering crucial into this character’s personality and background (Taylor, 2018). This was also supported in the study states that character description creates a way to know the character. It creates a specific image or it reveals important emotional involvement to the character. This involvement makes the audience more interested to the character because they feel the same way as the character feels (Hauge, 2015). On the measure of para-social interaction in terms of emotional response, the result showed that the respondents always manifested the items appended in the study. People who do good job of managing emotions in order to response appropriately in a given situation know that it is healthy to communicate or express their ideas and feelings. They know that their response influence what happened next including how other people respond to them and the way they feel about themselves (Lyness, 2014). This study was related to a study which states that false emotional response can interfere with people’s efforts to directly communicate and alter others’ emotional reactions. Inaccurate response of others’ emotions may lead to 42 misperceptions of others’ feelings and leads as well to inappropriate emotional and behavioral responses (Parkinson, Sanchez, & Perez, 2015). Likewise, para-social interaction in terms of direct address was favored by the respondents. This means that all of them always manifested the items appended by this study. Direct address is a construction in which a persona communicates a message directly to another individual or group of individuals as in securing the attention of the audience. This process assures that the message will be emphasized and impactful (Nordquist, 2018). This is parallel to the study stated that when the participants are responding in the character. These responses are behavioral because the actions are seen from the participants. Actions that initiate by the participants are manifestation of interaction from the media because of they are affected to the character’s deeds or story in the media (Jones, 2013). Level of Communication Capabilities of the Grade 10 Students of SNHS The other important variable studied is communication capabilities of the students centered on understanding others’ key ideas, valuing others’ perspectives, developing active assertions, and developing shared understanding. Data indicated that students practice most of the time when they were engaged with communication. Further, the analysis revealed that students develop personal and social capability as they learn to understand themselves and others, and manage their relationships, lives, work and learning more effectively. Personal and social capability involves the students in a range of practices including recognizing and regulating emotions, developing empathy 43 for others and understanding relationships, establishing and building positive relationship, making responsible decision, working effectively in in a group, and handling challenging situations constructively. The result was in consonance with the findings of Chung, Yoo, Kim, Lee, and Zeidler (2014) whose study stated that the enhancement of students’ communication skills and that the students’ capability in communication have about large impact on their ability to understand the key ideas of others and to value others’ perspectives, as well as a marginal positive effect on developing active assertions. In addition to Genc (2016), who studied the importance of communication, it was being stated that communication is essential almost in every field of life, from school to home even to work. In any field, communication capability plays a vital role in order to understand, value, shared understanding, as well as in active assertions that is necessary for the people to express themselves internally and externally. As the data indicated that communication is mostly practice of the respondents, therefore, the students really engaged their communication capability in para-social. Correlation between Measure Generally, one important purpose of the study was to determine the significant relationship between the two variables. The correlation between two variables revealed that there was a high association between para-social interaction and communication capability among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School. This implied that the students’ level of communication capability was contributed by the para-social interaction. 44 The correlation between two variables revealed that there is a significant relationship between para-social interaction and communication capability among Grade 10 students of Semong National High School. This indicated that para-social interaction affects the communication capability of the students. This finding conformed to the concept of Giles (2010) which said that para-social interaction is about encountering a figure through the medium and then treating that figure as if it were another human being helps them to improve their communication capability. Conclusion Based on the findings of the study, conclusions are drawn in answer to sub-questions raised in the previous chapter. The respondents from Semong National High School were in high level of performance in terms of para-social interaction which means that it was highly evident in the terms of storyworld thoughts, character description, emotional response, and direct address. On the other hand, based on the result in communication capability of the students, it can also be drawn that the level of the communication capability among the Grade 10 students was in the high level which means that there is highly evident of communication capability among the students. Overall correlation of the two variables revealed a significant relationship between the two variables which was the para-social interaction and communication capability of the Grade 10 students of Semong Naional High School. The measure of para-social interaction used in this study had a high relationship on the communication capability interpreted. Therefore, the result between the two variables was statistically highly significant. 45 The results conformed to the concept that para-social interaction helps to develop the communication capability of the students. The ability of the students to relate themselves to the medium being used in interaction increases their skills in communicating. The students’ competence in relating themselves to the media adopts the language of how the communication was being done. Consequently, the behavior of communicating was evidently manifested because of the interaction undergone of the students. Then, the students accommodate the communicative behavior of others they perceive as socially desirable (Goode & Robinson, 2013). Recommendation Since the findings of the study revealed that para-social interaction had high significant relationship on communication capability, it means that this independent variable may affect the communication capability. There was a high level of association between para-social interaction and communication capability, therefore; the variables should be applied. From the four indicators of para-social interaction, the direct address was the lowest gained mean in the indicator but has a descriptive equivalent of high. Thus, students must be engaged in the interaction that students must participate or there should be some behavioral interaction. Giving the students a time to express their emotion freely develops their communication. Since, the respond of the students will become authentic because they have given a chance to express their emotion. Since there was a high correlation between para-social interaction and communication capability, it was recommended that teachers must use para- 46 social interaction activities for the students because it helps them to improve their proficiency in communication. In such way, this can cater the students’ needs of uplifting their communication capability. This is a help to widen the capability of the students to communicate to the other people. Furthermore, the teachers’ activity which has the presence of parasocial interaction improves the students’ communication skills because they actually bring emotional aspects of the students. In that way, the process of communication will become meaningful since students are not cage for context only but also they understand the deep connection to who they are communicating. 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