Uploaded by Hiren Hirani

Power-Endurance Training Guide

Instructions for POWER-ENDURANCE training phase:
• This phase will last for 3 to 4 weeks
• Exercises written in 1a-1b pattern indicate superset fashion, which means there should
not be any rest in between two exercises.
• Exercise TEMPO: Controlled eccentric- NO pause- Fast
concentric, means you have to perform exercise in an
explosive manner. But keep in mind the there must be a
full-range of motion and no jerky or bouncing motion.
• Weight LOAD: As you have to perform exercises in an
explosive manner, starting load may be 55% of your
1Rep. Max. And can go upto 80%.
• REST: after 1 superset (completion of 1a-1b), in the
beginning of workout when you are fresh, start with
45sec. of rest between 2 supersets. As you proceed
further and reach mid of workout to completion, you may
increase rest time to 90sec. maximum.
Cardio-conditioning Workout:
DAY-2 & 6: SPIN BIKE interval training.
• In first week work to rest ratio will remain 1:2. For an example 30sec. all out effort and
than 60 sec. rest.
• Do not come off the seat of bike.
• Resistance should be hard enough so that your approximate RPM should remain in
between 40 to 60.
• If resistance will be too low, than your RPM will be increases and you may start
bouncing on seat. THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.
30 SEC. 60 SEC.
45 SEC. 90 SEC.
60 SEC. 120 SEC.
​SO ON SO FORTH: In work ratio you can extend up to 120 sec. maximum.
If you feel 1:2 work/rest ratio very easy, you may increase work time and decrease rest
time. Example shown in table below.
1: 1.5 30 sec. 45 sec.
45 sec. 60 sec.
60 sec. 90 sec.
1: 1
30 sec. 30 sec.
45 sec. 45 sec.
60 sec. 60 sec.
DAY-4: Moderate intensity continuous pace running for 20 to 35 min.
1. Plank
​3 to 5
​30 to 60 sec. hold
Progression: when you reach to 1 min. hold. You should increase the intensity. There are
many ways of it.
• In beginner plank elbow remain under your shoulder. Now you can place your elbow
couple of inches further to your shoulders.
• Another method to increase the intensity is to perform plank on 1 leg. While other leg
hanging in the air with straight line of holding leg but slightly take away from the
center of the body.
You may put up a weight plate on your upper back.
Training ques. Your lower back should not get sagged, means there should not be any arch
in your lower back. And your hips and abs should remain tight. You should not feel any
pain/strain in the lower back while performing this exercise.
2. Side plank
​3 to 4
​each side
​30 to 60 sec. hold
Progression: when you reach to 1 min. hold. You should increase the intensity. There are
many ways of it.
• Raise your free arm up straight to the shoulder line and you can hold a dumbbell or
weight plate with that hand.
• You can do it with single leg; upper leg will remain in the air but should be in line of
the body.
3. Single leg hip bridge.
​3 to 5
​each side
​30 to 60 sec. hold
4. Crunch/weighted crunches
​2 to 3
5. Reverse crunches/ Hanging knee raise 2 to 3
​12 to 18
​12 to 18