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Freak the Mighty Vocabulary List: Chapters 6-10

Freak the Mighty vocabulary 6-10
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dli6x0
1. swilling
drinking greedily or grossly
2. strutting
walking with head up high, chest out, expecting to impress others
3. cretin
a mentally defective person
4. deficiency
lack; incompleteness; insufficiency
5. perspective
viewpoint; visible scene; vista
6. trajectory
path of a body moving through space
7. converging
meeting at a point
8. swaggering
walking in a defiant manner
9. nanosecond
one billionth of a second
10. evasive
elusive; trying to avoid doing something
11. confrontation
face-to-face conflict
12. albino
a person with pale skin, very light hair, and pinkish eyes
due to lack of pigmentation
13. vegetate
to do nothing; be unthinking
14. archetype
model or first form; prototype
15. microsurgery
delicate surgery performed under magnification
16. artifact
manmade object or tool, characteristic of an earlier time
or cultural stage
17. avarice
18. sucrose
19. incision
Freak the Mighty vocabulary 6-10
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_dli6x0
20. divulged
made known (as something secret)
21. bionic
having physiological functions replaced by electronic
22. modification
alteration; change in shaper or form
23. optimum
most desirable; best
24. dungarees
blue jeans
25. retrieval
recovery; reeling in
26. featly
27. distress
great pain or mental suffering
28. grotty
disgusting; dirty; "gross"
29. damsel
young woman of noble birth