Uploaded by Eshan Kiritharan

Media Commercial notes.

Assignment notes:
Media Commercial involves advertising a product typically found in a home in a video between 1 and 2
minutes in length. The video requires making a “hook”, a “story” and “editing”.
Hook notes:
The “hook” largely requires “breaking” what is usual to the person, typically in the form of verbal
sentences, actions, or both. The hook is intended to catch the person’s attention.
Story notes:
The “story” of the commercial must be summarized five times in 1 sentence, 2 sentences, 4 sentences, 2
sentences and 1 sentence, respectively. The story is supposed to be the main part of the commercial in
terms of length.
Editing notes:
“Editing” requires stating and showing close details of the product, usually in the form of showing the
product close to the camera and stating details such as color and shape.
Video notes:
Eye contact, actions and good voice tone are to be made during the video.
Script notes:
The script must be at least 10 sentences long. Creativity is required.