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Data Analysis & Big Data Lecture Notes

Lecture 1: Data Analysis and Big Data
• Decision-making: selecting the best solution from two or more alternatives, process as follow:
• Intelligence: define the problem (or opportunity).
• Design: construct a model that describes the real-world problem, define evaluation criteria and search
for alternative solutions.
• Choice: compare, choose, and recommend a potential solution to the problem.
• Implementation: implement the chosen solution.
• System: two or more components; has a boundary, has inputs and outputs, interact with environment,
governed by process / rules / procedures
• Data v.s. information:
• Data are facts that are collected, recorded, stored, and processed. (Insufficient for decision making)
• Information is processed data used in decision making. (Too much info -> info overload)
• MIS: Management Information System, support making structured decisions
• DSS: Decision Support System, interactive computer-based systems, support making semi-structured or
unstructured decisions
• Types of control: strategic planning (top-level, long-term), management control (tactical planning),
operational control (operation-level, short-term)
• Business analytics:
• Descriptive analytics: what happened? business reporting, dashboards, scorecards
• Predictive analytics: what will happen? data mining, forecasting
• Prescriptive analytics: what should I do to make it happen? optimisation, decision making
• Big data 3 characteristics: transform these information into value
• High Volume 总量: extremely large amounts of data
• High Velocity 速度: high speed of accumulation
• High Variety 种类: different nature of data types
• Business Intelligence: it combines architectures, tools, databases, analytical tools, applications,
• BI is a content-free expression, it means different things to different meaning, major objective is to enable
access to data and business managers to analyse it.
• BI Architecture:
• A data warehouse with its source data
• Business analytics (collection of tools for manipulating, mining, analysing data)
• Business performance management (BPM) capabilities for monitoring and analysing performance
• A user interface (e.g. dashboard)
• Key functions of BI:
• Report delivery and alerting
• Enterprise reporting
• Cube analysis
• Ad hoc queries
• Statistics and data mining
Lecture 2: Data Warehousing
Databases: store facts about real world entities from daily business operations (e.g. customers).
Data warehouse: used for analysing data to support decision making.
Basic characteristics of data warehouse: relational, time-variant, non-volatile
Advantages of database systems:
• Data integration
• Data sharing
• Data independence
Program runs the database system: DBMS (Database management system)
• Data mart: small data warehouse
• Dependent data mart: a subset that is created directly from a data warehouse.
• Independent data mart: a small data warehouse designed for a strategic business unit
• Common data warehouse architectures:
• Independent data mart
• Dimensional data mart: data linked by conformed dimensions
• Hub-and-spoke: firstly stored in the normalised relational warehouse, and then dependent marts can
be created from it for different purposes
• Centralised data warehouse: directly access to the central warehouse when need it
• Federated architecture: existing data warehouse or mart, take some physical / local integration
• Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL)
1. Extraction: selecting and reading the data from databases
2. Transformation: converted the extracted data into the desired form for analysis
- Cleanse: detect errors and clean them
3. Loading: putting data into databases
• OLTP: online transaction processing, used for transaction processing systems such as ERP for capturing
and storing data, to process routine operational business tasks.
• OLAP: online analytical processing, converting data into information for decision making, focus on
analysing data, such as:
• Dice: look into some value from different dimensions, and analyse them separately
• Slice: focus on single value from one of the dimensions
• Drill down / up: from summarised data to details
• Roll up: compute data relationships
• Pivot: swap dimensions (e.g. swap attributes in horizontal and vertical)
• Data lakes: we store any kind of data in it, regardless whether it’s useful or not, we can later decide
whether we can use the data.
Lecture 3: Data Concepts and Data Modelling
Data concepts:
• Relational databases: the database tables are related or connected to each other through common fields that
appear in two or more tables.
• Metadata: is data that describes other data
• Syntactic metadata: describing the syntax of data
• Structural metadata: structure of data
• Semantic metadata: describing the meaning of data in a specific domain
• Data hierarchy
• Database: collection of related files
• Entity set (table/file): collection of related records with a unique name
• Tuple (row/record): collection of data elements about a single entity
• Attribute (column/field): describe the characteristics of an entity type (e.g. customer name)
• Data fields & records: fields shown in columns, records shown in rows, a data element is an entry
in the field (column) for a specific entity (row)
• Database tables: databases store data in multiple tables that are related to each other via primary and
foreign key relationships
• Attributes
• Primary key: a unique identifier for each record in a database table
• Foreign key: an attribute in one table that is an identifier in another table
• Database components
• Database tables: store data
• Database forms: on-screen forms used for database input
• Database queries : used for database searches and inquires
• Database reports: used for database output either on-screen or printout
Data modelling:
• Two approaches to database design
• Normalisation (bottom-up)
• Semantic data modelling (top-down):
• Knowledge about business process and information needs is used to create a diagram (Entity
Relationship Diagram). This describes the relationships of the data recorded .
• Entity relationship modelling
• Entities: represent real-world things or objects. e.g. employees, customers, etc.
• Attributes: characteristics of entities. e.g. customer name
• Relationships: are associations between entities
• Cardinality expresses the number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of a related
• Types of relationships
1:NC 1:C
Lecture 4: Data Retrieval
ERD Transformation:
• Requirements for relational databases:
• Each column must be single valued
• Primary key cannot be null
• Foreign key must contain data that are same as the primary key in its table
• All non-key attributes describe a characteristic of the entity identified by the primary key
• SQL Commands:
• DDL (data definition language): CREATE; ALTER; DROP
• DML (data manipulation language): INSERT; UPDATE; DELETE
• DQL (data query language, part of DML): SELECT; WHERE
• DCL (data control language) and TCL (transaction control language)
• Used in various processes related to database maintenance and administrative use.
• SQL Data Type:
Lecture 5: Data Mining
• Predictions: based on events happened in the past, predict future occurrence
• Association: find the commonly co-occurring groupings of things
• Clusters 分组: identify natural groupings of things based on their known characteristics,
e.g. assigning customers to different segments based on their past purchase behaviours.
• Accuracy of Classification model:
• Assessment criteria for classification:
• Predictive accuracy: hit rate
• Speed: model building, predicting
• Robustness: the ability to overcome the noisy data to make accurate predictions.
• Scalability
• Interpretability: transparency, explanatory power
• Decision tree criteria:
• Splitting criteria: which variables should we use? Which value ranges?
• Stopping criteria: when should we stop building the tree? How many levels do we want to follow?
• Pruning: the result might be a very complex decision tree, how can we condense the tree?
• Clustering
• Used to identify natural groupings of customers
Step 1: determine value of k
Step 2: randomly generate k random points as initial cluster centres
Step 3: assign each point to the nearest cluster centre
Step 4: re-compute the new cluster centres
• Association
• Find relationships between variables
• This is no output variable
Lecture 6: Text Mining
• (Qualitative)
• information extraction, topic tracking, summarisation, categorisation, clustering, concept linking, question
• accounting, finance, law, medicine, marketing, academia
• Text mining process:
Step 1: establish the corpus, collect and organise the domain unstructured data
Step 2: create the term-document-matrix (TDM), introduce structure to the corpus
Step 3: extract knowledge, discover patterns
test exam (F)
• Sentiment analysis
• Used to answer the question: what do people feel about a certain topic?
• Applications: customer satisfaction, financial markets, politics, …
• Process
Step 1: sentiment detection, also called ‘detection of objectivity’, O-S Polarity
Fact [=objectivity]
Opinion [=subjectivity]
Step 2: N-P Polarity Classification
N [=negative]
P [=positive]
Step 3: target identification, to accurately identify the target of the expressed sentiment (e.g. a person)
Step 4: collection and aggregation, once the sentiments of all text data points in the document are identified
and calculated, they are to be aggregated.
Word -> Statement -> Paragraph -> Document
Lecture 7: Process Mining
• The aim of process mining is the extraction of information about business processes
• They are techniques, tools, and methods to discover, monitor, and improve real processes, by extracting
knowledge from events
• Process variants: detected number of variants will be shown
• Coverage of cases: the number of cases that are represented by the shown model
• Fitness: unfitting model refers to false negative audit results, which means compliance violations are not
• Precision: imprecise model refers to false positive audit results, which means compliance violations are
indicated, however they did not occur in reality.