Tense Present Simple Past Simple Verb She/agree Positive She agrees Present They/arrive Perfect Past Perfect They/go They have arrived They had gone Question Does she agree? Did he leave? Have they arrived? Had they gone? He/leave He left Present Continuous She is cooking Is she cooking? She isn’t cooking Past They/go Continuous Present She/work Perfect Continuous Past Perfect They/sleep Continuous They were going She has been working They had been sleeping Were they going? Has she been working? Had they been sleeping? They weren’t going She hasn’t been working They hadn’t been sleeping Future Simple Future Continuous He/leave He will leave They/work/ tomorrow Future Perfect They/leave/ by tomorrow They will be working tomorrow They will have left by tomorrow Will he leave? Will they be working tomorrow? Will they have left by tomorrow He won’t leave They won’t be working tomorrow They won’t have left by tomorrow Future Perfect Continuous They/work/ all day They will have been working all day Will they have been working all day? They won’t have been working all day She/cook Negative She doesn’t agree He didn’t leave They haven’t arrived They hadn’t gone