Uploaded by Khiem Nguyen


1. This pile of clothes is ____ than that one.
A. very clean
B. so clean
C. cleaner
D. as clean
2. It isn’t cold outside. You ______ wear a coat.
A. mustn’t
B. can
C. have to
D. needn’t
3. John went to the mountains last weekend, and ______.
A. we do, too.
B. so we did
C. so are we
D. so did we
4. The exam was easier ______ we expected.
A. than
B. as
C. that
D. so
5. I won’t go to bed until ______ my homework.
A. I finish
B. I finished
C. I finishing
D. I will finish
6. You look happier than ______ yesterday.
A. you do
B. you are
C. you were
D. you did
7. They still haven’t replied to the letter ______we sent two months ago.
A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. which
8. This is the first time I ______ a movie with such an emotional ending.
A. saw
B. have seen
D. had seen
9. Could you stop ______ so much noise? I’m doing my homework.
A. making
B. to make
C. make
D. made
10. In my opinion, television can be very ______.
A. education
B. educational
C. educationally
D. educated
11. He was very ______ and confident before the match.
A. relax
B. relaxed
C. relaxing
D. relaxation
12. Chinese is one of ______ language for English speakers to learn.
A. harder
B. hardest
C. the harder
D. the hardest
13. I was told _____ noise in class.
A. don’t make
B. not making
C. not to make
D. never make
14. During the day it was very hot, ______ it was cool at night.
A. so
B. but
C. for
D. since
15. I am looking ______ my neighbour’s cat while she’s ______ holiday.
A. after / on
B. for / in
C. at / on
D. into / at
16. “Did you see any foreigner present at the party?”
“He was the only foreigner _______ I saw at the party.”
A. when
B. whose
C. that
D. which
17. “How is the milk?” - “It ______ sour to me.”
A. tasting
C. tastes
D. is tasting
18. While the night-nurse was crossing the room, she _______ to notice the old lady trying to get out of bed.
A. happened
B. has happened
C. had happened
D. happens
19. His parents never allowed him ______.
A. smoking
B. to smoke
C. to be smoked
D. smoke
20. The passengers jumped into the lifeboat ______ they notified that the ship was sinking.
A. when
B. despite
C. if
D. unless
21. Would you mind ______ these bags upstairs for me, please?
A. carry
B. carrying
C. to carry
D. carried
22. - Can I talk to Mike, please?
- Sorry. He ______ a bath. Can you call back later?
A. having
B. has
C. is having
D. has had
23. ______ do you look so tired, John? You aren’t working today.
A. What
B. How
C. Why
D. When
24. When he returned home, he ______ the door unlocked.
A. found
B. finds
C. had found
D. have found
25. Who is responsible ______ all the accidents?
A. to
B. in
C. for
D. with
1. “Mark wasn’t there last night.” - “No, _______.”
A. I wasn’t, either
B. either was I
C. I wasn’t , too
2. One of our boys_______by the police last night.
D. neither I was
A. is arrested
B. was arrested
C. were arrested
D. would be arrested
3. He lives there _______ his own.
A. for
B. by
C. on
D. at
4. He ordered them_______it again.
A. don’t do
B. not do
C. didn’t do
D. not to do
5. He’s incapable _______ even driving a rail in straight.
A. for
B. to
C. of
D. with
6. He turned _______ the light so as not to waste electricity.
A. off
B. of
C. on
D. down
7. It’s very difficult _______ the men.
A. for rescuing
B. to rescuing
C. to rescue
D. in rescuing
8. I’ll return Bob’s pen to him the next time I _______ him.
A. see
B. will see
C. will have seen
D. saw
9. I had to ask the boys_______ .
A. to stop playing
B. stop playing
C. stop to play
D. stopping to play
10. You’d better _______ me your answer quickly, or else I’ll withdraw the invitation.
A. to give
B. gave
C. give
D. giving
11. My father tells me to give _______smoking.
A. up
B. off
C. of
D. out
12. Tom was _______ by a stranger.
A. frightened
B. frightening
C. frighten
D. to frighten
13. How many hours a day do you practice _______ the piano?
A. to play
B. playing
C. play
D. for playing
14. The teacher asked me _______ back as soon as possible.
A. come
B. came
C. coming
D. to come
15. She helped him _______ one of his old bookcases up the stairs.
A. carrying
B. to carrying
C. carried
D. carry
16. Do you know the man _______ to John?
A. talking
B. talked
C. who is talked
D. whom talked
17. I’d like _______ to you.
A. talk
B. talking
C. to talk
D. to talking
18. “Anne smokes a lot.” -“ _______”.
A. So her mother does
B. So does her mother
her mother too
D. Too her mother does
19. I haven’t seen Jenny _______ .
A. for a long time
B. in the last time
C. since long
D. lastly
20. _______ he had taken several courses, he could speak English fluently.
A. Whereas
B. After
C. Until
D. While
21. A man _______ people cannot trust will have few friends.
A. whose
B. whom
C. which
D. when
22. I _______ school in 1995.
A. have finished
B. finish
C. finished
D. was finished
23. Students from Vietnam are not used _______ in cold climate.
A. to living
B. to live
C. live
D. living
24. The problem is easy enough, but _______ students could answer it.
A. a lot of
B. few
C. a few
D. a great number of
25. That ice is dangerously thin now. You _______ go ice-skating today.
A. mustn’t
B. might not
C. may not
D. would mind not to
1. David was _______ than anyone else in his class.
A. so clever
B. as clever
C. cleverer
D. more cleverer
2. I want to have my suit _______ . I’m going to a wedding on Sartuday.
A. cleaned
B. cleaning
C. clean
D. to clean
3. As a result, small fires _______ out everywhere and quickly spread.
A. broke
B. would break
C. have broken
D. were breaking
C. Does
4. _______ any wine left?
A. Is it
B. Is there
C. Has there
D. Are there
5. It’s very _______ to drive a bus.
A. excited
B. exciting
C. excite
D. excitedly
6. Summer is hotter_______ Autumn.
A. like
B. as
C. than
D. so
7. He worked _______ than his brother.
A. more careful B. more carefully
C. so carefully
D. very carefully
8. He _______ fast when a dog crossed the street.
A. is driving
B. drove
C. was driven
D. was driving
9. Do you know _______ ?
A. what his name B. what his name is C. what is his name D. his name is what
10. The clerk said she was tired _______ hearing complaints day after day.
A. with
B. of
C. about
D. for
11. The new Ford is designed to use _______ fuel than earlier models.
A. smaller
B. fewer
C. less
D. lesser
12. He _______ in the café when she came in.
A. sat
B. has sat
C. has been sitting
D. was sitting
13. “When did your sister arrive?” – “_______”
A. Since a week B. In five days
C. For two weeks
D. Last Monday
14. Big Ben is _______ clock in London.
A. famous
B. the most famous C. more famous
D. most famous
15. Joe speaks Russian fluently. - _______ .
A. so do l
B. Neither do I
C. So I do
D. I don’t, too
16. “Who are these visitors?”- “They’re all _______, I think.”
A. mathematic students
B. students mathematics
C. mathematics students
D. students of the mathematics
17. I have been trying to contact her_______ last Monday.
A. since
B. for
C. through
D. until
18. Almost everyone has heard the more famous Olympic saying: “Stronger, Higher, Faster.”
19. This telephone isn’t as cheap the other one, but it works much better.
20. We will be interviewed all job applicants as soon as their papers have been processed.
21. Mrs. Barnes drivng to work when the accident happened and damaged her car.
22. They asked a lot of questions, checked their figures, and came up with a best solution.
23. The new employees enjoyed their first day at work although the lunch was the worse food they had
ever eaten.
24. Were you sleeping when I was walked into your office.
25. I can’t leave the office because I’m expecting a fax about transferring some people whom are
coming from our Atlanta office.
1. They were made _______ the truck.
A. searching B. search
C. to search
D. searched
2. Would you allow me _______ it for you?
A. to do
B. do
C. doing
D. did
3. Teachers_______ do not spend enough time on class preparations often have difficulty explaining new
A. whom
B. who
C. which
D. when
4. Are these the books _______ you have been looking for?
A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. whose
5. Ann is very lazy. She always tries to _______ doing any work.
A. manage
B. expect
C. avoid
D. enjoy
6. Keiko has $100. Betty has $75. Betty has _______Keiko.
A. more money than
B. less money than
C. the same money as
D. a lot of money
7. The teacher made the students _______ their rubbers.
A. take off
B. to take off
C. taking off
D. took off
8. I will have your car _______ soon.
A. repaired
B. repairing
C. to repair
D. being repaired
9. “Are you a bus driver?” - “No, not any more, but I _______ .”
A. am used to
B. use to
C. used to be
D. use to be
10. “Who is the new biology professor?”- “He’s the man _______ to the secretary now.”
A. which is talking B. talking
C. who he is talking D. that talking
11. Geoffrey_______ making his own furniture.
A. is loving
B. loves
C. has been loving
D. love
12. She doesn’t have any pupils, _______?
A. hasn’t she
B. has she
C. does she
D. doesn’t she
13. If anyone _______ the food, he will be unlucky.
A. would eat
B. will eat
C. had eaten
D. eats
14. The boy fell while he _______ down the stairs.
A. ran
B. was running
C. is running
D. running
15. My brother won’t come home _______ 11.30 p.m.
A. until
B. to
C. than
D. in
16. I regret not _______ you that I was unable to come yesterday.
A. sayingl
B. telling
C. talking
D. speaking
17. One of the windows of my car is very hard _______ .
A. open
B. to open
C. opened
D. opening
18. _______ this bicycle? – Their son’s.
A. Who’s is
B. Whoses
C. Who’s
D. Whose is
19. A cure for the common cold causing by a virus has not been found.
20. Most students are able of finding good jobs three to six months after graduation.
21. Despite of recent setbacks, we firmly believe the company to be a good investment.
22. Amelia Earhart, that was one of the pioneers in aviation, attempted to fly around the world in 1937.
23. His test results showed he was the quickest typist, yet he was the less accurate of all the applicants.
24. That secretary of mine is such efficient that she always amazes herself with her speed.
25. Most of the flights to Florida were overbooked because of it was the holiday season.
1. “How was the magic show?” - “It was _______ .”
A. surprising entertaining
B. surprisingly entertained
C. surprisingly entertaining
D. surprisingly entertainment
2. I can’t ride my bicycle_______ there isn’t any air in one of the tires.
A. despite
B. because
C. although
D. but
3. I’m not a tailor and this skirt is too long. If I were you, I _______ it shortened.
A. would have
B. will have
C. had
D. had had
4. I’m worried _______ my final exam in statistics.
A. about failing
B. to fail
C. with failing
D. to failure
5. “Do you like being married?” - “Yes, but I’m not used _______ every night.”
A. to cook
B. to cooking
C. cooking
D. to have cooked
6.These vegetables don’t taste _______ to me.
A. well
B. deliciously
C. freshly
D. fresh
7. Please _______ off the light. We don’t need it now.
A. turn
B. go
C. put
D. run
8. We _______ for this seminar since last year.
A. wait
B. waited
C. has waited
D. have waited
9. _______ this seminar before?
A. Do you take
B. Did you take
C. Have you taken
D. Will you taken
10. It was very good, but I _______ many things since then.
A. forget
B. forgot
C. have forgotten
D. has forgotten
11. I think she _______ right now.
A. studying
B. studied
C. is studying
D. studies
12. When you _______ your work, you may leave the room.
A. finishing
B. finished
C. have finished
D. will finish
13. Help me _______ this letter.
A. translate
B. translating
C. translated
D. will translate
14. Jack made me _______ him next week.
A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise to call
D. promise calling
15. They forced us_______ their invitation.
A. accept
B. accepting
C. accepted
D. to accept
16. A new car costs more _______ a used car.
A. as
B. than
C. so
D. that
17. If we had known your new address, we _______ to see you.
A. came
B. will come
C. would come
D. would have come
18. You may borrow _______ books as you like, provided you show them to whoever is at the desk.
A. more
B. as much
C. as many
D. so many
19. “Let’s go dancing, _______?” – “Yes, let’s.”
A. will we
B. don’t we
C. do we
D. shall we
20. I wish I _______ all about this matter a week ago.
A. knew
B. know
C. had known
D. would know
21. He was _______ tired that he could not wake up.
A. very
B. such
C. too
D. so
22. Joan asked_______.
A. if there was coffee B. there was coffee C. was there coffee D. where was the coffee
23. For lunch, you may have _______ fish or chicken.
A. both
B. neither
C. not only
D. either
24. I could not cut the grass _________ the machine had broken down a few days previously.
A. although
B. despite
C. because
D. because of
25. He was made ________ for two hours.
A. to wait
B. wait
C. waiting
D. waited
1. The number of people receiving reading and writing lesson ______ over 4,500 by 2008.
A. had reached
B. reaches
C. has reached
D. reach
2. John reminded me _______his motorbike by 8 o'clock.
A. please to return
B. returning
C. to return
D. return
3. You won’t pass the examination________ you study more.
A. unless
B. as long as
C. if
D. whether
4. ______the door, he was very surprised at what he saw.
A. Have opened
B. When opened
C. Opening
D. To opening
5. _______for a job for a long time before you got it?
A. Were you looking B. Have you looked
C. Are you
D. Had you looked
6. She ______ a word since the exam started.
A. wrote
B. had written
C. was writing
D. has written
7. It was ______question that everyone answered it correctly.
A. so simple
B. such a simple
C. too simple
D. such simple
8. We managed ______over the wall without _______.
A. to climb / being seen
B. climbing / being seen
C. to climb / seeing
D. to be climbed / seeing
9. ______, such as banking and travel, computers are not a convenience; they are a necessity.
A. Where some industries
B. There are some industries
C. In some industries
D. Some industries
10. Copper is the favored metal for electricians' wire because of ______.
A. its excellent conductivity
B. it is excellent conductor
C. excellent conductivity of it
D. so conductive it is
11. Knowing Betty, I'm not ________ that she won the prize.
A. surprised
B. surprising
C. surprisingly
D. surprise
12. ______ for twelve hours, I felt marvelous.
A. Having slept
B. Have slept
C. Having been slept D. Have been slept
13. I'd like _______to the party tomorrow, but it may be impossible.
A. to going
B. go
C. going
D. to go
14. No sooner _______the comer than the wheel came off.
A. the van turned
B. has the van turned C. the van had turned D. had the van turned
15. If I had known your number, I ______ you.
A. would call
B. called
C. had called
D. would have called
16. “Congratulations on your birthday !” – “_______.”
A. Not at all
B. Thank you
C. No problem
D. Sorry
17. He didn’t go to the lecture yesterday and ______.
A. so did I
B. I didn’t too
C. neither did I
D. I did either
18. You haven’t finished you homework, ______?
A. haven’t you
B. didn’t you
C. have you
D. did you
19. He wishes the weather _______ better tomorrow.
A. would be
B. will be
C. can be
D. is
20. ______ his old age, he managed to climb up the mountain.
A. Due to
B. Despite
C. Because of
D. Though
21. Having achieved the highest score, our team was rewarding the first prize.
22. The amount of books in the library of Congress is more than 58 million volumes.
23. Tom says this work is much more comfortable as others.
24. We object to people to make private calls on the office phone.
25. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time.