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Ranuk - Design Culture

Culture Unit
By Ranuk Jayasuriya
Useful Links:
OSC Design
Set up
Sep 9th: Culture - Criteria A - Inquiring & Analysis
Oct 8th: Culture - Criteria B - Developing Ideas
Nov 12th: Culture - Criteria C - Creating the Solution
Dec 2nd: Culture - Criteria D - Evaluation
Dec 8th: Culture - Final Design Folder
Criteria A
A1 - Design Problem (Padlet)
I am interested in the american Baseball culture. I am interested in it because there
aren't many baseball arenas in Sri Lanka, and not many people talk about it. I have
heard many people in school (OSC) talk about american baseball, but I was never
able to relate because in Sri Lanka most people talk about cricket and very rarely do
you hear any Sri Lankans talking about the next baseball game they are going to
American Baseball
Baseball in Sri Lanka
A1 - Design Problem (Padlet)
Facts to prove that Baseball culture is under represented in Sri Lanka:
There is one baseball “stadium” in Sri Lanka, called Mahinda Rajapaksha Baseball Ground.
The ground does not have any professional level seating arrangements.
People watch either while standing or bring their own chairs and watch from outside
the stadium.
When searching up “Baseball Stats in Sri Lanka” you get images and stats of cricket players
who play and played for Sri Lanka.
Mahinda Rajapaksha Baseball Ground
Results when searching up, “Baseball Stats in Sri Lanka.”
A2 - Research
Research Question
Source Type
How much space is required to build a sports
What materials give the strongest foundation to a
What type of structure is a sport arena?
How do you make safe and supported building?
Is there a preferred material, when constructing a
What types of entrance designs are better suited
for sports arenas? Old School? Futuristic?
Placement &
Does the outer appearance of a building have to
be attractive?
Why do some sports stadiums have retractable
Research Question
Source Type
What materials are used when building a
retractable roof?
How big does a baseball field have to be?
A3 - Existing product analysis
Fenway Park - Boston
(Image link)
What inspires me about this product:
Through this product I can gain the overall idea of what a baseball arena/stadium looks like. Something that inspires in this
product is that the grandstand and the seating are for the spectators are extremely close to the field. So, this is something that I
can incorporate in my model of the baseball stadium because this would satisfy the customer/user/spectator aspect of the
stadium which is a very important part of building a sports arena.
What about this product will I try to avoid doing?
Something that I would avoid based of the baseball stadium “Fenway Park” is the position of the big screen. It is right behind a
part of the seating area which would not be convenient for the spectators when they want to know the score or even watch a
replay of the last pitch.
The aesthetic of Fenway Park is very odd, the overall shape when looking at it from a birds eye view is close to an oval but from
some parts it looks more like an irregular shape. There are many seats inside of the stadium, which is easily seen from outside.
This product is used mainly by baseball fans and fans of the Red Sox baseball team as this venue is home to the Red Sox team.
There is no particular gender that uses this stadium, as long as you want to watch a game of baseball you are permitted to be
inside the stadium. Most customers/spectators come to the stadium searching for some entertainment and a good experience
to watch a good game of baseball. They require food, drinks, and seat when they purchase their tickets. This stadium is
definitely reusable, after every game the staff that work at the stadium, clean the seats, and pick up trash that has been
accidentally left behind by some spectators. Fenway Park is 350,000 square feet and is the 28th biggest stadium in the MLB
league. The stadium is surrounded by security guards at each entrance, and bags are checked before entry. Each and every
person’s tickets are checked to see if they are valid. The structural stability is also very good as it was planned by well known
architects. This stadium is used to host baseball games in the MLB league. Mostly professional baseball players are allowed to
perform on the pitch.
A3 - Existing product analysis
Rogers Center - Toronto
(Image Link)
What inspires me about this product:
The overall shape of this product is something that really caught my eye. I like how it is one whole circle because it makes it look
organized and not complicated like other stadiums.
What about this product will I try to avoid doing?
I would avoid the fact that there is only one big screen in the whole entire stadium because it could be more convenient for some
of the spectators if they had one in front of them, other than behind them.
The Aesthetic of this stadium is very nice. I like how it is one proper circle and no other different shapes, because this makes it
look very pleasing from the outside and even from above the stadium. Also from above, you can see the seating arrangements
nicely organized which makes appearance more attractive to others. This stadium is home to the Toronto Blue Jays therefore
the fans of this team are most likely to be the customers of this stadium. Again, there is no gender that is allowed to use this
stadium, as long as you are a baseball fan, you can enter. This product is recyclable, many people use this place over and over
again to watch their favorite baseball teams and players play. This stadium is 339,343 square feet. This stadium also has a very
cool option where it has a roof which can be opened and closed according to the weather. The retractable roof is made out of
metal. This product is used by the Blue Jay team to play professional baseball and to entertain the spectators watching in the
A3 - Existing product analysis
Nelum Pokuna - Colombo
(Image Link)
What inspires me about this product:
Something that inspires me about this product is the uniqueness behind this building. This tells me that being unique is never
off the table and showing your personality or feelings through your job is something that is always possible for everyone.
What about this product will I try to avoid doing?
Something that I would about about this product is the fact that you can see into the building due to the glass exterior. I am not
a very big fan of that look because it makes the outside look less aesthetically pleasing.
This product is very unique and it is easily seen from the outside. This building is one of the most famous buildings in
Sri Lanka due to its special type of architecture and looks from the outside. Due to the fact that it looks like the
Nelum flower which stands for Lotus in english catches the eye of anyone walking, driving, cycling past it. This
building is used by people interested in theatre and they go there to watch different types of plays and pictures. The
age allowed to enter this building depends on the play that they are going to watch, but there is no gender problem.
All genders are allowed in. Nelum Pokuna is 14,000 square feet in size. This building is used for theatre and plays.
Mostly professional actors from Sri Lanka conduct their plays in this building. This building’s exterior is mainly built
by glass, but the insides have the use of wood, metal, and different other materials.
A3 - Existing product analysis
Altair - Colombo
(Image Link)
What inspires me about this product?
Again, something that inspires me about this product is the uniqueness that is shown through the building. It is
evident that some inspiration from another building was taken, but overall the architect has shown their creativity
and distinctiveness.
What about this product will I try to avoid doing?
Something that I would avoid based of this product is the fact that the building is leaning over towards another
building. I say this because my project is a little different to what this architect had in mind.
The aesthetic of this product is very cool. From the outside you can see that one building is leaning on another
building which shows a resemblance to the leaning tower of pisa, but this is done with an apartment complex.
This building is used by residents who live in this building. It is home to the users of this product. The height of
this building is is 240 meters, and it is one of the biggest residential buildings in Sri Lanka. As said before, this
building is used by the residents of the building. It is used as their home. This product is made from cement on
the outside and many different materials like wood and metal inside of the building.
A4 - Design Brief
The design goal for this unit is to make a model of a baseball stadium. I plan on making this by using different materials
such as wood, styrofoam, paper, fake grass, metal, etc. My research told me that safety and the convenience of the users
of the product is very important. So, while planning my approach to this project, I will have to take that into consideration.
I was also able to understand a lot about the different materials used on different types of buildings and structures.
Through the questions I asked, I was also able to gain a lot of knowledge on the architecture. Through the existing
products I analyzed, I was able to understand what I need to add into my model and things I should try avoid. I got
inspiration from the stadium Fenway park which gave me the idea of keeping the seats for the spectators close to the
game which again adds on to the customer satisfaction side of building my model. Something I would avoid is the
placement of the big TV screen. In some of the stadiums, the TV screen is placed behind a seating area which is not very
convenient for the users.
This product is mainly for the Sri Lankan people who do not really understand a lot about baseball. They would need this
because they can then get a better understanding on the sport which is my main goal at the end of this project.
Somethings that need to be considered when making this product is the overall look and aesthetics of the stadium. I can
add a lot of unique different parts to make the stadium look different but serve the same purpose. Through my research, I
was able to understand what most people look for in a stadium. They would like a modern type of look to it.
Some of the constraints when building this is that my skills on digital planning such as Fusion 360 is not very good. I will
have to learn a little more about the digital planning and sketching so my planning is detailed and clear when I am in the
process of actually creating the solution. I also don't have any experience in creating models which will be a constraint, so
I will have to learn and adapt very fast. I don't have any problems with acquiring the materials needed for this project if
we are in school as all the material will be given to us. But, if we are still in DLP while in the process of creating the solution
then some of the materials I need might be a little hard to obtain.
The success criteria when finished building my product would be that it can inform people who don't understand
baseball, about the game. They will be able to get a slightly idea of the field and what a baseball arena looks like. The
overall aesthetic has to be good, the seating arrangements and small details have to be present.
Criteria B
B1 - Design Specification
Key: YES - Related to Model
Specification Point
The Architectural model will be 300mmx300mmx300mm max.
Model Size
Will stand out compared to the other buildings around.
Real Model Size
The model will be made out of Styrofoam, Cardboard, Plastic, Paper,
fake grass,
Real Model aesthetic
The actual arena would be made out of concrete, glass, steel, and
metal, etc.
The model will resemble the chosen culture through features and
Physical Model
Will be used by baseball fans, to watch baseball
Physical Model
Plastic will be used as glass for the VIP box section
Real Model Aesthetic
WIl be used to educate the Sri Lankan community that doesn't know
much about baseball
Allows people of any social class to watch a game of baseball
Provides a comfortable seating area in which people can watch baseball
B2 - Initial Ideas
B2 - Developed Ideas
B2 - Developed Ideas
Initial Idea:
Developed Idea:
The differences in the two pictures, is the fact that the developed idea is more
simple mainly because there won't be enough people to sell out the initial idea
stadium in Sri Lanka. So, I made the developed idea a little simpler and also
because the target audience criteria can be met.
B3 - Final Design Choice
I chose this design as it represents the baseball culture. It portrays the baseball culture
through the use of big entrances, high ceilings, and high walls. This design also fulfils all of
the design Specification points, due to the fact that I constructed my specification points
while thinking about the features and requirements of a Baseball field. My research suggests
that doing a simple exterior of a baseball field could perhaps be easier when in the process
of criteria C because there won't be huge grandstands, and player change rooms. The
developed idea that I have at the moment, connects to my success criteria, and it also
contributes to reaching my goal, which is spreading awareness about the under-represented
baseball culture in Sri Lanka. Through the feedback my peers gave me, it really supports my
design choice. They said that my drawings and developed ideas really connect to the culture
and the way it baseball is presented.
B4 - Final Design Drawings
Criteria C
C1 - Planning (Initial Fusion 360 Playaround)
C1 - Planning (Padlet Planning)
C1 - Planning (Padlet Planning)
C1 - Planning (Improvement)
Start of unit:
After refining skills:
C1 - Planning (Digital and Physical)
* Measurements in mm
C2 & 3- Process and Skills
C2 & 3 - Process and Skills
Important skills of carefully using the
blade to cut the building foam enough
to create a curved stadium wall was
used in order to make this stage.
C2 & 3 - Process and Skills
Measurements for important
parts of the stardium.
This skill of making the terrace/hill in front
of the stadium was particularly hard
because a slope was required for it to be
accurate. Therefore, precise and good cuts
had to be made in order to reach that goal.
The process of making the hill was
extremely hard because, although I
planned to use a utensil to find a way to cut
in a diagonal manner, it wasn't working
very well, therefore, I had to eyeball the
cut, in which I succeeded.
FInal Product
C4 - Changes
I did end up making a couple changes to what I originally planned. One of the main
changes was the materials I said I was going to use in my padlet plan. I initially said I
will use materials like cardboard, paper, etc. This did not end up happening, because I
had access to more advanced material like professional building foam, blades, hot glue
and hot wires. Due to this reason, the plan that I put in my initial padlet plan, was
changed because I did not know the materials that were available for us to use, when
we were in DLP. I also limited the amount of aspects of the stadium I would add. In my
initial drawings, I had sketches of wall embedded dugouts, and more advanced aspects
of a professional sporting stadium. I ended up making a big pavilion in which both
teams would sit and watch the match from.
I also ended up not adding in my scoreboard, as I did not have enough time, and also
due to the fact that I realised it doesnt show a lot of technical skill skill which I feel I
am required to portray*
C4 - Changes (1 example of Changes)
Initial thoughts and Plans
Ending design of dugout/pavilion
Criteria d
D1 - Testing Methods
Question I put on my story:
D1 - Testing Methods (Feedback from Professional Architect)
Corporate/VIP box
planner place
Corporate box not present in
Safety Mesh
A close family architect named Lalith Gallage,
a very close friend to both my parents, is who
I asked for feedback from on my model. He
gave me a very rough sketch as to what he
thought could be done better. He said that it
would be better to have two seperate
dugouts for the two different teams. This will
then move the Corporate/VIP box. He
proposed that it would be best to move it
right above the entrance, giving it a very
prestigious and expensive look. He said this
was inspired by the structural design at the
Lord’s Cricket ground, where the media box
looks like a capsule watching from further
above the pitch/court. He also said, to add in
a safety mesh above the stadium to stop any
balls from going out of the ground and
possibly injuring someone or something.
D2 - Evaluation
Specification Point
The Architectural model will be 300mmx300mmx300mm max.
Model Size
Will stand out compared to the other buildings around.
Real Model Size
The model will be made out of Styrofoam, Cardboard, Plastic, Paper,
fake grass,
Real Model aesthetic
The actual arena would be made out of concrete, glass, steel, and
metal, etc.
The model will resemble the chosen culture through features and
Physical Model
Will be used by baseball fans, to watch baseball
Physical Model
Plastic will be used as glass for the VIP box section
Real Model Aesthetic
WIl be used to educate the Sri Lankan community that doesn't know
much about baseball
D2 - Evaluation
Specification Point
Allows people of any social class to watch a game of baseball
Provides a comfortable seating area in which people can
watch baseball
D3 - Improvements
For this part of my portfolio, we can look back to the drawing a real architect gave me in order
to improve my physical model of a baseball stadium. I think that the corporate box in which I
added very close to the ground is a safety hazard due to the fact that there is glass present,
and if a baseball player accidentally hits or throws the ball towards that direction, the people
inside and people on the outside can possibly get injured. Therefore, to improve this aspect, I
could move the VIP box to the top of the entrance, and have two separate dugouts for the two
different teams. This will then allow for more free playing of baseball, and also have the two
teams that are playing, separated from each other due to the different dugout plan as well.
Inspiration for
D4 - Impact
I think that through my model, people of Sri Lanka who look at it, can gain a better
understanding of what baseball culture is, and the differences it has between the more
common and famous sports like cricket and football. They would be to understand the
uniqueness each sport has, and in this case, they would understand it about baseball. Also,
people with a keen eye, could see that there are also some similarities between cricket and
baseball based of what they would see when looking at my model. Overall, I think that
throughout this unit, I have showed the baseball culture through the use of features, and
aesthetic of a baseball field/stadium.