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Robotics Lab Report: MOVE Command Settings

Deep Harshad Prajapati
MFET 248
Lab - 10 Report
1. Describe how MOVE works with various settings, such as speed, arch motion, STOPON
condition, and CONT condition.
 MOVE [robot number] (axis number)(P,L,or C), point definition is a fundamental
For example, MOVE P, P21.
There are three different MOVE motion types:
P - Joint or point-to-point movement
L for a linear move
C for a circular movement
 SPEED: Specifies the movement speed. For example, "MOVE P, P1, S=20" indicates
that the user should travel from the present location to P1 with a 20% movement
 Arch Motion: "MOVE P, P1, A3=0{15,20}" creates an arch. The Arch distances are
20 and the Arch position is 0, respectively.
 STOP ON: The command "MOVE P, P1, STOPON DI (10) =1" stops the motion.
Stops the move from the current position to P1 if DI (10) is on.
 CONT: When the robot enters the OUT-position range of the current target position,
further movement is initiated.
2. Append a copy of your robot program created in this lab to your lab report.