Decimals & Place Value Every digit has a place value. Notice: “ths” at the end! Tenths Place The ___________ place is the first place value after the decimal. It is called the tenths place because it tells us how many out of 10. Example: 0.3 a. Words: 3 out of 10 3 Fraction: 10 0.5 b. Words: ____ out of ____ Words: Words: Fraction: Fraction: Fraction: 10 0.2 c. 0.9 Hundredths Place The ______________ place is the second place value after the decimal. It is called the hundredths place because it tells us how many out of 100. (Like money) Example: d. 0.31 Words: 31 out of 100 Fraction: 0.57 e. 0.07 f. 0.98 Words: ____ out of ____ Words: Words: Fraction: Fraction: Fraction: 31 100 100 Thousandths Place The _______________ place is the third place value after the decimal. It is called the thousandths place because it tells us how many out of 1000. Example: g. 0.319 Words: 319 out of 1000 Fraction: 319 1000 0.111 h. Words: ____ out of ____ Words: Words: Fraction: Fraction: Fraction: 1000 0.001 i. 0.874 Rounding When we round a number, we get a less accurate number. We use rounding to make estimations and help us with mental math. Rounding to the Tens Place Example: Round 64 to the tens place. What we are really asking: Is 64 closer to 60 or 70? 64 is 4 away from 60. 64 is 6 away from 70. Therefore, 64 should be rounded to 60. Round the following to the tens place. j.) 72 ≈ k.) 126 ≈ l.) 18 ≈ Rounding to the Ones Place Example: Round 2.4 to the ones place (see image) What we are really asking: Is 2.4 closer to 2 or 3? 2.4 is 0.4 away from 2, but 0.6 away from 3. Therefore, 2.4 should be rounded to 2. Round the following to the ones place. m.) 5.8 ≈ n.) 24.1 ≈ o.) 90.62 ≈ Rounding to the Tenths Place Example: Round 1.26 to the tenths place. What we are really asking: Is 1.26 closer to 1.2 or 1.3? 1.26 is 0.04 from 1.3. 1.26 is 0.06 from 1.2. Therefore, 1.26 should be rounded to 1.3. Round the following to the tenths place. p.) 6.23 ≈ q.) 30.1942 ≈ Steps for rounding to any place r.) 0.11 ≈ Hint: Do not add extra 0’s after the decimal. Step 1: Find the place value that is asked, circle that digit. Step 2: Look at the digit to the right of that place. Step 3: If the digit to the right is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4: Keep the circled number. If the digit to the right is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: Bump the circled number up by 1. PRACTICE s. Round 326 to the tens place: t. Round 0.9283 to the tenths place: u. Round 43.0439 to the tenths place: v. Round 1,294,022.092 to the thousands place: w. Round 9.2145 to the thousandths place: x. Round 3,494.065 to the hundreds place: