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English File Pre-intermediate Student's Book

Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson
Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson
the best way to get students talking
English File t hird edition gives you motivating, enjoyable
lessons that work.
• A proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,
and skills.
• Engaging topics, t asks, and act ivit ies that get students
talking on every page.
• A complete teaching and learning package.
Oxford >making .
For students
For teachers
• Student's Book with
• Workbook (with or without key)
wit h ~.u..::~o.:~~
• Teacher's Book with
Test and assessment CD-ROM
• iTools
• Online Workbook with ""}106~~
• Class audio COs
• Online skills
• Class DVD
• English File Pronunciat ion app
• Teacher's websit e
• Student 's w ebsite
www.oup.com/ eltl englishfile
• Online Workbook
English Sounds Pronunciation Chart
based on an original idea and design
by Paul SeUgson and Carmen Dolz.
ISBN 978-0-19-459865-1
~ for all your
~ testing needs
online go to
oxford english t esting.com
111 '1
780194 598651
A Where are you from?
word order in questions
common verb phrases,
spelling and numbers
vowel sounds, t he
B Charlotte's choice
present simple
describing people:
appearance and personality
final -s I -es
present continuous
clothes, prepositions of place
Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy
;:~ a nd 1:1:
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 1 Hotel problems
A Right place, wrong person
past simple: regular and irregular verbs
regular verbs: -ed endings
B The story behind the photo
past continuous
prepositions of time and
place: at, in, on
sentence st ress
t ime sequencers and connectors
verb phrases
word stress
A Plans and dreams
be going to (plans and predictions)
airport s
sentence stress and fast
B Let's meet again
present continuous (future
verbs + prepositions e.g.
arrive in
sounding friendly
defining relative clauses
expressions for paraphrasing:
like, for, example, etc.
pronunciation in a
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 Restaurant problems
A Parents and teenagers
present perfect +yet, just,
housework, make or do?
j and d:y
B Fashion and shopping
present perfect or past simple? (1)
cand ch
something, anything, nothing, etc.
adjectives ending -ed and -ing
A No time for anything
comparative adjectives and adverbs,
time expressions: spend time,
sentence stress
as ... as
One dark October evening
What's the word?
Lost weekend
B Superlative cities
superlatives(+ ever+ present perfect)
describing a town or city
word and sentence
quantifiers, too, not enough
health and t he body
·' , u: , 'a l , and c
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 The wrong shoes
A Are you a pessimist?
will I won't (predictions)
opposite verbs
'II, won't
B I'Ll never forget you
will I won't (decisions, offers,
verb+ back
word stress:
two-syllable verbs
review of verb forms: present, past,
and future
adjectives + prepositions
the letters ow
How much is too much?
The meaning of dreaming
A How to...
uses of the infinitive with to
verbs + infinitive: try to, forget
to, etc.
weak form of to, linking
uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)
verbs+ gerund
the letter i
C Learn a language in a month!
have to, don't have to, must,
modifiers: a bit , really, et c.
mus t, mustn't
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 4 At the pharmacy
I don't know what to do!
'tW and /u:', sentence stress
If something can go wrong, ...
if+ present, will + infinitive
(first conditional)
confusing verbs
You must be mine
possessive pronouns
adverbs of manner
sentence rhythm
A What would you do?
if+ past, would+ infinitive
(second conditional]
word stress
B I've been afraid of it for years present perfect+ for and since
phobias and words related to fear
sentence stress
word stress, /:J:I
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 5 Getting around
A The mothers of invention
verbs: invent, discover, etc.
If , -ed, sentence stress
Could do better
used to
school subjects
used t o / didn't use to
Mr Indecisive
word building: noun formation
A Bad losers
expressing movement
sport s, expressing movement
Are you a morning person?
word order of phrasal verbs
phrasal verbs
What a coincidence!
so, neither+ auxiliaries
similarit ies
sentence stress, \)/ and /1.)/
PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 6 Time to go home
Strange but true!
past perfect
verb phrases
contractions: had/ hadn't
Gossip is good for you
reported speech
say or tell?
double consonants
The English File quiz
questions without auxiliaries
Being happy
Born to sing
present perfect or past simple? (2)
100 Communication
Grammar Bank
Ir regular verbs
111 Writing
Vocabulary Bank
Sound Bank
List ening
G word order in questions
V common verb phrases, spelling and numbers
P vowel sounds, t he alphabet
What do
you do?
I'm at
1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases
• Where
you from?
• Where
you born?
• Where do you
• Doyou _
in a house or flat?
• Do you
any brothers and sisters?
• Do you
any pets?
• What do you
• Where do you
• Doyou __
your job?
• Can you
• What school I university do you
• What year
you in?
_ _ any other languages? Which?
• Where did you
English before?
• What kind of music do you ___ to?
• Do you _ _ _ a musical instrument? Which?
• What TV programmes do you
• Do you
any sport or exercise? What?
• What kind of books or magazines do you
• How often do you
• What did you
Complete the quest io ns w ith a verb.
1 2 l)) Li ten a nd repeat the Free Time que tio n
Copy the ~tbm .
to the cinema?
Last weekend?
In pair , a k and a n wer the questio ns. Can
yo u fi nd at lea t one t hing fro m each section
wh ich you have in common?
Sentence stress
Remember that we usually st ress the important words in a sentence
(the ones that carry important information), and say the other words
less st rongly, e.g. Where are you from? What do you do?
e live in the city centre.
2 GRAMMAR word order in questions
vow el sounds, the alphabet
a Re-order the words to m ake questions .
I born
where your parents were
2 where fro m teacher o ur is ?
.) name
yo ur how yo u do spell
4 did last you go night o ut ?
1 S l)) Look at the sound pictures. What are the words
and vowel sounds? Listen and check.
> p.l66 Sound Ban k. Look at the typical spellings of
~ p.l26 Grammar Bank lA. Learn m o re about word
o rder in questio ns and practise it .
c Stand up and ask different s tudents the first ques tion
until o mebody ays yes. Then ask the fo llow-up
questio n. Continue w ith the other questions, ask ing
different students.
Do you drink a lot of coffee!J 0
the e sound s.
c Add these letters to the ci rcles.
es, I do.
How many cups of coffee do you drink!l_ 0
ve cups a day.
J M 0
I drink a lot of coffee (or tea)? How many cups ... ?
I go to bed early during the week? W hat time ... ?
I spend a lo ng time o n Facebook every day? How long ... ?
D~ T
I have a big breakfa t today? What .. . ?
I go somewhere nice o n Saturday? Where .. . ?
I see a good film last week? What film ... ?
6 l)) Li ten and check. Practise
saying the letters in each ci rei e.
Ask and answer w ith a pa rtn er.
• Do you norma ll y get in touch with yo ur friends by
phone, email, o r Facebook?
• Do you have an i Pod o r \rl P3 player? What kind?
• Do you often wa tch D\ "Ds? What kind?
• Do yo u watch the BBC. C. N. o r :VIT \ '?
• Do you have a ny friends fro m the U K or the SA?
Student information
1 7 l)) Listen a nd wr ite six firs t names.
What's his name? How do you
spell it? A p.lOO B p.l06.
2,000 10,500
1 8 l)) Listen and w rite the numbers.
l Gate
first name
c How do you say these numbers?
13 30 76 100 150 375 600 1,500
Interview your partne r and complete the fo r m.
5 £ _ _ __
3 Tel : _ _ __
4 Population: _ _ __
phon e number
G present simple
V describing people: appearance and personality
P final -s I -es
I like good
He doesn't
like sport.
1 VOCABULARY describing people
9>)) Liste n to a man describin g his gi rlfriend a nd
tick (.I ) her picture.
b Listen aga in. What two questio ns doe Luke's frie nd
ask him? How does Luke answer the second questio n?
What does she look like? What is she like?
What does she look like?= Tell me about her appearance
(Is she tall I short? What colour hair does she have?).
What is she like?= Tell me what kind of person she is
(Is she friendly? Is she shy?).
>- p.lSO Vocabulary Bank Describing people.
Who do you think knows you better, your mother
(or father) o r your best friend? Why?
b Read the introductio n and the first parag raph of
the article.
What is the idea o f the experiment?
W ho i C harl otte?
Who are Alice and Katie?
What do Alice and Katie have to do?Then what happens?
ow read what C ha rlotte says. With a partne r gue
the meaning of the highlighted words a nd phrase .
d Cover the text. Can you remember?
What does Cha rlotte like doing?
What's she like?
W hat kind of men does f doesn't she like?
W ho does she think is going to choose better? Why?
In our weekly experiment, single people who are
looking for a partner ask their mother and their best
friend to help.
his week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a
25-year-old web designer. He r father is Spanish
a nd her mother is English . She lives in Brighton and
she doesn't have a partner at the moment. Her mother,
Alice, chooses a man she thinks is perfect for her
daughter and her best friend , Katie, chooses another.
Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which
one does she prefer?
I love going to the cinema, but I often feel like
staying at home w ith a good book,' says Charlotte.
'I'm quite friendly and sociable and r get on well with
'most people. I th ink I have a good sense of humour.'
'What kind of men do I like? Well, I like interesting
men who can make me laugh. Physically, I prefer men
with a really nice sm ile who are taller than me. And
I don't usually like men with beards! I like men who
a re into literature and art, and classical music.'
' I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me.
Both my mum and my best friend know me very
well. Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is
physically more compatible, but my mother has A
known me for longer!
3 GRAMMAR present simple
5 PRONUNCIATION final -s I -es
a From memory, try to complete the sentences
using the present simple.
1 16 >)) Listen and repeat.
I She
have a partner at the moment.
2 She
on a date with each ma n.
3 Which one
she prefer?
4 W hat kind of men
I like?
usually like men w ith bea rds.
s nake
She like cats .
He work<; with his parents.
He hac; brown eyes.
She wear<> jeans .
She relaxe<> with boxes of chocolates.
H e usee; gla sses to read.
b In pa irs, a nswer the questio ns.
Which letter do you add to most verbs wi th
he, she, and it?
2 How do the verbs below change with he, she,
and it?
watch f stu dy f&o f have
3 W hat aux iliary verbs do you use to make
questions and negatives with ... ?
a I f you f we f they b he/ she fi t
Pronunciation of final -s I -es: verbs and nouns
The final -s is pronounced '<>I or lzJ. The difference is quite s mall.
The final -es is pronounced hzJ after ch, c, g, sh, s, z, and x.
17 >)) How do you say the he I she I it form of these verbs and the
plura l of these no uns? Listen and check.
verbs: choose cook go live st op teach
nouns: boy class date frie nd language parent
c )'- p.126 Grammar Bank lB. Learn more
abo ut t he present simple a nd prac t ise it .
d Can you reme mbe r the kind of men
Charlotte Likes a nd doesn't like ?
Look at the form below a nd prep are to give this info rmation
about your friend.
e Look at the photos of A lexander a nd O live r.
Find out about them . )'- Communication
Alexander and Oliver A p.lOO B p.l 06.
Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner?
Help him I her to find one!
Relatio nship
A ppearance
Which ma n do you think is better for
Charlotte? Why?
Doesn't like
14>)) Listen to C ha rlotte talking abo ut
what happened when she met A lexander.
What did she th ink of h im? D oes s he wa nt
to see him again?
b Listen aga in and write down any adjectives
or expressio ns that C ha rlotte uses to
describe his appea ra nce a nd personality.
b Work in pairs. As k a nd a nswer about yo ur people. Compa re the
info rmatio n. D o you th ink the two people are compatible?
>- p.lll Writing Describing a person. Write a description of a
pe rson yo u know.
15 >)) Now repeat fo r O liver.
d What does C harlotte decide in t he end?
Do you agree w ith her?
hat's his (her) name?
SONG Ugly J'
G present continuous
V clothes, prepositions of place
P /of a nd 13:/
What's the
woman doing?
She's standing
in front of the
1 VOCABULARY clothes
3 GRAMMAR present continuous
Look at the pictures. What ar e t he models
wearing? M atch the wo rds a nd clo thes.
• What do they look like?
• What a re theywea ring?
• What a re they doing?
D boots
D shirt
Look at the painting o n p.9 by the British a rt ist D avid H ackney
(1937-). In pairs, describe the m a n a nd the wom a n.
b Underline the co rrect form of tbe verb, present continuous or
D skirt
present simple.
D top
D trousers
In the painting the man isn't wearing f doesn't wear shoes.
In the UK women often wear f are wear ina big hats at wedd ings.
In the pa inting a white cat sits f is sit tina on the ma n's knee.
My son usually sits f is sitting at the back of the class so that the
teacher can't see hi m.
> p.l26 Grammar Bank lC. Learn mo re about the present
co ntinuous and practise it.
> p.l51 Vocabulary Bank Things you wear.
d Look at the pictures o n page 4 . What are the people weari ng?
What are they do ing?
2 PRONUNCIATION fgf and 13:/
l 2 0 >)) Liste n to these words and sounds.
Practise saying them .
\ shirt
T-sh irt
b Underline the stressed syllable in the words
below. Which sound do they have, 1 o r 2?
actor cinema firs t painter third
arrive fash ion world university
picture working prefer
1 21 >)) Liste n a nd check.
> p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the ty pica l
pellings fo r these sound s.
1 24 >)) Look at thc pa intingofMr andMrsC/arka nd Percyon p.9
and li sten to the aud io guide. Focus o n th e people and things in
th e pa inting as they are m e ntioned .
Liste n aga in. Ma rk the sente nces T (true) o r F (fal se).
tro users trainers
co mputer sandals sweater
~ bird
Ask and a nswer the questio ns w ith a pa rtner.
What clothes do you usually wea r ... ?
• at work / uni versity/ school
• when you go o ut at nig ht
• when you want to relax at th e weekend
I Percy is the name of the cat.
2 MrandMrsCiark m adeclothes
fo r famo us people.
3 The painting shows their li ving
room .
4 The painting is qu ite sma ll.
5 Celia is pregna nt in the pa inting.
6 Ozzie is putting his feet into the
carpet because he is cold.
7 The positio n o f the couple in the
paintin g is unu ual.
8 The open window is a sym bol of
the love between them.
9 The cat is a symbol of in fide li ty.
10 Celia and Ozzie later got divorced.
11 Celia doesn't li ke the pai nt ing.
12 Ozzie C la rk d ied in 1995.
fl.1r and fl.1rs Clark and Percy (1970-71) by David Hackney in the Tate Gallery, London
5 VOCABULARY prepositions of place
a Look at some sente nces w hich describe the painting.
Complete them with a word or phrase fro m the list.
Describing a picture (a painting or photo)
When we describe a picture we normally use:
• There is I There are to say what is in the picture, e.g.
There is a table and a vase with flowers in it. There are
two people.
• The present continuous to say what the people are
doing, e.g. The woman is standing and the man is sitting.
• Sometimes we combine There is and the present
continuous, e.g. There is a woman standing near the
in (x2) on (x2) under in front of behind between
next to on the right on the left in the middle
l There are two people
the room.
2 The woma n is sta nding _ _ _ , and the man is
sitting _ _ __
of the pai nt ing,
the ma n and the
woman , there's an open window.
A white cat is itting
the ma n.
T here' a carpet
the man's chair.
There' a telephone
the floor
man' chai r.
the telephone there's a lamp.
the woman there's a table, and a vase with
1 25 >)) Listen and check. Then cover the sentences a nd
look at the pa inting. Say w he re the thin gs a nd peo ple
>- Communication Describe and draw A p. l OO B p.106.
Describe your picture for your pa rtner to draw.
b In s mall groups, ask a nd answer the quest io ns.
Which of the three painting in this lesson do you
prefer? Why?
What pictures or poster do you have on the wa ll in
your bed room or living room?
Do you have a favo uri te pa inting? What? Can you
describe it?
Do you have a favourite painter? W ho?
Do you (or did you) paint or draw? W hat kind of things?
4imttD -
Hotel problems
a Look at the pho tos. Describe Je nny a nd Ro b.
1 26 >)) Watch o r lis te n to Je nny.
umber the pictures
1-6 in the o rder she me ntio ns them.
Watch o r liste n again and answer the que tio ns.
I What doc Jenny do?
2 Where did he go a few months ago?
3 W ho' Ro b Walker?
4 What did they do together?
5 \: hat doe she think of Rob?
6 What's Rob's one negative quality?
7 How lo ng is Rob going to be in
ew York?
1 27>)) Cover the dialogue and watch o r listen. Who
does Rob call ? Why?
b Watch or listen again. Complete the You H ear phrases.
>)) You Hear You Say
How can I _ _ _ you? There's a problem with
the air conditioning. It isn't
working, and it's very hot in
my room.
I'm sorry, sir.
somebody up
to look at it right now. Thank you.
Good _ _ _, reception. Hello. I'm sorry to bother
you again. This is room 613.
How can I help you?
b Watch or liste n again. Say why the F sentences are
fa lse.
c Look at the Socia l E nglish phrases. Can you
remember any o f the m issing words?
I have a problem with the
Wi-fi. I can't get a signal.
Social English phrases
at last.
Jenny Here you
Rob It's
to be here.
Jenny Do you have a _ _ _ view?
Jenny Barbara's
forward to meeting you.
Jenny You _ _ _ be really tired.
Rob I guess you're _ __
Rob By the _ __
Jenny It's _ _ _ to see you too.
I'm sorry sir.
you through to IT. Thanks.
28>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say
ph rases. Copy the~thm .
A There's a problem with the air conditioning.
B I'll send somebody to look at it.
I'll = I will. We use I'll+ verb to offer to do something.
d Practise the dialogue in 2b with a part ner.
e -
In pa irs, roleplay the d ialogue.
A (book open) You are the receptionist. B (book closed)
You are a guest. You have two problem s with your room
(think about what they are). A Offer to do something
about B's problems. You begi n with Hello, reception .
f Swap roles.
1 29 >)) That evening Jenny goes to the hotel to meet R ob
and they go out for a drink. Watch or listen and mark
the senten ces T or F.
Rob says he doesn't li ke the hotel.
2 Jenny is going to show him round the city tomorrow.
3 Barbara is Jenny's boss.
4 Rob is hungry.
5 lt's four in the morning for Rob.
6 They're going to meet at eleven.
7 Jenny th inks that Rob is going to get lost.
Hello, reception. Hello. This is room 613.
30 >)) Watch or listen and com plete the phrases.
Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do
you say t hem in you r language?
Canyou ...?
tell somebody about a problem (e.g. in a hot el)
D offer to do something
D greet a friend who you haven't seen for a long time
G past simple: regular and irregular verbs
V holidays
P regular verbs: -ed endings
1 VOCABULARY holidays
relaxing, going to rnuseums. T hen com pa re
The place is perfect,
the weather is wonderful,
w ith a pa r tner.
but if you're with the wrong person, a holiday can be a disaster...
a In o ne minute, w ri te do w n fi ve things you
like doin g when yo u're o n holiday, e.g.
> p.l52 Vocabulary Bank Holidays.
In pairs. inte rview you r pa rtner w ith the
holiday q ue tio nna ire. As k Wily?
My perfect summer holiday
Which do you prefer...?
going abroad or going on holiday in your country
going by car, bus, plane or train
going t o t he beach or going to a cit y
staying in a hotel (or apartment) or going camping
sunbathing, going sight seeing or going for walks
hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather
going with f riends or going w ith your family
Wo rk in pa irs. A read abo ut Joe's ho liday.
Bread abo ut Laura's ho liday. Find the
a nswers to q uestio n 1- 5.
1 Where d id he I she go o n holiday?
2 W ho did he I she go with ?
3 W here did he I she stay?
4 What was the weath er Iike?
5 W hy d id n't he I she enjoy the holiday?
b 1 ow tell your pa rt ne r a bo ut the ho liday you
read . Use questio n 1-5 to help yo u .
Where did
Read yo ur partne r's text. In pairs, gues
the mean ing of the high Iightcd wo rd s a nd
phrases. W hose holiday do yo u thin k was
wo rse? W hy?
d Have yo u ever
had a holiday th at
yo u d idn't enjoy
ver y much ? W hat
happe ned?
28, a flight attendant
Last Oct ober I went on holiday to Thailand
for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia.
The holiday began well. We spent two days
in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market
and the Royal Palace. But things went
wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted
to stay in hostels, which were basic
but clean, but Mia said they were too
uncomfortable and so we stayed in quite
expensive hotels. I wanted to experience
the local atmosphere but Mia just wanted to
go shoppin g. I thought I knew Mia very well, but you don't know a person
until you travel with t hem. It wa s awful! We argued about everything.
For our last f our days we went t o Ko Chang, a beautiful island. It was like
being in paradise. The weather was lovely and the beaches were wonderful,
but we just sunbath ed without speaking. We spent our last night back in
Bangkok and we went f or a drink with some Australians. They we re r eally
friendly and Mia st art ed flirting with one of th e boys. That was the end.
Wh en we arrived at Heathrow airport the
you don't know a next day we decided t o break up.
person until you
travel with them '
26, a nurse
I t ook hundreds of phot os, bu t w hen I got
home I didn't show them to anyone.
c I'd love to go back
to Venice one day...
Last spring my best f riend Isabelle and
I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented
but without Linda. '
a small apartment f or a week with a
fantast ic view of the ca nals. At th e last moment another friend, Linda,
asked if she cou ld come too. We felt sorry for her because she had
problems with her boyfriend, so w e said yes.
Venice was magical and the weather was perfect, but t he holiday was a
disaster f or one simple r eason: Linda was so mean! She has a good j ob so
she's not poor, but she just didn't want to pay f or anything. When we went
sight seeing she didn't want to go to any museums or galleries that cost
money. When we went on a gondola she complained that
it was very expensive. When we went to have lunch or
dinner she always wanted t o go to cheap restaurant s or
she bought pizzas and ate them in the flat. But the night I
invited her and Isabelle out on my b i rt~d ay she chose the
most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was
that although Isabelle and I paid for the apartment , Linda
never once bought us a coffee or a drink.
I'd love to go back t o Venice one day... but without Linda.
5 PRONUNCIATION regular verbs: -ed endings
1 34>)) You a re going to li ten to Mia and
Linda talking a bo ut the ho lidays. Firs t liste n
to Mia. Does sh e agree with Joe about the
b Listen again. What does Mia say about ... ?
1 37 >)) Listen a nd repeat the sentences.
~ tie
We booked a ho liday.
We wa lked a ro und th e town.
We sunbathed o n tbe beach.
We argued abo ut everyth ing.
We re nted a flat.
We decided to brea k up.
1 her relationship w ith Joe before they went
2 the places where they stayed
3 talking to othe r travellers
b Say the past simple of these verbs. In which o nes is -ed
4 photos
prono u need lid/ ?
S goi ng o n holiday with a boyfriend
1 35 >)) ow li te n to Linda. What's her
o pinion o f t he ho liday? Then listen again.
What d oes sh e ay about . .. ?
2 w hat they did there
3 the cost of her holiday
4 her next holiday
arrive ask end invite like love
need park start stay
1 38 >)) Liste n and c h eck.
Regular past simple verbs
Remember that we don't normally pronounce the e in -ed.
The -ed ending is usually pronounced it or ld '. The difference between
these endings is very small.
We only pronounce the e in -ed when there is a t or a d before it,
e.g. wanted, ended. With these verbs -ed = 1d .
d Who do you sy mpathi ze w ith most, Joe or
Mia? La ura or Linda?
4 GRAMMAR past simple: regular
and irregular verbs
Look at Your last holiday below. What a re the questions?
b Think abo ut your answe rs to the que tio ns .
a What is the past simple of these verbs?
Are they regular or irregu la r ? C heck your
answers in Joe's text.
go _
b egin _ _
spend _ __
wa nt
stay _ _
be _ _ f_ _
1 Whe-re. I !JO?
'). Whe-~ I !JO?
3 Who 1 !JO with?
q. Whe-re. I st~y?
5 WMt I the- food. Like.?
~ WMt I the- we.~the.r Like.?
7 WMt 1 do d.u.ri113 the. d.~y?
g WMt I do ~t ~3k.t?
q 1 MVe. ~ !JOOd. time.?
10 1 M Ve. ~~y probLe-ms?
a rgue _ __
ow und erline th e past simple [±] verbs in
Laura's tex t. What are the infinitives?
c Find and und e rline two past s imple G ve rbs
in the two texts. H ow do you make B a nd IT!
in the past s imple . .. ?
• w ith no rm al verbs
• with was f were
• with could
d )o- p.l28 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn mo r e
about the past simple and practise it.
c Work in pairs. Ask yo ur partner about
his f her ho liday. S h ow inte rest in' h at
he f she says, and ask for more information. Then swap roles.
Useful language for showing interest
[±] Really? Wow! Fantastic! Great! etc.
B Oh no! How awful! etc.
Was it expensive? Why? What happened? etc.
G past continuous
V prepositions of time and place: at, in, on
P sentence stress
Look at a pho to which news phorogra pher
To m Pilsto n took in 2008. What do you
think is happening?
b Read Tom's descriptio n of w h at happened
o n the night he took the phoro. Were you
ri ght?
Read it aga in a nd a nswer the questions.
l Why di d Tom Pilston go ro C hicago?
2 W hy couldn't he ra ke a photograph of
Oba ma?
3 What was the weather like?
4 Where did he take rhis photo?
5 Where could the people see rhe election
6 Was he sorry that he couldn't go inside the
7 What happened when Obama won?
n 4th November 1arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I wanted
to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention
center, but when 1 got there 1 discovered that 1 didn't have
my press pass and 1 couldn't go inside. 1 walked around the park
outside the center. Although it was November. it was a warm night.
The atmosphere was wonderful. When 1 took this photo everybody
was looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. Some
people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense and
nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly 1 realized that this
was a better place to be than inside. 1 was watching Obama's victory
through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white.
At about 11 o'clock the results were announced, and everybody went
mad. People started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when Obama
made his speech they all became quiet and emotional. There was only
one place to be on the planet that night - and 1 was there.
d W hy do you t hink the phorographer tho ught
hi s photo was bet ter th a n a pho to of O ba ma
himself? Do you ag ree?
2 GRAMMAR past continuous
Look at the highlighted verbs in an extract
from the text. D o they descri be actions that
happened . . .?
a after he took the photo
b at the sa me time as he took the photo
When I to ok thi s ph ot o everybody was
looking at the TV screens waiting f or t he
election re sults. Some people were quietly
holding hands and smiling - oth ers were
tense and nervous.
b >- p.l28 Grammar Ba nk 2B. Learn mo re
about t he past continuo us a nd practise it.
1 41>)) In pa irs, lis ten to the sounds a nd
make a sentence using the pas t co ntinuou
a nd the past sim ple.
.:.~? were playing tennis
it started to rain.
3 VOCABULARY at, in, on
Which prepositio n do you use before ... ?
1 a date (e.g. 4th ovember) _ _
2 a time (e.g. II o'clock) _ _
3 the mo rn ing, the a fternoo n, etc. _ _
4 a room or building (e.g. the Convention Center) _ _
b C heck yo ur a nswers tO a in the text. W hat preposition do you use
w ith . .. ?
I a month (e.g. January) _ _
2 the weekend
3 home, work, school _ _
c >- p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1.
d >-Communication at , in, on A p.lOO B p. l 06. A n wer t he
questio n s w ith a preposition and a t ime o r place.
4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
1 43 l)) Listen a nd repeat the dia logue. Copy the
Where were you at six o'clock in the evening?
I was at work.
A What were you doing?
B I was having a meeting with the boss.
Talk to a pa r t ne r. G ive mo re info rmatio n if you can .
b In pairs, take turns to a nswer th e questio n a bo ut
yesterd ay.
6.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. lunchtime 4.00 p.m.
6.00 p.m. 10.00 p.m. midnight
Where were you.at ~.30 ) ( 1was at home.
m the mornrng~
What were you doing! l
Do you have a photo you really like? Who took it?
What was happenin g at the time?
Do you upload photos onto Facebook o r o ther intern et
sites? What ..vas the Ia t photo you uploaded?
Do you have a phoro as th e screen saver o n yo ur
computer or phone? What i it of?
Do yo u have a favo ur ite pho to of yourself as a child?
W ho took it? What was happe ning when th ey took it?
W har were you wearing?
Do you have any photos in your bed room o r living
room? What are they of ?
Do you know any other fa mo us histo ri cal photos?
Who o r w hat are they of?
>- p.l12 Writing /V1y favourite photo. Wr ite a
descriptio n o f yo u r favourite photo.
a Look at a famous pho to w hich was o n th e
cover o f many m agazine around t he wo rld
in the 1960s. Where do you think th e
peo ple a re? W hat do you rh ink is happe ning?
b Read the beginn ing of a newspaper a rticle.
Why do yo u think it i called 'The inwBe that
cost afortune'?
1 44l)) ow listen to the wo m an in the pho to
talking about it. Were yo u ri ght?
d Listen aga in. C hoose a, b, o r c.
In 1968 she
a was n't interested in politics
b was a com munist
c was an ana rchis t
She loved the atmosphere beca use all the
students were fighti ng fo r __ .
a peace b democracy c freedo m
She was sittin g o n a friend's shoulders _ _ .
a because she was tired
b to take photos
c so that she coul d see better
She was carrying the flag because __ .
a she was a leader in the demo nstration
b somebody gave it to her
c she brought it with her
Her grand father died six __ later.
a days b weeks c months
e Do yo u thi nk she is so rry that she was
in th at photo?
aroline de Bendern was born in 1940. She was the
granddaughter of count Maurice de Bendern, a rich aristocrat
who owned a lot of property in Paris and Monaco. Although he
had other grandchildren, the count decided to leave all his money to
caroline. 'I never knew why.' says caroline. 'Perhaps because 1 was
pretty.' He paid for her to go to very expensive schools in England,
and he hoped that she would marry well, perhaps a member of a
European royal fami ly. But caroline was a rebel. She went to New
York and worked there for a short time as a model. Then, in 1968
when she was 28 years old she returned to Paris ...
G time sequencers and connectors
V verb phrases
P word stress
time sequencers and connectors
1 45 >)) Read the srory once. T hen complete it with a
word or phrase from the box. Listen to the story and
After that Next day One evening in Oct ober
Suddenly Two mint1tes-la ~r When
b With a partn er. answer the question s.
Why did H annah go and peak ro Jamie?
2 Why did Jamie play Blue As Your Eyes?
3 W hat happened when H an nah left the club?
4 What wa the rest aurant like?
5 Wh ere did they go every evening after that?
6 What was the wea th er like that evening?
7 Why was H an nah driving fast?
8 Why didn't she see the man?
From m em or y cornplete these sentences f r om the story
w ith so, beca use, or althou8h. Then check with the srory.
She was going ver y fast ___ she was in a hurry.
2 ___ the food wasn't very good, they had a
wonderfu l time.
3 H e was wearin g a dark coat, ___ H annah didn't see
him at f irst.
p.128 Grammar Bank 2C. L ea rn more about time
sequencer s and connector s and practise them.
e Complete the sentences in your own word s. Then
compare with a partner.
I T hey fell in love on their first date. Two months later. ..
2 I went to bed early last night because ...
3 The weather was beautiful , so we decided ...
4 It wa s rea lly cold that night, and w hen
I woke up next morning...
5 A l though we didn 't play wel l in th e
f inal. ..
6 I was driving along the motorway
li reni ng to the radio. Suddenly ...
annah met Jamie in the summer of 2010.
It was Hannah's 21st birthday and she and her
friends went to a club. They wanted to dance,
but they didn't like the music, so Hannah went
to speak to the OJ. 'This music is awful,' she said. 'Could
you play something else?' The OJ looked at her and said,
'Don't worry, I have the perfect song for you.'
Two minutes later he said, 'The next song is by Scouting
For Girls. It's called Blue As Your Eyes and it's for a
beautiful girl who's dancing over there.' Hannah knew that
the song was for her. 2_
Hannah and her friends
left the club, the OJ was waiting for her at the door. 'Hi,
I'm Jamie,' he said to Hannah. 'Can I see you again?' So
Hannah gave him her phone number.
Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to
dinner. He took her to a very romantic French restaurant
and they talked all evening. Although the food wasn't very
good, they had a wonderful time. 4
Jamie and
Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when
Hannah finished work they met at 5.30 in a coffee bar in
the high street. They were madly in love.
, Hannah was at work. As usual she was going
to meet Jamie at 5.30. It was dark and it was raining. She
looked at her watch. It was 5.20! She was going to be
late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she was driving
along the high street.
She was going very fast because she was in a hurry.
, a man ran across the road . He was wearing
a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first. Quickly, she
put her foot on the brake ...
2 PRONUNCIATION word stress
Stress in two-syllable words
Approximately 80% of t wo-syllable words are
stressed on the f irst syllable.
Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives are
stressed on the first syllable, e.g. mother,
happy. However, many two-syllable verbs and
prepositions or connectors are stressed on
the second syllable, e.g. arrive, behind, before.
Read the stOry of Hannah and Jamie in 1 aga in.
b In pairs, use pictures 1- 5 tO re-tell the story. Try to use
connectors a nd the ve rb phrases in 3 .
a Underline the tressed sylla ble in these
words from the srory.
a cross af ter a gain a long
al though aw fu l be cause birth day
eve ning in vite per feet se cond
1 49 >)) Listen and check.
3 VOCABULARY verb phrases
a Make verb phrases with a verb from box 1
and a phrase from box 2. All the phrases are
from the sto ry.
inv ite somebody to dinner
along the high street
somebody your
email I phone number
a song
t ake
across the road
in a hurry
in a coffee bar
for somebody
the club very late
semeeecly t e-Elinner
somebody to a rest aurant
a wonderful t ime
b Cover box l . Try to re member the verb for
each phrase.
c T he re a re two different endings to the story. Have a class vote. Do
you wa nt to listen to the happy ending o r the sad ending?
1 50, 5ll)) What do you th ink is goin g tO happen in the ending
yo u have cho en? Li ten once and check .
Listen again . If you chose the happy e nding, a nswer the questio ns
in > Communication Happy ending p.lOl. If you chose the sad
ending, answer the questions in > Communication Sad ending
1 52 >))
SONG Blue As Your Eyes .,n
Q a , b , or c.
I ___ an y brothers or sisters?
a Have you b Do you
2 ___ last night?
c Do you have
a Where you went
b Where did you go
c Where you did go
My brother ___ foo tball.
a doesn't like b do n't like c doesn't likes
H er parents ___ a small business.
a bas b haves c have
I ___ to music when I'm working.
a never listen b don't never listen c listen never
In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress.
a wears b wearing c is wea ring
A What ___? B I'm looki ng for my keys.
a you are doing b do you do c are you doing
She's at university. S he ___ history.
a 's studing b 's studying c studying
We ___ to Malta last August.
a were b went c did go
I saw the film, but I ___ it.
a didn't liked b don't liked c didn't like
When I got home my parents ___ on the sofa.
a were sitting b was sitting c were siting
What ___ at 11 p.m.? You didn't answe r my ca ll.
a you were doing b you was doing c were you doing
13 She couldn't see him because she ___ her glasses.
a wasn't wea ring b didn't wear c didn't weari ng
14 We went to the cinema. ___ we decided to go for a wa lk.
a After b Then c When
I 5 We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn't very good.
a so b because c although
Complete the phrases with a verb from the lis t.
book do drive invite leave
look play stay take wear
1 A Whatdo you _ __ ? B l'm adoctor.
2 A Whatdoesshe _ __ like? B She'stall and slim .
3 She doesn't usua11y ___ jewellery, only her wedding
A Did you ___ any photos? B o, l didn't.
A Where did you ___? B In a small hotel.
Did you ___ your fl ights o nline?
A Let's ___ yourpa rent tod inner. B Good idea.
A A re you goin g to ___ there?
B o, we're going to get the tra in.
9 A Go o n! Ask the OJ to _ _ o ur song! B OK.
home tomorrow?
10 A What time do we need to
B About 7.00. Our flight is at 9.00.
b Complete with at, in, or OIL
1 The meeting is
March 13th.
2 A Where's Mum ? B She's
the kitchen.
3 He was born _ __ 1989.
4 A Where's the dictionary?
B It's ___ the shelf in my room.
5 Mark 's no t back yet - he's still ___ school.
6 It's a very quiet rown, especia lly ___ ni ght.
7 We went
ho lid ay to Malta last yea r.
c Q
the wo rd that is different.
I straight
2 clever
3 friendly
4 dress
5 socks
6 necklace
7 wi ndy
8 basic
lo ng
blo nde
un com fortable
a Q
the word with a different sound.
sho rts
wo r k
I Z.
b Underline the stressed syllable.
1 tal ka rive
3 pre fer
2 moustache
4 dis gu sting
5 comfor ta ble
a Read the news pa per a rticle o nce. D oes the jo urnalist
think th a t tak ing pho tos in museums is a good thi n g o r
a bad thing?
1 53 >)) In the s treet Watc h o r list en to five people
a nd a n swer t he questions.
b Read t he article aga in . Ma rk the sente nces T (tru e) o r
F (false).
T he jo urn alist saw tou r ists tak ing photographs o f
works of a rt in Rome a nd ew York.
2 W hen he first saw people tak ing ph otos in the MOMA
he d idn't unde rstand w ha t they we re really doing.
3 T hen he rea lised t h at the photographe rs were not
look ing at the pa intings.
4 T hey were ta kin g photos because th ey wanted to look
at the paintings la te r.
5 Later a couple asked him to take a photo of the m in
front o f a painting.
6 He suggests t wo possible ways of solving the prob le m .
c Look a t the h ighlighted word s in the text. G uess the ir
mea ning fro m the context. C heck with your teache r o r
with a dictio n a ry.
Sarah Jane
Just in _ _ _.
a looks like his mo the r
b looks like his father
c does n't look like his father or his mother
2 Joa nn a's favo urite painting is of _ _ _.
a a la ndscape b a person c an animal
3 Sarah Ja ne's last holid ay was a _ _ _ ho liday.
a beach
4 David
b wa lk ing
c sightseei ng
a takes a lot of photos
b is in a lot o f photos
c has a lot of photos o n h is phone
5 And y says _ _ _ .
a he enjoys cry ing at the end of a fi lm
b he th in ks fi lms w ith a sad end ing a re more real istic
c m ost of h is favourite films have a sad e nd ing
he firs t time I noticed this phenomenon was a few years
ago, in St Peter's Basilica in Rome- a crowd of people
standing round Michelangelo's Pietci, taki ng photos with
their cameras and mobile phones. Then last week I saw it again
at the Museum of Modern Art (the MOMA) in New York. At
first, I wasn't too worried when I saw people photographing
the paintings. It was a bit irritating, but that was all. It didn't
make me angry. Then the sad truth hit me. Most of the people
were taking photos without looking at the paintings themselves.
People were pushing me, not because they were trying to get
a better view of the art, but because they wanted to make sure
that no one blocked their photo. Was it possible that perhaps
they were taking the photos so that they could admire the
paintings better when they got home? This was very improbable.
They were not there to see the paintings, but to take photos to
prove that they had been there.
D o the tas ks w it h a partner. T ic k
do t hem .
Then it got worse. Now people were taking photos of their
partners or friends who were posing next to, or in front of some
of the most famous paintings. Neither the photographers nor
the person they were photographing had looked at the art itself,
although I saw that sometimes they read the label, to make sure
that the artist really was famous. At least nobody asked me to
take a picture of them together, smiling in front of a Picasso!
I think that photography in museums should be banned, but I
also have a less drastic solution. I think that people who want to
take a photo of an exhibit should be forced to look at it first, for
at least one minute.
Adapted from Marcel Berlin's art1cle 1n The Guard tan
(.1) t h e box if you can
C an you .. . ?
D describe the appearance and personality of a
ask an d a n swe r six questio ns a bout work f stud ies,
fa mily, and free t ime activities
p erson you know well
D describe a picture in th is book a nd say w ha t is
D ask an d answer t hree questio ns about a recent
happening, wha t t he people are wea ring, etc.
5 _] descr ibe a favo u r ite p hoto and say what was
ha ppeni ng w he n you took it
say t h ree true se ntence using t he connectors so,
because, a nd althouBh
[ ) Short films A photographer
Watch and enjoy a fi lm on iTut or.
G be going to (plans and predictions)
V airports
P sentence stress and fast speech
1 VOCABULARY airports
a When was the last time you were
at an a irpo rt? Was it to travel
somewhere (where?) or to meet
someone (who?)?
b Look at the a irpor t sig ns and
match them to the words and
ph rases below.
What are their plans?
What are their dreams?
Baggage drop-off
Baggage reclaim
We spent a morning in Departures last week
asking people about t heir travel plans.
1 55 >)) Listen and check your answers to a. Then liste n again and complete
t he chart.
[l Trolley
• going to work abroad for an GO (= non-gove rnmental organization)
• goin g to sec a n ex-partner
• going to do a photo shoot in a n exotic place
LJ Passport control
0 Terminal
Look at the three tra vellers in the picture. Who do you t hink is ... ?
1 54>)) Listen and check. Then
cover the word and look at the
symbols. Remember the words
a nd phrases.
Where to?
Other information
be going to (plans and predictions)
1 56 >)) Look at these se ntences fro m t he airpo r t
inter views and complete the gaps with a fo rm of
be BoinB to + verb. Then liste n a nd check.
English to youn g child ren.
2 How lo ng
there fo r?
3 It's winter in Australia now, so _ _ _ _ _ __
qu ite cold.
4 _ _ _ ____ you at the air po rt?
5 l'm sure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a greattime .
or many people airports are a nightmare - long queues
when you check in and go through security and an even
longer wait if your flight is delayed. But there are some
airports where you can actually enjoy yourself. All good
airports have excellent facilit ies for business people and
children, free Wi-fi, restaurants, cafes, and shops. But the
best airports have much more ...
b In pairs decide if sentences J - 5 are pia ns o r predict io ns
about the futu re. Write PL (pla n) o r PR (predic tio n).
c )o- p.l30 Grammar Bank 3A. Lea rn m o re abo ut
be BOinB to a nd practise it.
SINGAPORE AIRPORT is paradise for flower lovers, as it has an
indoor orchid garden! It also has a rooftop swimming pool and
a free sight-seeing tour for people who have at least five hours
to wait for their connecting flight.
sentence stress and fast speech
If you like computer games, you'll never be bored at HONG
KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - there are dozens of free
Playstations all over the terminals! It's also good for people
with no sense of direction - there are 'Airport Ambassadors' in
red coats , who help you to get f rom one place to another.
1 58 >)) Listen a nd repeat the sente nces. Copy the
r.by,thm .
W hat a rc you g_Qing ro do ton.ighP
2 Are you g_Qing ro see a film?
3 l'mg_Qing ro cook amealforyou.
4 1 think it 's g_Qi ng ro rain.
5 We aren't g_Qing ro have a holiday th is year.
SEOUL AIRPORT is the place to relax. You can go to the
hairdresser and have beauty treatments or a massage. Sports
fa ns can also play golf at their 72-hole golf cours e!
MUNICH AIRPORT helps to kee p passengers entertained with
a 60-seat cinema and non-stop films. The re is also free coffee
and tea near all the seating areas, and lots of free magazines
and newspapers.
Fast speech: gonna
When people speak fast t hey often pronounce g oing to
as gonna ·•g:m:J. , e.g. What are you going t o do? sounds like
What are you gonna do?
If you worry about your health and like to be near medical
services at all times, OSAKA AIRPORT in Japan is the perfect
place to wait, as it has a dentist and doctor's surgery. And for
people with animals, there is even a pet hotel!
1 59 >)) Listen a nd w ri te s ix sente nce .
c )o- Communication What are your plans? A p.lOl
B p.l 07. lnter view each othe r abo ut your plans.
If you have a long wait between flights at ZURICH AIRPORT in
Switzerland, you can rent day rooms with their own bathroom
and kitchen and wake-up call service. So you can have a shower
and then sleep peacefully until you have to board your flight.
a What is yo ur nearest a irport? What's it like? What
can you do th ere w hile yo u're waiting for a fli ght?
b Read an a rt icle abo ut the to p a irpo rts in the wo rld .
W hich is t he best airpo rt(s) if yo u .. . ?
d R o le play wi th a pa rt ne r.
have a medica l pro blem
would like to see a film
want to do some port or exercise
need to leave yo ur dog for the weekend
are worried abo ut getting lost
wa nt to sleep between flights
would like to see the city between fl ights
Look at the high lighted wo rds and phra es related to
a irports a nd g ues their m ea nin g.
A im agine you are at o ne of these airports and yo ur fl ight
is delayed fo r three hou rs. B calls yo u o n your mobile. Tell
B where yo u a re and what you a re going to do. T hen swap
ro le . Do the sa me with o ther airpo rts.
6o >))
SONG This is the Life ~
G present continuous (future arrangements)
V verbs + prepositions, e.g. arrive in
P sounding friendly
6 1>)) H ow d o yo u say these d ates? Li ste n a nd check.
3rd May 12th August 201 2
22/ 6 5/ 2 20th July 1998
31st December
d Match t he hi ghli g hted wo rd s and phrases to their
mea nin g.
I ____ fo r a lo ng time
2 ____ defin ite pla ns fo r rhe furure
3 ____ I continue to be
b Ben and Lily are o ld frie nds fro m univers ity. R ead their
Facebook messages and number the m in o rd er.
Ben West
OK. Why don't you phone me nearer th e
time, at t he end of April? Then we can fix
a day and a time to meet. I know a great
restaurant ...
lily Varnell
[0 Hi Ben! No news from you for ages. How are
1 62 >)) Lily pho nes Ben a nd leaves him a m essage.
Lis te n a nd co mplete her flight d eta ils.
Thank you for booking with easyJet
Going out: Flight EZY4587
Going back: Flight EZY4588
Ben West
It depends on the day. I'm going to Vienna
one day that week, but it's not very far I'm coming back the same day. I'm sure
we can find a time that's good for both of
Hotel reservations:
Lily Varnell
It's from 3rd to 7th May, but I don't know
my travel arrangements yet. What are you
doing that week? Are you free any time?
Ben West
Lily! Great to hear from you. Yes , I'm still
at t he university here and it's going very
well - Budapest is a wonderful city to liv e
in. When exactl y is the conference?
lily Varnell
Fantastic. I can't wait!
Date: _ _ __
Lo ndon Gatw ick at 11.1 0.
Budapest at _ _ __
things? Are you still working at Budapest
University? I have a conference there next
month and I t hought perhaps we could
meet. I'd love to see you again! Lily.
lily Varnell
Great. I'm going to book my tickets
tomorrow, and then I can let you know
my flight times.
rhe two
to decide sth (e.g. a day f date)
Home Profile
Read rh e m e age aga in in the ri ght o rder. Why d o es
Lily get in touch w ith Ben? What a re they plannin g
ro do?
Date: _ __
Budapest at _ _ __
London Gatwi ck at 18.10.
Six nights at Hotel _ _ __
2 GRAMMAR present continuous
(future· arrangements)
a ln pai rs, underline five present continuous
verbs in the Facebook messages. Which two
are about now? What time perio d do the
other three refer to?
sounding friendly
A Would you like t o go out for dinner?
B I'd love to.
A Are you free on Thursday?
B Sorry, I'm going to the cinema.
A What about Friday? What are you doing then?
B Nothing. Friday's fine.
A OK. Let's go to the new Italian place.
B Great.
b 1 63 >)) Look at three extracts from the
message Lily leaves Ben . Ca n you remember
the missing verbs? Listen a nd check.
L l"m
2 I'm
3 I'm
from Gatwick with Easyjet.
at Budapest airport at 14.40.
at a lovely old hotel.
> p.l30 Grammar Bank 3B. Lea rn more
about the prese nt continuo us for futu re
arra ngements a nd prac tise it.
1 67 >)) Listen to a nother dialogue. Then liste n agai n and repeat it
sentence by sentence. T ry to copy the speakers' into nation .
b Practise the dia logue w ith a pa rtner. Try to sound friend ly.
Comple te your diary w ith different activities fo r three evenings.
1 65 >)) Lily phones Ben when she arrives at
the hote l. Liste n to the conversa tio n. What
day do they ar ra nge to meet?
e Li te n again. Complete Ben' diary for the
seeing Paul
d Talk to other students. T ry to find days when you are both free
a nd suggest doing so mething. Write it in your diary. Try to make
a n a rra ngement with a d ifferent person for every night.
Are you free on Friday evening_Q 0
es, I am.
Would you like t o go to the cinema?_J 0
es, I'd love to.
4 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions
Thursday 6
Look at things Lily a nd Ben say. What are the missing prepositions?
It depends __ the day.
2 I'm arriving __ Budapest at 14.40.
3 Paul invited me __ dinner ages ago.
> p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs+
prepositions) .
Fnday 7
f Cover the dia ry. Work with a pa rtner and
test your memory.
What's Ben ~~~g ) ( He~s- seeing Paul. What's
on Sunda~ ~doing on fv1onday?
Complete the questions with a preposition. T hen ask a nd a nswer
w ith a partner.
1 What do you usually ask __ if you go to a cafe with friends?
2 Who do you think should pay __ the meal on a first date?
3 Who do you normally speak _ _ when you're worried __
4 Do you spend more money __ clothes or __ gadgets?
5 Do you think it's possible to fa ll __ love __ somebody without
meeting them face-to -face?
g 1 66 >)) Listen. What happens when Ben and
Lily meet?
> p.l13 Writing An informal email. Write an email about travel
G defining relative clauses
V expressions fo r paraphrasing: like, for example, etc.
P pronunciation in a dictionary
What's a
It's a place
where you can
What's the word?
3 VOCABULARY paraphrasing
a W hat do you us ua lly do if you're ta lki ng to sorneone in Englis h
a nd you do n't know a wo rd that you need?
D o you like play ing wo rd ga mes like
Scra bble o r do ing crosswords? Look at the
Scrabble Letters o n the page. H ow many
words of four o r mo re lette rs ca n you ma ke
in th ree minutes?
2>)) Liste n to the int roduct io n to a T V
ga me show, What's the word? H ow do you
play the game?
a Look up the translatio n on your phone.
b Try to mi me the word.
c Try to ex plai n what you mean u ing ot her words you know.
example kind like opposit e similar
somebody something somewhere
ow listen to t he show. Write down
the six word
2 3 >))
U seful e x pre ss io n s for e x pla ining a word tha t you
don't know:
2 - -- -3 _ _ __
I It's
I a person who works in a hospital.
2 It's
I a thi ng which we use for everything nowadays.
fa place where people go when they wa nt to
3 It's
buy something.
4 It's a
of gadget.
of dark.
5 It's the
6 It's ____ light, but you u e it to desc ribe ha ir.
to intelligent.
7 It 's
8 For
, you do this to the TV.
4 -----
5 _ _ __
4>)) Liste n a nd check your a n swe rs.
defining relative clauses
Look at th ree entences fro m What 's the
word? a nd com plete the m w it h who, which,
or where.
It's somethi ng
peo ple use to speak
to another person.
people go when they
2 It's a place
wa nt to go sho pping.
3 It's somebody
works in a hospital.
b Read sentences 1-3 aga in . W hen do we use
who, which, and where?
c )o- p.130 Grammar Bank 3C. Learn mo re
about de fin ing relati ve cl auses a nd
pract ise them .
2 6 >)) Com plete the usefu l expressio ns wit h these words. T hen
listen a nd check.
Com plete the definition for the e words.
a DJ It' omebody...
an art galle r y It's somewhere ...
a came ra It's somethi ng...
a lift It's a kind of...
s unbathe For exa mple, you do th is ...
c urly It's the opposite ...
)o- Communication What's t he word? A p.lOl B p.lOZ Play a ga me
a nd define wo rds fo r your pa rtne r to guess.
a Read the ar ticle. Ho w m a ny ways does it m entio n o f
creati ng new words? W hat are they?
b Loo k at the hig hlig hted new words. W hat do you thin k
they mea n? Match t he m to the def initio ns be lo w.
_ _ _ n a young m an who is goi ng o ut with a much
older woman
_ _ _ v to send a message using a mo bile pho ne
_ _ __ n a person who works in a coffee bar
_ _ _ n feeli ng a ng ry because of the traffic o r
a nother perso n's d riving
n coffee with hot m ilk
n a pub where yo u can also have ver y good
c Can you ex pla in the mea n in g of these o the r wo rds
fro m t he text .
emoticon to t weet iPod to google
Wi-fi ringtone smartphone
pronunciation in a dictionary
a Loo k at two dict io nar y extracts. W hat do t he
abbrevia tio ns m ea n?
search \3:tf v look carefully because
you are trying to find sb or sth
busy l'b17i adj occupe
I v
2 ad)
3 sb
4 sth
b Look at t he pho netic t ransc r iption s in a . How do you
pro no unce the words?
Checking pronunciation in a dictionary
This symbol (•) shows stress. The stressed syllable is t he
one after the symbol.
The Sound Bank on p.166 can help you t o check the
pronunciation of new words.
2 7>
)) Look care fully at the pro nuncia ti o n o f the words
below. Practise saying them correctly. Listen a nd
check. Do yo u know what they m ean?
YouTube /'jutj u:b/
2 keyboard /'k i:b::>:d/
3 zoo m /zu:m/
4 gadget 1'gaxl31t/
5 message /'mes1d;)/
6 hacker /'hreb/
900 new
veryone knows the English language is changing.
Every three months, the OED (Oxford English
Dictionary) publishes updat es t o it s online dictionary.
One recent update contained 900 new words, new
expressions, or new meanings for existing words. But
where do they all come from?
New words are created in many different ways. We can
make a new word by combining two words, like gastropub
(gastronomy+ pub) or emoticon (emotion + icon).
Sometimes we put two words together in a new way, for
example road rage or toy boy.
We also find that nouns can change into verbs. Take the
word text. Text was always a noun (from about 1369,
according to the OED), but it is now very common as a
verb, to text somebody. Other new words already existed
but with a different meaning. For example, tweet was the
noise that a bird makes, but now we use it more often (as a
verb or a noun) for a message that people put on the social
networking site Twitter.
Another way in which we make new words is by
'adopting' words from foreign languages, like barista or
latte (imported from Italian when coffee bars became
really popular in the UK in the 1990s).
A lot of new words come from the names of brands or
companies, for example we play music on an iPod and we
google information. We also need more general words to
describe new technology or new gadgets: Wi-fi, ringtone,
and smartphone are some recent examples.
The invention of new words is not a new phenomenon.
The word brunch (breakfast + lunch) first appeared in
1896, newspaper (news+ paper) in 1667, and English
speakers started to use th e word cafe (from French) in
the late 19th century. The difference now is how quickly
new words and expressions enter the language and how
quickly we start to use and understand them.
Restaurant problems
2 VOCABULARY restaurants
Do the restaura nt quiz w ith a partner.
What do you call...?
1 t he book or list which tells you what food there is
2 the three parts of a meal
3 the person who serves you
4 the piece of paper with the price of the meal
5 ext ra money you leave if you are happy with your meal or with the
What do you say...?
1 if you want a table for four people
2 when the waiter asks you what you want
3 when you are ready to pay
2 8>)) Watch or listen . Mark the sentences T
(true) o r F (false).
1 The ew York office is smaller than the
London office.
2 Barbara is the designer of the magazine.
3 Rob has never been to ew York before.
4 Barbara is going to have lunch with Ro b
and Jenny.
5 Holly is going to work with Rob.
Holly wants to go to t he
restaurant because she's hungry.
Watch or liste n again . Say w hy
the F sentences are false.
~9 >)) Cover the dia logue a nd watch o r li ten. Answer the
1 What do they order?
2 What problems do they have?
b Watch o r listen again . Complete t he You H ear
phra e .
>)) You Hear You Say
Are you ready t o
? Yes, please.
Can I get you something No, thank you. I'd like the
with? tuna with a green salad.
And for you, sir?
I'll have the steak, please.
Would you like that with
fries or a baked
? Fries, please.
How would you like your
steak? Rare,
, or Well done.
well done? Nothing for me.
OK. And to
? Water, please.
_ _ _ or sparkling? Sparkling.
The tuna for you ma'am, and I'm sorry, but I asked for a
the steak for you, _ __ . green salad, not f ries.
No problem. I'll
2 11 >)) Watch o r lis ten to Rob, Holly, a nd Je nny. D o
they e njoy the lunch ?
Watch or lis te n again a nd a nswer the questions.
it. Excuse me.
Yes, sir? Sorry, I asked for my steak
well done and this is rare.
1 What's Rob goi ng to write about?
2 How does Holly offer to help hi m with interviews?
3 W hat does he say they could do one evening?
4 W hat's the problem with the check?
5 W hy docs Jenny say it's ti me to go?
6 Do you th ink Jenny wanted Holly to come to lunch?
I'm really sorry. I'll
back to the kitchen.
British and American English
(French) fries = American English
chips = Brit ish English
10>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say
phrases. Copy the rhj:thm.
d Practise the dia logue w ith a partner.
e -
In pa irs, ro leplay the dia logue .
A You are in the restaura nt. Order a steak or t una.
B You are the waiterfwa itress. Offer A fries, a baked
potato, or salad w ith the stea k or tuna. You begin with
Are you ready to order?
A T here i a problem w ith your order. Ex pl ain it to the
B Apologize, and try to solve the problem.
British and American English
check = American English
bill = British English
Look at the Social E n glish p hrases. Can you
re rne mbe r a ny of the m issing wo rd s?
Social English phrases
t ell me, Rob .. .
Rob Well, to
with .. .
Rob Do you have any
Rob That would
we have the check (bill), please?
Jenny Excuse me, I think there's a _ _ _,
Jenny OK,
to go.
f Swap roles.
2 12>)) Watch or listen a nd com plete t he phrases.
Watch o r listen aga in and re peat t he phrases. How do
you say them in your language?
Canyou ...?
D order food in a restaurant
D explain when there is a problem with your food,
the bill, etc.
[ ' ask what somebody is going to do today
G present perfect + yet, just, already
V housework, make or do?
P /j/ and /dy
Yes, I've just
done it.
housework, make or do?
a Look at the de finition of t eetw[Jer. How do you
pronounce it? Do you have a similar word in your
la nguage ro describe a person of that age?
a Look aga in at the highlighted phrases fro m
the text. Which three are connected w ith
a person who is
between 13 a nd 19 years old
b Read the article about sorne annoying habits.
Write P if you think the sentence is a parent
talking about teenage rs, or T if you th ink it
i a teenager talking about his f her pare nts .
present perfect +yet, just, already
Simon Fry
They come into my room
and then are
surprised to see things they don't really want to know about.
Rachel Black
when I'm telling them something
really 1mportant and they say "Yeah. yeah I heard you~.
Of course t ey didn't
c C ompare with a partner. Do you agree?
d Look at the highlighted ve rbs and verb phra es. With a partner,
say what you think they mean .
p.l54 Vocabulary Bank Housework,
make or do?
Teenagers have annoying habits but so do their parents!
Do any of the pare nts' o r teenagers' hab its annoy you? Which o nes?
2 15>)) Look at the pictures. W hat do you
think the peo ple a re arguing about? Listen
and check.
b Listen again and com plete the dia logue
with a past participle from the list.
2 19 l)) Listen a nd repeat the picture words and sounds.
cleaned done dried
finished looked seeA
1 A Have you seen
my yellow jumper?
I can't find it.
_ _ _ in your
B No, I haven't. Have you
A Of course I have. What's that under your
B Oh, yes. I remember now. I borrowed it.
2 A
Why aren't you doing your homework?
I've already
Really? When?
I did it on the bus this evening.
3 A
Have you - - _ yet?
I need the bathroom now.
_ _ my hair yet.
But I haven't
Well, hurry up then.
4 A Can you get a plate for that sandwich?
I've just
t he floor.
B OK. Oops- too late. Sorry!
d )>-Communication Has he done it yet? p.lOl.
l)) It hasn't rained.
haven't finished.
<;;;!'s rained.
r_ _
2 22 l)) Li ten to the firs t part of a
radio programme about tee nage
carers. Answer the questions.
I What reputation do teenagers have?
2 What do thousands o f teenagers
have to do?
3 How many hours do they have to
help a week?
2 23 l)) ow Iis te n to the rest of the
programme. In what way a re the two
tee nage rs unus ua l? Do they feel positive
o r negative about their Lives?
Liste n again a nd answer w ith
A (Alice), D (Da niel), or
B (both of the m).
e )>- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn mo re
about the present perfect and practise it.
l)) I've f inished.
2 21 l)) Lis ten. Say what's just ha ppe ned.
d Underline the sentences with just, yet, and
already in d ia logues 2- 4. What do you thin k
2 18l)) Li te n and ma ke the 1±1 sentences
negative a nd t he El sentences positive.
Practise say ing these sentences.
I've just bought Jane a jumper and a jacket.
Have you worn your new uniform yet?
a a specific time in the past
b a non-specific ti me (i.e. sometime between
the past and now)
2 20 l)) Put the words in the ri ght column . Li te n a nd check.
T hen listen a nd repeat t he words.
just yet Jumper yellow change teenager
new uniform year student enjoy
beautiful jacket young bridge argue
c Look at the first two questio ns in dia logue 1.
Are they abo ut. .. ?
they mean?
Who ...?
looks after their mother
looks after their brother and sister
does a lot of housework
can't cook
doesn't live with their father
gives their mother a massage
is sometimes angry with their friends
never goes out without their phone
d Do you know any teenage rs like Alice
and Da niel? What do they do?
G present perfect or past simple? (1)
V shopping
P cand ch
W ith a partner, w ri te down th e names of
three fas hio n desig ners. W hat nationality
are they? Do they desig n m o re fo r men o r
fo r wo me n? What kind o f thi ngs does their
compa ny ma ke?
Read the introductio n to an inter view and
look at t he pho tos. Do you like the clo thes?
Read the inter view. Complete the ga ps with A- F.
A I absolutely hated dressing as a man.
B I really understand how women wa nt to feel.
C My boyfriend at that time was very lucky.
D My feet were killing me!
E The only things I enjoyed there were art and sewing.
F They are so chic, and their sense of colour is so natural to them.
Look at the highlig hted wo rds and ph rases related to fas hio n and
sho pping, a nd g uess their m ean ing.
LINDKA CIERACH is a fashion designer. She makes very exclusive
clothes for women. She has made clothes for many celebrities including
members of the British royal family, for example Kate Middleton and Sarah
Ferguson, whose wedding dress she designed, and actresses like Helen Mirren.
. ot at a ll! \\' hen I was at school I had
pro blems reading, and later I was
cliag no ed as d y Iex ie. 1_ _ A fter school
I did a . ccrctaria l cou r c and then I got
a job at Vogue magaz ine. I loved it, a nd
there I realized that what J wanted to do
was desig n clothes.
Being a fema le desig ner ha s many
a dva ntages. 2_ _ 1\ ly cuswmcTs lca\"C
the studio feeling a m illion dolla rs!
Probably the Ita lian s. 3
I hate fancy dress pa nics. But I can
remember one, when I was Le n.
:\ Iy mot her made me a nd my younger
istcr eire . a s a bride a nd bridegroom
l was the bridegroom! 4 _ _
. ever, tha nk goodnc s!
I'm lucky because I
ca n choose from a
la rge selection of our
Collection each sea. on !
I've nc\·cr fa llen ove r, but once I had to take
off my shoes in the middle of a reception a t the
House or Lorcl ! 5_ _
I walked out into the street in hare fi:et and
j umped into a taxi!
Yes, I have .
It was when I was studying at the London
College of Fa hion. I desig ned my fir 1 :\ len·
'N ca r collection - shins, trou crs a nd kat her
j acket. . 6_ _ He didn't need tO buy any
clo the tha t yea r!
.-- - - - -- - - --,
bride I bridegroom a woman I
rn a n on t he day o f her I his wedd ing
The House of Lords the second
house of the British Parlia ment
present perfect or past simple?
a How is c prono unced in these word s? Put them
in the right row.
a Look at t he last four questions
in the inter view. Answer with
a partner.
account auct ion cinema city click
clothes credit card customer proceed
receipt shopping centre
Which questions are about
ex periences sometime in
Lindka's life?
2 Which questions a re about a
pecific moment in Lindka's past?
3 What does ever mean in the
questions that begin Have you ever... ?
b )o- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4B. Learn
more about the present perfect a nd
past simple a nd prac tise them .
2 26>)) Listen to four people answering the question Have y ou
ever botJBhtsomethinB that you've neveriVom? What did they
buy? Write 1- 4 in the boxes. (There is one item you don't need.)
D a coat
D ome trousers 0
some sports clothes
a s kirt
a hi rt
b Listen again. What was the problem with the clothes? Write
1-4 in the boxes.
2 31>)) How is dt u ua lly pronounced? Liste n
and ~ the two words where ch is pronounced
differently. How is it pronounced in these word ?
changing rooms cheap checkout
chemist 's chic choose
d Practise saying the wo rds in a and c.
a Complete the questions with the past pa r tici ple
o f the verb.
Have you ever _ _ (buy) or
anything on eBay? What? Did you pay o r get
a good price?
bought something online. but d idn't li ke the clothes when
they ar rived.
2 Have you ever _ _ (buy) something on.l ine
and had a problem with it? W hat was it?
What did you do?
bought the clothes too quick ly and later didn't like them .
wanted to look I ike a famo us singer, bur looked I ike
3 Have you ever __ (have) an a rgument with
a shop assistant? What was it about?
suddenly didn't need the new clothes any more.
4 Have you ever _ _ (try) to change something
withom the receipt? Were you successful ?
5 Have you ever accidenta lly _ _ (take)
someth ing from a shop without paying?
What did you take? W hat happened?
4 VOCABULARY shopping
6 Have you ever _ _ (buy) shoes without
trying them on? D id they fit?
2 27>)) Listen to some sentences from the liste nin g.
Complete the gaps w ith one wo rd. With a partner, say what
the highli ghted phrases mean.
7 Have you ever _ _ (Bet) to the s upermarket
checkout and then found you didn't have
enough money? Wh at d id you do?
I I remember when I was in the
room I thought they
looked fantastic.
it on cBay.
things on .
I hate clothes s hopping and I never
I didn't have the receipt, so I couldn't
it back.
from a website that has cheap
Well, I bought it
b )o- p.lSS Vocabulary Bank Shopping.
-. nake
c Have you ever bought something that you've never worn ?
What was it?
2 30>)) Listen and check. W hen is c pronounced /~/?
This person ...
8 Have you ever _ _ (lose) your credit card?
Where did you lose it? Did you get it back?
As k o the r student questio n 1. Try to find
somebody who says Yes, I have. Then as k them
the past simple questio ns . D o the same for
ques tions 2-8.
G something, anything, nothing, etc.
V adjectives e nding -ed a nd -ing
P /e/, /'dO/, and /tJ
Did you do
anything at t he
weekend? No, nothing.
1 didn't do
3 PRONUNCIATION lei, !'dol, and !tJ
2 32>)) Li ten to a news story about Sve n .
How did he s pend his wee ke nd?
b Lis te n again a nd a nswer the questions.
1 What does Sven do?
2 What fl oor was his office on?
3 What happened when he first
pressed the li ft butto n?
4 How did he try to get help?
5 W here did Sven's w ife thi nk he
6 How did Sven get out o f the li ft
on Monday mornin g? How d id
he feel?
7 W hat is Sven going to do every
day now?
W hat sound do the pink letters make? Write a , b , or c .
obody knows whe re he goes.
Somebody's coming to lunch.
3 ~ I never said anything.
D I've done noth ing since Sunday.
D Don't tell a nybody about the message.
There's nowhere to go except home.
2 35>)) Liste n and check. Practise saying the sente nces.
2 36>)) Liste n a nd a nswer t he questio ns.
>)) What did you buy? 0 othing I didn't buy anything
c H ave you (or has anyone you know) ever had
a imi lar experience? What happened?
a People in the UK have boring weekends.
b People who use Facebook have more exciting weekends.
c People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend.
something, any thing, nothing, etc.
2 33>)) Look at three sentences fro m the
story. C an you reme m be r the m issing
words? Listen and check.
Read the art icle once. Wh at is the best sum ma ry?
b Read the a rticle aga in . W it h a pa rtne r, choose a, b, or c.
1pressed rhe burton aga in, bur _ __
2 The police couldn't find him ___.
3 T hey pho ned the emergency number and
___ came and repa ired the lift.
The survey has s hown that 25% o f people ...
a have very exciting weekends.
b lie about their weekend .
c go out on a Satu rday night.
2 30% of the peo ple they interviewed ...
a needed to go to work at the weekend .
b had a very tiring week.
c didn't want to go out at the weekend .
3 Some people don't tell the truth about their weekend because . ..
a their real weekend is very boring.
b they don't wa nt to make their friends jealous.
c they forget what they have done.
4 Social netwo rking sites make people ...
a s pend more time on the computer.
b try to make their lives seem more exciting.
c be more truthful about their lives.
b Complete t he ru le w it h p eople , places, o r
things .
I Use something, anythin[J, and nothing
for ___.
2 Use somebody, anybody, and nobody
for ___.
3 Use somewhere, arly1vltere, and noiV!tere
fo r ___.
c )o-- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4C. Learn more
about som.ethin[J, any thin[J, nothin[J, etc. a nd
practise them .
Do you think a survey in your country would have similar results?
WHAT DID YOU 13#!1-fi
The next time a friend or colleague tells you about
their fantastic weekend, wait a moment before you
start feeling jealous - maybe they are inventing it all!
Look at the questions in b . Pla n your answers. Answer
them truthfully, but in vent one answ er tO ma ke your
weekend sound more exciting.
Inter view each other with tbe questions. T ry to guess
wh ich answe r yo ur partner invented.
• Did you go anywhere exciting on Friday night?
• Did you do anything in the house (cleaning, etc.) on
Saturday morning?
• Did you work or study at all?
• What did you do on Saturday night?
• Did you go anywhere nice on Sunday?
• What did you have for lunch?
• Did you do anything relaxing in the afternoon?
adject ives ending -ed and -ing
Look at these two adjectives in the text: tired in line 13
a nd tirin[J in li ne 19. Which one descr ibes how you
feel? W hich one describe th in gs and situatio ns?
2 37>)) ~ the right adjective in questio ns 1.- 10.
Listen and check. How do you ay the adjectives?
I Do you thi nk Sundays are usually bored I bori118?
2 Are you bored I borirtB with your job or studies?
3 W hat kind o f weather makes you feel depressed I
depress inB?
4 W hy do yo u think the news is often depressed I
5 W hat activity do you find most relaxed I relaxin[J?
6 Do you usually feel relaxed I relax ina at the end of the
weekend? Why (not)?
7 W hat is the most interested I interestinB book you've
read recently?
8 What sports are you i11terested I interestinB in?
9 Are you excited I excitinB about your next holiday?
10 What's the most excited I excitin[J sports match you've
ever wa tched?
survey of 5,000 adults in the UK has shown that one
person in four invents details about their weekend
because they want to impress their friends. When they
are asked, 'Did you have a good weekend?' they don't like to
s say that they just stayed at home and watched TV, because it
sounds boring. So they invent the details. The most common
lie that people told was 'I went out on Saturday night', when
really they didn't go anywhere. Other common lies were 'I had
a romantic meal', 'I went to a party', and 'I went away for the
10 weekend'.
In fact. in the survey, 30% of people who answered the
questions said that they spent their weekend sleeping or
resting because they were so tired at the end of the week.
Another 30% said that they needed to work or study at
Io the weekend. Psychologist Corinne Sweet says that people
often don't tell the truth about their weekend 'because we
don't want to feel that everyone else is having a better time
than us, if we have had a boring weekend doing housework,
paperwork, or just resting after a tiring week at work'. She also
lO believes that networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
may be encouraging us to invent details about our social lives.
'People can create an illusion of who they want to be and the
life they want to live,' says Corinne, 'and of course they want
that life to seem exciting.'
Ask and an swer t he questio ns with a partner. G ive
more information if you ca n.
If You Love Somebody Set Them Free ~
b Complete wi th make or do.
Q a , b,or c.
I How lo ng ___ to stay in Italy?
a doyou go b areyou going c you aregoing
l rh ink ___ raintonight.
a it's goi ng b it goes to c it's going to
T hey _ __ to get married until next year.
a aren't going b don't go c not goi ng
I ___ to the cinema after class this evening.
a go b am going c going go
A What titne
tomo rrow? B At 8.00.
a you leave b do you leaving c are you leaving
lives nex t door to Alice.
He's the man
a who b which c w here
Is that the shop ___ sells Italian food?
a w ho b wh ich c where
A ___ your bed? B No, I'm going to do it now.
a Have you made
b H ave you make
c Has you made
A HasA nnearrived
B No, but she's on her way.
a yet b just c already
10 _ __ already seen this film ! Let's change channels.
a We're b We haven't c We've
11 A ___ been to Africa? B No, never.
a Have you ever b Did you ever c Were you ever
12 A When
those shoes? B Last week.
a do you buy b have you bought c d id you buy
13 I've never
thi s coat. It's too sm a ll.
a wear b worn c wore
14 There's ___ at the door. Can you go and o pen it please?
a someth ing b someone c somew here
I 5 I do n't want ___ to eat, thanks. I'm not hun gry.
a nothing b anything c something
___ the washing-up
an exam
a noise
Complete the missing words .
1 Dinner's ready. Please co uld you 1___ the table.
2 I'll cook if you do the w ___ -up.
3 Where are the cha nging rooms? I wa nt to tr_ __
o _ __ this sweater.
4 1f you want to take something back to a shop, you need
to have the r ___.
5 These shoes do n't f___ me. They're too sma ll .
6 T he flight to Berlin is now leaving fro m G ___ 12.
7 If you have a lo t ofluggage, you can find a tr _ __
over there.
8 First you need to go to the ch ___-i___ desk
where you get your boardi ng pass.
9 Intern ati onal fl ights depart fro m T _ __ 2.
10 There are I_ _ _ to the first and second floors.
d Q
the righ t adjective.
I This exercise is really bored I borin[J.
2 I never feel relaxed I relaxiii(J the day before I go o n
3 It was a ve ry excited I excitinB match.
4 Jack is a bit depressed I depressinB. He lost his job.
5 Are you interested I interestinB in an?
a Q
the word w ith a different sou nd .
M o nday
so mething
tro lley
wo rry
chem ist
Complete w ith a prepositio n .
1 We arrived _ _ _ Prague at 7. 15.
2 I' m corn ing! Wait ___ m e.
3 What did you ask ___, meat or fish?
chan ge
4 A Are you going to buy the flat?
B I don't know. lt depends _ _ _ the price.
5 How much did you pay ___ those shoes?
b U nderline the stressed syllable.
1 A rr i vals
2 o pposite
3 tee na ger
4 deli ve ry
5 a rra ngc menr
Read t be a rticle. What were thieves s tealing in
a) Sweden b) Denmark? Answer the questio ns below.
W here did the first robbery take place?
W ho were th e thieves and w hat d id they steal?
W ho helped the po lice to solve the crime?
How lo ng does it take to get fro m Malmo to
Copen hagen?
Why were ro bberies taking place in bo th cities?
Did the po lice catch the thieves?
Why is it easier to stea l fro m many sto res these days?
Why is it not a so lution to a k D an i h hoes sho p to
display the left shoe?
b Look at the h ighl ighted words o r phrases in the text.
G uess their m eanin g fro m the co ntext . C heck w ith
your teacher o r w ith a dictio na ry.
Shoe shops discover
matching crimes
wedish fictional detectives like Wa llander and
Li ·beth Salander a rc famou · wo rldwide. But recently
real-life Swedi h police were completely pu11 lcd by
a mysterio us crime. Somebod y was tcaling ex pensive
designer shoes from shoe shops in Sweden- but not pa irs of
shoes, only the left shoes, the o nes which were o n display.
The fi rst robber) took place in a shopping ma ll in Malmo,
Sweden's th ird-large t city. Staff at a hoe sho p saw two men
stealing at their bo utique. T hey escaped with e1·en left shoes
which- if paired with the right hoes - we re worth £900.
In the end it was sho p assista nts who pointed th e po lice
in the right directio n- to Denma rk, where sho p ·
traditio nall y d isplay the right shoe in the ir sho p windo w·.
"We noticed that left shoes we re disappea rin g in the past,
but we neve r caught the thie1es," said a sho p assistant.
" ince we know that Da nish sto res display the right
shoes, we thought that the match ing shoes we re probably
disappea ri ng as we ll in stores in Denma rk ." Ma lmo, ho me
to 125 shoe sho ps, is o n ly a 30-minute tra in ri de away
from Copenhagen, wh ich ha sneral hundred ho ps, and
ma ny bra nds a re so ld in bo th cities.
Yesterday police finally a nno unced that they had arrested
the men respo nsible for the ro bberies. But Ms j ohansso n,
i a s,,·edish shoe sho p owner, fears th at hoe sho p ro bberies
"'~ will increase this year. "Shoes are attractive to steal- th ey
~ are easy to move a nd easy to sell a nd they have beco me very
~ ex pensive lately. Also many stores have cut the number of
~ shop assistants they employ."
g Police in Ma lmo have th ought of asking Da nish hoe sho ps
~ to also display the le ft shoe. But this won't work. All the
thieve will have to do is move to Germa ny - where they
~ also display the right shoe...
2 39 >)) In the s tree t Watch or liste n to five peo ple
a nd a nswer the questio n .
a to get a plane to Londo n
b to ge t a plane to Fran kfurt
c to meet a fr iend from Frankfurt
To night Gurjot i ___ .
a seeing a film
b going to a C hinese res tau rant
c meeti ng an o ld fr ie nd
Ellie ___ iro ni ng.
a hates b doe n't mi nd c likes
T he hoes A iise bo ught o nli ne ___.
a were th e w ro ng size
b never arri ved
c were a beauti ful colo ur
Last weekend Anya ___ .
a went to a fr iend's birthday party
b had d inner with a friend
c bo ught so methi ng for a friend's birthday
Do the tasks w ith a partne r. T ick (./) t he box if you ca n
d o them .
Can you ... ?
ta lk about three plans you have fo r next mo nth
using Boi11g to, and ma ke three pred ictio ns
D say three thi ngs you have already do ne o r haven't
say th ree arrangements you have fo r tomo rrow
using the pre ent co ntinuo us
ex plain what the fo llowing three wo rds mea n,
using expressions fo r paraphrasing:
a a thief b asho ppi ng ma ll c a hoe
do ne yet today
Pau I went to th e air po rt ___.
ask a partner th ree questions abo ut h isfher
experiences using ever. Answer yo ur partner 's
questio n
say three sentences using somethinB, anywhere, and
[ ] Short films Shopping in the UK
Watch and enjoy a film on iTutor.
G comparative adjectives and adverbs, as ... as
V time expressions: spend time, etc.
P sentence stress
Are we living
1 READING & VOCABULARY time expressions
Read a n article about li ving fas ter a nd m atch the head ings to the
paragraph .
[] No time for Snow White
D No time to write
D No time t o wait
[J More time on t he road
No time for Van Gogh
No time to stop
b Read t he a rticle aga in. One pa ragraph
contains an invented piece of information.
W h ich one i it?
Look at t he hig hl ighted t ime expressions
and g uess their m eaning.
In pairs, cover the text a nd look at tbe
paragr ap h head ings in a. Ca n you remem ber
t he info rmatio n in th e text? H ave you
noticed a ny of t hese t hings happen ing where
you live?
Look at a q ue t io nnai re abo ut living faster.
ln pa irs, ask a nd a nswer the q uestions.
Answe r w ith often, sometimes, or never and
give mo re info r matio n .
iving faster,
~____,......_,~~ut re
iving better?
People in cities around the world walk 10% more quickly than they did
twenty years ago. Singapore, a world business centre, is top of the list
for fast walkers.
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for
children. These are shorter versions of traditional stories, especially
written for busy parents who need to save time.
How fast is your Life?
Do people tell you that you talk too
People aren't as patient as they were in the past. If the lift takes more
than 15 seconds to arrive, people get very impatient because they
think they're wasting time. It's exactly the same when an Internet
page does not open immediately.
2 Do you get impatient when other people
are talking?
3 Are you the first person to finish at
Written communication on the internet is getting shorter and shorter
and using more and more abbreviations, like BFN (bye for now) or NP
(no problem). Twitter only allows you to use 140 characters, and now a
new social networking site has a limit of just ten words.
.4 When you are walking along a street, do
you feel frustrated when you are behind
people who are walking more slowly?
5 Do you get irritable if you sit for an hour
without doing anything, e.g. waiting for the
Even in our free time we do things in a hurry. Twenty years ago when
people went to art galleries they spent ten seconds looking at each
picture. Today they spend much less time - just three seconds!
6 Do you walk out of shops and restaurants
if there is a queue?
Our cars are faster, but the traffic is worse, so we drive more slowly.
The average speed of cars in New York City is 15 km/ h. We spend
more time than ever sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we
aren't going to arrive on time.
)lo- Communication How fast is your life?
p.lOl. R ead t he re ults. Do you agree?
2 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives
and adverbs, as... as
a Look at the following wo rds from the text. Are
they adjective . adverbs, o r both?
a T hink about how your life ha changed over the last 3- 5 years.
Read the questio ns below a nd think about your a nswers.
Do you spend more or less time on these things? Say why.
quickly fast busy patient
bad slowly stressed
wo rking or studying
getting t o work / school
sitting in traffic
tal king to friends
meeting friends
being online
~ the right fo rm . T ick (wf) if both a rc
l Life is fa ster l 111orejast than before.
2 Traffic in citie i 1110re bad I worse tha n it wa
3 Eve rybody is busyer I busiu than they were fi ve
years ago.
4 We are more stressed I stresseder than our
grandparents were.
5 We do everything more quickly !Jaster.
6 People aren't as patie11t as I as patient tha11 they
were before.
2 Do you have more o r less f ree time? Why?
3 What don't you have time for nowadays? What would you
Like to have more time for?
b Answer the questions with a partner. Who e li fe has changed
mo re?
> p.l34 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about
compa rati ve a nd as ... as and practi e them .
a You're going to listen to a n ex pert talking about how to live
your life mo re slowly. Look at her five ma in t ips(= good ideas).
G ues what the missing wo rd s are.
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
using your phone
using your compu t er
Whatever you are doing, just try tO _
Exa mple: _ _ __
2 Make alist o fthree things whichare
The /;, sound
Remember! -er, and unstressed words like a, as,
and than have the sound ::> .
and enjoy it.
for you.
Example: - - - - - - - - 3 Don't try to do _ ____ at the a rne time.
Example: _ _ __
4 Sir down a nd do ___ for half a n hour every day.
2 41>)) Li ten a nd repeat the sentences. Copy the
!fu'.thm a nd try to get the ';;, sound right.
busier than .! ear ago.
life i'> more stressful r ha n in the ast.
3 1work harder than before.
4 1walk a nd talk faster.
5 I'm not ,,s relaxed .ts 1was a few years agQ.
Exa mple: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 5 Be near
Exa mple: _ __ _ _ __
2 M}
2 42>)) Listen a nd check. T he n li ten again a nd w rite one
example fo r each ti p.
Are there any tips tha t you think you might use? Why (no t)?
b Are any o f the e m ences rrue for you?
G superlatives(+ ever+ present perfect)
V describing a tow n or city
P word and sentence stress
What did you
think of Rio?
It's the most
beautiful cit y I've
ever been to.
1 GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)
M atch the photos a nd cit ies. W h ich Eu ropean countries a re t he cit ies in?
W hat do you know about them ? Have you been to any of them?
b R ead the a rticle a nd complete it w ith the citie in a .
Travel survey gives its verdict on European cities
ondon is the dirtiest city in Europe says a new
survey by travel website TripAdvisor, but it has
the best public parks and the best nightlife .
According to the survey of almost 2,400 travellers ...
_ __ _ is the most romantic city.
2 _ _ _ _ is the cleanest city.
has the best-dressed people.
4 _ _ _ _ has the best architecture.
5 _ _ _ _ is the friendliest city.
' Europe's big cities all
have their highs and lows,
but they offer travellers
a huge variety of culture
and sights within very
short distances, '
said a Tri pAdvisor
Look at l- 5 in t he sur vey in b . T h ink about your country or continent.
W hich cities wou ld you c hoose?
d Look at the b o ld superlat ive adject ives in the survey. How do you make the
s uperlative of. . .?
1 a one-syllable adjective
2 a two-syllable adjective that end s in -y
3 a th ree-syllable adjective
4 BOOd and bad
> p.l34 Grammar Bank 58. Learn more about superlatives and practise them.
2 PRONUNCIATION word and sentence stress
U nde rl ine the stressed syllable in t he b o ld adjectives.
W hat's the most b eau t iful city you've ever been to?
Wha t's the most expen sive th ing you've ever bought?
W ho's the most impa tie nt person you know?
Who's the most gen e ro us person in your fam ily?
W hat's the most fr igh t ening film you've ever seen ?
W hat's t he most exciting sport you've ever done?
W hat's the most interest in g book you've read recently?
W hat's the most romantic restaura nt you've ever been to?
2 44>)) Listen a nd check. Listen agai n and repeat the quest ions. Copy the
W hich wo rd s a re stressed ?
~th m .
Work with a pa rtner. A answer question I wit h a sentence. B ask for more
information. Swap roles fo r questio n 2 , etc.
The most beautiful city I've ever been to is Rio de Janeir~ 0hen did you go there?
a Read the art icle. In pa irs, a nswer the q ues tio ns.
2 45>)) o w listen to T im M oore ta lking abo ut w hat
hap pe ned in Lo ndo n. H ow well does Lo nd o n do in
each test?
Li ten aga in a nd a n wer tb e q ue ti o ns.
I W hat are the three rests?
2 Do you th ink they a re good o nes?
3 \! hich city do yo u think will be the friend liest J
mo t unfriendly?
The photo test
I W ho d id he a k first?
2 W hat did t he person say?
3 W ho did he ask next? What happened?
All capital cities
are unfriendly
The shopping test
-t Where wa the tourist sho p?
5 How much d id the bu and key r ing cost?
6 How much did he give the man?
7 Did he get the r ight change?
or are they?
The accident test
8 W here d id he do the accident test?
9 Did a nyone help him ?
10 What d id the man say?
ig cities often haYe a
reputatio n fo r being
rude, un fr iend ly
places for tourists. Sunday
Times journalist Tim Moore
went to four cities, London,
Rome, Paris, and . em
rork, to find out if this is
true. He went d ressed as
a foreign tourist and d id
three (not very scientific!)
tests to see which city
had the friendliest and
most polite inhabitants.
The three tests were:
c T hink abo ut th e n ea rest big city to w he re yo u live.
Imag ine yo u did t he t h ree tes ts there . What do yo u
thi n k wo uld happen? Is it a fr ie ndly c ity?
5 VOCABULARY describing a town or cit y
a T hin k about ho w to a nswer these questio ns about
w here you live. Compar e with a partner.
• Do you live in a village,
a town, or a city?
1 The photo test
• Where is it?
Tim asked people in the str eet t o take his phot o (not just
one photo, bu t several - wit h his hat, wit hout
his hat, et c.). Did he f ind someon e t o do it ?
• How big is it?
• What's the popu lation?
• What's it like?
2 The shopping test
Tim bo ught so mething in a shop and gave the shop
assistant t oo much money. Did the shop assistant give
back the extra money?
3 The accident test
p.l56 Vocabulary Bank Describing a town or city.
~ p.l14 Writ ing Describing where you live. Write a
descri ptio n o f the place where yo u Live.
Ti m pretended t o fa ll over in th e stre et . Did anybody
com e and help him?
b )o- Communication The friendliest city A p.l 02
B p.l07 C p.llO. Read abo ut w hat happe ned in
ew Yo rk, Pa r i , and Ro m e.
2 49>))
SONG Nobody Does It Better I'
G quantifiers, too, not enough
V health and the body
P /AI, /u:!, /a1/, and lei
I watch too
much TV.
With a partner, answer the questions below.
Do you drink coffee? How many cups do you drink a day?
What kind of coffee? What time do you drink your last cup
of the day?
How much time do you spend a day in the sun ...?
a in the winter
b in the summer
c when you're on holiday
Do you always wear sunscreen?
Do you play a lot of video or computer games? What are
your favourite games? How much time do you spend a
week playing them?
How often do you eat chocolate? What kind of chocolate
do you prefer- milk, white, or dark?
How many hours a day do you watch TV ... ?
a during the week
b at weekends
What kind of programmes do you watch regularly?
b Do you think any of your habits are unhea lthy?
Read the a rt icle once. Does it chan ge w hat you think
about your a nswers to the questionnaire?
b Read the article again. Look at the highlighted words
related to health a nd the body. Match them to a picture
or definition.
4 noHn it covers the outside of a person's body
5 verb to stop sth from happe ning
6 IIOLIII sth which ma kes you unwell
7 adj feeling worried or ner vous
Everything BAD
is M•I•l•l for you
COFFEE We all know that a cup of coffee helps to wake you
up in the morning, but several studies show that drinking coffee
helps to prevent some illnesses like diabetes and Parkinson's
disease. Expert s say that you can safely drink three cups of
espresso during the day, bur if you drink too much coffee it can
make you feel anxious or keep you awake at night.
SUNLIGHT Spending a long time in the sun is dangerous
and can give you skm cancer. But on the other hand, not
spending enough time in the sun is also bad for you, as sunlight
helps us to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is important for strong
bones and a healthy immune system, and it also makes people
feel happier. Nowadays many people don't get enough sunlight
because they wear sunscreen all the time, especially on their
faces. However, don't spend too long in the sun- 15 minutes a
day without sunscreen is a healthy amount, and not at midday.
COMPUTER GAMES You probably worry about how
much time you or your children waste playing computer games.
But in fact some studies show that these games can help us learn
important skills. It seems that computer games stimulate the
brain and that people who often play them are probably better
at solving problems and making quick decisions. But don't
spend too many hours in front of the computer- not
more than about two hours a day.
2 SOl)) Listen and check. Practise say ing the word s.
ow cover the text. Ca n you remember ... ?
what is good about coffee, s unlight, and computer
ga mes
2 what you need to be careful abo ut
IAI, /u:/, /a1/, and /c/
2 Sl l)) With a partner, decide in w hat ways you think
chocolate a nd watchin g TV could be good for you.
Listen to a radio programme a nd check your a nswers.
Cross our the word with a diffe re nt pronunciatio n .
eno ugh
qu ire
d iet
hea lthy
f Listen aga in. Answe r the q uest io ns.
I What docs chocolate have in commo n with red wine?
2 What kind of chocolate is a) good for yo u b) no t good
fo r yo u?
3 How are TV series different fro m the o nes 20 yea rs
ago? Why is this good for us?
4 W hat can we lea rn fro m reality TV shows?
g Do the article a nd the rad io prog ra mme make you feel
happier abo ut your Ii festyle?
I l
no ne
2 54l)) Lis te n a nd check. Practi e ay ing th e words .
As k and answer th e qu es tio ns w ith a pa rtner. Say why.
Do you think_ .... ...,
No~ really. I only read school
you read enou~ ~books, not for pleasure.
3 GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enough
a Ca n you remember how to use 11wch, many, etc? In
pairs, choo e the correct word o r phrase for each
sentence. Say why the o ther one is w ro ng.
I How much I many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
2 I don't pend much I many time in the sun .
3 I eat a lot of l ma11y chocolate.
4 Drinking aJew I a little red wine can be good fo r yo u.
5 I on ly have aJew I a little computer ga mes.
6 My parents read a lot I a lot of
b Loo k at some sentences from the reading and listening.
Match th e bold phrases in 1 and 2 to meanings A and B.
I Don't eat too m uch chocolate or too m any sweets if
you don't want tO put o n weight.
Don~ s pendtoo lo ng inthesun .
owadays many people don 't ger enough sun light.
We are not active e nough .
A less than you need o r than is good fo r you
B mo re than you need o r than is good fo r you
c Look agai n at the sentences with enouBh.
W hat's the positio n of e11ou8h a) with a no un
b) with an adjecti ve?
d )>- p.l34 Grammar Bank SC. Learn more
about qu antifiers, too, and not enouBh
and practise them.
Do you think you ...?
read enough
eat enough fruit and vegetables
do enough sport or exercise
drink enough water
have enough free time
eat too mu ch fast food
spend too much time online
spend too much money on things you don't need
work o r s tudy too many hours
have t oo many clothes
do too much housework
The wrong shoes
2 VOCABULARY shopping
Do the qu iz wit h a part ner.
1 What four letters do you often see in clothes which tell
you the size?
2 What do t he letters mean?
3 What 's the name of the room where you can try on
4 What's the name of the piece of paper a shop assistant
gives you when you buy something?
5 How do you say these prices?
£25.99 75p $45 15c €12.50
2 55 >)) Watch or listen
Rob a nd Ho lly a nd a nswer
the quest ion .
What reason does Rob give for why he isn't in shape?
Why does he find it difficult ro eat less?
How does he keep fit in London?
Why doesn't he do the same in ew York?
How does Jenny keep fit?
Wbatdoe Hollythink aboutt hi?
What does Holly suggest that Rob could do?
W hat does Rob need to do first?
British and American English
sneakers = American English; t rainers = British English
store= American English; shop= British English
2 56 >)) Look at t he box o n making suggestio ns. Liste n
and repeat the phrases.
Making suggestions with Why don't you... ?
A Why don't you get a bike?
B That's a good idea, but I'm only here for a month.
A Why don't you come and play basketball?
B That's a great idea!
c -
Practi e ma kin g uggestio ns with a partne r.
A You have prob lems remernbering Engli sh vocabu lary.
Tell B.
B Make two suggestio ns.
A Respond. lf you do n't thi n k it's a good idea, say why.
d Swap roles.
B You a re a foreigner in A's country. You have problems
meeting new people.
2 57 >)) Cover the dialogue a nd watch o r listen. Answer
the que t io ns.
What's the problem with Rob's trai ners?
2 What does he do in the end?
b Watch o r li ten agai n. Complete the You H ear phra es.
>)) You Hear You Say
Can I help you, sir?
Yes. Do you have these in an
, I'll go and check.
Just a
Here you are, these are an eight.
Do you want to
them on?
They're $83.94.
Yes, but there's an added
sales tax of _ _ %.
No, thanks. I'm sure they'll be
fine. How much are they?
Oh, it says $72.99.
Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard?
Can I help you?
Yes, I remember. Is there a
Yes, I bought these about half
an hour ago.
Yes, I'm afraid they're too small.
are they?
They're an eight. But I t ake a UK
Oh right. Yes, a UK eight is a US nine.
2 59 >)) W atch or li ten and e
the right
I Rob went to Boston I Brooklyn.
2 He shows I doesn't show Jenny hi new
Do you have a pair?
trainer .
I'll go and check. Just a minute.
, but we don't have these
in a nine. But we do have these and
price. Or you can
they're the
have a refund.
3 Jenny goe running every mominB I eveniHB
in C entral Park.
4 She wants to go runnin g w ith h im at
Erm ...l'll take this pair then,
5 Rob t hi nks it's too early I late.
6 They agree to meet at 6.45 17. 15.
7 H olly think Rob has I does11't have a lot of
- - --
No problem. Do you have
Yes, here you are.
b L ook at the Soci al E nglish phrases. Can
you remember any of th e missing word s?
We often use a pair to talk about plural clot hes, e.g. a pair of shoes,
Social English phrases
Rob Have you
a good day?
Jenny Oh, you
. Meetings!
Jenny Why _ _ you come with me?
Rob Can we
it a bit later?
, seven forty-five?
make it seven fifteen.
trainers, boots, jeans, trousers, etc.
2)58 >)) Watch o r li t en and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the
ffixthm .
d Practise t he dialogue w ith a partner.
e •
I n pai rs, rolepl ay t he dialogue.
A You're a custOmer. You bought some jean ye terd ay. T hey're too
2 60>)) Watch or listen and compl ete the
phra e .
Watch o r li st en again and repeat the phrases.
H ow do you ay them in you r language?
B You're a hop assi tant. You don't have the sa me jea n in A'
Offer A a di fferent pair or a refund. You begin w ith Can/ help you,
sir I madam?
Swap role .
B You're a customer. You bought some boot yesterday. They're too
A You're a shop assi tant. You don't have the a me boors i n B' i ze.
Offer B a different pair or a refund. You begin w ith Ca n / help you,
sir f madam?
Canyou ...?
make suggestions to do something
take something you have bought back to
t he shop
arrange a t ime t o meet somebody
G will I won't (predictions)
V opposite verbs
P 'II, won't
I'm doing
my driving test
You'll fail.
1 VOCABULARY opposite verbs
W ith a pa rtner, write t he o ppos ites o f these ve rbs.
win _ _ _
t urn on
3 S l)) Listen a nd repeat t he cont rac tio ns. Copy t he
remember _ __
start --=====~/:...=====:..__----
b )>-- p.157 Vocabulary Bank Opposite verbs.
2 GRAMMAR will I won't (predictions)
a Look at the cartoon.
wa nt
I wa nt to pa s.
pho ne
wo n't
I won't pass.
3 7 l)) Lis te n a nd w ri te six sente nces.
Look at the phrase bo ok app. Read the You S ay
phra es, then w rite the A Pessimist Says res po nses.
He won't pay you back. They'll be late. You won't pass.
'!"e're having the party
rn the garden.
ft!H--Faitr. They'll lose. You won't underst and a word.
You won't find a parking space. You'll break your leg.
I'll be late for work.
You'll break your leg.
She'll miss t he t rain.
It'll rain tomorrow.
They'll fail the exam.
3 6 l)) Listen. C an you hea r the diffe re nce?
W hich f is h is a n
o ptimist? W hy?
Ar e you an o ptimist
o r a pessimist?
I'll be late
You'll break
She'll miss
It'll rain
They'll fail
3 3 l)) Li sten a nd check. Re peat t he res po nse .
d Practise in pa irs. A (book o pen) read the You Say
phrases. B (book closed) ay the A P essimist Say s
respo n e . T hen swap roles.
Look at t he A Pessimis t Says phr ases aga in . Do they
refer to t he present o r the future?
)>-- p.l36 Grammar Bank 6A. Learn m o re abo ut
will f won't a nd practise the m.
g Imagine now that yo u ar e a n o ptimis t. W ith a partner
ma ke positive predictio ns to res po nd to t he You Say
entences in the phrase book.
1 It'll be a great eveninf!:]
2 I'm doing my driving
test this afternoon.
3 I'm having my first
skiing lesson today.
4 I've lent James some
5 I'm going to see a film
tonight in English.
6 ~ur team are playing
rn the cup tonight.
7 We're meeting Anna
and Daniel at 7.00.
8 We're going to drive to
the city centre.
Th e PessJmist
's Phrase Book
a Read an article about the actor Hugh Laurie. What
two things do Hugh Laurie and Dr House have in
3 8 >)) Lis ten to the introduction to a radio progra mme.
Why is positive thinking good fo r you?
b Try to g uess the missing w o rds in t hese callers' t ips.
Caller 1 L ive in t he ____, not in t he _ _ __
Caller 2 Think
th o ughts, not negative o nes.
Caller 3 D on't s pend a lo t of time readi ng the _ _ __
o r watchi ng the
Calle r 4
o n T V.
Every week make a list of a ll the _ _ __
_ _ that happened
to you.
Caller 5 Try to u e
when you
peak to other people.
3 9 >)) Lis ten and check.
d Li ste n again. Write d own any extra info rmatio n you
hear. Which tips do you th ink are useful? D o you have
a ny tips of your own ?
r"\R GREGORY HOUSE, the main character in the hit
LITv series House M.D., is famous for being a
pessimist. But it is not only Dr House who is a pessimist.
Hugh laurie, the actor who plays him, is a pessimist too.
laurie never thought that House M.D. was going to be a
success. Even after seven series he still feels pessimistic
about it. He said in a recent interview, "If we do a bad
show next week, they' ll soy, 'That's it. No more.' It'll just
stop. I am of course someone who is constantly expecting
a plane to drop on my head, if not today then tomorrow."
Like Dr House, laurie is also a talented musician and is
passionate about the blues. He recently went to New
Orleans to record an album in which he plays 15 of his
favourite songs. But of course he doesn't think that people
will like it.
A sk and answer with a pa rtner. Use a phrase from the
box and say why. Which of yo u is mo re o ptimi sti c?
Do you think ...
+ you'll have a nice weekend?
+ you'll pass your next
English exam?
+ you'll get a good (or
better) job in the future?
+ you'll get an interesting email or
message from someone
When he was asked on a TV show why he was so
pessimistic about life, laurie said it was because he is
Scottish. 'I definitely think that's where it comes from .'
+ you'll meet some new
Because o f his reputation as a pessimist, people always
talk to him about positive thinking. He says that complete
strangers come up to him in the street and say 'Cheer up,
mate, it'll never happen!'
+ you'll live to be 100?
+ you'll get to the end
b Read t he art icle again. Mark the sentences T (true) o r
F (fa lse). Say why.
I Hugh Laurie always thinks the worst w ill happen.
2 He t hinks they will make many more series o f
House M.D.
3 He doesn't th ink hi album w ill be uccessful.
4 He thinks that Scottish people are o ptimistic.
5 People often try to ma ke him feel happier.
c Have you seen any episodes of House M.D.? Do you
like ... ?
a the character b t he acto r
friends on your next
of t his book?
Responding to predictions
1hope so. I 1hope not.
I think so. I I don't thi nk so.
I doubt it.
Maybe. I Perhaps.
Probably (not).
Definitely (not ).
Do you think you'l~ _ _,..., ) ( . I ,~~pe so. I think the weather
have a nice week~ ~e good and...
G will I won't (decisions, offers, promises)
V verb+ back
P word stress: two-syllable verbs
It's a secret.
OK, I won't tell
will I won't (decisions, offers, promises)
a Look at the ca rtoons. What do you thin k the m issing
phra ses are?
3 lO l)) Listen a nd complete the gaps.
c Look at t he cartoon again . In which o ne does
somebody... ?
promise to do somethi ng
decide ro have somet hing
0 offer to do someth ing
> p.136 Grammar Bank 68. Learn more about makin g
A That's t wo burgers, a double portion of chips, and two
ice cream sundaes. Anything else?
B Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ , please.
offers , promises, and decisions and practise t hem.
e >Communication I'll I Shall/? game p.l02. Play the
word stress: t wo-syllable verbs
Stress in two-syllable verbs
Remember that most two-syllable verbs are stressed
on the second syllable.
a Look at the two-syllable verbs below. Which syllable
are they tressed o n? Put them in the right column .
a gree a rrive bo rrow com plain de!cide deipend
for get happen im press in vent in)vite oiffer
practise pre fer prolmise re 1ceive repair sunjbathe
1st syllable
A Do I want to go back to t he previous version? Do I press
Yes or No?
B I need to do my homework now. _ _ _ _ __ when
I f inish.
2nd syllable
3 12 l)) Listen and check.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ! I promise!
Well, hurry up. I can't wait much longer.
A Just one more kiss ...
a Look at the sentence . Ta lk to a partner.
I When do you t hin k people say them?
2 W hat do you t hink t hey a ll have in commo n?
I'll pay you
I'll come back
and finis h t he job
This won't
hurt. ~ :__.,.,.
I won't tell
I'll do it later.
4 VOCABULARY verb+ back
Look at t he sente nces . W hat 's t he d ifference
between [JO a nd [JO back?
I'm going to work.
I'll t ext
you when I y
get there. ~ We'll build new
schools and
I'm goi ng back to work.
Complete t he dia lo g ues w it h a ph rase fro m
th e lis t.
call you back come back give it back
pay me back send it back take it back
1 A The shirt you bought me is t oo small.
B Don't worry. I'll
t o t he shop
and cha nge it. I still have the receipt.
b Look at t he t itle o f a new paper a rticle. Do yo u t hin k it's a nother
pro m ise t hat people o fte n b reak?
2 A Hi, Jack. It's me, Karen.
B I can't talk now, I'm driving - I'll
I'll never forget you
in 15 minutes.
3 A Could I see the manager?
B She's at lunch now. Could you
in about half an hour?
4 A That's my pen you're using!
B No, it's not. It's mine.
5 A Can you le nd me 50 eu ros, Nick?
B It depends. Whe n can you
6 A I bought t his jacket on the internet, but
it's too big.
B Can't you
teve Smith from Devon in the UK met Carmen Rui z-Perez from
Spain 17 years ago when they were both in their 20s. Carmen was
studying English at a language school in Steve's tow n, Torbay.
They fell in love and got engaged. But a yea r later Carmen moved to
France to work, and the long-distance relationship fi rst cooled a nd
then ended.
A few yea rs later Steve tried to get in touch with Carmen again,
3 14>)) L is te n a nd chec k. In pai rs, practise
t he d ia logues.
As k a nd answer in g ro ups. A k fo r mo re
in fo r m a tio n.
but she had cha nged her address in Paris. So he sent her a letter to
her mother's address in Spain. In t he letter he asked her if she was
married and if she ever thought of him . He gave her his telepho ne
number and asked her to get in touch. But Ca rmen's mother didn't ~
send the letter to her daughter a nd it fell down behind the fireplace,
where it stayed for ten years...
c Read the article a nd a nswe r the qu es tio ns.
I W hat were Car men a nd S teve do ing in To rbay?
2 W hy didn't they get m arried ?
3 Why did n't S teve' lerrer get to Carm en?
3 13 >)) ow listen to part o f a news progra mme a nd a nswe r t he
que t io ns.
W hat happen ed ... ?
I when the bui lders fo u nd t he letter
2 when Carmen got the letter
3 when Carm en called Steve
4 when t hey met in Paris
5 last week
When so meone leaves yo u a message o n
yo u r p ho ne d o yo u usua lly call t hem back
im med iately?
If yo u buy so meth ing o nli ne that is nor
exactly w hat yo u wa nted, do you always
send it b ack?
Have yo u ever lent somebody mo ney and
t hey d idn 't pay you b ack?
When you come back after a ho liday do you
usually feel better o r wo rse than befo re?
When yo u bo rrow a book o r a DV 0 fro m a
fr iend do yo u usually remember to g ive it
back ? W hat about if you lend so methi ng to
your frie nd ?
If yo u b uy som cth i ng to wea r fro m a sho p
and th en decide yo u do n't like it, do you
usually t ake it b ack ?
Reach Out I'll Be
3 1s >))
There ~
G review of verb forms: present, past, and future
V adject ives + prepositions
P the letters ow
c Listen again and complete the ga ps with a verb in the right form .
Dr Allen So, tell me, what did you dream about?
Patient I was at a party. There were a lot of people.
Dr What were they 1
P They were drinking and 2_ __
a Do you o fte n remember your dreams? Do
you think dreams can tell us anyt hing abou t
the future?
3 16 >)) Listen to a psychoanalyst talking
to a patient about his dreams. Nu mber the
pictures 1-6 in the correct order.
Were you drinking?
Yes, I was 3
And then what happened?
a lot of flowers ...
Then, suddenly I was in a garden. There 4
Flowers, yes ... what kind of f lowers?
really see- it was dark. And I could hear music I5
the violin.
somebody was 6
The violin? Go on.
an owl, a big owl in a tree...
And then I 7
How did you 8
? Were you frightened of it?
No, not frightened really, no, bu t I 9
I felt very cold.
Especially my feet- they were freezing. And then 110_ __
Your feet? Mmm, very interesting, very interesting indeed. Were
you 11
_ _ any shoes?
P No, no, I wasn't.
Dr Tell me. Have you ever 12_ _ _ this dream before?
P No, never. So what does it 13_ _ _,, Doct or?
d What do you think the patient's dream means? Match five of the
things in his dream with interpretations 1- 5.
Understanding 1fOur dreams
You dream .. .
0 that you are at a party.
that you are drinking
This means ...
you are go ing to be very
about flowers.
2 you're feeling positive
about the future.
that somebody is playing
the violin.
3 you want some romance in
your life.
about an owl.
4 you need to ask an older
person for help.
5 you' ll be successful in t he
future .
3 17 >)) Listen to Dr Allen interpreting the patient's dream.
C heck your a nswers to d .
3 18 >)) Dr Allen is now goi ng to ex plain what pictu re 6 means.
What do you think the meaning could be? Listen and find out.
2 GRAMMAR review of verb forms
a Look at the sentences below. Which one is the present
perfect? Ma rk it PP. T hen look at the other sentences.
What t ime do t hey re fe r to? Mark them P (the past),
PR (the present) or F ( the futu re).
D I was drin king champagne.
2 D Maybe you'll have a meeting w ith your boss.
3 D I saw a n owl.
4 D You are feel ing positive.
5 D You're going to meet a lor of people.
6 D You work in an o ffice.
7 D I'm meeting her tonight.
8 D Have you ever had this dream before?
> p.l36 Grammar bank 6C. Rev ise a ll the verb fo rms
4 PRONUNCIATION the letters ow
Pronunication of ow
Be careful: ow can be pronounced taU/, e.g. flower or 1~ ,
e.g. window.
3 20 >)) Listen and re peat the t wo words and sou nds.
b Wr ite the words in the list in the r ight columns.
blow borrow brown crowded
down how know low
now show shower snow
throw towel town
you've studied in Files 1-6 a nd practi se them .
d Prac ti se saying the sentences.
> Communication Dreams A p.l 03 B p.l OB.
Show me the flowers.
T he tow n is very crowded nO\\ .
Do n't throw snow at the w indows.
How do you know?
Can I borrow a rowel for the shower?
Roleplay interpreting your par tner's drea m.
b In ter view a pa rtner w ith the questio nna ire.
C hoose two questions fro m each group.
Ask for more info rmatio n.
- Where do you usually buy
your clot hes?
What do you like doing at the
Are you watching any TV series at t he moment?
Are you st udying for an exam at the moment?
Where did you go on holiday last year?
Did you do anything exciting last Saturday night?
Where were you at 10 o'clock last night? What were
you doing?
Were you sleeping when the alarm clock rang this
Have you ever had the same dream again and again?
Have you ever dreamed about something that then
Are you going t o learn a new foreign language ne xt
Are you going to do anything exciting next
Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow?
Do you think your country will win the next football
World Cup?
What are you doing tonight?
3 21 >)) Listen a nd check.
5 VOCABULARY adjectives + prepositions
Adjectives + prepositions
Some adjectives are us ually followed by certain
prepositions, e.g. Were you frightened of the owl? It's
useful to learn the prepositions wit h t he adject ives.
Com ple te the gaps with a preposition .
Are you afraid _ the dark?
Do you think chocolate is good _ you?
Is your town full _ tourists in the sum mer?
What is your country famous _ ?
At school, what sub jects were you bad _ ?
Are you good _ danci ng?
Do you often get a ngry _ your fam ily? W hat _ ?
Are people in your country ver y diffe rent _ the
9 Are people in your country nice _ tour ists?
10 Are you inte rested _ politics?
b Ask a nd a nswer t he questio ns w ith a partner. Say why.
Q a , b,orc.
I She drives ___ than her brother.
a faster b more fas t c more fastly
2 His new book isn't as good ___ his last
a than b that c as
3 Women spend ___ time cook ing than in
the past.
a less b little c fewer
4 Friday is ___ day of the week.
a the busier b the busiest c the most busy
road in the world.
5 It's the
a more dangerous
b dangerousest
c most da ngerous
6 It's the hottest country I've ___ been to.
a never b always c ever
7 My sister drinks _ __ coffee.
a too b too much c too many
8 These jeans are ___ small. Do you have
them one size bi gger?
a too b too much c too many
9 You haven't spent ___ on your
a timt: t:nuugh
b enough time
c many time
10 They're playing really badly. They _ _
the match.
a wantwi n b won'twin c won'tto win
11 A My exam is today.
B Don't wor ry. _ __ .
a You'Upass b You pass c You're passi ng
the window.
12 A ft 's cold in here. B
a I close b I'm closing c I'll close
13 They met for the first time when they _ _
in Madrid.
a were living b are living c was living
14 A Have you been to the USA?
B Yes, l ___ to New York Last yea r.
a 've been b went c was going
IS A ___ today? B o, she's on holiday.
a Does she work
b Is she worki ng
c Will she work
a Q
the right verb o r ph rase.
1 I waste / lose a lot of time playing games on my phone.
We spend/ tak.e a lot of time sitting in our cars every day.
Can you borrow f lend me 50 euros?
I'm leaving tonight and I'm comin[J / co mine back on Friday.
This is Ben. He's teachin[J f lea rnin[J me to play the piano.
b Write the opposite verb.
1 buy
2 push
5 teach
3 remember
4 pass
Write word s for the definitions.
cr___ (adj) full of people or things
s___ (adj) opposite of da11Berous
n _ _ _ (adj) opposite of quiet (for a place)
s ___ (adj, noun) opposite of l!orth
m _ _ _ (noun) a building where you can see old thing
p ___ (noun) the place where a ki ng or queen lives
m ___ (noun) a religious buildi ng for Musl ims
b___ (noun) you have 206 of these in your body
br___ (noun) the organ we use to think
sk_ __ (noun) it covers the outside of your body
d Complete the sentences w ith a prepositio n.
My husband's always late. He's never ___ time for anything.
Art: you intt:rested ___ this TV programme?
When I was a child I was afraid ___ dogs.
I'd really like to be good ___ dancing.
Eating too many sweets and biscuits is bad ___ you.
a Q
the word w ith a d ifferent sou nd.
3 ·~·
~__:_ .
ma ny
hea lthy
bo rrow
o ffer
b U nderline the stressed syllable.
1 im pa tienr
2 in teres ring
in vent
4 prac rise
5 decide
a Read the text o nce. Does the journalist think music
mad e him run faster?
3 22 >)) I n the s treet Watch o r li ste n to fi ve people
a nd answer the questio ns.
b Read the tex t again a nd m a rk the sente nces T {true) o r
F (false).
T he p ycho logi t says th at all kinds of music ca n help
u exercise better.
He ays th at exerci e is more fun with mus ic.
Men and wo men prefer different mus ic when they
Music helped Ha ile Gebre elassie break a record .
Most to p athletes use mus ic when they run.
Music ca n help amateur runners to run faster.
T he journ ali t chose his mus ic fo r the m aratho n.
A ll the o ngs helped him run faster.
c Look at the highlighted wo rds o r phrases in the tex t.
Gues their mea ning fro m the context . C heck with
your teacher o r with a dictio nary.
Can music really make you run faster?
ostas Karageorghis. a sports psychologist at Brunei
University in the UK. calls music 'sport's legal drug'. He says
that exercising with music can improve athletic performance by
15%. The music must be carefully chosen so that the tempo or
'beat' is synchronised with the exercise you are doing. According
to Professor Karageorghis. music also makes you feel less pain
and makes an exercise session less boring and more enjoyable.
The UK's biggest gym chain. Fitness First. recognises the
importance of music to w orkouts. and plays music in all its clubs.
The most popular song for male gym members is Survivor's Eye
of the Tiger. while women love Abba's Dancing Queen.
Music works well with weightlifting. and other repetitive
actions. but it can also help with running . The best example
of this is Haile Gebreselassie. perhaps the world 's greatest
distance runner. who used the techno-pop song Scatman as
a metronome when he broke the w orld 2,000m record . But if
music was so important to Gebreselassie. why do other top
runners never ra ce with headphones?
Karageorghis says 'Research has shown t hat for most top
athletes musi c is less effective. Elite athletes focus more on
their bodies. and less on outside stimuli like music.' So although
music can help amateur runners run faster and further. most
top athletes prefer silence.
I decided to try running with music myself. I was going to run a
half marathon. and a sports doctor gave me the perfect playlist
of songs for running. When I did the race. I found that some of
the t racks. like Von Kleet's Walking on Me. made running easier.
Others made me want to throw away the mp3 player. When I
crossed the line. I had beaten my previous persona l best by one
minute. but was it because of the music? To be honest. I felt it
was probably because of the extra training.
Warren Pole in The Times
Any a
Three years ago Ian ___.
a retired
b had mo re free time
c was wo rking part time
2 When Yvo nne talks abo ut why she loves Ro me, she
doesn't mention _ __ .
a the scenery b the food c the b uildin gs
3 Ben eats _ _ _ sugar.
a too much b a lo t o f c a little
4 Joa nna says her friends ___ .
a are mostly pessimist
b think she is a pess imist
c think she is an o ptimist
5 Anya often has bad dream s ___.
a w hen she's having pro blems at wo rk
b after she's had a big mea l
c when she's having pro blems w ith her partner
D o the tasks with a partner. Tick (.I) the box if you can
d o them .
Can you ... ?
D compare two member
of yo ur fa mily using
adjectives and adverbs
talk about your town using fo ur superl atives (tire
biBBest, the best, etc.)
tatk abo ur your diet using (not) enou8 11 and
too much f too many
make three predi ctio n abo ut the future using
will / won't
D make a pro mise, an o ffer, and a decisio n using
will f won't
Short films Chicago
Watch and enjoy a film on iTut or.
G uses of the infinitive with to
V verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc.
P weak form of to, linking
What dol
need to do?
a Look at the poste r of a well-known film . Do you kno w
what it's a bo ut? Have you seen it?
How to ... Survive Meeting
Your Girlfriend's Pa rents
fo r the First Time
It's st ressful, but t hese top tips can help you
to get it right ...
He finally met the girl of his dreams.
Too bad her dad's a nighanace.
You need .1Q...dQ
some ' homework ' before
you go. Ask your girlfriend about her parents.
Where does her mother work? Does her father like
football? Do you have any common interests? lf
you do th is, it will be easy
a conversation
with them.
Make sure you dress
the right
impression. Don 't wear a suit, but don't just wear
your old jeans and the Che Guevara T-shirt you
bought in the market.
Be punctual. It's very important
Late at a
first meeting.
b With a partner , th ink o f two piece o f ad vice fo r
o m ebod y w ho is going to m eet the ir pa rtne r 's pare nts
fo r the firs t time.
ow read an a rticle adapted fro m the web ire wikiHow.
your advice th ere?
Read the a rticle again a nd complete the ga p w ith t he
ve rb in th e li st.
to answer not to be te-60 (x2) to have to know
to make t o say to show not to talk
3 23 >)) Li te n to igel m eeting hi g irlfrie nd's pa re nts
fo r the fir t time. Does the m eeting ta rt well o r badly?
How does it end?
Li te n aga in a nd a n we r the que tions.
I \! hat does he do wrong?
2 \ hat doe he d o ri ght?
Do you think the advice in the a rticle wo uld be good
fo r people in your country? Why (no t)? D o you think
the advice wo uld be the sam e fo r a g irl m eetin g her
boyfrie nd's parents for the firs t time?
When they greet you at the door shake the
father's hand firmly (no father Likes a weak
handshake!). Ask your girlfriend what kind of
greeting her mum will prefer.
Call her parents Mr and Mrs (Smith) until they ask
you to call them 'Dave' and 'Sharon'.
Be ready
questions about yourself! Her
parents will want
everything about you
and your ambitions. Make a good impression!
If you are invited for a meal, eat everything they
give you and say something positive about the
meal, like 'This is absolutely delicious!'. Offer
____ the washing-up after the meal .__ __
them that you are a 'new man').
Be yourself, and don't be a 'yes' man. If they
ask you for your opinion, be honest. Howeve r,
about controversial subjects - this
isn't the moment to give your views on religion and
If the conversation is dyi ng and you can't th in k
, ask them what your partner was
like as a child . This is a brilliant ta ctic! ALL parents
love talking about their children and it shows you
have a deep interest in their daughter.
Adapted from wikiHow
uses of t he inf initive wit h to
a Matc h sentence a- d from the a rt icle with
rules l- 4 .
weak f orm of to, linking
D If you do th is, it will be easy t o have a
I wa nt to come.
He decided to leave.
co nversatio n w ith them.
Offer to do the washing-up after the mea l
(to show them that you are a 'new man').
If the conve rsation is dying a nd you
can't thi nk what t o say, ask them what
your partner was li ke as a chi ld.
D You need to do som e 'ho mework'
3 26 l)) Liste n to two sente nces. Is to stressed? H ow is it
prono u need?
Linking words with the same consonant sound
When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins
with the same o r a very s imilar sound, we often link the words
t oget her and only make the consona nt sound once. This happens
whe n a verb e nds in t. or 'd before to, so want to is pronounced
/'wont o. and decided to is pronounced dJ'smdn:li.
befo re you go.
Use th e i n fin itive with to . ..
after some verbs, e.g. need, wa nt, etc.
2 after adjectives
3 to give a reason fo r doi ng so mething
4 after a questio n word, e.g. who, what, ho w
b Look at the o the r infin itives you used to
complete the a rticle . W hich r ules are they?
> p.138 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn mo re
about uses of the in fin iti ve and practise thern .
3 VOCABULARY verbs + inf initive
a Witho ut looki ng back at the a rticle try to
remember the m i sing verbs .
to do some ho mework befo re
you go.
2 Her parents will
to kno w
everything about you and yo ur ambitions.
ro do t he washing-up after the
mea l.. .
4 However,
no t to talk about
controversial subjects .. .
> p.l58 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms.
Do pa rt 1 (Verbs + infinitive).
3 27 l)) Liste n a nd w rite s ix sente nces. T hen practise saying them .
Wo rk in pa irs. A a k B the first s ix questio ns. B give as much
info rm atio n as yo u ca n. Swap roles fo r the last s ix q uestio ns.
• Have you ever offered to look after somebody's dog
(or other pet)?
• Do you t hink it is difficult to stay friends with an
ex-boyfriend /girlfriend?
• Have you ever tried to learn something new and failed?
• Do you t hink it is important to learn to cook at school?
• How long do you usually spend deciding what to wear in the
• Do you know how to change a wheel on a car?
• Do you think it's possible t o learn a foreign language st udying on
your own at home?
• Are you planning to go anywhe re next weeke nd?
• Would you like to work or st udy in another country?
• Have you ever pretended t o be ill (when you were n't)?
• Have you ever forgott en t o turn off you r mobile phone during a
class or concert?
• What do you think is t he most interesting t hing to do for a visitor
to your town?
d >-Communication How to ... A p.l 03 B p.l07. R ead a nd re-tell two
m o re H ow to .. . arti cles.
W ith a pa rtner, w r ite a 'H ow to .. .' a rti cle. C ho ose o ne o f the titles
below, a nd try to thin k of at least fo ur tips.
How t o ...
• make a good impres ion o n yo ur first day in yo ur English class.
• m ake a good impres io n at a job in terview.
G uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)
V verbs + gerund
P the letter i
1 GRAMMAR uses of t he gerund
a Talk to a partner. Is there a book, a fi lm, or
a song that makes you feel happy whenever
you read, watch , or listen to it? What is it?
Why does it make you feel happy?
b Read a magazine article where different
people on the magazine's staff say what
happiness is for them . Who do you
think said what? Match the peo ple to the
[I[] ... making soup. I love using leftovers
in the fridge. There's something
magical about making something
delicious out of nothing.
[I[] ... sitting on the sofa on a winter
fashion editor
health editor
music editor
evening with a box of chocolates,
watching a feel-good film, preferably
one that makes me cry.
[}I] ...listening to Don't Stop Me Now
by Queen. As soon as I hear it I
immediately feel like getting up and
cinema editor
food editor
travel editor
c Read the article again. ls there anybody you
really agreefdon't agree with ? Compare with
a partner.
d Look at the highlighted phrases in the first
paragraph. Find an example o f a gerund
(verb + -inB):
1 after another verb _ _ __
2 after a preposition _ _ __
3 used as a noun
e )o- p.l38 Grammar Bank 78. Learn mo re
about the uses of the gerund and practise
them .
Write your own continuatio n for Happiness
l S . ..
g Work in groups offour. Read the other
students' texts. D o you agree with their
ideas of happiness?
GIJ ... getting on the scales and seeing
that I've lost a kilo even t hough I had
a big meal the day before.
rn ...seeing my suitcase come out first
at baggage reclaim at the airport
rn ...finding a real bargain in t he sales.
I'm still wearing a Prada j acket t hat
I bought incredibly cheaply in a sale
ten years ago.
verbs + gerund
a )o- p.158 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms.
I When you a re happy do you so met imes feel like s ing ing?
2 D o you ever s ing ... ?
• in the bower
• karaoke
• in th e ca r
• in acho ir or ba nd
• while you're li ten ing to mus ic, e.g. on an iPod
3 Is t here a particular singer whose songs you like s ing ing? D o you
have a favour ite song?
Do part 2 (Ver bs + ge rund).
b C hoose fi ve things to talk abo ut fro m the
list below.
you don't mind doing in the house
you like doing with your fa mily
you love doing in the summer
you don't feel like doing at weekends
you spend too much time doing
you dream of doing
you hate doing at work I school
you don't like doing alone
you are thinking of doing this weekend
you think you are very good (or very bad)
at doing
c Wo rks in pairs. A tell B abo ut the
five things. Say w h y. B a k fo r m o re
informatio n . Then sw ap ro les.
Ask a nd a nswer w ith a partne r.
b In pairs, say if you think sentences 1-7 are T (true) o r F (fa lse).
1 S inging is good fo r your hea lth.
2 If you wa nt to s ing well, you need to learn to brea the correctly.
3 People who sing are usually fatter than people who do n't.
o t everybo dy ca n learn to sing.
5 Yo u need to know how to read music to be able to sing wel l.
6 If you ma ke a s urpri ed face, you ca n sing hi gh notes better.
7 It rake yea rs to lea rn to s ing better.
3 32 >)) Now lis ten to an inter view with the directo r o f a s inging
chool a nd a stud ent who did a course there. Were you right?
d Li sten aga in . C hoose t he rig h t an swer.
3 PRONUNCIATION the letter i
a Put the o ne-syllable wo rds below into the
right colu mn .
find give high hire kind like
mind miss night right skin slim
thin t ime which win wit h
b 3 30 >)) Li sten and check. T he n look at t he
wo rds in each co lumn . What rules ca n you
see fo r the pro n u nciatio n o f ...
W hen you are lea rning to sing you need ro _ _ correc tly.
a stand
b dress
c eat
S inging we ll is 95% _ _ .
a repea ti ng
b listen ing
c breat hing
Gemm a' course lasted
c one month
a o ne day
b o ne week
Gemma has always _ _ .
a been good at singing b been in a cho ir c li ked sing ing
At first the studen ts learnt to
a breathe and s ing b listen a nd breat he c listen a nd sing
At t he end of the day they could s ing _ _ .
b much better
c a bit better
a per fec tly
Wo uld you Like tO learn to s ing (better)? Are there
a ny tips fro m the listening that you could use?
3 33 >))
• i + consonant + e (but which word i an
exceptio n?)
• ind and iBh
• i bet ween o ther consonants
3 31 >)) ow listen ro som e two-sylla ble
words. Is the i pro no u need III or /a 1/ ?
Listen a nd check.
arrive decide engine invite
online practise promise
revise service surprise
d W hat 's the differ ence in the stress
betwee n the verbs in c where i is
pronounced Ill and where i is
pronounced /all?
SONG Don't Stop fv1e Now ~
G have to, don't have to, must, mustn't
V modifiers: a bit, really, etc.
P must, mustn't
2 PRONUNCIATION must, mustn't
have to, don't have to, must, mustn't
a Match the no tices to the rul es.
You don't
have to do
You have to pay before the e nd of the
3 36 >)) Lis te n to t h ese sente nces. Which le tter is not pro nounced
in mustn't? Listen again a nd repea t.
Yo u must use a di ctionary.
You mustn't use a d ic tionary.
3 37 >)) Listen a nd write five sente nces.
You don 't have to pay to see t his.
You mustn't! eat here.
You mu st turn off your pho ne before
you come io.
a Do you think people from your country a re good at learning
coe •
languages? W hy (not)? Are British p eop le good at lea rning your
b Read about Max, a British
journalist w ho did an
inte n s ive Spa nish course.
T h e n cover the a rt icle a nd
a nswer t h e questio n s.
l:~:::ti litt
1l1is term~ COVJ1e..
.f~ 1'b bt pUd.ixj
What reputa tio n do the
Briti sh have?
2 What experiment did M ax's
newspaper want to do?
3 Why did Max c hoose to
lea rn S pani sh?
4 Where did be do the course?
How lo n g was it?
b Look at the h igh lighted ex pressio n s and
a n swer the questions.
Whic h t wo phrases m ea n ... ?
It is a !±I rule. T h ere's an obligat ion
2 Wh ich phrase m ean s ... ?
5 What did he find easy a nd
diffic ult about Spa nish?
6 What were the fo ur tests?
What were the rules?
a It is n't permitted. It is aga in st the ru les.
b It isn't o bligato ry o r it i n't necessa ry.
3 38 >)) W hi c h test do you think was the easiest for Max? Which
do you think was the m ost diffic ult? Listen to M ax doing t he tests
in M adrid a nd c heck your a n sw e rs.
d Liste n again. Mark the se nte n ce T (t rue) o r F (fa lse). Correct th e
false in for m a tio n.
c )-- p.l38 Grammar Bank 7C . Lea rn more
about have to, don't have to, must, a nd mustn't,
a nd practise them.
1 T he waiter d id n't understa nd Ma x.
2 T he bi ll w as six e uros.
3 T he chemi st's was the first srreet o n the right.
d With a parmer, complete fo u r sente nces abo ut
4 T he driver understood th e nam e of the stadium .
the school w here you are lea rning English.
5 Max made a gra mma r mistake whe n he left the
We have to...
We must...
voicema ilmessage.
6 Max's fina l m a rk was eight.
We don't have t o...
We mustn't...
Compa re your rules w ith anothe r pair. Which
ru le do you think is t he most im portam?
7 Max says you can lea rn S panis h in
a mo nth.
I will survive
4 VOCABULARY modifiers
(in Spanish) ...
My pronunciation of the stadium wasn't very good.
I was feeling a bit nervous at this point.
or will I?
a Complete the chart with the words in the box.
a bit incredibly net ver-y quite really vefY
he Brit ish have a reputation for being bad at
learning languages, but is it really true? I work for
a newspaper which was doing a series of articles
about this. As an experiment. they asked me to try and
learn a completely new language for one month. Then I
had to go to the country and do some 'tests' to see if I
could 'survive' in different situations. I decided to learn
Spanish because I would like to visit Spain and Latin
America in the future. If I go. I don't want to be the typical
Brit who expects everyone else to speak English.
Spanish is
not very
We only use a bit before negative adjectives and
adverbs, e.g. a bit difficult. a bit slowly.
I did a one-month intensive course in Spanish at a
language school in London. I was a complete beginner
but I soon found that some Spanish words are very similar
to English ones. For example. hola isn't very different
from 'hello' and ingles is very similar to 'English'. But
other things were more difficult, for example the verbs
in Spanish change for each person and that means you
have to learn a lot of different endings. My biggest
problem was the pronunciation. I found it very difficult
to pronounce some letters in Spanish, especially r andj. I
downloaded sentences in Spanish onto my phone and
I listened and repeated them again and again .
b Complete the sentences with one of the words or ph rases
so that it makes a true sentence. Compare w ith a partner.
1 I'm
2 l 'm
good at learn ing languages.
motivated to improve my English.
3 English pronunciation is
difficu lt.
4 Engli sh gram mar is
compl icated.
5 I'm
worried about the next English exam.
6 Engli sh is _
imporrant for my work J studies.
When my course finished I went to Madrid for the
weekend to do my tests. A Spanish teacher called Paula
came with me and gave me a mark out of 10 for each test
and then a final mark for everything.
H ow well do you think you could do Max's four tests in
English? W hy?
I think I could order a drink and a sandwich quite well~
b Talk to a partner.
These were the tests and the rules:
·-------------- ---------·--------·--··-------------------------·----------------------------·
• spoken t o a tourist in English? When? Why?
i. • had to speak in English on the phone? Who to?
What about?
• seen a fi lm or vi deo clip in English? Which? Did it
have subt it les? How much did you understand?
• read a book or magazine in English? Which one(s)?
• asked f or directions in English in a foreign city?
Where? What happened?
• used an app or website to improve your English?
Which one?
• learnt another foreign language? How well can you
speak it?
You have to ...
1 order a drink and a sandwich in a bar. ask how
much it is. and understand th e price.
2 ask for directions in the street (and f ollow them).
3 get a taxi to a famous place in Madrid.
4 leave a message on somebody's voicemail.
- you mustn't use a dictionary or phrase book
you mustn't speak English at any time
you mustn't use your hands or mime or
write anything down
,.... p.llS Writing A formal email. Write an emai l asking
for in formation.
At the pharmacy
2 VOCABULARY feeling ill
3 39>)) Wa tch or listen to Rob and Jenny.
Are they enjoying their run?
Match the ph rases a nd pictures.
What's the matter?
D I have a headache. 'hcucii.. D
D I have a cough. kot
I have flu. f u:
I have a temperature. rempr:nJ";:,
I have a bad stomach. ~t.,m;~k
I have a cold.
3 40 >)) Listen and check. Cover the phrases a nd practise with a
What's the matter!l 0ave a headache.
3 41>)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen.~ the correct
answe r.
Rob thinks he has a cold {flu.
2 T he pharmacist gives Rob ibupmfen f penicillin.
3 He has to take the medicine everyJour hours f eight hours.
4 T hey cost $ 16.99 / $6.99.
b Watch o r listen agai n and answer the
How does Rob say he feels?
What does Jenny say about Central Park?
Is Rob happy he came to ew York?
W hat is Rob tired of doin g?
W hat does Jenny invite him to do?
How many more times are they going to
run round the pa rk?
b Watch or listen aga in. Complete th e
You Hear phrases.
>)) You Hear YouSay Q
Good morning.
Can I help you?
What are your
s ymptoms?
Do you have a
Are you allergic t o
any drugs?
. This is
ibuprofen. It'll make you
I'm not feeling very
well. I think I have flu.
I have a headache
and a cough.
No, I don't think so.
I'm allergic to
3 43>)) Watch o r listen to Rob and Jenny. Mark the sentences
How many do I have
to take?
T (true) or F (false) .
___ every four hours.
Sorry? How often?
2 Jenny hasn't had much time fo r relationships.
3 Jenny knew that Rob was n't feeling well in the morning.
___ every four hours.
If you don't feel better
hours, you
should see a doctor.
OK, thanks.
4 Ro b wants to go back to his hotel because he' · tired.
That's $6.99, please.
Thank you.
1 Rob broke up w it h his girlfr iend a year befo re he met Jenny.
much is that?
5 Jen ny is go ing to call a taxi.
b Watch o r lis ten aga in. Say why the F sentences a re fa lse.
4 4>)) R ead the info rmat io n box about have BOt. Listen a nd
repeat th e ph ra es.
British and American English
pharmacy = American English (and so metimes
British English)
chemist's = British English
drugs = medicine in Amercian English
drugs= illegal substances in British and
American English
c 3 42 >)) Watch o r listen a nd repeat t he
You Say p hrases. C opy the~thm.
No, I haven't. I haven't got children.
,.... See appendix p.l65.
d Ask and ans wer w ith a partner. U e Have you BOL .. ? Yes, I have. J
No, I haven't. Give mo re info rm ation if you ca n.
A a ny pets a bike or motorbike a garden
B any brother s and sisters a car a laptop
d Practise the di a logue w ith a pa rtne r.
e •
Have you got any pet: ! l
ln pa irs, roleplay t he dialogue.
A (book closed) You don't feel ve ry well.
Decide what sy mptoms yo u have . Are yo u
allergic to anything?
B (book open) You are the pharmacist. Yo u
begin Can I help you?
We sometimes use have got instead of have to talk about possession.
I've got a busy day tomorrow.
Have you got any children? Yes, I have. I've got a girl and a boy.
~es I have. I've got two dogs.
e Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any o f
t he missing word s?
Social English phrases
Rob That was a lovely _ _.
Jenny I'm
you're feeling better.
Rob That isn't very _ _ for you. Rob Thanks again for a _ _ evening.
Rob I'm
I'll be fine.
Rob I think I
get back to t he hotel now.
f Swap ro les.
3 46>)) Watch or liste n a nd complete the ph rases.
g Wa tch o r listen aga in and repeat t he phrases. H o w do you say
t hem i n yo ur la ng uage?
Canyou ...?
D describe symptoms when you feel ill
D get medicine at a pharmacy
D talk about possessions with have got
G should
V get
P /ul and /u:/, sentence st ress
You should
t alk t o her.
a Talk to a part ner.
If you have a problem that you need to talk about, do you talk to a
friend or to a member of your family? Why?
2 Do you think that men find it more difficu lt tha n women to ta lk
about their problems? Why (not)?
b Read three p roblems fro m a wee kly article in a Briti h newspaper.
Match two pieces of advice to each problem .
c R ead the problems and advice agai n. Look at
t he highlighted ve rb phrases and gue their
meani ng.
d Talk to a part ner. W h ich piece o f advice do
you agree w ith most for each problem? Do
you have any other suggestions?
to talk?
Are you a man who finds it difficult to
talk about feelings and problems with
your friends and family?
Send us your problem and you will get
advice from our readers.
Three weeks ago I asked my girlfriend to marry
me - we have been together for 18 months. It
was a n impulse, but now I am having second
thoughts. I am deeply in love w ith her, but is
this too soon? Please help.
This seems an easy one - go, but try to avoid her where possible, and
ifyou can't avoid her, then just smile and don't get into a conversation.
In my opinion, I don't think it's worth making problems at work.
Why don't you suggest that she asks a girlfriend or a family
member to go with her instead?
You should tell your girlfriend how you feel. Be polite and, above
all, be honest. You do not have to like her sister. If she really is
difficult, everyone else will already know.
You felt it was right at the time, but for some reason now you are
not sure. You clearly love this girl and I think you should go for it.
I got married after four months ofdating, and we celebrated 30
years this year.
You should be there. Maybe this is a once in a lifetime moment for
her. You can always keep in touch with colleagues on your phone.
You shouldn't do anything in a hurry. Fix a date 18 months from
now which will give you time to be sure you're doing the right
thing. And don't plan too much. Ifyou start booking restaurants
and getting clothes for the big day, it will make things worse ifyou
then change your mind.
Problem B
My w ife is running her first marathon in London
and she really wa nts me to go and watch her.
However, there is a business confe rence in New
York the same weekend and my boss would like
me to attend. W hat should I do?
Problem C
My girlfriend wants us to spend two weeks in
France in the summer with her family, but I fi nd
her sister really difficult to get on with. Should
I go and risk having arguments a ll the time or
should I suggest separate holidays this year?
Adapted from a British newspaper
2 GRAMMAR should
a Find and underline seven examples of should
f shouldn 't in the problem s a nd ad vice in 1.
Answer w ith a partner:
Look at three sentences from the lesson. Match the examples of
Bet w ith rneanings a-c.
a buy I obtain
What do we use should for?
2 How do you make negatives and questions
with should?
b receive
c become
D Send us your problem a nd you w ill get advice ...
D If you sta rt booking restaura nts a nd getting clothes for the
big day...
b )>- p.l40 Grammar Bank BA. Lea rn more
about shou ld a nd practise it.
D I'm getting really stressed about i.r.
b .)-- p.l59 Vocabulary Bank get.
In pa irs, ask and answe r the questio ns w ith Bet.
/u/ and /u:/, sentence stress
1 When was the last time you got a present? What was it ?
Who was it from?
2 Would you like to get fitter? What do you t hink you should do?
3 What website do you use if you want t o get tickets a) to t ravel
b) for the cinema I theatre I concerts?
4 Who do you get on with best in your f amily?
Is there anybody you don't get on with?
5 How do you get to work f school?
How long does it usually take you?
6 What 's the f irst thing you do when you
get home from work I school?
7 Do you have a good sense of direct ion, or do
you often get lost?
8 How many emails or text messages do you
get a day? Are they most ly f rom friends?
Do you usually reply immediately?
a 3 48>)) Listen and repeat the wo rds and
ounds. What's the difference between the
two sounds?
I ~ _ b_u_ll-t_g_o_od
tr ue
b 3 49>)) Are the pink letters in these words
ound 1 (/u/) or sound 2 (/u:/)? Listen a nd
check. Which consona nt isn't pronounced in
should, would, and could?
book could flew
c 3 50>)) Li ten a nd write six sentences.
d Listen again and repeat the e ntences. Copy
the rh.x.t h m.
e >-Communication What should I do?
A p.l03 B p.lOB. Listen to your pa rtne r's
problems and give advice.
Read t wo proble ms on a website. Write a res ponse to o ne of the m
giving advice.
Post your problems here and you'll get advice from all over the world.
My best friend wants to borrow some money to help her buy a car. I have the
money, and she says she'll pay me back next year. But I'm worried that it's
not a good idea to lend money to friends. What should I do?
3 51>)) Listen to someone phoning a radio
programme called What's the Problem? W hat
is the problem about? Make note in the chart.
My friend Anna has gone away on holiday for two weeks and I'm looking
after her cat. Yesterday I couldn't find the cat anywhere. My friend is
coming home in three days. I'm desperate. Should I phone her now and
tell her? What should I do?
expert's advice
caller 1
caller 2
b Compa re your no tes w ith a partner. What
do you thin k the man shou ld do?
3 52>)) Now listen to an ex pert giving advice
and make notes in the chart. Is it the a me as
yours? Is it good ad vice? W hy (not)?
d 3 53, 54>))
ow repeat for ca ller 2.
language for giving advice
(I think I don't think) you should ...
You shouldn't ...
Why don't you ...?
You could...
b In groups o ffour read your respo nses. Whose ad vice is t he best?
3 56 >))
SONG Why Do I Feel So Sad? J'
G if+ present, will+ infinitive (first conditional)
V confusing verbs
P linking
If we change
queues, this one will
move quicker.
If you are waiting to check in at the airpo rt and you cha nge
que ue , what w ill usua lly ha ppen?
Read the fir t two pa ragraphs of the article a nd check. Who was
Murphy? What i hi ' Law'?
O \V look at the eight examples o f Murphy's Law in the article
and match them with sentences A- H.
A your flight will be delayed.
B you will spill wine or coffee on it.
C you will find a parking space right in front of it.
0 all the traffic lights will be red.
E will have a problem with their credit card.
F they will already have a partner.
G there will be a hyperactive five-year-old in the seat behind you.
H it will work when the shop assistant tries it.
Do any o f the e things o r thin gs like thi ofte n happe n to you?
2 GRAMMAR if+ present, will+ infinitive
In pair , cover A- 1:-1 and look at 1-8 in the text. How m a ny o f the
Law ca n you reme mber?
b Look at the sente nces agai n . What tense is th e verb after if?
What form i th e other verb?
c )o- p.l40 Grammar Bank BB. Learn mo re about th e fir r
conditio nal and practi se it.
you are in a check-in queue and you
change to another queue which is
moving more quickly, what will happen? The
queue you were in before will suddenly start
moving faster. What will happen if you take
your umbrella because you think it's going to
rain later? It won't rain, of course. It will only rain
if you forget to take your umbrella. These are
examples of Murphy's Law, which says, 'If there is
something that can go wrong, it will go wrong'.
Murphy's Law took its name from Captain
Edward Murphy, an American aerospace
engineer from the 1940s. He was trying to
improve safety for pilots flying military planes.
Not surprisingly, he got a reputation for
always thinking of the worst thing that could
happen in every situation. Here are some
more examples of Murphy's Law.
If you get to th e airport ea rly,...
If you want to sleep on the plane, ...
If you are in a hurry, the person in front of
you ...
If you take something that doesn't work
back to a shop,...
In pair , complete the e Murphy' Law .
If yo u find something in a ho p th at you rea lly like ....
lf you ropwa iringfo r a busand tarrwalking, ...
If you ca ll a telepho ne company helpline, .. .
If you leave your mo bile pho ne at ho me, .. .
If you lo e a glove and buy a new pair,...
Compa re you r law w ith o ther tudents.
Do you have the a me (or imilar)?
If you 're late for something important,...
If you park a long way from a
If you are single and you meet somebody
at a party who you really like, ...
8 ::] If you wear a new white shirt or dress,...
p Sound linking
Remember t hat if a word f inishes with a consonant and
t he next word begins with a vowel, we usually link the
words t ogether, e.g. we'll~eat~in~a pub
The Svanstrom family
4 3>)) Li ten a nd repeat the entence . T r y to link the
marked wo rds.
I IL l see he r~l 'll tell her.
2 We'll go i f~it doesn't rain.
3 IL l get thereJa rly, I' ILorder the food.
4 They' I La rri ve~ tJi ght~iftheir fli ght's~ n time.
5 If you a ren '~i n~ hu r ry, we can wa lk.
b 4 4>)) Liste n a nd w rite five m o re sentences.
confusing verbs
a W hat's the difference between k now and meet , and
wear a nd carry ?
b )o- p.l60 Vocabulary Bank Confusing verbs.
~the right verb. Then ask and a nswer with a pa rmer.
4 6 >)) Listen to w hat happe ned to Mr a nd Mrs
Sva ns t ro m . M a rk th eir ro ute o n the m ap. What natura l
d isaster ha ppened in each place?
L Who do you look / look like in your fa mi ly?
2 How ma ny classes have yo u missed / lost this yea r?
3 What gadgets do you always brin[J f take with you w hen
you go o n ho liday?
4 Do you thi nk spo rts peo ple win / earn roo much mo ney?
5 What is the be r way tO know { meet new friends?
6 Is it sometimes OK to say / tell a Iie?
a With a pa rtner, think o f t hree thin gs that cou ld go
wro ng when you a re o n ho liday.
b Match t he wo rds to t heir de finitio ns.
a mo nsoon mm ·-,u:n
D an ea rthquake :l:Ok\\~113 D a tsuna mi hu no:mi
4 D a0clone '>llk'vm
D a blizzard hlt.f:ld/
D a flood tl'\U
d Lis te n aga in and a nswer the q uestio ns.
How lo ng d id they have to wait at Mu nich ai r port?
W hat weather were they expecti ng in Bali?
Where were the streets ful l of s mo ke?
Where d id they leep in Cairn ?
Why did they fl y ro Auck la nd a nd not to C hristchurch
in New Zea lan d?
6 What were they doing when the Japanese earthquake
7 W here did they go for the last part of their ho liday?
Did a nythin g happe n to them there?
a fo rest fire
A a very bad storm w ith snow and stro ng winds
B a very strong wind that moves in a circle
C a big fire that can destroy many trees and ho uses
D a very large wave in the ea
E when it rains very heavily fo r tb ree mo nths or more
F when there is too much water in a river and it comes
onto the streets or fields
G when the gro und suddenly shakes ve ry stro ngly
D o you thin k they were luck y o r u nlucky? Why?
G possessive pronouns
V adverbs of manner
P sentence rhythm
You must
be mine.
Yes. I'll
be yours.
a You are goi n g to read a nd listen to a s hort tory. Fir t
look at the pictur e and answer t he questions .
W hat do the people look like? What are t hey wearing?
2 Where a re they?
3 In w ha t century do youth ink the sto ry ta kes place?
4 7 >)) Read and liste n to Part 1. Then answe r th e
questio n with a partner.
0. H E
W hat did the de tective gi ve Hartley? What did he o ffe r
to do?
What did Harrley do when he got the address?
Wh at d id Vivie n ne look li ke?
Why was Ha rtley a ngry with her?
W hy do you think she d id n't answer hi letter?
Look at the following wo rds a nd phrases in the story.
With a partne r, guess w h a t they mean.
moved (line 5) expenses (line 7) t ram (line 12)
rang t he bell (line 14) clim b (line 15)
" I've fo un d where she lives," said the detective
quie tl y. " Here is th e address."
H a rdey took the piece of paper. On it were the words
" Vivienne Arlington, o . 34J East 49th Street."
"She moved th ere a wee k ago," sa id t he d etecti ve.
" J ca n follow her if you wa nt. It w ill onl y cost you $7
a d ay and expenses ... "
" o . tha nk you," interrupted H a rtley. " I o nl y
wanted the address. How muc h is it?"
"One day's wo rk," sa id the detecti,·e. " Ten dollars."
H a rtley paid t he ma n. Then he left the o ffice and
took a tra m to Broadway. After walkin g a hort
d istance he a rri ved at the build ing tha t he was
looking fo r. Hartley rang the bell. The doo r opened.
,. He went in a nd bega n to climb the sta ir .
O n th e fou rth floo r he saw he r sta nding in a n open
doo r. Vivienne wa about t wenty-one. H er ha ir was
red gold, a nd her eyes were sea-blue. She was wea ring
a whi te rop a nd a da rk ki rt.
"Vivienne," said Hartley, "you didn 't a nswer my
last let te r. It took me a week to find your new address!
Why di d n't you a n wer me? Yo u knew I wa wa iting
to sec you a nd hear from you."
4 8 >)) Read a n d li te n to Part 2.
T he n ans we r the questions w ith a
Why wasn't Vivienne sure
abo ut acceptin g Ha r tley 's
offe r?
Ho w did Har tley try ro
persuade her?
Where did Hartley and
Vivie nne first mee t?
W h at did Hartley th ink
was the reason why Vivienne
didn 't say yes ro his o ffe r?
What do you thi nk Hartley wa nted
Vivie n ne ro d o?
Who do you think H elo ise is?
Adverbs of manner
We often use adverbs of manner in writ ing to show how
the characters are feeling, behaving, or speaking.
Look at t he highlighted ad verbs . W it h a partne r, guess
wh a t they mea n .
The gi rl looked our the window dreamil y.
"J\lr Harrlcy," she said ~fm, ly, " I do n't know wha t to say
to rou. Iunder ra nd all the advanrages of your offer, a nd
ometimes I feel sure th at I could be happy w it h you. But,
then sometimes l am less sure. I was born a ci t y girl, a nd
I am nor ure that I would enjoy li vi ng a quiet life in the
uhurh ."
"My dear girl," sa id Hartley, "You will have every th ing
that you wa nr. You can come to the ciry for rhe rhea rre,
for hopping, and to vi it you r fri ends as often as you
wanr. You ca n trust me, can't you?"
"I can trust you completely," she said, smiling a t him.
"I know you are the kindest o f men, and thar rhe girl who
you get wi ll be very lucky. I hea rd all abou t you when I
was ar the J\ltonrgomerys'."
"Ah! " excla imed Ha nley, " I remember o well the
evening I first saw you at the Momgomerys'. I will never
forger rhar dinner. Come on, Vi\'ienne, promise me. I
wam you. obody el e wi ll ever give you such a happy
Vivienne didn't answer. uddenly Ha rtley was
u piciou . " Tell me, Vivien ne," he asked, "is there- is
there omeonc else?"
Wha t did Ha rtley say
about Heloise?
2 W h at did Vivie nne
promise to do?
3 W ho do you th in k the
lady in the wh ite d ress is ?
2 W ho was Vivien ne?
3 W ho was H eloise?
Vil'ien ne looked him in the eye.
Did t h e en d ing sur prise yo u ? W hy (not)?
4 GRAMMAR possessive pronouns
Look a t som e ex t racts fro m the story. Com p le te t he m
w ith my, mine, your, or yours.
I ' Vivien ne, you didn 't an wer _ _ last letter.'
2 ' I understa nd all t he advantages of _ _ o ffe r.'
3 ' Vivienne ... you m ust b e _ _ .'
4 ' My answer is yes. I w ill be _ _ .'
4 13 >)) Lis te n . Say t h e sente n ces w ith a possessive
pronoun .
"Do you think for one moment," he aid calmly, "that I
could come to your home while H eloise i there?"
4 11 >)) Listen to Part 4 of
the s to ry.
I Who was t he lady?
''You houldn 't ask rhar, Mr. H artley," she said. " But
I will tell you. There is o ne o ther person - bu t I haven't
promised him anything."
·' Vi,·icnne," aid Hartley, masterfully. " You must be
. ,
4 10 >)) Listen to Pa rt 3 of t h e
s to ry. A nswer the questio n s.
p.l40 Grammar Bank BC. Learn mo re about
possessive prono uns a nd prac ti e the m .
>)) It's my book.
0 's
5 WRITING using adverbs
Ma ke ad verbs fro m the follo wing adjecti ves.
angry lazy
2 PRONUNCIATION sent ence rhythm
quiet sad serious slow
4 14>)) Listen to som e lines fro m stories. Add a n
adverb from a afte r 'said' to sh ow h ow th e person i s
s peaking.
I ' I'm sorry, but I don 't love you ,' he said _ _ .
~9 >)) Liste n tothe la r five linesofPa r r2. W ha tte ll
2 ' G ive me back all my le t ters,' she said _ _ .
the spea kers .. .?
3 ' I t hink .. . I h ave a n idea,' he said _ _ .
a where to pause
4 'Don't m ake a noise. Everyone is asleep ,' she
5 ' [ do n't feel like doing a nythi ng,' he said _ _ .
6 'Th is is a very im portant matter,' she said _ _ .
b in what way to say t he d ialogue
p Reading aloud
Reading stories or poems aloud gives you the opportunit y
to focus on pronunciation, especially sentence rhythm.
b )>-Communication Reading dialogue p.l 04 . P ractise
readi ng th e d ia logue w ith a pa rtn e r.
In pairs, wr ite a s ho rt scen e between H artley's w ife and
H e lo ise, w h e n s he is t ell in g t he cook to leave. Include at
least t wo adverbs o f ma nne r after said.
b Complete with a verb from the list.
enjoy finish
Q a , b,orc.
1 I need
some emails.
a to answer b answer c answering
2 The situation is difficult _ __.
a for explain b explain c to explain
3 I don't know what
a do b to do c that I do
4 I don't really mind ___ housework.
a do b to do c doing
is one of the best form s of exercise.
a Swiming b Swimm ing c Swim
6 ___ bring our books tomorrow?
a Do we have to
b Have we to
c Do we must
7 It's free. You _ __ pay.
a don't have to b mustn't c haven't to
8 You must ___ your gra ndmother.
a to call b calling c call
9 You
drink so much coffee.
a not should b don't should c shouldn't
10 I think you should ___ to her about it.
a to talk b talk c talking
II If she ___, she won't come back.
a goes b went c ' II go
12 If they don't come soon, we _ __ them.
a don't see b won't see c aren't see
13 Call me ifyou ___ a taxi.
a won't find b don't find c didn't find
14 A Whose book is that? B It's ___ .
a my b mine book c mine
15 She forgot his birthday, but he didn't
forget ___ .
a her b she c hers
a @
hate learn mind promise try
Don't ___ to turn off the light before you go.
I want to ___ to speak Italian.
Can you ___ to make less noise, please?
l ___ to pay you back next week.
I rea lly ___ making cakes.
Do you ___ waiting here until I'm ready?
My parents are very punctual - they ___ being late.
When are you going to ___ using the computer? I need it!
Complete the modifiers.
A Howare you? B V ___ well, thanks.And you?
I was in ___ lucky - I won£ I00.
She's a b ___ tired - she needs to rest.
You're driving r ___ fast - slow down!
My bag is q___ heavy because I've got my laptop in it.
d Complete the Bet phrases.
1 We didn't have satnav in the car and we got ___ on the way
home from Edinburgh.
2 I'm always rea lly hungry when I get ___ fro m school.
3 She was very ill, bur luckily she's getting _ _ _ .
4 We got two _ __ for the theat re to see a show.
5 I get ___ very well with my brothers and sisters.
6 T hey were married for ten years, but six months ago they
got ___.
7 I got a text ___ from Carol. She says she's goi ng to be late.
a @
the word w ith a different sound .
fi nd
cou ld
impres~ i o n
ear n
wea r
lear n
the right verb.
When did you know I meet your husband?
Did you tell I say Mark about the party?
If we don't run, we'll miss I lose the train!
I really wait I hope she's passed the exam .
My mother always carries I wears a lor of
b Underline the stressed syllable.
1 pre rend
2 im por rant
3 re mem ber
4 sa Ia ry
5 qui et ly
a Read the article o nce. What does Michael think is
the main reason the British aren't good at s peaking
4 15 >)) In the s t r e e t Watch or listen to five people
and answer the questio ns .
b Read the article again a nd tick the reasons why,
accord ing to the w riter, the British are bad at languages.
0 British people rarely travel abroad .
2 D English is an internatio nal language.
3 0 Britis h people who live abroad often find the local
language roo difficult to learn .
D British people who live abroad often do n't socia lise
with the local peo ple.
D Many British seconda ry school pupils do n't study a
Language teachers in British schools are not very
foreign lang uage.
D British people do n't wa nt to waste mo ney learning
British children do n't know enough abo ut their
own g rammar.
c Look at the highlig hted words o r p h rases in the text .
G uess their meaning fro m the context. C heck w it h
your teache r or with a d ictio nar y.
Why are the British so bad at
learning Languages?
Michael Reece has lived and worked in France for
fifteen years.
~ he
British are bad at speaking foreign Languages. It's
a fact. In any city around Europe you can find British
~ tourists asking for the restaurant menu in English. At
best they will t ry to say a couple of phrases they have Learnt
from a phrase book. bu t they will stop mak1ng an effort the
moment they discover the waiter knows a little English.
St acey
l Stacey th in ks that hap piness is having ___.
a so mewhere n ice to live a nd a lo t of friends
b a lot of money and a close fa mily
c a reaso nable amount of money and fr iends and fa m ily
2 Heba ___.
a s pea ks a little Ara bic and a little French
b s peaks Arabic and French very well
c s peaks Arabic well and a little French
3 If Ruth has relatio nship problem s, she ta lks to _ _ _ .
a her friends
b her mother
c her mother and her friends
4 Ben th in ks peo ple who have problems sleeping
sho uld _ __ .
a d rink less coffee and do mo re exercise
b do physical wo rk befo re going to bed
c dri n k less coffee and try to relax mo re
ick thin ks that Americans a re bad at lear ning
la nguages because ___.
a they do n't wa nt to lea rn lang uages
b they fi nd learnin g lang uages too di fficult
c they aren't interested in travell ing abroa d
I read a survey once which found that only 5% of British
people could count to 20 in another Language. So why
is this? I think Laziness is possibly the key factor. There
is a general feeling among British people that 'everyon e
speaks English nowadays so it's not worth Learning other
Languages'. In multinational companies English is often the
official Language of communication w ithin the company.
Also, British people w ho Live abroad can alw ays find other
British expatriates to tal k to. to watch British TV with , even
to go to British pubs with- all reasons for never bothering
to Learn the Local Language.
The situation in British schools doesn't help. Ten years ago,
about 80% of children at secondary school studied a foreign
Language. Today. that number has gone down to 4 8%. And even
the few pupils who study foreign Languages at school don't
have as many hours of classes as pupils in other European
countries. I think it is also a problem that British children don't
study English grammar any more, which makes it more difficult
for them to Learn the grammar of another Language.
D o the tasks wi t h a partner. T ick(.!) the box if you ca n
do them.
Can you .. . ?
talk about somethi ng yo u would like to lea rn to
do, a nd someone you think would be interes ting to
talk about three th ings you like, love, a nd hate
talk abo ut the ru les in your (la ng uage) school using
must and have to
give someo ne advice about learn ing English using
should and shouldn't
remember th ree o f Mu r phy's Laws in English
say two true sentences using mine and yours
Short films Learning a lang uage
Wat ch and enjoy a f ilm on iTutor.
G if+ past, would+ infinitive (second conditional)
V animals
P word stress
I'd run away.
a Read the quiz questio ns and a nswers .
Complete each question w ith a n animal
fro m the list.
bee bull dog jellyf ish shark
b Look at the hi ghlighted ve rbs and verb
phrases. Wit h a partne r, try to guess their
mea ning from the context.
c Read the quiz again a ndQ
a nswers, a, b, o r c.
you r
d )1- Communication Would you know what
to do? A p.l04 B p.lOB C p.ll O. Read t he
answers to o ne sectio n and tell the others.
Did you all choose the right answers?
Would you know
what to do?
We all love seeing animals on TV and
in zoos. But some animals can be
dangerous. If you met one in real life,
would you know the right thing to
do? Read about some common and
some less common situations.
Would you know what to do?
e H ave you ever been in any of these
situatio ns? What d id you do?
if+ past, would+ inf initive
a Look at questions 1-6 again. Are they
about a past situatio n or an imag ined future
situat ion? What tense is the verb after if?
b )1- p.l42 Grammar Bank 9A . Learn mo re
about the second cond itio na l and practise it.
c Complete t he sentences so that they are true
for you. Compare wit h a partner.
1 Ifi had five extra hours every week,.. .
2 I would be very happy if...
3 If I could live a nywhere in the world, ...
4 I would learn English more quickly if...
5 Iff won a lot of money in the lottery, ...
3 VOCABULARY animals
a )1- p.l61 Vocabulary Bank Animals.
4 18>)) Listen. Which animals can you
In the city
What would you do ...
. .. if a large aggressive _ _ _ ran towards you?
a I w ould shout ' dow n' at it several times.
b I would put my hands in my po c ket s and walk
slowly backwa rds.
c I w ould keep completely still and look at it in its eyes .
2 What wou ld you do ...
. . . if you were driving and a _ __ flew into the car?
a I would open all the wi ndow s and wait f or it to fly o ut.
b I would try to kill it w ith a ma p or a newspaper.
c I would wave my hand t o ma ke it go out .
4 PRONUNCIATION word stress
In the country
3 What would you do ...
... if a poisonous
bit you on the leg,
and you were more than 30 minutes from the
nearest town?
Look at the animal words below. Can you rem ember
w hich sylJable is stressed? Underl ine it.
a I would put something very cold on it, like a
water bottle .
b I would suck the bite to get the poison out.
c I would t ie something, e.g. a scarf on my leg
above the bite .
4 What would you do ...
... if you were in the middle of a field and a
_ __ started running towards you?
a I would run to the gate .
b I would throw something (e.g. a hat or a bag) in
another direction .
c I would shout and wave my arms.
Stress in words that are similar in other languages
Some words in English, e.g. for animals, are similar t o t he
same words in other languages, but the stress is often in
a different place .
ca mel era co dile dol phin e le phant
gi raffe kan ga roo li on mo squi to
4 19 >)) Listen and check. A re any of these words similar
in your language? ls the tress in the sa me place?
c In pairs. a k and answer the questio ns.
I vV hat's the most dangerous animal in your country?
2 lfyouwenr ona safa r i,whata nimalwoulcl youmo t
like to see?
3 W hat's your favourite fil m about an animal?
4 W hat's your favour ite cartoon animal?
5 Are there any animals or insect you a re really afraid of?
6 Do you (or did you) have a pet? What?
7 Are you allergic to any ani mals or insects?
8 If you could be a n an imal , which a nima l would you like
to be?
Wo rk in groups of th ree. Ta ke turns to choose a
questio n a nd ask the others in the group. Then an swer
it yourself.
What would you do...
... if you saw a mouse in your kit chen?
... if you saw somebody being attacked by a dog?
... if a bird or a bat flew into your bedroom?
... if you saw a large spider in the bath?
... if it was a very hot day and you were on a beach that
was famous for shark attacks?
5 What would you do ...
... if you were in the sea and a
... if someone offered to buy you a fur coat?
... if your neighbour's dog barked all night?
_ _ stung you?
a I would rub the sting with a towel to clean it.
b I would•wash the sting w ith fresh water.
... if a friend asked you to look after their
cat or dog for the weekend?
c I would wash the sting with v inegar or sea water.
... if you went to somebody's house for
dinner and t hey gave you ...?
6 What would you do ...
.. . if you were in the sea quite near the shore and
you saw a
a I would swim to the shore as quickly and quietly
as possible .
b I would float and pretend to be dead.
c I would shout for help.
a horse meat
b goat c kangaroo
Talking about imaginary situations
I think I'd (probably) ...
I (definitely) wouldn't...
I don't think I'd...
G present perfect + for and since
V phobias and words related to fear
P sentence stress
the noun made from the adjecti ve afraid _ _ _ __
2 one adjecti ve which means very afraid
3 two synonyms for afra id _ _ _ __
phobias and words related to fear
Look at the picture. How many things can you see th at
some people have a phobia of?
b Look at the na mes of five phobias. Match them to
explanations A-E.
ac rophobia
2 .1\.goraphobia
3 g!Qssophobia
4 claustrophobia
5 arachnophobia
Read the ex planations again. Find in the texts ...
4 20 >)) Listen to three people talking about their
phobias. A nswer questio n 1 for each person.
People with this phobia are terrified of spiders.
Rupert Grint, the actor who played Ron Weasley in
the Harry Potter f ilms, has this phobia. and so does
his cha racter Ro n.
1 What is he I she
afraid of?
2 When did it start?
This phobia can have a severe effect on sufferers' Lives.
These people are frightened of being in open and
public spaces Like shops and busy streets. They often
feel panic when they go out and only feel safe at home.
People wi t h this phobia are afraid of being in closed
spaces Like Lifts, or t ravelling o n t he underground.
This phobia can make Life very difficul t for peopl e
who Live and wo rk in cities.
People who suffer from this phobia are scared of
heights, and they get very nervous if they have to go
up high, for example on a ski Lift o r if they are on a
balcony on the 20th f loor.
People with this phobia suffer from a fear of public
speaking. They get very nervous if they have to speak
in front of other people, for example at work or in
class or at a conference. The actor Harrison Ford has
been afraid o f public speaking all his Life. He even
gets nervous when a character in a film he is making
has to make a speech .
3 How does it affect
his I her life?
b Liste n again a nd a nswe r questio ns 2 a nd 3 for each
person. Which per o n do you think is most affected by
their phobia?
Ask a nd answer with a partner.
Which of the phobias in this lesson do you think is the
most irrational?
2 Which do you think ma kes the sufferers' lives most
3 Do you or anyone you know have a phobia? W hen and
how did it start? How does it affect your or their lives?
My brother is really afraid of flying. He gets
very nervous before he flies somewhere.
It started about ten years ago when ...
3 GRAMMAR present perfect + for and since
a Look at this extract fro m the fi rs t inter view in 2 . A nswer
the questio ns.
'How long have you had this phobia?'
'I've had it for about 40 years. Since I was 12 years old.'
a D o you know of a ny kinds o f treatm ent fo r
peo ple who h ave pho bias?
b Read the text and ma rk the sentences T (rrue) o r
F (fa lse).
l When did she begin to be afraid ofbats?
2 Ls she afraid of bats now?
3 What tense do we use to talk abo ut someth ing that started
in the past a nd is sti ll true now?
4 Complete the r ule with for o r since.
Use _ _ with a per iod of time.
Use _ _ with a point in time.
I 30% of peo ple have some ki nd of phobia.
2 Docto rs have created a new d rug to cure
pho bias.
3 In exposure therapy people learn to relax when
they are exposed to something they are afraid of.
4 Exposure therapy is always s uccessful.
5 T he d rug affects the way people learn and
remember th ings.
6 T he study showed that the dru g helped people to
lose their fea r.
b ~ p.l42 Grammar Bank 98. Lea rn mo re abo ut the present
perfect+ fo r a nd since, a nd practise it.
4 22>)) Listen a nd say the phrase w ith for o r since.
>)) 1984 0ince 1984
Scared of spide
Take this pill.
4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
here are many different kinds of phobias
and they affect at least a quarter of the
population. But doctors believe that they may soon
have a cure. They have discovered that a drug, which
is given to patients suffering from tuberculosis, can
also help people to overcome their phobias.
23 >)) Listen a nd repeat. Copy the _ilittlun .
1 for ten years ---7 worked here for ten years
---7 I've worked here for ten years.
2 since 2002 ---7 lived here since 2002
---7 We've lived here since 2002.
3 known him ---7 have you known him
---7 How long have you known him?
The normal treatment for people with strong
phobias is some kind of exposure therapy. The
most commonly used exposure therapy involves
gradually exposing people to the object or situation
that produces the fear. For example, if you have a
dentist phobia, you might first sit in the waiting
room of a dent ist, then talk to the dentist, and
the n sit in the dentist's chair. These exposures are
combined with relaxation techniques.
24 >)) Listen a nd write fi ve sentences.
a Look at the question s be low. What two tenses are they?
What ar e the missing wo rds?
However, exposure therapy does not work for
everybody, and doctors think that the new drug,
which causes changes to a part of the brain which is
used in learning and memory, could be used in the
future to make this therapy more effective. Michael
Davis at Emory University School of Medicine in
Atlanta, Georgia did a study with 30 acrophobics
- people who are scared of heights- and put them
in a glass lift that appeared to go up and down. The
people who were given the pill felt much less afraid
then those who took a placebo.
I a pet? How long I it?
I a bike ? How long I it?
I in a modern flat ? How long I there?
I near this school ? How long I t he re?
I anybody from another country?
How long I him (her)?
I a fan of a football team?
How long I a fa n?
I a member of a club or organization?
How long I a member?
I married? How long I married?
b Move aro u nd the class a nd ask o ther s tude nts. lft hey a nswer
Yes, f do o r Yes, I am to the first q uestio n , ask the seco nd
questio n . T ry to find a d ifferent perso n fo r each q uestio n .
W ith a pa rtner, g uess the m eani ng of the
highlighted wo rds a nd ph rases.
d W h at s tages of exposure therapy do you th ink
could be used fo r a som eone w ith
a) arachno pho bia b) claustro pho bia?
G present perfect or past simple? (2)
V biographies
P word stress, b :/
biographies, word stress, /-:J:/
4 25 >)) Look at the highlighted words in the list be low. Which
syllable i stressed ? Listen and check.
Events in your life
marry sb I get married
go to primary school
have children
go to secondary school
D go to university D
D leave school D
D separate
get divorced
reti re
fall in love
O die
umber the expressions in wh at you think is the most logical
order. Compare with a partner. D o you ag ree?
I born
d Practise say ing these words . C ircle the ones w it h the b :/ sound .
more work world small walk worse
t alk ball form bought four word
4 27 >)) Listen and check. What rule can you see for words w ith
war + con o na nt?
Look at the photos of Bob a nd Z iggy Marley a nd read the
introduction. Have yo u heard the ir music? D o yo u like it?
b Read ten facts about the live of the t wo men. In pa irs, decide
which fi ve a re about Bob Marley (BM) a nd w hich five are a bout
Z iggy Marley (ZM).
c Work in pairs. A re-read the facts about Bo b Ma rley and B about
Z iggy Marley. C lose your books a nd tell your partner wh at you
can re mem ber.
He and three of his brothers and
,_..~...-_...J sisters formed a band called The
Melody Makers, and they played at
their fat her's funeral.
He had eleven children with several
different women. However, he only
married one of them, Rita Marley in
3--L..I_ __JI He has been a musician since he
was ten, when his father bought him
his first guitar.
4_1,____;1 He has lived in Miami for many
I -
3 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? (2)
A nswer the questions.
Look at the fi ve facts about Bob Marley. W hat tense are a ll the
verbs? W hy?
2 Look at the fi ve facts about Ziggy Ma rley. What th ree tenses are
there? W hy?
years with his wife Orly, and they
have three children.
> p.l42 Grammar Bank 9C. Learn mo re a bout the di ffere nce
between the present perfect and the past simple , a nd practise it.
'- ! _ _,I He has won four Gram my awards for
his music, including Best Reggae
'-_,_1--'1 He injured his foot playing football
and he later became ill with cancer.
He died four years later aged 36.
a Look at the photos of another famous
father and son, Julio and Enrique, who are
both singe rs. What's their surna me?
Who do you think is more famous?
1 Madrid 1975 - - - - - - - ,
5 'Escape' 2001
4 'Enrique Iglesias' 1995
7 100 million
b You are going to listen to a radio programme about Enrique. Look
at the information. Befo~·e you listen , guess what the connectio n
is to him.
0hink he was born in fv1adrid in 1975.
4 29 >))
ow liste n and make notes. Compare with a partner.
d Do you think Z iggy and Enrique have been successful because of
their surnames, or because they are genuinely talented? Do you think
it's common for children to wa nt to do the same job a their parents?
a Think abo ut an o lder person , a frie nd o r a member of your family,
who is alive and who you know well. Prepare to a nswer the
questio ns below about their life a nd to tell your pa rtne r any other
inte resting info rmation about them.
The past
I7_,1_-----'1He was born in a small village in
Jamaica. His father was a captain in
the British army.
I He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in
I His music was very influenced by
1968 and he was 13 years old when
his father died. His father's last
words to him were 'Money can't buy
you life.'
social problems in his homeland,
made eleven albums. His most
famous songs included No Woman,
No Cry, Three Little Birds, and
I Shot the Sheriff
The present
Where I live now?
• Where I born?
• How tong I live there?
• What I do after (he I she)
leave school? (e.g. get a j ob,
go to university, get married,
have children, etc.)
• What I do? (job)
How long ...?
What/ do in (his I her) f ree t ime?
Do you think (he I she) has had a good life? Why (not)?
b Interview you r partner about his f her per o n. Ask for more
information. Do your two peo ple have anythi ng in common?
I'm going to tell you about my grandmothe~ 0 hen was she born?
I With his band, The Wailers, he
When I born?
> p.l16 Writ ing A biography.
Write a biography of a person you
know, or a famous person.
4 30 >))
SONG You're fv1y #l J1
Getting around
2 VOCABULARY directions
a Look at the pictures and com plete the phrases.
1 Turn _ __
2 Go
3 Ta ke the _ _ _ turni ng on the right.
4 Turn right at the _ _ _ lights.
5 Go round the _ _ _ and take the third exir.
4 32 l)) Listen a nd check.
33l)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen.
Mark Rob's route o n the m ap.
4 3l l)) Watch or listen to Rob a nd Ho lly. Ma rk the
sentences T (true) or F (fa lse).
Rob has just done an interview.
He is in a hurry.
He has another interview in Ma nhattan.
He has another coffee.
Barbara phones Rob.
T he restaurant is booked for 7 o'clock.
British and American English
rest room= American English; toilet= British English
the subway = American English; the underground=
British English
b Watch o r listen agai n. Say why the F sentences a re false.
b Watch o r listen aga in . Complete the You H ear
You Say
How do I get to
Greenwich Village on
the subway?
How many stops is
Go to the subway station at
Prospect Park.
8 train to West 4th Street.
Six or seven.
From West 4th Street take the
A train, and get
14th Street.
Could you say
that again?
OK. From Prospect Park take the
8 train to West 4th Street, and
then take the A train to 14th
Street. That's only one
Come out of the subway on
Eighth Avenue, go _ _ __
on for about 50 yards and
take the
left. That's
Greenwich Avenue.
The restaurant's on the
- --=======::_ 'l_::_· t's:::_..::.:ca::.:,:lled The Tea Set.
OK, thanks.
See you later.
And don't get _ _ __
I W hat excuse does Rob give fo r being late?
2 How lo ng has Jen ny wa ited for him?
3 What does Rob suggest they do?
4 Wh at does Jen ny say that Rob could do?
5 Who is Rob interested in: Holly o r Jenny?
phrases. Copy t he rhythm .
d Practi e the dia logue w ith a pa rtne r.
Ln pa irs, ro leplay the d ia logue.
A B is at Prospect Park. C hoose a destinatio n o n the
"'\,.35 >)) Watch o r li ste n to Ro b and Jenny. Is the date a
s uccess?
b Watch o r li ste n agai n a nd a nswer the questio ns.
c 4 3 4 >)) Watch o r listen and repeat the You Say
e •
>)) You Hear
OK. And then?
Where's the
c Look at the Social English phrases. Ca n you
rem ember a ny of the missing words?
subway map. G ive B directio ns. You starr with Go to
t:he subway station at ....
Social English phrases
Rob I'm so _ _ __
B Follow A's directio ns, and tell A which ubway stop
you have a rri ved at. Were you right?
Rob I
f Swap roles.
I'm sorry.
Jenny 1 don't want to _ _ __ here any more.
Jenny I don't ____ like a walk.
the A train to... Then ...
Jenny It's been a _ _ __ day.
Jenny I didn't
to say that.
4 36 >)) Watch o r listen a nd complete the phrases.
Watch o r listen aga in a nd repeat the phr ases. How do
you say them in you r la ng uage?
Can you ...?
D give and understand direct ions in t he street
D give and underst and directions for using
public transport
G passive
V verbs: invent, discover, etc.
P ~f/, -ed, sentence stress
I t hink it was
invent ed by a
Are you
Loo k at the pho tos. Five of these t h ings were invented by women.
In pai rs, decide wh ich fi ve you t hink they are.
4 37 >)) Now listen to a rad io programme abo ut inventions. Were
you r ig ht? Complete the sentences w it h t he inventio n.
I T he _ _ _ _ _ was invented by JosephineCochra ne in 1886.
were invented by M ary Anderson in 1903.
were invented by Marion Donovan in 1950.
was invented by Bette Nesmi th Graha m in 1956.
5 T he
was invented by Stephanie Kwolek in 1966.
Listen again and a nswer the quest io ns.
W hat happened after Jose phi ne Coch ra ne's d inner parties?
2 W hat was th e problem with ca rs in 1903 when it rained o r
3 How many disposable nappies a re used every day?
4 What was Bette esmith Gra ha m's job?
5 What was s pecial about the material Stephanie Kwolek invented?
Which of the five inventions do you think was t he best?
2 GRAMMAR pass1ve
Make fi ve true sente nces using the words in the chart.
The dishwasher
is called
Tipp-Ex today.
Disposable nappies
was invent ed
by Marion Donovan.
More than 55 million nappies
are protect e d
every day.
Mrs Graham's invention
were invented
by the bullet-proof vest.
Policemen all over the world
are used
by an American woman.
T he dishwasher was invented by an American woman.
Look at t he two sentence below and answer the q uestions.
a An Amer ican woman invented the dishwasher.
b The d is hwasher was invented by an American woma n.
Do the sentences have the same meaning?
2 In which sentence i the foc us more o n the dishwasher?
3 In which cntence is the focus more on the woman?
> p.l44 Grammar Bank lOA. Learn m o re about the passive a nd
practise it.
Di(J you know...?
verbs: invent, discover, etc.
a March the ve rbs to the dictio na ry definitio ns .
ne of the most famous logos
i n the world is the Nike logo.
It was 1
by an America n
st udent, Carolyn Davidson ,
in 1971. Ms Davidson was
only paid $35 dollars for her
design. However, she was
a gold ri ng
later 2
in the shape of the logo and
Nike shares.
base design discover invent
_ _ _ verb to find o r learn srh fo r the first time,
e.g. 0 A was- in 1953.
verb to make sth us ing sth else as a sta rtin g
point, e.g. Thisfil m is- 0 11 a true story.
verb to draw a plan wh ich shows how to
make sth, e.g. The buildiii[J was- by a German architect.
verb to make o r rh ink of srh fo r the first t ime,
e.g. Who - the bicycle?
b Com plete the 'D id you know. . . ?' text w ith the past
participle of a verb fro m the li st.
base call design discover give
invent open play show use
c Read the text aga in. O ne o f the piece of info r ma tio n is
not true. W hich o ne do you think it is?
4 PRONUNCIATION Iff, -ed, sentence stress
a 4 39 >)) Listen a nd repeat t he words a nd o unds.
dishwasher inventio n
s pecia l washing mach ine
b W hat fo ur ways ca n yo u see for s pe lling the /f/ sound?
W h ich o ne do yo u t hink is nor ty pica l? Go to the
Sound Bank p.167 a nd check.
c How is -ed prono unced in these past participles?
Put them in the right column.
based called ere a ted de signed di rec ted
di lsco vered in vented pain ted pro duced used
~ tie
inned food was
in 1810 i n
Britain by Peter Durand.
Unfortunately, he did not also invent a ti n
with difficulty
opener, so tins were 4
using a knife and a hammer. It wasn't until
nearly so years Later that the American
Ezra Warner invented the tin opener.
hen people at toy company Parker
Brothers were first 5
board game 'Monopoly', they were
not interested. They said it had 52
fundamental errors, including taking
too long to play. However, a few
days later the company president
saw the game and took it home
to try it. He stayed up until
1 a.m. to finish playing it,
and the next day he wrote to
the inventor, Charles Darrow,
and offered to buy it!
he modern game of golf
was invented in Scotland
in the 18th century. It was
originally only 6
men, and was 7
because of the rule Gentlemen
Only Ladies Forbidden . This is
how the word golf entered into the
English language.
4,/40 >)) Listen a nd check. Underline the s t ressed
syllable in each multi-syllable verb.
otox was first 8
i n 1985 to
correct strabismus (lazy eye) in children.
The possibility of using it to make people's faces look
20 years later.
younger was only 9
4 41 >)) Listen a nd w ri te s ix sentence . T hen listen
aga in and repeat. Copy the .iliy_thm .
)--Communication Passives quiz A p. l OS B p.109.
Ma ke sentences fo r yo ur pa rtner to decide if they ar e
true o r fa lse.
he character Gregory House in the hit TV series
on Conan Doyle's detective
House M.D. is 10
Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes, House uses his
intelligence and knowledge of psychology to solve
cases. House's relationship with his friend Dr James
Wilson is similar to that between Holmes and his friend ,
Dr John Watson, and the address on his driving licence
is 221B Baker St, a direct reference to Holmes's address.
lftmtora ~l
G used to
V school subject s
P used to I didn't use to
Yes, I did.
I used to have a
great t ime.
1 VOCABULARY school subject s
2 GRAMMAR used to
a Read the repo rt a nd m atch the subjects and
a When you were at school did you get a
re port at the end of every term or yea r?
Were they usually good or bad? Did yo u
always show them to your parent ?
0 art
CJ {Qniqn fill1CJUiil!fe-5 <Enaiish. e-tr)
0 CJ!QfJYClpnCj
0 i1.lStO~
72 ·u
44· .
IT (• inronnation tt!hflQ/oq!f)
50' o
5 ~
[ ' mlilihs
b Read some extracts from Could do better,
a collection o f famo us British people's
school reports. Are t he comments posit ive
o r negat ive?
Pf ( ph~sica/ eaumtion)
78. :J;
sue-net (~sics. chemistnj. ~mel brQioq!f)
Lli!Ziflill1d t.mtid!f Talks a lot in class
.. ·,
1 +2 3 ==
•·l< 't
!~i' '~
~~ t.t'<':'.
reDJ.s I..I..)(21.L o.N:J.. €)o(:f"!ESSC25
~Q..{f welt, CJ,.JV! is 8ooJ... o1: a.r~~e­
\oW= .e.oerj~ ~ ~<;:., Ls '5~ ~
~!> cdti~ ad IU€. \oaJ. loe.h..tunou.r.
Ken Follett
best-selling author of
The Pillars of the Earth
Sk.e MM s-t- -f"rtJ rn
be, LL.-ss ~ot-itnt_~
. . . wi+k ~+hevs .
Princess Diana
mother of Princes William and Harry
4 42 >)) Listen and check.
c Look at the repo rt again . W hat do marks and
behaviour mea n?
d Did you have a ny other subjects at prima ry o r
secondary school? W hich subjects were you ... ?
a good at
b OK at
c bad at
I was very bad at math=l
We use at after good and bad to t alk about
our abilit ies, e.g. I was very bad at mat hs.
I'm very good at cooking.
politician, Prime Minister during
the Second World War 1940-45
c Read the ext racts aga in a nd match th e
people to enrence 1-5. Write KF, JL , PD,
WC,or HF.
didn't u e to get to school on time.
used to make the other children laugh.
wa clever. but didn't use to behave well.
used to u every complicated vocabul ary.
used to cry a lo t at school.
3 PRONUNCIATION used to I didn't use to
Pronouncing used to
When we say used to or (didn't) use to we link the two words
together. They are both pronounced ju:'>t:l .
4 44 >)) Li te n a nd und erlin e th e stre ed words. The n li ten and
I He used to hate school.
d Look at senrence 1- 5 again. Does used to
refer to ... ?
2 I used robe good at French .
3 T hey d idn't use to behave wel l.
I a the pre ent
4 S he d idn't use to wear glasses.
b the pa t
2 a things that happened o nce
b things that happened repeated ly
5 Did you u e to wa lk to school?
e )>- p.l44 Grammar Bank 108. Learn more
about used to and practise it.
I S .. . 01
cA. C7l.A./ v-.
,· V'\
4 46 >)) Li sten to six people ta lking about their me mories of
school. Write ./ if they liked it, ~ if they didn't li ke it, a nd./~ if
they liked som e things but no t others.
oMe.-r pup-il cs' --n'r"Y\e. .
John Lennon
ow listen a nd write six mo re senrence
-f-4 e..
4 45 >))
5 [_ 6 ]
b Liste n again a nd a nswer the questio ns.
Who ... ?
musician, member of the Beatles 1960-69
didn't like being at a sa me-sex school
didn't use to study a lo t, but got good marks
had a very good physics teacher
hated do ing sport
liked o ne school, bur not another
used to read a lot at school
c Do you identify w it h a ny of the speakers? Why?
a T hink about w hen you were at primary o r second ary chool.
Prepare your answe rs to the ques ti o n below. T hink of examples
you could give.
Did you u se to ... ?
• be d isorga nized o r very o rga ni zed
• be late for school o r on time
• get a lot of ho mework or a little
• have a teacher you really liked
be a good o r a bad student
wea r a u nifor m
have a teacher you hated
have a nick name
b Work in g ro ups of three. A tell B a nd C about how you used to be.
B and C li ten and a k for more in format ion. T he n swa p roles.
Did you have anything in commo n?
Subject: English
H~, mua~ lu,.tL
ntJt: ~
suc.t /l.trwu;y ta"Ju':!e.·
Helen Fielding
author of Bridget Jones's Diary
~ ~;;d to be very disorganized, for example
left my books or my sports clothes at home.
4 47 >))
G might
V word building: noun formation
P diphthongs
4 49 >)) Adri an p ho nes T ina late r. W hat happens?
Und erli ne the verb p h ra e in t he d ia lo g ue with mi[J ht.
D o we use t hem fo r .. . ?
I an o bligatio n
2 a po s ibility
)o- p.144 Grammar Bank lOC. Lea rn m o re abo u t m i[Jht
and p ract ise it.
g Take turns to ask and an swer the questio ns belo w. Use I'm
no t sure. / m i[Jht. .. and give two po s ibi lit ie each ti me.
What are you goi~g ) ( l'fT! ~ot sure. I migh t go home or I
to do after cia~ ~t go shopping. What about you?
W hat a re you going to do after class?
W hat are yo u go ing to have for d inner to night?
W hat are you go ing to do on Saturday night?
W here are yo u going ro havelunch o n S u nday?
W here are you go ing ro go for your next holiday?
2 PRONUNCIATION diphthongs
1 GRAMMAR might
D o you k now an ybo d y who is ver y indecis ive? W hat is
he f she indecisive about?
4 48 >)) Cover the dialo g ue and listen . W hat does
Ad ria n d ecide in t he end ?
Listen aga in a nd com plete the d ialog ue .
b Look at the other word . W hich o ne ha a d ifferent sound ?
Tina Hi, Adrian.
Adrian Oh. Hi, Tina.
T It's Alice's party tonight . You are going, aren't you?
A I don't know. I'm not sure. I might
, but I might
not . I can't decide.
Oh, come on. It'll be good. Lots of Alice's friends are
going t o be t here. You might _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Yes, t hat's true... OK. I'll go then.
Great. Shall we get a taxi there?
No, I'll take my car... No, wait . It might _ _ __
_ _ _ _ to park. Let's get a taxi.
Fine. What t ime s hall I get t he taxi for? 9.30?
Yes ... No... Listen. I'll t ake my car. I'll pick you up at 9.00.
Are you sure about that?
Yes, I'm sure ... I think.
4 51>)) Lis te n a nd re peat th e picture wo rd s and
sounds .
trai n
pho ne
migh t
fa il
brea k
alt ho ug h
wo n't
nea r
wea r
care ful
52 >)) Listen a nd check.
eng ineer
wher e
Eu ro pe
cu rious
ro u nd
sou th
ea r
tou rist
ow l
tOW n
noi sy
word building: noun formation
a Interview yo ur partner with the questio n naire. Ask for
more information. W hich o f you is mo re indecisive?
Do you have problems deciding ...?
• what t o buy when you go shopping
• what to wear when you go out
• what to eat in a restaurant
• what to do in your free time
• where to go on holiday
decide ..... decision imagine ..... imagination
Other verbs change when you form a noun, e.g.
see (verb) ..... sight (noun)
a W ith a partner try to complete t he chart.
Do you often change your mind about things? What kind of
Do you think you are indecisive?
D Yes
Noun formation
Wit h many verbs you can make a noun by adding -ion,
-sion, or -ation, e.g.
D I'm not sure
b Read the a rticle carefu lly. C o mplete it with sentences
Noun (+ -ion, -sion, or -ation)
A And it isn't just in the coffee bar.
invit e
B But if all this choice is bad for us, what can we do
about it?
C Buying a cup of coffee isn't as easy as it used to be.
D People often think that being able to choose from a
lot of options is a good thing.
E Research shows that we feel happier when we have
Noun (new word)
less choice.
c Do you ag ree that there is too much cho ice in the
following? W hy (not)?
a in supermarkets
on TV
c in clothes shops
_ _ _ _ . Years ago there were only two kinds of coffeeblack or white. But nowadays when you go into a coffee shop
in the UK you are given about twenty different options. Do
you want a Cappuccino, a Latte, a Caramel Macchiato,
an Americana, or a White Mocha?
_ _ _ _ . In big supermarkets we have to
choose between thousands of products - my local
supermarket has 35 different kinds of milk! When we
are buying clothes or electrical gadgets, looking for a
hotel on a travel website, or just deciding which TV
channel to watch, we are constantly forced to choose
from hundreds of possibilities.
. However, university
researchers have discovered that too
much choice is making us feel unhappy and
dissatisfied. The problem is that we have
so many options t hat we get stressed every
time we have to make a decision, because
d in coffee shops
e in restaura nts
4 53 >)) Listen and check. Underline the stressed
syllable in the verbs a nd nouns.
we are worried about making the wrong one. Then
when we choose one thing we feel bad because we t hink
we are missing other opportunities, and t his makes us
dissat isfied with what w e have chosen.
• Professor Mark Lepper at Stanford
University in America found that people
tried six kinds of jam felt happier with their
choice than those who were offered 24 jam
to taste.
. Professor Lepper suggests that
we should try to relax when we have to
choose something to buy. 'Don't take these
choices too seriously or it will become
stressful,' he says. 'If you pick a sofa
from IKEA in 30 seconds, you'll
feel better than if you spend hours
researching sofas - because you
won't know what you're missing.'
Adapted from a British newspaper
b @
@ a , b,orc.
1 lfi _ __ a snake, I'd be terrified.
a see
b saw c seen
2 What _ _ _ if a large dog attacked you?
a you would do
b will you do
c would you do
3 I _ __ that bike if I were you.
a wouldn't buy b didn't buy c won't buy
4 l ___ in this house since I was 12.
a live b lived c have lived
5 We have n't seen my uncle _ _ _ a long time.
a since b during c for
6 ___ have you had this car?
a How long b How much c How long time
7 I _ __ married for 15 yea rs. I got divorced in
a have been b am c was
8 When _ __ Queen Victoria die?
a did b has c was
9 The dishwasher ___ in 1886.
a were invented b was invented c is invented
10 The first book in the series was _ __ ten years
a wri te b wrote c written
11 The Mona Lisa was painted ___ da Vinci.
a for b by c to
12 When I was a child I _ __ have very long hair.
a use to b used to c used
13 Jack ___ like sport when be was at school.
a don't use to
b d idn't used to
c didn't use to
14 I might _ __ Sophie a ring for her birthday.
a buy b to buy c buying
15 Sue _ __ come tonight. She has to work late.
a might no b not might c might not
choose ___
organize ___
spide r
ma th s
sha rk
m a rks
histo ry
c Complete with a verb from the list in the right form.
base design
discover fall
In Britain most people ___ when they are 65.
in love for the first time when Twas 15.
Penicillin was _ __ by Alexa nder Fleming in 1928.
The Lord of the Rings films were ___ on the books
written by Tolkien.
5 The first Apple computer was ___ by Steve Wozniak.
d Write the words for the definitions.
1 k ___ a wild animal that lives in Australia
2 b _ __ an insect that m akes honey
3 cr___ a reptile that lives in rivers in Africa a nd
4 b
a m ale cow
5 t _ _ _ very afraid
6 s___ a couple usually do this before they get divorced
7 s _ __ a school subject that includes physics, chemist ry,
and biology
8 r ___ information you get from your school at the e nd
of each term which says how you h ave done
a @
the word with a different sound.
sca red
5 /j u/
ch ildren
b U nderline the stressed syllable.
Make nouns from the verbs.
the word that is different.
5 die _ __
6 succeed _ _ _
7 imagine _ __
1 gi raffe
2 e lephant
3 secondary
4 retire
5 de sign
a Read the article once. H ow did the dolphins protect the
sw immers from the shark?
b Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true)
o r F (false).
4 54 >)) In the street Watch or Listen to five people and
answer the questions.
1 T he swimmers were swimming very n ear the beach.
2 The dolphins were doing strange things.
3 M r Howes and Helen were separated from the other
two swimmers.
4 One of the dolphins jumped out o f the water.
5 Mr Howes saw a big fish swimming aro und the other
two girls.
6 Mr Howes understood that the dolphins were trying to
help them.
7 The dolphins stopped the shark from attacking them.
8 In the end the swimmers were r escued by lifeguards.
9 An expert said that dolphins very o ften behave in this
c Look at the high lighted words o r phrases in th e text.
G uess their meaning from the context. C heck with
your teacher or with a dictionary.
ifeguard Rob Howes, his daughter Niccy, 15, Karina Cooper.
15, and Helen Slade,l6, were swimming lOOm out to sea at
Ocean Beach in New Zealand when suddenly seven dolphins swam
towards them.
'They were behaving really weirdly,' Mr Howes said, 'swimming
in circles around us, and hitting the water with their tails.' One
dolphin swam towards Mr Howes and Helen, who were about 20m
away from the other two, and was trying to push them towards
the other two girls.
'Then suddenly I saw another huge fish swimming around me and
Helen,' said Mr Howes. It was in fact a three metre-long great
white shark.
'It was only about two metres away from us,' he said. At that point,
he realised that the dolphins 'were trying to herd the four of us
together to protect us'.
The shark then went towards the other two girls. Mr Howes was
terrified, especially because one of the swimmers was his daughter.
But the dolphins pushed the four swimmers back together and
circled around them for anot her 40 minutes. Mr Howes decided
not to tell the three girls a shark was sharing t he water with them.
Fortunately, the shark finally swam away, and the swimmers all
reached the beach safely.
'I swim with dolphins perhaps three or four times a year and I have
never seen them behave like that,' said Mr Howes. However, dolphin
expert Ingrid Visser said that there have been other reports from
around the world about dolphins protecting swimmers. She said
that, in this case, the dolphins probably sensed the humans were in
danger and took action to protect them.
Sarah Jane
1 David h as had _ _ _ si nce he was a child.
a arachnophobi.a
b agor aphobia
c claustrophobia
2 Joa nna would like to see leopa rds in the wild
a they have always been her favourite a nimals
b s he saw them befo re o n a safari and loved them
c they are on e of the wild a nimals she hasn't seen yet
3 When Polly was at school _ _ _.
a she didn't have many friends
b she liked most subjects
c she didn 't like French o r maths
4 Sarah Ja n e has been a teacher _ _ _.
a since 2006 b fo r 6 years c for 16 years
5 Justin loves the Empire S tate Building because _ _ _ .
a he thinks it's in exactly the right place
b he loves its height, and the view from the top
c it's one of the oldest skysc rapers in New York
Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (I') the box if you can
do them.
Can you ... ?
D say what you wou ld do if...
a a dog a ttacked you
b you won the lottery
c you had mo re free t ime
talk abou t how long you have ...
a lived whe re you a re now
b had your laptop or computer
c been at this school
D talk about three things you used to do w he n you
describe your life story
talk about when three things were inve nted or built
were a child
say three things yo u m igbt do next week
Short f ilms Marwell Wildlife
Watch and enjoy a f ilm on iTutor.
G expressing movement
V sports, expressing movement
P sports
It went
over the bar.
·. ~.. .. ____ ;.,..~"!;,
• -
.- ~
"" ~"
sports, expressing movement
a What sports ca n you see in the photos?
4 55 >)) Look at the spo rts in the list. How do you
pronounce them in Engli sh? Listen and check, and
a Put these words in the correct column . Do you
know a ny other wo rds connected to these sports?
underline the st ressed syllable. Do you know the names of
a ny o ther s po rts in English?
bunker corner hole lap match point
penalt y serve track
ath le t ics base ball ba sket ball box ing cy cling
footlball golf hand ball ho ckey mo tor ra cing
rugiby skijing tennis volley ball wind isur fing
Verbs with sports
1 We use play for sports with a ball, e.g. I play hockey
at school.
2 With sports ending in -ing (cycling, skiing, windsurfing, etc.)
we normally use the verb, e.g. I cycle at weekends, or go +
sport, e.g. I go cycling at weekends.
3 We use do for sport and exercise in general, e.g. I do sport
at weekends, and for martial arts, athletics, yoga, Pilates,
etc., e.g. I do yoga twice a week.
4 56 >)) Listen to the sports commentaries. What
a re the four sports?
c Listen agai n and co mplete the sentences with o ne
word. Then match sentences 1- 4 with pictures a-d.
D T he ball has gone _ _ the lake.
2 [] The ba ll has gone
D That's a very hard return, but the ball has
c Ask and answer with a partner. Give and ask fo r as much
inform atio n as you can.
the bar.
ow they have to run _ _ the track one
more time.
gone _ _ !
• Do you do any sport or exercise?
D Yes. What? Do you enjoy it? D No. Why not?
Did you use to do any other sport s or exercise? Why did you stop?
Which sports do you think are the most exciting to watch?
Which sports do think are the most boring?
Are you (or is anyone in your family) a fan of a sports team?
Which one?
• Do you (or they) watch their matches?
• What is the most exciting sporting event you have ever seen?
>- p.l62 Vocabulary Bank Expressing movement.
3 GRAMMAR expressing movement
a Complete the sentences wi th a verb fro m t he list.
hit kick run
In basketball you have to ___ the ba ll through a r ing with a
2 In footba ll you have tO _ _ _ the ball into a goa l.
3 In tennis you have to ___ the ball over a net.
4 ln the 800 metre you have to ___ twice round the track.
b Look at the sentence below. Tr y to thi nk of three d ifferent
verbs you cou ld put in the gap, e.g. walked.
The man _ _ along the street until he got to the corner.
> p.l46 Grammar Bank llA. Learn more about expressing
movement and practise it.
d Look at the photos in 1. Say w hat t he people a re doing.
0e's hitting the ball over the net.
a W hen you play a s port or a ga me w ith fa mily o r frie nds, bow
do you react if you lose? Are you a good o r bad loser? Are a ny
of you r fam ily or friend bad losers?
b Read the text and answer with a narne. W hich of the bad losers ... ?
insu lted the match official
did not want to do his job after the match
became very emotiona l when he couldn 't take part
tried to hit somebody
said sorry after the event
c Read the text again and complete the gaps w ith the
preposit ions in t he list.
out out of (x2)
d Look at the highlighted words in the text w hich are
all related to sport. With a partner gue s their meaning.
e In pairs answer t he questions.
I Who do you think was the worst loser?
2 Whose behaviour do you think was understa ndable?
3 Do you know any famou porrspeople who a re bad losers?
a Talk to a partner. Do you t hink there is too much football o n
TV? W hy (not)?
> p.l17 Writing An opinion essay. Read a model essay about
footbal l on TV, a nd then write o ne.
4 59 >))
SONG The Final Countdown J'
he hardest lesson to learn in sport is how to
lose with dignity, without blaming your defeat
on the referees or refusing to shake hands with
your opponent. Here are some famous moments
when losing was just too hard ...
In 1981 at Wimbledon a young John McEnroe was
serving. The umpire said that his serve was 1 _ _ _,
but McEnroe thought it was 2_ _ _. He became
furious and shouted 'You CANNOT be serious!' at the
umpire. He also called the umpire 'an incompetent fool!'
In the 2003 Athletics World Championship the 100
metres runner, Jon Drummond, was disqualified for a
false start. Drummond lay 3_ __ on the t rack and
began to cry. Two hours later his coach told journalists:
'He's still crying. We're making him drink water because
he's becoming dehydrated.'
In the 1982 German Grand Prix Nelson Piquet was
winning the race. He was trying to pass Eliseo Salazar
(who was last in the race), but Salazar didn't let him go
4_ _ _ him and Piquet crashed into Salazar. Piquet
jumped 5_ _ _ his car and started trying to hit and
kick Salazar (without much success!).
South Korean footballer Ahn jung- Hwan scored
the goal that sent Italy 6_ _ _ the 2002 World Cup
when t hey beat them 2- 1. But Jung-Hwan also played
for the Italian football club Perugia. After the match
t he president of the club, Luciano Gaucci. announced
that the player's contract would not be renewed. 'That
gentleman will never set foot in Perugia again,' Gaucci
said. 'I have no intention of paying a salary to somebody
who has ruined Italian football.' Gaucci later apologized,
but Ahn Jung-Hwan left the club and never went back to
an Italian club.
When England won the Rugby
World Cup in 2003 by beating
Australia in the last minute of
the match, the Australian Prime
minister. John Howard. was so
angry that in the medals ceremony
he almost threw the medals at the
English players. His behaviour was
described by a journalist as being
'like an unhappy five-year-old at a
birthday party who starts throwing
toys around.'
Adapted from a British newspaper
What's the first
thing you do when
you wakeup?
G word order of phrasal verbs
V phrasal verbs
a Answer the ques tions with a pa rtner.
1 What time do you wake up during the week?
2 Do you use an alarm clock t o wake up? If not,
what makes you wake up?
3 Do you get up immediately after you wake up?
4 When you first get up do you feel...?
a awful
b quite sleepy
c awake and energetic
b Read an interview with Sara Mohr-Pietsch.
Match the questions and answers.
A Do you choose what you wear the night
B Do you have anything to eat before you go
to work?
C Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
What time do vou get up when vou're doing the Breakfast show ?
I get up at 4.45 a.m. and leave the house at 5.20.
Yes. I usually set my radio alarm to come on at 4.30 so that I can wake
up slowly as ! listen to the world news. I set my phone alarm for 4.45
and leave it on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off!
D How do you feel when you wake up?
3_ __
E How do you get to work?
It depends - some mornings I feel rested and awake, but other
mornings it's quite hard to get out of bed . It depends on the season.
I find I need much more sleep in the winter.
F How does this affect your social life?
G What time do you get up when you're doing
the Brealdast show?
H What time do you go to bed when you're
working the next day?
If I'm slow to get up, then I wait until I'm in the studio before having
breakfast, but most mornings I have a bowl of cereal before I leave the
I Would you like to change your working
----------------------------------------------- - -
c C over the answers and look at the questions.
With a partne r remember h er ans wers.
That depends on the season too. In the summer I usually wait until the
morning to decide. But in the winter I often leave clothes out the night
before so that I can stay in bed until the last minute!
d Answer the questio n s w ith a pa rtner.
Would you like to work the same hours as
the radio presenter?
2 In general a re you a morning or evening
A car picks me up at 5.20.
--- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
In the winter, any time between 8.30 and 9.30 p.m. In the summer,
usually more like 9.00 to 10.00 p.m.
What social life? I certainly can't go out for a wild night during the
week, but I'm lucky because a lot of my closest friends live near me,
so I can see them in the evenings and still go to bed quite early.
Sometimes I think I would like to have more normal
working hours, but I love my job so much that
I'd never want to give it up. The buzz of
being 'live' on the radio early in the morning
as people start their days is really wonderful.
2 VOCABULARY phrasal verbs
a Look at some sentences from the interview. With a
partner say wh at the high lighted phrases m ea n.
'I leave it on the other side of the room so I have to
get up to turn it off!'
'A car picks me up at 5.20.'
' I love my job so much that I'd never want to give it up.'
)C) Phrasalverbs
Wake up, get up, turn on I off. give up, etc. are common
phrasal verbs (verbs with a preposition or adverb).
Sometimes the meaning of the t wo separate words
can help you guess the meaning of the phrasal verb,
e.g. turn off Sometimes the meaning of the two words
does not help you, e.g. give up.
b Read the info rmatio n box. Can yo u think o f a phrasa l
verb which means ... ?
I to try to find o mething you have lost
2 to put o n clothes in a sho p to see if they are t he
right size
3 to have a friendl y relatio nshi p (with so mebo dy)
p.163 Vocabulary Bank Phrasal verbs.
3 GRAMMAR word order of phrasal verbs
a Look at t he picture and underline the object of the
phrasa l verb in each sentence.
5 4 >)) Listen and write the missing words.
There's a wet rowel on the floor.
Please _ _ _ _ __
2 [ ca n't concentrate w ith that music on.
Please _ _ _ _ __
3 If you don't know what the wo rd
means, _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4 Why have you taken your coat off? _ _ _ _ _ _ !
5 This book was very expens ive. Please _ _ _ _ _ _ .
6 W hy are you wearing your coat in
b Practise saying the sentences. Try to link the phrasa l
verbs a nd prono uns, e.g. pick~ir__..up .
a Read the q uestions in the questi o nna ire a nd think
about your answers.
b Work in pairs. Inte rv iew your pa rtner w ith t he
questio ns.
• Have you eve r fo rgotten to turn your mobile phone off
in a concert or the cinema?
• Do you throw away old clothes or do you give them to
other people?
• Do you enjoy trying on clothes when you go shopping?
• Do you often go away at the weekend? Where t o?
• Before you go shopping do you usually write down what
you have to buy? Do you only buy what's on the list?
• Do you enjoy looking after small children? Why (not)?
• Have you ever aske d your neighbours to turn the TV or
the mus ic down? What happened?
• What's the first thing you turn on aft er you wake up in
the morning?
b Complete the r ules abo ut sepa rable phrasa l verbs w ith
noun o r pronoun.
l f the object of a phrasa l verb is a
, you ca n
put it after t he verb + up, on, etc. OR be tween the
verb and up, on, etc.
2 If the o bject of a phrasal verb is a
, you must
put it between t he verb a nd up, on , etc.
p.146 Grammar Bank 11B. Learn m o re abour the
word ord er o f phrasa l verbs a nd practise it.
G s o, neither+ auxiliaries
V similarities
P s e ntence s t ress, /o/ and /91
So do I.
1 GRAMMAR so, neit her + auxi liaries
a Look at the photos and descr ibe the two men.
b Read about the two men and answer the questions.
I W ho are Jim S pringer and Ji m Lewis?
2 W hy didn 't they know each other?
3 W hat did Jim Lewis decide to do when he was 39?
4 How lo ng did it ta ke him?
55 >)) Cover the d ia logue. Liste n o nce. Try to
remember three th ings they have i n common.
d Listen again a nd com plete the gaps.
A Hi! I'm Jim.
B So 1_ _ 1. Great to meet you. Sit down. Are you
married, Jim?
A Ye s ... well, I've been married twice.
B Yeah? So 2_ _ 1. Do you have any children?
A I have one so n.
B So 3_ _ 1. What's his name?
A James Allen.
B That's amazing! My son's name is James Allen too!
A Did you go to college, Jim?
B No, I didn't .
A Neither 4_ _ I. I was a terrible student.
B So 5_ _ 1. Hey, t his is my dog Toy.
A I don't believe it! My dog's called Toy too!
B He wants to go outside. My wife usually takes him.
I don't do any exercise at all.
A Don't worry. Neither 6_ _ 1. 1 drive everywhere.
B What car do you have?
A A Chevrolet.
B So 7 _ _ 1!
A+ B Let's have a beer, Jim.
A What beer do you drink?
B Miller Lite.
A So 8_ _1!
n the USA, identical twin brothers were adopted soon
after they were born. One brother was adopted by a
couple named Lewis in Lima. Ohio. and his brother
was adopted by a couple named Springer in Dayton.
Ohio. By coincidence. both boys were called 'Jim' by
their new parents. When Jim Lewis was six years old. he
discovered that he had an identical twin brother. When
he was thirty-nine. he decided to find and contact his
brother. Six weeks later. he met Jim Springer in a cafe in
Dayton. and they pr obably had a conversation something
like this ...
W hich coincidence do you th ink is t he most surpr ising?
Look at the dia log ue aga in. Answer the questio ns w ith
a partner.
Find two phrases that the twins use . ..
w hen they have something [±] in common .
w hen they have somethin g B in common .
2 Why do you thi n k the auxiliary verb cha nges?
g _>.... p.l46 Grammar Bank llC. Learn more abo ut so
neither, etc. and pract ise them .
2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress, /o/ and /8/
5 7>)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds.
moth er
rh umb
nei th er
th irty
th row
b 5 8>)) Add fo ur words to each row. Listen a nd c heck.
although maths other there thing thirsty th rough without
5 9 >)) Listen and repeat the dialogues. U nderline the stressed words.
3 A I don't smoke. B Neither do I.
I A I like tea. B So do I.
2 A I'm tired. B So am I.
4 A I'm not hungry. B Neither am I.
d 5 10 >)) Liste n a nd respond . Say you'r e the sarne.
>)) I catch t he bus t o work.
do I.
5 11 >)) Look at t he photo of a couple and
lis ten to a news s tory about the m . What is
the coincidence?
b Listen again a nd a nswer the questio n s.
a Complete the sentences so t hey a re true fo r you.
Who else in the class?
I love _ _ . (a kind of music)
I don't like _ _ . (a drink)
I'm very _ _ . (adjective of personality)
Why did Kelly Hildebrandt put her name
into Facebook?
What d id she d iscover?
W hat did she do next?
W hat other things do th ey have in
com mo n?
Why were they worried?
I'm not very good at _ _ . (sport or activity)
I'm going to _ _ after class. (an activity)
6 What do they call each other ?
7 What problem did they o nce have?
8 What are they defin itely twt goi ng to do?
I have to _ _ every day. (an obligation)
Idon't eat _ _ . (a kind of food)
b Move arou nd the class saying your sentences. Fo r each sentence
try to find som eone like you , and write d ow n the ir na m e.
Respond to other people's sentences. Say So do I am I, o r
either do I am / if you have something in commo n.
A /love heavy meta~
Really? I hate it!
~ So do I.
4 VOCABULARY similarities
a Read about some m o re s imilarit ies between the two Ji m s.
Complete the text w ith a word fro m the list.
as both iQg_Qtical like Q§ther
~mi lar
Complete t he sentences about you a nd
your fami ly. Tell your partner.
I I have the same colo u r eyes as my ___ .
2 I look li ke my _ __ .
H ave you ever put your n ame into Google
or Facebook? Did you discover a ny thin g
i m eres ting?
My personality is quite similar to my ___ 's.
My ___ and I both like ___ .
Llike ___ and so does my _ _ _ .
I do n't like ___ and neither d oes my _ __ .
s schoolboys, the two Jims looked exactly
each other. They 2
maths and carpentry- but hated spelling.
After school they had 3_ _ __
a security guard and Springer was a deputy
sheriff. Jim Lewis first married a woman
called Linda, and then a woman called
Betty, exactly the same names 4_ _ __
Jim Springer's first and second wives.
Even their tastes in sport are 5_ __
Jim Springer likes baseball and 6 _ _ __
does Jim Lewis. Jim Lewis doesn't like basketball
and 7
does Jim Springer.
Time to go home
5 13 >)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen.
Answer the questio ns.
I Who does Rob want to speak to?
2 How many times does he have to ca ll?
5 12 >)) Watch o r listen to Rob and Jenny. Mark the
sente nces T (true) or F (false).
I Rob is going home today.
2 He says it wi II be d i fficu It to stay in touch .
3 Jenny suggests that she could go to London.
4 Rob thinks it's a good idea.
5 They're going to a restaurant tonight.
6 Barbara wa nts to talk to Jen ny.
British and American English
You just missed him = American English;
You've just missed him = British English
cell (phone) = American English;
mobile (phone) = British English
b Watch o r listen again. Say why the F sentences are
fa lse.
b Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases.
>)) You Hear You Say
Hello. Broadway Grill.
can I help you?
Just a second. I'll put
. ... Hello.
No, I'm sorry. She's not
at her
right now.
Oh, sorry. I have the wrong
Hello. Can I speak to
Barbara Keaton, please?
Hi, is that Barbara?
Can I leave a message,
Can you tell her Rob Walker
called? I'll call back later.
I'll give her the _ __
You could try her cell phone.
Yes, I'll do that. Thank you.
I'm sorry, I can't take your
at the moment.
a message
after the beep.
Hello, Barbara. This is Rob
returning your call.
How can I help you?
Just a second.
I'm sorry, the line's _ __
Do you want t o hold?
Rob, hi! I tried to call
you earlier.
b Watch or listen again a nd a nswer the questio ns .
Hello. It's Rob again. Can
I speak to Barbara, please?
OK, I'll hold.
Hi, Barbara. It 's me, Rob.
What did you want to talk
14 >)) Watch o r listen a nd repeat the You Say
phrases. Copy the ~tbm .
Who has some news?
W hat did Barba ra o ffer Rob?
W hat did Jenny do this mornin g?
What does Jenny ask Ba rba ra tO do?
Look at the Social English phrases. Can you
remember a ny of the missing words?
Social English phrases
Rob You
Jenny That's great _ __
Jenny I~
Jenny I'll explain _ __
Barbara Is everything _ _ _ _ _ _?
5 15 >)) Watch o r listen to Ro b a nd Jenny. [s it a happy
ending or a sad ending?
5 16 >)) Watch o r listen a nd complete t he phrases.
e Watch o r listen again a nd re peat the phrases. How do
you say them in you r la nguage?
d Practise the dialogues w ith a partner.
In pai rs, roleplay the d ialogue.
A (book open) You are the Broadway G ri ll , the
receptionist, etc. You sta rt H ello. Broadway G rill.
B (book closed) You wa nt to speak to Ba rbara.
f Swap roles.
Canyou ...?
phone somebody and say w ho you are I who
you w ant t o t alk t o
leave a message for somebody
respond t o news
G past perfect
V verb phrases
P contractions: had I hadn't
Because a
shark had come
into the pool.
n Sydney, early in the morning, some swimmers were having a
swim in an outdoor swimming pool which was very close to the
sea. The swimmers were very surprised when suddenly the pool
assistants started shouting 'Get out of the water! Quickly!'
The swimmers immediately got out. Then they
realized that there was a shark at the other
none of the swimmers were hurt and
the shark was caught in a net and
put back into the sea.
ecurity guards at Stansted airport
were amazed when they saw a dog
getting off a train and walking on its
own towards the airport terminal. They
caught the dog and took it to the police.
Thanks to a microchip in its neck, they
discovered that its name was Diesel
and that it belonged to a woman called
Sarah Chapman, who lived in London,
50 kilometres away. Sarah had
gone on holiday for a few days and
had left Diesel with some friends.
It had then
got on a train and had travelled
50 kilometres to Stansted airport,
changing trains on the way. Sarah
said: 'I'm sure Diesel went to the
airport to look for me!'
Read the stories and look a t th e pic tures. Comple te the ga p s w ith
o n e o f the sente nces be low.
The shark had already attacked three people.
A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during the night.
b Matc h verbs 1- 10 with phrases A- J.
3 D
Unfortunately, the dog had bitten one of her friends.
The dog had run away and had gone to the local railway station.
He had decided that he couldn't live with his mother and father
for another day.
He had robbed a bank the night before.
The woman had got confused at the check-in desk.
The woman had left her passport at home.
get into I o ut of
A o n the belt
get on I o ff
B asw im
free so mebody
C holiday
D realize
D putthe luggage
D have
0 in priso n
E from prison
F a train
G a woman
leave the dog
H rhe-s,v-im-m+ng-pool
I w it h fr iends
be lo ng to
t hat th ere wa a
sha rk in the pool
d Co m plete t he fo llowing sentences in your own wo rds.
Use the past perfect.
n Italian man who was in
prison for stealing was
freed early from prison on the
condition that he promised
to live with his parents at
their house. But after a week
he arrived at his local police
station and said 'Please
arrest me again!'
I When l got to the check-i n desk l suddenly real ized
tha t .. .
2 When we arrived back from our holiday we found
that ...
3 W hen the film started I realized immediately that.. .
4 I couldn't answer any of the exam questions because 1...
5 We spent 20 mi nutes in the car park looking for the car
because we couldn't remem ber. ..
e Compare w ith a partner. Are your sentences the same
o r di ffere nt?
Guido Beneventi, 30, told the
police: 'My parents spent all their time telling
me to do housework.lt was like being a child again!'
irport workers in the luggage area at Arlanda airport in
Sweden were surprised to see an old lady sitting on the
luggage belt next to her suitcase.
had put her luggage on the belt and then had sat down on the
belt herself. A spokesman at Stock holm's Arlanda airport said
'Unfortunately, she did not understand when she
was given check-in instructions. She got on
the belt together with her bag. Luckily,
it wasn't a long ride- only a few
j' !'· .: ; j '
Work w ith a part ner. A re-read the story about
Australia, B re-read the tory about Italy. Underline the
key word s and events. Then A (books closed) re-tell the
sto ry in your ow n wo rds. B (books o pen) help A when
necessary. T he n swap.
contractions: had I hadn't
Contractions: past perfect
In conversation we often contract had in t he past
perfect after a subject pronoun (/, you, etc.), e.g.
~ "'~
When I got to the airport I realized that I'd fo rgotten my
I suddenly remembered that we hadn't told Sue about
the party.
5 18>)) Listen and write six past perfect sentences.
T hen pract ise say ing the sentences.
> Communication What had happened? A p.l 04
B p.l 09. Try to guess your partner's sentences.
2 GRAMMAR past perfect
a Look at these highlighted verbs fro m the Australia
story. Answer the questio n .
A Then they realized that there was a shark at the other end !
5 19>)) Liste n to another news story. Then number the
eve nts in o rder.
B A large wave had carried the shark into the pool during
D Joey attacked her.
the night.
I Wh ich action happened first, A orB?
2 What are the two parts of the verb in sentence B?
b Look at the other three stories again (includ ing t he
missing sentences) a nd underline examples of had+
past participle. D id these actio ns happen befo re o r
after the main pa rt o f t he sto ry?
c )o- p.l48 Grammar Bank 12A. Learn mo re abo ut t he
past perfect and practise it.
Joey sat on her plate.
Joey went to sleep.
Kat ie came home from work.
Katie met her neighbour.
b W ith a partner, t ry to gues what you thin k had
happe ned.
5 20 >)) ow listen and fi nd out what had happened.
Had anybody guessed right?
G reported speech
V say or tell?
P double consonants
Read the dictionary de finition a nd then
answer the questions with a partner.
gossip /'gostp/ (v and n) to talk about other
people, especially their private life
What kind of people gossip more?
a people in cities or people in small tow ns
b young people or old people
c men or women
2 W ho do people most often gossip about?
a their neighbours
b people at work or school
c celebrities
3 Do you have any friends who gossip a lot?
4 How do you feel when people gossip about
5 21 >)) Listen to a conversation bet ween
Rosemary and iris. W hat has happened to
Jack a nd E mma? Li sten again a nd a nswer the
question .
2 GRAMMAR reported speech
1 Jack and Emma are the woman's .. .
a neighbours. b friends. c child ren.
2 Rosemary thinks she heard them hav ing...
a a conversation.
b a pa rty.
c an argument.
3 According to Rosemary, Enm1a said she was .. .
a seeing a nother man.
b looking for a new job.
c going to stay w ith her mother.
4 She said she had ...
a left the dog with a neighbour.
b left the children w ith her sister.
c left the dinner in the microwave.
5 Iris is going to ...
a tell her husband.
b tell her family.
c tell a nother neighbour.
5 22 >)) Now lis ten to what Jack and E mma
l"ea lly said last night. Was R osemary right
about everything?
Look at some extracts from the conversations. Compare what
E mma said (direct speech) with what Rosem ary says that she said
(repo rted speech). Underline the words which a re d ifferent in the
h ighlighted reported s peech.
1 What Emm a said
I'm goi ng to stay w ith my mu m .
I won't come back .. .
I've taken the children to my sister ...
2 What R osemary a nd Iris said
She sa id that she was going to stay with her mum! She told him
that she would n't come back.
Ooh , how awful. What about the ch ildren?
She sa id she'd ta ken them to her sister.
>- p.l48 Grammar Bank 128. Learn more about reported speech
and practise it.
5 24>)) Listen to some sentences in d irect s peech . Say them in
reported s peech. Begin He said ... or She said ...
>)) I'm in a hurry. 0 he said t hat she was in a hurry.
>)) I'll write. ~e said that he would write.
3 VOCABULARY say or tell?
Complete the sentences w ith the ri ght form of say o r tell.
I ' I have a problem,' Annie _ _ .
Annie _ _ us that she had a prob lem.
Li a _ _ that she was leavi ng her husband.
He _ _ the reacher that he had left his homework at home.
His teacher _ _ that he d idn't believe him .
Ca n you _ _ Mark tha t I ca n't meet him tonight?
What did you _ _ to her?
When I was a child my mother used to _ _ us nor
to _ _ hello to people wed id n't know.
Gossip might be good for you
We all enjoy gossiping about people we know,
although sometimes we might feel gullty
abo ut it after wards. However, new research
shows that gossiping might be good for us.
Professor McAndrew, a professor of psychology,
believes that gossiping is in our genes and we feel
pleasure when we share interesting information.
McAndrew says that gossiping is a social skill,
and we need to learn to do it well. According
to the professor, gossip can be a positive thing
when people use it to build connections with
other people in their social group. But it can be
a negative thing when somebody gossips about
another person only to make themselves feel
more important in the group.
a Work in pairs. A tell your pa rtner the fo llow ing. B Liste n a nd ta ke
notes. Then swap ro les.
something about your parents or grandpa rents
a place you have been to
something that you're planning to do in the summer
somethin g that you did last weekend
Professor McAndrew's research also showed that
people were happy to pass on good news but only
if it was about a friend. They also enjoyed passing
on negative information about other people when
it was about somebody they disliked.
The information can be true or invented, b u t it must be
(that)~ He said (that)~
5 PRONUNCIATION double consonants
a Look at fi ve groups of words. Match each group to a vowel sound.
1 0~
hur ry
offe r
mi s
nap pies
su mmer
d iffe rent
u m brclla
b 5 25 >)) Liste n a nd check.
Double consonants
it is t he st ressed syllable, e.g. gossip Ill', hurry 1\ , written 11/ , happy l<el,
and letter 'c/.
Double consonant s are pronounced the same as single consonants.
c How do you think you pro nounce the words below? C heck the
pronunciatio n and meaning w ith your dictio na ry.
Read the article a nd mark the sentences
T (t r ue) or F (false).
1 We sometimes feel bad after we gossip.
2 Professor McA nd rew says that we are
program med to gossip.
3 Gossiping can be good or bad- it depends
on why we do it.
4 People enjoy sharing bad news about people
they like.
5 Men gossip with their friend more tha n
with their fa mily.
s o ·~:
p The vowel sound before a double consonant is normally s hort when
b Look at the highlighted words a nd ph rases.
Wi th a par t ne r, gue their mean ing.
c D o you agree w ith what the ar ticle says
abo ut t he way men and women gossip?
5 26 >))
I Heard It Through the Grapevine Jj
kettle nanny pottery slippers supper
Another thing that the new study showed
was that men and women gossip differently.
In general, the men in the study shared gossip
with their wives or girlfriends, but not with their -o
male friends. Women however, gossiped with
both partners and friends.
b Cha nge partners. Tell partner 2 w hat pa rtner I said . Decide
together w hether you think your previo us par t ne rs we re telling
the truth or had invented the info rmatio n.
He told me
G questions without auxiliaries
V revision
P revision
I can't
1 GRAMMAR questions without auxiliaries
W ith a partner, see how many of t he quiz questions
you ca n answer from memory.
b Now tr y to find the a nswers you couldn't remem ber in
Files 1- 11.
c Look at 1 a nd 2 in the qu iz. Answer these questions.
H ow is question 1 different fro m_questio n 2?
W hat is the subject of the verb in question 1?
What is the subject of the verb in question 2?
W hich other questions in the qui z are simil ar
grammatically to question 1?
d )o- p.l48 Grammar Bank 12C. Learn mo re a bout
quest ions w ithout aux ilia ries a nd practise them .
Who paint ed Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy?
2 How did Caroline de Bendern lose a f ortune?
3 Which airport in Asia has a pet hotel?
What does toy boy mean?
5 Whose wedding dress did Lindka Cierach design?
What vitamin does sunlight produce?
Who plays Dr House in t he series House M.D.?
What did Captain Edward Murphy give his name
How many natural disasters did Mr and Mrs
Svanstrom experience on their round-the-world
t rip?
10 Who wrote t he short st ory Girl?
Which singer made reggae popular all over the
Who invent ed t he dishwasher, a man or a woman?
13 Who never arrived at school on time when he was
a child?
14 Who shouted 'You CANNOT be serious!' at a tennis
umpire at Wimbledon?
15 What is Kelly Hildebrandt's husband called?
a )o- Communication General knowledge quiz A p.lOS
B p.llO. f irst write the questions. Then ask them to
your partner.
b W ith a partner, make your own quiz. Write t wo
questions with or without au xiliaries for each category.
Make sure you know the answers!
c Ask your questio ns to another pair.
Q a , b,or c.
1 The golf ball _ _ the hole, a nd
everybody c heered.
a went o n b went c went into
2 T he door opened and two men _ _ _.
a ca me out b ca me out of c out
3 Your towel's on the floo r.
a Pick up it b Pick up c Pick it up
4 I've lost my keys. Can you help me _ _ _ ?
a look the m for
b look for them
c look after thern
5 A l love travelling. B
a So do [ b either do I c So a m I
6 A Tcan 't do this exercise. B ___.
7 A
So can I
Neither can't I
Neither can T
l went to the cinema last night.
___ . W hat did you see?
a So went I b So I did c So did l
8 Twas too late and w hen I got to the
stat ion _ _ _.
a the train has left
b the train had left
c the train Left
9 Whe n we got to the airport we remembered
thatwe _ _ _ aJI t he windows in our house.
a hadn't closed
b didn 't close
c have n't closed
10 Lisa told me that sh e _ _ _ to ma rry N igel.
a wants b want c wanted
11 Kevin said he _ __ back in ten minutes.
a would be b was c will be
12 My grandfather _ _ _ t h at he had worked
in a factory when he was young.
a said us b told c told us
13 W ho _ _ _ in the house nex t doo r?
a Lives b live c does live
14 Whe re _ _ _ th at dress?
a you bought b bought you c did you buy
15 How ma ny people _ _ _ to go o n the
a do want b does want c wa nt
Comple te with a word from the list.
along down int o off out
past towards through
We drove _ _ _ a lot of tunnels on our way to S t Moritz.
W he n it sta rted to rain we went _ _ _ a cafe to wait until it stopped.
She wa lked _ _ _ t he street, looking in all the shop w indows.
W he n the dog started runn ing _ _ _ me I was terrified.
Go _ _ _ t he petrol station, a nd it's the next t urn ing o n the right.
You have to take _ __ your shoes before going into t he temple.
If you don't know the mea ning o f a word, look it _ __ in t he
o nline dictio nary.
Can you turn _ _ _ the heating? It's very ho t in he re.
If you don't like the jacket, take it _ _ _ to the sho p.
Can you find _ _ _ what time the fi lm finishes?
b Com plete the missing words.
1 Julia a nd Jane a re i ___ twins.
2 I Live in the same street a _ __ my sister.
3 Her new novel is quite s___ to her last o ne.
4 Dave isn't very ta ll and n ___ is his son.
5 My parents b _ __ love classica l music.
c Complete t he phrases w it h a verb from the list.
do get
give go have leave look put
_ _ _ skiing
tell turn
6 ___ up th e music
a swim
off the train
_ _ _ on your coa t
_ _ _ me a story
9 _ _ _ up smok ing
_ _ _ forward to sth
_ _ _ your dog with friend s
a Q
the word w it h a d iffe re nt sound.
hu r ry
su mmer
writte n
m idd le
fi ll
a rou nd
dow n
th rough
o ut
neith er
th row
noth ing
toge the r
b U nde rline th e stressed syllable .
l ath le tics
2 to wards
3 for ward
4 si mi la r
5 di fferent
a Read the article once. What was t he a maz ing
coinc ide nce?
b Read the art icle again a nd numbe r the events in the
5 28 l)) In the str eet Watch or Lis ten to five people
and answer the questio n s.
o rder they happen e d
::J Their daughte r was born.
::J They both had a hea rt opera tion in the same hospital.
D Alistair had anothe r hea rt opera tio n .
D They got married.
D They discovered that they had been in the same
hospital t wenty yea rs earlier.
D They discovered they had the sa me heart proble m.
0 They met at a swimming pool.
D Alistair asked Alison to marry him .
c Look at the high lig hted words or phrases in the text.
Guess their m eanin g fro m the context. C heck w ith
your t each e r or with a dic tionary.
1 The t wi ns that ick knows _ __
a have very simila r personalities
b are very similar in appearance
c h ave the sa m e appeara nce a nd pe rson a lity
2 Ruth doesn't mind los ing when _ _ _.
a th e person who w ins is bette r than she is
b she has really enjoyed the ga m e
c she thinks she hasn't played very well
3 The sport Hew doesn' t me ntio n is _ _ _.
a cycling b hockey
4 Andy _ _ .
c rugby
a was a n even ing pe rson in the past
b was a mo rning pe rson in the past
c has never been good in the morning
5 Alison think s that _ _ _.
a wome n gossip mo re than m e n
b m e n gossip m o re th a n wome n
c men and women both gossip
hen Suzanne met Alistair Cotton a t a swimming p oo l
in the UK in 1995, they were amazed to discover
that they both suffered from the same extremely
rare hea rt condition. They st arted going out t ogether and
fell in love, but several months later they d iscovered an
even bigger coincidence.
Almost twenty years ea rli er when t hey were child ren
(Suzanne was seven and Alist air was fourt een) they had
both had a life-saving hear t ope rati on in t he same hospital,
on the same day pe rformed by the same hea rt surgeon .
After th eir operations, they had spe nt several days
recoveri ng in the same hospi tal ward (although they
have no memories of seeing or spea ki ng to each other.)
They certainly had no idea that twenty years later they
would meet and fall in love with t he child in t he next bed.
Suzanne, now 43, said, 'We were very sho cked by the
coincidence. We were obviously destined t o be together.'
After Alistair and Suzann e moved in together Alistair
co ntinued to have d ifficultie s with his hea rt and he had to
have another major heart operation. As soon as he woke
up after the operat ion, he proposed t o Suzan ne and the
couple got married in 2002.
The following year, Suzanne became pregnant and baby
Hannah was born in 2004 and is now a hap py, heal thy child
who shows no sig ns of having inherited any hear t problems
from her parents. Suzan ne sa id, 'Many heart patients can't
have chi ldren or thei r children a re born with heart pro ble ms
themselves, so for our amazi ng story to have suc h a happy
ending is just wonde rful .'
Adapted from a British new spaper
Do the tasks with a partne r. T ic k (.f) the box if yo u ca n
do them.
Can you .•. ?
D d esc rib e three t hi ngs t hat you h ave to do in certa in
spo rts usi n g a verb and a preposition of m ovement
m ake true se ntences with take off, tum down, and
look after
say true things abo ut you - your pa rtner responds
w ith so (am 1, et c.) and neither (do 1, etc.)
cont inue these sentences with the past perfect:
a I got to the station , but ...
b When I saw him I was surprised because ...
D ask your part ne r t hree questio ns w ithout an
repo rt two thin gs that som ebody said to you
yesterday usin g said o r told me
aux ilia ry verb beginning with Who , H ow many, a nd
Short films Sports in New Zealand
Watch and enjoy a film on iTutor.
w 100
SPELL IT? Student A
Ask B questions to complete the missing information.
c;;_hoto 1 - What's her surname? How do you spell it?
b An swer B 's questions.
Asking for repetition
If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say:
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that?
Look at your pa inting for a minute.
b Descri be you r painting for B to draw.
Listen to B describing his f her painting. Try to draw it.
Don't look at it. Ask B questions to hel p you.
Now compare your drawings w ith the original
paintings. Are they s imilar?
Ask B questions and complete the c hart for O liver.
28 AT, IN, ON Student A
How old I ?
Where I from?
Where I Live?
What / do?
What / like?
modern art,
classical music
What I not like?
b Answer B 's quest ions about Alexa nder.
As k B your ques t io n s.
When were you born?
Where do you usually have brea kfast?
Whar time do you usually have lunch?
What days of the week do you usually go out in
the eveni ng?
What time of day do you usually do your English
When do you usua lly have a holiday?
Where do you normally listen to music?
When's you r birthday?
b Answer B's questio ns using at, 'in , or on. Ask What
about you? for each question.
Why didn't Hannah see the man who was crossin g
the road?
W ho was the man?
Why did he cross wi thout look ing?
W here did they go after that?
W hatdidtheyorder?
Why was Jamie in the High Street?
W hat and when was the concert?
What was special about the day?
Look at the picture for one minute a nd try to remem ber
what's in it. T hen go to p.102.
Student A
a Ask B your questions usin g BOittB to. Ask for mo re
W hat I you I do after class?
What time I you I get up tomorrow?
Where I you I have lunch tomorrow?
W hat I you I do on Saturday night?
W here I you I go for your next holiday?
I you I study English next yea r?
Students A+B
b Answer B ' questio ns. G ive mo re in fo rmation .
C heck your par tner's score a nd tell bim or he r. Then read
to see what it mean
a Look at the six wo rd o r phra cs o n your ca rd. Think
for a minute how you a re going to de fi ne them .
How t o score:
1 point for never
2 points for somet imes
3 points for often
Is your score between 6 and 9? You are living life in
the slow lane. Compared to most people you take things
easy and don't get stressed by modern-day living. You
are patient, relaxed, and easy-going. Most of the time
this is good news, but sometimes it can be a problem. For
example, are you sometimes late for appointments?
Is your score between 10 and 14? You have a medium
pace of life. You are probably somebody who can change
the speed at which you live depending on the situation.
go sightseeing
b You have two minutes to com municate your words
to B . Remember you ca n't use any part o r form o f the
words o n the card.
ow listen to B's de finitio ns. Try to guess the wo rd s.
Is your score between 15 and 18? You are living life
in the fast lane, rushing around and trying to do many
different activities and projects at the same time. You
are impatient and you find it difficult to relax. You are
probably very productive, but your relationships and
health could suffer as a result.
Adaptedfrom niclwrd \Visema11's Qt~irk oloB.Y website
Students A+B
a Work individually. Look at the list of things
Max always does every mo rning. Has he
already done them? Try to remember what
was in the picture. Write sentences.
He's already made the bed.
0 R He hasn't made the bed yet.
make the bed
wash up his coffee cups
tidy his desk
pick up his towel
take the dog f or a walk
turn off his computer
put his clot hes in t he cupboard
have a shower
have breakfast
b Work in pairs. Compare your sentences with
your partner. Are they the same? Then go
back to p.l 0 1 and compare yo ur sentences
with the picture. Were you right?
a Read about what happened when T im did the th ree test in New
York. Try to remember the informatio n.
New York
The photo test
I asked an office worker who was eating his sandwiches to t ake
a photo of me. He was really f r iendly and said 'Of cour se I' ll t ake
yo ur pict ure .' Wh en I asked him t o take more photos he said 'Sure!
No pr obl em.' When he gave me ba ck my came ra he sa id ' Have a
nice day!'
The shopping test
I went shopping near Times Square and I bought an 'I love New York'
T-shirt and some drinks f ro m two different people. I gave t hem too
much money, but t hey both gave me t he exact change back.
The accident test
I went to Centra l Par k and I f ell over. I only had to wait abo ut
thirty seconds before a man came to help me. ' Is this yo ur
camera?' he said, ' I t hin k it's broken.'
b In your ow n wo rds tel l B and C what happened in
ew York.
c;;_rs t he did the photo test...
c Listen to B and C tell you what happened in Paris and Rome.
d Together decide which of the cities is the friendliest so fa r.
68 I'LL I SHALL I? GAME St udents A+B
Play the game.
6C DREAMS Student A
7A HOW TO... Student A
a Last night you dreamt about these thing .
Prepare to tell B about your dream.
Read the article How to surv ive at a party. Then -..vithout
looking at the text tell B the five tips. W hen you finish decide
with B wh ich is the most important tip.
How to ... Survive at a Party
(when you don't know anybody)
Don't stand in the corner. You need to be positive.
Find somebody you think you would Li ke to talk to and
introduce yourself.
Try to ask impersonal questions Like ' I love your bag.
Where did you get it?' This will help to start a conversation.
Don't dominate the conversation. When you are nervous
it's very easy to talk about yourself all the time . Nobody
wants to Listen to your Life story when they have just met
you fo r the first time.
Smile! Use your body Language to give a positive, friendly
If you need to escape from a really boring person, say that
you are going to the bar to get a drink or that you need to
go to the bathroom. Don't come back!
b B is a psychoana ly t. Tell him I her about
your dream . He I she w ill te ll you wh at it
night I dreamt about a river...
c Swap roles. ow you are a psychoanalyst .
Li ten to B 's dream . umber the things
below in the order he I she talks about them .
Ice cream - you wi ll get some money
(from the (orrery or from a relative).
Long hair - you wa nr to be free. Perhaps
you have problems with your family or a
A k ey- you have a problem and you are
lookin g for a solution.
People speaking oth er la n gu ages - you
think your life is borin g a nd you would
like to have a more exciting life.
T ravelling by bus - you are worried
about a person who is controlling your life.
b B w ill tell you five tips fo r How to s urv ive a first date. L isten
a nd when he or she finishes decide togethe r which is the most
impo rta nt tip.
Read problem 1 to B . He I she will give you some advice.
1 I don't know what to get my boyfriend I girlfriend for his I her
birthday. It's tomorrow!
2 I have problems going to sleep at night.
3 My children wa nt a dog, but my husband I wife is allergic
to animals.
4 My neighbour's dog barks all the time and it's driving me crazy!
5 My laptop is n't working well - it 's very slow.
b Thank B a nd say:
ow use the info rmatio n inc to interpret
B'sd ream .
p First you dreamt about...
Useful language
This tells me t hat ...
This means you are going to ...
This represents...
That's a good idea.
OR Thanks, but that's not a very good idea because ...
Now listen to B 's problem l. Give him I her advice. Begin with
o ne of the phrases be low.
[think you should. ..
You shouldn't...
I don't think you should ...
d Continue with pro blems 2-5.
a Look at the odd n umbered sentences (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, a nd
11 ) and th ink of the missing verb([±] = posit ive verb,
B = negati ve verb). Don't write a nything yet!
Work w ith a part ner. First practise saying the names.
Hartley 'hu:t •·
Vivienne 1vien
the Montgomerys mnng.\mcn.z
Heloise clu-' ·z
1 Dia na was very angry because her husband
dinner. G
2 We went back to see the house where we had lived
when we were children .
3 He couldn't catch the plane because he ___ his
passport. [±]
4 The flat was ver y dirty because nobody had clea ned it
for a long time.
5 We went back to the hotel where we
on our
honeymoon. [±]
6 T he crocodile was hu ngry because it hadn't eaten
a nythi ng for two days.
7 A fter I left the shop I suddenly remembered that I
for the jacket. G
8 I ran to t he station, but the last train h ad gone.
9 Miriam was sur prised to hea r that she _ __ the
exam. [±]
10 1 didn't want to lend Jane the book because I hadn't
read it.
II Jack was angry because I __
him to my parry. G
12 T hey got to the cinema late and the film h ad started.
b Act out the dialogue. Use the adverbs in brackets to
help you, and remember to pause at the commas.
H (anxiously) Vivienne, you didn't answer my last letter. It
took me a week to find your new address! Why didn't you
answer me? You knew I was waiting to see you and hear
from you.
V (slowly) Mr. Hartley, I don't know what to say to you. I
understand all the advantages of your offer, and sometimes
I feel sure that I could be happy with you. But then
sometimes I am less sure. I was born a city girl, and I am not
sure that I would enjoy living a quiet life in the suburbs.
H My dear girl, you will have everything that you want. You
can come to the city for the theatre, for shopping, and to
visit your friends as often as you want. You can trust me,
can't you?
V (seriously) I trust you completely. I know you are the kindest
of men, and that the girl who you get will be very lucky. I
heard all about you when I was at the Montgomerys'.
H Ah! I remember so well the evening I first saw you at the
Montgomerys'. I will never forget that dinner. Come on,
Vivienne, promise me. I want you. Nobody else will ever
give you such a happy home.
(suspiciously) Tell me, Vivienne, is there- is there
someone else?
V (defensively) You shouldn't ask that, Mr. Hartley. But I
will tell you. There§ one other person - but I haven't
promised him anything.
H (masterfully) Vivienne, you must be mine.
V (calmly) Do you think for one moment that I could come to
your home while Heloise is there?
C hange roles.
TO DO? Student A
Read the an swe rs to In the city.
b Tell B and C the right answers, and ·why the
other o nes are w ro ng.
c Listen to B and C tell you about the o ther
sections (I n the country and I n t h e water).
Check your answers.
b R ead sentence 1 to B . Tfit 's not ri ght, try aga in until B
tells you 'T h at's right'. T hen write in the verb.
Listen to B say senten ce 2.1f it's the same as 2 above, say
'T hat's right'. If no t, say 'Try again' u nti I B gets it right.
d Take it in tu rns w ith sentences 3- 12.
In the city
The answer is b. Dogs Like to attack any part of you that is moving.
usually hands or arms. It is also dangerous to turn your back on
t he dog. You should n't loo k the dog in its eyes because this will
make him angry. Shouting 'dow n' or'go away' at the dog will not
w ork because dogs usually only react to their master's voice.
2 The answer is a . Bees will usually fly out of an open w indow,
but don 't wave your hands around as bees follow movement and
might try to sting you. And you mustn't hit t he bee as this will
make the bee very angry. Of course, as soon as you can you shou ld
st op the car a nd ope n the doors.
a Complete your sentences with the ve rb in the passive
and the right answer.
Student A
1 Until 1800 New York
(call) ...
a New Amsterdam
b New Hampshire
c New Liberty
2 The S tar Wars film s
(direct) by...
a George Lucas
b Steven Spielberg
c Sta nley Kubrick
3 The noun which _ _ (use) most frequently in
conversation is ...
a money
b time
c work
4 Penguins __ (find) ...
a at the South Pole
b at the North Pole
c in Alaska
(design) by...
S The Italian fl ag _
a Ga ribaldi
b Mussolini
c Napoleon
(sell) in ...
6 The first mobile phones
b 1973
C omplete your questions w ith the ve rb in brackets in
the pas t simple.
7 The politician Winston C hurch ill
(born). ..
b in a toilet
c under a bridge
a on a train
(invent) by...
8 The electric chair
a a teacher
b a dentist
c a politicia n
b Read your sentences to B. B w ill tell you if you are right.
c Now Iis ten to B 's sentences. Say if he f s he is right .
B'san swers
I T he Smartphone was invented by IBM .
2 T he Lord of th e RinBs film s were d irected by Peter
3 The book which is stolen most often from libraries is
The Guin11ess Book of Records.
4 In the world , 16,000 babies are born every hour.
S C hess was invented by the C hinese.
6 The first Levi jea ns we re worn by miners.
7 Footba ll was first played by the British .
8 In 1962 the origina l London Bridge was bought by a
rich American.
the battle of Waterloo in 18 1S? (lose)
a Duke of Wellington
b Bismarck
c Napoleon
Wh ich S pan ish actress _ __ an Oscar in 2006?
a Penelope Cru z
b Salma Hayek
c Ca meron Diaz
the fil m A vatar? (direct)
a Steven Spielberg
b James Cameron
c Ridley Scott
W hich Formula I d river ___ in 20 07, but returned
to racing in 2010? (retire)
a Fernando Alonso
b M icbael Schumacher
c Sebast ian Vette!
Which Roma n E mperor
' I came I saw I
conq uered'? (say)
a Augustus
b ero
c Julius Caesar
W ho
the world record for the 100 and 200
metres race at the Beijing Olympics? (break)
a Usain Bolt
b C arl Lewis
c Michael Johnson
Which painter
o ff part of his ear? (cut)
a Picasso
b Van Gogh
c Matisse
W ho
penicill in ? (d iscover)
a A lexa nder F leming
b James Watson
c T homas Ed ison
b A sk B your quest ion s. G ive your partner o ne m a rk for
each correct a nswer.
Answer B 's quest io ns. Who got the mos r right
SPELL IT? Student B
A nswer A's quest io ns.
b Ask A quest io ns to complete the m issing info rmation.
~hoto 1 - What's her first name? How do you spell it?
Asking f or repet it ion
If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say:
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that?
Answer A's questions about O live r.
Look ar yo ur pa inting for a minute.
b Listen to A describing his f he r pa inting. Try ro draw ir.
D on't look at it. Ask A questio ns to help you.
ow describe your painting for A
d raw.
d Compa re your drawings w ith t he original paintings.
A re they imilar?
28 AT, IN, ON Stu dent B
How old I ?
Where I from?
Where I l ive?
What I do?
What I like?
sport , music, good
books and films
What I not like?
clubs and discos
b Ask A que t ions and com plete t he cha rt for A lexande r.
Ans wer A's questions using at, in, or on. Ask What
about you? for each ques tion.
b Ask A yo ur questio n s.
1 Where we re you born?
2 W hat time do you usually get up durin g the week?
3 Where do you usua lly have lunch?
4 What rime of day do you usually meet friend ?
5 W hen do you usually go shopping?
6 W here do you usua lly do your English homework?
7 When do you do housework?
8 Where can you have a nice walk near where you live?
a Answer A' questions. Give more info rmation .
a Read about what happened whe n Tim did t he th ree
tests in Paris. Try to remembe r the information.
b Ask A your questions using BOinB to. Ask for more
• I you I go out this evening?
• What I you I have for dinner tonight?
• What I you I wear tomorrow?
• I you I go a nywhere next weekend ?
• What I you I do next summer?
• W hen I you I do you r English homework?
The photo test
I was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and I
asked some gardeners to take some photos of me.
They couldn't stop laughing when they saw my hat,
but they took the photos.
The shopping test
I went to a greengrocer's and I bought some f ruit.
I gave the man a lot of euro coins and he carefully
took the exact amount .
a Look at the six words or phrases on your card. T hink
for a minute how you are goi ng to define them .
a painting
b Li ten to A tell you what happe ned in
. ..
book a flight
The accident test
I fell over in the Champs Elysees. The street was
very busy, but after a minute someone stopped and
said to me, 'Are you OK?' He was Scottish!
a nurse
ew York.
c ln your ow n words tell A and C what happened
in Paris.
0rst he did the photo test...
d Liste n to C tell you what ha ppened in Ro me.
b Listen tO A's definitio ns. Try to g uess the word
c You have two minutes to communicate your words
to A . Remember you can't use a ny part or form of the
words on the card .
7A HOW TO... Student B
How to ... Survive a First Date (and make a success of it)
a Read the article How to survive a
first date.
b A will tell you five tips for How
to survive at a party. Listen
and when he or she fi nishes
decide together which is the most
important tip.
c Look again quickly at How to
survive a first date. T he n without
looking at the text tell A the five
tips. W hen you fini sh decide with
A which is the most important tip.
e Together decide which of the cities is the friendliest
so far.
Think carefully about what to wear for the date. If you are a man, try to
dress smartly but casua lly (no sui ts!). If you are a woman, it's important
not to dress too sexily. Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave!
Choose a place that isn't too expensive (you don't know who is going to
pay). Try to go somewhere that isn't very noisy.
Don't be too romantic on a first date. For example, arriving with a red rose
on a first date isn't a good idea!
Remember to listen more than you talk but don't Let the conversa t ion
die. Sil ence is a killer on a first date! Be natural. Don't pretend to be
somebody you aren't .
If you are a man, be a gentleman and pay the bill at the end of the evening.
If you are a woman, offer to pay your half of the bill (but don't insist!).
6C DREAMS Student B
a Last night you dreamt about these things.
Pre pa re to tell A about your drea m.
a Listen to A's problem J. G ive him / he r advice. Begin with o ne of
the ph rases below.
I think you should...
You should n't...
I don'tthink you hould ...
b Read your pro blem I ro A . He f she will give you so me advice.
1 I share a flat with a f riend but he I she never does the
2 I want to take my boyfriend I girlfriend somewhere really special
on Saturday night.
3 I need some new clothes for a wedding, but I don't know what t o
4 I think I'm get t ing a cold - I have a headache and a cough.
5 My sister always borrows my clothes, and when I want t o wear
them they're dirt y.
c Tha nk A and say:
That's a good idea.
OR Thanks, but that's not a very good idea because ...
d Continue wit h pro blems 2-5.
b You a re a psycho a nalyst. Listen to A's
d ream. umber the things below in the
o rder he f she ta lks about t he m.
lJ Having a bath - you have a
Dogs - you a re looking for friends.
'------' Losing hair - you are going to lose some
luggage - a pro blem you have wi ll
n Lost
oon get better.
A ri ver - you are going to be very lucky.
ow use the in fo rmatio n in b to interpret
A's dream .
Student B
ecrer which
nobody knows about.
Useful language
First you dreamt about...
This tells me that...
This means you are going t o ...
This represents...
Read the an wers to In the country.
In the country
3 The answer is c. If you t ie a bandage or a piece of material above
the bite, this will stop the poison from getting to your heart too
quickly. However, be careful not to t ie it too tightly. You shouldn't
put ice or anything cold on the bite, as th is w ill make it more
difficult to get the poison out l ater, and never try to suck out the
poison. lf it gets into your mouth. it might go into you r blood.
4 The answer is b . If you are lu cky. the bull will change direction
to follow the hat or bag and give you time to escape. It doesn't
matter what colour the shirt is, bulls don't see colour, they only
see movement. Don 't try to run away, as b ulls can ru n incred ib ly
fast, and you mustn't sho ut or wave you r arms because this will
attract the bull's attention even more.
b Listen to A tell you abo ut In the city. C heck you r answers.
d Swap ro les. Now A is a psychoa nalyst. Tell
him f her about your drea m. A w ill tell you
what it mea n .
st night I dreamt about ice-cream ...
c Tell A and C the right a nswers for In the country, and why the
othe r o nes a re w ro ng.
d Liste n to C tell you about In the water. C heck you r answer .
a Complete yo ur sente nces with the verb in the passive
and the rig ht ans wer.
Student B
The Smartphone _ _ (in vent) by...
a Apple
b Nokia
TheLo rd ojthe RiiiBs film s __ (direct) by. ..
a Steven Spielberg
b James C ameron
c Peter Jackson
The book which
(steal) most often from
libraries is ...
a The Bible
b Th e Guinn ess Book ofR ecords
c Th e Lo rd of the RinBs
In the wo rld, 16,000 babies __ (bo rn) ...
a every second
b every hour
c every day
C hess
(invent) by...
a the Egyptian s
b the Indians
c the C hinese
The first Levi jeans _
(wear) by...
a miners
b farmers
c cowboys
Football _ _ first _ _ (play) by...
b the R o ma ns
c the Greeks
a the Briti sh
In 1962 the o riginal Lo ndon Bridge
(buy) by. ..
a a rich American
b a museum
c the Royal family
c Read your sentences to A . A w ill tell you if you
a re right.
Diana was very angry because her husba nd hadn't
cooked the d inner.
\Ve went back to see the house where we
when we were children.[±:
He couldn't catch the pla ne because he had forgotten
h is passpo rt.
T he fl at was very dirty because nobody
it for a
long time. [±]
We went back to the ho tel where we had stayed o n our
ho neymoon.
The crocodile was hungry because it _ _ anythin g
fo r two days. I-I
After I left the s ho p I suddenly rem em be red that I
hadn't paid fo r the jacket.
I ran to the statio n, but the last train ___. +
Miri am was surpr ised to hear that she had passed the
exa m.
I didn't want to lend Jane the book becau e l ___ it.El
Jack was angry because I hadn't invited him to my
They got to the cinem a late a nd the film ___.[±]
Listen to A say sentence l. I fit's the same as 1 above, say
'T hat's rig ht'. If no t, say 'Try aga in' unti l A gets it rig ht.
Read sentence 2 to A. ffit 's no t right, try again until
A tells you 'That's rig ht'. Then write in the ve rb.
b Lis ten to A's sentences. Say if he J she is right.
A's answers
I Until 1800 New Yo rk was called ew Amsterd am.
2 The Star Wars films were directed by G eorge Lucas.
3 The noun which is used most frequently in
co nversation is time.
4 Penguins are fo und at the So uth Pole.
5 The Ita lian flag was designed by Napo leon.
6 The first mo bi le phones were sold in 1983.
7 The politician Winsto n C hurchill was bo rn in a
8 The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
Look at the eve n number ed sentences (2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 ,
and 12) and think of them issi ng verb ([±] = positive
verb, 1-' = negati ve verb). D o n't write anything yet!
d Take it in turns with sente nces 3- 12.
Why didn't Hannah see the ma n who was crossing
the road?
W hat happened?
Where did she go then and what did she do?
Who ar rived at her ho use two ho ur later?
What news did she have fo r Ha nnah?
How was Jamie?
What did she tell Ha nnah about t he ca r and the dri ver?
What happened in the end?
QUIZ Student B
a Leo na rdo da Vinci
b Michaelango
c Raphae l
5 Wh ich film
eleven 0 ca r in 2003?
a The Kin[J's Speech
b The Queen
c The R eturn ofthe Kin[J
6 \· ho
a wooden ho r e to enter the
city ofTroy? (use)
a the G r eek s
b The Rom ans
c T he Persians
7 Wh ich fa mo u boxer ___ tofightinthe
Viet nam war in 196 7? (refuse)
a Muhammad Ali
b Joe Frazier
c Suga r Ray Ro binson
8 W ho
the telepho ne? (in vent)
a Ma rconi
b Bell
c Stephens
b A nswer A' q uestio n s.
Read about what happe ned when Tim did the t hree tests in Ro me.
T ry to rem embe r the info rmat io n .
Complete your q uest io ns w ith th e ve rb in
brackets in the pas t imple.
President of th e U A eight
yea rs after h i fat her had been the US
president? (become)
a Bi ll C linto n
b Jo h n F Kennedy
c George Bush
2 W ho ___ the part of the mother in the
film M amma Mia? (play)
a Meryl Streep
b Julia Roberts
c Sa ndra Bullock
3 Wh ich tenn is player _ __ Wimbledon five
yea rs in a row between 2003 and 2007? (win)
a Roger Federer
b Ra fael ada l
c ova k Djo kovic
4 W ho _ __ the S istine C hapel? (paint)
Ask A your questio ns. G ive you r partner
o ne ma rk fo r each correct a nswer. W ho got
t he mo st rig ht a n wer s?
The photo test
I asked a very chic woman who was wearing sunglasses to take
so me photos. She took a photo of me with my hat on, then
without my hat. Then another photo with my sung la sses. Then she
asked me to take a photo of her!
The shopping test
I bought a copy of The Times newspaper from a newspaper seller
nea r th e railway sta tion. It was t hree euros. I gave the man four
euros and he didn't give me any change.
The accident test
I we nt to a busy street near the station. When I fell ove r ab out
eight people im mediately hurried to help me.
b Li ten to A and B tell yo u w hat happened in · ew York a nd Paris.
ln your ow n words te ll A a nd B w hat happened in Rome.
0rst he did t he photo test...
d Together decide w hich of th e cities is the fr iendliest so fa r.
R ead t he a nswers to In the water.
In the water
5 The answer is c. If a jellyfish stings you, you should clean the sting
with vinegar as this stops the poison. If you don't have any vinegar,
then use sea water. But don 't use fresh water, for example water
from a tap or mineral water, as this will make the sting hurt more.
And you shouldn't rub the sting as this will make it worse too.
After you have washed the sting. yo u should clean off any bits of
tentacles that are on your skin. And take a pain killer!
6 The answer is a . If you are near the shore and the shark is not too
close, you can probably swim to t he shore without attracting its
attention. For this reason it is important to swim smoothly and
not splash or make sudden move ments. Keeping still is dangerous
because if th e shark swims in your direction it w ill see you and it
will attack you. Don't shout because sho uting will provoke the
shark and it will attack you.
b Li ste n to A a nd B te ll you the answers in the o ther sectio ns (In
the city and In the country). C heck your answers.
c Tell A and B the ri ght answers fo r In the water, and w hy t he
o th er o nes a re wrong.
a Read C harlie' e ma il. The computer has found ten mi take . T hey
are~, ~,or ~ mi take .Ca nyoucorrcct
Charlie [barcacarlos@hotmail.com)
Lucy (lucyathome1989@yahoo.com]
Subject: Hi from Spain
Hi lucy
My name's Charlie. Well, it's really Carlos but everyone calls me Charlie.
I'm from Barcelona and I live at home with my parents and my dog.
~.and I'm at university. I ' m ~ physics. I'm in my last
year and I really like it.
I'm going to tell you about myself. As you can see from the !Q!g, I have black
hair and ~eyes. My father always says I have a big nose, but I don't
think so, I think it's a Roman nose!
I think I'm a positive person. My ~ say I'm funny and it's true, I like
making people laugh. But I ~serious too when I need to be!
I .QQ.Q! have~ free time ~ when I'm not in class I have to do
projects or write reports. But when I can, I like watching TV series, especially
science fiction series and comedies. I watch them in ~wi th subtitles.
I also like playing computer games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft.
Please write soon and tell me about you and your life.
Best wishes
b Read th e em a il aga in fro m th e beginning. Then cover it and
answer the que tio n fro m m emo ry.
I Whcre's C harlie from?
2 \: har' hi s real name?
3 Who docs he li ve w ith ?
4 W hat docs he do?
5 Whatdoc he look likc?
6 \ hat' he like?
7 'V hat arc hi s favour ite free time acti vities ?
Write a imila r em a il about yo u o r a person
you know. Write four parag r aph .
Paragraph 1
name, nationality, age, family,
work I study
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
hobbies and interests
d C heck your email fo r mistakes(~,
~.a nd ~) .
~ p.7
One of my favourite photos is this one of my
friend Anna.
I took the photo _ _ _ the summer of 2011
when I was
holiday with some friends _
3 We were at a place called Tara. It's a hill
which is famous because there's a big stone
_ _ _ top of it, and people say that the old
kings of Ireland were crowned there. Anna was
telling us all about the history of the stone,
and she put her arms
it. When I took
the photo we thought she was meditating, but
in fact we later realised she was sleeping! She
woke up after a few minutes and she said the
magic of the place made her sleepy!
I love this photo because it's mysterious, like
the place, and it reminds me of a lovely holiday.
5 I have the photo
my phone and
_ _ _ my computer with other photos
_ _ _ Ireland.
a Match the quest io ns with paragraphs 1-5.
What was happening when you took the photo?
d C heck your description for m istakes
(grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
Attach a copy of the photo if you can. Show
your descriptio n to another student. ls the
photo simi la r in any way to yours?
Where do you keep it?
Why do you like it?
What's your favourite photo?
Who took it ? When? Where?
b Complete the text with in, of, on, o r mund.
~ p.lS
You can keep a photo ...
an album.
your wallet.
your bedroom.
a frame.
the wall.
a table.
your phone.
your computer.
c Write about your favourite photo. Answer
tbe questions in a in t he right order.
your bed.
a Goran is a tude nt from C roatia w ho's
going to study English in the U K. He's
going to stay w ith a fami ly. Read the ema il
from M r Barne and com plete it w ith
ex pressio ns from the list .
Best wishes Dear Goran
PS Looking forward to hearing from you
b Read the ema il again and answer the
qu estio ns.
When is Gora n coming to the UK?
How is he travelling?
Who is going to meet him at the a irport?
Does Gora n have to sha re a room?
Does Lookin[Jjonvard to hearinBfrom you
mean ... ?
a I hope you write again soon.
b I'm going to write to you again soon.
6 DoesPS mea n ... ?
a This isn't very important information.
b I forgot to ay th is before.
7 Why does Mrs Barnes send Goran a
Sally Barnes [Barnes@hotmail.com]
Goran [gorangrec@yahoo.com]
Subject: Your trip
T hank you for your email. We're very happy that you're coming
to stay with us this summer, and we're sure you're going to enjoy
your stay with us.
What time are you arriving at Stansted airport? If you send us your
flight number and arrival time, we can all meet you in Arrivals. Can
you send us your mobile number too?
Could you also give us some other information? What day are you
going back to Croatia? Is there anything you can't eat or dri nk?
Do you want your own room , or do you prefer to share a room with
another student? Is there anything special you would like to do or
see in the UK?
Sally Barnes
I'm attaching a photo of the family, so you can
recog nize us at the airport!
c Imagi ne you a re going to stay w ith M rs
Barnes. Answer her e mai l using your ow n
informatio n. Write three paragraphs . End
the email w ith Best IVishes a nd your na me.
Paragraph 1
Thank her for her email.
Paragraph 2
Say when you are arriving, etc.
Paragraph 3
Answer her other quest ions.
d C heck your e ma il for mis takes (g rammar,
punctuatio n, and s pelling).
~ p.23
Read the text and complete it with t hese wo rds.
area eity food historic modern
nature population rivers weather
d C heck your email for mistake (grammar,
punctuation , a nd pel ling). S how you r
description to other students in you r class.
Wh ich place that you read about would you
mo t like to visit?
b Match the que tion s with paragraphs 1- 5.
What's it famous for?
What's the weather Like?
What's the best thing about it? Do you Like Living there?
-< p.39
What's your home town Like? What is there to see there?
Where do you Live? Where is it? How big is it?
I Live in Kayseri, which is an im porta nt 1,.ci.J.Jt.yL..__
in Central Anatolia in Turkey. It has a 2 _ _ __
of over 1,000,000 people. It's near the famous
Cappadocia 3
, so there are a Lot of
t ourists in the summer.
Write a descriptio n of the place where you
live. Write five paragraph . Answe r the
questio ns in bin the right order. First, ma ke
notes on the questio ns in b.
Kayseri is one of the richest cities in Turkey
because it has a Lot of industry. It is a university
town, and there are also many 4_ _ __
buildings, for example Kayseri Castle. Hunat
Hatun Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar around
Cumhuriyet Square, wit h its famous statue
of Ata turk. But Kayseri also has 5 _ _ __
resident ial areas full of Luxury blocks of flats,
shopping centres, and stylish restaurants.
The 6
in Kayseri is typical of the Middle Anatolia
Region. W inters are cold and snowy - great for skiing - and
summers are hot and dry. It somet imes rains in the spring and
Kayseri is famous for its mountains. Mount Erciyes is the
sy mbol of t he city and it has a well-known ski resort, and on
Mount Ali there are national and international paragliding
championships. It's also famous for its 7 _ _ _ _ and has many
Local specialities Like postirmo, which is dried beef with spices.
and manti, which is a kind of Turkish ravioli.They're delicious!
W hat I Like best about Kayseri is that we are so close to
. W hen I'm tired of city Life, I can easily get out
and enjoy the mountains, 9
• waterfalls, and thermal
spas, which are only a short distance away.
Antonio Ricci [antonior@tiscali.net]
The Priory Language School [enquiries@prioryedinburgh]
Subject : Information about courses
Dear Sir I Madam,
I am writing to ask for information about your language
courses. I am especially interested in an intensive course
of two or three weeks. I am 31 and I work in the library at
Milan University. I can read English quite well, but I need
to improve my listening and speaking. The book I am
currently studying is 'pre-intermediate' (Common European
Framework level A2).
I have looked at your website, but there is no information
about intensive courses next summer. Could you please
send me information about dates and prices? I would also
like some information about accommodation . If possible
I would like to stay with a family. My wife is going to visit me
for a weekend when I am at the school. Could she stay with
me in the same family?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Antonio Ricci
a Read the emai I to a language school. Tick (.f) the
questions that Anto nio wa nts the school to answer.
How much do the courses cost?
How many students are there in a class?
Are there Business English classes?
Where are the teachers from?
For more information email
us at info@golfinflorida.com
When do the courses start and fini sh?
Where can r stay?
b Look at the highlighted ex pressions. How would they be
different in an info rmal email (or letter)?
Read the advertisements and choose a cour e. Think o f
two or three quest io ns you would like to ask.
d Write a fo rma l email aski ng fo r in fo rmatio n.
Write two parag raphs.
Paragraph 1
Explain why you are writing
and give some personal
Paragraph 2
Ask your questions, and ask
them to send you information.
Dear Sir I Madam,
I am writ ing
I would like
I look forwa rd t o hearing
from you.
C heck your email fo r mi sta kes (g ramma r, punctuatio n ,
and spelling).
Yours faithfully,
~ p. 57
Writ ing
a Read the biography of Norah Jones. Then
cover the text and t ry to remember t hree
things about her.
Norah Jones
b Put t he verbs in brackets in the past simple
or present per fect.
Writing a biography - use of tenses
If you write a biography of a person who is
dead, the verbs will all be in the past simple.
If the person is alive, all finished actions will
be in the past simple (such as the person's
early life, e.g. was born, went t o university,
etc. or specific actions in their life, e.g. got
married, moved t o anot her town, etc.).
However, you must use the present perfect
for unf inished actions which started in the
past and are st ill t rue now (and which might
change), e.g. She has won nine Grammy
awards. She has appeared in several films.
Use t he present simple (or present
continuous) to talk about t he present day,
e.g. She lives in New York. She's working on a
new album.
c Write a biography of someone you know, or
of a famous person , who is still aJ ive. Write
three paragraphs. Make notes before you
begin .
I Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
where and when they were
born, their early life
(past simple)
their life as a young adult
(mostly past simple)
their later life and their life now
(past simple, present perfect,
present simple I present
d Check your biography for mistakes
(grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
Show yo ur biography to other tudents
in the class. W hich of you r classmates'
biographies is the most interesting?
~ p.73
orah Jones is an American singer-songwriter and
actress. She 1 was born (be born) in 1979 in New York.
Her father is Ravi Shankar, a famous Indian sitar player, and
her mother is the concert producer Sue Jones. In 1986 her
parents 2
{separate) and Later got divorced, and
N orah went to Live in Texas with her mother.
N ora h 3
(be) interested in music all her Life. When
she was young she played the saxophone and she was in
two different choirs. She 4
(go) to the University
of N orth Texas to study jazz piano, and while she was there
sh e s
(meet) Jesse Harris. She started a band
with him a year Later, and since then they 6
_ _ (work)
toget her on many different projects.
In 1999 she 7_
(move) to New York,
and in 200 I she signed a contract with
Blue Note records. Since then she
(make) five albums, and
t hey have all been very successful.
(win) nine Gram my
She 9
awards and has sold over 37 million
albums worldwid e. She has also
appeared in several films, including
My Blueberry Nights.
She has been in only one
rela tionship, with Lee
A lexander, but th ey 10_
(break up) in 2007.
She still Lives in
N ew York. At the
moment sh e is
worki ng on a
new album .
•• ~
b R ead the article again and cornplete tbe gaps
with a word or phrase from the list. Use capital
letters w here necessary.
a Read the article once. Do you agree with what it says?
finally firstly for example thirdly
in my OfliAion instead to conclude
Every time I turn on t he television, I'm sure to find a football
match on one of the channels. If I change channels, there
will probably be footbal l on other channels too, especially
at the weekend . 1!D....aJY.. apinion there is definitely too much
footba ll on TV for the following reasons.
____, if you compare football with ot her sports, football
completely dominates. The only place where you can watch
other sports is on special sports channels, which you usually
have to pay for. This is not fair for people who like other
sports, 3
tennis, basketball, or ath letics.
Secondly, the football matches on TV are not only the
importa nt matches. Every week they show boring matches
from the second or t hird divisions.
I also believe that, at weekends, most people
want to relax in front of t he television. Many people,
including me , don 't like football and prefer to see good films
or funny series.
, I think that even on news programmes there is
too much footbal l. It is very annoying when they talk about
footba ll for hours every day, especially when there are more
important t hings happen ing in the world.
You are going to write an article called 'There
are too many reality shows on TV'. Do you
agree? With a partner decide if you agree or not,
and think of three of four reasons.
d Write the article. Write four or five paragraphs.
Paragraph 1
Write an introduction. You can
adapt the introduct ion in the model
article. Say if you agree or not.
Give your reasons. Begin the
paragraphs with Firstly, Secondly,
(Thirdly,) and Finally.
Write a conclusion (this should be a
summary of what you write in the
middle paragraphs).
e Check your article for mistakes (grammar,
punctuation, and spelling). Show your article to
other students in the class. H ow many of your
classm ates agree with you? H ow m any disagree?
~ p. 85
, I think TV should show fewer football matches
and programmes about foot ball, especially at the weekend.
it should show other sports too, and more films.
On news programmes they should talk about important
thi ngs that are happening in the world, not about footbal l.
1 14>))
My first impre sion of Alexander was rhar he was
much older t han me. In fact he was 32, bur I thought
he was older. Bur when we s ta rred talk ing I really
liked him. He was extrovert and fu nny and he had
a very good sense ofhumour. He works for a TV
company a nd be told me a lor of good stories about
his work. He was also interested in the same t hings
as me-a rr and music, and we talked a lor about that.
Physically he wasn't really my t ype. It's difficult
to say why. He was tall and da rk and qu ite goodlooki ng and he had a nice smile bur there just wasn't
any chemistry between us. I could imagi ne goi ng ro
a concert or theatre with him, bur as a friend. Sorry
Mu m, bur no.
W hen I fi rst saw Oliver I thought he looked warm
and friendly, and more anracrive rhan Alexander.
He was quire tall with short blond hair and he had
lovely blue eyes, a bit like rhe acro r Jude Law. He
was a bir s hy a nd quiet at fi rst but when we starred
charring he relaxed and we found we had a lor of
t hings in common - we both like books, and rhe
cinema. He was generous roo- he wanted ro pay
fo r everyth ing. I really enjoyed rhe eveni ng. W hen
ir was rime ro go he asked for my phone number
and said he wanted ro meer again. We walked our
of the resrauranr and wenr ro look for a taxi. And
rhen something happened, and I knew rhar ir was
impossible for me mgo out with him. He said 'At
lasr!' and rook out a packer of cigarettes. That was it,
I'm afraid. I could never have a boyfriend who was a
s moker. ! think perhaps for my next date I'm going
m choose t he man myself. I don't t hin k another
per on can really choose a partner for you.
1 24 >))
M ra nd Mrs Cla rk and Percy is by t he British artist
David Hackney. and it's considered ro be one of
the greatest Britis h paintings of the 20th century.
lr was painted in !97 1 a nd it's a po rrra ir of rwo of
his friends, Ozzie C lark and his wife Celia, and
rheir cat Percy. Ozzie C lark and Celia were fashion
designers and rhey had a very successfu l clothes
hop in London. In the 1960s they d ressed a lot o f
rhe famous pop stars ofrhe rime, including T he
Rolling Stones and Eric C lapton. Hackney painted
Ozzie and Celia a few mont hs after rhey got married
in their flat ar Otting Hill in London. He painted
rhem in their bedroom, because he liked rhe light
t here, and on rhe wall on the left of t he window you
can see o ne of his own paintings.
Mrand M rs Clark and Percy is a very big painting,
approximately 3 metres wide and 2 met res h igh .
T he couple are wearing typical clothes of rhe late
1960s. Celia is wearing a long dress, and in fac t she
was expecting a baby at t hat rime. Her husband isn't
wearing any s hoes, and he's purring his feet into
rhe carper. T his was because Hackney had a lot of
problems painting his feet. He jusr couldn't get them
Hackney said that his aim wit h t his painring was
ro paint rhe relationsh ip between rhe two people.
Traditionally. when a painter paints a married
couple rhe woman is sitting down and the man
is standing up. In t his painting t he man is sitti ng
and the woman is s tanding. Usually in a painting
the married couple are close roger her, but in this
painting rhey are separated by a big open window
which symbolizes the d is tance between rhem.
The white cat, sitting on Mr C lark, is a symbol of
in fidelity. It seems t har Hackney didn't t hink rhar
t heir marriage was going ro be very happy, and in
facr rhe couple gor d ivorced fou r years later.
C elia ofren posed as a model for Hackney. bur
s he says rhat th is painting, his most famous picture
of her, is nor her favourite. She said "It's a wonderful
painting, but ir makes me look roo heavy." In 1996,
rwenty fi ve years after t his picture was pai nted,
Ozzie C lark d ied. He was murdered by his lover in
his Kensington flar.
26 >))
My name's Jenny Zieli nski. I live and work in New
York. I'm t he assistant editor of a magazine called
NewYork24seven. A few months ago, I visited our
office in London to learn more about rhe company.
I mer rhe manager, Daniel O'Connor. I had lots
of meetings wirh him , of course. And a working
dinner o n my birthday... Bur I s pent more rime with
Rob Walker. He's one ofrhe wr iters on the London
magazine. We had coffees toget her. We went
sightseeing. I even helped Rob buy a s hirt! He was
fun to be wirh. ll iked him a lot. I think he liked me
roo. Rob is n't the most pu nctual person in the world,
bur he is a great writer. We invited h im tOwork
for the New York magazine fo r a mom h ... and he
agreed! So now Rob's com ing ro New York. ! know
he's really excited abo ut ir. lt's going ro be grear ro
see him again.
1 29 >))
Jenny So, here you arc in ew York ar lasL
Rob Yeah, it's great ro be here. It's really exciting.
Jenny And bow's your hotel?
R ob It's fine. My room is really... nice.
Je nny Do you have a good view from you r room?
R ob I ca n see lors ofother build ings.
Jenny Tomorrow I'm going reshow you around rhe
office and introduce you ro the ream. Barbara's
looki ng forward ro meeting you. You remember,
Barbara, my boss'
Rob O h ...yeah, sorry.
Jenny And rhen you ca n s rarr thinking about your
blog and rhe column. Have you got any ideas yet,
Rob? ... Rob?
R ob W har? Sorry. Jenny.
Je nny You musr be really ti red.
Rob Yes, I am a bit. Whar rime is it now?
Je nny It's nine o'clock.
Rob Nine o'clock? That's rwo o'clock in rhe
morning fo r me.
Je nny Let's fini sh o ur drinks. You need ro go to
bed .
Rob l guess you' re righr.
Jenny So, I' ll see you in t he office at eleven in t he
Rob Areleven?
Jenny Is rhar O K?
Rob It's perfect. T hanks, Jenny.
Jenny There's just one thing.
Rob W hat's rhar?
Jenny Don't be late.
Rob By rhe way. lr's great ro see you again.
Jenny Yeah. It's great ro see you. too.
34 >))
Mia lr was a really terrible holiday. lr was my fault,
I mean I wanted to go to T hailand, bur I knew
before I went t hat I didn't really want to have a
serious relations hip w it h Joe. And the holiday just
showed how d ifferent we are. He irritated me all
the rime. He wanted ro stay in some really cheap
hostels, because he thought the hotels were too
ex pen ive. l didn't want 5-srar luxury, but when I
go on hoi iday I want to be com fortablc. The places
where Joe wanted 10 sray were very basic and had
very s mall rooms. There's nothing worse t han
being in a very small room wirh someone when
you're nor getting on very well. A nor her rhing l
didn'tl ike was that Joe gor very jealous. W hen
you're t ravelling, parrofrhe fun is talking to
other travellers, bur he hated it ifl talked to other
people, especially other men. And rhen he kepr
raking pha ros! Hundreds ofrhem . Every time we
saw a monument he said 'Go and srand over there
so I can rake a photo.' I hate being in photos.! just
wanted to enjoy the sightS. The holiday was all a
big mistake. ever go on holiday with a boyfriend
ifyou're not sure about the relationship. lr's sure
to be a disaster!
1 35 >))
Linda Oh , it was a wonderful holiday. I loved
every momenr! Venice is just a paradise. We did
everything- we wcnr on a gondola, we saw all
rhe museums, and we had some fa ntastic meals.
And you know, everyone says t hat Venice is
expensive, bur I didn't th ink ir was - ir wasn't an
expensive holiday at all. I thought it was quite
reasonable. We all gor o n very well. I think I'm
going to s uggesr to Isabelle and Laura rhar we go
on holiday toget her again next year...
44 >))
In May 1968, 1came back 10 Paris. lrwas a very
exciting rime. There were a lot of demonstrat ions,
and figh ting between students and the police. ! wasn't
really interested in polit ics- ! wasn't a communis t
or an ana rchisr. Bur I loved theaonosphere. All t he
s rudenrs were fighting for freedom, for revolurion,
and the French police were everywhere. On May the
15th l was with thousands oforher young people.
We were walking rewards rhe Place de Ia Bastille. I
was tired, so a friend picked me up and I sar on his
shoulders. A not her boy who was walking next to us
was carrying a Vietnamese nag (ir was rhe t ime of the
Viemam war) and he said to me 'Hey, could you carry
t he flag for me?' and I said OK. There was so much
happening rhat I didn't noricc all rhc photographers.
The next day rhe photo was on rhe cover of magazines
all over the world. W hen my grandfather saw it, he
immediately ordered me rocome ro his bouse. He was
furious- really really angry. He said 'Thar's ir! You're
a communisr! I'm nor going to leave you anything. ot
a penny!' ! walked our of the room and I never saw him
again. Six months later he died, and I didn't ger any
money from him. ot hing.
1 50 >))
Happy ending
Narrator Suddenly, a man ran across the road. He
was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn't see him
ar fi rst. Qu ickly ~ he pur her foor on rhe brake. She
stopped jusr in time. She gor our of her car and
s ha med ar the man.
Hannah Don't you us ually look before you cross
rhe road? I nearly hir you. ! didn't see you until rhe
last moment.
Jamie Sorry! Hey, Hannah it's me. lr's Jamie.
Hannah Jamie! Whar are you doing here? I nearly
killed you!
Jamie I was buying something. I was in a hurry and I
crossed rhe road without looking.
Han n ah Come on. Get in!
Narrator Hannah and Jamie drove ro rhe coffee
bar. They sar down in their us ual seats and
ordered t wo cups ofcoffee.
\Vairer Here you are. Two cappuccinos.
Hanna h f Jamie Thanks.
Hannah Whar an even ing! I nearly killed you.
Jamie Well. you didn't kill me, so what's rhe
Hannah Bur whar were )OUdoing in rhe high srrcer'
I thought you \\ere here. in t he cafe. wait ing for me.
Jamie I wenr ro the rhearre to buy rhesc rickets
forrhe Scouting For Girls concen . l know you
wanrcd tO go. And ir"son rile 15th of October next arurday. Our ann iversary.
Ha nnah Our anniversary?
Jamie Yes.Threemomh; incewc firsr mer. \\'e
mer on arurdayrhe ISrh ofJuly. Remember?
Hanna h Go h. Jamie. I ca n't believe you remember
the e>.act day! What a romantic! It"s lucky I didn't
hir you in the street. ..
l Sll))
Sad ending
arraror uddcnly. a man ran across rhe road. He
was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn't sec
him at first. Quickly s he pur her foot on the bra ke.
Airhough Hannah tried to stop s he couldn't. he
hit t he man. Hannah pan icked. She drove away a>
fa r as she could. When he arrh·ed ar rhe coffee
bar Jamie wasn't there. She called him bur his
mobile phone wa> turned off. he waited for ten
minute> and then she went home. Two hours later
a car arrived at Hannah' house. A pol icewoman
knocked ar rhe door.
Policewoman Good evening. Madam. Arc you
Hannah Davis?
Hannah Yes. I am.
Policewoman I'd likerospcak toyou.Can l come in?
a rrator The policewoma n came in and sat down
on the ofa.
Policewom a n Are you a friend o fl amie O i.xon?
Hannah Yes,
arraror said Hannah.
Policewoma n Well . I'm afraid I ha,·c some bad
new for vou.
Hannah \ \ 1 har? Whar's h<rppened?
Policewoman Jam ie had an accident this eveni ng.
Hanna h Oh no! \Vhar kind of accident ?
Policewoman He was crossi ng rhe road and a car
hit him.
Hannah \Vhen ...When did this bappcn? And where?
Policewoman This evening at 5.25. He was
crossing the road in the high street by t he theatre.
Hanna h Oh no! How is he?
Policewoma n He's in hospital. He' got a bad
injury to his head and rwo broken legs.
Ha nnah But is he going to be OK?
Policewoma n \ edorft know. He's in inrens h·ecarc.
Hannah Ohno.And rhed rivcrof thecar?
Policewoman he didn't srop.
Han nah he?
PolicC\\'Oman Ye . ir was a woma n in a whire car.
Somebody saw the number of the ca r. You have
a white car o utside don't \'Ou. Madam ' Is vour
number plate X YZ 348 '?
Han nah Yes...yes, it is.
Policewoma n C an vou tell me where vou were ar
5.25 this e\'ening?.
l SS l))
I nrer viewer Excuse me. do you have a moment?
Olivia Ye ,sure.
Interv iewer Where are yo u going?
Olivia To ricaragua.
Inter viewer For a holiday?
Olivia o, I'm going to do voluntary work. I'm
going to reach English ro young children.
Interviewer \\' here exactly in Nicaragua are you
Olivia To a town called Esteli. It's about 150
kilometres from Managua.
Interviewer How long are you going robe there for?
Olivia I'm going robe in E>relr for ix weeks and
after that I'm going to tra\ el round icaragua for
a month .
Interviewer That sound amazing.
O livia Yes. I'm rea lly looking fo rward ro it.
Interviewer Are you feeling nervous at all?
Olivia A bit. because I don'rspl'ak much pan ish.
But they're going to give us a 40-hour language
course when we arrive. so I hope t hat's enough ro
s tart with.
Inter viewer Well. good luck and have a great time.
O livia T hanh. I'm su re ir's going robe a fa ntastic
I nrerviewcr Excuse me. do you have a mo ment?
Matthew Yea h, O K.
Interviewer W here are you going?
Matthew To Australia.
Inte rviewer That's a long fli ght. Arc you goi ng ro
rop on the way?
Matthew o . I'm going di rect to Melbourne.
Interviewer \\' hv Melbourne?
Matthew I'm goi;..g rowork there. I'm a model and
we're going ro do a photo hoot for a maga7ine.
Inte r viewer Thar sounds excir·ing. What kind of
clothes are you going ro model?
Man hew \\'inter clothes. for next season. It's
winter in Austra)ja now so ir's going to be quite
cold . T hat's why we're going rhere.
Inter viewer Of course. it's their winter. How cold
do you think it's going to be?
Matrhew I'm nor quite sure. About eight or nine
degrees during rhl' day and coldl'r at night. I
s uppose.
Interviewer Well, have a good trip, and I hope the
photos are fa bulous!
Marrhew Thanks.
Interviewer Excuse me. do you have a mo ment?
L ily OK. s ure.
Inte r viewer W here are you going?
Lily To Budapest.
Inter viewer W hy arc you going rhere?
Lily I'm going ro a conference.
Inte r viewer So it's a work trip.
Lily Yes. But I'm also going to sec an old friend
rhere. Actually, an old boyfriend . Someone I went
out wirh a long t ime ago.
Interviewer W hen did you decide to meet up
Lily Well. I knew he was working ar Budapest
University. so when the conference came up about
a month ago I got in touch with him on Facebook.
Interviewer Is he going ro meet you at the airport?
Lily l don'tth in kso! Bur whoknows?
Interviewe r How do you feel about it'
Lily Quire excired. lr's going robe strange meeting
again after all rhese years.
Interviewer Well. good luck. l'm s ure you're goi ng
to have a grcatrime. And en joy the conference.
Lily T han ks very much.
1 62 l))
Be n Hi. This is Ben We t. Sorry I can't take your
call . Please leave a me sage.
Lily Hi Ben. It's me. Lily. Ho pe )Ou're OK . I've
booked my fl ight and hotel. I'm coming on
u nday the 2nd of May - I couldn't get a fli ght on
rhc first. I'm flying from Garwick with Easy jer
and I'm arriving at Budapesr a irport at 14.40. I'm
going back on arurday the 8th leaving ar 16.35.
I'm staying ar a lovely old hotel , quire a fa mous
one I thin k. It's called the Hotel Gellert o r Jcllert
- I'm not s ure how you pronounce it. bur it's G-Edouble L-E- R-T. I'm sure you know it. I'll call you
o n Sunday night when I get there. See you soonl'm really looking forwa rd ro eeing you again .
~ 2 l))
Presente r Good C\'en ing.ladies and gentlemen
and welcome to Wlrat 's tire word? And our first
contestants tonight arc 'larrin and Lola. Hello to
you both. Are you nervous?
Lo la Just a bit.
Presenter \\'ell. just rry a nd rebx and play IVIrat 's
tlte word? with us. If you're watching the show for
the fir ttime. here's how we play rhe game. As you
can see Marrin bas a TV screen in from of him
and six words are going ro appear on the screen.
Martin has two minutes to describe the words to
Lola o rhar she can guess whar rhey are. But he
ca n't use any part of the words on the screen. So, for
e>.ample. if the word is taxi driver, he can't use the
word taxi ordriverordrive.
P resenter Martin. Lola. are you ready?
3 l))
Presenter Martin. Lola, a re you ready?
M a rrinf Lo la Yes.
Presente r OK. Marri n you have two minutes ro
describe your ix words tarring now!
Martin OK, word number I. It's a person. It's
somebody who works in a hospital.
Lola A doctor.
Ma rrin 1 o, no, no ir' rhe person who helps rhe
doctor and looks after rhe patients.
Lola Oh. a [bleep].
Ma rtin That's right. Word number 2. 1t's a place.
It's somewhere where people go when rhey want
to bu) things.
Lola Ashop.
Martin Nor exactly. It's bigger and you can buy all
kinds of different things rhere. especially food .
L ola A [bleep]?
Martin Yes. well done. O K. word number 3. lt's a
rhing. lt' omerhing which we usc for everything
nowadays. For the internet. for talking to people.
for raking photos ... It's a kind of gadger. Everyone
has one.
Lola A [bleep]?
Martin That's it! Word number 4. lt 's an adjective.
It's the opposite of dark.
Lola Light?
Martin It's like light. bur you only use it ro describe
Lol a [bleep)?
Ma r tin Yes! \\'ord number S. lt's an ad jective
again. Er ... You use it to describe a person who's
... er, who's quick at learning rhings.
Lola Intelligent?
Martin No. bur it's similar to intelligent. lr's the
opposite of stupid.
Lo la [bleep]!
Martin Yes, brilliant. And word number six, the
last o ne. OK. It's a verb. For example. you do rhis
ro rheTV.
Lola Watch'
Ma rtin
o ... lr's what you do when you finis h
watching TV at night.
Lola Er... go ro bed?
Martin 1o! Come on! You do it ro rhe TV before
you go ro bed.
Lola Oh. [bleep]?
Martin Yes!
2 8 l))
Jenny \\'ell. ! think that's everyth ing. W hat do you
think of the office?
Rob It's brilliant. And much bigger rhan our place
in London.
Jenny Oh. here"s Barbara. Rob. this is Barbara. rhe
ediror of the magazine.
Barbara It's good 10 fina lly meet you. Rob.
Ro b It"s grear to be here.
Bar bar a Is this your first rime in New York?
Rob o. l came here when I was eighteen. Bur only
for a fe" days.
Barbara Well. I hope you ger ro know ew York
much better this rime!
Jenny Barbara, I'm going to rake Rob om for lunch.
Would you like ro come with us?
Barba r a I'd love to. but un fortu nately I have
a meering at one. So, I' ll see you larer. We're
meeting at three, I th ink.
Jenny That's righr.
Barbara Have a nice lunch.
H o lly Hey. are you Rob Walker?
Rob Yes.
Ho lly IIi, I'm llolly. llolly Tyler.
Rob Hello, Holly.
Ho lly We're going to be working roger her.
Jenny Really?
Holly Didn't Barbara tell you? I'm goi ng robe
Rob's photographer!
Jenny Oh. wcii...We're just going for lunch.
H olly Cool! I can come with )'Ou. I mean. I had a
sandwich earlier. so I don·r need ro car. Bur Rob
and I can tall.. Is that OK?
Je nny ure.
Holly o let 's go.
2 11 >))
Holly So tell me, Rob. What arc you going to write
R o b Well, to st arr with , rny first impressions of
New York . You know, t he nightli fe. the music.
thing• like that.
Holly Arc you planning ro do any inter views?
Rob I'd like ro. Do you have any suggestions'
Holly Well. I know >Ome great musicians.
Rob Musicians?
Holly You know, guys in bands. And I also have
some com acts in the theatre and dance.
Rob That would be great.
Holly Maybe we could go 10 a >how. and after you
could talk to the actor~.
Rob I rca II) lil.c that idea.
Waitress Can I bring you anything else?
Jenny Could we ha'c the check. please?
Waitress Yes, ma'am. H ere·~ your check.
Jenny Thanks. Excuse me. I think rherc's a mistake.
\Ve had two bottles of water. nor three.
Waitress You're right. I'm really sorry. It's nOt my
day today! I'll get you a new check.
Je nny Thank you.
H o lly We're going tO have a fun monrh , Rob.
Rob Yeah, I think it's going robe fantastic.
Jenny OK. time to go. You have your meeting with
Barbara at three.
R ob O h yeah. right.
2 22 >))
Presente r Teenager• 10da) have a bad reputation.
People >ay that t hC) arcla1y and untidy and rhar
they do very little ro help their parents in the
house. But there arc some teenagers for whom
this description is just nor true ar all.
It is estimated that there are more than 200.000
teen ager~ in the U K who have to look after a
member of their family. their mother or father
or brother or sister. In many cases these young
helpers. or ·carers' as t hey are called. have ro do
between 25 and 50 houf' work helping in their
house, a ~ well as doing their school work.
2 23 >))
Presenter I'd like to welcome ro rhe programme
two of these teenagers. Alice and Dan iel. who are
17 years old. and who borh look after members of
their fam ily. llello, Alice. hello Dan iel.
Alice/ Daniel H i.
Presenter Who do you look afte r?
A lice !look after my mum. She has ME - it's an
illne>S which mean, that she feels tired all rhe
rime a nd ~he can't \\:til. ver v well. And I also look
afte r my younger brother a~d sister. He's six and
she's four.
D a niel I look after my mum roo. he had a bad car
accident se,·en years ago and she ca n·r walk. I a lso
look after my little s ister.
Presenter You bmh do a lot of housework. What
exactly do you do?
Alice On a normal day I getup early and I clean
the house and I do the ironing. After school!
•omerime' take my mum to the shops in her
wheelchair. In the evening my dad makes the
dinner - l'm non ·ery good at cooking! Bur I make
sure my brother and 'i>ter eat their dinner and
then I pm them to bed.
Dan iel My day's quite similar. I clean rbe house and
iro n but I also do the cooking and the s hopping.
M) dad left home four )Cars ago so we're on our
own. I rake my sister to school and make s ure rhar
my mum is OK. I need ro give her massages every
Presenter I low do )OU feel about the way you Ji,·e?
Alice I don't rea II) mind looking after my mum .
She's ill and she needs my help. Bur sometimes I
feel a bit sad when I ca n't go om because rhere are
things 10 do in the hou,e. A nd I sometimes get
angry with my ' chool frie nd ~. They don't rea lly
undcr~rand the problems I have ar home. All they
think abour arc clothes. boys. and going out.
Daniel I enjoy what I do becau ~e I'm helping
my mum ami I'm helping my s is ter ar the same
rime. Of course it 's true rhat I can·r go out much .
because I need to s pend most of my rime at home.
I somet imes go out with my friends but I don·r like
leaving my mum o n her own . I always make sure
that I h:rve my mobile. If my mum needs anyt hing.
she calls me and I go back ho me. It's nor a proble m
for me. Ir's jusr parr of my life.
Presenter You're both doing a great job, thanks
very much for coming on the programme.
2 26 >))
I I ntcrv icwer I Ian• you ever bought something
that you've ne,er worn?
A Ye~ - ha•n'r c'eryonc? I remember some
trousers I bought rhar I never wore.
Interviewer \\'hat was rhe proble m with them?
A They were very right . black leather tro users
that I bought fro m a ~econd -hand sho p ncar
Portobcllo Road. when I was about 2.0 years
old. I reme mber when I was in the changing
room I thought rhcy looked fantas tic. l rhoughr
!looked like Jim Morri>on from the Doors.
But whe n I got home. in the cold Iighr of day.
I rc:.Jiscd that I looked rnore like one of rhc
women from Abba! T har·s why I never wore
them .
2 Interviewer I lave you ever bought something
that you've never worn?
A Yes. a karate suit. I decided that I wamed ro do
karate. and I igned up for a course and bought
rhc s uit and the orange belt bur then I changed
my mind and decided not to do the course.
I ntc r v iewer \\' In not?
A I wa~ worried tl;at ~omeone would knock my
teeth our.
Inte r viewer Do you still have rhe suir?
A o. I sold it on eBav.
J Interviewer Ha,·e y~u ever bought something
that you've never worn?
A aclly ir happens to me quire often, because I
hare clot he> • hopping. and I never try th ings
on. For c'ample. l have a sh irt in my wardrobe
now t hat I've never worn.
Inte r viewer W hy nor?
A Well. I bought it in a hur r) a few months ago
and rhen I put it :1way in my wardrobe. A few
week~ la ter I rook irout and looked at it and
I thought 'Why d id I buy t his'' lr's horrible pin k and purple stripe>. A nd ofcourse I didn't
ha'c the rcccipt,>o I couldn't rake it back.
4 Interv ie wer H:l\'c you ever bought somethi ng
that you\·c never worn?
A Lor ~ ofrh ing:., I'm afra id. T he last o ne was a
brown leather coat.
Interviewer \\' hat was wrong with it?
A Well. I bought it onli ne, from a website thar
has cheap offers. bur when ir arrived it looked
complNcly different from" hat it looked like
on screen and I decided I didn't like it. So it's
in Ill) wa rdrobe. l'm ; urc I'm ne,·cr goingto
wea r it, but perhaps I'll give it to someone as a
2 32 >))
Presen ter Last Friday Svcn, a lawyer fro m
Stockholm. was looking forward ro a relaxing
rwod<tys in rhc mountain>. I Ie and his wife had
a reservatio n in a luxury hmcl ar a s kiing resort.
so they could spend rhc weeke nd skiing. Bur the
weekend didn't \\Ork out exactly as they were
expecti ng. Svcn \\ orked until late o n Friday
C\'Cning. His office was on the I 2rh fl oor. When
he finished. at 8 o'clock. he locked his office and
got into the lift ... and he didn't get our agai n until
\1o nda) morning!
Sven I pressed the button for the ground floor and
the lift sta rted going down but then it stopped. I
pressed the burton again bur nothing happened. I
pressed rhc alarm and shouted bur nobody heard
me. Most people had already gone home. ! rried
ro phone my wife bur my mobile didn't work in
the lifr.l couldn't do anything. I just sat on rhc
floor and hoped maybe >Omcbody would realize
what h;od happened . But on Sat urday and Sunday
I knew nobody would be there. I slept most ofrhe
t ime to forget how hungry I was.
Presenter Meanwhile vcn's wife. Silvia. was
wairing fo r her husband to come home.
S ilv ia I wa• very worried when he didn't
come home on Friday evening and I couldn't
understand why his mobile wa n't working. I
phoned rhc police and t hey looked for him bur
thC) couldn't find him anywhere. I thought maybe
he wa~ with another woman.
Presente r o \'Cn wa~ in the lift rhe whole
weekend from hiday C\'e ning until Monday
morning. At eight o'clock. wben rhe office
workers arrived. they phoned rhe e mergency
number and somebody came and repaired rhe lift.
Sven I was very happy ro get our. I hadn't eaten
s ince Friday afternoon a nd I was ' 'cry hungr~. lr 's
lucky that! a m not claus trophobic because rhe lift
wa, ve ry ~mall. The first thing I did was to phone
my wife to ~:o y t·hatl was OK.
Presenter Svcn will soon be the fittes t man in his
offi ce - from now on he's going to take the stairs
every da) - even though it ·s 12 floors.
2 42 l))
Interviewer Todav we talk to Laurel Reece, who's
writing a book al;out how 10 live more slowly. She's
gni ng to give us fi,·c useful tips.
Laurel lyfi rs t tipissomNhingwhichisvery
simple ro say. bur more d ifficult ro do in practice.
\Vharcvcr you're doing. jus t try 10 slow down and
e njov it. If vou're walk ing >Omewhcrc. tn' ro walk
mor~ slowly: if you a rc drh,ing. make yo~rself
drive mo re slowlv. It doesn't matter what vou arc
doing. cooking. having a shower. cxercisi~g in the
g) m. just slow down and really en jo) the moment.
\\'e all try to do too man~ things that we just don't
have rime for. o Ill} second tip is make a list of
the three things which arc most important for
you. your priorities in li fe. T hen when you\·e
made your l i~r ma~e >ure rhar you spend rime
doing t ho~e things. Imagine for example that
your t hrcc thing• arc your fam ily. reading, and
playing s ports. T hen make sure that you spend
enough time with your family. that you have s pace
in your life for reading. and tharyou have time
to do > port~ . And forget about trying to do other
thi ngs rhar you haven't got time for.
Tip number three is don't try ro do rwo things at
the same rime. T he worst thing you can do is ro
mult ira~k . So for exa mple. don't read your emails
while) ou arc talking 10 a friend on the phone.
If you do that. you aren't really focusing on your
cmails or )Our frie nd and you arcn·r going ro feel
\err reJa,ed either.
Tip numhcr four is \ ery s imple: once a day. C\cry
day. s it down and do noth ing for half an hour.
For example. go to a cafe and sit outside. or go ro
a park and ~it on a bench. Turn off your phone so
that nobod) can cont act you, a nd then just s ir and
watch the" orld go b). T his will really help you ro
slow down.
OK. My fift h and final tip. One ofrhe mos t
relaxing thing> you ca n do is robe near wareror
even hettcr,to be on water. o if you live near a
lake or river. go and sit by rhc river. or go boating.
If you live near t he sea. go a nd iron t he beach.
Relax and listen ro the sound o f rhe wind and rhe
water. You will feel your bod y and mind slowing
down as rhe m inutes go pasr.
2 45 >))
First I did rhc phoro tesr. l was ncar C har ing C ross
station. I • topped a man who was walking quire
' lowly down rhe road and I aid, 'Excuse me. could
)OU take my photo?' The man said. · 1o. no. no rime
for that.' a nd jusr continued walking. Then I asked a
businessman in a grey suir who was walking tOwards
rhcstation. He tOOk o ne phoro. bur when I asked him
to take another one he walked away quickly.
1 ext. ir was the sho p ping resr.l went to a to uri t
shop in Oxford Street and I bou gh t a key ri n g and a
red bus. T h e red bus was ver y expensive. The total
price was fo rty pounds. I gave th e man a hundred
pounds. He gave me sixty po u nds back.
Finally. it was time for the accid ent tesr. For
thi resr I wenr down into the Tube- rhc London
Underground. As I went d own rhe stairs I fell over
and sar a n the floor. A m an im mediately StOpped and
looked down ar me. I thought he was going ro help me
bur he didn'r - he jus r said 'Why don·r you look where
)Ou're going?'
2 51>))
Prese nte r t exr in ourlisrofthi ngswh ich you
rhough r were bad for you is chocolate . Jane. our
food exper r. is going to rell u~ why acrually it can
be good for us.
Jane Well. there have been a lo t of srudies recently
about chocolate. Remem ber. chocolate is
something that we've been eati ng for h und reds
of years. ir's not a m odern invention. And rhe
studies show that chocolate, like red wine.
conrains a ntioxidants. In facr chocolate has mo re
anrioxid am s rhan wine. T hese an tioxidants can
pro tecr usagainst illnesse likehean d i ease.
Presenter Reallv?
Jane Yes. bur. and t his is ''cry impo rranr. all the
good a ntioxidants are o nly in dark chocolate. So
don't car milk chocolate or whirechocolare - rhcy
aren'r healthy at a ll. And o f course you also need to
remem ber th at alt ho ugh dark chocolate is good for
you. it contains quite a lor ofcalories. so if you're
worried about your we ight . don·r ear roo much. One
or rwo pieces a day is enough.
Presenter G rear news fo r me because I love
chocolate! And now to Tony. our TV journalist.
Tony. newspaper articles are always telling us
abour srudics which say rha r we warch roo much
TV, rha r we spend roo much time s itting in fro nt
o f t he T V and rhar as a res u lt we don't d o enough
exercise. They also say rh ar warchi ng TV makes
us sru pid. ls th is a ll rruc Tony?
Tony Well. it's almost certainly t rue t hat we watch
roo much television, but ir probably isn't rr ue rhar
watching T V makes us srupid. l've jusr finished
reading a book by a science wr ite r. S rc,·cn
Johnson. called Et·eryrhiu[J bad is aood for you.
One thing he says in his book is rhar mod ern TV
ser ies like Tire Soprauos o r House or Mad Me11 arc
more intellectually srimularing than T V ser ies
we re 20 years ago. He says rhar rhese shows arc
complicated an d 1·ery cleve r a nd t hat they help ro
make us mo re intelligent.
Pres enter Well. I can believe that. but wha t abo ut
rcaliry shows rhat arc so popular o n TV.I can·r
believe rhat these a rc good for us.
Tony Well. Srcven Johnson says that we can even
learn someth ing from reality s hows- he says
rhis kin d of programme can teach us about group
psycho logy. about how people behave when
t hey're in a group.
Prese n ter Well , rha n k you. Tony and Jane. o
now you k now what to d o rhis even ing. You can
sir down in front ofrhe TV wirh a box of dark
chocolates ...
2 55 >))
H o lly Hey. Rob. come on. Keep u p.
Rob orry. l'm a bit tired this morning.
H o lly You aren't exactly in good shape. are you'
Rob I know. I know. I think I'm carin g roo muc h.
Holly Then ear less!
Rob It isn't easy. I car o ut all the rime. And rhc
porrions in A m erican re srauranrs are enonnous.
H o lly You d o n't d o e nough exercise.
Rob I walk a lo r.
H o lly Walkin g is n'reno ugh. Rob. Do you d o
a nything to keep fir?
Rob I cycle when I'm in Lo ndo n ...
Holly o why don't you get a bike here?
Rob I'm o nly here for a nother three weeks.
Anyway. my ho tel's ncar rhe office. ! do n't need
a bike.
Holly You know. Jen n ifer goes ru nn ing all t he
time. Before and after work. Bur I jusr thin k rhar
run ning is just so bor ing. I mea n. wherc's the fun?
Rob Yeah. l'm no r very keen o n run ni ng.
H o lly o why don't you play basketball wirh me
and my fr iend s'
Rob OK. That 's a grear idea! Bu r I d o n·r have any
t rainers.
H olly Trainers> Sneakers! You can buy som e.
Rob J, rhcre a sports sho p near here?
H o lly urc. there's one across t he srrcet .
2 59 >))
R ob H i Jenny.
Jenny Oh. h i.
R o b H ave you had a good day?
Jenny O h. you kno w. Meetings! W hat abour you'
R ob It wa~ great. I wem to Brook ly n a nd m et some
really interest in g people.
Je nny And you had rime ro go sho pping. roo.
Rob Whar? O h yeah. l'\'c jusr bough t t hese.
Jenny What a rc they?
R o b f\ pair o f trainers -cr. ~ neakcr~.
J enny t icc. Why did you buy •neaker ,>
Rob I think I need ro ger a bit fitter.
Jenny Oh. I'm impressed . You kno w, I go r u n n ing
ever y mo rning in Central Pa rk.
Rob Do you?
Jenny lr's so beautifu l early in rhe mor nin g. Why
don't you come with me?
Rob Er ... ~ure. Why no t?
Jenny Great! I'll come by your hotel tomorrow
mo rn ing.
Rob OK . \ harrime?
Jenny Six forry-five'
R ob Six ... ?
Jenny Forty-five.
R ob Can we make it a bir later' Say. seven fo rtyfive?
Jenny T hat's 100 la te. Rob. Let's make it seven
fifteen .
Rob OK.
Jenny Excellent. SeC' you la ter.
Rob G reat.
H o lly Ba, kerhall and run n ing. Ro b. You mus t have
a lo t of ene rgy.
Rob Er... yeah.
3 8 >))
Presenter Today's topic is ·positive thinking·. We all
know that peo ple who a re posit h·e enjoy life more
rhan people who are negarivc and pessimistic. Bm
scientific tudies show rhat po~i rive people are
a lso healthier. They get berrer more q uickly when
they arc ill. a nd rhey live longer. A rccenrstudy has
shown rhar people who are o ptimistic and rh in k
po irively live. o n average. nine year. lo n ger rh an
pe~si mis ri c people. So, let 's hear what you rhe
lis teners rhink. Do you ha1·e any ideas ro help us be
mo re positive in our lives?
3 9 >))
Prese nter Our firsrcaller thi cven ingisAndy. Hi
An dy. \Vhar's your rip fo r being positive?
Andy Hello. Well, I think it's very im po rtant ro live
in t he presem and no t in the pas t. Don't th ink
about mistakes you made in the past . You ca n't
ch an ge t he past. The important thin g is to th ink
abo ut how you can do things better no w a nd in
the future.
Presenter T hank you. Andy. And no w we h ave
another caller. \ Vh ar 's your name. please?
Julie H i, My na me's Julie. M y tip is th ink positive
tho ug hts. no r negative ones. \ e a ll ha,·c ncgatil't·
tho ughts sometimes. bur when we rart ha1•ing
them we need to stop and rry to change them inro
pos itive ones. Like. if you have an exa m ro morrow
and you s rarrrhinking ' I'm s ure I'll fair. rhcn
you' ll fail the exam. So you need ro change that
negat ive thought to a positive though t. Just think
ro you rself 'I'll pass'. ! do this and it usually works.
Pres enter Thank you, Julie. And o ur nex t caller is
Marrin. Hi Martin .
Martin Hi. My rip is d o n't spend a lor o f t im e
reading rhc papers o r watchi ng the news o n TV.
lr' a lways bad news and it just makes you feel
depressed . Read a book o r listen ro your favo urite
music instead.
Presente r Than ks. Marrin. And our next caller is
l ir ia m . Miria m?
Miriam Hi.
Pres enter H i Mir iam.\ hat's yourrip?
Miria m M y rip is el'e ry week make a list o f a ll th e
good things rhat happened ro you. Then keep rhe
lisr with you. in your bag or in a pocke t, and if
you're feelin g a bit sad or depressed. jusr ra ke ir
out a nd read it. It'll make you feel bcrrer.
Pre senter T ha nks. Miriam . And o ur last call is
from Michael. Hi Michael. We're listen ing.
Michael Hi . My rip is to t ry to use posit ive
language when you speak to other people. Yo u
know. if your fr iend has a p roblem. don't say ' I'm
sorry' o r ·oh. poor you', say something positive
like ' Don'rworry! Every thing w ill be OK'. That
way you' ll ma ke the orher person thi nk more
positively about thei r problem.
Presenter Thank vou, Michael. Well. rhar's a ll
we've got rime fdr. A big t hank you tOall o ur
callers. Until next week then. goodbye.
3 13>))
Presenter Earlier this year. ten years after S revc
sent the lerrer. some builders were renovating rhe
living room in Carmen's mother's ho use. When
rhey rook out the fi replace they found Steve's
letter, and gave it to Carmen's <>isrer. and she sent
rhc letter to Car me n in Pa ris. Car men was now
4 2. and she was sri II s ingle.
Carme n W hen I got rhe letter I didn't call S teve
srraig hr away because I was so ner vous. I kept
picking up the phone and purring it down again. I
nearly d id n'r phone h im at a ll. But I knew rhar I had
ro makethe call.
Prese nter Ca rm en fina lly m ade the call and S teve
an wered the pho ne. He was also now 4 2 and also
si ngle.
Steve I couldn't believe ir when she pho ned. I've
just moved house. bur luckily I kept my o ld ph o ne
num ber.
Pres e nte r Steve and Carme n arran ged to meet in
Paris a few days late r.
Steve \\I hen we mer ir was like a film . \Ve ra n
across t he airport and into each o rher 's arms.
Withi n 30 seconds of seeing each or her again we
were ki,sing. We fel l in love all over aga in.
Presenter Last week the couple got married. 17
years after they first mer.
Carm e n I never gor m arried in a ll rhose years, bur
now I have ma rr ied the ma n! always loved .
Presenter o Ste,·e a nd C arme n are together at
last. But w ill rhcy keep rheir pro m ises?
3 17 >))
Patient o what does ir mean. docror?
Dr Well. firsr rhe parry. A party is a g ro up of
people. This means that you're going to m eet a lot
of people. I th ink you' re goi ng to be very busy.
Patie nt /\t work?
Dr Yes. at work ... you work in an o ffice. ! rhink?
Patient Yes. rhat"s right.
Dr I think rhe parry means you a re going co have a
Patien t \Vhat about rhe champagne?
D r Let me look at my nores again. A h yes. you
were drink ing champagne. C hampagne means a
celebration . lt"s a symbol of success. So we have
a meering or meering and rhen a celebration.
Maybe in the fu ture you'll ha\'Ca meeting with
your boss. abour a possible promotion?
Patient Well. ir's possible. I hope so. Whar abour
rhe garden and rhe fl owers? Do rhey mea n
anythi ng?
D r Yes. yes. Flowers are a positive symbol. o rhe
flowe rs mean rhar you arc feel ing posirivc about
rhe future. o perhaps you already kne\\ about
rh is possible promorion?
Patie n t No, I didn't. Bur it's true. I am very happy
ar work and I feel very positive abour my furure.
T hat"s nor where my problems a re. My problems
arc with my love life. Does my dream rell you
anyrhing about rhat?
D r Mm ,yes irdoes. You·re si nglc. arcn'ryou?
Patient Yes. well. divorced.
Dr Because rhe violin music rells me you wanr some
romance in your life- )OU're looking for a partner
Patient Yes. yes. I am. In facr I met a womanlasr
monrh - I really like her... I think I'm in love wirb
her. I'm meering her ronighr.
D r In your dream you saw an 0\\ I in a tree.
Patien t Yes. an owl... a big owl.
Dr T he owl represents an older person. ! t hink
you'll need co ask rhis older person for help.
:\1a)•be this ·older person· is me? Maybe you need
my help?
Patient Well. yes. what I really wanr to know is
does rhis pe rson. rhis woman ... love me?
3 18>))
Patient Well , yes, what I really wa nr ro know is
does rhis person, rhis woman ... love me?
D r You rememberrhe end of your d ream? You were
feeling cold>
Patient Yes, my feet were very cold.
Dr Well. l think perhap you already know rhe
answer ro your question.
Patient You mean she doesn't love me.
Dr o, l don't think so. I rhink you will need 10 find
anorher woman. I'm sorry. Perhaps you can find
someone on rhe internet? I have heard of a very
good webs ire ...
3 23 >))
Nigel Hi Suze. Sorry I'm a bit Iare. I was watching
rhe march.
S uzy Comeoninthen.Mum.t his isN igcl. igel
rhisis my mum.
igel Oh ... hello.
Mu m icc ro meer you. igcl.
Su zy And th is is my Dad .
Dad Hello, igel.
Nigel Hello.
D a d Come on inro rhe living roo m.
Dad Would you like a drink . igeJ> O range juice,
igel O h thanks. John. I'll have a beer. please.
Mum You'rea vegeraria n, arcn·r you, igeJ>
Nigel Yes, I am . Personally I think caring a nimals is
totally wrong.
Mum Ahem. well. this is vegetable lasagne. ! hope
you like it. Suzy's Dad made ir.
Dad Any more lasagne, igcl?
Nigel Oh. cr, no thanks. I'm not ,·ery hungry.
G irl The lasagne is delicious, Dad.
Mu m Yes, it is.
Dad T hank you.
S uzy I' ll do rhe washing up. Mum .
Dad o. l' lldoir.
Nigel Er. whcre's rhc bathroom?
igel D id you warch rhe match rhis evening, John?
C helsea and Arsenal. It was fantastic!
D a d o. l didn't warch ir. l don't like football at all.
In fa cr I hare it.
Nigel Oh .
Mum o ...whar are you going to do when you
finis h university. igel?
igel Er. I don't know.
Dad Whar :rre you rudying at univers ity?
Nigel ociology.
D a d Why did you choose sociology?
Nigel Because I rhougbr ir wa easy.
Mum Is it interesting>
Nigel It 's OK. Er ... W hat wa> S uq li ke as a lirtlc
girl. Marion? Do you have any photos of her?
M um Phoros ofSuzy? Yes. we have thousa nds of
photos. She was a lovely lit tle girl. wasn't she
Dad Yes. she was. A beauriful lirtle girl.
Nigel Can I see some>
S uzy Oh no. please.
Mum John. can you bring rhe phoro albums?
M u m Look. and this is one when she was three
years old.
Dad And rhis is when we wcmto Disneyland.
T hat ·s uzy wirh Micky and Minnie Mouse.
Nigel Ah!Shewas sosweer.
D ad Wo uld you like another beer. igel?
Nigel Yes. please. John.
3 32 >))
Inter viewer G ood morning and wclcome.ln
roday·s progra mme we're going ro ralk about
singi ng. In rhe studio we have Marrin , the
direcror of a si nging school in Londo n. and
Gemma, a st udem ar Manin'sschool. Good
morn ing ro borh of you.
Martin / Gem ma Good morning.
I nterviewer Firsr. Man in . can you rell us, why is ir
a good idea for people ro learn ro sing?
Martin Firs t. because singing makes you feel good.
And secondly, because s inging is very good for
vou r health.
Interviewer Really? In what way?
Martin \Veil , w hen you learn to s ing you need to
learn 10 breathe cor rectly. Thar's very important.
And you also learn ro srand and sir correcrly.
As a result, people who sing are often fitter and
healt hier rhan people who don"t.
I ntervicwer Are your courses only for
professional singers?
Mar tin o. nor ar a ll. They're fo r everybody. You
don't need to have any expe rience ofsinging. And
you don ·r need to be able ro read mus ic.
Interviewer So how do your s tudents learn ro
Mar tin T hey lea rn by lisrening a nd repeating.
inging" ell is really 95% lis teni ng.
I nterviewcr OK. G e mma. tell us abour rhe course.
How lo ng did it lasr?
Gem ma Only one day. From ten in rhc morning to
s ix in rhe evening.
Martin Could you al ready sing well before you
Gemma o. nor well. I've always liked singing.
Bur I can ·r read music and I never rhoughr I sang
very well.
I nte r viewer So whar happe ned on the course?
Gemma Well , first we did a lot oflisrening and
breathing exercises. a nd we lea rnr some orher
i nreresri ng rcch n iq ues.
Interv ie wer \Vhat son ofrhings?
Gemma Well , fo r example we learnt rhar it' easie r
ro sing high norcs if you sing with a surprised
look on your fa ce!
I n rerviewe r Oh really? Could you show us?
Gemma Well, I' ll rry.
I nterviewer For those of you at home. I ca n
promi.se you rhar Gemma looked very surprised .
Were you happy wirb your progress?
Gemma i\bsolutcly. Atrhe end of the day we
were singing in almosr perfect harmony. lr was
amazing. In just one day we really were much
bette r.
I nter viewer Could you rwo give us alirrle
Marti n f Gem ma Oh. OK . ..
38 >))
Journal ist I arrived ar Madrid airport where I met
Paula. Hola Soy Max.
Pau.la Encantada. oy l'aula.
Jo urnalis t Paula rook me to my hotel and that
evening we wenr ro rhe cenrre of Madrid and
it was rime for my fir r tesr. I had to order a
sandwich and a drink in a bar rhe n ask for the bill.
I sat down at rhe bar and I tried ro order a beer
and a ham sandwich.l'orJavo r. una cer••e:a y 1111
bocadillo dejam6n.
Waiter En seBnida.
Jou rnalist Fantastic! The waiter understood me
firs t rime. My pronunciation wa n"t perfect bur
I gor my beer and my sandwich. I really en joyed
it. Bur rhen the mo re difficult bir. Asking for rhe
bill. .. .;Cnamo es?
\ Vaiter Seis no ..enta.
Journa lis t .;Como?
Waite r cis no•·e11ta.
Jo u rnalist ix ninety. I undersrood! Paula gave
me eight points for rhe tesr. l was very happy
with rhar. ext we wenr our into the street. Test
number two was asking fo r directions and (very
important!) understanding them. We were in
a na rrow srreet and I had 10 stop someone and
ask rhem for rhe nearest chemist. Unafarmacia.
I topped a woma n. At fir r I didn't understand
anything she said!
P asser -by SiBa todo recto y tome Ia seBturda par Ia
de reclw. Hay una Ja rmacia en esa calle.
Journa lis t I asked the woman ro speak more
Passer-by Todo recto y tome Ia se811nda calle par Ia
de reclw DER EC HA .
Jou rnalis t I got ir this rime, ! think . The second
srreet o n rhe right. I followed rhe directions and
guess whar? There was a chemist there! even
poi nr from Paula.
Test numbe r rhree. I wasn't looking forwa rd ro
rh is one. l had roger a taxi ro a famous place in
Madrid. Paula wro te down the name of t he place
on a piece of paper. lr was rhe name of rhe football
s tadium where Real lad rid play. We stopped a
Jou rna lis t £1 Bemabeu. par jal'or.
Taxi driver .;Que? ,;Adoude?
Journalis t He didn't understand me. l rried again
bur he stil l didn't unde rstand. I was desperate so I
said Real Madrid, Stadium ,football.
Taxi d river ;Air! El Sa miaBo Bemabeu.
Journ alist Finally! Pa ula only gave me five because
I ended up using EngJjsh. rill, ar lea r I made
the t axi driver understand where I wanted ro go.
A nd oro the fi nal resr. l had to leave a me sage
in pan ish on somebody's voicemail.l had ro give
my name, spell ir, and ask rhe person tP call me
back. Paula gave me rhe number (it was one of her
friends called Lola) and I dialled. I wa feeling a
bit nervous at this point, because speaking o n the
phone in a foreign language is never easy.
Lola Deje sumerrsaje despues de Ia serial.
Journal is t Elr. Buenas rrocltes. Soy Max. Max. M-A·
X. Elr ... Porjai'Our. .. llamarmeesta uoc/u:. .. Olr
yes ... a las 8.30. elt Gracias. Well. my grammar
was n·t right. bur llefr rhe message. Half an hour
Jarer. ar half pasr eighr Lola phoned me. Success!
Paula ga,·e me eight poinrs. That was the end of
my four tests. Paula was pleased wirh me. My
final score was seven. ! was quite happy wirh rha1.
o ho\\' much ca n you learn in a monrh? Well.
of cour e you can't learn Spanish in a monrh.
but you ca n lea rn enough tO urvive if you are
o n holiday or on a trip. ow I want to go back to
England a nd rry and learn o me more. ;Adios!
3 39 >))
Jenny Are )OU okay?
Rob 1e? 'ever ben er.
Jenny h 's beautiful here, isn't it? I thi nk t his is my
fa,ouri re place in 1ew York.
Rob Yeah, it's great.
Jenny o how's it all going? Are you happy you
Rob To Central Pa rk? At seven fifteen in the
Jenny To cw York, Rob.
Rob Yeah. Ofcourse I'm happy. It's fanra ric.
Jenny Really? You aren't just sa) ing that.
Rob o,l mean ir.
Jenny You need to get in shape, Rob.
Rob I know. I am a birr ired ofeat ingout all the
rime. It isn't good for my figure.
Jenny h '• the rest au rams you go to! \: hy do n't you
come over LO my place after worl? I could make
you something a little healthier.
Rob I'd really like rhar. T hanks.
Jenny o, how do you feel now? Are you ready ro
go agai n?
Rob O h yes! I'm ready for anything.
Jenny Are you sure you're okay?
Rob Absolutely.
Jenny O kay. We'll only go around rwo more ti mes.
Rob Two? Excellem!
3 43 >))
Rob That was a lovely meal. T hanks, Jenny.
Jenny T l 3t's O K.
Rob It's been great being in 1C\\ York. You know,
)OUr offcrro work here came at a' cry good rime
for me.
Jenny Really?
Rob Yea h, I was looking for something new.
omerhing different. You see, I broke up wit h my
girlfriend a few mom hs before I met you.
Jenny Oh ... right.
Rob What about you?
Jenny W hat about me?
Rob You know... re lat ionshi p~?
Jenny Oh. I've been roo busy recently to think
about relationships. Getting this job at the
maga1.ine was a really big thing for me. I guess
that's taken up all my t ime and energy.
Rob But that isn·r very good for you. O nly thinking
about work, I mea n.
Jenny Why did n't you tell me you weren't feeling
well this mo rning? \Ve d id n't have to go for a run.
Rob I wanted to go. It was nice.
Jenny Well, I'm glad you're feeling ben er. Would
you like a nor her coffee?
Rob o, thanL.s. I think I should get bacL. ro the
hotel now, I've got a rea II) buS) day tomorrow. Do
you ha,•e a telephone number for a taxi?
Jenny Yeah ... bur it's much easierro get a cab on
the street.
Rob Oh, OK, t hen.
Jenny I' ll sec you in the morni ng. if you're feeling
Rob O h, I'm s ure I'Ll be fi ne. Than ks aga in for a
great evening.
Jenny An) rime.
Ro b Good night.
Jenny ighr, Rob.
3 51 >))
Presenter Welcome to this morni ng's edition of
\VIrat 's tl•e problem? Today we're talking about
fr i e nd ~. so if you have a problem with o ne of your
friends, and you'd like our psychologist Catherine
to give you some advice, jus t phone us on 800
700 550. O ur first caller today i ~ Kevin from
Birmi ngham. HeUo. Kevin.
Kevin I Ii.
Presente r W hat's the problem?
Kevin Yes. My problem is" irh Ill) best fr iend.
Alan. Well, rhc thing is, he's always fl irting with
my girlfriend.
Presenter Your best friend fl irts with )OUr
K evin Ye,, " hen the th ree of us a re rogerher he
alwa)S sap t hings ro my girlfriend li ke, ·w o"!
You look fa ntastic today' or ' l lo'c )Our dress.
uLanna', th ings like rhar. And when we're at a
part ) he often asks herro dance.
Prese nter Do )OU t hink he's in lme with your
girl friend?
Kevin I don't know, bur I'm getting rea lly stressed
about it. W hat ca n I do?
3 52 >))
Presente r Wcll.ler·s see if our expert can help.
Cathe rine Hello, Kevin . Have )OU talked to )OUr
girlfriend about th is?
Kevin o. l haven't. l don't wam SuLanna to t hink
l'm jealou,.
C atherine Well. first I th ink you ' hould ralk to
her, ask her how she feels and what >he thinks
of Alan's behaviour. Perhaps s he thinks it's fi ne.
and they arc just good friends. T hat it's jus t his
personalit). l fthar's what she th inks. then I thin k
)OU 'hould accept it and relax.
Kevin What should I do if s he a l~o fi nds it er.
d ifficult, er, uncom fortable?
Catherine T hen I think \'OUs hould talk ro Alan.
Tell him t hat he's a good friend. bur rhar you and
u1.anna have problems with the way he behaves.
I'm sure he'll s top doing ir. H e'~ probably never
thought it was a problem.
Kevin T ha nks very much fo r t hat. I'll talk to
uzanna tonight.
3 53 >))
Presenter And our next caller is Miranda from
Brighton . l-l i Mira nda.
Mira nda IIi.
Presente r And what's your problem?
Miranda My problem i> with my husband's ex
w ife. They divorced fi ve yea rs ago, before I met
hi m. Bur , he sriII phones him arlca't o nce a week
to char, a nd ifs he has a problem in her flat or with
her car, s he a lways calls him and asks him ro come
and help her.
Presenter Does your husband have children with
Miranda o, they don't have a ny child ren. That's
why I t hink she s hould s tay our of our lives.
Presenter Catherine. over to you. What do you
th ink Miranda s hould do?
3 54 >))
Catherine II i Mi randa. Well, r h~ fir>t thing i' have
)OU spoken ro your husband about this?
Mira nda Ye , I ha,·e. He t hinks I'm being d ifficult.
lie feels orr) for his ex - she·, on herO\\ n. she
doe~ n ' t have a part ncr.
Cathe rine O K.Miranda,do}Ouha,ean) male
frie nds, men who arc jusr good friends'
Miranda Yes, I have a fr iend called Bill. We've been
friends since I was a teenager.
C athe rine T hat's perfect. My adv ice i~ t his: when
your hus ba nd's ex-wife pho nes and asks him to
go and see her, phone Bil l and arrange ro meet
and ha' e a dri nk or go to rhc cinema. Every time
)OUr hu,band meers his ex o r has a long phone
call, t hen you meet Bill or ha'c a long phone call.
He'll soon sec what's happen ing. a nd he'll stop
seeing his ex.
Mira nda I think that's a great idea. T hank you.
Presente r And the next caller is ...
6 >))
Prese nte r A nd ro fi nis h our progra mme roday, the
incredible story of a Swedish couple who wenr on
holiday and un·ived no fewer than seven narural
refan and Erika vansrrom started their
four-month trip last December. T he) were
tra' elling with their young baby daughter. First
they flew from S tockholm to Munich. Bur when
they arrived in Munich they couldn't ger thei r
con necting fl ight ro Thailand because there was
a terrible blizzard in ourh Germany-the \\Or t
sno" srorm for a hundred )Cars! They had to "a it
at the airport for 24 hours. Mr~ \an;trom said:
Mrs Svans tro m ·we just thought things" ill get
Presenter W hen rhey fin ally got ro Thailand. they
had a relaxi ng few week,. Bur r hat was t he last
time t hey could really relax. From Thailand they
flew ro the island of Bali in Indonesia. a popular
holiday destinat ion. W hen t hey arrh·ed in Bali
the) were expecting blue skies and sun. bur what
t he) got" ere terrible monsoon rain'> - the"~"'
monsoons for manv \Car~. M rs vansrrOm satd:
Mrs vans tro m · ~'~ "e were t hinking. what will
happen next?'
Prese nter T hey decided nor to 'ta) in Bali. bur to
go ro Aust ralia. T hey flew ro Penh in Western
Australia, bur hours a fter they arrived Perth
suffered terrible forest fires. and t he street were
full of smoke. T hey rra,•ellcd north ro Cairns, and
arrived ju;,r in time fo r Cyclone Ya;i - one of the
\\Orst C)clones e'er ro hit the city. T he) had to
leave t heir horcl and spend 24 hours in a shopping
centre with 2.500 or her people.
Could things get any worse? Yes, the) cou ld.
The 'an strom fa mily left Cairns and t ravelled
~ou t h to Brisbane w visit friends, butt he city
was su fferi ng from rhe worM floods in irs
hi> tory. o t hey left Brbbane and booked ro
fly ro C h ristchurch in ew Zealand. Bur just
before thei r plane left Brisbane some friend~
phoned them to say that Christchurch had been
hit by an ea rthquake and a large part of t he ciry
wa' destroyed. Their plane landed in another
cit\ Auckland. They tra,·elled around 1 ew
ze'a'land for a wh ile, and t hen t he) fie\\ to Japan.
On Ma rch lit h t hey were having lunch in a
restaurant in Tokyo when ;uddcnly everything
began ro sha ke. It was an earthquake: n ine on
the Richrer sca leandoneoft hewors r rhar e,•er
hit Japan. And after t he eart hquake came a
devastat ing tsunami. Fortunately. ~ lr and ~I rs
Svansrrom and their child" ere nor hurL The)
rra, elled from Japan ro C hina for the la~r part of
t hei r holiday. Luckil).they didn't ha'e any more
natural disasters. and they arrived safely home in
Srock holm o n 29th l arch. Mr van~trom >aid:
M r Svans tro m ·we ha'e learnt t hat in life you
shou ld always expect the wor". but hope for the
best. Also. you need robe prepared for anything.'
4 10 >))
Par t 3
H a rtley ·ttdoisc" ill go."
Read e r said Hartle) angril) .
H a r t ley · t ha,en'r had one da~ without problems
since I mer her. You are right, Vivienne. Heloise
must go before I can rake you home. Bur she will
go. I have decided .....
Vivie nne "Then."
R eader sa id Vivienne,
Vivie nne "my answer is yes. l will be yours."
Reade r She looked into his eyes and II art ley could
hardly believe his luck.
H artley "Promise me,"
R eade r he said.
Viv ie nne ·t promise."
R eader repeated Vh ienne. softly. At the door he
ru rned and looked ar her happil).
H a rtley · t will come for you romorro\\,"
R ead er he said.
Vivienne "Tomorrow:·
Read e r s he repeated with a smile. An hour and
forty minutes later Hartley "epped off the train
when it stopped in t he ~u burb;,, and walked ro his
hou,e. As he walked towards the door a woman
ran to him. he had black hair and was wearing
a long white dress. They kissed. and walked into
the house.
4 11 >))
Pa rt4
H a rtley's wife "M) morher is here.·
R ead e r rhc \\Oman ~aid.
H a rtley's w ife "Bur she's leaving in half an hour.
he came ro ha\'e dinne r. burr here's nothing to
H a rtley "I ha'e ~omcrhing ro rell you:
R eade r ~aid Harrlcy. l le whispered somcrhing
in her ear. I lis wife screamed. He r morher came
running imo rhe ha ll. The woman screamed
again. bur il was a happ~ ~c ream - rhe sound of a
woman "ho'e husband lo,ed her.
H a rtley's wife "Oh. mother!"
R eade r s he c ried.
Hartley's w ife "\Vhar do you th ink? Vivienne is
coming robe our cook! he is rhc cook rhar wa~
wirh rhe 1oorgomery's. he's going robe ours!
And now, dear:
R ead e r she rold her husband.
H a rtley's wife "you mu'r go ro rhc kitche n and
rei I Heloise ro lea\ e. he has been drunk again
all day."
4 20 >))
I Int e r vie we r Do)ouha,ean~ phobias?
A Ye~. I'm terrified of bar\.
I n ter v iewe r Reali~? Ito" long ha'e ~ou had rhe
A 1\e had ir for abour forry )Cars! incc I was 12
'ea r ~ old. Ar my school we had a swimmi ng
pool. and rhe changing rooms were in an old
building ncar rhe pool. On rhe flrsr day ar
school our reacher rold '" rhar there were bats
in rhere and rhar we shouldn't move around too
much as rhey might start nying around and gcr
into our hair. he also said we mustn'r rurn rhc
lights on because 1his would wake up rhe bar s.
We had ro change as quickly and quietly as
po~~ibl c.
I nrerviewer Did a bar every ny ioro your hair?
A No. norhinge, cr happened. but I was terrified
jusr ar the rhoughr of it.
I nrervie wc r Does ir affect your life at all?
A Yes. I ofrcn feel very nervous or s rarr ro panic
if I'm oursidc when it's beginning ro get dark.
"hich i~" hen bars appear. Ifl'm sitting in m~
garden in rhe e'cning. I always ha\'e a tennis
racket. so if a bar nie~ ncar me.l can prorecr
Ill} self. And I can't watch aT\' documenrar)
about bars. ore\ en look at rhem in phoros.
2 Inte r viewer Do )OU ha'e any phobias'
B Ye>. I ger 'cry bad claustrophobia.
Inte r v iewer How long ha\c you had rhe phobia?
B h just starred one morning about reo years
ago. I" a~ going to \\Or!.. on rhe rrain and it was
,cry cro,.dcd. l ~ra n ed thinking rhat ifrhere
were an accident. I'd never get our. I had a panic
anack and I sorr of felt my hcarr bearing very
quick!). I had roget offrhe rrain .
Inter viewe r fl ow doc' your phobia affecr your
B Well. I can'rtravel on crowded trains. l ne,·cr
c\·e r tra\cl on rhc underground because my
\\Or'r nighrmarc \\Ould be ifrhc train stopped
in rhe lllnncl.l also rn ro avoid lifts. What
else? O h yes. if I'm n)'ing.l OlliS! ha,·e an aisle
sear. I ca n'r s ir b' rhc" indo" .
3 I nre rvie wc r Do ;.ou ha'e anv phobias?
C Yes.l ha'e a pr;rry unusual phobia. I'm sca red
ofclo" ns.
Inte r vie we r Clow ns. rea II~? Ho\\ long ha\e )O ll
had ir?
C 1\c had it for a long rime. ince I was a child.
I nrcrview e r I low did it sta rr?
C \\'ell. I rc.> member I wenr on a school rrip to the
circus\\ hen I was si' o r se,·en years old and
rhcrc "ere clo\\ ns.l thought they were son of
srupid burl wasn't really afraid of them. Then I
\\Cill to a binhda) parry and rhere were clowns
and rhcy were showing u' how 10 paint our
face,, and I found I didn'r likc being near rhem.
Ar first I jusr didn't like the m. bur o'·er the
years my feelings ha,·c cha nged ro fear.
Int e rvi ewer Does your phobia affect your li fe ar
C ot really because luckily I don·r see clowns
\cry often!
4 29 >))
Good evening and welcome ro Top ourrds. our
weekly music programme, and ronighr the focus
is on rhc Larin music srar Enrique Iglesias. As I'm
>ure ~ou all kno". Enrique Iglesias is the son ofrhe
pan ish s inge r julio Iglesias." ho is one ofrhe mosr
s uccessfu l singing arrisrs ofall rime.
Enrique was born in Madrid, pain in 1975.
Iii> mor her i' Isabel Prcysler. a journalisr and TV
ho.r from rhe Philippine,. When he was three years
old hi ~ parents gor divorced and larer he moved ro
Miami ro li\'e with his farher.l lcsrarrcd studying
13usinc>s at Miami University. but he left after a )Car
because he wan red to become a musician . He didn't
"ant his fath er to know about his music career and
he didn'r wanrro usc his fa mous s urname co be
successful. o when he scm some of his songs ro
'cveral record companies he u>cd rhc name Enrique
\llartinet.rnd he e'enruall) gor a contract with a
le>.ican record com pan}.
He made his flrsr album, called Eurique Iglesias
in 1995. which \\ OOhim a Gramnw. lle rhen made
rwo more albums and he had man); hirs in rhe
Larin mu,ic charrs. AI fl r>l Enrique sang main I) in
Spanish bur larcr he began to sing more and mo re in
English roo.
His fourth album, Escape in 200 1. was hi>
biggest comme rcia l s uccess and included the
s ingles Escape and llero. s ung in Englis h. which
became hirs all O\'Cr the world and made Enrique an
international snrr. ince rhcn he has made five other
albums and ha~ also had a few acting parts in film>
and TV programmes. Also in 200 I. he began daring
rhc Russian rcn nis player. Ana Kournikova. bur rhcy
kept their relationship very private. Today Enrique
Iglesias is recognized as o ne of rhe most popular
arrisrs in Larin Americ:r. lie ha<sold 100 million
album>. which makes him o ne of the best selling
arrisrsofall rime.
4 31>))
H o lly Thar was a good day's work. Rob. You did a
grear interview.
R ob You took some great phoros. roo. They're
rcalh nice.
H olly T hanks. Hey.ler's ha,·e a norher coffee.
R o b I dorfr know. I have ro germ Manhattan.
Holly You don't have ro go righr now.
R o b l'mnorsu rc. ldon'rwantrobe lare.
H o lly \\'h) do)ouha,·erogoroManharran?
Rob 1\c gor a ... e rm ...
Holly A dare? You have a date?
Rob M m hm.
H o lly Is it wirh anybody I know?
R ob No. ir i~n 't. Anyway. excuse me a mi nute. I
need to go ro 'the rcsr room·.
H o lly Thar \very America n. I'll o rder more
R o b OK.
Je nny Rob?
Holly Is thar you. jennife r?
Jenny Oh. hi I lolly. Erm ... is Rob there?
H o lly Yeah. one second . Rob! or anybody I know.
R o b Iii. Jcnn) .
Je nny Rob? re ~ou s ri II in Brooklyn?
R ob Yeah.
Jenny You know the rcscn·arion ar rhc restaurant's
forcighr. righr ?
R o b Don·r worr~. I'll be the re ! O h. ho\\ do I get to
G reen" ich Vi llage o nrhc subwa)?
4 35 >))
R o b je nny! I'm here.
Jenny Hi.
R o b I'm so sorry. r hcrc was a problem o n the
Je nny \\'c ca ll irrhc sub" a) here.
R o b Righr. Anyway. the train stopped for about
twcnrv minutes. I rricd ro call bur there was no
Je nny 1\c been here since sc\cn forry-fl,·e.
R ob I kno\\. 1ran fromrheundcrground ... sub"a)
srarion ... I'm sosorn·.
Jenny You're ah' a)S ta"re. It's funny. isn't ir?
R o b I said I'm sorr). Look." h) don'r we go back
inside rhc rc\lauram?
Je nny I \\aired for an hour for you. I don'rwanr ro
sray here anymore.
R o b 1a) be \\e could ... we could go for a walk. We
could find anorher re,rau ranr.
Je nny I don'r feel like a walk. lr's been a long day.
R o b OK.
Je nny Burr he nighr is sri II you ng. Maybe you have
rime to oncer up with I lolly again.
R ob Holl)?
Je nny I'm sorr).f didn't mean rosay rhar.
R o b I don't care about Holly.
Jenny Forger ir . Rob. 1 ow if)OUdon't mind. I'd li~e
R o b Listen ro me. jcnn). fl oll) is jusr a colleague.
Je nny I said forger ir.lt's OK.
R o b o. ir isn't OK. Look. I know I'm always larc.
,\ nd I !..no" rhc underground is rhe subway. Bur
rhar\ nor rhc poinr! I'm nor interested in Holl~.
I came w C\\ York because of \OU. The onh
person I'm inrcrcsred in iS)Ou! ·
4 37 >))
Presente r Good afrernoon. and welcome ro
a nor her edition of, citmce Today. In roday·s
programme we arc going to hear abour women
imcnrors. \\1 hcn we rhink of famous invenrors
\\ C u>ually rhink of men. people like Alexander
Graham Bell , Guglielmo Marconi. Thomas
Edison. Bur , as Sally will rei I us. many oft he
things which make our lives easier roday were
inve nrcd by\\omcn.
Sally That's absolurcly right. Let's rake rhe
dishwasher for example. This was invenred b) a
woman called Josephine Cochrane in 1886. She
was a rich A mcrican who ga,·e a lor ofdinner
parries. Bur she" as annoyed rhar her servanrs
u'ed ro break pia res and glasses" hen rhey were
washing up after a parry. So. josephine decided to
rry and irwcnr a machine which could wash a lor
of plates and glasses safely. pparenrl~· she said:
·tf nobod) else i\ going ro imenr a dishwasher,
rhcn I" ill!' he designed rhc machine and rhen
s he found a company ro make ir. At first on I)
hotels and rcsrauranrs bought j osephi ne·~ new
machine bur roda' rhe dish\\ asher is used b,•
millions of pcopl~ all O\Crthe world.
The car was iO\entcd bv a man. bur ir was a
woman. lary Anders~n. who in 1903 soh·ed
one ofrhc biggcsr proble m ~ ofdriving. Unril her
invenrion ir was impossible for drh·crs ro sec
where rhey were going when ir was rain ing or
s nowing. They had ro open rhcir window. The
name of Ma ry's invcmion? Windscreen wipers.
An invcnrion rhat dcflnircly improved rhe lives
of million' of people was disposable nappies.
The' \\ere in\'cmed b' a \\Oman called Marion
Do•;o,an.ller far her ;nd uncle were im,enrors.
and" hen s he had young children she sat down
and imcnrcd a nappy rhar you could usc and rhcn
throw away. 1\ n~ body" ho has a small baby" ill
J..no" "har a big difference disposable nappics
make ro our Ji,cs.Bur although she invenred it
in 1950. it \\asn'r unril1961 thar an merican
com pan) bought !arion's idea. Today millions
of di>po~ablc nappic are used c,·er~· day and
Iarion's imenrion has been made more ceofriend I) . O\\ you can bu) biodegradable nappies!
nd no\\ roournc't irwcnror. ln 1956. Bene
csm irh Graham was working as a sccrcrary.
Like all ccrcrarics ar that rime she used ro gcr
very fru<>tratcd and angr) when she made typing
misrakc~. In rhose da)S if you made a mistake, you
had ro gcr a new sheer of paper and starr again
from the beginning. Then she had a brilliant
idea. which was ro usc a white Liquid ro paint
mer mistake . Her invention is called Tipp-Ex
today. Mrs Graham was a divorced mother and
her invention made her a very rich woman. Her
son, Mike esmirh. became a famous pop star
- he was a member ofr hc American gro up, The
And finally ... policemen, soldiers. and politicians
all over rhe world arc protected by somet hing
which was invented by a woman. In 1966
tephanie Kwolek inveored kevlar, a special
material which wa• very light but incredibly
strong. much stronger than metal. Th is material
is used to make bullet-proof vests. Stephanie's
inv~mion has probably saved thousands ofli ves.
Prese nte r T han ks very much. Sally. So. if you
thought that everythi ng was im•e nted by men,
think again.
4 46 >))
Presenter D id you li ke school?
A o.definirclynot.
Presen ter Why?
A I didn't like most of the lessons-! was alwavs
bored, and I hated exams. And rhe wor r thing' of
all was PE. W here I went to school we used to play
rugby. Ugh - ir was torture.
Presemer Did you like school?
B I loved primary school, bur I didn't really like
secondan • •chool.
Prescnt~r Why nor?
B Well t he school was very big and it was sorr of
cold and imper onal.lr took me a very long ri me
before 1felt ar home there. nd I'm nor really
very academic. but the school was. \Ve used ro get
loads of homework which I hated.
Presen ter Did vou like school?
C Er.yes.l d id. '
Presente r Why?
C I was very curious about e\'cryrhing whe n
I was little. so I liked school because I lea rned
about new t hings. And of course I used to ce my
friends every day. The orhcr thing I loved was rhe
libr:try- tn)' school had a fa nrasric library- ! e'·e n
used to ray on t here after class just ro read. Oh
dear, I ound very goody-goody, bur ir's true!
P resenter Did you like school?
D Not especially
Pres e nter Why?
D It was a boys' school and I gor a bit fed up wirh
just being with boys all the rime.
Presen ter Did you like school>
E It was all right- some bits were better than
ot hers. of cour c. The lessons I li ked depended
very much on the reacher-so for exa mple physics
and English were great. but chemistry and history
were terrible. I generally liked s porr. cxcepr in the
winter. I made some good fr iends ar ,chool, and
I' m still in touch with a few of t hem 30 years late r.
so I suppose that 's po itive!
Presenter Did you li ke school?
F AcruaUy. l used to really love school. Lessons
were fin e, and I always did well wirhour having ro
work too hard. But the real reason I loved school
was because I had a very good social life. ! had
lots offricnds and we used ro play foo tball in rhe
playground at lunchtime. I was ooe of the gang. I
felt rhar I belonged t here. I've never really felt li ke
that since then.
5 11 >))
And our last srory on today's News Hour is about a n
incred ible coincidence. Have you C\'er put your name
inro Googlc or Facebook to sec what comes up?
One evening last April, an American woman. Kelly
Hildebrandt. did just that. She was feeling bored.
~oshe pur her name imo Facebook. She has quire an
unusual name, so she was amazed ro discover t hat
there was another pe rson on Face book wirh exacrly
the same name and surname as her- but with one
big difference. T he or her Kelly H ildebrandt was a
man, and he lived in Texas. Kelly senr h im a message
and t hey began to emai l each or her. Larer rhcy
starred to phone each or her every day. and fina lly
they mer in person. They discovered t hat t hey had
more in common than jusr their name- they borh
love rhe beach, and they bot h really e njoy cooking.
Soon they realised that they were in love. At first
they were wor ried that they might be related, but
they found our rhar there was no fam ily con nection
at all. and in October Kelly asked Kelly to mar ry
him. T he rwo Kelly's ca ll each o ther ' Kel ly girl'
and ' Kelly boy', and they say rhar having the same
name often causes con fus ion - once when Kelly
boy booked t ravel rickets for the m t he rraV('I agem
almost cancelled one ticket because he tho ught
t hat booking rwo tickers with the sa me name was a
mistake. Bur t here is one thing that rhc rwo Kcllys
are very clear about - if they have children they
defin itely won't call t hem Kelly!
5 12 l))
Je nny I can't believe it. Your momh here is nearly
over. It"s gone o fast.
Rob I know. I've had a great ti me, Je nny.
Jenny Me roo. lr's been rea lly special. Bur ...
Rob Bur what?
Je nny It won't be rhe sa me when you're in London
and I'm here.
R ob But we'll still be in touch. You can visit me in
London and I can come back here ro sec you.
Jen ny ltsrill won'rbethcsame.
Rob o. o. it won 'r.
Je nny Maybe... I could come back ro London w ith
R~b You can't do t hat Jenny. You've jus r gor rh is
Jenny That's rrue.
R ob Well, we ~rill ha'e ~omc time togerher. \ e're
going out for d inner tonight!
Je nny Yes, and I'm going to ra ke you somewhe re
really nice.
R o b Look at rhe t ime. I have ro go now; ir's my last
interview in ew York. I don't want to be late.
Jenny OK. ce you later then.
R ob Bye.
Bar bara Jenny. is Rob here?
Jenny Oh. you jusr missed h im . Barbara.
Barbara I really need to talk to h im. I'll rry him on his
cell phonc. llcllo, Rob? It 's Barbara. Can you give
me a call? T here's something I'd like to ralk about.
5 15>))
Rob Jenny!
Jenny Rob! I have somet hing to tell you.
Rob I ha,·e ~om erhin g ro tell you too. You go first.
Jenny Well . I thought again about moving to
London ...
Rob Bur you don't need to move ro London .
Jenny What?
Rob Barbara ca lled me earlier.
Je nny What about ?
Rob She offered me a job. Her<.> . in New York!
Jen ny W har?! Oh. rhar's great news.
R ob You don't seem very pleased.
Jenny I am , I mean , ir's grear! It's just t hat.
Rob W hat>
Jenny I scm Barbara an email this morning.
Rob And?
Jenny I told her I was quitting. and moving to London.
Rob Don't worry. Maybe s he hasn't read you r
email ycr.
Jenny I'll call her.
Barba ra Hello. Barbara Kearon.
Je nny Barba ra> lr's Jenny.
Barbara O h , hi Jen ny.
Jenny Um. have you read your e mail recently?
T here's one from me.
Barbara Oh yes. I can see ir. I haven't ope ned it yet.
Je nny Don'r open it! Delere it! Please just delete it.
I'll explain later.
Ba r bara O K. Ir'sgone. lsevcryrhingalrighr. Jen ny?
Je nny Ye , t hanks. Nc,·er better.
5 19 >))
On Saturday night Karie Parfitt. a nurse from
Manchester. came home from work . As soon as she
opened the door. she realised that her cat, Joey, was
behaving rather trangely. lnstead of being plea ed
to see her. he starred att acking her. and rhcn. when
she sat down ro have something to car. Joey jumped
omo t he table and sat on her plate. T hen he jumped
down onto the floo r and immediately went to s leep.
He s lept all night. snoring very loudly. Katie couldn't
underst and what the matter was wit h Joey- he had
never behaved like th is before. However. when she
mer her neighbour the next morn ing, rhe mystery
was solved.
5 20 >))
My neighbour told me thar he was having a drink in
our local pub on Sat urday. Suddenly he saw my car
joey walk in though the door - it was open because it
was a hor day. And t hen oneofrbe people s pilled hb
glass of beer on the floor a nd Joey tarring d rinking
it - he was probably thirsty. So of course when joey
gor home he was completely drun k! I rook him ro the
vet t he next day, bur luckily he's fin e now.
5 21>))
I ris Hello Rosemary. I low arc you th is mor ning>
Rosem a r y Hello lr i~. I'm fine t hanks. bur you'll
never guess what's happened. jack and Emma
have broken up!
Iris 1 o! Jack and Emma from number 36' T hat
can't be rrue. l saw rhcm last week and rhcy looked
rea lly happy.
Rosem a r y No, it 's definitely true. I heard them
shouting. T hey were having a terrible argument.
Iris 1o! When>
R osem a r y Last nighr. After be came home from
Iris What did they say?
Rosemary Well. I wasn't really listening...
I ris Of course nor.
Rose m a r y Bm I couldn't help hea ring. She was
talking so loud ly a nd of course the walls are very
Iris So what did they s ay?
Rosemary Well. s he said she that was going ro sray
with her mum! She rold h im t hat she would n't
come back.
Iris Ooh, how awful. \Vhar about rhe children?
Rosemary he said she'd taken them ro her sister. !
suppose she'll rake them with her in the end. And
a nyway, then five minutes later I saw her lea,•ing
the house with a s uitcase!
Iris 1o! Why do you think she's leaving him? Is he
seeing another woman?
Rosem a r y I do n't know. Ooh, here's my bus.
Iris I mus t go and tell Mrs Jones at number 14.
She always thought the re was someth ing ...
omerhi ng strange about him ...
5 22 >))
Ja ck H i Emma. I'm back. Where arc you?
Em ma I'm upstai rs in the bedroom. I'm packing.
Jack Why? W here are you going?
Emma I'm going rosray with my mum.
Jack W hat happened to he r?
Emma She's had an accident . She fell over in rbe
street yeste rday and he's broken her leg.
Jack Howawfui.Poor thing. halll goand make
you a cup of rea?
Em ma T hat'd be lovely. T hanks darling.
Jack How long do you think you' ll have to stay?
Emma I won't come back umil rhc weekend I don't
thi nk. I'll have ro ma ke s ure she's OK . I've take n
the childre n to my sis ter's for t he night and she'll
take t hem school tomorrow morni ng. Can you
pick t hem up after school?
Jack Of course I can darling. ow don't worry
about anything. We'll be absolutely fi ne. Drink
your tea and l'll goandger your suirca e.
Emma Thanks. darling. The rax i' ll be here in five
And fin ally o n ews Today here's a fu nny story to
cheer you up on a Monday morn ing.
questions with be
lA word order in questions
question be
questions with do / does / did in present s imple and past simple
que>t;on wo<d
Guxma<y ~ubject_
you r !>istcr
th ey
W hen
W hat
__.._i_n_finiti ve (=verb)
1 3 l))
live w ith your pa renrs?
h ave a holiday last yea r?
start studying E nglish?
talk about?
1 4 l))
s ubject
adj ective,
no un, etc.
hu ngry?
a ba nk nca r here?
born ?
• Use ASI (Au xiliary, Subject, Infi n itive) a nd QUASI (Questio n word,
Au xiliary, Subject, In finitive) to remember word o rder in questions.
• Make questions w it h the verb be by invertin g the
verb a nd the subject.
S he is a teacher. Is she a teache r?
18 present simple
adverbs and e xpressions of frequency
I f you f we f tltey
l u ually work ar ho me.
T hey don 't live nca r here.
Do you speak French?
Yes. I do. f No. I don't.
We often go our on Friday nighr.
She doesn't usually srudy ar weeke nd
I'm never ill.
He's always late fo r work.
2 She gets up ea rly every day.
We have English classes twice a week.
lt e f she f it
12 l))
--~- -Holly knows me very well.
lr does n't ofrcn rain he re.
Does Alice like jazz?
Yes. she does. fJ o. she does n 't .
• Use the present simple for t hi ngs you do every day f week / yea r, o r for
things which a re generally t rue or always happen.
• Use don'tfdoesn't ro make negative sentences, and dofdoes to make questions.
spelling rules for the 3rd person -s (he, she, it)
infinitive 3rd person
s tudy
go / do
consonant + y > ies
add -es after ch, ce, ge, sh,
add -es
change to -s
goes / does
lC present continuous: be + verb + -ing
A \V hat a reyoudoing?
1 22 l))
B I'm sending a message ro Sa rah.
2 My brother is doing a rwo- mo nrh course in the UK.
3 In rhi s picture the woman is standing nca r the window.
• Use the present continuous:
I for thin gs rhar are happening now. ar rhis mo ment.
2 for temporary things that are happening now. this week, etc.
3 to describe a picture.
you I we I they
I'm working
I'm not working
he / she/it
're working
aren't working She
Are you working?
Yes, I am. I No, I'm not.
Is he working?
Yes, he is. I No, he isn't .
13 l))
We often use the present simple with adverbs o f
frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes,
hardly ever, never).
• Ad verbs of frequency go~ the main verb.
• Adverbs offreq uency go after be.
She's never ill. N OT 5-h:mfl-never:
• Remembe r to use aGverb with never.
It never rains. NOT ft-doesn!tnetter-rain:
2 Expressio ns of frequency (every day , once a week,
etc.) usually go at the end of a sentence.
spelling rules for the -ing form
-ingform speiUng
add -ing
cut the final e and add -ing
double the final consonant and
pres ent simple or present continuous?
A What do youdo? B lwork forMicrosofr. 1 23 l))
A W hat a r e you doing?
B I 'm checking my cmails.
• Use the present si mple for th ings t hat are generally t rue
or always happen.
• Use the prese nt co ntinuo us for a n action happenin g now
o r at this mo ment.
• We norma lly use verbs which describe states o r feeli ngs
(non-action verbs), e.g. want, need, like, in the present
simple, not continuous.
Pur th e word s in the r ight order to make
a Put the word o r ph rase in the right place in th e qu estio n.
How old a re you? (old)
1 Where do you from? (come)
2 W here the train statio n? (i )
How often you read magaz ine ? (do)
Where your friends fro m ? (are)
Why you w rite to me? (didn't)
Do you often to t he cinema? (go)
What this word mea n? (docs)
What time did a rri ve? (your friends)
Does fin ish at 8.00? (the clas )
W here were born? (you)
~ p.S
Put th e words in t he right order.
a Write sentences a nd questions 'vV ith the present s im ple.
he I usually get up late G He usually eets up late.
Anna / like music [1]
my ister f have a lot of hobbies G
1/ get on very well with my parents G
my brother f study at university G
my neighbours f have any children G
when / the film start [1]
he f go out tw ice a wee k G
we f often talk about politics G
how often f you ema il you r brother [1]
I0 l f go o n Facebook very often
9 often Jo hn to go doesn't cinema the
10 visit I once my mo nth a mum
lt f ra in G lt isn 'trainin[J.
Jo hn f wear a shirt today! G
It' hot. W hy f wea r a coat [1]
Anna f sit next to Jane roday G
Hey! You f stand on my foo t! G
what boo k f you read [1]
we f think of you at t he mo ment G
she f wea r make-up [1]
th ey / make a big mistake G
your mother f ho p in town [1]
she / live w ith her parents at th e moment
go cinema we often the to We often [JO to the
always before go I before bed 11 .00 ro
ever her Kate see family ha rd ly
Saturd ays never shopping on go we
a to I dentist's year go tw ice the
in they brea kfa st t he omerime ga rden have
usua lly morn ing the we the listen in radio to
in day park every A lan the r uns
after drink I coffee 4.00 never
~ p.7
W rite sente nces with the present
you Iive whe re do ? Wh ere do you live?
you a do have car ?
o lder is brother your you tha n ?
often he how to wr ite does you ?
t his time start does what class ?
Braz il from is friend your ?
languages how you many do speak ?
she born where was ?
last go w here you su mmer d id ?
father doctor yo ur is a ?
come bus to you by school did ?
Complete th e sentences w it h t he present s imple or present
continuo us.
The girl in the painting i ~ th e g ui tar. (play)
. (not bite)
My dog's not da ngerous. He
ung lasses? It
! (wear. rain)
You can turn off th e radio. I
to it. (not li ten)
to go to the ba nk . I
any mo ney. (need, no t have)
that pen in her mouth! (put)
Be careful! The baby
you usually
at weekends? (cook)
B No, we normally
o ut. (eat)
here? (do)
A W hat
for Emma. S he's late, as usua l. (wait)
a coffee roday. (wa nt)
I us ually drink tea, but I
My sister __
from 9.00 to 5.00. She's a secretary. (work)
in Nice at the moment.
in Pa ris, but we
(Iive, stay)
~ p.B
2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs
r egular
irregul a r
I I stayed with friends.
I didn' t stay in a hotel.
Did yo u stay for the weekend?
I Yes. I did .
Wh [1]
1 36 l))
We went ro Brazil on holiday.
\Ve didn't go ro Sao Paolo .
Did you go to Rio?
j No. we didn't.
Where did you stay?
Why did yo u go there?
• Use the past simple to talk about fi nished actions in the past.
• The form of the past simple is the same for all persons.
• To ma ke the past s imple~ o f regul ar verbs add -ed. See the spell ing rules
in the cha rt.
• Many common verbs are irregular in the~ past simple, e.g. go >went,
see> saw. See Irregular verbs p.l 64.
28 past continuous: was I were+ verb + -ing
Ar 8.45 lasr Saturday I was working in my office.
1 39 l))
I wasn't doing a nything important.
My friends were h aving breakfast. They weren't working.
A Was it r a ining when you got up? B o, it wasn't.
A What were you doing at II o'clock last night? B I was watching TV.
II He I She I It
was working
You I We I They
were working
II He I She I It
wasn't working
You I We I They
weren't working
Was he working?
Yes, he was. I No, he wasn't .
Were t hey working?
Yes, they were . I No, they weren't .
2C t ime sequencers
• Use the infinitive after did11 't for negatives and
Did ... ? for quest ions.
• Use AS I a nd Q UAS I to remember word order in
spelling rules for regular verbs
infinitive past
add -d if verb finishes in e
y > ied after a consonant
if verb finishes in
consonant-vowelcons onant, double the final
• Use the past continuous to describe an act ion
in prog ress at a specific moment in the past.
• We often use the past co ntinuo us to describe rhe
situation at the beginning of a story or narrative.
past s imple or past continuous?
I was working in my office when the
1 40 l))
boss walked in.
I was having lunch when my sister arrived .
• Use the past simple for a completed action in the past.
• Use the past continuous for an action in progress
before or at the time of the past simple actio n.
connectors: because, so, but, although
because a n d so
O n o ur first date we went ro rhe cinema. After that we sta rred
1 46 l))
meeting every day.
O n T hursday I had an argument w irh my boss. Next day I decided to look
for a new job.
We sar down to ear. Two minutes later rhe pho ne ra ng.
When I came our of rhe club he was waiting for me.
The acc ide nt happened when I was crossing rhe road.
• We use time sequencers to say when o r in what order th ings happe n.
• We use whetl as a time sequencer and also to join two actions.
I was watchinB TV when the phone ranB. (two verbs joined by wfren)
then, after that
The most common way of linking consecutive actions is with then or
after that, but NOT with after, e .g. I got up and got dressed. Then I
After that I made a cup of coffee. NOT After I made-a etJfJ ef coffee.
add -ed
S he was driving fast because she was in
1 47 l))
a hurry. (reason)
S he was in a hurry. so she was driving fasr. (result)
• Use because to express a reason.
• Use so to express a result.
but and although
She tried to stop the ca r. but she hit the ma n. 1 48 l))
Althou gh she tried ro stop the car. he hit the man.
She was very tired. but she couldn't sleep.
She couldn't sleep, a ltho u gh she wa very tired .
• Use but a nd althouBh to show a contrast.
• AlthouBh can go at the beginning or in the middle
of a senteDce.
Where did you 80 on holiday last year?
a Put the verbs in brackets in the past imple.
We went to Va ncouver.
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time?
Yes, we had a great time.
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ with?
I went with my fa mily.
We stayed in a hotel.
4 _ ____ the plane ticket __________ ?
Two summers ago we hilii. (have) a holiday in
(drive) there from
Scotland . We 1
London, but our car 2
(break) down
on the motorway a nd we 3
(spend) the
first ni ght in Birmi ngha m. W hen we 4
(get) to Edi nburgh
(nor can) find a good hotel - they
(be) all fu ll.
We 7
(not know) what to do, but in the end we 8
(stay) there fo r the week. We
a Bed and Breakfast and we 9
(see) the castle, 11
(go) to the A res Festival, and
(buy) a lo t of souvenirs. We 13
(wa nt) to go to
(not have) much rime and it 15
Loch ess, but we 14
quite fa r away. The weather 16
(not be) very good, and it
(start) rai ning the day we 18
It cost £500.
5 - - - - -- - - - - the weather like?
It was ho t and sun ny.
_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ at night?
We went tO bars and restaurants. ~ p.l 3
Put the verbs into the past simple or past continuo us.
S he~ when
a Complete the sentences with a ve rb in the past
conti nuo u .
I was eatin&dinner, so I did n't answer the phone. (eat)
I took this photo when my wife
in the
ga rden. (work)
He met his wife when he
in Japa n. (li ve)
for us when we arrived. (not wait)
_____ she _ _ ___ a coat whe n she went o ut?
The sun _____ when I left for work. (shine)
at 7.30 last night? (do)
when you gave the instructio ns.
(not listen)
We _ _ _ _ TV when you phoned. (not watch)
Complete the questio ns in the pas t simple.
we were havinB dinner. (arrive, have)
my arm when I
footba ll.
(break, play)
fas t when the police
_____ you? (d rive, stop)
the pub. (snow, leave)
when we
the ma tch because l _ _ _ __
(not see, wo rk)
When yo u _ _ ___ me, I _____ to my boss.
(call, talk)
We _____ in Cambridge when we _ _ _ __
(study, meet)
_____ they _____ in R o me when they
_ _ _ _ their fi rst baby? (live, have)
~ p. l4
b Complete the sentences with so, because, bu t:, or
a Put the sente nces in the r ight o rder.
D Then another man tried to do the same .
D A few seconds later, the first policeman got off the
He told me he was a policema n and that they were
looking for a thief.
One day in 2011 I was standing in the queue fo r a bus.
ext day I read the story in a news paper.
When the second man went in fro nt of me, I cold
him to go and stand in the queue.
bus with a man.
D Suddenly a man ran in from of me and got on the bus.
D After that, a police car came and took the men away.
We couldn't find a tax i, S.Q we wa lked ho me.
it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat.
I woke up in the ni ght
there was a noise.
1 called him,
his mobile was turned off.
she's very nice, she doesn't have many friends.
There was noth ing o n TV,
I went to bed.
it was a publ ic holiday.
All the cafes were fu ll
She wanted tO be a doctOr, ______ she fai led her exams.
The garden looked very beautiful,
I took a
______ the team played well, they didn't win.
~ p. l6
3A be going to
I' m going to \VOrk fo r an NG 0 .
57 >))
He's going to meet me at the airport.
2 I'm sure Engla nd are going to lose tomorrow.
it's going to rain tonight.
you I we I they
he / she / it
I'm going to
work for an NGO.
I'm not going to
aren't going to
isn't going to
work for an NGO.
Use be Baing La+ infinitive to talk
about future plans or intentions.
2 We use be goitlB to + infinitive to make
a prediction when we know or can see
that something is going to happen.
It's winter there so it 's BOinB to be cold.
Look at that ca r! It's BOinB to crash.
Are you going to work for an NGO?
Is he going to work f or an NGO?
Yes, I am. I No, I'm not.
Yes, he is. I No, he isn't .
38 present continuous (future arrangements)
E) I'm seeing a friend tonight. l 64 >))
She's arriving at lunchtime.
G She isn't leaving until Friday.
T hey aren't coming to the party.
l1J What are you doing this even ing?
Is she meeting us at t he restaurant?
• We often use the present continuous with a future meaning,
especially for future arrangements, i.e. for plan s we have made
at a fi xed time or place in the future. D on't use the present
simple for this. NOT §see somefi iend:s tonight.
3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where
A cook is a person who makes food.
That's th e wo man who won the lottery last yea r.
A clock is some thing which tells the time.
Is that th e book which everybody's readi ng?
A post office is a place where you can buy stamps.
That's the restau rant where l had dinner last week.
~ 5 >))
be going to or present continuous?
We can often use either with no difference in meaning,
e.g. I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday. OR I'm seeing
Anna on Tuesday.
It's very common to use the present continuous with the
expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc. and
with verbs describing t ravel arrangements, e.g. go, come,
leave, arrive.
I'm leaving on Monday is more common t han I'm going to
leave on Monday.
• Use defining relative clauses to explain what a
person, thing or place is or does.
• Use who for a person, which for a thing a nd where
for a place.
You can use that instead of who or which.
She's the girl who I that works with my
It's a thing which I that connects two
Look at the pictures. Make sentences w ith 8oin8 to+ a verb.
love FaiFt
be (x2)
a Complete with 8oin8 to+ a verb.
be cook do get not go
learn not listen see stay
What film ~ you going to see to night?
_ ____ your s ister _ _ _ __
C hinese?
2 You _____ in class 3 next year.
3 We
camping next summer.
in a hotel.
4 We
a taxi to the airport.
It's goill(J to ·rai11.
5 I
a wonderful meal tonight.
6 You can ta lk, but I
to you.
7 What
you leave school?
1 We _____ late for work !
2 Not that one. lt _____ too
3 You _____ thisbook!
~ p. 21
a Read the sentences. Write N for now, F for future.
I'm meeting Joe at two o'clock.
I'm living in a flat w ith two Swedish boys.
She's moving to Canada soon.
I'm waiting for the postman.
We're meetin g Sally and James for lunch on
Karl is arriving at 6 o'clock.
We're coming back o n Monday.
I'm reading a rea lly good book about science.
I'm studying for my maths exa m .
Complete the dialogue between two flatmates.
~ p.23
b Write sentences w ith who, which , or where.
a Complete the de finitions with who, which , o r where.
What areyou doing (do)?
(pack) my suitcase.
Because [ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (fly) to Vienna at
8 o'clock to night.
Oh, I didn't know. Why 3_ _ _ _ _ (go) to Vienna?
(see) the boss ofVTech
Solutions to mo rrow.
Why s
(meet) him?
(work) on a project for
him at the moment and l need to d iscuss it w ith him.
Oh, well have a good trip!
A postman is the person ll!M brings yo u your letters.
An octopus is an animal
lives in the sea
and has eight legs.
A law n mower is a machine
cuts the g rass.
A waiter is the person
serves you in a cafe.
A changing room is a room
people try on
clo thes.
A po rter is the person
helps you with your
Garlic is a kind of food
keeps vampires away.
7 A ga rage is a place
people fi x cars.
She f the woma n / catch the same bus as me
She's the woman who catches the same bus as me.
That f the d og f always barks at night
That I the sho p I r bought my wedding dress
That f the actor f was in Glee
They f the children / live next door to me
This f the restaurant f they make great pizza
That f the switch f controls the air cond itionin g
He f the teacher f teaches my sister
That f th e room / we have o ur meetings
This/ the light / is broken
~ p. 24
lbffi(,]· -
yet , just, already
4A present perfect
I've fini sh ed my homewo rk.
She's clea n ed the kitche n.
He hasn't d o ne the washing up.
A H as sh e turned off he r pho ne?
A Have you done your homework yet ? 2 17>))
B o, nor yet . I haven't fin ished yet.
2 My sister's just started a new job.
3 A Do you want to see this fi lm?
B No, I've a lready seen it th ree ti me .
2 16>))
o, sh e hasn 't .
• We often use the present perfect to talk about the recent past, not sayi ng
exac tly when things hap pe ned.
• We often use the present perfect to give news.
Mary's had her baby! A parcel has arrived fo r you.
full form
past participle
You have
He I She I It has
We have
They have
He I She I It's
I haven't
You haven't
He I She I It hasn't
We haven't
They haven't
finished the exercise.
Have you finished the exercise? Yes, I have. I No, I haven't .
Has he done the homework? Yes, he has. I No, he hasn't .
• We often use yet,just and already w it h the present
Use yet in[l] and [] sentences to ask if
something has happened or to say if ir has n't
happened. Put yet at t he end of the sentence.
2 Use just in 8 senten ces to say t hat something
happened very recently. Pur j ust before t he
mai n verb.
3 Use already in 8 sente nces to say that
someth ing happened before now or earlie r than
expected. Put already before the ma in verb.
• For regu lar verbs the past participle is the same as rhe past simple(+ -ed).
For irregul ar verbs the past participle is sometimes t he sa me as the past
simple (e.g. buy, bouBhL, bouBht) and sometimes different (e.g. do, did,
done). See Irregular verbs p. 164.
present perf ect or past simple?
48 present perfect or past simple? (1)
Have you ever bee n to a fa ncy dress party?
S h e's s ee n that film twice.
I've neve r met ina's husband.
2 24 >))
• We ofteLl use the present perfect to ta lk about past experiences
in our lives when we don't specify a time.
been and gone
Compare the present perfect of be and go.
t-1ike has been to Paris. =He went t o Paris and came back.
t-1ike has gone to Paris. = He's in Paris now.
Have you eve r been to Mexico?
Yes, I h ave.
Whe n did you go t here?
I went last yea r.
H a veyou seen h is new film ?
Yes, I h ave.
W hat did you think of it?
I loved it.
2 25 >))
• Conversations often begin in the present perfect (with a
general question) a nd then cha nge to the past sim ple ro ask for
or give specific details, e.g. IVhen, IV!tat, where, IVho IVith, etc.
4C something, anything, nothing, etc.
p eople
S omebody I Someo ne has ta ken my pen!
G I didn't spea k ro a nyb o d y I a n yon e.
Did a nybody I anyone phone?
o. nobody I no one. Nobo dy I No o ne phoned.
thin gs
I bought some thing fo r din ner.
I didn 't do any thing at the weekend.
[1] Is there any thing in the fridge?
o, nothing. T he re' nothing in rhe fridge.
2 34 >))
Let's go so mewhere th is weekend.
We didn 't go a nywh e re this summer.
[1] Is the re a ny w h e re ro park?
o, n owh e r e. There' n o whe r e tO pa rk.
• Use somebody I someone, somethinB, somewhere wi th a 8 verb
when you don't say exactly who, what, or where.
• Use anybody I anyone, anythinB, a1lywhere in questions or with
I didn't do anythinB last niBIJt. N OT +-didn't do nothing:
• Use nobody I no one, nothin8, no111here in short a nswers or in
sentences with a 8 verb.
b Write sente nces o r questio ns w ith already,just, o r yet.
a Write sentences in the present perfect.
He f clean the car G He's clea ned the car.
She f buy a new jacket G
He f find a job yet G
f you speak to M r Jackson IT1
We f find a fantastic hotel G
They f fini sh eatingG
f you see Peter this morning IT1
f you do your homework this week IT1
We f reply toM r Jo nes's email yet G
He f arrive. (a Iready) He's already arrived.
I f have f breakfast. (j ust)
f you f fi nish f your homework? (yet}
The film f start. (al ready)
1/ not meet f his girlfrie nd . (yet)
They f get married. (just)
You're too late. He f go f home . (already)
f you speak f to him? (yet)
I f not read f his new book. (yet)
~ p.29
b Complete the dia logue with the present perfect or past
a Complete with the verb in the present p erfect.
A Oh no! I~ th is film before! (see)
B Really? When 1
it? (see)
A 12
and it was on then. (go)
B Oh, never mind. I 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the
cinema in ages. The last fi lm I 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
was Mamma Mia! (nor be, see)
A S_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it? (e njoy)
B Of course! I 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it! (love)
~you ~ the
sho pping today? (do)
you ever
clothes from that shop?
2 I _ _ _ _ always _ _ _ _ a pair of designer
shoes . (wa nt)
3 I
the new paper today. (no t read)
4 We _ _ _ _ to rh e new sho pping centre yet.
(not be)
your brother _ _ _ _ abroad all his
life? (live)
6 They _ _ __ to live in South America. (go)
7 She _ _ _ _ befo re. (not fly)
8 James _ _ _ _ hi s gi rl friend's fami ly yet. (not meet}
in this restaurant before?
10 Jane _ _ _ _ to th e gy m -she'll be back in a n hour.
Complete with been or Bone.
' Where's Ro b?' ' H e's~ to the football match.'
T he kids aren't here. They've all
Have you ever
to the swimm ing pool in
tow n?
I haven't _ _ _ _ to Sue's new flat yet.
to teach in France.
My sister has
O h good. Dad's
to the sho p - the fridge is full.
~ p.31
a Complete with som et:hinB, anytlrinB, nothinB , etc.
Are you doing anything tonight?
I Did you meet
last night?
phoned when you were out. T hey're going
to ca ll back later.
3 I've seen your wallet
, but I can't remember
interesting o n TV tonight. Let's go
4 There's
5 Did _ _ _ _ call while I was o ut?
6 Did you go
exciting at the weekend?
I've bo ught you
really nice fo r C hristmas!
I ran g the doorbell, but
a nswered.
We went shopping, but we didn't buy _ _ __
mo re expensive th an London!
Answer with Nobody, NoiVhere, o r No thinB.
1 Whatdid youdolastnight?
2 Where did you go yesterday?
3 Who did you see?
Answer the q uest io ns in b with a fu ll sentence.
1 I didn't do - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - 2
~ p.32
tHrntlll lllll
comparative adjectives: irregular
SA comparatives
My brother's o lde r t h a n me.
?) 40 l))
It's m o r e d a n gero u s to cycle th a n to drive.
2 People walk m ore qu ickly tha n in t he past.
3 I' m less relaxed th is yea r th a n I was last year.
4 The service in this restaurant isn't as good as it was.
She doesn 't drive as fast as her brother.
comparative adverbs: regular
• To compare two people, places, things or actions use:
1 comparative adjectives.
2 comparative adverbs (for actions).
3 less + adjective or adverb.
4 (not) as+ adjective f adverb +as.
more quickly
more slowly
comparative adjectives: regular
one syllable: add -er
one vowel + one consonant:
double final consonant
consonant+ y: y+-ier
more relaxed
two or more syllables: more+
It's the dirtiest city in Eu rope.
?.J 43 l))
It's the most popula r holiday destinatio n in t he world .
2 It's the m ost bea utiful ci ty I've ever bee n to.
It's the b es t fi I m I've see n this year.
Use the + superlative adjective to say which is the biggest, etc. in a group.
• After superlatives we use in+ names of places or singular words for
groups of people, e.g.
It's the noisiest city in the world.
2 We often use the+ superlative adjective with the present perfect+ ever.
too much, too many, too
I'm stressed . ! have t oo much work.
~ 52 l))
He ta lks too much.
2 My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes a nd sweets.
3 I don't want to go out. I'm too tired.
• Use too much, too many, too to say ' more than is good'.
1 Use too much+ uncountable noun (e.g. coffee, time) or after
a verb.
2 Use too many + countable noun (e.g. cakes, people).
3 Use too+ adjective NOT I'm too much tired.
Comparatives with pronouns
After comparative+ than or as... as we use an object
pronoun (me, her, etc.) or a subject pronoun + auxiliary
verb, e.g.
My brother's taller than me. My brother's taller than I am.
He's not as intelligent as her. He's not as intelligent as she is.
58 superlatives
SC quantif iers
the coldest
the hottest
the prettiest
more beautiful
the most beautiful
the best
the worst
the furthest
Do you eat e no u gh vegetables?
1 don 't drink e n o u gh water.
2 She doesn't sleep e n o u gh .
3 My fridge isn't big e n o u g h .
I don't go to bed early enou gh .
~ 53 l))
Use enough~ a noun to mean 'all that is necessary'.
2 Use e1wugh after a verb with no o bject.
3 Use enough after an adjective or adverb.
b R ewrite the sentences so they
mea n the sam e. Use as ... as.
a Write entence with a compa rative adjective o r ad verb
+ than.
James is stro nger tha n Clive.
C live isn't as strona as james.
1 Adam is shorter than Jerry.
Jerry is n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ew York i more expensive than M iami . (expensive)
Modern computers a re much
the early
o nes. (fast)
My sister is _ _ _ _ me. (tall)
this week
last week. (busy)
Newcastle is
fro m Lo ndo n _ _ _ __
Leeds. (far)
I thought the third Men in Black film was _ _ _ __
the fir t two. (bad)
Manchester United played _ _ _ _ Arsenal. (good)
T he French exam was
the German. (hard)
My new job is
my old o ne. (bo ring)
My new apa rtment is
my old o ne. (big)
I'm notlazy - 1just work
you! (slo wly)
2 Your bag is nicer than mine.
My bag isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
3 Tokyo is bigger than Lo ndo n.
Londo n isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
4 Tennis is mo re po pular than cricket.
C ricket isn't -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 C hildren learn languages fa te r than adults.
Adults do n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _
6 l work harder tha n you.
You do n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 Engla nd played better tha n France.
France didn't - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ p. 37
Write sentences with a superlative +
ever + the present perfect.
a Complete the sentences with the su per lative.
Is thi s the bi[J[JW city in the world? (big)
Thai are
people I've ever met. (polite)
Ye terday was
day of the yea r. (ho t}
T his is
time to drive to th e city. (bad)
girl at school. (fr iendly)
T his i
part of the exam. (impo rtant)
time to visit ew E ngland is autumn . (good)
cities in the world. (polluted)
Ulan Bator i o ne of
I've ever flown is tO Bali. (fa r)
T hat's definitely
film I've ever seen. (funny)
Rob's daughters are a ll pretty, but l think Emi ly is
. (pretty)
a @
the correct fo rm .
H ow~ many milk do you drink?
I eat too/ too II III Cir chocolate.
I eat too muclr Jt.oo many crisps.
I don't drink enOII[Jh water/ water e/IOII[Jh.
I can't come. I am too busy I too much busy.
You work too muclr / too many.
I don't have eiiOli[Jh time/ time enou[Jh.
Jd on ~[JOOU teii O LIIJ h len O U(Jh [JOO ll ~
8 She's too lazy/ too much lazy.
It/ good fi lm / l /see
It's the best film /"ve ever seen.
It / ho t country / I be to
She/ un friendly person / I / meet
It / easy exam / he/ do
They/ expensive tro users I I / buy
It / lo ng fi lm I I I watch
He I attractive m an / I / see
lt J bad meai J I Jeat
He/ interestin g teacher / I / have
lt / exciti ng job J we J do
~ p. 38
Comple te the sentences with too, too much, too many, o r enou[Jh.
You eat too much red meat. It isn't good fo r you.
I'm no t very fit. I don't do _ _ _ _ _ exercise.
fa r.
I can't walk to school. It's
T here are _ __ _ _ cars o n the roads today.
I spend
time on the computer - it gives me headaches.
I do n't sleep
-only five or ix hours, but I really
need eight.
I was _ _ _ _ _ ill to go to wo rk yesterday.
There were
peo ple at the party, o it was impossible
to da nce.
I always have _ __ _ _ wo rk a nd not _ _ _ _ _ free time.
~ p.41
• We ofte n use will f won't +i n finitive for future
predictions, i.e. to say things we think, guess or
know about the future.
• We often use I think Jl don't thir1k + will.
I think he'llJail the exam. I don't think he'll pass
the exa m. NOT } thi11k he--wcni tpas>.
6A will I won't (predictions)
A I'm seeing Ja ne at six. B She'll be late.
3 4>))
T he fi lm's in French. We won' t understand anyth ing.
It's a great book. T'm sure you ' ll like it.
I don't thin k it' ll rain tomorrow.
1/ You / He / She /
It/ We I They
I'll be late.
1/ You / He / She /
It I We I They
Iwon't be late.
Contractions: 'II = will; won't = will not
1/ you /
he / she /
it/we /
be late?
1/ you /
he / she /
it/we /
1/ you /
he / she /
it/we /
won't .
68 will I won't (decisions, offers, promises)
d ecisio ns
l won't stay for din ner. I thin k I'll go ho me early.
offer s
I' ll help you w it h your homework.
prom ises
I' ll always love you.
be going to for predictions
We can also use be going to to predict
something you know or can see is going to
happen (see 3A), e.g.
Look at the clouds. It 's going to rain.
They're playing very we ll. I'm sure they're
going to win.
3 11 >))
Shall I open the w indow?
• Use will f won't +in finitive fo r mak ing decisions,
o ffering a nd pro mising.
I' ll help you with those bags. NOT 1-lt:elpycnt:
• W hen a n offer is a question, we use S hall/. .. ? or
Shall we .. . ?
S hall I pay? S hall we do the washin{J-IIp?
I won't tell a nybody.
6C review of tenses: present, past and future
·~ 19 >))
u se
present sim ple
I live in the city centre.
She doesn't smoke.
thin gs t ha t happen always o r usually
present continuous
He's looking for a new jo b.
t hi ngs th at are happe ning now or in t he near future
I'm leaving tomo rrow.
t hin gs th at we have arra nged fo r t he future
past sim ple
We saw a good fi lm last night.
We didn't do a nyt h ing yesterday.
fi nished actio ns in t he past
past continuous
He was working in Pa ris.
W hat were you doing at 7.00?
actio ns th at were in progress at a past time
be lJO inB to+ in fin itive
I' m going to see Tom tonight.
future pla ns
Look! It's goin g to rain.
pred ictio ns when we know J can see what's going to ha ppen
Yo u'll love
will f won't + infi nitive
present pe rfec t
ew York.
I' ll phone her later.
insta nt decisions
I'll h elp you.
ofFe rs
I'll pay you back to morrow.
pro mises
I've finished the book.
recently fi n ished actio ns (we don't say when)
Have you ever been to Ira n?
past ex periences
b Complete with will+ a verb fro m the lis t .
a Wri te sentences and questi o ns w ith will / won't. Use
contractions whe re you can .
ee (2)
EJ it f be easy to pa
L El
2 [1]
3 E1
4 [1]
5 El
6 E1
7 EJ
8 E1
9 EJ
10 El
s It won't be easy to pass.
I think they f lose the march
the meeting f be long
she f get the jo b - she's not qualified
you f see him at work later
I don't want to go. it f be impossible to park
you / li ke that book
I think she / love the present I bought her
there f bea lotof traffic inthe mo rnin g
you f find a good job, I'm sure
everythin g f be OK , o there's no need to worry
get like pass snow
Do you th ink the traffic ~ bad?
o, because it's a ho iiday today.
Do you like this band?
Yes, I think they
famous o ne day.
Is th is a good film.
Ye , I'm ure you
Do you think it
o, it's not cold enough.
What do you think I
for C hristm as?
I don't know. What d id you ask fo r?
I'm o worr ied about the exa m!
Do n't worry. I'm su re you _ _ _ __
~ p.44
A I can't do this crossword .
2 A It's a secret.
anyo ne, I promise.
3 A When wi ll I hear from you aga in?
B I _ _ ____ you tonight.
a Match the sentences.
It's hot in here. [Q]
I'm thirsty.
I have a headache.
T his exercise is hard.
I'm hun gry.
These bag are heavy.
I left my waller at hom e.
I need that photo urgently.
We haven't got any milk.
I'll help you to do it.
Sha ll I m ake you a sa ndw ich?
Sha ll I ca rry o ne for you?
l' lllend you some mo ney.
I'll buy some o n my way ho me.
I' ll send it by em ail now.
S ha lll o pen the window?
S ha ll I turn off the music?
I'll get you a glass of water.
b Complete the sentences with will / won't (or shall)+ a ve rb.
buy call forget get Ra\le help pay t ake tell
A W hat would you like?
I~ the
fi sh.
Can I bo rrow €50?
It's my birthday next week.
Don't wo rry. ! _ _ _ __
6 A
7 A
8 A
I feel ill.
me back?
you ho me?
This chocolate you bought isn't very nice.
Yes, I know. I
it aga in .
These shoes are too sma ll.
a bigger pair fo r you, mada m.
~ p.46
b Put the verb in the right form.
a Complete the questions wi th o ne word .
4 A
5 A
Where d.Qyouusually have lunch?
I didn't see you at work last week. ~you ill?
you often remember your dream s?
you listen to the match o n the radio last ni ght?
Who do you thin k
win the election next yea r?
_ ___ your bro ther like rock mu sic?
you goi ng to watch o n TV ton ig ht?
it snowing when you left?
Were you at the pa rty last ni ght? I _ ___ see you.
you been to the superm arket?
_ _ __ the film finished yet?
A W hat are we doing ronighr?(do)
B We 1
dinner w ith Jack and Mary. (have)
A But we 2
dinner wi th the m last week! (have)
B Yes, but they 3
to tell us some good news. (wa nt)
A O h,OKthen. 4
! _ __ _ __ _
some champagne? (buy)
B It's 8 o'clock! Where 5
? (be)
home I
A I'm sorry. When I 6
to buy the cham pagne. And then I
Mark in the shop .. . (walk , stop, see)
B Well, hurry up. We 9
late! (be)
A It's OK. [ 10
a taxi and I'll be
ready in five minutes. (a lready o rder)
~ p.49
• T he in fini tive is the base form of the verb. It is often used w ith to. Tt can
be posit ive (e.g. to be) or negat ive (e.g. not to be).
• Use the in finit ive with to:
I after some verbs, e.g. wallt, need, would like, etc. See Verb forms p.JSB.
2 after adject ives.
3 after question words, e.g. what, where, when, etc.
4 to say why you do someth ing.
1 came to this school to learn E118lish. NOT f01 learrt Englislt.
7A uses of the infinitive with to
I need to buy so me new clothes.
3 24 >))
Try not to talk about politics.
2 It'll be nice to meet your parents.
It's important not to be late.
3 I don"t know where to go or what to do.
4 A W hy di d yo u go to the pa rty?
B To meet new people.
I we nt to the pa rty to meet new people.
Infinitive without to
Remember that we use the inf initive without to after auxiliary verbs
(do I does I didn't) and after most modal verbs (can, could, will,
would, etc.), e.g. Do you li ve near here? Can you help me? I won't
f orget Wha t would you do?
78 uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)
Eating outside in the sum mer makes me feel good.
My idea of happiness is getting up late a nd
not going to work.
2 I love reading in bed.
I hate not getting to th e airport ea rly.
3 l'm t hinkin gof buying a newcar.
He left wi tho ut saying goodbye.
3 28 >))
• T he gerund is the base fo rm of the verb+ irrB.lt can be positive
(e.g. BoinB) or negative (e.g. not BoinB)• Use t he gerund:
l as the subject o r object of a sentence.
2 afte r some verbs, e.g. like, love, hate, enjoy, etc. See Verb
form s p.l 58.
3 afte r p repositions.
• Remember the spelling rules for the -inB fo rm. See l C p.l 26.
have to, don't have to, must, mustn't
have to, don't have
I have to get up at even every day.
3 4 >))
She h as to pea k English at work.
G We don't have to wea r a uniform at th is school.
He doesn't have to work on Saturdays.
[1] Do I have to buy a gramma r book?
What time does she have to get up in t he morning?
• Use have to + verb (i nfinitive) to talk about rules and obligations.
• Use do rt't have to+ verb (i nfin itive) to say t hat there is no obligatio n ,
or that someth ing is not necessa ry.
• Use do I does to make question s and negatives. Do I have to 80?
NOT Have-1-to-go?
• Don't contract have or lras. I have to 80- NOT f!tle-t-o--go:
must I mustn't
You must do your homework ton ight.
She must t idy her room before she goes out.
You mustn't leave you r bags here.
I mustn't forget to call her ton ight.
(mustn't = must not)
[1] Must I buy a gram mar book?
W he n must we register for the exa m?
3 35 >))
• Use must+ verb (i nfini t ive without to) to talk about
ru les a nd obligation s.
• must I mustll't is t he sa me for all persons.
• Use mustn't+ verb (infin itive w ithout to) to say
something is prohibited.
must and have t o
fvlust and have to are ver_y similar, but there is a
small difference. We normally use have to for a
general obligation (a rule at work I school or a law).
We normally use must for a personal obligat ion
(one that the speaker imposes), e.g. a teacher t o
student s or a parent t o a child. But often you can
use either must or have to.
must n't and don't have to
Must n't and don't have to have completely
different meanings. Compare:
You mustn't go. = It's prohibit ed. Don't go.
You don't have t o go. =You can go if you want to,
but it's not obligatory I necessary.
Impersonal you
We often use have to and must with impersonal
you (you =people in general), e.g.
You have to wear a seatbelt in a car. You mustn't
take photos in the museum.
a Match the entence ha lves.
Be ready
Complete the sentences w ith a po iti ve o r negati ve infinitive .
I'm pl a nnin g~a party next week.
I Doweneed
2 In so me countries it's impo rtant
3 l know you're tired, but try
4 We were late, so Si mon offered
5 It's difficu lt
not drive go have learn look for not make meet
A Hi , I'm Do natella .
A to give u a lift to t he station.
B to show yoor passport at check· in.
C not to fo rget people's na mes in a big class.
D to dress cor rectly in public.
E to buy some do llars at the airpo rt?
F not to fa ll a leep during the film!
B I'm Renee.
ice _ _ _ _ _ _ you.
2 What d o you want _ _ _
toni ght?
3 I need _ _ _ _ _ _ to the shop. I do n't have any bread o r milk.
4 Try
5 I'd rea lly li ke
6 Be careful
a noise. Your fathe r's asleep.
how to d rive.
too fa st on the way ho me- the roads
a re icy.
7 He's d ecided _______ a new job.
~ p. 53
b Put the verbs in the -illB form or in finitive.
I really enjoy d!lin& exercise. It makes me feel great!
I One t hing th at always makes me happy is
in the sea.
2 Yo u ca n't lea rn to play a musical instr ument well without
_ _ _ _ regula rly.
I like listenina to the radio in the
mornings. (listen)
_ _ _ __ Pilates i good for your
health. (do)
2 We've decided _____ a holiday this
yea r. (not have)
3 We won't take the ca r. It's impossible
_ _ _ _. (pa rk)
3 My mother's very bad at
4 I'm not very good at
5 You can borrow the ca r if you promise
_ _ _ _ slow ly. (d rive)
a Complete the sentences wit h a verb in the list in the -inB form.
be do practise remember study swim teach text travel
_____ teenagers is very ha rd work.
My sister s pends ho urs on the p hone _____ her friends.
__ the first to arrive at parties.
I hate
_____ by train is usually cheaper than by plane.
I 'll go o n _ __
for as long as I ca n - I love being a student!
6 H as it stopped
map . (read)
? (rain)
7 I don't mind
, but I don't like
_ _ _ _ the washi ng-up. (cook , do)
8 I hate
early in t he mornin g. (get up)
~ p.54
~ the correct fo rm, have to I must, don't have to, o r
mustn't. Tick ./ if both forms a re po sible .
a Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.
I don't have to go to school on Saturdays
Jan ice ____ study very hard- she has exam s soon .
_ _ wear a uniform to be a po licema n.
your s ister
go to Lo ndo n for her
job interview?
You ____ wear a unifo rm if you are a policeman.
5 We
get up ea rly to mor row. Our flig ht leaves
at 6.30.
6 Harry ____ work today- his sho p is closed.
7 I
go now. It's very late.
go to bed? It's only 10 o 'clock!
~ p.56
We~/ mustn't go to work next week. It's
a ho liday.
You don't have to f mustn't touch the oven. It's hot.
Do you have to f must se nd a photo w ith your
passport fo rm?
The concert is free. You don't have to f mustn't pay.
I'm late for a meeting. I have to I must go now.
You don't have to f mustn't leave the door open- the
d og will get out.
We have to f must try th at new restaurant in tow n.
In Britain you have to f must drive o n t he left.
Do you have to fMust y ou be ta ll to be good at tennis?
IJjm<·'• IIIII
SA should I shouldn't
You shou ld wea r a suit to the interview.
3 47 >))
r t hin k you shou ld cha nge your job.
r don't t h ink you should spea k to her.
He's very st ressed. He shou ldn' t work so ha rd .
You shou ldn' t d rink cofFee in the eveni ng. It'll keep you awake.
88 first condit ional: if+ present, will I won't
If I miss t he last bus, 1'll get a taxi.
If you tell her the truth , she won't believe you.
W hat will you do ifhe doesn 't call you?
2 If you don't go, she won't be ve ry pleased.
She won't be very pleased if you don' t go.
3 If you miss the last bus, get a ta xi.
Ifyou miss the last bus, you can get a ta xi.
4 2 >))
• Use should f shouldn't + verb (in finitive w ithout to) to give
somebody advice or say what you th in k is the right thing to do.
• should/ shouldn't is the sa me fo r a ll persons.
• We often use I think you should .. . or f don't think you should ...
N 0 T +titmk-y<m-sltool:drr!t·:-:-c
You can also use ought to I ought not to instead of
should I shouldn't, e.g.
You ought to wear a suit. He ought not to work so hard.
Use if+ present to ta lk about a possible situation and will /
won't + verb to talk about t he consequence.
2 The if-clause can come first or second. if t he if-clause comes
first, we usually pu t a comma before the next clause.
3 You can also use t he imperative or can + infinitive instead of
will+ in fi niti ve in the other cla use.
If I miss the last bus, I'll get a t axi.
BC possess1ve pronouns
W hose coat is it? It's my coat. 4 12 >))
It's m ine.
W hose jacke t is it? It's your jacket.
It's your s.
W hose phone is it? It's his phone.
It's his.
Whose bag is it? Tt's her bag. Tt's hers.
W hose dog is it? It's our do g. Tt's ours.
W hose house is it? It's t heir house.
It's theirs.
• Use possessive pronouns to talk about
possession. /s it y ours? Yes, it's mine.
• Use W hose to ask about possession.
Whose book is it? Whose is that bag?
• D o n't use possessive pro nouns w it h a noun. NOT It's mine book.
• Do n't use the w it h possessive prono uns, e.g. Ts this yours? NOT ls this theyo urs?
pronouns and possessive adjectives overview
can come.
..;_-- - . - - She loves
This is
It 's
b Comple te the sentences with should or shouldn't+ a
verb in the list.
a Complete w ith should o r
drive have go leave relax spend study walk wear
You sillm.1d sto p smoking.
work really
long hours every day.
Yo u
lose a bit of weight.
eat more fruit a nd vegetables.
put so much sugarin your coffee.
You _ ____ start doing some exercise.
6 You
7 You
8 You
drink less a lco ho l.
drink mo re wa te r.
go to bed so late.
We should lea ve early. It's going to start snow ing soon.
Yo u
a scarf. It's really cold today.
I ____ th is afternoon. I have a n exam tomorrow.
alo ne in that part of rhe city. Get a taxi.
S he
more. She's very stressed.
so fast at n ight - the roads are d a ngerous.
to bed . You look tired.
Pare nts
more time with thei r child ren.
a break yet-weonly started work at 10.00.
-< p.61
b Complete with the co rrect form o f the verbs.
Match the sentence halve .
If you leave n ow, [Q
T he ticket wi ll be cheape r
lfl do n't see you th is afternoon,
You'll learn more quickly
If you get that new job,
You won't pass your driving test
If I le nd you th is book,
A if you do n't have e no ugh lesson s.
B wi II you give it back to me soo n?
C yott4:1-eateh-the-&eB-tra·tn:
0 if you travel a fter 9.00.
If we S1fJL1 wa lki ng, t he bus will come. (sta rr, come)
me you r sec ret, I
anybody else. (tell, not tell)
If you
If I
it do wn, I
it. (not write, not remember)
me if you
a ny news? (call, get)
S he
you if you
her nicely. (help, ask)
you if I
from A lex. ( phone, hea r)
Yo u
you rfrieod s if yo u
to Pa r is . (miss, move)
carefully, you
If you
(listen, understand)
The boss
very pleased if you
late for work.
(not be, be)
you home ifyou
me d irections. (drive,give)
-< p.62
E if you come to every class.
F will you ea rn mo re money?
G I'Ll call you this eveni n g.
b Com plete the sentences with a pronoun or possessive adjective.
a Q
the correct form.
Whose car is that? It's her /~
I This isn't my f mine pen, it's Susan's.
2 I t hi nk this book is your / yours.
3 This isn't your su itcase, it's ours four.
4 Where's Ma ry? I t hin k these are her f hers gloves.
5 These keys are mine I the rnine.
6 T hey showed us all theirs/ their holiday
7 These seats are theirs I their, not ours. We're over
8 ls thisyourslyou rbag?
9 This isn't my jacket. It's her I hen.
This isn't my coffee, it's yours. Where's~?
A Is that her car?
B No, it's he r boyfriend's.
is a white Pe ugeot.
Maya has a new b oyfriend, but I haven't met
Look. Here's a p hoto of Alex a nd Kim with
new baby.
We've fi n ished pay ing for o ur ho use, so it'
These are our tickets. Can you give Maria and
We're very lucky. Our parents bought this dog fo r _ _ __
We both love gardening. Would you like to see _ _ __
London is famo us for
-< p.65
9A second conditional: if+ past, would I wouldn't
If a bu ll attacked me, I'd run away.
4 16>))
Ifyou didn't go to bed so late, you wouldn't be so tired in the morning.
Would you take the manager's job if rhey offered it to yo u?
2 If ! had more time I'd do more exercise.
I'd do more exercise ifl had more rime.
3 If we went by car, we could stop at places o n rhe way.
Use if+ past ro talk about an imagina ry or hypothetical futu re situation
a nd would f wouldn't +verb to talk ab out t he consequence.
would f wouldn't is t he same for all persons.
Contractions: 'd = would (l'd,you'd, he'd, etc.); wouldn't = would not.
The if-clause ca n come first or second. If t he if-clause comes first, we
usually put a com ma before th e next clause.
You ca n also use could+ infi nitive in stead of would+ in finitive in the
other clause.
98 present perfect + for or since
W he re do yo u live now?
f4 21 >))
In Manchester.
How long have you lived there?
I've lived the re for twenty years.
W here do you work?
In a primary school.
How long have you worked there?
I've worked there si nce 2005.
Use were (not was) in the expression If I were
you, ...
We often use t his expression for advice,
e.g. if I were you, I wouldn't take that job.
first or second conditional?
Compare the firs t and second conditiona ls.
• Use the firs t conditio nal for possible future
If! don't have to work tomorrow, I'll help you.
(= It's a possibility. Maybe I w ill help you.)
• Use t he second conditiona l for imaginary or
hy pothetical situations.
If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd help you.
(=It's a hypothetical situation. I have to work, so l
can't help you.)
• Use t he present perfec t +f or or since to talk about actions a nd states which
sta rted in the past a nd are still true now.
I've lived in Manchester for twenty years. = I came to live in Ma nchester twenty
years ago a nd I live in Manchester now.
• Don't use the present simple in th is type of sentence, e.g. NOT ·~
• Use How long .. ? to ask questions about the duration of an action or a state.
for or since?
• Use for + a period of time, e .g.for two weeks ,for ten yea rs,for a lon8 time, etc.
I've had this car for three months.
• Use since with the beginning of a period of ti me, e.g. since 1980, since last June, etc.
I've been afraid ofspiders si n ce I was a child.
9C present perfect or past simple? (2)
1 A H ow long was Bob Ma rl ey a musicia n?
2 A
be in second conditionals
Wit h t he verb be you can use were (instead of
was) after I I he I she I it, e.g.
If Jack was I were here, he'd know what to do.
He was a musician for t wenty yea rs.
How ma ny Grammys did he win ?
He didn't win a ny.
H ow long has Z iggy Ma rley been a musician?
He's been a musicia n since he was ten.
H ow many G rammys has he won ?
He's won four.
4 28 >))
Use the past s imple to talk about a fi nished period of time in
t he past.
2 Use the present perfe ct to talk about a period of time from
t he past until now.
• Compare the past simple and present perfect.
Jack was married for ten years.= Jack is not married now. He's
divorced or dead .
Jack has been married fo r ten years. =Jack is married now.
b Complete with the correct form of the ve rbs.
a Match the sente nce ha lve .
You'd feel much better C1]
I'd enjoy th e weekend mo re
I fit's sunny tomorro w,
Wo uld you wea r it
If we learn ed Po rtuguese,
I wouldn't wo rk
If I went to live in Lo ndo n,
ifyoo did SOI]Je exer c ise.
would you come to visit me?
if l boughtitfor you?
we could go to the beach.
ifl d idn't have to work on Saturday.
we could go and work in Brazil.
ifl didn't need the mo ney.
If I.Jrumd a good job, [would nwve to the USA. (find, move)
the house if it
a garden. (buy, have)
Tndianfood , l'msureyou
it. (try, like)
mo re if you
harder. (learn , work)
lf we
a car, we
d r ive up to the mo untains. (rent, can)
o ur son mo re often if he
nearer. (see, live)
to that restaurant if I
you - it's very ex pensive.
(no t go, be)
you to the ai rpo rt if my mum ____ the car.
(take, not have)
[quite like cycling, but 1
to wo rk if I ____ a car.
(not cycle, have)
you ____ your country ifyou _ ___ a well-paid job
abroad? (leave, get)
Llove living here. [ ____ hap py ifl _ _ _ _ leave. (not be, have to)
-< p.68
a Write questio ns w ith How lonfj a nd the present perfect.
you f be married How long haveyou been married?
1 you f be frightened of clow ns _ _ _ _ _____ ?
2 your sister f have her car - - - - - - -- ---?
3 yo u / li ve here _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
4 your dad f be a teacher
___________ ?
5 you f know your boyfriend - - - -- - ----- ?
6 Britain / be in the EU _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
7 you f have your cat _________ _ _ _ ?
8 he f work fo r the same company
_ _ _ _____ ?
I've been married for 20 years.
1 ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( was a child.
She - - - - -- - - - - - - - - three yea rs.
I _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ______ a lo ng time.
He _____________________________ 1990.
! _____ _______________________
6 It
7 We
8 He
about two yea rs.
2008. <II( p.71
b Complete w ith the present perfect o r past simple.
a @
b Answer the quest io ns in a. Use the present perfect +
for or since.
the correct fo rm.
She is f~ single since last summer.
I f-Ie lef t f He has left school two years ago.
2 / lived f l've lived in Cardifffo r two yea rs, but then I
moved to Swansea.
3 She lives f She's lived in Flo rida since 2010.
4 My sister had f My sister has had her baby yesterday!
5 I work in an office. I work / I've worked there for 20 yea rs.
6 The city chan Bed f The city has c!JanBed a lot since I was a
child .
7 T hey're divorced now. They were f They have been
marr ied fo r ten yea rs.
8 I met / I've met Sandra when I was / have been at
1 A Where does Rob live now?
BIn M adrid .
A How lo ng
there? (he / live)
B For th ree months. He
there in
September. (move)
2 A When ______ ? (Picasso f die)
BIn 1977, in Paris I th ink.
A How lo ng
in France? (he / live).
B For a lo ng time. He
Spain when he
was 25. (leave)
3 A My bro ther and his wife get o n ver y well.
B How lo ng
m arried? (t hey / be)
A They
marr ied since 1995. They ____
at university. (be, meet)
B Really?
that in Paris? (be)
-< p.72
lOA passive: be+ past participle
Present: am I is I are + p a st p a rticiple
[II Kevla r is used ro make bul let-proof vests.
G T ippex isn't used very much today.
[1] Are disposable nappies used all over the worl d?
4 38 >))
Past: was I were + past p a r t iciple
[II T he d ishwashe r was invented by Jose ph ine Coch ra ne.
G Windsc reen wipers were n't in vented unt il 1903.
[1] When was t he wash ing mach ine inve nted?
• You can often say things in two ways, in the active or in the passive.
Josephine Cochrane in vented the dishwash er. (active)
The dishwasher was invented by josephine Cochrane. (passive)
• In the active sentence, the foc us is more on Josephine
Coch ran e.
• In the passive sentence the foc us is more o n the dishwasher.
• You ca n also use th e passive when it isn't known or isn't
importa nt who does or d id the action.
My ca r was stolen last week.
Volvo cars are m ade in Sweden.
• Use by to say who d id the action.
T he Lord of the Rings was written by Tolkien.
lOB used to I didn't use to
W he n I wa a child, I used to play in t he st reet.
4 43 >))
My brothe r used to have very lo ng hair.
G C hi ld ren didn't use to watch much TV when my fat he r was young.
My daughter didn't use to like vegetables, but now she loves t hem.
[1] Did you use to wea r a unifo rm at school? Yes, I d id.
Did you use to like your teache rs? o, I did n't.
used to or usually?
used to only exists in the past.
For habits in the present, use usually+
present simple, NOT use-te
I usually cook in the evenings.
NOT I use-to-eook in the evefliFJgs.
• Use used to I didn't use to+ verb to ta lk about thin gs that ha ppe ned
repeatedly or were true fo r a lo ng period o f time in t he past, but are
usually not true now, e.g. th ings th at ha ppened when you were a ch ild.
• used to I did11.'t use to is the sa me for all persons.
• Instead of used to you ca n use the past simple with a n adverb of freque ncy.
W hen / was a child, I often p layed itt the street.
lOC might I might not (possibility)
We might have a picn ic romorrow, but it depe nds o n the weathe r. 4 SO l))
She might come with us. but she's not su re yet.
I might not go to the pa rry. I haven't decided yet.
You mig ht not sec hi m today. He's comin g ho me late.
• Use might I might not+ verb (infinitive without to) to say that perhaps
you wi ll or won't do something.
We m iBht have a picnic tomorrow.= Pe rhaps we w ill have a picnic tomo rrow.
• m iBht I might 110t is the sa me fo r all persons.
• miBht not is no t usually contracted.
may I may not
You can also use may instead of might for
possibility, e.g.
We may have a picnic tomorrow.
I may not go t o the party.
b Rew rite the sentences in the passive, beginning
w ith the highlighted word s.
a Complete w ith present o r past passive.
The E iffel Tower was comp leted in 1889. (complete)
Many o f the things we use every d ay ____ by
women . (i nvent)
In the UK most child ren
in state schools. (educate)
by Cap ta in Cook in 1770 . (discover)
T his morning I
u p by the neighbo ur 's dog. (wake)
in the summer in t he UK. (play)
last year. (record)
6 T he songs o n this album
7 Nowadays a lot of toys
in C hina. (make)
8 Carols a re songs which
at C hristmas. (sing)
9 These birds
in no rthern Eu rope. (no t usua lly see)
10 ' Ro me
in a d ay.' {no t build)
Shakespeare w rote Hamlet in 1603.
Hamlet was written by S hakespeare in 1603.
Jo natha n lve desig ned the iPod and the iPhone.
Most Medi terranea n countries pro duce olive oil.
Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
Ba rry Sonnenfeld directed the M en ir1 B1ack
D av id Hackney pain ted Mr and Mrs Cla rk and
Percy in 1970-1 97 1.
Elvis Presley didn't w rite Blue Suede Shoes.
JK Rawling w ro te the Harry Potter boo ks.
They m ake Daihatsu car s in Japan.
-< p.76
b M a ke sentences with used to, didn't use to, o r
did .. . use to?
a Look at how Jo hn has changed. Write five sentences abo ut
how he was IN THE PAST.
you I have lo ng hair
Didyou use to have lonB hair?
I G my sister I hate maths, but she loves it now
2 Ill where I you I work
3 G I I like vegetables when I was a child
what 1you 1do in the summer holidays when
you were young
5 G The Brit ish I drink a lot of coffee
6 G this b uildin g I be a cinema
7 Ill your bro ther I teach here
8 G II be a Manchester United fan
9 Ill Jeff I have a m oto rbike
10 G teleg ram s I be a way of sending important
He used to be slim.
1 _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ lo ng hair.
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ glasses.
3 _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a beard.
a tie.
-< p.79
b Complete the sen tences w ith miBht +a verb
a Match the sentences.
Take some sun cream . [QJ
Let's buy a l.o ttery ticket.
Phone the restaurant.
Do n't sta nd on the wa ll.
Let's take a map.
Try the shirt on.
Don't wait for me.
Be ca reful w ith t hat k nife!
Ask how much it costs.
A You might fa ll.
lt may not be your size.
We migh t get lost.
It 111ight be really suuny.
We may not have eno ugh money.
You might cut yourself.
It m ay be closed o n Sundays.
We mi ght win .
I I may be late.
be cold be ill be in a meet ing ge-te-t:Ae-eiRema
not have time not like it have fish and chips
I'm not sure w hat to do to n ight. I might go to
the cinema.
K im wasn't at school tod ay. She _ _ __
His pho ne is t urned off. He _ __ _ __
It's an unusual book. You _ __ __ __
I don't know if l'll finish it. ! _ _ __ _ _
5 f'm not sure w hat to o rder. I _ __ _ _ _
6 Take a jacket. It - - - - -- - - - <Ill( p.BO
• To express movement use a verb of move ment, e.g. lJo, come,
run, walk , ere. a nd a preposition (or adverb) of movement
e.g. up, down, away, etc.
11A expressing movement
The man went u p the steps and into the church.
He drove out of the garage and along the street.
I ran over the bridge and across the park.
4 SB >))
• A phrasal verb= ve rb+ particle (preposition or adverb),
e.g. aet up, tum on, lookfor.
118 word order of phrasal verbs
Whattimedo you getup?
53 >))
l don 't usually go out during the week.
2 Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Put it on.
Turn off t he TV. Turn the TV off. Turn it off.
3 I'm looking for my glasses.
Have you found your glasses? No, I'm still looking for the m.
11C so, neither+ auxiliaries
2 A
I love classical music.
5 6 >))
I went ro a classical concert last night.
So did I.
I'm not married.
Neith er am I.
I don't want to get married.
Neither do I.
• Use So do I, Neither do I, etc. to say that you have
something in common with somebody.
1 Use So+ auxiliary + I ro respond to positive
2 Use Neither+ auxiliary+ Tto respond to negative
• The aux ilia ry you use depends on the tense.
in or into? out or out of?
Remember, use into I out of+ noun, and in I out if there
isn't a noun.
Come into the living room. Come in.
He went out of the house. He went out.
See Expressing movement p.l62.
1 Some phrasal verbs don't have an object, e.g. lJet up, lJO out.
2 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are separable. With
these phrasal verbs you can put the particle (on, off, etc.)
before QI. afte r the object.
• When the object is a pronoun (me, it, him, etc.) it always goes
between the verb and particle.
Here'syour coat. Putiton. NOT Pttt-mtit:
3 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are inseparable,
e.g. look f o r. With these phrasal verbs the verb (e.g. look)
and the particle (e.g.for) are never separa ted.
I'm lookinBfor my Biasses. NOT flm-l:ookittg-m.y-EJimsesfor:
See Phrasal verbs p.163.
present simple
I don't like classical music.
Neither do l.
present continuous
I'm having a great time
So am i.
c:an/ can't
I can swim.
So can I.
pest simple
I didn't like the film.
I was very tired.
Neither did I.
So was I.
would I wouldn't
I wouldn't like to go there.
Neit her would I.
present perfect
I've been to Brazil.
So have!.
• Be careful with the word order.
So do l.f Neither do I. NOT So+d0: / Neither I de:
neither and nor
You can also use nor instead of neither, e.g.
A I didn't like the f ilm.
B Nor I Neither did I.
Neither is usually pronounced /'naioa/, but can also be pronounced
b Complete the sente nces w ith the correct
preposition .
a Q
the correct prepos ition.
He jumped il.ili2. his car and drove away.
As I cycled under the bridge, a train went
_____ it.
!lost my mobile phone signal when we went across ~a
We ran to I down the sea, and jumped into I out of the water.
If you go over I past the bank , you' ll see the superma rket on the
He walked alo118 I across the street unti l be got to the park.
The plane flew on I over the tow n and then landed.
The dog ran towards I to me, but then it stopped .
We cycled over I out of the bridge and in I into the city centre.
The racing cars went round I under the track 12 times.
T he little boy suddenly ran across I throu[Jh the road.
. The door's open.
2 Come
3 This is the 3rd floor. Go
stairs and you' ll come to the 2nd floor.
4 He walked
the bar and ordered
a drink.
5 I like going _____ on a Saturday night.
6 He took his passport
his bag.
7 I'm exhausted. I've just cycled
_ _ ___ a huge hill.
~ p.BS
b Comple te the sentences w ith it or them and a
word from the list.
a Q
tbe correct fo rm. If both are correct, t ick ./ t he box.
back in on (x2) up (x3) down
Turn offyour mobile I Tum your mobile offbefore the fi lm starts. [ZJ
Tonight I have to look my sister after I look after my sister. 0
Let's 80 out this eveninEJ I [JO this evenin[J out. 0
Tur11 dow11 the radio I Turn the radio dow11. It's too loud. 0
My brother is lookin[Jfor a new job l lookin[J a new job for. 0
You should throwaway thoseoldjea11s I throw those oldj eans away. 0
l don't Iike shopping for clothes online -I prefer to try them on I
try 0 11 them before l buy them. 0
Take offyour shoes I Take your shoes offbefore you come in. 0
That's my sister -1 think you'd really [Jet on. with her I
Bet on her with. 0
lf it doesn't fit, you should take back it I take it back to the shop. 0
W hat time do you [Jet up in the mornin[J I Bel in the mornin[J up? 0
I can't hear the radio. Turn tll!J2·
Your clothes are all over the floor.
Pick __________
2 Here's your coat. Put _ _ __ _ _ __
3 ' What does this word mean?'
' Look ___________
4 To get your passport there are three for ms.
Please fill
5 You remember that money I lent you? When
can you give
6 Is there anything on TV? Let's turn
__________ and see.
7 You won't remember my address. Write
~ p.87
b Respond to A . Say you a re the same. Use So ... I or
Neithel"... f.
a Complete B 's answer w ith an auxilia r y verb.
A !like chocolate. B So dQ I.
A I'm rea lly th irsty. B So _ _ __ r.
A I did n't go out last n ight. B either
A I was born in Rome. B So _ _ _ __ r.
A l don't eat meat. B either ______ I.
A I've been to Moscow. B So _ _ _ __ I.
A l can't sing. B either _ __ _ _ I.
A I'dliketogo to Bali . B So _____ l.
A I saw a film last week. B So _____ l.
A I wouldn't Iike to eat that. B Neither _____ I.
A I ca n play chess. B So
~ p.BB
l don't like cabbage. Neither do l.
!live near the supermarket.
I'm not afraid of snakes.
I went to bed late last night.
l haven't been to Canada.
1 don't have any pets.
I can s peak three languages.
I always drink coffee in tbe morning.
I'm waiting fo r the bus to the ai rport.
. Use the past perfect when you are already talking about the
12A past perfect
When I woke up the garden was all white.
5 17 >))
It had snowed during the night.
I suddenly rea lised that I'd left my mobile in the tax i.
G We got home just in time - t he march hadn't started.
When she got to class, she reali zed that she hadn't
brought her book.
[1] A I went to Paris last weekend. I really loved it.
B Had you been th ere before?
A o, I hadn't.
' I don't want to go to
the parry.'
r eported sp eech
5 23 >))
He said (that) he loved me.
She said (that) she had just arrived.
He told me {that) they would
come at eight.
Jack told Anna (t hat) he didn't
want to go to the parry.
• Use reported speech to report (to tell somebody) what another
person said.
• We often introduce reported speech with said or told(+ person)
• After said or told t h at is optiona l, e.g. He said (that) he loved me.
• Pronouns often cha nge in reported speech, e.g. I changes to he
or she.
'I'm tired.' She told me (that) she was tired.
past and want to ta lk about an ea rl ier past action.
When I woke up the Barden was all white. It had snow ed durinB
the niBht. = It snowed before I woke up.
Make the past perfect with had I hadn't+ past participle .
The form of the past perfect is the sa me for all persons .
had is sometimes contracted to 'd .
128 reported (or indirect) speech
direct sp eech
' I love you.'
' I've just arrived.'
' We'll come at eight.'
had or would?
Be careful: 'd can be had or would.
I didn't know that you'd found a new job. ('d = had)
if you went by taxi, you'd get there more quickly.
('d = would)
Verb tenses ch ange like this:
direct speech
reported s peech
'I can help you.'
(present simple)
He said (that) he could help me.
(past simple)
'I'm watching TV.'
(present continuous)
She said (that) she was watching TV.
(past continuous)
'I'll phone you.'
He told me (that) he would phone me.
'I met a girl.'
(past simple)
John told me (that) he had met a girl.
(past perfect)
'I've broken my leg.'
(present perfect)
Sara said (that) she had broken her leg.
(past perfect)
say or tell?
You can use said or told in reported speech but they are
used differently.
You can't us e said with an object or pronoun.
He said (that) he loved me. NOT He-s-aifi-me-(#ta~
You must use told with an object.
He told me (that) he loved me. NOT He-teld-(that:) heleved-me
12C questions without auxiliaries
W ho
W hich singer
How many peo ple
W ho
5 27 >))
Mr and Mrs C lark and Percy?
reggae popular all over t he world ?
nea r th e school?
a cup of coffee?
When the question word (Who?, What?, Which?, How
many?, etc.) is the subject of the verb in the question, we
don't use an auxi lia ry verb (do I does I did).
W ho painted Mrand Mrs Clark and Percy?
In most other questions in the present and past simple we
use the auxiliary verb do I does I did+ the infinitive.
What music do you like? NOT What mttsicyoulike?
See l Ap./26.
b Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the past si mple and past
a Match the sentence halves.
l couldn't get into my flat because [Q
When our friends ar rived
I took the jacket back because
Jill didn't come with us because
I turned on the TV news
Johnny was ner vous because
When l got to the supermarket checkout
she'd made other plans.
I realized that I'd left my wallet at home.
I'd lost 1ny keys.
I had bought the wrong size.
it was the first time he had flown.
to see what had happened.
we hadn't fi nished cooking the dinner.
a Write the sentences in re ported s peech.
' I love you.' He told her that he loved her.
1 ' I'm hungry.' She said that she _ _ __
2 ' l don't like sad films.'
He told her he _ _ __
3 'I'll call the doctor.' He said he _ _ __
4 ' I've bought a new phone.'
Paul rold us that he _ _ __
5 ' I live in the city centre.'
She said that she _ _ __
6 'We can't do it!'
They said that they _ _ __
7 ' I saw Eclipse at the cinema .'
Julie said that she _ _ __
~ p. 93
He told her that he was a doctor. He said: 'I'm a doctor.'
She said that she was studying Germa n.
She said : ' - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Tony told me that his car had broken down.
Tony said :'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Paul said that he would send me an email.
Paul said:'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 Wanda and Jack said they were in a hurry.
Wanda and Jack said:' _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 He said he hadn't fin ished his essay yet.
He said:'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 She told us that she wou ldn't arrive on time.
She said :'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 Dav id said he had just arr ived .
~ p. 94
Dav id said: ' - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
b W rite the questions. D o you know
the answers?
b W rite the sentences in direct speech .
a @
We didn't get a table in the restaurant because we hadn't booked.
(not get, not book)
Caroline because she _ _ _ _ _ a lot.
(not recognize, change)
My friend
to tell me that I _ _ _ _ _ my wallet
in his car. (phone, leave)
When I
the radio, the news _ _ _ __
(turn on, already finish)
me the DV D because she _ _ _ _ _ it yet.
(not lend, not wa tch)
T he bar _ _ _ _ _ by the time we
(close, arrive)
W hen we _ _ _ _ _ home we saw that somebody
_ _ _ _ _ the kitchen window. (get, break)
Luckily it _ _ _ _ _ snowing when we _ _ _ __
work. (stop, leave)
the correct questio n form.
What you did I~ last night?
What happened I did happen to you?
What means this word I does this word mean?
How many people came I did come to the
Which bus BOes I does 80 to rown?
Which film won I did win the Oscar th is
What said the teacher I di.d the teacher say?
Who made I did make this cake? It's
fantast ic!
How many Formula 1 champio nships
did Mi.chael Schumacher win?
(Mich ael Schumacher I w in)
When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ president of the USA?
(Barack Obama I become)
W hich US state _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the letter' H'? (start)
Which books
? (J.R.R. Tolkien I write)
the football World Cup in 2010? (win)
Which sport
the lightest ball? (use)
? (the 2008 Olympics I take place)
W hich com pany
? (Steve Jobs I start)
~ p. 96
tiMt:ft -
Describing people
Match the sentences and pictures.
Match the adject ives with t he de fi nitions.
W h at's h e like? W h at's sh e like?
clever 'kk\':l friendly 'frcnJii funny "f\ni
kind kamd lazy 'lc1zi shy Jal t alkative
Ad jective
A person who is open and warm is
'J:;cn;)ra~ '
' t:~:btl\ t
O pposite
A person w ho talks a lo t is
3 A person who likes giving people
things is
A person who is friendly and good to
other peo ple is
A person who doesn't wa nt to work is
A person who makes peo ple laugh is
A person who is qu ick at learning and
understanding things is (sy no nym
A person who can't talk easily to
people he I s he doesn't know is
b Complete the O pposite column w ith an adjective from the list.
W h a t d oes h e I sh e look like?
She has curly red hair.
She has long straight hair.
She has big blue eyes.
She has dark wavy hair.
He has a beard and a moustache.
He's ba ld .
He's very tall and thin .
He's quite short and a bit o verweight.
He's medium height and quite slim.
1 10 >)) Listen and check.
thin or slim? fat or overweight?
Thin and slim are both t he opposite of fat, but
slim= thin in an attractive way.
Fat is not very polite. It is more polite to say
someone is (a bit) overweight.
Using two adject ives together
We often use two adjectives together
(without and) to describe hair or eyes,
e.g. She has long curly hair or He has big
brown eyes. Adjectives go in this order:
size>style>colour noun.
extrovert ek..,tr;)V3:t ha rd-working hu:d 'w3:ku]/
mean 'mi:n quiet 'k\vat;:,t.' serious ·~t;:,rid~.
stupid t\tju:p1d unfriendly /An'frcndJi. unkind rAn'kamdl
1 11 >)) Listen and check.
d In pairs, as k and answer about a m ember of your family or a good
A What does your sister look
~ She's quite tall and she has shor t dark hair.
A What's she /ik~
nice; funny or fun?
Nice is a very common[±) adjective of personality, e.g. He's a very nice
person. Nice describes a person who is friendly and kind.
A person who is funny makes you laugh. A person who is fun is a
person who you have a good time with.
<Ill( p.6
fThings you wear
a Match the words and p icture .
Cloth es
'ko:(hg~n l
ca rdiga n
coat bot
dress tires
jacket 'd3rek1t
jeans tl3i:nz
shirr .f:1:t
shorts J;):ts
skirt \k:l:t/
su it -,u:t
sweate r (sy no ny m jumper) "' ct;-~
top tnp
tracksuit ''tnt:ksu:t/
tro use rs t ratll::v
T-sh irt 'ti:f3:tf
boots bu:t<-.
flip-flo ps fhp flop.,
sa ndals "srendlz
shoes Ju:z
traine rs ''t rcm~z
belt belt
cap ka:p/
bat hret
leggi ngs 'lcgti)Z
gloves gL'\\ z
sca rf 1sko:f/
socks .,nks
tie taJ
ea rrings
necklace 'nckl~"
ri ng
b l 19 >)) Listen and ch eck.
c Cover the words and look a t th e pictures.
Test yourself or a partne r.
wear, carry, or dress?
Use wear for clothes and jewellery I glasses, etc.
She's wearing a hat. He's wearing sunglasses.
Use carry for bags, cases, etc.
She's carrying a bag.
Use dre~s (with no object) to describe the kind of clothes people wear.
The ttaltans dress very well. Jane always dresses in black.
a Match the phrases and pictu res.
a Complete the verb phrases.
book buy have hire rent
spend stay sunbathe take
in a hotel / at a campsite f with friends
_ __ _ photos
_ _ _ _ souvenirs
_ _ _ _ on the beach
_ _ __ a good time
_ _ _ _ money f time
_ _ _ _ a n apartment
_ _ _ _ a bicycle f skis
_ _ _ _ flights f hotels online
32 l)) Listen and check.
rent or hire?
Rent and hire mean the same but we normally use
rent for a longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or
apartment, and hire for a short t ime, e.g. you hire skis,
a bike, a boat, etc. With a car you can use hire or rent.
c Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases.
a Match the questio ns a nd answers.
What was the weather like? It was ...
What was the hotel like? It was .. .
W hat was the town like? It was .. .
What were the people like? They were ...
What was the food like? It was ...
8] comfortable, luxurious
EJ basic, dirty, uncomfortable
8] friendly, helpful EJ unfriendly, unhelpful
8] beautiful, lovely EJ noisy, crowded
8] delicious EJ nothing ~cia!, disg.y.sting
8] warm, sunny G ve ry wi ndy, fogg y, cloudy
go abroad
1 go away for the weekend
go by bus f car f plane f trai n
go camping
go for a walk
go on holiday
go out at night
go sightseeing
go skii ng f walki ng / .cycl ing
go swimming 1rnling 1surfing
33 l)) Listen an d check.
General positive and negative adjectives
8] .!Qvely, wonderful, fantastic, great
31 l)) Listen and check.
~ p.l2
Cover the phrases and look at the pictures. Test
yourself or a partner.
0 /S, not bad, alright
awful, !Jgrrible, terrible
1 AT/IN / ON
Complete the Prepositions colum n with a word fr o m tbe list.
about at for
Countries and cities Months
France, Paris
February, June
the kitchen
(the) winter
a shop, a museum
Closed spaces
Times of day
a car
the morning,
the afternoon, the
evening (not Flight:)
a bike, a bus, a train,
a plane, a ship (not ear)
1st March
a park, a garden
in of on t o with
Pre p ositio n s
I arri ved
2 I was ver y tired when I a rri ved
Tuesday, New Year's
Day, Valentine's Day
A surface
the floor, a table,
a shelf. t he balcony,
the roof. the wall
school, home, work,
t he airport , the
st at ion, a bus st op
3 I hate waiting
5 I'm so rry, but r really do n't agree
6 I asked
16o'clock, half past
9 I. need to spea k
Festival periods
Christmas, Easter
A Say a place o r time word, e.g. Paris, Tuesday.
B Close your books. Say the prepo itio n (at ,
in, or on).
the meeting.
Are you going to write
Do n't worry
food .
him soon?
the exam. It isn't very hard.
a man she met o n the
You're not listenin g! What are you th in ki ng
15 A What do you th ink Shakir a?
B I really like her. I th ink she's g reat.
b 1 42 >)) Listen a nd ch eck.
c Look at the chart fo r a few minutes. T hen
test a partner:
Ma rti n
I don't spend m uch money
13 She fell
t he pa rry.
the meal?
a chicken sandw ich, but th is is tu na!
8 Who's going to pay
two, Z45
t he weekend
~ p.l4
people who are late.
7 Let's invite Debbie and T im
the ho tel.
4 A What are you going to do
the weekend?
B I do n't know. It depends
the weather.
a party, the door
Swap roles.
Par is on Fri day n ight.
1 68 >)) Listen a nd check.
Cover the Prepositions column. Say t he sentences.
arrive in or arrive at?
Remember we use arrive in+ cities or count ries
and arrive at+ buildings, stations, etc.
~ p. 23
Housework, make or do?
Match the verb phrases a nd the pictu res.
W rite rnake o r do next to
t he pictu res.
a course
_ _ _ a mista ke
_ __
an exam / a n exercise
/ homework
_ _ _ a noise
_ _ _ a phone ca ll
_ _ _ housework
_ _ _ fri ends
clean the floor
do the ironing
_ _ _ lunch J di nner
do the shopping
do the washing
do the washing- up
lay the table (opposite clear)
make lunch
make the beds
pick up d irty clothes (from the floor)
put away your clothes
take out the rubbish
tidy your room
2 13>)) Liste n a nd check.
Cover the phrases a nd look at the pictures.
Say the phrases.
_ _ _ sport J exercise
_ _ _ plans
14>)) Lis ten a nd check.
Cover the phrases a nd look at the pictures. Say the phrases.
d Talk to a pa rtner.
W hat ho usework do you usually do? What have you done today?
Who does the most housework in your fa mily?
Do you argue about housework in your fa mi ly? Give examples.
W hat housework do you hate doing? W hat don't you mind doing?
Is there any housework you like doing?
~ p. 28
a Match the words and pictures.
cha nging rooms
shop assistant
take sth back
trol ley f basket
try sth o n
b 2 28 >)) Li ten a nd check.
c Cover t he words and look at the pictures. Say the word s.
p fit or suit?
If clothes don't fit you, it means they are the wrong size
(e.g. too big, too small, too tight, too loose}.
If clothes don't suit you, it means they don't look good on
a Read the tex t about shopping online. Then complete it
with words fro m the li st.
account ,·!.;;wnt auction :d,Jn basket 'hu:-..1.:11
checkout t.fck< ot delivery d1'll\ ,I 1 item a1t;-~mf
size '· 1
Shopping online
When you are shopping online, first you go to the 1website.
The first time you use a site you usually have to create an
_ _ _, where you give your personal details. You then
choose what you want to buy, and click on each
If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right
or 5
! Everything you buy goes into your shopping bag
usually at the top right of the page. When you
are ready to pay you click on 'proceed to
then have to give
your 7
address where you want
them to send your things, and give your 8
for example your credit card number and expiry date.
Many people today also buy and sell things online at
sites like eBay.
b 2 29 >)) Lis ten and check.
~ p.31
9 _ __
Describing a town or city
Look at the m ap. T hen read the description
ofR eading a nd S
the correct words o r
Reading is a town in the sout h I north of England,
on the River Thames I the Sout h coast. It is
about 40 miles east I west of London. It is a
small I medium sized I large town and it has a
population of about 250,000. It is famous for
its music fest ival, which is one of the biggest in
t he UK.
2)46 >)) Listen and ch eck.
2 WHAT'S IT LIKE? adjectives to
describe a town or city
a Put th e wo rd s in the r igh t colum n .
a M atch the adjectives a nd sentences 1- 6.
east!€ "- ... 1 cathedral 1 -,ot:dr
church J...:tJ
mosque '1 hk
department store l I p• ' I 1:1111 ~t _,. market 1
shopping centre .I )J
"l t;)
town hall l
t lu
bo rin g •n:ruJ
, 1d tdl
d angerous
mod ern
Religious buildings
Places where you can
buy things
Historic buildings and
noisy ""'"
polluted p.1'lu:t1 I
1 There are a lo t of ba rs and clubs w ith lo ud
2 T he air is very d irty.
3 T here are too many people.
4 T he build ings were all b uilt quite recently.
5 T here's nothing to do.
6 Yo u have to be ca reful , especially at ni ght.
b Match these ad jectives w ith their o pposites
in a.
clean k h.11 empt y t.
exeffirtg "\atl 1 interesting 1 trc-.tnj/
old -.. 1ld quiet k. q 11 safe "'-' f
2 47 >)) Listen a nd check your answers to a
and b.
d Cover th e w ords a nd loo k at the sentences.
R em ember the adjectives and t heir
o pposites.
2 4 8 >)) Liste n a nd check.
W hich of the places in a a re there f a ren't t here in your cit y?
!,here's a cathedral and some churches.
~e isn't a castle.
<Ill( p.39
Opposite verbs
a Match the verbs and pictu res.
arrive (early ) . . . ,
break (your [Jlasses) '' c1k
buy (a house)
find (your keys) md
forget (a name) . .,
lend (money to somebody)
miss (a train)
pass (an exam) •:-;
push (the door) r f,
send (au email) '>L 11d
start (a race) " l,
teach (En[Jlish)
tu rn o n (the TV) ·n 'on
win (a match) '1r
b Find the o ppo ite verb in the list.
Write them in the Opposite column .
borrow (from somebody)
catch 1.. ·
fail \.!1
get I receive l!L 1 n'~m
learn b n
leave li
lose (x2) I t
mend I repair
•nd n pcd.
stop I finish
>r fm1_f,
turn off
3 2 >)) Li ten a nd check.
d Cover the verbs a nd look at the pictures.
Remember the ve rb a nd their o pposites.
~ p.44
Verb forms
Complete the to+ verb column w ith to+ a verb fro m the list.
be bring buy catch drive find get married
ge (x2) help pay rain see turn off
to+ verb
We've decided
I decide
Don't fo rget all the lights.
2 forget
We ho pe you agai n soon.
3 hope
I'm learning . My test's next month.
I need to the superma rket. We don't have any milk.
5 need
He offered me wi th my CV.
6 offer
T hey're planning soon.
7 plan
He pretended ill, but he wasn't really.
8 pretend
promised me back when he gets a job.
your dictionaries to class tomorrow.
10 remember Remember
and it sta rted
11 start
I'm trying a job, but it's very ha rd.
12 try
I want the six o'clock train .
13 want
a new car next month .
14 would like I'd like
3 25 >)) Listen a nd check.
Cover the to+ verb column. Say the sente nces.
~ p. 53
Complete the gerund column w ith a ve rb from the list in the gerund.
be cook do have make rain read talk tidy wake up work
go on (= continue)
(don't) mind
spend (time)
feel like
1 enjoy in bed.
Have you finished
your room?
I'm 60.
I wa nt to go on
I bate late when I'm meeting someone.
I li ke breakfast in a cafe.
I love on a sunny morning.
I don't mind
the ironing. It's quite relaxi ng.
She spends hours on the phone.
It starred at 5.30 in the mornin g.
Please stop such a noise. I can't th ink.
I don't feel like today. Let's go out for lunch.
• start can be used wit h a gerund or infinitive, e.g. It started raining. It started to rain.
3 29 >)) Listen and check.
Cover the gerund column. Say
the entences.
~ p.SS
pget .
get IS one of the most common verbs in
English: It has several different meanings,
e.g. amve, become, and can also be used with
many prepositions or adverbs with different
meanings, e.g. get up, get on with.
a Match the phrases and the pic tures.
Bet= become (+adjective 1past participle)
get angry
ge t divorced
get fit
get lost
gcr married
ger nervous
Bet= become ( + comparative)
get better
get colder
get worse
Bet= buy I obtain
get a job
get a newspaper
ger a ticket
set+ preposition (phrasal verbs)
get o n I off a bu
get o n (well) with
get up
set (to)= arrive
get ho me
ger ro chool
get ro wo rk
net= receive
get an email
get a present
get a (text) message
3 55 >)) Listen and check.
c C ove r the phrases and look at the pictures.
Test yourself or a partner.
~ p.61
Confusing verbs
M atch the verbs and pictu res.
wear wc:l
carry ka:ri
a ba[J
a baby
wi n \\ 1n
a medal
a prize
a match
ear n .n.
a sala~y
know n1o
somebody well
meet 111 :
somebody for thefirst time
at 11 o'clock
ho pe h;'l(JP
that somethinB
good will happen
to dosth
wait \I,Cil
for a bus
fo r a lon[J time
watch wot.~
a match
look at lok <ct/
a phot o
your watch
look luk
about 25 years old
look like lok huk
y our mother
a model
miss nH'>
the bus
a class
los e lu:z
a match
your [Jlasses
bring hnn
take L'lk
an umb1·ella
your dictionary
sth back f rom holiday your childre11 to school
look for dol
your [Jlasses
find ',und
your glasses
say -.u
son y
something to sb
te ll t...
a joke
a lie
so111ebody something
lend 1.. 1d
mo11ey to sb
borrow hn "'0
money from sb
4 5 >)) Listen a nd check.
Work w ith a partner. A say a ve rb, B say a
possible con t in uat io n .
Wait~ ~
<Ill( p.63
for a bus
hope and expect
hope = t o want st h t o happen and think it will happen, always
for positive things, e.g. I hope I'll pass the exam.
expect = to think sth will happen, usually for a reason (not
necessarily a positive t hing), e.g. I expect I'll fail because I
haven't worked very hard.
look and look like
After look we use an adjective or an age.
After look like we use a noun.
a Match th e words and pictures.
pider . ,.
bull '
chicke n
., t
bi rd l
ca mel
crocodile " nbd,ul
'-' .·m
kanga roo
mouse (plural 111ice)
4 17 l)) Listen and ch eck.
c Cover t he words a nd look a t
the pictu res. Test yourself or
a part ne r.
~ p.68
Expressing movement
Match the words and pictures.
under (th e bridBe)
along (the street)
:l lnt.J
round / around (the lake) wund a r.umd
through (the tunnel) lh
into (the shop) ·•· tL
across (the road) ..,
over (the bridBe)
p (the steps) r
past (the church) J·u·..,t
towards (the lake)
dow n (the steps)
"I\\ .1:d1
o ut of (the shop) .ot
in(to) and out (of)
After a verb of movement we use either
in I out or into I out of+ place, e.g.
Come in. Come into my office.
He ran out. He ran out of the room.
4 57 >)) Listen and check.
C ove r the words. Where did S now y go?
~e went down the s teps ...
away, off, and back
We use away to express movement to
another place, e.g. Go away! I don't want to
speak to you. The man ran away when he saw
the policeman.
We use back to express movement to the place
where something or somebody was before,
e.g. After dinner we went back to our hotel.
Their dog ran away and never came back.
We use of( to express movement down or
away, e.g. Get off the bus at the railway
station. The man ran off when he saw the
~ p. 84
Phrasal verbs
a Match the e ntences and the pic tures.
The match will be over at about 5.30.
I need to give up smoking.
Don't throw away that letter!
Turn down the mu ic! It's very loud .
Turn up the T V! I can't hear.
He looked up the words in a dictionary.
Could you fill in this form?
I want to find out about hotels in Madrid.
It's bedtime- go and put on your pyjamas.
Could you take off your boots, please?
My sister's looking after Jimmy for me today.
I'm rea lly looking forward to the holidays.
2>)) Listen a nd check.
c Cover the sentences and look at the pictures.
Remember the phrasal verbs.
d Look at these other phrasal verbs from Files
l- 10. Ca n you remembe r what they mean ?
come on
go away (for the weekend)
go out (at night)
stand up
sit down
turn on (the TV)
turn off (the TV)
try on (clothes)
give back (someth ing you've borrowed)
take back (something to a shop)
call back (later)
pay back (money you've borrowed)
switch off (the air conditioning)
write down (the words)
put away (e.g. clothes in a cupboard)
pick up (something on the floor)
carry on (doing something)
look for (something you've lost)
get on f off (a bus)
get on with (a person)
~ p.87
Type 1 = no object
The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
I get up at 7.30.
Type 2 =+object
The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) can be separated.
Turn the TV on. OR Turn on the TV.
Type 3 = + object
The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
Look for your keys. NOT l::eek-yet:JF-keys-fer.
5 29 >))
Past simple
Past participle
learn I:J:n
learnt b:nt
leave In
left left
lend knd
lent lent
let let
lose lu:/
make metkl
made mcu..l
meet mi:tl
met met
pay pet /
paid pe1d
put pot
read ri:dl
read red
\ read red
ring r•o
rang r<co
rung r.... IJ
run nn
ran ncn
said ·...cd/
Past simple
Past participle
be ht
was wn7
were \\J:
been hi:n
become ht'l.. 'm
became bt kcm1
begin ht'gm
began ht'y<cn
begun bt'y.,n/
break hrcJt...
broke h
bring hruJ
brought hr.1:t
build hlld
built hilt
buy bat
bought b;):t
can kren
could 1kud
catch ka:tf
caught b:tl
choose tJu:7/
come !;,m
came kctm
cost kn'>t
cut k.\t
see \i:
saw <,;):
seen \i:nl
sell -.el
sold '"~ld l
send ... end
sent ,.,entl
shut J't
sing '>IIJ
sang 'sa:o'
sung ......,IJ.I
sit "''
sleep .,IJ:p
sat -.<ct
slept 'slept
speak .,pd
spoke "P~k
spoken ·.,p:lok:ln
spend -.rend
chosen 'tJ~znl
do du:
did dtd
done J,n
drink dnokl
drank dr:.clJk
drunk tdnl]kl
drive dnuv
drove 1dr~ov
driven t'dnvn /
eat i:t
eaten 'i:tn
fall h:l
fell kl
fallen 'f:>:bn
feel fi:l
felt fdt
find famd
fly fl.ll
flew 1'1
r ond
ln~t /
spent '>pent
stand ..,ta:nd
stood ·\tod
st ood
steal -.tt:l
stole ... t;'I(JII
swim "" 1111
swam "''a:m
swum ..,,, 'm
take tctk
t ook tok
taken 'te1k.:ln
teach tJ.tf
taught t '\'.t
tau g ht
tell tel
told l;'l(lld
think 011)k
thought 0.1:1
thrown Or:1on
forgot h'ynt
forgotten f:1'gntn
get 'ge
got gnt
give ·gl\
gave '<-ICI\
given 'gt\n
went ''cnt
gone ynn
grow 'goo
grew qru:
grown 1gr:l(JO
have ha:v
had ha.
hear ht,,
heard I .;:d
understa nd
\lllb -.ta:ml
hit htt
woke '' :10!-..
wore '' 1:
worn \\'\:n
won ""n
written rnn
- - --+--keep ki.p
kept 1-.t. 1t
wake ''e'k
knew ,· 1:
known n 1<m
write ntt
Irregular verbs
have got
• Yo u ca nu e havc[Jotin stead of have fo r
po es ion in th e present.
I've got a bike. = I have a bike.
H ave you [JO t a ca r?= Do yo u have a car?
• We also usc lwve [JO L to talk about fa mily
and illnes e , a nd to descr ibe people.
I've got two sisters. l-Ie's [JO t a cold.
She's [JO t IOII[J brow11 hair.
• have [JOL is not used in the past. For past
possession usc had.
I had a pet cat 111he11 I was a child.
D id you h ave a pet?
• l'venot. .. f llaveyo" not. .. ? is co mmon in
the K especially in conver arion. bur
I It ave ... f Do you have ... ? i al o common.
l're got a brother a nd two i ter .
3 45 l))
I haven't got a ny pet .
he' got a beautiful house.
He hasn't go t ma ny friends.
Have they got a ny children? o. they haven't.
Has the hotel got a wimming pool? Yes, it has.
full form
I have got
I've got
1haven't got
You have got
You've got
He I She I It has got
He I She I It's got
He I She I It hasn't got
We have got
We've got
We haven't got
You've got
You haven't got
They've got
They haven't got
--You have got
--They have got
You haven't got
Have I got
Have we got
I haven't.
you have.
you haven't.
Have you got
Has he I he I it got
I have.
a car?
he I she I it has.
we have.
he I she I it hasn't.
we haven't.
Have you got
you have.
you haven't.
Have they got
they have.
they haven't.
a Write G. 8 a nd [1] sente nces with t h e co rrec t fo rm o f
b Comp le te the se nte nces wi th th e ri gh t fo rm o f have [JO t .
have [JO t.
t hey/ big ho use G They've [JO t a big house.
I she/ a ny brothe r G
you / big fl at [1]
we/ a lo r of wo rk today G
your ister /a boyfriend [1]
Roger a nd Va l / a beautiful ga rde n
1/ a really good teac he r G
My b rother / a job at the mo me nt
they/ the a me colo ur eye G
we/ a meeting tod ay [1]
he / ma ny friends a t work G
They love a n ima ls. T hey've go t two dogs a nd fi ve ca ts.
my umbrella today.
I hope it d oesn't rai n - I
your p hone
a good ca me ra?
a new i Pad . D o you wa nt to see it ?
Sorry kids, l __
e no ugh mo ney ro buy sweet .
Ja ne ___ 50 pa irs of hoe - ca n you believe it?
I ca n 't call h im now - I
a signa l o n my pho ne.
your keys? I ca n't fi nd mine.
Maria's so lucky- he
lovely c urly hair.
One mo re qu e rio n, M r )o ne .
any qualifications?
We mig ht have problems getti n g the re b eca use we
a tn av in o ur ca r.
~ p.59
Vowel sounds
u su al spelling
thin slim
history kiss
if since
- ·
! butalso
u su al s pelling
English wo men
busy decide
repeat gym
su nny must n't
fu nny ru n
lucky cut
co me docs
someo ne enough
yo ung touch
change wake
tra iners fa il
away pa)
break stea k
g reat overweight
they grc:
o pen ho pe
wo n't so
coat goa l
snow th [()\\
a ltho ugh
! butals o
feel sheep
teach mea n
she we
people machine
key niece
[!] •
cap hat
back catch
ca rry match
fa r la rge
ca r f
fast pass
a fter
aunt laugh
quiet item
Sh) wh)
igh m ight sights
to p lost
so cks w rong
ho t box
what wash
wa nt because
water auctio n
bought thought
abroad war m
wo ul d sho ul d
wo man
eer beer enginccr
ere here \vc'rc
ear bea rd ea r r ings
really idea
air a ir port stair
pair hair
are sq uare ca re ful
their there
wea r bear
bu) eyes
tro users ro und
acco unt blo use
ow crm\ ded dO\\ n
or bo r ing no rth
wa lk ba ll
aw a\\ ful sa\\
co in noisy
po int
toy enjo}
hor e
[! Po
pull pu h
football book
look good
oo school cho ose
u * use po lluted
ew few knew
do sui t jui ce
shoe lose
thro ugh
co mputer
Ma ny d iffe rent spell ings.
/;)/ is always un stressed.
clever nervo us a rri ve po lice
invento r agree
person ver b
d irty shirt
curly tu r n
ear n wo r k
wo rld wo rse
pcll lend
west send
ve ry red
friend ly weather
swea ter a ny
sai d
A very unu ual sound .
Eu rope fur io us sure plura l
A sound between /J/ a nd /i:/.
Con o n ant+ y at the end of words is
pronounced /if.
happ) angry thi rsty
An unusual sound.
ed ucatio n usually
- --------'
*especially befo re consonant + e
situ at ion
short vowels
lo ng vowels
Consonant sounds
-~- - -
but a lso
u s u a l s p e lling
th ing th row
hea lt hy o uth
math bo th
neithe r the
clothes su nbarh e
th at with
camping across
l irr l ind
checko ut pick
b u t a lso
che m isr's stomach
m o qu ito acco unt
g row goa t
forget beg in
foggy leggings
fi nd a fraid safe
elephant nephew
off di fferent
enough laugh
v ideo v isit
10\ cly im ent
0\ c r ri\ e r
linlc lc
plan inc redible
wi ll troll ey
r ight
t ry te ll
ta rt la te
bcn cr itt ing
wa I ked d resscd
rca lly rc t
pract ice t ry
borrow ma rried
"rittcn "rong
o ne o nce
\\ e b ire t \\ ins
\\ Orried \\ in
"hy \\ h ic h wh ale
) ct ) ca r
" itc h
d id dead
hard rold
add ress m idd lc
loved tired
)- acht
mi '>'> me.,.,age
place c ircle
'> tOP'>
...cic nce
mo nkey
)-OUn g ) Oga
before u u seful u niform
~ :.
<,h ur -.hoes
j -. ugar -. ure
w a'>h in g fin i~h
mach ine
t i (+ vowel)
mo ustac he
pa ti c nr in for m ati o n
c i+a
p ccial mu icia n
ho use
a ngry ri ng
along thi ng
bri ng going
thin k tha n k
h at h are
a head pe rh aps
h ire helpfu l
'' ho "ho e
An unu ua I o und.
revisio n d eci'>io n con fu'>ion u-. ua lly garage
kn ow
n eed
no ne a ny
fu nny di nn er
mo untain m odern
reme m ber e mai l
su mmer wimm ing