TalkAbouta Talk Use the following link to access the Google Doc version: CLICK HERE! It will force you to make a copy of this document and you can edit it to your liking. You can also print this PDF and hand it out to your class. ENJOY! TED TALK PreTalk Title of TEDTalk Name of Speaker: TED TALK While Watching Take notes here as you watch: TED TALK After Watching How did the speaker establish credibility? Summarize the TEDTalk: DATE of TEDTalk What was the speaker’s main thesis? How did the speaker support his/her thesis? Give at least three specific examples. ● ● ● What are the THREE most important things you learned from this TEDTalk? 1. 2. 3. Name at least one question you still have for the speaker or about the topic. What is your BIGGEST takeaway from the speech? OPTIONAL Final Thoughts: