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Climate Change & India's Agriculture: Impacts & Solutions

Climate Change and India's Agriculture
Erratic Monsoons
Droughts and Water
Increased Pest & Disease
Rising temperatures and
Warmer temperatures can
may require farmers to
agriculture. Climate change
changing precipitation
create favorable conditions
adapt by changing the types
can lead to altered monsoon
patterns can result in more
for the proliferation of pests
of crops they grow, which
patterns, including delayed
frequent and severe
and diseases that damage
can impact supply and
or erratic rainfall, which can
droughts, leading to water
crops, reducing yields and
demand dynamics.
affect crop planting and
scarcity issues for irrigation
and drinking water for both
India relies heavily on the
monsoon season for its
Shifts in Crop Suitability
Altered climate conditions
crops and livestock.
Climate change poses major threats to India's agriculture industry, impacting crop yields, food security, and demand patterns.
However, both the government and individuals can take action to mitigate these impacts.
Government Programs and Measures
National Mission for
Agriculture (NMSA)
Pradhan Mantri
Krishi Sinchayee
Yojana (PMKSY)
National Agricultural
Insurance Scheme
Promotion of
Crop & Improved
Weather Forecasting
A government initiative to
A central sector scheme
A government-backed
promote sustainable
that aims to provide water
insurance scheme
Government promoted
agriculture practices
to every farm field and
designed to provide
the adoption of climate-
across the country
improve water use
protection to farmers
resilient crop varieties
against yield losses due to
through research and
natural calamities
extension services.
Improved weather
forecasting and early
warning systems for
extreme weather events.
Personal and Community Actions
Encouraging Rural
Sustainable Agriculture
Community Seed Banks
Organic farming, crop
Establishing community seed
By creating markets within
rotation, coutour plowing &
banks can help preserve
Integrate trees and shrubs for
rural areas for locally grown
cover crops to reduce
indigenous crop strains that
shade, windbreaks, and
produce, farmers can
chemical inputs, enhance soil
can better withstand the
additional income. Methods
generate an additional source
health, and sequester carbon.
impacts of climate change.
like crop diversification
should be taught as well.
of income while promoting
the local economy.
Promoting sustainable
agriculture through education
and financial support can
help farmers produce higher
Agroforestry & Crop
adaptations like collaborating
with other farmers to reduce
the risks of climate hazards.
yields and earn more income.
Consumer Choices
Education and Training
Water Conservation &
Farmers' Cooperatives
Choose locally grown,
Seek out training and
seasonal, and organic
information on climate-
produce, reduce food waste,
resilient farming techniques,
Conserve water with rainwater
negotiate prices, and access
and limit meat consumption.
weather forecasting, and
harvesting and efficient
resources for climate-resilient
disaster preparedness.
irrigation to mitigate drought
impacts. Reducing water
usage through drip irrigation.
Invest in renewable energy
sources and energy-efficient
Form cooperatives to
collectively market produce,