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Weinstein Scandal: PR & MeToo Case Study

Lily Ali
Professor DeVries
MEDIA 214 - Case Study 1
September 13th 2023
Case Study: Publicity Punctures a Powerful Pariah
1. Had you been PR director of The Weinstien Company, what would you have done
relative to allegations of Harvey Weinstien’s sexual harassment?
To be honest, I would’ve left exactly like his original public relations firms did once the news
broke exposing him. To play devil's advocate, my first action would be creating a game plan and
speaking to Weinstien first to understand the gravity of these allegations and what his end goal is
when fighting them. I would mainly focus not on the allegations but on the positive impacts
Weinstien has had on the world of film and emphasize instances in which he was empowering or
helping women and men. I think it would also be important to speak on his character and not
establish that he did or didn’t do something but that his character now is not the same as it once
was before. Despite all these efforts, I don’t think it would be effective enough to combat the
amount of people speaking out against him and the victims' testimonies as well.
2. Had you been public relations director for NBC, what would you have advised
relative to airing Ronan Farrow’s story on Weinstein?
If I was a part of NBC’s public relations team, I would have allowed the publication of Farrow’s
story on the basis that this would bring a lot of traction to the company and it is an important
story that needs to be heard. As a company, NBC should stand with sexual assault survivors and
believing victims, especially from a credible and well researched source such as one of our own
reporters. Additionally they should stand with the concept of well sourced and exposé journalism
that comes from their own reporters, especially with a case this large.
3. What would you have advised Lisa Bloom regarding continuing to work for
Weinstien? David Boies? Sitrick & Company?
I would have advised Bloom to leave when the allegations first came out, it baffles me that she
stayed for as long as she did. With her background, she could have potentially been a great
guiding factor in helping Weinstien’s image but it isn’t and wasn’t enough overall to alleviate
him from the consequences of his actions. Her own personal motives clouded her judgment and
this eventually caught up to her when she eventually decided to leave. She could have taken her
time with Weinstien and capitalized off it in many different ways, especially with the background
she has.
4. What recommendations would you make to the MeToo campaign going forward?
To be honest, I don’t have any recommendations that haven’t already been made in regard to the
MeToo campaign. I would place emphasis on empowering these women’s voices and emphasize
that there is no need to be scared of these powerful individuals when speaking out against them,
Weinstien’s case is an example of why. I would also begin to place some emphasis on male and
non-binary individuals who have been victimized and need their voices heard, not just women.
But with this being said, it cannot take away from the inherently violent and sexualized female
experience that exists in a highly patriarchal and capitalist society that breeds victims and
abusers based on wants and needs.