RUBRIC FOR THE POSITION PAPER Criteria Excellent 9-10 pts The Position is supported with welldeveloped and thought out reasons. The arguments show strong analysis and conclusions based on the information. Good 7 -8 pts The Position is supported with welldeveloped and thought out reasons. The arguments are well presented, but analysis and conclusions need to be strengthened. Literature Review (Variety, alignment, and relevance of evidence) 30% The paper is supported with 10 valid sources which are properly cited. Information is relevant and supports the position of the writer. Organization (Adherence to the required The paper follows the required format accurately. The ideas are well organized and Content (depth, focus and clarity of the position) 40% Poor 3-4 pts. The Position is vague and the arguments are inconsistent and repetitive. The analysis and conclusions are weak. The paper is supported with 8-9 valid sources which are properly cited. Information is relevant and supports the position of the writer. Fair 5-6 pts. The Position is supported with reasons. The arguments are presented but are too general and need to be developed further. Deeper analysis and conclusions are needed. The paper is supported only with 6-7 sources. Proper citation is needed. Information is quite relevant and supports the position of the writer. The paper mostly followed the required format. The ideas are well The required format was not properly followed and the flow needs to be The paper did not follow at all the required format. The flow is very The Paper lacks support from valid and accurate sources. Some of the information is not relevant and does not support the position of the writer. Score format, flow, free of mechanical and consistency) errors. Coherence is (20%) very much evident. Timely Submission (Punctuality and proper submission) (10%) Total The paper was submitted on or before the due time using epnu (LMS) organized but very minimal mechanical errors are observed. Coherence is also evident. The paper was submitted late (1-2 days) using e-pnu (LMS) strengthened. Mechanical errors are present in many parts of the paper. inconsistent. Numerous mechanical errors are present throughout the paper. The paper was submitted late (3-4 days) using e-pnu (LMS) or other unacceptable platforms. The paper was submitted late (5more days) using epnu (LMS) or other unacceptable platforms.