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Body Code System 2.0: Health, Wealth, Happiness

Dr. Nelson's
The Ultimate Health, Wealth & Happiness Solution
The Body Code System
of Natural Healing
(Version 2.0)
By Dr. Bradley Nelson
D isclai mer: "The i nformation contained i n these mate rials is i ntended for
pe rsonal use and not for the practice of any heal i n g art, except where
perm itted by law. N o representation contained i n these m aterials is
i ntended as med ical advice and shou ld not be used for d i ag nosis or
med ical treatment . "
Copyright 2009-2013 Dr. Bradley Nelson & Wellness Unmasked, Inc.
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
I wou ld l i ke to g ive special than ks to all those who have hel ped me to
revise and i ncrease the knowledgebase that is now presented to you as
The Body Code 2 . 0 .
Special thanks to N atalie N e l so n , for h e r tireless efforts a n d 1 8 hou r+ days
of ed iti ng , rewriti ng , and photoshopping ; to Jean N e l son for her special
writi ng and proofread i n g efforts ; to Josh N elson for his contri butions and
research ; to Con n i e Barton for keeping eve rything movi ng and on track,
and to the rest of our staff, Becky Ki l l ia n , Kristi N e lso n , Chan e l l e Lu ndah l ,
Drew N e lson , Mary R u i z , and Travis Sudweeks for thei r ideas and
suggestion s , and for keeping all the movi ng parts of the busi ness ai rborn e ,
allowing me t h e t i m e t o work on this special project.
Special thanks also to our practitioners , for thei r ideas , encou rage ment and
support , and for their love of this amaz i ng heal ing work.
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Table ofContents .... .
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THE BODY CODE SYSTEM 2.0 Introduction.... ..
Copyright & Disclaimer .. ... ........ .... .
About The Author
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The Doctor of the Future
The Cause and Prevention of Disease
Understanding Energy
A Dual Nature
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Seeing the Energy Field
Kirlian Photograph of a Leaf
The Energy Body
The Spirit Within
M essages From Water
Love and Gratitude
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Conscious vs. Subconscious
The Conscious Mind
The Subconscious Mind
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Muscle Testing
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Muscle Testing Others
P rop e r Finger Placem ent
Tips for Testing Others
Reasons You M ight Be U ntestabl e
The Sway Test
Hole-in-O n e M ethod
Hand Solo M ethod
Ring-i n-Ring M ethod
E lbow Test M ethod
Tips for Self-Testing
A Gift from God
Do Not Use M uscle Testing to M ake Big D e cisions!
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Surrogate Testing
Proxy Testing
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E stab lishing a Connection
Breaking th e Connection
P roxy Testing Whil e Alone
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Working with Animals
The Present Dilemma
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Chasing Symptoms
Medical Ideas Change
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The "Fight or Flight" Reaction
Stres s O p e n s the Door to Ill ness
The Tailspin
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Table of Contents
[TH E BO DY CO D E 2.0]
Six Types of Imbalance Lead to All Disease
Getting Permission
Don't Play Doctor
Cancer ..
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Healing is a Sacred Calling
Your Belief Determines Your Reality
Ingredients for Success
The Power of Intention
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Magnifying Your Intention . .
Directing your Intention
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Warnings About Magnets
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Tools Other Than Magnets
Nikken Magnets .
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Emotional Energies
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Symptoms of Trapped Emotions .
The Emotion Code Chart .................................................................................................................................................... 58
Where Emotions Lodge and Why .. . .
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What You Don't See
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Identifying Trapped Emotions
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The Trapped Emotion Flow Chart .... . . . . .
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O n e at a Time
Trapped Emotions ..
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Measuring the Heart's Magnetic Field
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Emotional Effects of a Heart-Wall .
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Building Materials of the Heart-Wall
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The Heart-Wall is a Bomb Shelter
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Heart Transplants ................................................................................................................................................................. 68
The Heart-Wall
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The Heart-Wall Flow Chart. .
Variations of Trapped Emotions ... . . .
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Ne sting
Absorb e d Emotions
Prenatal E motions
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Inherited Emotions .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
Dis covering Inherited Emotions
Clearing from M u ltipl e Recipients .
I n h e rite d Hop elessness
The Veil of M e mory
Preconception Emotions
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Emotional Resonance.......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Post- Traumatic Energies
Inflammation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Miasm .
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Physical Trauma
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Psychic Trauma . .
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Allergies and Intolerances
Physical Allergies . . ... . . . ..... .
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Idea Allergies
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Food Intolerances . . . . . . .
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Mental Energies
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Table of Contents
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Broadcast Messages
Memory Field
Will to Die
No Will To Live
Despair Anchors
Need for T3 Session
Addictive Heart Energy
Offensive Energies
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
I nvers ion
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D i sembodied S p i rits
Evil S p i rits
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C i rcuit Breaker
The O rga ns and Glands Have C i rcuits
The O rgans 1 Glands I M u scle Connections
Paired O rgans and Glands
The O rgans and Glands Generate E motions
Happy O rgans
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Testing for Contentedness
Testing for Happy O rgans
O rgan and Gland I mbalance Correction
The Glands
Adrenal Glands
Pineal Gland
Parathyroid Gland
Pituitary Gland
Pituitary Muscle Connections
Thymus Gland
Thyroid Gland
The Colon
The Heart
Ileocecal Valve
Small Intestine
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Table of Contents
The Organs
10 4
10 4
The "Usual Suspects"
The Chakras
The Body's Energy Centers
Chakra Symbols, Colors and Associations
The Crown Chakra
The Brow Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Sacral Chakra
The Root Chakra
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The Acupuncture Meridians
The Five Element Theory
The Diurnal Cycle
Yin a n d Ya ng
The Twelve Standard M e ridians and Collateral Channels
16 1
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The 12 Standard Meridians and Collateral Channels
Taiyin Lung M e ridian of Han d
Shaoyin Heart M e ridia n of Hand
J u eyin P ericardium M e ridian of th e Hand
Shaoyang Sanjiao M eridian of the Hand
Taiyang Small I ntestine M e ridian of the Ha nd
Yangming Large I ntestin e M e ridian of the Hand
Taiyin Spleen M e ridian of the Foot
S haoyin Kidney M e ridian of the Foot
J u eyin Liver M e ridian of the Foot
Shaoyang Gallblad der M e ridian of the Foot.
Taiyang Bladder M e ridian of the Foot
Yangming Stomach M e ridian of the Foot
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The 8 Extraordinary Meridians
17 6
Governing M e ridian (D u Mai)
Conception M e ridian (Ren M ai)
Pen etrating M e ridian (Chong M ai)
Gird le M e ridian (D ai M ai)
Yin Linking M e ridian (Yin Wei M ai)
Yang Linking M e ridian (Yang Wei M ai)
Yin Heel M eridia n (Yin Qiao M ai)
Yang Heel M e ridia n (Yang Qiao M ai)
The D e ntal M e ridians
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Our Dual Nature
The Spirit- Body Template
The I nterface
Circulatory system
Digestive system
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Table of Contents
18 1
Spirit/Physical Disconnection
Spirit Out of Body Disconnection
Spirit/Spirit Disconnection
Physical/ Physical Disconnection
Morning Sickness Disconnection
17 4
18 2
1 86
1 87
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0)
Endocrine System
Immune System
Integumentary system
Lymphatic System
Muscular System
Nervous system
Reproductive System
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Urinary System
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Energetic Treatment o f Toxins
Heavy Metals
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Stress Hormones
Metabolic Waste
Free Radicals
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The Six Pernicious Influences
Electromagnetic (EM) Toxins
EMF /Cellular Radiation
Fluorescent Lights
Scalar Energy
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Food Additives
S ugar
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Medical Toxins
M edications
2 10
Recreational Drugs
Al cohol
Cocain e
E cstasy
He roin
M arij uana
M escaline
M u s h room s
Nitrous Oxide
Toba cco
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Table of Contents
2 12
2 13
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Environmental Chemicals
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Bu ilding M aterials
Pesticides and Herbici des
G M O Food s
Cos metics
Cleaning Supplies
P rions
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Microbial Toxins
Dental Toxins
2 17
2 17
C avitations
Root Canals
M e rcury Amalgam Fillings
Toxins and Obesity
The Food Pyramid
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Nutrient Deficiency
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Nutrient Deficiency Evaluation
Physical Malnutrition
Spiritual Malnutrition
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Nutritional Ideas Change
M i lk
What's Right for Your Body
... .. . . . 2 2 9
Food Quality
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Dealing With Toxins
Heavy M etal Cleanses
Colon Cleanses
O pti m u m Health In stitute
l sagenix
Liver / Gall Bladder Cleanse
Liver Cleanse
Kidney Stone Flush
Gallbladder Cleanse
2 17
Foods Explanation
The P rice-Pottenger Institute
Herbs Explanation
Magnetic Field Deficiencies
Nikken Magnets
E n rol! as a Nikke n Wellness Consultant
Outside Needs
Color Deficiency
pH Imbalance
Testing You r p H
Changing You r p H
24 1
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History of Chiropractic
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Table of Contents
2 44
24 5
Structure Affects Function
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Misalignment (Subluxation)
The Lungs
The Gallbladder
The Liver
Uterus and Ovaries
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All is Energy
Detecting Structural Misalignments
Testing For Corrected Misalignments
Determining Percentage of Brain Communication
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Correcting Misalignments
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Recurring Misalignment
Common Misalignments
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Kidney M i sali gnment
Uterus M i salign m e nt
Stomach M i salignment
Fascia! D i sto rti o n
Disk M isalignments
M i s al ignments of Other Tissues
2 63
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Infections Explanation
A New Understanding
Pathogens Evaluation
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2 65
Path ogens C orrection
Treating Pathogens as Energies
Treating I n fectio ns with Remedies
Wild Oregan o
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Olive Leaf Extract. .
N eem leaf
O rganic, vi rgin cold-pressed co conut oil
C o ll oidal Silver
Activated Sodium Chl orite
Tai Ra Chi and T4
D etermi n i n g D o s ages
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M ol d VS Fungu s
Parasitic Infestation
Treating Infestations with Remedies
When You Can't Find the Answers You Need
Trapped Emotion Flow Chart
Heart-Wall Fl ow Chart
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2 79
3 10
3 13
Nutritional Chart & Recommendations
Dental Relationship Chart
Herb Chart
Psychic Trauma Flow Chart
Hormone Chart
F o ods Chart
Anti- Fungal j Mold Dietary Suggestions
Table of Contents
2 74
2 76
I ntrod uction & Overview
Welcome to The Body Code System , the most com p l ete se lf-study cou rse on natu ral
heal i n g eve r devised , created by Dr. Brad ley N elson . This syste m was developed
ove r decades of cl i n ical and d i stance heal i n g practice , working with real people
suffering from all manner of ai lments . In The Body Code System you will learn what
to do for i m balances i n a l l 6 major areas : pathogens, m i sal i g n ments , n utrition and
l ifestyle, c i rcu its and system s , toxicity, and energ ies.
The Body Code Syste m has been desig ned to be a complete health and we l l ness
g u ide, so that you can feel co nfident in you r knowledge of the body and how it works .
Th is system wi l l h e l p you fi nd and e l i m i n ate the u nderlyi ng causes of i l l ness that
eve n health care profess ionals don 't know about. You 'l l be eq u i pped to prevent
see m i n g ly smal l problems from tu rn i ng i nto someth i ng m uch wo rse and may prevent
d i sease from developing years before it manifests .
The pri mary pu rpose of The Body Code Syste m is as a wel l ness aid and a method
for d i sease preve ntion . This syste m sho u l d never be used for fi rst aid , or as the
primary method of care in cases of se rious d isease , and is not desig ned to take the
place of med ical care .
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The e nti re conte nts of The Body Code Syste m package are p rotected by i nte r n at i o n a l
copyri g ht and trad e m ark l aw s . The own e rs of the copyrig hts and trad e m arks a r e D r . B rad ley
N e l s o n and We l l ness U n m as ked , I n c . , its ass i g n s , affi l i ates , and th i rd party l icensors. Yo u
m ay not mod ify , copy, re p rod uce , repu b l i s h , u p load , post , tra n s m i t , o r d i strib ute i n any
m a n n e r t h e m ate ri a l in this co u rse , i n c l u d i n g text , g ra p h i c s , code , and/o r software . Yo u m ay
pri nt and down load p o rt i o n s of m ate r i a l fro m th e d i fferent sect i o n s of t h i s cou rse solely fo r
yo u r own n o n -co m m e rc i a l u s e , p rovided t h at you do not c h a n g e o r d e l ete any copyrig ht o r
proprietary notices from t h e m ate r i a l s . These m ate r i a l s a r e p rovided fo r i nformat i o n a l
p u rposes o n ly . They s h o u l d n ot be s u bstituted fo r p rofess i o n a l advice o r treat m en t. A l l t h i s
i nformatio n
p rese nted
i n g o o d faith .
Th e
accu racy ,
val i d ity ,
effective n es s ,
co m p l ete ness , o r u sef u l ness of any i nfo rmati o n h e re i n as with i n any p u b l icat i o n can n ot be
g u aranteed .
D r . B rad l ey and We l l ness U n m asked , I n c . accept no respo n s i b i l ity o r l i ab i l ity fo r th e use o r
m i s use o f the i nformation p rovided h e re . W e stro n g l y advise t h at y o u s e e k med i cal advice
fro m yo u r med ical p ractiti o n e r as a p p ro p r i ate before maki ng any health d e c i s i o n s . Th e Body
Code Syste m , u sed in any fo rm , i s n ot a s u bstitute fo r m e d i cal care . T h i s i nformat i o n i s not
i ntended as med i cal advice and s h o u l d not be u sed for med i cal d i ag n o s i s o r treatment.
I nfo rmatio n
g ive n
yo u
B rad ley
N e lson
i ntended
ph ys i c i an/pat i e nt re l at i o n s h i p , n o r s h o u l d it be co n s i d e red a rep l acement fo r co n s u ltat i o n
with a h ealthcare p rofessi o n a l . If yo u h ave q u esti o n s o r c o n c e r n s a b o u t yo u r health , p l e ase
co ntact yo u r healthcare p rovi d e r .
E n e rgy h e al i n g p ro m otes harmony and balance with i n , re l i eves stress and s u p p o rts t h e
body's n atu ral ab i l ity t o h e a l . E n e rg y heal i n g i s w i d e l y reco g n ized a s a val u a b l e a n d
effective co m p l i m e nt t o conve nti o n a l med ical care . The Body C o d e System i s a self- h e l p
method that q u ite often p rod u ces m a rve l o u s res u lts a n d wo n d e rf u l ben efits, both p hysical
and e motio n a l in n at u re . N eve rt h e l e s s , it i s a re l atively new d i scove ry a n d h as not been
t h o ro u g h ly stu d i e d . This syste m i s based o n th e pe rso n a l observat i o n s and expe ri e nces of
Dr. B rad ley N e l so n . You m u st take 1 00% respo n s i b i l ity for yo u r own health , both p hysical
and e m oti o n a l . N e i t h e r t h e author n o r t h e p u b l i s h e r i s respo n s i b l e for any conseq u e n ces
i n cu rred by those e m p loyi ng t h e re m e d i e s o r treatm e nts d i scu ssed o r taug ht h e re i n . Any
a p p l icat i o n of the m ate rial set fo rt h i n this co u rse , i n cl u d i ng DVDs, m a n u a l s , COs, and
software , i s at yo u r d i scret i o n , and i s yo u r s o l e respo n s i b i l ity. D r . B rad ley N e lson m akes no
clai m s reg a rd i n g heal i ng o r recove ry from any i l l n e s s . B y viewi n g o r u s i n g th e i nfo rmat i o n in
Th e Bo dy Code Syste m , yo u co nsent, i n th e eve nt of a d i sp u te o r d i sag ree m e n t , t o t he
exc l u s ive j u risd ict i o n and ve n u e of a co u rt of co m p etent j u risd i ct i o n i n St . G e o rg e , UT, and
to the exc l u s ive u s e of the l aws of Uta h .
Th e i nfo rmat i o n contai ned i n these m ate ri al s is i ntended fo r perso n a l u s e and not for the
p ractice of any heal i n g a rt , except w h e re perm itted by law. N o re p rese ntat i o n conta i ned i n
these m ate r i al s i s i ntended a s med ical advice and s h o u l d not b e u sed fo r d i ag no s i s o r
med i cal treat m e n t .
I ntrod uction & Overview
I g rad uated with honors from Life C h i ropractic
College West, in San Lorenzo , Cal iforn ia i n
1 988 . U nti l 2004 , I was i n private practice as a
holistic c h i ropractic physician specializing i n
treating patients from across the U S and
Canada who were suffering from myste rious
and "i ncu rable" d iseases such as C h ronic
Fatig u e Syndrome an d Fibromyalgia.
I 've lectu red i nternationally on the natu ral
heal i ng of chronic i l l ness , and I 'm also one of
the world 's foremost experts i n the fields of
both emotional wel l ness and mag n etic heal i n g .
I 've deve loped t h i s prod uct, The Body Code, a
si mple yet powe rfu l heal i ng method . I ncluded i n The Body Code is The Emotion
Code, which is my i ntrod uctory level sem i nar as we l l as the title of my fi rst book.
I have been cal led a pioneer i n hol i stic health care , as my methods fi nd and re move
the u nderlyi ng i m balances that cause i l l ness and emotional issues. I bel ieve and
know that once you remove the u nderlying i m balances, the body has an i n n ate
powe r to heal itse lf.
The Doctor of the Future
One of my favorite q u otes is from Thomas Edison . H e sai d ,
"The doctor o f t h e fut u re wi l l g ive no med ic i n e , b u t wi l l i nte rest
h i s patients in the care of the h u man frame , in d i et, and i n the
cau se and prevention of d isease . " The Body Code Syste m is
al l about fi n d i n g the causes of d i sease and cari ng fo r the
h u man body in the health i est and most complete way. By
correcting any i m balances , I bel ieve that we can do a m uch
better job at not only preve nti ng d i sease , but also raising the
q ual ity of l ife in ou rselves and others , lead i ng to a more
con nected and healthy world .
The Cause and Prevention of Disease
S o l v i n g the p u zz l e of w h at c a u s e s d i sease a n d w h at t o d o t o p reve nt i t fro m
deve l o p i n g i s w h at T h e Body C o d e i s a l l abo u t . B y re m ov i ng t h ese causes of
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
d i sease and c re at i n g a state of b a l a n ce i n t h e bod y ,
we c reate pe rfect
co n d i t i o n s fo r the body to h e a l itse lf and stay h e a l t h y .
To tru ly u nderstand the body and how The Body Code
works , we m u st u nderstand energy. Abso l ute ly everything
i n this u n ive rse is made of noth i ng but p u re , vibrati ng
energy. Different t h i ngs are vibrati ng at different
freq uencies, and this d ifference in vibration is what makes
things appear and feel d iffe rent from each other.
You are a being of p u re energ y ! You r u n iq u e vibration is
specific to you and makes you r body what it i s . You r
vibration also makes you r spi rit who you are ; i t is you r
u n iq u e i nte l l igence .
Vibrati n g energy is the master i n g red i e nt i n the
u n iverse . I nvisible energy is al l aro u nd u s i n the form of
rad io waves, x- ray waves, i nfrared , thought waves and
emotions. You can also th i n k of our u n ive rse as a
"Lego" u n ive rse , made u p of l ittle b u i ld i ng blocks cal led
su batomic particles . These are i nfi n itesimally small
u n its of vibrati n g energy. L i ke Legos, differing
arrangements of these l ittle energ ies w i l l prod uce
ato ms of diffe re nt elements , such as hyd roge n , carbon ,
and titan i u m . These atoms can then b e arranged to
make molecu les l i ke prote i n s , fats , and carbohyd rates .
I n you r body, molecu les then come together to make
D N A , which makes you r cel ls , wh ich make you r body.
Q uantu m physics is the study of su batomic particles. lt was
began by Albert E i nste i n and h i s contem poraries , who
devised i ngenious experiments in an attem pt to d i scove r
more about the natu re of these l ittle energ ies . Qu antu m
research revealed that energ ies behave i n d ifferent ways
depend i ng on what the observer is expecting to see. Many
physicists believe that the only explanation for these
mysterious behaviors is that the energ ies with i n the atom
are themselves intelligent to some smal l degree.
I ntrod uction & Overview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
A Dua l Nature
Physical beings (and even items) have a d u al natu re
consisti ng of a physical body and an energy fiel d . Both
aspects of o u r n atu re are made of p u re , i ntel l igent
energy, j u st vibrati n g at d ifferent freq uencies and
certai n ly u n i q u e to us. Th is energy has bee n
researched and prove n real by modern science .
Seeing the Energy Field
The energy fields of people and other l iving t h i ngs are ,
fo r most peo p l e , i nvisi ble to the naked eye . But there is
a way they can be visual ized , than ks to a man named Semyon K i rl ian . I n 1 939 ,
K i rl i an accidental ly d iscove red and developed an amazi ng tech n i q u e , which is now
cal l ed K i rl i an photog raphy. Eve r si nce its d iscovery, there have been reams of
stud ies that have been p u b l ished about K i rl i an
photog raphy and how it shows the h idden energy
field in all l iving t h i n g s .
Here we have a Kirlian photog raph of a l iving leaf
showi ng its energy field . The energy field is strong
and vibrant, shown clearly by the l ig ht com i ng from
the edges . No l ig ht at al l i s used i n K i rl i an
photog raphy; this is a pictu re only of the energy that
is bei ng em itted by the
leaf. A n u mber of years
ago , Russian sci e ntists
made a decl aration that
there exists i n all l iving
th i ngs a plasma energy field . I be l i eve that's exactly
what is shown in these K i rl i an photog raphs. Here i n
this K i rl ian i mage we can see the p l asma energy field
around the fingerti ps of a h u man bei ng . H ealthy,
energetic people e m it a brig hter energy field than
u n h ealthy people. Healers ofte n show brig hter or l arger
energy fields than other peo p l e .
I ntrod uction & Ove rvi ew
Kirlian Photograph of a Leaf
My very favorite K i rl i an photog raph is one where scientists took a l iving leaf off of a
tree . They cut it i n two and d iscarded the u pper half of the leaf. They then
i m med iately took the bottom half of the leaf i nto the i r laboratory, made a K i rl ian
photog raph , and the res u lting i m age is what we see here . The shape of the leaf is
i ntact.
I bel i eve that this u pper part of the leaf that we see i n g host form is actually an
i m age of the energy field of the leaf. Eve n tho u g h the u pper part of the leaf was
re moved physical ly, the energy field of the leaf remai ned i ntact and complete . I
be l i eve that eve ry l iving th i ng wou ld expe rience the same phenomenon if exposed to
a s i m i lar c i rcumstance ; the energy field wou l d remai n i ntact no matter what
happened to the physical .
This Kirl ian photog raph of the leaf is analogous to the
energy field that is with i n each of us. This energy field
goes by many diffe rent names- the prana, the chi or qi,
the life force, the spirit and the energy body. Cal l it
what you wi l l , I bel i eve al l these names are descri b i n g
t h e s a m e th i n g .
I be l ieve that God created everyth i ng spi ritu ally before
he created anyth i n g physical ly- sort of l i ke an energetic
bl ueprint for the physical body. lt is l i ke a template that
the physical body g rows i nto and fi l l s i nto . I also be l i eve
that the spi rit is what defi nes who we really are ; it is o u r
i nte l l igence . If you go t o a fu neral a n d look at t h e person lyi ng i n t h e casket , it's
obvious that there i s someth i ng that has changed . You can feel the absence of the
i ndividual even tho u g h the body may eve n appear the same . lt's j u st an em pty s h e l l
without t h e l ife force i nside .
I ntrod uction & Overview
There is a theory floati ng aro u nd out there that when measu red on a fine scal e , the
body su pposed ly loses about 21 g rams of we i g ht at the moment of death . Many
people bel ieve this loss of 21 g rams of wei g ht is actually the spi rit leaving the body at
the moment of death . I don 't know this is fact because I 've never placed a dyi ng
person on a fi ne scale , but it is an i nteresting idea. And it does su pport the idea that
the spirit is real . M uch of the work you wi l l be doing with The Body Code is focusi ng
on the i m balances that occu r i n this energy field of the body ; the i ncred i bly i m portant
part that Western med icine pays l ittle or no atte ntion to .
The Energy Body
There are a large n u mber of scientists who have been
studyi ng for many decades to try to gai n the abi l ity to
regene rate h u man tissue . Most of them have come to the
same concl usion : that there is an energy field with i n l iving
th i ng s .
Here is an exam ple : These scientists have d o n e m any
studies on a small ani mal cal led a newt, wh ich has the i ncred i b l e ab i l ity to regenerate
its tai l if it gets p u l led off. Th is is a defensive mechan ism to allow the newt to escape
predators. Late r on when the tai l g rows back, it looks exactly l i ke it looked before .
How does that happe n ? The newt's energy field , I bel ieve ,
contai ns the template fo r the tai l to g row i nto , or the
b l u epri nt that the physical form simply fi l l s i n .
The Spirit Within
Our spi rit animates o u r physical body, in the same way that
a hand an i m ates a g love . At death , o u r spi rit or energy
body moves o n , and o u r body decays because it no longer
has its l ife force . D u ri ng l ife , o u r spi rit and body i nterface in
a profou nd way that we d on't yet u nderstand completely.
Because of this i nterface , when the energy body becomes
i m balanced , the physical body can be seve re ly affected . I m balances in the energy
body m u st be corrected fo r a person to be able to tru ly get wel l .
I ntrod uction & Overview
Messages From Water
One of my favorite books is Messages From Water by
Masaru E moto , who tested water by flash freez i n g d roplets of
water i nto snowflakes - a ve ry u n iq u e way to test water.
Emoto and his team were measuring wate r that was taken
from different reservoi rs , lakes , and streams in Japan . When
they flash froze the wate r, they observed a variety of
fasc i n ating snowflake patterns , depend i ng on where the water
was taken fro m . They also fo u nd that these snowflake
patte rns wou ld vary accord i ng to what the water was ex
posed to before freez i n g . If they played certain types of
music for the water, they wou ld get d iffe re nt ki nds of
crystals. If they played acid rock, or hard rock music for
the wate r, they wou l d n 't get any kind of crystals form i ng at
al l ; there wou ld be blob l i ke formations i n stead . If they
p l ayed classical m usic l i ke Bach overn i g ht, they wou ld get
beautifu l symmetric crystals l i ke the one shown here .
Emoto also taped words to vials o f water and left them
overn i g ht. The next day he and his team created
snowflakes from the d roplets of this wate r, and ag ain fou nd
This water was exposed to
that they wou ld get d ramatically different formations
Bach 's "Air on a G String, "
then frozen
depend i n g on wh ich words we re taped to the vials of water.
'Truth "
"You disgust me, I
When they taped the word " Truth ", in
Japanese , to the vials of water, they
fou nd that the crystals formed a ve ry
sym metrical , beautifu l and normal
looking snowflake . When they taped the
words "You disgust me, I will kill you " to
the vial of water, they wou ld get a
"crystal" that wou l d look l i ke this
asym metrical blob pictu red .
will kill you "
Love and Gratitude
The most beautifu l crystal snowflake of all was obtained
when they taped the words Love and Gratitude to a vial of
water and then left it overn i g ht. Look at the sym metry and
i ntricacy of this beautifu l snowflake . Love and g ratitude are
two of the most powerfu l forces that exist i n the u n iverse and
they're a ve ry i m po rtant part of The Body Code Syste m .
I ntrod uction & Overview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Hold i ng love and g ratitude i n you r heart w h i l e practici ng The Body Code wi l l prod uce
m uch more profou nd resu lts than if you focus o n other, l ower vibrations of emotio n .
If you were a bush man l iving i n the Kalahari Desert, and a compute r parach uted
down out of an ai rplane , you wou ld have no idea how to make it work get anyth i ng
prod uctive out of it. O u r bod ies are s i m i lar. We 've had
them for a long time but they came with no man u al !
Lucki ly we know now that the body can act l i ke a l i e
detector. If you 've robbed a ban k, you may b e able t o foo l
people i nto th i n ki ng you 're i n nocent. But if you ' re hooked
up to a l i e detector or a polyg rap h , the man who is ru n n i ng
the mach i n e wi l l be able to see the truth shown clearly i n
t h e g raphs d rawn b y t h e mach i n e . You r body wi l l g ive
measu rable responses when presented with truth and
fal sehood , and these are displayed by the polyg rap h .
The Conscious Mind
Most people th i n k of the conscious m i nd as who they
real ly are . After al l , the conscious m i n d is the part of yo u
that seems to th i n k, make decisions, l i ste n , remember
th i n g s , etc. This is the part of you that wou ld be te l l i n g
t h e l i e about robbing t h e ban k (and th i n ki n g you were
getting away with it ) . The conscious m i nd is i m portant, of
cou rse, but it is really o n ly about 1 0% of you r
i nte l l igence .
The Subconscious Mind
The other 90% of you r i nte l l igence is subconscious. Most people g ive the
s u bco nscious l ittle recog n ition , but it is actually ve ry active . lt's arch ivi ng and
rememberi ng eve ryth i n g ! lt records eve ryth i ng you 've ever done, every face you 've
eve r see n i n a crowd , everyth i ng you 've ever eaten , tasted , touched or smel led , and
the whole h i story of you r health or d i sease. I bel i eve the whole h i story of every cel l i n
you r body, down to the ato m ic leve l , is actually arch ived and stashed away i n that
amazing holog raphic computer system that is the s u bconscious m i n d .
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
The s u bco nscious m i nd is the part of you that wou ld
provide the truth i n the event you com m itted a cri me
of some sort. lt wou l d prod uce the correct responses
prese nted with truth
and false hood ,
measurable by the polyg raph . Because the
su bconscious m i nd is l i ke a b i n ary com p uter, we can
ask "yes" or "no" q u estions, and get answe rs fro m
t h e body, j u st l i ke using a polyg raph . W e can access
al l the i nformation i n this amazi ng com puter system
by s i m ply u s i n g m u scle testi ng . N ot only can we get
answers to j u st about every q u estion about the body,
I be l i eve there is a sort of l ist in eve ry s i n g l e perso n 's
m i n d . This l i st contai ns al l the t h i ngs that need to be done to bring the body back to
1 00% fu nction , or as close to it as is poss i b l e .
We access the s u bco nscious database thro u g h m u scle
testi ng . M u scle testi ng helps us to get answe rs from
the s u bconscious m i nd because the body g ives a
physical response when we tel l the truth or a l i e . The
m u scles of the body are i n stantly weake ned when we
l i e . They stay strong when we tel l the truth . There are
many methods of m u scle testi ng , but we 're fi rst going
to look at the trad itional method to be used when
testing another perso n .
Muscle Testing Others
Always ask the person you wish to m u scle test if they have pai n i n e ither shoulder. If
they do, don 't use that arm as it may agg ravate the i r con d ition . If they have trouble i n
both shou lders o r i f they are too you n g , too weak, o r too i l l to b e tested , yo u should
find a d ifferent way to test the m , which we wi l l d i scuss later.
1 . Ask the s u bject to stand u p and hold one arm out d i rectly i n front of them ,
horizo ntal to the floor. They sho u l d not make a tight fist, but l et the i r hand re mai n
re laxed .
2 . P l ace t h e fi rst two fi n g e rs of yo u r h a n d l i g htly o n t h e i r arm , j u st above t h e
b u m p of the wrist.
3 . P l ace you r free hand on the i r opposite shou lder to su pport the m .
4 . Tel l the s u bject, " I 'm g o i n g to have you make a statement, and then I 'm g o i n g to
I ntrod uction & Overview
press down on you r arm . I want you to resist me gently by hold i ng you r arm rig ht
where it i s ; try to preve nt me from p u s h i ng you r arm down . "
5 . H ave the s u bject state the i r name. If the s u bject's name is Ki m , for exam p l e , h e o r
s h e wou ld say, "My name is Ki m . "
6 . Perform the m u scle test by smoothly and stead i ly i ncreasing the pressu re
downward on the s u bject's arm , going from no pressu re to a fai rly fi rm pressu re
with i n about 3 seconds.
7. The shou lder j o i nt should stay 'locked ' against you r fi rm downward press u re , and
sho u l d not g i ve way.
8 . N ow repeat the test, but have the subject make a state ment that is obviously false
by using a name that is not the i r own . I m mediately perfo rm the m u scle test agai n ,
and you shou ld notice the arm i s weaker, si nce the state ment j u st made is
i ncong ruent with truth , and the s u bject's s u bco nscious m i nd knows it.
Yo u have j u st performed what we cal l a baseline test.
Proper Finger Placement
Someth i ng very i m portant i n m u scle testing is
finger placement. You ' l l notice that eve ryone has a
bony b u m p on the wrist, which is part of the u l na
bon e . Note i n the pict u re that the teste r's two
fingers have come down the arm rig ht u p to that
b u m p , but not ove r it. If yo u go ove r the b u m p , you
wi l l be on the d e l i cate bones of the wrist. Be i n g on
the wrist bones makes it very d ifficu lt to get a
proper muscle test , because every time you press
down on those ti ny bones, the brai n wi l l
automatical ly weake n t h e arm m u scles and the
arm wi l l go down . Th i s is because the brai n does
not want to al low those bones in the wrist to be
i nj u red (wh ich can happen if too m uch pressu re is
placed on the del icate wrist bones) . You do want
to be as far down on the arm as you can , for
proper leverag e , but not ove r the b u m p .
Tips for Testing Others
We go ove r m u scle testing i n more deta i l i n The Body Code Semi nar DVDs, but there
are a couple of other very i m portant th i ngs to keep i n m i nd when m u scle testing
which I wi l l mention now :
Use a smoothly i ncreasing hyd rau l i c type of pressu re that starts from zero and
smoothly i ncreases. Yo u want to push slowly and gently, g iving the m u scles
I ntrod uction & Overview
time to adj ust. Don 't bou nce ! As soon as you have you r answer and you 're clear
that the i r arm i s either staying strong or weake n i n g , then you should let go. This
sho u l d take about 3 seconds at most.
Have the s u bject resist gently.
Use o n ly the m i n i m u m amou nt of pressu re needed . Th i n k finesse , not force .
M u scle testi ng is about "sensi ng" the answer.
If any m u scle testing method h u rts , stop and try anothe r method .
Keep yo u r fingers i n the correct position ; don 't go ove r the wrist b u m p .
You can experiment with various arm positions to see what works best for you
and whomever you are worki ng o n . Some other options are for the s u bject to
hold their arm o ut to the side rather than straig ht out i n front of the m , or with the
el bow bent at a 90 degree ang le with the forearm parallel to the floor (shown i n
the E l bow Test method ) .
Reasons You Might Be Untesta ble
There are some reasons why yo u m i g ht not be testable. If you 're dehyd rated , you 'l l
want t o stop and d ri n k a g l ass o f pu rified water, then try ag ain i n a few m i n utes . I f
you 're the person doing t h e testing and you 're dehyd rated , you may have a hard ti me
doing the test.
Usi ng an i nco rrect amo u nt of force can also i nterfe re with
you r m u scle testing answers . P u s h i n g too hard , push i ng too
soft, resisti ng with too much or not enough force wi l l confuse
th i ng s , so make s u re that you find a common g ro u nd with
whomeve r you 're working with . Don 't be afraid to ask them to
i ncrease or decrease thei r resistance if needed . You can say
something l i ke , "Meet my pressu re" and that should h e l p . A
s u rfacing trapped emotion or other i m balance can make
someone te mporari ly u ntestabl e . If you 're worki ng on
someone and a trapped
emotion is sudde n ly wel l i ng
u p i n them and com i ng to the su rface to be released ,
you may not be able to get a clear m u scle test . Th is
is j u st one reason why knowi ng a method of self­
testing w i l l come in handy.
If you ' re worki ng on someone who has a neck
m i sal i g n ment, that wi l l make it d ifficu lt to test as we l l .
They may need to see a chi ropractor. Yo u can also
try rol l i ng a mag n et down the s p i n e with the i ntention
of releas i n g or correcting whatever i m balance m ay
I ntrod uction & Overview
be present i n the neck, and ofte nti mes that wi l l i m med iate ly make them testabl e .
We ' l l go ove r correcting structural m i sal i g n m e nts more later o n .
Self-testing is a conve n i e nt and s i m p le way to get answe rs from you r own body. The
various methods of self m u scle-testing that we present here can be used to work on
you rself and get answers from you r own body, or they can be used as a way for you
to get answers about what another person need s .
Self-testing is especial ly usefu l if t h e su bject is
u ntestabl e , or if you 're worki ng alone and acting as
proxy or su rrogate . Self-testing does req u i re l ittle bit
of extra practice , but it is defi n ite ly we l l worth it. S i nce
some people learn some of these methods more
easi ly, at least i n itially, we ' l l be provid i ng a n u mber of
diffe rent methods i n these material s .
T h e fi rst method that w e teach i n The Emotion Code
is cal led the sway test. The sway test is where the
body wi l l respond by swaying forward toward truth ,
positivity, or cong ruency. Or it wi l l sway backward ,
away from negativity, falsehood , or i ncon g ruency.
Th is works because the h u man body is an organism
l i ke any other.
In fact, you know very wel l that a plant wi l l nat u rally g row toward a l i g ht sou rce . But
did you know that a p!ant wi l l also natu ral ly g row toward a speaker that is playing
sooth i ng l u l labies or classical music? In fact, stud ies show that if a speaker b l ari ng
harsh music is pl aced i n front of plant, it wi l l actually g row away from the speaker,
and even the roots wi l l bend away from the speake r. The h u man body has this
capacity b u i lt rig ht i nto it as we l l . lt wi l l sway forward towards truth , positivity, or
con g ruency , and it wi l l sway backwards away from negativity, falsehood , or
i ncong ruency.
The Sway Test
T o perform t h e Sway Test, si mply stand i n a very re laxed way. lt's a good i d e a to
tu rn off any music or TV as they can h ave an i m balancing effect on you and can
i nte rfere with the testi n g . D rop you r arms to you r sides and completely relax . The fi rst
th i n g you 'l l notice w h i l e you 're stan d i ng there is that there is a l ittle bit of movement
going on al l the ti m e . The body tends to sway a l ittle bit fo rward and a l ittle bit
backward and someti mes it m i g ht sway a l ittle to the side , left to right. That is si mply
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
the osci l l ation that takes place when the body is try i n g to mai ntai n a perfect upright
postu re . The postu ral m u scles are conti n uously working to keep the body stan d i ng
u p ri g ht and that's normal .
Now let's get a base l i ne test. Th i n k about war for a moment.
Hold that thoug ht i n you r m i nd wh i l e you 're stand i ng there i n a
very rel axed way. If you th i n k about al l the people who have
d i ed , al l the fam i l ies that h ave been torn apart, all the tragedy, al l
the people who have been cri ppled and mai med , all the
destruction of property and l ife and l i m b . Th i n k about al l the
sorrow and ang u ish that's been happe n i ng o n earth si nce the
beg i n n i ng . You should notice that you r body wi l l try to reco i l
away from t h i s tho u g ht that you 've p u t o u t i n front o f you . l t wi l l
sway backwards away from t h e tho u g ht o f war, because that
tho u g ht is so negative .
Let's try another thoug ht now. Th i n k about u ncond itional love .
I mag i n e that you are a bei ng of u ncond itional love , that you r
heart i s a generator of u ncond itional love . That beautifu l energy
flows out of you r heart and fi l l s the i m mensity of space . I mag i n e
that you love everyone u ncond itionally no matter w h o they are .
I mag i n e what it wou ld be l i ke to be loved and accepted
u nconditionally by others i n retu rn . As you hold the tho u g ht of
u ncond itional love i n you r m i n d , what you wi l l find is that you r
body w i l l want to sway forward towards the positivity, the
con g ru ency and the beauty of that tho u g ht of u nconditional love .
The sway test can be used for any of the q uestions that you want to ask the body.
You can ask the body for exam ple "Do I have a trapped emotion?" and the body w i l l
either sway forward for yes, a n d backward for no. You can ask t h e body other
q uestions and get answers i n that same way. The sway test is a very usefu l method
of testing and it works for j u st about anyo n e . lt doesn 't take m uch practice e ither.
Now we will d iscuss some other methods of self-testing . These other methods are
conven ient to use but they do take some practice to m aster. I recom mend for most
people to practice u s i ng the i r favorite method for 1 00 ti mes a d ay for about 2 weeks
or so . That's s i m ply saying "yes" and "no" 1 00 ti mes a day for 2 weeks . That should
o n ly be a few m i n utes of practice per day and i s we l l worth the effort !
I ntrod uction & Overview
Ho le-in- One Method
To perform t h e Hole-in-One method , you s i m ply make
a ri ng with you r th u m b and fi rst finger, as pictu red .
Then you take the th u m b and the fi rst two fingers of
you r other hand and i n sert those fingers i nto the ri n g .
On a m uscle test, you ' l l want to try t o o p e n t h e ri ng with
you r other hand by p u l l i ng apart you r th u m b and two
fingers . On "yes", or a congruent statement, the ri ng
should stay closed . For "no", or an i ncon g ruent
statement, the ri ng should ope n . You can also use
other fingers to perform this test if you want to .
Hand So lo Method
To perform t h e Hand Solo method , you choose one
fi nger to be the resi stance finger, and an adjacent
finger to push down on the resistance finger- we ' l l cal l
this the pressu re finger. I n this pictu re , the fi rst finger is
the resistance fi nger and the middle finger is the
pressu re finger. You can place the pressu re finger
either arched or rig ht on top of the resistance fi nger.
Once you 're i n place , s i m ply make you r statement and
then apply pressu re on the resistance finger. The
resistance finger sho u l d stay strong fo r "yes", and on
"no" the finger should weake n . lt should stay strong
when you test a cong ruent, true statement as wel l , j u st l i ke any other muscle testi ng
method . And of cou rse , when you test a statement that's i ncong ru ent or u ntru e , that
finger should weaken and go down .
Ring-in-Ring Method
F o r t h e Ring-in -Ring method , s i m p ly take one h a n d and
make a ri ng with you r t h u m b and fi rst finger (you cou ld
real ly use any finger but I l i ke the fi rst finger best) . Then
take you r other hand and m ake another ri ng throug h the
fi rst ri ng , as pictu red . To test, make you r statement or
q u estion , and try to p u l l those rings apart. For yes , truth ,
con g ruency and positivity the ri ng (or both rings) sho u ld
stay closed . If you say no, or make a statement that is
u ntru e , one or both of the ri ngs shou ld weaken and you
sho u l d be able to p u l l you r hands apart.
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
Elbow Test Method
T o perform t h e Elbow Test method , b r i n g t h e el bow i nto the
side with you r arm bent at a 90 degree ang le out in front of
you . Take two fingers from the other hand and p l ace them on
the top of the arm (right before the speed bump bone) . Then
you s i m ply press down . On "yes" , the fo rearm wi l l stay j u st
about horizontal to the floor, and on "no", you r arm should
weaken and d ro p . Th is i s a ve ry simple method and its
advantage is that you r fingers don 't get sore because the
m u scle you 're testing i s the bicep m uscle- a ve ry large
muscle that is easy to test a l l day long .
There are a few th i ngs that you should note about this
method :
Another variation of the e l bow test is to bend you r arm at
a sharper ang l e , about 45 deg rees or so .
Make s u re not to let you r fingers bend back very m uch
when you 're applyi ng pressu re to the arm , as th i s can
cause d iscomfort in the fingers befo re long .
I n fact, the amou nt of resistance fo rce used i n this test i s s i m ply the amou nt of
muscle strength it takes to keep the fo rearm horizontal , no more .
Tips for Self-Testing
Keep the pressu re l i g ht and resist only as m uch as you abso l utely need to .
Remember that the harder you resist, the harder you 're going to have to press down
to overcome that resistance , so you 're really working ag ai nst you rse lf. Yo u ' l l also
probably experience d iscomfort sooner if you resist very hard . If it h u rts , that means
you 're using too m uch pressu re , so stop, and try another method u s i ng less
pressu re . The goal is not to wear you rself out or h u rt you rself, but to find you r pe rfect
strength and resistance settings to make it easy.
I n yo u r house, you may have a l i g ht switch with a d i m mer
on it. In the h u man body, eve ry m uscle has a sort of
d i mmer switch , and you r bra i n controls how strong or weak
a m u scle is, or how hard it resists . What you can do with
any of these testing methods is s i m p ly play aro u nd with the
d i m m er switch on the resi stance m u scles. J ust mental ly
d i al in the rig ht m u scle stre ngth setting so that when you
say "yes", the m u scle stays strong . Then at that same
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
strength setting, when you say "no", you do get weakness. The more you do this,
you'll find that you can use less and less pressure and get answers. lt does take a
little bit of practice to get it right, but it's definitely worth doing and staying with it. And
remember to do a baseline test like a "yes" and "no" test each time you start testing
yourself or someone else; this is to make sure you're testable.
Not all methods are for everyone. Find the one or two methods you like and practice
them until you are proficient. Even if you don't use self-testing very often, learn it for
a backup method. lt's always a good idea to always have a back up method, just in
case someone becomes untestable or if you are working on your own.
Thoughts that you might be holding in your mind can affect the outcome of muscle
testing, so it is important to not have expectations that might influence your testing.
Just have a heart full of love for the person you are testing, and be okay with any
answer that you might receive.
subconscious mind knows if certain foods are good or bad
for you. Use the Body Code regularly, and get in the habit of
tapping into this incredible source of information that lies
within you, your subconscious mind. Remember also, the
more imbalances you remove, the better your muscle testing
will become, and the clearer your muscle-testing answers
will be.
A Gift from God
Muscle testing is a gift from God, to allow us to help each other. lt is not to be used to
test for the winning lotto numbers, it is not to be used to ask if you should take that
job, etc. Asking about anything unrelated to health probably won't work anyway, in
my experience. You can ask about the present, but do not try to see the future, as
muscle testing is not for that purpose and the results would be unreliable at best.
This kind of testing is for the present, and applies to what is happening now, in the
present, as well as determining trapped emotions from the past.
Do Not Use Muscle Testing to Make Big Decisions!
You will have to trust me on this one. Speaking from experience, it has become clear
to me that testing is a gift from God that has a specific purpose, but that purpose is
limited. You can muscle test every decision you make, but you won't get anything but
neurotic, in my opinion. Use muscle testing to find trapped emotions and to help
yourself and others to get and stay physically well and leave it at that.
Introduction & Overview
Don 't be too proud to ask God for h e l p . He already knows the answe rs yo u are
looki ng for, and he wants to h e l p you , but you have to ask. I am rem i nded of the
famous pai nti ng of C h rist, where he is stan d i n g at the front door of a home, knocki ng .
The fu nny thi ng i s , the front door has no doorknob on the outside . H e won 't open the
door. Yo u have to do it. And be l ieve me when I te l l yo u that I utter a s i lent prayer
every s i n g l e time I test anyo n e , and I ask God to h e l p m e , eve ry s i n g l e time, and H e
always d o e s . Try it ! M i racles come w h e n w e get out o f o u r own way a n d allow that
H ig her Power to work thro u g h u s . If you r ego i s so big that you th i n k you don 't need
any h e l p from above , good l uck to you , because on you r own , you r power is ve ry
l i m ited . But I pro m i se you , if you set you r ego asi d e, and d raw u pon the powe rs of
heave n to h e l p yo u , yo u wi l l see m i racles occu r !
Su rrogate testing is another way to m u scle test if the s u bject (the person or an i mal
you want to test) is present in the roo m , but is u nable to be tested fo r some reason .
Maybe they are i n a coma, maybe they have shoulder problems, maybe they are a
smal l c h i l d or an ani mal , maybe they're u ntestable because of dehyd ratio n , a neck
m i sal i g n m e nt, or maybe a s u rfaci ng trapped emotion h as made testing d ifficu lt. Fo r
any of these situations, you can use su rrogate testing . A l l yo u need is a th i rd person
to "plug in" as the su rrog ate , almost l i ke an extension cord . Before beg i n n i n g , you ' l l
want t o make s u re that t h e su rrogate is testabl e , s o make s u re t o do a base l i ne test
by havi ng them say something true or positive
such as , "Yes" or " U p i s u p . " Make s u re you
get a strong m u scle response . Then have
them say so meth i ng negative or i ncon g ruent,
such as, "No" or "Up is down", and make s u re
you get a weak m uscle response. Then have
the s u rrogate and the s u bject hold h ands and
you 're ready to beg i n testi ng .
M u scle testing c h i l d ren is d ifficu lt u nti l a ch i ld
is about 8 or 9 years old , so for testing kids
you 'l l want to use a su rrogate . This is my
you ngest daug hter, E l isabeth , who is bei ng
tested , with N atal i e again acting as su rrog ate
and be i ng tested by Jean .
I ntrod uction & Overview
I n this pictu re we have my
wife , Jean , on the far left
acting as the teste r. The
su rrogate in the middle is
my daughter, N atal i e , and
the s u bject on the far rig ht
is my daug hter, Kristi . By
plugg i ng
su rrogate
person , N atal i e , i nto the
m i d d l e , Jean should be able
to test Kristi , the s u bject
without any tro u b l e . Th is
works j u st l i ke an extension
cord because the electrical changes that take place in Kristi 's body l iteral ly flow
th ro u g h N atal i e , and N atal i e 's arm wi l l stay strong or weaken depend i ng on the
q u estions bei n g asked . Jean wou l d d i rect her q u estions to Kristi , the s u bject, and
then test N ata l i e 's arm to get the answer. Then Jean wou ld release or correct
whatever comes u p on Kristi 's body.
Remember that in su rrogate testing , q u estions are d i rected toward the subject, but
testing is actually done on the su rrogate perso n . I m balances are fou n d by testing the
su rrogate , but corrections are made on the s u bject. H owever, you can also make
corrections on the su rrogate if that is a better option at the moment. For exam p l e , I
have re leased trapped emotions and other i m balances on a su rrogate person when
the s u bject, who happened to be my father, was i n a hospital bed su rrou nded by
tu bes and w i res, afte r having a brain ane u rysm .
One of the g reat thi ngs about su rrogate testi ng is that the answers you get wi l l often
be am p l ified thro u g h the su rrogate . lt's al most as if the
su rrogate boosts the sig nal com i ng out of the subject, so
you r answe rs wi l l be m uch clearer than they wou l d have
been otherwise . lt's i m po rtant to note that it is not necessary
to physical ly touch the s u bject. If the su rrog ate is with i n 6
feet of the s u bject, you should have no problem testing
accu rately. You r body wi l l detect the el ectrical changes that
take place i n the s u bjects ' body, and these changes wi l l
show u p i n you r m uscle testing as strength or weakness .
If yo u 're worki ng alone with a s u bject who isn 't testabl e , and you d o n 't have a
su rrog ate person nearby, you can act as su rrogate you rself and use self-testing ! J u st
ask the q u estions of the subject's body, test on you rself using any self-testing
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
method , and then rel ease or correct whateve r comes u p on the s u bject's body, or on
you r own body, if needed .
Proxy testing is what we use for heal i ng at a d i stance ,
and it is absol ute ly i nd i spensab l e . lt enables you to
test someo n e , and re lease or correct any i m balances
they have , al l fro m a d i stance . lt is s i m i lar to su rrog ate
testing except that the s u bject i s not physical ly
present. The person who stands in for the s u bject is
cal l ed the proxy, and , i n effect, the i r body wi l l set aside
its own needs te mporari ly to help the s u bject. Once
the con nection is mad e , the proxy person is the
s u bject for all practical pu rposes.
Yo u can th i n k of proxy testing as be i ng s i m i l ar to a
wireless con nection . Althou g h a lot of proxy testing by
o u r practitioners is done over the phone , it can also be
done via emai l , where people are not actually on the phone havi ng a conve rsation at
the time of the treatment.
In the same way that computer screen-shari ng
can be used to edit or delete i nfo rmation on
another computer anywhe re in the worl d ,
i m balances that exist i n t h e su bjects body can
be accessed by the proxy and can be
re leased , no matter where the s u bject and
proxy may be, and no matte r how far apart
they may be.
M u scle testing and re leasing or correcting any
i m balances is performed on the proxy pe rso n ,
but the person who is receiving the benefit i s
the s u bject, whe reve r they may be . D i stance
has no beari ng on how wel l this works . lt's
really q u ite amaz i ng !
I n proxy testi n g , the proxy acts i n place of, and on behalf of the s u bject. The work
performed on the proxy happens s i m u ltaneously to the s u bject, no matter the
d i stance . Remember that perm ission is always necessary !
I ntrod uction & Overview
[TH E BODY C O D E 2.0]
This pictu re shows the s u bject
on the far left, who happens to
be my son Rhett, and on the
rig ht are the proxy , N atal i e ,
a n d t h e teste r, J ean . I mag i n e
that Rhett is i n Braz i l and
N atal ie and J ean , pictu red on
the rig ht, are in the U S . Rhett
has te lephoned N atal ie and
Jean aski ng fo r help with a
N atalie and Jean can co n nect
u p with Rhett to help h i m with
h i s headache.
Establishing a Connection
To establish a con nection with the s u bject, have the person who wi l l act as the proxy
repeat the fol lowi ng : "My name is (su bject's name) . " I n this particu lar case , N atal i e ,
w h o wou l d b e acting a s proxy, wou ld say, " M y n a m e is Rhett." At fi rst this w i l l
probably test weak because , o f cou rse , her n a m e is not Rhett. But if she conti n ues to
repeat this statement, it wi l l eventual ly test strong as soon as that energetic
con nection is mad e . In other words, when she con nects up with Rhett she wi l l test
strong if she says , "My name is Rhett. " If at that poi nt she says , "My name is N atal i e , "
s h e wi l l actually test weak. Why? Because h e r body w i l l set aside its own needs to
stand i n and act as proxy for Rhett, so Jean can fig u re out what is going on with h i m
and h e l p h i m with h i s headache. At this poi nt, everything that Jean fi nds on N atal ie
wi l l really be for Rhett's benefit. Any corrections that are mad e , anyth i ng that's
re leased or corrected on N atal i e 's body wi l l actually end up man ifesting in Rhett's
body. So here , Jean is actually working on Rhett, th ro u g h Natal i e 's body.
Breaking the Connection
You always want to remember to break the co nnection when you 're done. To break
the co n nection have the Proxy repeat, "My name is
," u nt i l a strong test is
obtai ned when they state the i r own name. In this particu lar exam p l e , N atalie wou ld
sim ply say, "My name is N atal i e . " She wou ld conti n u e to repeat that u ntil she tests
strong once ag ai n . I n itial ly, the fi rst time she says it she m i g ht test weak because she
is sti l l acting as proxy fo r Rhett. But if she conti n u es to repeat that, pretty q u ickly it
wi l l test strong again and the connection w i l l be broke n .
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
Proxy Testing While Alone
J u st l i ke in su rrogate testi ng , you can also act as the proxy when yo u 're worki ng by
you rself, u s i ng self-testing . Anyth i ng yo u test, correct or release wi l l be tested on
you r body, but for the benefit of the s u bject. P roxy testing is an amaz i n g too l , and it's
so conven ient that the abil ity to do it is b u i lt rig ht i n . Th is is what you can do if you
want to work with clients over the phone, or if someone cal ls you and asks for h e l p
with someth i ng .
H e re i s my method for establ ish i ng a proxy connection with a s u bject when worki ng
alone :
Start out by saying a silent praye r to God , aski ng for H i s help and than king h i m
fo r m y i m pe n d i ng success .
Then ask, "Do I have a con n ection to this person ?" If I am on the phone with
you , fo r exam ple, I w i l l ask, "Do I have a con n ection with you ? Can I act as
proxy for you ?" If I 'm doing a session where I 'm actually going to be send i ng the
resu lts to the s u bject, let's say his name is J i m , I m i g ht say, "Do I have a
connection with J i m ? Can I act as proxy fo r J i m ?" As soon as those q u estions
both test strong , then I 'm con nected .
Any i m balances that I find on J i m , I wou l d correct on myself. If I fi nd a trapped
emotion that needs to be released , I wou l d si mply ro l l fro m my fo rehead , ove r
the top of my head , to the back of my neck 3 times. That re leases the energy of
the trapped e motion on J i m at the same moment.
When I 'm done, I 'l l b reak the con nection by saying , "My name is Brad" u ntil the
test is strong .
The basic ru les of th u m b fo r u s i ng
su rrogate testing or proxy testing
are as fol lows . If you 're with i n 6
feet of the s u bject and he or she is
u ntestabl e , use su rrogate testi ng .
If yo u 're fu rther away from the
s u bject than 6 feet , use proxy
testi ng . E ither method can be done
when you are worki ng with a
partner or alo n e .
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I ntrod uction & Ove rview
You can eas i ly wo rk with ani mals using The Body Code. Getting i nformation fro m an
ani mal 's body is j u st as easy as getting the i nfo from a h u man bei ng , and there isn 't
m uch d iffere nce .
For exam p le , we use the same chart of emotions to
work on ani mals because they experience the same
range of emotions that h u mans do. A n i mals have the
same org ans that people have , i n most cases. We
can use the same Body Code M i nd Maps, and the
same flowcharts as wel l . Althoug h some th i ngs may
be a bit d iffere nt, the su bconscious m i nd of the
an i mal wi l l g u ide you to the closest h u man analog it
can , maki ng The Body Code a very effective tool to
use with ani mals as wel l as h u man be i ng s .
You can use su rrog ate testing if t h e an i mal i s there ,
a n d yo u can s i m ply tal k t o t h e ani mal j u st l i ke you
wou ld tal k to a perso n . Eve n if an an i mal can 't speak, its body u nderstands what you
say on an energetic leve l and can g ive you the answe rs j u st as eas i ly as a h u man . If
the an i mal is not present, yo u can use proxy testi ng . You can either act as proxy
you rself, or have another person act as proxy for the ani mal . Then you ' l l want to
focus on d i recting you r q u estions to the an i mal thro u g h whoever is acting as proxy.
Be gentle and carefu l when worki ng with an an i mal . R u n the
mag n et down the govern i ng merid i an on its back (or the
proxy's back) to re lease an emotio n , j u st l i ke you wou ld with
a perso n . And remember that yo u always want to get
perm ission from the owner before working on an an i m al .
Thou g h we use the same tech n i q u e that you are
accusto med to i n wo rki ng with people, keep i n m i nd that if
you find some kind of n utritional need , the dosage wi l l
probably fl uctuate proportional ly to reflect the an i mal 's size.
They may need a h i g her dosage if they're much bigger, l i ke
a horse fo r example. If it's a dog or a cat, it may need a smal l e r dose .
There are many wonderfu l stories i ncl uded i n The Emotion Code about the work that
has been done with ani mals, and the work I d i d with an i mals when I was i n a brick
and mortar practice . S i nce then I have worked with an i mals by proxy, and that works
j u st as we l l as bei n g there in perso n . If you haven 't al ready read The Emotion Code, I
wou l d u rge you to read some of those stories i n the chapter about an i mals.
I ntrod uction & Overview
Worki ng with an i m als is a lot of fu n . They tend to respond very rapidly and positively
to this kind of work, and because they're an i mals, we know it isn 't j u st the placebo
effect. I 've fou nd that 9 ti mes out of 1 0 , the problems that animals experience are
actually caused by trapped emotions that they have , whether the problem is
emotional or physical in natu re . Keep that in m i nd w h i l e working with an i m als, as
they are such sensitive creatu res.
You 've learned how the health of the energy body i s
crucial t o t h e health o f you r physical body. Ancient
approaches to heal i n g focus on this aspect of you r
make u p , but it's be i ng completely ove rlooked by western
med i c i n e . This is u nfortunate because the price we 're
payi ng for this ignorance is h i g h . Let's take a look now at
the present d i lemma that we are i n - weste rn med i c i n e
a n d sickness care .
The trad itional approach to medici ne was real ly born on
the battlefield in the Civi l War and i n the World Wars .
And it was developed aro u nd a concept I l i ke to cal l
heroic measures. That means that if you 're a soldier and
a can non bal l comes bo u ncing along on the battl efi eld
and takes off you r leg , you better hope you r docto r
performs heroic measu res on yo u . If he does , hopefu l ly h e ' l l be able to save you r l ife ,
because you ce rtai n ly need heroic measu res performed at that poi nt. Of cou rse ,
there have been many docto rs on the battlefields and i n the operating rooms who
have performed heroic feats and l ife-saving s u rgeries, and there are ce rtai nly ti mes
when heroic measu res are absol ute ly appropriate .
The problem tho u g h is that focusing on med icine and
heal i ng in this way h as created a situation where we are
prone to wait u ntil there is a crisis that eru pts before we do
anyt h i n g about it. As a resu lt, modern western medici ne
focuses on exte rnal causes of d i sease , d ramatic
i ntervention and on sym ptom suppressio n .
Most people have take n medication at o n e poi nt i n the i r l ife to su ppress some ki nd of
sympto m . That can be very appropriate at times. The problem is, at least i n the west,
we te nd to re ly on this method for taki ng care of o u rselves i n stead of preventi ng
problems. lt's ve ry expensive and has some big d rawbacks.
I ntrod uction & Overview
The d i lemma that we face is i l l ustrated q u ite wel l by th is comic cal led the last
"alte rnative" laug h ! "Side Effects" or, "Who says the med ical system isn 't worki ng?"
I ntrod uction & Overview
Chasing Symptoms
Th is cartoon i l l u strates an idea cal led "chasing sym ptoms . " Th is is a very i neffective
way to take care of the body. Because this happens so freq u e ntly, it's not u n usual for
people, especially those over 60 years o l d , to be on a doze n d iffe rent med icatio n s .
S o m e o f those medications are s i m p ly t o cou nteract s i d e effects o f other d rugs they
are al ready taki ng !
The end resu lt of is that Susie feels lousy, but she fee ls l ucky because her i ns u rance
paid for 90% of al l these d rugs, and isn 't that the i m po rtant th i n g ? I m portant to who?
it's i m portant to the pharmaceutical com pan ies, of cou rse . This kind of th i n g happens
a l l the ti m e , but it is not a good way to take care of the h u man body.
Risky and Expensive
Med ical errors and prescription drug misuse or o verdose are
among the lead i ng causes of death in the U n ited States .
Many o f t h e s u rgeries performed are d rastic and
u n necessary. In the U n ited States , we spend the h i g h est
amo u nt of money per capita on healthcare than any othe r
cou ntry. I n 20 1 0 , w e spent a n i ncred i b l e 2 . 6 tri l l io n dollars on
health care . What a l l this mo ney is buying us is not good
health , but a n u mber 1 ran king in degenerative d i sease . I n
other words, there are more sick people per capita i n the
U n ited States than any other co u ntry on the face of the
earth , even thoug h we 're th rowi ng more money at this
problem than any other cou ntry.
Medica l Freedom
Dr. Benjam i n Rush , who was one of the signers of the U n ited States Declaration of
I ndependence , said , " U n less we put med ical freedom i nto the constitutio n , the time
wi l l come when med icine w i l l org an ize itself i nto an
u ndercove r d i ctators h i p to restrict the art of heal i ng to one
class of men and com panies, and deny equal privi leges to
others , and wi l l constitute the Basti l l e of med ical science . "
U nfortunately, h i s pred iction has come to pass and this i s
exactly where we are with western medicine rig ht now.
The Food and Drug Adm i n i stration of the U n ited States
does the bidd i n g of the pharmaceutical com panies. Any
alternative modal ity that th reatens the estab l ished order is
I ntrod uction & Overview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
crushed , if poss i b l e . The problem with this is that, as you can see , Weste rn med icine
does not always know what the best th i n g is for the body, and i n deed , often makes
th i ngs worse than it wou ld have been without it.
Medica l Ideas Change
Med icine and what is co nsidered good for the body,
changes over t i m e . Fo r a long t i m e , blood letti ng was
a ve ry popular way to take care of people and try to
h e l p them regain the i r health . The log ic was that yo u
had too m uch blood or that you r b lood was bad , and
if they let some of you r b lood out that wo u ld h e l p yo u .
Of cou rse , people ofte n s u rvived this so they fig u red
that it worked .
When I was yo u n g , most of my friends had
ton s i l lectomies, a s u rgery where the ton s i l s are
re moved from the th roat. I 've also known many
people who have had appendecto m i es as wel l ,
where the appendix i s removed . Both of those we re
considered good s u rgeries i n the past. Why?
Because the s u rgeries weren 't too d ifficu lt to do and there was good money in it.
These o rgans also seemed to be expendab l e , not serving any real pu rpose in the
body, and cou ld get i nfected or i rritated , causing d i sco mfort.
Now we know that the tonsils form part of the ring of Waldeyer, wh ich is part of the
body's fi rst l i n e of defense ag ainst cance r, be i ng part of the i m m u ne syste m . lt was
recently d iscovered that the append ix also has an i m portant i m m u n e function . The
normal i ntesti nal flora, of which there is about 3 . 5 pou nds in the h u man body, can
someti mes be wi ped out by d i sease . The appe ndix stores these bacte ria and keeps
them sealed off, so the bacte ria can propagate again and repopu late the col o n . If it
were n 't for the h i d i ng place in the append ix, regai n i ng i ntestinal health after a serious
i l l ness m i g ht be i m poss i b l e .
D r u g s a n d su rgery are t h e cu rrently ove rused "sol utions" t o healt h . To be facetious, if
we look back at blood letti ng and we contrast d rugs and surgery now, i n stead of
havi ng too m uch blood , it's kind of l i ke you have too many organs. Let's say you
we re to take yo u r watch down to the watch repai r because it isn 't worki ng suddenly,
come back a week later, and the watch repai rman says , "We know what's wrong with
you r watch . lt had too many movi ng parts. We too k out some of the movi ng parts and
it sho u l d be O K now . " What wou ld you th i n k about that? Wo u ld it see m normal to
you ? Agai n , d rugs can be appropriate , and s u rgeries can certai n ly be appropriate .
I ntrod uction & Overview
But I th i n k eve ryone wi l l ag ree that d rugs and s u rgery, especial ly i n the West, are
vastly ove rused and ove r uti l ized .
Entrenched Ideas
E ntrenched ideas are d ifficu lt to get rid of. The
establ ished order is loathe to chang e . Once an idea
is set i n peo p l e 's m i nd s , it's d ifficu lt to i ntrod uce a
new way of th i n ki ng . This is a pictu re of G a l i leo, who
in 1 633 was forced by the Catho l i c C h u rch to recant
h i s p u b l ished o p i n ions that the u n iverse does not
actually revo lve arou nd the earth . H e said the earth
was not the cente r of the u n iverse , but the earth
moves aro u nd the su n . He was fo rce d , on th reat of
i n q u isitio n , to recant that state ment. Yet he was
heard to m utte r, as he was leaving that proceed i ng ,
"ep p u r s i m u ove", which means "and yet it moves . "
Regard less of the fact that they made h i m recant, h e
knew the truth .
What's going on with med icine i n o u r cu ltu re is s i m i lar to the s ituation I j u st
descri bed . We 've been trai ned to th i n k that if you get sick, you need to visit the
doctor and get a prescri ption and that wi l l take care of it. We 've been trai ned to th i n k
that s u rgery is the sol ution for a n organ that h u rts or malfu nctions. We 've been
taug ht that we need to get vaccinated to preve nt i l l ness . None of these remedies
real ly get to the root of the proble m , and i n fact they often make th i ngs worse . So
why have n 't we real ized this and done something about it? Because these ideas are
entrenched and have become the establ ished order. M i l l ions of dollars are pou red
i nto advertising cam paigns to su pport the estab l i shed order and keep people th i n king
that weste rn med icine knows best. What I know is best is to focus on wel l ness and
d isease preventio n , and that is exactly why I 've created this
heal i ng syste m .
We know that stress weake ns the body and opens the door
to i l l ness. Dr. Hans Selye was n o m i n ated for the Nobel P rize
for the research that he did on stress and how it affects the
body. H e was n i cknamed the Fa ther of Stress Science
because he g ave us so much of the u nderstan d i ng that we
have about stress tod ay.
I ntrod uction & Overview
The uFight or Flight" Reaction
I mag i n e you 're wal king down a trail i n t h e mou ntai ns a n d suddenly a bear stands u p
i n front of you . lt's 1 0 feet tal l and it's getting ready to charg e . What happens i n you r
body at that poi nt? Besides fee l i ng a n emotion o f fear
or terror or pan ic, there are some g l ands in you r body
that start prod ucing some certai n hormo nes. The
ad renal g l ands sit rig ht on top of the kidneys . They
start prod ucing ad renal i ne and co rtiso l , the "stress
hormones . " These hormones have some very
specific effects on the body. They beg i n to sudde n ly
route less blood to the organs of the body, and more
blood to the m u scles of the body. Why? Becau se you
don 't real ly need to be d igesting that b reakfast rig ht
now, do you ? Because yo u 're going to either have to
fight this bear or run away. In this case the hormone­
i nd uced stress response wou ld be very appropriate .
You r i m m u ne system is also affected ; it is actually
lowered by these hormones, because you don 't real ly
need to be putting any energy i nto recove ri ng from
that co ld or fl u rig ht now, do you ? You need all the
energy you can get to fig ht or ru n . These stress
hormones also elevate the blood fat and the blood sugar levels. Why? Because you
need sugar and fat floating free through the blood so you can use it as fuel to , ag ai n ,
be able to either ru n away or fig ht the bear.
This is cal led the Fight or Flight reaction, and it's perfectly appropriate for a situation
l i ke this one. The problem howeve r, is that these hormones,
ad renal i n e and cortisol , are damag i ng to the body and they
will bathe you r tissues for up to 48 hou rs after one stressfu l
eve nt. What exactly is a stressfu l eve nt? lt does n 't have to
i nvolve a bear, or anything nearly as scary. The real ity i s that
you r body does not d ifferentiate between bei n g th reatened by
a g i ant bear or havi ng an arg u ment with one of you r kids or
you r spouse. A stressfu l eve nt cou ld be someth i n g as s i m p l e
a s bei n g c u t off i n traffic, or watch i n g te levision a n d heari ng a
d ramatic news story. You consciously know that the scary
movie yo u 're watching i s n 't real and that the ki l ler isn 't
chasing you, but those hormones are sti l l re leased i n you r
body and yo u wi l l sti l l experience the fig ht o r fl i g ht reactio n .
The problem is that most o f us go from o n e stressful event to
another i n o u r l ives . Is it healthy to remai n i n this type of state , with a lowe red
i m m u ne system and h i g h blood sugar and blood fat levels? Not at al l . I n this state ,
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
the body becomes vu lnerable to a host of problems, and the longer you 're i n a
stressed out state , the more vu l nerable you r body i s .
Stress Opens the Door to Illness
So this is how stress opens the door to i l l ness and d i sease.
The more stress you 're u nder, the more vu l n e rable you are to
th ings l i ke i nfections , parasites, tox i n s , al lerg ies, structu ral
m i sal i g n ments , n utritional deficiencies, trapped emotions, and
energetic i m bal ances . Th i n k of stress as being l i ke tu rb u l e nce
on an airplane. If tu rb u l e nce can put an airplane i nto a spi n ,
stress can basical ly put yo u r body i nto a type of spi n . When I
took f l i g ht trai n i ng years ago , I was told not to fly i nto a
th u nderstorm because I was to ld that you r wings can come off
and you ' l l d i e . I took that advice . If you th i n k of you r health as
an airplane that's flyi ng along , straig ht and leve l , stress is l i ke
getting i nto tu rbu lence . And if you get i nto too much or too
strong of t u rb u lence , or too m uch turb u l e nce for too long - i n
other wo rd s , too much stress for too long - it can put you i nto
a tai lspi n and you may not eve n know it. A i rplane p i l ots cal l that the g raveyard spiral .
The same type of th i ng can happen with the body if th i ng s aren 't recog n i zed and
taken care of.
The Tailspin
lt's not usual ly noticeable at fi rst, but there are ofte n some tel ltale s i g n s when people
are i n this type of "g raveyard spiral", or "tai lspin" as far as the i r health is concerned .
They'll say th i ng s to yo u l i ke "You know, I 'd l i ke to go shoppi ng with you but I j u st
don 't have the energy." Or they'll say, " I 'd l i ke to go play golf but I 'm j u st i n too m uch
pai n . "
Energy loss and chronic pai n are often the fi rst signs
that a person is i n this tai lspi n . If things are allowed
to conti n u e , you ' l l soon real ize "I do n 't j u st have low
energy, I 'm completely exhausted and I 've felt this
way for months. What is wrong with me?" So you go
to the doctor and say, "Docto r, I am chron ical ly
fatig ued . I 'm exhausted a l l the time . " The doctor
looks u p some thi ngs i n h i s book and he co mes back
and says , "We know what's wrong with you . We have
a d i ag nosi s . "
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
N atu rally, you can 't wait to know what's wrong with you , so when the doctor says ,
"You are c h ron ically fatig ued . You have C h ron ic Fatig u e Synd ro m e , " how do you
feel ? You 're so g ratefu l to know what the d iag nosis i s , and you cal l you r best friend
rig ht away and say, " I know what's wrong with me ! I have C h ronic Fatig ue
Syndro m e . " And you r friend says , "Wel l , that certai n ly makes sense ! You said you
were chron ical ly fati g u ed ! That docto r is a gen i u s ! " If you we re to press the doctor for
more i nformatio n , he most l i kely wou ld say, "We don 't know what this i s . We don 't
know what to do about it. We don 't have any idea what causes it. A l l we can do is
g ive you these med i cations to suppress you r sym ptoms . "
T h e same th i ng happens with chron ic pai n .
One day you wake u p and real ize , "Wow, I
don 't have j u st a l ittle bit of pai n , I 've got pai n
al l ove r and it's not going away. I 've been l i ke
this for months now. There m u st be someth i ng
real ly wrong with m e . My m uscles hurt. "
And so you go to the doctor and say, "Doctor, I
have pai n i n my muscles and it's not going
away. What's wrong with me?" And the doctor wi l l poke you and prod yo u a l ittle bit
and look it up in his boo k and come back and say, "We know what's wrong with you .
We have a d i ag nosi s . " And you say, "Wow, I 'm so g l ad to know . What i s it? What's
wrong with me?" And the doctor says , "You have Fibromyal g i a . " The d i rect
i nterpretation of Fibromyalg i a i n Lat i n is pain in the muscles. And they cal l yo u r best
fri end rig ht away and say, " I 'm so g l ad to know what's wrong with m e . I final ly have a
d i ag nosis. I have Fibromyal g i a, which means I have pai n i n my m u scles . " And yo u r
friend says , "Wel l , that certainly makes sense ! You said you had pai n i n you r
m uscles ! That doctor is a gen i u s !"
Fibromyalg i a and chronic fatig u e syndrome are two of the most common d i ag noses
today, for wh ich med icine has no explanation and noth i ng to offer except sym ptom
suppressio n . But they are the natu ral end resu lt of i ncreasing i m bal ance i n the body .
Someti mes , thoug h , the fi rst sign of i m bal ance i n the body is a d i ag nosis with a major
d isease which is cance r, d iabetes, and so o n .
Bottom l i n e ? T h e e n d res u lt of t h i s g raveyard spiral is eve ntu al ly death . lt's i m po rtant
to note that it's esti mated that 85% of the pop u l ation is in this downward spiral at any
g iven ti m e .
I s it possible for this g raveyard s p i ral t o b e halted ? Yes . That is what T h e Body Code
is all about !
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
Stress Opens The Door To Disease
Stress breaks the body down , tears down the
body's defenses , and opens the door to d i sease .
And what is a d i sease ? A d i sease is noth i ng
more than a col lection of sym ptoms. What
causes sym ptoms to arise ? I m balances - that's
it . All d i sease is caused by i m balances. That's as
s i m p l e as it is. Actu ally, that's probably the oldest
idea in the h i sto ry of the worl d . lt's certa i n ly the
oldest idea in the h i sto ry of heal i ng and medici ne
of all types. Reve rsing these problems is what
The Body Code is all abo ut.
When I was practicing as a holistic chi ropractic physician , I fou n d I needed a way to
categorize all the d iffe rent i m balances I was fi nding on people.
Be i n g a holistic doctor is a bit l i ke bei ng a detective . If you 're a holistic doctor, you
don 't prescribe med icatio n , so you can 't use d rugs to suppress people's sym ptoms.
I nstead , you 're faced with actually havi ng to fig u re out what's really going on with
you r patient. If you can fi nd what is real ly wrong and fix it, then the body wi l l natu ral ly
reg ain its health . I fou nd that there are six d ifferent categories of i m balances that
com b i n e to create all d isease i n the body. Using this map, I cou ld deal with whatever
co ndition or sym ptom a person was suffering fro m . I n fact, as time went o n , I real ized
that it wasn 't al l that i mportant what a person had been d i ag nosed with . What was
I ntrod uction & Overview
i mportant was to fig u re out what the specific u nderlyi ng i m bal ances were and correct
them .
Al l the things that can go wrong i n the body can be categorized i nto these 6
categories :
Energ i es (emotions and thoug hts that have become i m balanci ng)
C i rcu its and systems (the organization of the energy body)
Toxins such as chemicals and heavy metals
N utritional and l ifestyle needs and i m balances
M isal i g n m e nts of the structu ral parts of the body (bone and other body tissu es)
Pathogens ( i nfectious agents such as vi ruses , bacte ria, fu ng i , mold and
We ' l l explore each of these 6 diffe rent categories in the various sections that fo l low.
There are some tech n i cal thi ngs we wi l l d iscuss fi rst, that way you wi l l be s u re to use
The Body Code properly when you have all the tools and i nformation .
Getting perm ission from someone before worki ng on them is
critical ly i m portant. I nvasion of privacy wi l l occ u r if you do not get
perm issio n . If it's a ch i ld you want to work o n , you absol utely have
to get perm ission from a parent or g u ard i an . If it's an ad u lt c h i l d of
yo u r own , you 've got to get the i r perm ission eve n thoug h they are
you r c h i l d . If you ' re going to work on someone who is comatose or
u nconscio u s , you 've got to get perm ission from h i s or her next of
ki n . Worki ng on someone without thei r knowledge or perm ission is
u neth ical . Getting perm ission from the su bconscious m i nd of a
person i n cases where you cou ld obtain spoken or writte n perm ission is u neth i cal .
If you 're not a doctor, you don 't eve r want t o attem pt
to diagnose anyth i ng . I n The Body Code there are
some things we look for that may seem l i ke you 're
d i ag nos i n g . For exam p l e , if m u scle testing seems to
i nd icate that a client may have an i nfection of some
ki nd , you wou ld want to say someth i n g l i ke , "Yo u r
body is suggesting that you may have a n i nfectio n . "
Then yo u can look u p what to do i n t h e Mind Maps
and l et them know what wou ld be recommended i n
order to h elp with that particular type of i nfection .
I ntrod uction & Overview
J u st make it clear that you 're not really d i ag nosing this probl e m , j u st letting them
know what their body is i nd i cati ng . Don 't eve r promise to c u re anyth i ng . Eve n doctors
don 't real ly pro m i se to c u re anyth i ng , so why should you ?
I f you th i n k that somebody may need to g o and see a doctor, tel l them so . Do n 't be
the reason that somebody delays treatment for someth i n g . Doctors are there for a
reason . The Body Code System h as been desig ned for the poss i b i l ity that someday
we may not h ave access to any docto rs or med i c i n e , but befo re that occu rs , you
should make s u re you do the safe th i n g . Remember to always err on the side of
cautio n . You have access to a lot of i ncred ible i nformation now, and you 'l l be able to
do powe rfu l th i ngs for you r friends, fam i ly and clients . J ust re member to be carefu l
with what you say, but bel ieve you can do amazin g thi ngs and you wi l l !
Don 't ever te l l anybody that they do or do not have cance r, u n less of co u rse yo u 're a
docto r. Let me tel l yo u a story that wi l l i l l u strate why. I had a
patient who came to me who had been d i ag nosed with
cancer. S h e 'd had a sig moidoscopy and they fou nd a cancer
in her sig moid co lon that was about the size of a golf bal l .
H e r docto r had taken photog raphs of th is cancer and she
bro u g ht those in when she came to see m e . They were calor
photog raphs of this bloody mass i n her colon , which they
biopsied and fo u nd that it was defi n itely cancero u s . I decided
to ask her body some q u estions about the cancer and
determine why her body was man ifesting this sym pto m .
(Remember, that's real ly a l l that cancer is - a symptom. )
The fi rst th i ng I thought to do was ask her body if she had a cance r. We al ready
knew that she d i d , but I j u st wanted see what her body wou ld say. So I asked her
body, "Do you h ave a cance r?" H e r body sai d , " No. " I was su rprised to say the least !
So then I took the pictu res of the cancer and held them u p to her and I sai d , "Loo k at
these pictu res. Do you h ave a cancer?" and tested ag ai n . We got the same answe r,
" N o . " She wou ld make the statement, " I h ave a cance r ." We tried p h rasi ng the
q u estion in different ways , but her body wou ld always reply with " N o . " lt took me 2
wee ks of work before her body wou ld ad m it that she actually d i d h ave a cance r.
What does that tel l u s ? Someti mes the body does n 't really recog n ize that it has
cancer. Someti mes it's d i scon nected from the cancer for whateve r reaso n . So you
can see how it's best to steer clear of that s u bject, u n less of cou rse you are a doctor.
If you r neig hbor comes over and says , "Hey, test me to see if I have cance r , " what
should you do? Let's say that they do h ave a cancer and it's a case l i ke that patient
I ntrod uction & Overview
of m i n e whose body did not recog n ize her cance r. What happens if the person you
test real ly does have cancer, and you te l l them "No, you don 't have cancer ." Then
what happens if they d i e a few months late r? At the funeral , the fam i ly is going to be
g rievi ng , and they're going to be tal king about yo u , sayi ng , "Mom wou ld sti l l be al ive
if only that neig hbor had n 't to ld her she d i d n 't have cance r . " You cou ld find you rself
be i ng sued , not to mention the g u i lt you 'd feel fo r maki ng that kind of m i stake . This is
not a situation you want to find you rself i n .
Yo u also should not ever te l l anybody that re leasing thei r trapped e motions is going
to cure the i r cancer. N EV E R U S E TH E WO R D " C U R E " A T A N Y TI M E !
D o N OT te l l t h e m t h at co rrect i n g a n y i m ba l a n ce we d i sc u s s i n The Body Code
i s g o i n g to C U R E a n yt h i n g , but especially ca n cer.
Cancer tissues DO always
see m to have trapped emotions em bedded in the m , so cleari ng trapped emotions
and other energ ies can o n ly hel p , but you don 't want to make any claims about this
or yo u cou l d find you rself i n tro u b l e .
W h e n I was i n practice , I made i t a habit t o neve r i nterfe re with what steps people
were al ready taki ng regard i ng the i r recovery . If people were doing chemotherapy or
see ing medical doctors , that was fine and I 'd let them go ahead and do it. I wou ld j u st
wo rk to try to hel p them bal ance the i r bod ies and re lease whatever it was that was
making the body man ifest those sym ptoms. I be l ieve that cancer is real ly j u st a
sym ptom l i ke anyth ing else. Sti l l , you want to err on the side of caution . lt is ok to te l l
peopl e that releasing trapped emotions from a cancer can only help, you don 't ever
want to g u arantee anyth i n g . The more i m balances you can get rid of, the bette r
chance the body has at heal i ng itse lf. So you can and probably wi l l see some
amazing thi ngs happe n , j u st be carefu l .
I mag i n e looking out at the n i g ht sky. Now, i m ag i ne taki ng a piece of notebook paper
and holding it u p i n front of you . Can you see
what is written on the paper? Zoom a lot closer
you can see that the words "The Body Code"
are writte n on this p iece of paper. Can you see
the n i g ht sky throug h the hole pu nch on the
left? Now, take a look at the "o" in the word
"Body. " Let's imag i ne that we 've pu nched o ut
the paper i n side of the letter "o" so that we can
see the n i g ht sky thro u g h it. Now, i mag i n e
ho l d i n g that piece o f paper at arms le ngth i n
front of you . I mag i n e you cou ld take a
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
photog raph of the ti ny area of the n i g ht sky that shows thro u g h the cente r of the "o"
in the word "Body. "
We l l , not too long ago scientists d i d someth i ng very s i m i lar. They focu sed the H u bble
Te lescope on an area of the n i g ht sky j u st about the same size , which they'd never
seen m uch l i g ht com i ng fro m . They opened the sh utter of the H u bble Te lescope for 1
m i l l io n seco nds, or about 1 1 d ays . When they deve loped the photog raph of this ti ny
area of the n i g ht sky that they previously had thoug ht was so dark, here i s what they
I 'm told they cou nted fifteen thousand galaxies
in the i mage this i mage , each galaxy
contai n i ng b i l l ions of stars and planets . I love
this pictu re because it re m i nds me of the
power and majesty of God , our Creato r. Th i s
pictu re re m i nds me o f w h o w e are . lt rem i nds
me of the knowledge that I g a i n ed when I was
a you ng man and I had a profou nd spi ritu al
experience . I learned that there i s a God . I
learned that H e is real , and there i s a p u rpose
to o u r l ives here . When we h e l p people to get
wel l , to fu nction bette r and feel bette r, it's l i ke
d ropping a pebble i nto the pond of ete rn ity.
Those ripples go on and on and spread out
fo reve r. They never sto p . You can do a l ittle bit of wo rk on someone and you real ly
have absol ute ly no idea what the end resu lt wi l l be many, many years from now. I
be l i eve that it is a sacred cal l i ng to h e l p others . The Body Code Syste m makes it
much easier for you to h e l p others and you rself, too .
Remember that what you bel i eve determi nes you r own personal real ity. So choose a
powerfu l real ity. Don 't choose l i m itations.
H e re is an exam p l e : I was doing a workshop once in Cal iforn i a , and I was working on
a woman u p i n front of the class . There were seve ral people gathe red aro u nd trying
to get i n closer to see and hear what was goi ng o n . Th is woman 's h usband was
there also , and I noticed that he was tryi ng to keep the crowd back at q u ite a
d i stance . There was one particu lar man who kept tryi ng to come i n closer, and the
h u sband kept p u s h i n g h i m back. These two g uys al most got i nto a fight by the time I
fu l ly real ized what was going o n . As it tu rned out, the woman 's h usband had been
told that you cou l d n 't have anybody with i n 1 0 feet or you cou l d n 't get a correct
I ntrod uction & Overview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
m uscle test. Now, what do you th i n k happens if that's what you bel ieve ? If you
be l i eve that you can 't get an accu rate m u scle test if there's anyone with i n 1 0 feet,
then g u ess what? That becomes true for you and you won 't be able to test if there is
anyone with i n 1 0 feet of you . There are a l l ki nds of dog mas out there abo ut m uscle
testi n g . If yo u bel i eve any of the m , they wi l l become true for you . For exam p l e , some
people say you can 't wear a watc h , or you can 't wear jewe l ry when m uscle testi ng . If
you choose to believe that, you 're going to have trouble m u scle testing if yo u 're
weari ng a watch or jewe l ry. Bel iefs l i ke this w i l l change you r reality and l i mit the
th ings you can do. If you choose not to believe i n l i m itations l i ke these , this will also
change yo u r real ity. Keep that i n m i n d , and choose the most powerfu l real ity that you
can because that is what wi l l become true for yo u .
About two months afte r the death of my father i n 2003 , I had a very u n usual d ream . lt
was profound to me, and I took it as a message from God . I d reamed that I was
wal king down a hal lway i n a u n ive rsity or a co l lege . The hallway was fi l led with busy
people on the i r own errands. There were people al l aro u nd m e , but there was
someth ing ve ry u n usual happe n i ng to m e . I was l iterally wal ki ng on air, about an i nch
off the floor. The fee l i n g was absol utely i ncred i b l e . I tried wal king faste r, then slowe r,
to see if it wou ld change my altitude. lt d i d n 't change , I was sti l l wal king about an i nch
off the floor, and the fee l i ng was i ndescri bable !
No one arou nd me seemed to notice this, as
they were i ntent on what they we re doing . I
thoug ht to myse lf, " I f I can wal k an i nch off the
g ro u n d , I 'l l bet I can wal k a foot off the g rou nd . "
As soo n a s I thoug ht th i s , i t was done ! I was
wal king a foot off the g rou nd ! I looked be h i nd
me at that poi nt, and saw a g ro u p of smal l
c h i l d re n , whose eyes were faste ned u pon me.
They were also wal king a foot off the g rou nd ,
j u st l i ke m e , althou g h no one else see med to
notice what was happen i ng .
I conti n u ed wal ki ng , and fou nd I co u ld gai n
altitude as I des i red , and before long , my head
was nearly touch i ng the cei l i ng .
At this po i nt , I noticed that everyone had stopped what they we re doing and had
tu rned the i r faces u p toward m e . They were q uestion i ng m e , sayi ng , "How are you
doing that? How can you possi bly be doing what you 're doing ?"
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
The answer I g ave them was a message fro m God to m e , and now is a message
from God to yo u . I said to them , " lt's easy ! All you have to do is belie ve you can do it,
and be g ratefu l to God that you are doing it !"
Then I looked fu rther down the hal lway, and saw seve ral l arge g l ass doors that led
outs i d e . There were beautifu l g reen rol l i ng h i l ls , more cam pus b u i l d i ng s , and a vast
open sky . I thoug ht to myself, "When I get beyo nd those doors , I wi l l be able to fly !"
lt was at that moment I awake ned . Sti l l i n a d ream l i ke state , I real ized clearly what
the d ream meant. The fact that I cou ld wal k on air meant that I cou l d do whatever I
bel i eved I cou ld d o , as long as I was g ratefu l to God that I was do i ng it. The c h i l d re n
sym bol ized t h e s i m p l e , p u re faith o f m i nds u nfettered b y a l ifeti me o f learned
l i m itations. The doors h ad a d u al mean i ng . They sym bol ized the l i m its that we p l ace
on o u rse lves i n this mortal l ife , and they also sym bol ized death . Part of the message
was that my father was beyond those doors , and that he cou l d fly, with no earthly
l i m its to his abi l ities.
If we express this d ream in the form of a mathematical eq u ation , it wou ld look l i ke
th i s :
Wou ld we ever beg i n anyth i ng i f we d i d not be l i eve we cou ld do it? N o . Bel i ef i s
esse ntial t o al l w e do, a n d i s t h e necessary fi rst step .
G ratitude is an essenti al part o f t h i s equation , and I can 't overe m phasize the
i m po rtance of the word doing. In other word s , you r g ratitude to God that you are
doing it is s i g n ificant, because it is to God that we owe everyt h i n g that we h ave and
are , and it is to H i m that we owe every opportu n ity that l ies in our path . If you have a
I ntrod uction & Overview
goal that you want to ach i eve , i m ag i ne how g ratefu l you wou ld feel if you had al ready
ach ieved it. If you can feel it and expect that it wi l l be, it wi l l be .
As you learn to cu ltivate g ratitude to God for what you al ready have , you r faith and
bel ief wi l l i ncrease , for you wi l l d raw you rself closer to that very sou rce of power from
which all th i ngs flow.
You w i l l soon f i n d you rse lf d o i n g the very t h i n g t h at was o n ce o n ly a d rea m .
When you r heart is fu l l o f g ratitu de, do you th i n k it i s possible t o fee l doubt or fear? I
don 't th i n k so . To be a healer, you m u st not ente rtain thoug hts of doubt ; yo u m u st
leave you r fears be h i n d . Yo u r heart m u st be fil led with love and g ratitud e .
All you have t o d o is believe and b e g ratefu l , and you wi l l b e able t o do i t . I mean this
very l iteral l y !
To have success with The Body Cod e , it takes 3 mai n com ponents :
I ntention energy
Mag n etic energy
A place to d i rect the i ntentio n
The Power of Intention
I ntention is havi ng an i nte ntion (goal or des i re) to do
someth i n g . This is a p u re vibration of energy that you
create and it is a n atural part of you r power as a be i ng
of p u re energy. You r i ntention can affect you rself and
others both physical ly and energetical ly.
You r i ntention energy is especially effective whe n :
Focused and clear
Loving and g ratefu l
Ampl ified with a too l l i ke a mag n et
D i rected to the rig ht place
Always beg i n the process of usi ng The Body Code with
a clear m i n d . Stay focused on the task at hand and
do n 't allow other thoug hts or expectations to creep i n , as these can affect you r
muscle testing resu lts among other th i ng s . I f a d i straction or a memory or thou g ht
i nterru pts you , refocus and conti n u e . Focus i ng positive energy on the s u bject wi l l
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
make yo u r i ntention even more effective , because
this creates a heal i n g power beyond j u st the release
or correction of an i m balance .
Make a habit of always fee l i ng LOV E fo r the person
you are working with as wel l as G RATITU D E that
what you are doi ng is worki n g . Th is makes fee l i ng
doubt, fear or fai l u re i m possi b l e . You r be l i ef, focus
and thoug hts determ i n e you r real ity and can affect
others . If yo u fee l negative and you work on
someo n e , it's possible that you can make them feel
worse . Choose a powe rfu l , positive attitu de and
watch yo u r success bloom .
Magnifying Your Intention
The next too l is some form of mag n etic energy. Mag netic
energy and mag n ets are a p u re form of energy. When
used the rig ht way, a mag n et can act as an ampl ifier and
carrier fo r you r i ntention energy. Th i s i s a s i m i lar concept
to how a mag n ifying g l ass wi l l visually ampl ify whateve r
is beh i nd it, maki ng it appear larger. I n order to use The
Body Cod e , any mag n et works, i ncl u d i ng the mag netic
energy of you r body. You r body em its e lectromag n etic
energy al l the time, so if you don 't have a magnet with
yo u , j u st use you r hand .
Remember that you m u st ide ntify the i m balance properly fi rst, or u s i ng the mag n et
won 't make m uch of a d ifference . Therapeutic mag n ets can have a balanci ng affect
on the body on the i r own , but The Body Code req u i res that yo u find the i m bal ance
fi rst, i ntend to re lease or correct it, then use the mag netic energy to acco m p l ish that
goal .
Directing your Intention
H aving mag n ified i nte ntion energy i s really t h e o n l y tool you need t o have , b u t yo u d o
need a place t o d i rect i t . T h e acu p u nctu re syste m is t h e perfect ave n u e for t h i s . The
ancient C h i nese physicians d iscove red over 5 , 000 years ago that restori ng balance
to the flows of energy in the body i nfl u enced health . They mapped out these
energetic "rivers", cal led meridians, which flow th roug hout the body and con nect with
each other. These maps of the meri d i ans in the acu p u nct u re system are the same
maps that are used today.
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The merid ians of the body, specifical ly the govern i ng merid ian , are the pe rfect
chan nel to d i rect you r i nte ntion energy i nto . Th is is because the govern i ng meridian
is an energy rese rvoi r, l i ke the main "river" i n the "rive r
syste m" of the meridians. lt con nects to a l l the other
meridians, so anytime energy is put i nto the govern i ng
merid ian , it flows d i rectly i nto other merid i ans and
throug hout the enti re energy body. The govern i ng meridian
starts at the u pper lip, going up over the nose and forehead ,
ove r the top of the head , then al l the way down the spine to
the tai l bo ne.
By rol l i ng a mag net over t h e govern ing merid i an , you r
i ntention energy flows i nto the body, eas i ly re leasing or
correcting an i m balance that has been identified and made
ready to be released or corrected . Using any length of the
govern i ng meridian works . R u n the mag n et over the
forehead and head , down the spine or down the back of the
neck ; all allow the i ntention energy to flow i nto the body.
Most i m balances only req u i re 3 ro l l s of a mag n et down the
govern i ng merid i an , but a few req u i re 1 0 rol l s , such as
i n herited energ ies and fascial d istortio n . When yo u fol low
this proced u re , you r i ntention energy flows i nto the body
and does not allow the negative energy or i m balance to
re mai n .
When a negative energy (such as a Trapped E motion) i s re leased , i t i s either:
N e utral ized (changed i nto a positive or ne utral vibration)
Or forced (gently) out of the body
Th is phenomenon is s i m i lar to what a mag net does to a cred it
card ; the i nfo rmation is erased or changed . Some people have
repo rted see i ng a bal l of energy leavi ng the body u pon re lease .
We bel i eve it is l i kely that these energ i es leave the body i n a
ne utral ized state when there is love and g ratitude bei ng
focused on the c l i e nt's body.
Don 't use a mag net d i rectly on anyone who is pregnant, has a pacemake r or med ical
device , or is u nder a doctor's care . Anyone who fits any of these descri ptions can sti l l
I ntrod uction & Overview
be worked on u s i ng The Body Code , but you should use
the mag n etic energy from you r hand i n stead , or you can
use a su rrogate or proxy to do the cleari ng . A ve ry small
percentage of people are sensitive to mag n ets . If anyone
appears to be having a negative reactio n , stop use
i m med i ately. Mag nets do not hold onto the energ ies they
re lease ; l i ke a mag n ifying g l ass , they are a too l to mag n ify
what is rig ht i n front of the m . They do not need to be
"cleansed" or anything of the sort.
Too ls Other Than Magnets
lt is also possible to use other energy tools besides mag nets . You cou l d u se a cold
laser or a zero-po i nt energy too l , fo r exam p l e . Agai n , if yo u don 't have any of these
tools, you can use the mag netic energy emanati ng from you r fingertips or you r hand .
Nikken Magnets
N i kke n is a company that makes wonderfu l mag n etic prod ucts . Fo u nded i n Japan i n
1 975 , the i r mag nets are of the h i g hest q u al ity and have many other benefits besides
ease of use in The Body Code. If you 're in pai n yo u can apply a N i kken mag n et to
that area and it can help you d ramatical ly with the d isco mfo rt. N i kke n is recog n ized
worldwide as a leader in wel l ness for thei r i n novative prod ucts that com b i n e science ,
natu re , and advanced technology. They have a reputation for del ivering resu lts that
people can see and feel , and I have personal ly fou nd that to be tru e . Yo u can sig n u p
as a d i stri butor and get prod ucts at wholesale from N i kken , or yo u can order prod ucts
at retai l from u s . If you are i nterested i n e ither of those options, please visit:
http://www. healers l i b rary. co m/magnets
P rocessi ng is t h e heal i n g period after a n emotional o r
energetic release . Generally, processi ng lasts for one
or 2 days, and d u ri ng that time a person may or may
not experience some sym ptoms of this such as :
emotional u ps and downs, cryi n g , sleeplessness, a
need fo r extra sleep, vivid d ream s , and i n rare cases,
nausea or headache. Most often people tend to be
slig htly more emotionally se nsitive than normal , if
anyth i ng .
I ntrod uction & Overview
lt's i m portant to note that people w i l l always go th ro u g h this p rocessi ng period when
emotions and other energ ies are released , but o n ly abo ut 20% of the time wi l l they
experience these negative sym ptoms. As long as you let people know that this m i g ht
happe n , eve ryth i ng w i l l be okay. But if you don 't warn them and they don 't know what
to expect, and they end u p crying for 2 days straig ht, you 're not goi ng to be the i r
favorite perso n . J u st make s u re t o let eve ryone you work on know that they may
experie nce some side effects , and you 'l l be fi n e .
I ntrod uction & Ove rview
Energ i es
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
In th i s mod u l e , we ' l l be d i scuss i n g energetic
i mbalances. The E motion Code makes up a large
portion of th is mod u l e , i nclud i ng trapped emotions and
the H eart-Wal l . We wi l l also be d i scuss i ng post­
trau matic d i stortions in the energy field , allerg ies and
food i nto lerances, mental i mbalances and offe nsive
energ i es that often come from othe r people and
i m balance the body.
E motional e nerg ies i nclude the diffe re nt vari ations of
trapped emotions, the H eart-Wal l and a s i m i lar ki nd of
emotional i m bal ance that is referred to as emotional
resonance . Trapped emotions are tru ly an epidemic i n o u r worl d . They are
responsible for the majority of pai n and d i sease that people suffer fro m .
Trapped Emotions
E motions are what lend calor and i nterest t o o u r l ives . They are what make us
h u man and h e l p us con nect with each other. Negative emotions can make l ife
harder, of cou rse , but positive emotions are what make l ife wo rth l iving . E motions are
really noth i ng but p u re , vibrati ng energy, l i ke eve ryth i n g else i n the u n ive rse . Each
emotion that we expe rience has its own u n iq u e vibrational freque ncy, determi ned by
the type of emotion as we l l as the u n iq u e c i rcumstances of that particu lar eve nt.
In a healthy situatio n , an emotion is experienced , then processed or "let go of"
automatical ly. lt can be com pared to the act of
breath i ng ; the creating and experiencing of the emotion
is l i ke i n hal i ng , and the automatically letting go of the
emotion and movi ng on is l i ke exhal i ng . Someti mes ,
emotional energy becomes trapped i n the body, l i ke
bei ng u n able to exhale completely. Th is means that the
emotional frequency remains in the body because it
was u n able to be processed normal ly. These trapped
energ ies are cal led trapped emotions.
Usually th i s happens when the emotion i s
overpowe ring or if one i s sick, ti red , or i m bal anced i n
some other way. Less i ntense emotions may also
E n erg ies
become trapped if cond itions are rig ht, even if the event is not particu l arly
memorab l e .
Trapped emotions are l iteral ly spheres o f vibrati n g emotional energy, w h i c h can b e
stuck anywhere throug hout t h e body. They are typical ly t h e size o f an orange t o a
cantaloupe. Trapped emotions may lodge anywhere i n the body, and wi l l d istort the
normal energy field of the body wherever they are located .
This is because o u r bod ies are also vibrati ng energ ies, so
trapped emotions i nflue nce and distort o u r natu ral vibratio n .
B y disto rting t h e body's energy fie l d , trapped emotions
distort the tissues of the body. When you d i stort the tissues
of the body, you end u p eve ntually havi ng physical
sym ptoms l i ke pai n or d i sease. Th is is j u st one side of the
problem thoug h ; trapped emotions are l i ke dou ble-edged
swords because they can affect us both emotionally and
physical ly. When one has a trapped emotion , that part of
the body is conti n ually vibrati n g at that particu lar freq uency
of the emotional energy that is lodged there . This makes
one m uch more susceptible to fal l i n g i nto resonance with that frequency and
experiencing that emotion m u ch more ofte n .
For exam p l e , let's say that 2 0 years ago you had a n arg u ment with someone and
you became very ang ry. Say you experienced an
emotion of anger that then became trapped i n
you r shou lder. Now, 2 0 years l ater, you p robably
have shoulder problems, and you may be
th i n ki n g about havi ng s u rgery because yo u r
shoulder problem is not going away. You may
also be a more ang ry person than you otherwise
wo u ld be, because of the trapped emotion of
anger lodged in you r shou lder. I bel i eve that
those tissues i n you r shou lder are l iteral ly fee l i ng
the emotion of anger al l the ti m e . So when a
situation arises where you cou ld beco me ang ry,
you will become ang ry m uch more read i ly than
you otherwise wou ld because part of you was
already vibrating at that freq ue ncy.
Remember that al l emotions are freq u e ncies,
and each emotion has a u n iq u e , i n d ividual
freq uency. Anger has a d ifferent freq uency than
Energ i es
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
sad ness , and so o n . When emotional energy is trapped i n the body, it w i l l cause the
body's tissues to l iterally vibrate at that emotional freq ue ncy al l the ti m e . Releasing it
then causes an i m mediate change to take place , rel ievi ng the tissues of the negative
energ etic force . Things can then ret u rn to a state of balance, where it may have been
i m possi ble befo re . lt can be l i ke turning back the hands of ti m e , in some cases l i kely
preventing serious problems from occu rri ng years before they may have beg u n .
Symptoms of Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions wi l l always make thei r existence known i n some way, either
physical or emotional . I be l i eve they are the most u n recog n ized u nderlying cause of
o u r phys ical pai n , as we l l as d iseases such as fibromyalg ia, chronic fatig u e
syndro m e , a n d eve n cance r. Eve ry cancer that I have
ever seen h as had trapped emotions as part of the
u nderlying reason for its existence . Trapped E motions
d isrupt the proper fu nction of the body. They d isru pt
blood , lym ph and energy flow and i nterfe re with proper
organ fu nction . They can also create pai n and fatig ue
as we l l as lowering i m m u ne syste m function . Even
tho u g h they can destroy the health of the body, trapped
emotions w i l l re mai n u n d iag nosed by conve ntional
medi cine.
Trapped emotions may also make thei r existence
known by emotional self-sabotage and emotional
fee l i ng s that you can 't seem to shake . They can cause
you to make the wrong ass u m ptions, ove rreact, m is i nte rpret behavior and short­
circ u it yo u r re l ationships. Trapped emotions are also a major d rivi ng force behind
emotional and me ntal issues such as depressio n , anxiety, phobias , PTS D ( Post
Trau matic Stress Disorder) , Bi-Polar Disorder and more .
Trapped emotions may or may not manifest problems such as these i m med iately.
Sometimes it takes years or decades for a trapped emotion to do enoug h damage to
be noticed . The safest and healthi est way for trapped emotions to make the i r
existence known is t o go through t h i s process o f ide ntifying t h e m a n d removi ng them
with The Emotion Cod e .
Energ ies
The Emotion Code Chart
Notice that on the left side of the
chart, we have two organs l i sted i n
each row, heart or smal l i ntestine fo r
row 1 , spleen or stomach for row 2 ,
l u ng or colon for row 3, a n d then i n
row 4 we have l ive r o r gal l bladder,
kid neys or bladder for row 5 , and
g l ands and sexual organs i n row 6.
g lands
freq uency
generate the freq uencies of these
emotions. Remember that each
emotio n is a freq uency. Whe n you 're
fee l i ng an i ntense emotion , what
you 're real ly fee l i n g is the effect that
the freq uency has on you r body and
m i n d . You r body is taki ng on a new
vibratio n . And the sou rce of that
vibration is co m i n g from one of the
org ans l i sted on the left side. So as
an exam ple, if you 're fee l i n g an
i nte nse emotion of anger, that
emotion is com i ng from the l iver o r
gal lbladder (see row 4) . The same
pattern fol lows through with al l of
these emotions and al l of the organs
on the ch art. The heart or smal l
i ntestine wi l l prod uce the emotions of
abandon ment or betrayal or forlorn ,
and so o n .
- -
The Emotion Code 111 Chart
Column A
Row 1
Heart or
Row 2
Spleen Of'
Abandorvne t
Love Unrece ed
Oespa r
0 ust
e ess
G ef
Row 3
Lung or
0 scouragement
Re ectoo
Sad ess
Row 4
Uver or
Frustra ·on
I decisiveness
Ta en for Granted
Creaf e lnseru
Was was
H m lta
Row 5
n ys or
Row &
Glands &
One thing that I wou ld l i ke to poi nt out about this l i st is that there is no d iffe rence
between col u m n A and col u m n B . I n other words, emotions that are l isted with i n a
ce rtai n row cou ld be placed i nto col u m n A or col u m n B i nte rchangeably. Most of the
emotions l i sted on this chart are self-explanatory. Howeve r there are a few that may
not be fam i l iar to you . The docu ment located at the rear of the manual i n the
Resou rces section wi l l defi ne each of the emotions i n detai l for you .
Wh i l e not all emotions are l i sted on this chart, the fu l l range of h u m an emotion is
encom passed by this chart . For exam p le , "reg ret" is not fou nd on this chart, but wi l l
instead show u p as "sorrow. " The subconscious m i nd is smart enough to choose the
E n erg ies
emotion on this chart that is closest to the freq uency of the actual emotion that yo u 're
afte r. The n ice th i n g about this is that you don 't have to go o utside of this chart to find
any emotions, they are al l e ncom passed o n this l ist.
Where Emo tions Lodge and Why
E motions usually become trapped i n an area that is weak or vu l nerable for some
reason . Having an i nte nse emotional expe rie nce can cause the organ generati ng the
emotion to become ove rloaded . For exam p le , if you become
very ang ry, you can ove rload you r l iver. You can also
overload the organs by making them work harder than they
sho u l d . For exam p l e , if you d ri n k a lot of alcoho l , you can
ove rload the l iver that way, and that wi l l cause the l ive r to
generate excess emotions such as anger. E motions that are
prod uced by a ce rtai n organ may lodge in that same organ .
For exam p l e , an emotion of ang e r prod uced by the l iver may
not trave l very far; it may end u p lodg i n g i n the l iver where it
was created . Th is is sometimes the case, but not always . An
emotion prod uced by the l iver may end up lodg i n g anywhere
Drinking alcohol c a n cause
the Jiver to genera te excess
i n the body ; perhaps it becomes trapped i n the spleen or the
anger and other emotions
rig ht l u ng or the shou lder. Any emotion can become trapped
anywhere i n the body. Often emotions become trapped i n a particu lar area because
there 's some kind of an u nderlyi ng weakness in that area. Maybe there is some kind
of i nfectio n , i nj u ry or n utritional deficiency i n the area, so when a stro ng emotion
occu rs and becomes lodged i n the body, it heads straig ht fo r that vu l nerable area. lt
is always more l i kely that an emotion wi l l become trapped
in an area where there is so me u nderlying weakness , either
a vu l nerabi l ity as mentioned above , or because the organ is
ove rloaded with emotion , so the emotion becomes trapped
in the o rgan that generated it.
,lA�,�, .
Another common type of occu rrence
is that trapped e motions wi l l lodge i n
' ·� ·areas that h ave some ki nd of a
sig n ificance .
An illustration of the
emotion of Anger being
created in the liver
stressed and overworked and feel
l i ke you 're carrying the wei g ht of the
world on you r shou lders . Any trapped emotion that you
su bseq uently deve lop wi l l be more l i kely to lodge in one of the
shou lders , or perh aps you r neck. The particu lar emotion
does n 't eve n need to correspond to you r fee l i ngs of bei n g
E n e rg ies
The same emotion of
A nger, now trapped in
the shoulder
b u rdened ; it may become trapped i n a shoulder solely because the shoulders have
been i m balanced by you r ongoing fee l i ng of bei n g b u rdened . So the trapped emotion
of anger that we mentioned earl ier may be about someth i n g complete ly d ifferent from
you r fee l i ngs of bei n g b u rdened , but it may lodge i n one of you r shou lders
nonetheless. Another exam ple cou l d be that you are havi ng money issues. You may
be more l i kely to trap emotions i n the low back because of the we l l - known
metaphysical connection betwee n low back pai n and money tro u b l e .
What You Don 't See
Trapped emotions are normal ly stored u nder the skin s u rface ,
i nvu lnerable to mag n etic releasi n g . People have asked me
befo re , "Can 't I j u st h i re someone to rol l the mag n et down my
back everyd ay for 6 months, and wou ld n 't that re lease all my
trapped emotions?" And the answer is no, becau se trapped
emotions need to be bro u g ht to the s u rface ; they need to be
bro u g ht out i nto the energy field to be re leased . As soon as
you start tal king about a trapped emotion and ide ntifyi ng it,
that emotional energy i m med i ately starts to come to the
s u rface of the body in order to be re leased . Because
emotions o n ly su rface one at a time, they have to be
identified and re leased one at a ti m e .
Identifying Trapped Emotions
As you go thro u g h the process of identifying a trapped
emotio n , it comes to the su rface of the physical body as it
also comes to consciousness. Com i n g to co nsciousness
does not necessari ly mean that the subject (the person with
the trapped emotion) is consciously aware of it at that
moment. I n fact, the subject cou ld be i n a coma or on the
other side of the world with no conscious knowledge about
the emotion be ing identified . As long as the practitio ner is
aware of it, that is enoug h .
Once al l necessary i nfo rmation has been identified , the
emotion is vu lnerable to being re leased using the energy of you r i nte ntio n . Th is enti re
process is i nvisible but the location of the emotion can be determi ned th roug h m u scle
testi ng . If yo u touch the energy sphere of the trapped emotion , the s u bject wi l l
instantly weake n . For exam p l e , i f we we re testi ng the man pictu red here , we m i g ht
muscle test one of his arms, w h i l e we are com i ng i n closer and closer to this bal l of
energy with the fingers of o u r other hand .
Energ i es
H is arm wi l l test strong u nti l we to uch the edge of the trapped
emoti o n . At that poi nt he wi l l not be able to hold h i s arm u p ,
no matter how hard he tries, because w e are now touch i ng
the actual energy of the trapped emotion itself and that
weake ns h i m . lt's an amaz i ng th i ng , if yo u th i n k about it, that
what we 're looking at here is an actual ball of emotion. lt
l ite ral ly is a bal l of energy that is vibrati n g at that specific rate
of energy, that specific freq uency of whateve r emotion this is.
Once the emotion has come to the su rface of the body, it's
vu lnerable to bei ng re leased mag netical ly and not u nti l the n .
The same process can be d u p l i cated when you are worki ng on someone by proxy.
We have done demonstrations with the subject and the proxy person standing on
opposite ends of a l arge room . The trapped emotion that has su rfaced on the
s u bject's body wi l l appear i n exactly the same size and location on the proxy
pe rson 's body.
The Trapped Emotion Flow Chart
To identify a trapped emotion , s i m p ly ask, "Do you have a trapped emotion that we
can re lease now?" Then perform a m u scle test or the sway test. A strong m u scle test
or swaying forward i ndicates yes . If there is a trapped emotion , determ i ne the correct
col u m n by aski ng , " I s the trapped emotion i n Col u m n A on the emotion chart?" or " I s
i t i n Col u m n B?" Once you determ i n e t h e col u m n , you 've e l i m i nated h a l f o f t h e l ist.
Then ask " I s the trapped emotion i n an eve n row?" or " I s it i n an odd row?" Once you
have ide ntified an odd or an even row, then you 've e l i m i nated another half of the l i st.
Once you identify if the row is odd or eve n , you can si mply ask, " I s it i n row 1 ? Row
3? Row 5?" then you can ide ntify the cel l . Each ce l l o n ly has five emotions, so now
al l you have to do is ask, " I s the trapped emotion
?" w h i l e nam i ng the emotions
one by one. If no trapped emotion is detectable then most l i kely it is an i n herited
emotion , which we wi l l be cove ri ng soo n .
You can ask optional q uestions after you have identified t h e emotion . You may want
to ask when it occu rred . You may want to ask where it's lodged in the body. A
q u estion you should always ask i s , "Do we need to know more about this emoti o n ?"
Once you get a "no" answer on that, you sho u l d be able to go ahead and release the
emotion . You can rol l the mag n et down the back or over the head 3 times for a
reg u l ar emotion or 1 0 times for an i n herited emotion . Then at the end of that, you can
s i m ply ask, "Did we clear that trapped emotion ?" If the answer is yes , you can start at
the top of the flowchart again and ask the same q u estion , "Do you have a trapped
emotion that we can release now?"
Energ ies
One at a Time
lt is very i m po rtant to re member that each trapped emotion m u st be identified and
released i nd ivid ual ly. You o n ly have access to one at a time. Identifyi ng and
re leasing a trapped emotion simply conti n u es the natu ral emotional process where
you left off. Th is is s i m i lar to the i n hal i ng and exhal i ng process ; re leasing a trapped
emotion is l i ke bei ng able to exhale after all that ti m e .
Trapped emotions are far more abundant than any
other kind of energetic i m balance we find in the body. I
th i n k that an ave rage midd l e-aged person probably
has about 300-350 trapped emotions, but that n u mber
can vary d rastical ly depe n d i ng on a n u m ber of differe nt
factors , i nc l u d i ng age , the n u m be r and seve rity of
traumas experie nced , and the person 's leve l of
emotional control or matu rity. That m i g ht sou nd l i ke an
awfu l lot, but if you th i n k about how easy and fast it is
to release a trapped emotion , it's not so dau nti ng . One
of the reaso ns why I wrote the book The Emotion
Code is so that people co u ld learn to do it themse lves.
I have see n as many as 1 , 000 emotions trapped i n a
single person , but that's very u n usual . Yo ung ch i l d ren may only have 1 o r 2 ,
depend i ng , of cou rse , on what they've been thro u g h i n l ife s o far. Wo rki ng with
c h i l d ren is g reat because you can re lease all the i r trapped emotions and period ical ly
go back and clean house to make s u re they stay trapped emotion free. lt's the best
th i ng you can do for yo u r kids. I recom mend that you try to get rid of al l yo u r trapped
emotions too , and then period ical ly check you rself after an emotional eve nt or j u st
every now and the n , si mply releasing anyth i ng that shows u p .
The H eart-Wall was d iscove red in 1 998. I was at a
conference on mag netic heal ing with my wife and she woke
me up early one morn i ng , saying that she had had a d ream .
I n her d ream she saw an order wheel ( l i ke you may have
seen i n d i ners) , where the waitress wi l l cl i p an order to the
wheel and spin it arou nd so the coo k on the other side of the
cou nte r wi l l be able to read that order and coo k the meal . She
saw an order wheel with th ree orders cl i pped to it. When she
woke u p she knew that those three orders represe nted three
health issues of hers that we had not dealt with before.
Energ ies
We q u ickly fou n d and released the fi rst two "orders",
wh ich were a couple of trapped emotions that needed
to be released . When I tu rned my atte ntio n to the th i rd
order on the order wheel , I sudden ly had a waki ng
visio n . I was looking at an i ncred i bly beautifu l
hardwood floor. lt was l i ke looking down the hal lway of
a beautifu l hotel from the tu rn of the centu ry, with
hardwood floors that we re h i g h l y pol ished and
absol utely beautifu l . I was l iteral ly see i n g t h i s , not in my
m i nds-eye , but actually in front of me. lt was an
amaz i ng expe rience . At the same time that I 'm see i ng
th i s , I 'm also g ive n the u nderstanding that her heart,
my wife 's heart, is somehow undernea th this floor. I
had abso l ute ly no idea what this meant, but I told her
what I was seei ng and what I u nderstood , and we said
a prayer for h e l p and began m uscle testing , trying to get some answers about what
the mean i ng be h i nd this was .
What we fou nd was that she actually had a wal l aro u nd her heart that was made of
negative emotions that she'd picked u p d u ri n g her l ifeti m e . My wife was born i nto a
fam i ly that was q u ite dysfu nctional . H e r father was a very ang ry man and wou l d
"blow h i s top" at any t i m e without notice , s o all t h e c h i l d ren g rew u p wal king on
eggshells al l the time. When she was about 2 years
old , she started developing this wal l arou nd her
heart. I 'm s u re that you have felt that fee l i ng that we
cal l ' heartache , ' where you feel a physical sensation
in the chest - a pressu re , where those words
'heartache' or 'heartbreak' come fro m . You r spi rit
does not l i ke that emotion because yo u r heart i s , I
bel i eve , the core of you r being and the seat of the
su bconscious m i n d , the seat of al l of you r creativity,
and the ce nte r of who you are . Her body d i d n 't l i ke
that fee l i ng , either. And so it started to create a wal l
arou nd her heart to protect that heart from bei ng
total ly broke n .
W e conti n u ed asking q u estions o f h e r body a n d m uscle testing t o get t h e answers .
We fou nd that this wal l of hers was th icker than a foot, th icker than a h u nd red feet , a
thou sand feet, thicke r than a m i le - it was actually five m i les thick!
So there we were , with this sym bo l ic wal l made of hardwood ; a five- m i le th ick wal l of
hardwood arou nd her heart, protecti ng her heart. This was real ly bizarre to both of
E nerg ies
u s , but what we 've learned si nce then is that about 93% of people actually have a
Heart-Wal l because they have been thro u g h some traumatic t h i ngs i n the i r l ives .
Measuring the Heart's Magnetic Field
H avi ng a Heart-Wal l hand icaps you i n many ways .
lt blocks you i n yo u r abi l ity to g ive and rece ive love
freely, and it w i l l create depressio n , n u m bness, a
sense of isolation , and anxiety and self-sabotag e .
Because it blocks you r creative abi l ities , it w i l l also
block yo u from success . H aving a H eart-Wal l can
make physical heal i ng more d ifficu lt as wel l , since
messages of heal ing emanate from the heart.
Scientists have done some amazing stud ies with
the heart ove r the last few years . They can now
measu re the mag n etic field of the heart using a
device cal led a Mag netocard iog ram . When they
use that device , they find that the heart has a
mag n etic field that's about 1 2 feet i n d iamete r. They
have fou n d that when you 're fee l i ng love or affection
for another person , you r heart waves become
apparent in the brain waves of the other person and
you r heart rates wi l l synchron ize .
When we 're fee l i ng love or affection fo r another
perso n , we 're l ite ral ly send i ng them electromag netic
energy- from our heart to theirs . Remember that a
H eart-Wal l is made of negative emotions - negative
emotions that su rro u nd the heart. So that love­
energy com i ng from you r heart to the i rs becomes
d i storted and twisted and warped by the H eart-Wal l .
You may have the best i ntentions, but if you have a Heart-Wal l , you r love for others
w i l l be distorted and changed i nto someth i ng less p u re .
Put up a Wa ll
When we are experiencing deep g rief, h u rt or loss, it can actually be an assau lt on
the deepest part of our bei n g , on our hearts . These fee l i ngs of heartbreak can be so
u nco mfortabl e , so foreign and so d ifficu lt to deal with , that they often resu lt in the
formation of an energetic 11Wal l11 put up to protect the heart from these profo u ndly
negative emotions. Trapped emotions are arranged arou nd the heart, layer by laye r,
Energ ies
l i ke the l ayers of an onion . Th is is a protective mechan ism to keep the heart from
be i n g h u rt or broke n .
Emotiona l Effects of a Heart-Wa ll
The Heart-Wall creates iso l ation or fee l i ngs o f n u m b ness , and that's what was
happe n i ng with my wife , Jean . She not o n ly felt n u m b to emotions, but she also had
a hard time maki ng friends. Anytime she was i n any kind of a social g ro u p , she
always fe lt l i ke she was on the outside looking i n , u ntil the day that the last e motion
maki ng u p her H eart-Wall was released . lt took us about 2 weeks to clear all the
emotions in her H eart-Wal l . We wou ld clear an emotion and then her body wou l d
have t o take a cou p l e o f days t o process that re lease . Afte r about 2 wee ks , t h e last
emotion was re leased and she , at that moment, felt an i m med i ate chang e . She
sudde n ly felt l i ke she was on the i nside looking out, i n stead of the outside looking i n ,
and she has conti n ued to make g reat strides and g reat prog ress si nce the n .
The H eart-Wal l wi l l defi n itely create depression , i n m y opi n i o n . We 've seen people
who were su icidally depressed change i n a matter of d ays afte r re leasing the Heart­
Wal l . When you have a H eart-Wal l you actually h ave what I
l i ke to cal l an "abundance-block. " When yo u g rad u ate from
h i g h school or col lege they te l l you to "fo l low you r heart . "
A n d that's tru e .
You r best self and a l l o f you r best creativity and you r best
potential is fou n d i n yo u r heart , i n the heart-brai n , not i n the
brai n i n you r head . And so , if you 're going to ach ieve
everything that yo u 're capable of ach ievi ng , you need to
have a heart that is ope n , and you need to be able to
express all that is i n you r heart. But when you have
negative trapped emotions that are wrapped aro u nd you r heart, that are blocki ng
yo u r heart , or acting as a barrier or a wal l , it creates an abund ance-block and real ly
stands i n the way of you succeed i n g .
Physica l Effects of a Heart-Wa ll
The physical effects of havi ng a H eart-Wall are neck
pai n , sho u lder pai n , upper back pai n and lowered
i m m u n ity. The heart wal l wi l l affect the com m u n ication
of the heart with the rest of the body. Th is affects the
thym us g l and because the thym us g l and sits rig ht on
top of the heart. Th is can cause problems l i ke repeated
bouts of i nfection and d ifficu lty heal ing in general . We
E n erg ies
be l i eve the Heart-Wal l is also i m p l icated i n heart d isease , heart attacks , blood
pressu re problems, chest pai n and respi ratory d ifficu lties.
Building Materia ls of the Heart-Wa ll
One of the many jobs of the su bconscious m i nd is to keep the heart safe and
protected . The su bconscious m i nd u nderstands i m p l icitly that eve ryt h i ng in the
u n iverse is energy and it also u nderstands the protective powe r that a wal l can have
aro u nd the heart. The su bconscious u nderstands that it can use excess energ ies i n
the body to bu i ld this wal l , l i ke a bo mb shelter to protect
the heart from fee l i ng too m uch negative , damag i ng
emotion . The most com mon sort of excess energy i n
the body is trapped emotions. The su bconscious can
arrange trapped emotions arou nd the heart to create
this barrier, but it always assigns some kind of sym bo l i c
physical mate rial t o represent t h e "wal l". Th is is
because the subconscious m i nd i s ve ry log ical . lt is
patently i l log ical to have a wal l made of someth i ng
i nvis i b l e , that wou ld n 't offe r much protection at al l .
Howeve r, i f the s u bconscious assigns some kind of
b u i l d i ng mate rial to the wal l , it wi l l sym bol ize more
protection fo r the heart .
Determining the Heart-Wa ll Materia l
You don 't real ly need to know what substance the su bconscious m i nd chose to bu i ld
the H eart-Wal l out of i n order to rel ease it. U ltimately, al l H eart-Walls are made of the
energy of trapped emotions, and re leasing these trapped emotions is what really
matters .
On the other hand , determ i n i ng the mate rial that has
been chosen is i nteresting because of the sym bol ism
that i s ofte n revealed . There is no rig ht or wrong way
to ask what mate rial has bee n used , but I usual ly
start by asking if the material is wood . If it isn 't wood ,
I ask if it is a material harder or softer than wood . If it
is harder than wood , I may ask if it is made from
metal , etc. Yo u can narrow it down pretty q u ickly
using the process of ded uction .
If you have determi ned what mate rial the H eart-Wal l
is made of, you m i g ht then want to ask how thick the
Energ ies
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Heart-Wal l i s . They can range i n thickness from paper-t h i n to many m i les ! Al l I can
te l l you is that this is what we have fou nd in testi ng . O u r su bconscious m i nds are not
l i m ited l i ke o u r conscious m i nds are , and can h ave q u ite an i m ag i n ation ! Yet I bel i eve
that the s u bconscious m i nd takes it al l q u ite seriously, and real ly does be l i eve that
there is a wal l there , made of whatever material has bee n chose n .
Remember, t h e s u bconscious m i n d l i kes trapped emotions t o b e brought to
conscious awareness i n order to be rel eased . Howeve r, there are so me exceptions
to this. If you 're worki ng on someone who is u n consciou s , for exam p l e , someone
who 's i n a coma - or if you 're worki ng on one of yo u r ch i l d ren , a you ng ch i l d , for
exam p l e , when they are asleep. When they were l ittl e , my wife and I used to work on
our twi n s when they were asleep because we cou l d n 't catch them when they we re
awake !
The Heart-Wall is a Bomb Shelter
The H eart-Wal l is a pe rfect protection when you need
it ; it i s a natu ral protective mechanism that we all have .
But having a Heart-Wal l long-term is l i ke l iving i n a
b u n ker o r a bom b shelte r. lt is g reat for when the
bom bs are fal l i n g , but not a permanent sol utio n . Livi ng
i n a bom b shelte r long-te rm wou ld cause yo u to m i ss
out on the joys of l ife , and having a Heart-Wal l is the
same concept !
One of the most amazing expe riences that I have had
with this was when I was worki ng with a woman who
was very re l i g iously devoted . She was sti l l u n married at
43 years old eve n tho u g h she was attractive and
s i ng l e . I fou n d she had a H eart-Wal l . She had a goal to
be married with i n the next year but she was sti l l alone because of her H eart-Wal l .
When I started to work with her, fi rst of a l l I
asked what this wal l was m ade of, because
the s u bconscio u s m i nd wi l l always choose
some kind of a mate rial for the Heart-Wal l to
be made out of. In her case it was clear
plastic. When I arrived at th i s , she said to m e ,
"Oh , I l ove cl ear plastic ! W h e n I was a kid , my
parents covered o u r couches and o u r carpet
and o u r stairs and everyth i ng with clear
Energ ies
Th is is a pe rfect exam ple of how there is often some kind of logic i n the mate rial that
the H eart-Wa l l is sym bol ical ly made of. I n her case , she was a re l i g iously observant
Orthodox Jew. She was a ve ry p u re , kind person who wanted to keep her heart clean
and p u re fro m all of the d i rty thi ngs in th i s world . So her s u bconscious created a wal l
aro u nd her heart to s u it that pu rpose . lt was clear plastic because that was a material
that she u nde rstood to have the abi l ity to keep thi ngs new and clean . Why else do
people cove r things with clear plastic? So that 20 years late r they can take the cover
off the couch and it's l i ke they j u st boug ht it !
I was sitting across from this l ady, identifying her H eart-Wall emotions one by o n e .
She wou ld t h e n release each one with a mag net, rol l i n g or s l i d i ng t h e mag net ove r
her fore head to the back of her neck 3 times. When we cleared the last emotion , I
had an amaz i ng experience . lt was l i ke a sto ne had sudden ly been rol led away from
in front of her heart and i n stantly I was bei ng bathed with this beautifu l , i ncred i b l e
fee l i ng com i ng o u t o f her heart. I mag i ne spend i ng a l o n g col d , dark, g ray wi nter
i nside and then suddenly there is a s u n ny day, and you wal k outside and you j u st
stand there and soak u p that s u n . That's exactly how it felt to m e . lt was ve ry real ,
and someth i n g that if I l ive to be a m i l l ion years old , I wi l l neve r fo rget. lt was real ly
amaz i n g . I to ld her what I was fee l i n g , and I told her that she wou ld now be better
ab le to create or find that relationsh i p - better able to fi nd love and get married and
reach her goals because now, that energy from her heart was now rad i ati ng out i nto
the u n ive rse and fi l l i ng the i m mensity of space , and it was going to start d rawi ng
th i ngs to her. As I was tel l i ng her t h i s , a handsome, s i n g l e Orthodox Jewish doctor
who I had met earl ier wal ked rig ht by me, rig ht u p to her and started tal king with her.
I thought to myse lf, "Wow, this stuff works fast. " lt real ly does !
Heart Transplants
The heart is an i ncred ible organ . We 've had the abi l ity to transplant hearts now for a
long t i m e , and we know now that a lot of people end
u p receiving not only the heart from the donor but
also many of the do nor's memories and affin ities .
I n fact, transpl ant reci pients ofte n report that they
have new food or d ri n k prefere nces or cravings.
Someti mes eve n the i r handwriti ng wi l l change ! lt's
not u n usual for their m usical prefe re nces to change
to match that of the donor. Sometimes, they i n he rit
memories from the donor of places that they've never
been before , yet somehow, they remember be i ng
there !
Energ ies
Fo r exam p l e , I saw a docu mentary once where a wo man had gotte n a heart
transplant. H e r friends came i nto the recovery room and said , " H ey, you 've got you r
new heart now. When you get out of here what d o you want to do?" And s h e sai d ,
"We l l , I 'd ki l l for a beer!" They al l looked ag hast a n d s h e looked eq ually shocked
herself, because she normal ly j u st d rank tea ! When she got out of the hospital , she
fou nd that she real ly did l i ke bee r and also that she craved g reen peppers . And when
she wou ld travel to certain towns which she neve r been to before , she wou ld have
this eerie sensation that she had bee n there before , and she knew what was going to
be around the next corner. Then she went back to the hospital and fou nd out that a
man who had d ied i n a motorcycle accident was her heart donor. As you m i g ht
i m ag i ne , he loved g reen peppers and beer, and had been to al l those towns that she
had had those eerie fee l i ngs about.
Another fasci nating transplant story is told of a middl e-aged
man who got a heart transplant. Afte r the s u rgery he had
this i ncred i b l e , i n satiable yearn ing fo r classical music. H e
cou ld n 't stop l i ste n i ng t o i t . He wou ld play classical music
loud i n h i s home al l day long . H e wo u l d l i sten to certain
passag es obsessively ove r and over. H i s wife thoug ht he
was losi ng h i s m i n d . H e 'd never l i ked classical m u sic
before . They we re amazed to find out that he had received
the heart of a yo u ng man who was a viol i n ist , who was
ki l led in a d rive-by shooti ng on h i s way home from a recital ,
cl utch i n g h i s viol i n case to h i s chest.
The heart is fu l l of nervous system tissue l i ke the brai n and
contai ns some of our memories . One of the most asto n i s h i ng
transplant stories is that of a 7-year-old g i rl who had recu rri ng
nig htmares abo ut being ki l led after receivi ng the heart of
another c h i ld who had been m u rdered . H e r descri ptions of
the m u rderer as wel l as the m u rder weapon led to the arrest
and conviction of the ki l ler.
Another story i nvolves a m i d d le-aged man who received a
heart from a yo u nger man who had ki l led h i mself by shooting
h i mself i n the head . Th is man was so g ratefu l to have a new
lease on l ife that he began writi ng to the dono r's widow. For 2 years they carried on
this correspondence . When he fi nally met her face-to-face he said , "The moment I
saw her, I cou l d n 't take my eyes off of her! lt was l i ke I 'd known her all my l ife !" They
ended up getting married , eve n tho u g h there was q u ite an age gap. This made
national news because , after 1 2 years of marriag e , he ki l led h i mself too , by shooti ng
h i mself in the head j u st l i ke the donor d i d . Th is particu lar heart had a lot of negative
Energ ies
energy i n and aro u n d it, powe rfu l enough to create this horri ble outcome twice . If
either one of these men had had the H eart-Wal l re moved , th i ngs may have been
m u ch different.
There are all kinds of sto ries l i ke this about the heart. I l i ke to say that we are now
l iving in the "age of the heart . " I be l i eve that if we are going to evolve and get to the
next leve l as a civi l ization , as a world , it is only going to be thro u g h u n locki ng o u r
hearts and al lowing o u r heart-brai n t o d i rect o u r l ives . We 've been u s i n g t h e brai n i n
o u r heads for thousands o f years now and you can
see where it's gotten u s . We 've advanced
technolog ical ly but we sti l l are l iving l i ke pri m itive
man i n many ways . We believe that it's okay to bom b
people and w e be l i eve that war is a perfectly
j u stifiable way to solve d ifferences between nations.
That's the kind of th i n ki ng that is prod uced by the
brai n that's i n our head s . The heart-brai n howeve r,
cou ld solve all these problems by choosing a m uch
hig her pat h . But u nti l we get rid of enou g h of these
Heart-Walls from people, thi ngs are going to
conti n u e as they are .
The Heart-Wall Flow Chart
The flow chart for the Heart-Wal l is al most exactly the same as the flow chart for
releas i ng trapped emotions because H eart-Walls are
made of trapped emotions. Yo u start at the top and
s i m ply ask, "Do you have a Heart-Wal l ?" If the answer
to th is fi rst q u estion is no, then you w i l l want to use the
word "hidden" because someti mes the H eart-Wal l is
hidd e n . Asking if there is a hidden H eart-Wal l wi l l make
it reveal its prese nce . I n cases where you have to use
the word hidden, once the Heart-Wal l is revealed you
don 't need to use the word h i dden anymore . You wi l l
o n l y need to use i t t h e fi rst t i m e to get t h e H eart-Wal l to
show u p if the H eart-Wall is h idde n , but not afte r that.
Th is is l i ke digg i ng u p bu ried treas u re ; once it's dug u p ,
it's not b u ried anymore .
The next q u estion is, "Can we release an emotion from the H eart-Wal l now?" That's
an i m po rtant q u estion because someti mes people are in a bad situation and the i r
Heart-Wal l is needed to protect the i r heart, at least for a w h i l e . I n a case l i ke th i s , the
su bconscious m i nd wi l l say, "No, I 'm not ready to release this yet !" and yo u 'l l get a
Energ ies
"no" answe r. Usually thoug h , if you come back i n a few days or a week i n cases l i ke
th i s , the answer wi l l have changed to a yes . Someti mes the s u bconscious m i nd
needs to th i n k about it for a wh i l e . Most of the time people are ready to start
re leasing rig ht away .
Releasing Heart- Wa ll Emotions
At the moment that the body answers "yes , " that an emotion is ready to be released ,
that emotion has al ready been identified by the su bconscious m i n d , and it's al ready
beg i n n i ng to emerge i nto the energy field of the body. So at that poi nt, you s i m p ly
determine what the correct e motion is, as expl ained befo re . Ag ai n , if you are taken to
a ce rtain col u m n and a ce rtain row and no trapped emotion is detectable, then you
can ask if the emotion is i n herited . lt is possible to have an i n herited trapped emotion
be part of a H eart-Wal l .
You can optional ly ask when the trapped e motion
occu rred , who is i nvolved , etc. Another good thing to
ask is, "Do we need to know more about this emotion ?"
When the answe r to this q u estion is "no", then yo u 're
done . At that poi nt yo u can ro l l the mag net down the
back or over the head to re lease the trapped emotion ,
3 ti mes (or 1 0 ti mes for i n herited emotions) .
Then ask, "Did we clear that trapped emotion?" The
answe r should be yes , and if so , you h ave cleared one
layer of the Heart-Wal l . The H eart-Wa l l is made of
d ifferent l aye rs of trapped emotions, m uch l i ke an
onion .
To clear another laye r of the Heart-Wal l , start again at the top of the chart and ask,
"Do you have a H eart-Wal l ?" and "Can we release an emotion from you r H eart-Wa l l
now?" a n d s o o n . I find that I can usual ly release 4 t o 6 emotions i n a s i n g l e session ,
someti mes more , someti mes less. The average perso n seems to have 1 2 to 24
trapped emotions making up the i r H eart-Wal l , but it may be more or less than this,
depend i n g on the perso n .
Other Questions About Trapped Emotions
If you ask, "Do we need to know more about this trapped emotion?" and the body
says "yes , " then that means there 's someth i ng else that the su bconscious m i nd
wants to be bro u g ht to conscious awareness. U s u al ly this wi l l be s i m p l e i nformation
such as when it occu rred ( i . e . age 32) or perhaps identifying the ci rcu mstances
E n erg ies
s u rro u n d i ng the emotional eve nt ( i . e . when you were fi red) or so meone else who was
i nvolved ( i . e . you r mother) .
Variations of Trapped Emotions
We wi l l now explore the d ifferent vari ations of trapped emotions and the diffe re nt
kinds of i nformation yo u may need to identify.
When there is more than one trapped emotion lodged i n a particular location i n the
body, it is a phenomenon cal led "nesti ng . " These are l i ke Russian nesting dolls i n
that they are a l l sto red i n the same place . Othe r energ ies can nest too , but w e see
this most ofte n with trapped emotions. lt's poss i b l e
for nested emotions t o b e co mplete ly d iffe rent from
each othe r and have no obvious co n nection , but
sometimes they are about a certai n eve nt or
re lationsh i p , or they are the same emotion- l i ke 4
emotions of fear, for exam ple. What usually h appens
when nested emotions are released is a decrease i n
pai n i n that location of the body for each trapped
emotion re leased . I 've seen as many as 1 0 trapped
emotions nested in one particu lar area of tiss u e , and
when we re leased each emotion , the pai n level
wou l d d rop a l ittle b it, then a l ittle more for each
emotion u nti l the pai n was gone .
Absorbed Emotions
Occasional ly you wi l l find that you need to ide ntify
when an emotion came from someone else. This
means that the emotional energy was generated by
someone else's body, and su bseq u e ntly became
trapped in the subject's body. This normally happens
when Person A is experienci ng an i nte nse emotion ,
and Person B i s either i nvolved i n the situation o r is
physical ly nearby. These are cal led absorbed
emotions, because Person B l ite rally absorbed Perso n
A's emotional energy i nto the i r body, much l i ke a
sponge soaks u p water. If this is the case , you may
need to ide ntify Person A, b ut it is usual ly enough to
E nerg ies
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
ide ntify s i m p ly that the e motion was i n fact, absorbed from someone else.
Prenata l Emotions
E motions that are trapped in the body after conception but before b i rth (wh i l e i n the
wo mb) are known as prenatal emotions. Th is usually occu rs in the th i rd tri mester, for
some reaso n we 're not totally aware of, but it may be si mply because the
deve lopment of the fetus and its organs is fu rther along . There are two kinds of
prenatal emotions :
Absorbed (usual ly from the mother)
Created by the fetus
Fi rst, let's d iscuss pre n atal emotions that are absorbed from
the mother. If a preg nant woman expe riences an emotion , it
may be absorbed by the fetus and trapped in its body. ( I n this
situation , the mother wou ld be Person A, and the fetus wou ld
be Person B as descri bed i n the Absorbed E motions section ) .
A n emotion l i ke th i s does not
necessari ly get trapped i n the
mother's body as we l l , but it can .
N ow let's d i scuss prenatal emotions
that are created by the fetus. A fetus, althou g h somewhat
i n s u l ated by the wom b , has a certain level of awareness
about the outside world , especi ally as it pertains to the
expe riences of the mother. An u n born c h i l d can ce rtai n ly
generate and expe rience its own emotions, and these
emotions can become trapped in its body. Usual ly these
emotions wi l l be in response to d i stress of the mother or less ofte n , the father or
perhaps someone e lse who is close to the mother.
Both types of prenatal emotions are released with 3
rol ls down the governing meridian j u st l i ke any other
trapped emotion .
Inherited Emotions
I n herited emotions are trapped emotions j u st l i ke any
other except for one very i m portant d iffe rence . The
d iffere nce is that an i n he rited emotion became trapped
d u ri ng an emotional eve nt that occu rred in the l ife of an
ancestor. That trapped emotion is then passed down to
the offspri n g , at conception, from either the mother or
Energ ies
father. The term " i n herited" means it is passed down from one of the biolog ical
parents , s i m i lar to i n heriti ng DNA and other genetic material . I n herited emotions can
be passed down m u ltiple generations.
The passing down of the emotion occu rs at conceptio n , when sperm and egg u n ite
and fe rti l ization occu rs . The emotion is passed from
a parent to the ferti l ized egg and becomes part of the
fetus. A trapped emotion can be passed from the
mother at conception . A trapped e motion can be
passed from the father at conception . lt is possible to
i n herit m u ltiple different emotions from each parent.
lt is not possible to i n herit the same exact emotion
from both parents , u n less yo u r parents are re l ated
somewhere up the ancestral l i ne and each i n herited
the same exact emotion from the same exact
ancesto r. This wou ld be very rare but it is possi b l e .
I n herited emotions are l i ke recessive g e n e s i n that
not all descend ants wi l l i n herit the same emotion .
Discovering Inherited Emotions
I n herited e motions are usual ly d iscovered when you are taken to a ce rtai n col u m n
and row on The E motion Code Chart , and at that poi nt, the emotion can not be
dete rm i n ed . You wi l l probably fi nd that a l l the e motions test strong fo r "yes" or weak
fo r "no". Yo u may also test strong fo r 2
emotions and weak for the other 3 i n that
Col um n A
cel l , or someth ing of the sort. G eneral ly
Row 1
anyti me there is confusion when trying to
H art or
determ ine an emotion , it is a dead g iveaway
lntes e
that the emotion is i n herited . U nti l you ask,
" I s this emotion i n herited ?" you s i m ply wi l l
not b e able to get any clear answer.
If an emotional energy is strong enoug h , it can
be passed down anywhere fro m seve ral to
many generations. Th is chart shows a fam i ly
gene tree - emotions are handed down i n the
same way. L i ke recessive genes, not al l
desce ndants w i l l i n herit the emotion ; it may be
passed to al l desce ndants or o n ly a few . . .
When identifying an i n herited trapped e motion ,
E nerg ies
it is i m portant to find the exact genealogy. Th is i s also cal led the l i ne of i n h eritance ,
or i n other wo rds, who exactly it orig i n ated with . lt is easiest to start this ide ntification
process worki ng backward from the s u bject. You m i g ht ask, "Did you i n h e rit this
emotion from you r mother?" or, "From you r fathe r?" then ask if it goes back fu rther,
i . e . , "Did yo u r father i n herit this e motion from h i s mother?" or, "From his father?"
Conti n u e in this fashion u nti l you identify the ancestor who it orig i n ated with , maki ng
note of each generation as yo u go along . We d o n 't usually see i n herited e motions
that go back more than a few generations, but we have seen them go back as far as
20 generations or more .
Clearing from Multiple Recipients
The exciting thing about these emotions is that we can re lease them from m u ltiple
people at once . When you release an i n herited emotion from someon e , it
automatical ly releases al l the way u p the ancestral l i n e . This means that if Susie
i n herited a trapped emotion from her mother's mother, releasing the emotion from
Susie wi l l automatical ly clear the emotion from her mother and g rand mother as wel l .
Th is i s a n automatic thing that happens every time you release a n i n herited emotio n .
What i s not automatic i s re leas i ng the same emotion fro m other rel atives who also
rece ived the same trapped emotion . Fo r exam p l e , if Susie has an au nt and a cou s i n
w h o also rece ived t h e trapped emotion from the
g rand mother, they wou ld not automatical ly be
affected by the release from S u s i e 's body. lt is
poss i b l e , however, to re lease it from eve ryon e ,
i nc l u d i n g t h e au nt a n d cousi n , at t h e same time if you
intend to.
Holding the i ntention to release the trapped emotion
from e veryone who has eve r received it wi l l do
exactly that. All this entai ls is focusing on you r goal
to re lease the emotion from everyone who eve r
rece ived it. If you don 't focus on this goal , you wi l l
o n ly release i t from S u s i e , h e r mother and her
g rand mother.
I, and seve ral of my students have h ad expe riences that suggest that peo ple take
the i r trapped emotions with them when they d i e . If that is the case , it ind icates that
o u r ancestors who have passed on are also i n need of emotional release j u st l i ke we
are . If you i ntend to release an i n herited trapped emotion from anyone who eve r
rece ived it, l iving or dead , that wou ld be a way to i n d i rectly release it from ancestors
who h ave passed o n .
E n e rg ies
lt wou ld not be realistic to try to obta i n perm 1ss1on from a l l the recipie nts of an
i n h e rited trapped emotio n . You can sti l l attempt to clear it from eve ryo n e , this be i ng
the only type of situation when it can be considered eth ical to release an emotion
from someone without the i r knowledge or consent. The emotion wi l l l i kely re lease
from eve ryone u n less somebody is hold i ng onto it for some reason .
Inherited Hopelessness
I have had seve ral i n herited emotions re leased from my body, but one in particu lar
made a huge d iffe rence . One day, my daughte r N atalie was wo rki ng on me long
distance and fou n d an i n herited trapped emotion of hopelessness. For so me
u n known reason she i m mediately started fee l i ng very emotional . She traced it back
22 generations to a g rand mother of o u rs . Then sudden ly, she cou ld fee l the
presence of this fe male ancestor stand i n g next to her. N atal i e co u ld fee l this
ancestor's i m me nse g ratitude towards her, for doing this work. At the same ti m e , she
cou ld feel how desperate ly this ancesto r wanted this emotion re leased from her
posterity. N atalie re leased the emotion from me and also from herself. lt was an
amaz i ng experie nce for both of us.
For my part, the resu lts of this emotional re lease are a bit hard to describe . I mag i ne
l iving next to a loud facto ry all you r l ife , and suddenly the facto ry sh uts down . You
wou ld be so u sed to the noise that suddenly the s i l e nce wou ld be deafe n i ng . That's
what it was l i ke fo r me when N atal i e released that i n he rited hopelessness . Sudden ly,
I real ized that the backg rou nd fee l i ng of hopelessness that had always been there
was suddenly gone . I d i d n 't eve n know that it was there , but when sudde nly it was
gone , I co u ld fee l an i ncred ible d iffe rence .
N atalie had h e r own expe rie nce from this emotional release , too . S h e had been
pai nting for 8 years and loved it, but had a very hard time fi n ish i ng a pai nti ng and
shari ng her work with others . All of a sudde n , she sig ned u p for art classes on a
wh i m , and a few months later she proudly showed 3 of her pai nti ngs i n a gallery
show. She also started her busi ness worki ng with clients using The Body Code and
T3 long d i stance . She had been proficient in both tech n iq ues for years , but always
had the same kind of backg round hopelessness that kept her from using her ski l l s to
make a l ivi ng .
The Veil of Memory
I bel i eve that before we come here to this worl d ,
w e l ived with God as spi rit bei ngs. I be l i eve that
we all l ived there , i n that wonderfu l place , that we
we re conscious, that we cou l d make decisions
Energ ies
and act for o u rselves. I be l i eve that when we come i nto this l ife , we are born i nto a
state of complete and total amnesia. I refe r to this as the "ve i l of memory" that is
some how pl aced over us and d ivides us from o u r memories of that l ife before , where
we l ived with God .
When I was 1 8 years old , I had a n expe rience where I was q u i etly meditati ng and
suddenly, it was as if this vei l was parted from me j u st for a few seconds - for
probably about 5 seconds total . The resu lt of that was that I was i n stantaneously
take n from a place of total re l axation and med itation to a place of the most i nte nse
and overwhel m i ng homesickness that I 've ever felt in my l ife ; homesickness to be
back to that place where we all came fro m . lt lasted for about 5 seconds and then it
was ove r, but it left me ree l i ng with awe . I learned some th i ngs fro m this. I learned
that this is really not our home here . We came from another place that we have
fo rgotte n . I learned that it's a good th i n g that we have this veil of memory because I
honestly be l i eve that we cou l d not stand it here i n th is place for more than 5 m i n utes
if we d id n 't have this vei l of memory that d ivides us from that place where we once
l ived .
Preconception Emo tions
This leads us to the next topic, which is what we cal l preconception emotions. These
are trapped emotions that become lodged in the spi rit body prior to conceptio n . The
fi rst time I saw this on someone, I was tracki ng down a trapped emotion and it went
back earl ier than 1 0 years , and earl ier than 5 years ,
and eve n earl ier than b i rth . I asked , " I s this a prenatal
emotion that became trapped d u ri ng preg nancy?" The
answe r was , " N o . " So I asked , " I s this an i n herited
emotion ?" The answer was , " N o . "
I tho u g ht t o myse lf, "H m m m , wel l , if t h e spi rit existed
before it came i nto the body, maybe it came from that
other world , " and it d i d i n this case. If you do ve ry m uch
work with The E motion Cod e , you wi l l see this as we l l ,
but probably not very ofte n . I th i n k that perh aps , before
we come to this worl d , sometimes we 're g iven a
g l i m pse of where we ' re going . I th i n k that someti mes,
we have fear about that. We look at where we 're going
and we pan ic, and th i n k , "Oh my gosh . I 'm going there ? You 're send i ng me there ?
H e 's g o i n g t o be my dad ?" T h e typical t h i n g s that w e see with preconception
emotions are usually fear related about com i ng to earth , or g rief re lated emotions
abo ut leaving our home with God . These are cleared with 3 rol l s , j u st l i ke any other
trapped emotion .
Energ ies
Emotional Resonance
Now let's talk about emotional resonance. Sometimes, intense emotional energy can
leave our DNA ringing like a bell. If you were to walk up to a bell and hit it with a
hammer, it would ring for a time and then the ringing would fade from hearing. If you
were to come back an hour later, you wouldn't
hear any ringing at all. If you were to put a fine
instrument up to that bell and measure what's
going on, you might see that the bell is still
intense emotional experiences can affeCt our
body in the same way. This ringing can last for
many years, if not all our lives. This emotional
resonance can even be inherited, although that
seems to be quite rare. Remember that this is
not the same as a trapped emotion at all. lt's
not a ball of energy. lt's actually a vibrational
resonance in the DNA of the body. In a sense,
the DNA is actually left "ringing" with the vibration of the emotion.
You can let these show up by regular use of The Body Code Mind Maps, or you can
look for these directly by asking, "Is there an emotional resonance that we can
clear?" If there is and the body says "yes," you would simply use The Emotion Code
Chart and go down the list, "Is it in column A or B?" and so on. Even though it's not a
trapped emotion, you will use the same emotion list because those same emotions
can, instead of creating a trapped emotion, leave the body ringing with a particular
frequency. This phenomenon is cleared with 3 rolls with a magnet down the
governing meridian unless it's inherited, in which case it would be 10 rolls.
Post-Traumatic energies are another category of energies that distort the energy field
of the body, usually after some sort of trauma has occurred. This category includes
such energies as inflammation, miasms, physical traumas and psychic traumas.
Inflammation, as most people understand it, is often the result of injury, irritation or
infection, and is a chemical process in the body tissues. However, inflammation is
also an energy that can become stuck in the body. Usually, inflammation energy
does develop from injury, irritation or infection, and the body lets go of the
inflammation energy as the body heals and the physical inflammation resolves.
Someti mes howeve r, the body wi l l hold onto the
i nflam mation energy. When this happens, it can
prolong physical i nflammation and preve nt
proper heal i n g . Releasing i nflam mation energy
can red uce physical i nfl ammation and pai n or
resolve it altogether. Th is is released with 3 rol l s
down t h e govern i ng merid i an , l i ke al most
eve ryth ing else.
I have fou nd that D M SO (d i methylsu lfoxide) can
be very helpfu l with i nflammation as wel l . DSMO
has been used for many years for red ucing
i nflam mation for race horses, and I have used it i n my own fam i ly and on my own
body with good resu lts . lt is avai lable at most health-food stores .
M i asms were d iscovered by Sam uel Hahneman n , the 1 8'h centu ry fou nder of
Homeopathy. Basical ly, a m i asm is an i n herited distortion of the energy field that
orig i n ated from some ki nd of a suppressed d i sease. I n other words, say that one of
yo u r ancestors had so me sort of d isease that they suppressed with d rugs or other
re med ies, but was never fu l ly healed . That created a
distortion i n the i r body's energy field , and that d i stortion
of the energy field was passed on to their poste rity.
M i asms can cause all kinds of problems both physical
and emotional in natu re , and they are always i n herited .
If you do see one of these , be s u re to find the
genealogy of the m i asm , the same as yo u wou ld if it
were an i n herited trapped emotion . M i asms are cleared
with 1 0 rol l s down the govern i ng merid ian .
Physica l Trauma
Physical trau ma energy occu rs when some kind of a physical blow is rece ived or
when the body is u nder some kind of extreme stress . Usually, energy l i ke that wi l l do
its damage and then be processed and rel eased from the body automatical ly.
Someti mes, however, the energy from a trau ma can actually beco me lodged i n the
physical body.
For exam p l e , let's say yo u 're sitting at a stoplight and you are rear-ended . There are
h u nd reds of tons of kinetic energy that are released in an accident l i ke th i s , energy
that cru m ples the fenders and damages both cars . This is also the energy that g ives
Energ ies
you w h i p l ash or i nj u res you i n some other way. Being pu nched or h it anywhere on
you r body can also cause physical trau ma energy. lt is l ess co m mon but also
possible for an extre me emotional eve nt to cause physical trau ma energy to occu r.
Th is l i kely happe ns when there is some kind of a shock that is sustai ned . Extre me
physical i l l ness can also create physical trau ma energy.
Physical trau ma energy can become stuck i n the
body as a sphere of energy, s i m i lar to a trapped ,
typical ly basebal l to cantalou pe-sized . Whereve r
physical trau ma energy lodges i n the body, it wi l l
d istort the energy field j u st l i ke a trapped emotion ,
and wi l l i nterfe re with heal ing and may cause
noticeable sym ptoms, j u st as a trapped emotion can .
I remember rig ht after I d iscovered this phenomeno n ,
I h ad a patient who came to m e w h o had been i n an
auto accident 4 years befo re . H e 'd seen m u lti ple
d iffere nt docto rs , but h is pai n was j u st as bad as the
day of the accident. We fou n d that he had a physical
trau ma energy that was lodged in his neck from the
accident. We re leased that energy with 3 rol l s down the govern i n g merid ian and
i n stantly his pai n l eve l decreased by 80% , j u st from releasing this physical trau ma
energy. Physical trau ma energy is re leased with 3 rol ls down the govern i ng merid i an .
Psychic Trauma
Afte r 9/1 1 /200 1 , I had patients com i ng to me that had
some kind of emotional i m balance that I had neve r see n
before . lt was n 't a trapped emotion , yet it was defi n itely
s i m i lar. Afte r prayi ng fo r help to u nderstand what was
happe n i ng , the answer came . Th is kind of energy is cal led
a psychic trau ma.
These develop when two or perh aps three powe rfu l
emotions are fe lt s i m u ltaneously and become trapped
tog ether i nto one bal l of energy. If you remember 9/1 1 , of
cou rse eve ryone was fee l i ng a wide range of emotions,
such as anger, shock, terror, sad ness , fear, g rief, sorrow
and so o n , and a lot of psychic trau ma was created that
Energ ies
Usually psychic trau mas orig i n ate from emotional trau mas l i ke this where fee l i ngs
are extre me and te nsions are h ig h . They can ce rtai nly occu r from eve ryday stresses
howeve r, if someone is not in ve ry good control of the i r emotional choices.
Psychic trau m as wou ld look ve ry s i m i lar to trapped emotions if we cou ld see the m ,
but the mai n difference is that they are not made of o n e p u re freq ue ncy. Whereas a
trapped emotion is one p u re freq u ency of emotion ( i . e . anger) , a psychic trau ma i s 2
or 3 freq uencies that are m ixed together ( i . e . anger and fear) . Th is is s i m i lar to m ixi ng
red and yel low pai nt together to make oran g e . You can see that red and ye l l ow are
the i n g red ients , but you can 't separate the pai nt i nto p u re red and yel low ag ai n . I n
this way, for exam p l e , you can not re l ease o n ly anger from th is psychic trau ma. You
m u st also identify the fear, and any other necessary i nfo and then you can re lease it.
Someti mes it is not poss i b l e to ide ntify both emotions in a psychic trau ma, but other
times it may be necessary . J u st s i m ply ask,
"Do we need to ide ntify the i n d ivid ual
emotional vibrations that make u p this psychic
traum a?" and go fro m there .
The process i s s i m i lar to fi nd i ng a trapped
emotion . There is a flow chart located in you r
M i nd Maps as wel l as i n The Body Code
Man u al u nder the Resou rces sectio n . In the
exam ple shown here , you can not release o n ly
Anger fro m the Psychic Trau ma, you wi l l
rel ease
s i m u ltaneously
Sometimes it i s not possible or necessary to
ide ntify both emotions.
Psychic trau mas wi l l tend to cause al l the same kinds of problems that trapped
emotions cause , but wi l l o nly show up if you use those words "psychic trau m a . " They
are fai rly com mon , occu rri ng about once for every 8 - 1 0 trapped emotions, depend i ng
on the person of cou rse . These can also be i n herited or absorbed j u st l i ke trapped
emotions, although this seems to be rare . Psychic trau mas are released with 3 ro l l s
down t h e govern i ng merid ian , u n l ess they are i n herited i n w h i c h case it takes 1 0
rol l s .
Th is section i ncludes physical al l e rg ies, idea allerg ies and i ntolerances. Most people
th i n k that if they are i ntol e rant or allerg ic to someth i ng , they wi l l always be i ntolerant
or a l lerg i c to that th i ng . This is not necessarily tru e . Changes can occ u r in how the
En erg ies
body reacts to su bstances when the energy of the allergy or the i ntolerance is
released . In that same vei n , all erg ies and i ntolerances can develop when the body is
i m bal anced i n other ways . Allerg ies and i ntolerances may create d ifficu lty ran g i ng
from m i ld to seve re .
Physica l Allergies
Physical allerg ies are negative energ ies that develop from changes in the way o u r
energy field reacts t o t h e energy o f certain foods s u c h a s certa i n prote i n s , n uts and
dai ry, organic mate rial l i ke pol l e n , tree bark, wool and cat dander, and chem icals
such as med ications, cleaners, and cos metics . Someti mes the allergen is obvious
and causes h ives , swe l l i ng or sneez i ng . Other ti mes the affects of an allergy may not
be obvious at al l . Don 't be su rprised if you find an allergy but the person does n 't
show typical allergy sym ptoms. I n fact , one of the most common signs of an allergy
is loss of energy afte r encou nteri ng the allergen .
I f yo u find that someone has the energy of a
physical allergy, yo u wi l l want to ide ntify what
su bstance it is that he or she is allerg i c to so you
can release the al lergy. The person may al ready
know what it i s , but if not, you wi l l have to fig u re it
out. The easiest way to do this is to ide ntify what
category of allergen it belongs to , the most
common be i n g foods , organic mate rials and
chem ical s . Someti mes it is enough to si mply
ide ntify the category.
As soon as you ide ntify what the allergy is to , you may want to ide ntify if there are
any u nderlyi ng cau ses . Fo r exam p l e , a trapped emotion cou ld be i m balanci n g the
stomach , wh ich may have had a d ifficu lt time d igesti ng a certai n food as a resu lt. The
body may then have developed the allergy as a protective mechan ism to lau nch an
attack on that food as soon as it e nte rs the syste m ag ai n . H avi ng a lowe red i m m u ne
system fu nction wi l l also tend to resu lt i n the formation of more allerg ies, causing the
body to overreact when certain su bstances enter the body . Th is kind of overreaction
usually resu lts i n typical allergy sym ptoms.
As soon as you ide ntify and remove any u nderlyi ng causes , release the energy of the
allergy with 3 ro l l s down the govern i ng merid i an . After an allergy is released , it is a
good idea to avo id any contact with that particu lar su bstance for about 24 h o u rs. Th i s
allows t h e body to co mpletely process t h e allergy release a n d regain bal ance .
E n erg ies
Idea Allergies
Idea allerg ies are s i m ply trapped negative energ ies in the body that create a negative
reaction to whateve r idea it is that you 're allergic to . Whereas an allergy to a
su bstance or a food wi l l typical ly cause a physical allerg ic reactio n , an allergy to an
idea wi l l typical ly cause an emotional reaction of some ki n d . These reactions i nclude
emotional u pset and avoidance or sabotage behaviors . Idea allerg ies are often
created d u ri ng a d ifficu lt emotional time where there we re negative fee l i ngs
s u rro u nd i ng the idea.
lt is possible to be al lerg i c to any idea, whether it is negative , positive or i n herently
ne utral . All idea allerg ies are negative energies. Identifying the specific idea that the
allergy is about req u i res i ntu ition , common sense and ded uctive q uesti o n i ng . Yo u
may beg i n by asking if the idea is i n herently negative , positive or neutral . Common
positive ideas that people have all erg ies to are : love , re lationsh i ps , marriag e ,
exe rcise, eating healthy, getting wel l , etc. Common negative ideas are : fee l i ngs such
as heartbreak or fai l u re , bei ng abused , being fi red , be ing poor, bei ng abandoned ,
divorce , etc. Common ne utral ideas are ideas such as : wome n , m e n , a particu lar
perso n , sex , money, havi ng money, maki ng money, etc .
Idea al lerg ies always develop because there has bee n negativity s u rro u n d i ng the
particular idea. For example , someone m i g ht
be allerg ic to the idea of love becau se love is
someth i n g they h ave fe lt hopeless about, or
maybe they were i n love but we re h u rt as a
resu lt. If someone has an allergy to the idea of
be ing abused , it is l i kely that they have been
abu sed in the past or we re afraid of be i ng
abused . If someone h as an allergy to money,
this means that there were negative fee l i ngs
about money or a negative relationsh i p with
money at some poi nt in the past.
The effect that allerg ies can have is th reefold . Fi rst, allerg i es are negative energ ies
that have a d i storting effect on the energy field and therefore the body. Second , idea
allerg ies i nfl uence emotional choices by causing negative fee l i ngs about the
particular idea. Th i rd , allerg ies cause you to su bconsciously focus negativity on that
particu lar idea, d rawing more of that specific negative energy to yo u . Remember that
you r focus determ i nes you r real ity whether it is conscious or s u bconscious.
If you fee l stuck and are having a hard time fig u ri ng it out, it can be h e lpful to say a
prayer asking for help from you r H igh e r Power, then refocu s you r efforts and keep
goi ng . Ask as many q u estions as you need to , and allow you rself a few q u i et
moments so you can i ntuit if yo u are goi ng the rig ht d i rection or not.
E n e rg ies
Once you ide ntify the idea, you w i l l want to ide ntify if there are any u nderlyi ng
cau ses . Because negative feel i ngs are usually the d riving fo rce be h i n d the creation
of idea allerg ies, there will l i kely be an u nderlyi ng cause fo r any idea allergy that you
fi nd . Most often , these u nderlyi ng cau ses wi l l be trapped emotions or some othe r
k i n d o f energy. Once you identify a n d release any u nderlying cau ses , you can
re lease the idea allergy with 3 rol l s down the govern i ng merid ian . Th is re moves the
negativity s u rro u n d i ng that idea, neutral izing it so it no longer creates a negative
reactio n . Confi rm that the idea allergy has been re leased , and if you want to you can
also confirm that the idea has been neutral ized by aski ng , "Are you okay with (the
idea) ?" If the answer is no, there may be more emotional or other energies to clear
s u rro u n d i ng the idea.
Food Into lerances
Food i ntolerances are energ ies that cause the d i gestive system to have a negative
physical reaction to a ce rtain food or type of food . The most common symptom of
food i ntolerance is sudden exhaustion shortly after eati ng . Digestive u pset i ncl u d i ng
gas , bloati ng , diarrhea and/or acid refl ux are also
common . H eadaches can also occur, most often
with i ntolerances for chemicals such as food
add itives. Food i ntolerances are m uch more
com mon than food allerg ies. The body can
develop an i nto lerance fo r anyth i ng . Some
co mmon i ntolerances are to : l actose , case i n ,
g l ute n , n uts , meat , m u s h rooms and n ig htshade
plants such as egg plant, peppe rs , potatoes and
tomatoes . In order to release the energy of the
food i nto lerance , you wi l l need to ide ntify what
the i ntolerance is to . Use common sense ,
i ntu ition and ded u ctive q u estion i ng to arrive at
yo u r answer. The client may have an idea of what it i s , especially if this i s someth i n g
that has bothe red t h e m i n t h e past. A s soon a s you
ide ntify what the i ntolerance is to , you may want to
also ide ntify and remove any u nderlyi ng causes . For
exam ple, if the small i ntestine is u n h appy, it can help
to create an i nto lerance .
Keep i n m i nd that it is normal for the h u man body to
be i nto lerant to food s that are poor q ual ity or toxic.
Genetically modified foods , processed foods and
chemical food add itives such as food co lorings and
mo nosod i u m g l utamate wi l l always be toxic to the
Energ ies
body. Treating a food i ntolerance to a toxic or poo r qual ity food and then co nti n u i ng
to eat that food is s i m p ly abusing the body. If you m i stake n ly eat a food that contains
a tox i n and you have a reactio n , you can treat the i ntolerance and it may help yo u
recover faste r. For more i nformation on food q u al ity, see the "Conspi ri ng Men" DVD .
Food i nto lerances are usually correctable b y ro l l i ng 3 ti mes down the govern ing
merid ian . Avoid i ng the food for 24 hou rs afterward does not seem to be necessary,
but may be a good idea anyway,
The mental i mbal ances section i ncl udes energ ies such as broadcast messages,
despair anchors , i m ages, memory fields, wi l l to die, no wi l l to l ive , and need for a T3
sessio n . The energ ies i n this section general ly come from negative thou g ht patterns
that are either seve re , repetitive or both .
Broadcast Messages
Broadcast messages can be e ither negative or positive . A broadcast message is
energy that is conti n u ally be ing sent out from the
body to other people, who rece ive it
s u bconsciously and form opinions and decisions
based on what the message says . lt can
i nfl u e nce o n e 's abi l ity to form and keep
relationsh i ps , and can attract the rig ht or wrong
people and behavior. lt is poss i b l e to find and
remove a negative broadcast messag e , then
replace it with a positive broadcast message if
Negative Broadcast Messages
There are general ly two types of negative broadcast messages :
Com m and messages
Descri ptive messages
Com mand messages are generally stated as "com mands" such as :
"Stay away"
"Take advantage of me"
"Abuse me"
" I g nore me"
Energ ies
Descri ptive messages are stateme nts that say someth i ng abo ut the s u bject, whether
tru e or u ntru e . Some exam ples are :
" I 'm easy"
" I 'm h u rt , "
" I 'm a fake"
"Peop l e h u rt me"
lt is most co mmon to have short se nte nces such as these samples, but it i s also
possible that a message cou ld be longer. If you find a negative broadcast messag e
on someone, yo u w i l l want to identify the word i ng of the statement before you can
re lease it. Ask what kind of message it i s : com mand or descri ptive . lt is usual ly
helpfu l to th i n k about what kinds of issues the person is having and what's going on
in the i r l ife . Let you r i ntu ition g u ide you and ask q u estions to find the right wo rd i ng .
Negative broadcast messages are rel eased by ru n n i ng a mag n et u p the govern i n g
meridian 3 times.
Positive Broadcast Messages
After you re lease the negative broadcast messag e , ask, "Do we need to i nsta l l a
positive broadcast messag e ?" If the answer is yes , you w i l l need to ide ntify the
correct word i ng for a new positive broadcast messag e . The subco nscious m i nd wi l l
know exactly what i t wants for the positive broadcast messag e . These are ofte n the
opposite of what the negative broadcast
message was , but not always . Yo u can always
ask the client if there is a particu lar message
they wou l d l i ke . Keep you r m i nd open and l iste n
to yo u r i ntuition , and m uscle test to confi rm . The
message that the su bconscious m i nd wants may
su rprise yo u . If you feel stuck, ask for a l ittle help
from u pstairs , and it wi l l flow i nto you r m i nd a lot
more eas i ly. To i n stal l a positive broadcast
messag e , ro l l down the govern i ng merid ian 3
An i m age is essenti ally the energy of "pictu re" in the su bconscious m i nd . The
su bconscious (being a goal-see king co mpute r) wi l l atte mpt to fu lfi l ! this i mage , and
wi l l d i rect or m isd i rect you r behavior to make s u re that th is i mage comes to pass . For
exam p l e , if yo u have an i mage of yo u rself as being real ly ove rwe i g ht, the
su bconscious w i l l try to fu lfi l ! this goal and wi l l make it m uch harder fo r you to lose
wei g ht. No matte r what kind of i mage yo u have , the s u bconscious m i nd w i l l attempt
Energ ies
to fu lfi l l that pictu re i n order to match it to you r real ity. I m ages general ly make it more
difficu lt to l ive the l ife you want to l ive and be as healthy as you want to be . They can
also h ave a profo u nd effect on re lationsh i ps and how you see the wo rld aro u nd you .
I n order to re lease a n i mage , you wi l l u s u a l ly need to ide ntify some i nformation about
it. Keep in m i nd the particu lar c l ient and the issues they are going thro ug h . For
exam p l e , if yo u are wo rki ng on depression i n that sess i o n , the i mage probably has
someth i ng to do with depression or re l ated fee l i ng s . Perhaps the i m ag e is of the
cl i ent fee l i ng depressed , or maybe the i mage is of the c l i e nt be ing isolated from
others . You can ask q u estions such as , " I s this an i mage of you ?" or "So meone
else?" or "Is the i mag e of you fee l i ng certain emoti o n ?"
Occasional ly, the i mage wi l l be of some kind
of ite m that sym bol izes someth ing to the client,
such as a toy from c h i l d hood , a key, or
someth i ng of the sort. I n cases l i ke this, it
wou ld be u n real istic for you to try to fig u re out
the exact i mage , u n l ess you have a very
deve loped g ift of visual izatio n . One way to
ide ntify more i nformation about an i mage is to
ask, "Does this i m age sym bol ize a ce rta i n
emotion t o you ?" If t h e answe r is "yes", yo u
can go to The E motion Code C hart and ide ntify
the emotional freq ue ncy. You can also ask at
what age the i m age deve loped as wel l .
Some common themes i n i m ages are be i ng ove rwei g ht, being ignored i n a crowd ,
be i ng poor, being alone and be i n g sick. Someti mes people who have had trouble
getting we l l wi l l have an i m age of themselves be ing sick and someti mes even being
take n care of by others . Someti mes the theme of an i m age wi l l be general ly positive ,
but not helpfu l . For exam ple, someone may have an i mage of the i r ex-spouse and
wi l l be u nable to move on even afte r getting a d ivorce , because this i mage keeps
getting in the way.
Once you h ave identified al l the i nformation necessary about an i m ag e , you can
release it with j u st 3 ro l l s down the govern i ng merid i an .
Memory Field
(Pre viously known as "Need to Move the Past'}
Memory fields are simply "clouds" of energy re lated to eve nts of the past, which are
located aro u nd the body, somewhere i n the energy field . lt seems that when we
E nerg ies
recal l memories and focus on events of the
past too often , a memory field can be created
in front of the body where it does not belong .
Memory fields should usually be located
be h i nd the body, and are not generally
problematic if they are . When memory fields
are located be h i nd the body, they may help to
propel one forward with the knowledge and
wisdom gai ned from past l ife expe riences .
When memory fields are located i n front of the
body, they can prevent us from movi ng forward and prog ressing . Another problem
that memory fields can create is blocki ng us from visual izing the futu re and creating
and fu lfi l l i ng o u r goal s . Getting to the futu re by going "th rough" the past is general ly
not a good plan for success in l ife .
The ph rase "put the past behind you" is q u ite l iteral . If you find a memory field , you
may need to ide ntify some i nformation about it before it can be corrected . You can
ask q uestions about it such as , "is this about al l you r memories in general ?" or "is
this about a specific eve nt?" or "Is this about a certai n type of eve nt from d ifferent
times in you r l ife ?" lt may help to identify the age these me mories occu rred that, or if
there was a com mon theme of d iffe rent events that these memories are about, such
as rel ationships or maybe a particu lar emotion l i ke sad ness .
There are two possible processes for correctio n . Most of the time you wi l l need to
s i m p ly move the memory field so it can be stored beh i nd the body i n the energy field .
S i m ply hold an i ntention to move the cloud to the rear of the body, and ro l l 3 ti mes
down the govern i ng merid ian . The othe r possible process is that you may need to
release this memory field from the body and energy field com plete ly. This is usual ly
the case when the memories are extremely negative , pai nfu l or damag i ng . Si mply ro l l
3 ti mes down the govern ing meridian w h i l e focusi ng yo u r i nte ntion to re lease the
memory field co mpletely. lt may also be helpful to ide ntify and re move any other
i m bal ances that are related to the memory fi eld , as this can help the client move past
the negative memories and avoid creating a new memory field about the same
s u bject. ( N ote that movi ng or re leas i ng a memory field does not cau se one to forget
the actual memory) .
Will to Die
Wi l l to die energ ies are vibrations that are specifical ly about wanti ng l ife to be ove r,
or fee l i ng l i ke it wou l d be better if you were dead . Even if this kind of fee l i ng is
experienced very briefly, the energy can become trapped i n the body. Wi l l to die
energ ies can create many d iffere nt ki nds of problems rang ing from depression to
Energ ies
d i sease . H avi ng an energy such as th is wi l l make it
much more d ifficult to enjoy l ife . Wi l l to d i e energ ies are
s i m i lar to trapped emotio n s , but are specifical ly about
wanting to d i e . N ote that because it is possible to
experie nce a fee l i ng of wanti ng to d i e m u ltiple ti mes
throug hout l ife , it is possi b l e to trap it m u ltiple times.
Identify any necessary i nformation such as age of
occu rrence , and re lease with 3 ro l l s down the
govern i ng merid ian .
No Will To Live
No wi l l to l ive energ ies are vibrations that are specifically about g iving u p on l ife .
These can develop from a long period of depression or from s i m p ly being too
ove rwhel med with l ife . They can also develop d u ri ng
shorter periods of physical pai n or emotional pai n
such as h u m i l iation or g rief. Eve n if this fee l i ng is
experienced ve ry briefly, it can become trapped in
the body and exe rt a powe rfu l effect, s i m i lar to a
Trapped E motion . Because it is possible to
expe rience this type of fee l i ng more than once i n l ife ,
it is also possi ble to trap it more than one t i m e .
Identify a n y necessary i nformation s u c h a s age of
occu rrence or re lated event, and re lease with 3 ro l l s
down t h e governing merid ian .
Despair Anchors
A despai r anchor is the energy of a negative state ment that is perceived as a truth by
the s u bconscious m i n d , which w i l l see k to ve rify or fulfi l ! that truth . These develop
from re peated or seve re negative th i n king . When you find a despai r anchor, you wi l l
need to fig u re out what the wo rd i ng of the state ment i s . Th i n k about the issues that
the c l ient is havi ng i n the i r l ife . Often times, despai r anchors are self-abusive
stateme nts such as " I 'm an idiot", " I ' l l neve r succeed",
" I 'm stupid", or "Nobody l i kes me." Other times, despai r
anchors are re lated to general despair about l ife , such
as , " lt's hopeless , " or " lt's too difficu lt, " or " I ' l l neve r get
wel l . "
To fig u re out what the word i ng on the despair anchor
is, start by asking a si l e nt praye r for help and then use
you r i ntu ition to fee l what the general fee l i ng of the
Energ ies
statement i s . Al low the words to flow to you . If you need to , yo u can use deductive
q uestioning such as , "Does this state ment start with I ?" "I can 't?" etc. Remember that
you r client created this energy, so they may have an idea what it m i g ht be about.
Occasional ly, a despai r anchor is j u st the name of an emotio n such as , "depression . "
You can use the Chart of E motions to fig u re out what the emotion is i n these cases .
If necessary, you can identify when i n l ife the despai r anchor was created or if there
is a related event. As soon as you identify al l necessary i nformatio n , yo u can release
the despai r anchor by rol l i ng 3 ti mes down the govern i n g merid ian .
Need for T3 Session
T3 Therapy, also known as Three Di mensional Therapy, is al l abo ut fi nd i ng and
releasing the negative be l ief syste ms that ope rate the s u bconscious . Th is is the most
advanced energy psychology method for re movi ng core
be l i efs . T3 is based on concepts and teachi ngs in The
E motion Code and The Body Code System , and blends
perfectly with them to provide exte nsive heal ing fo r the
be l iefs of the s u bconscious m i n d .
T3 Therapy was developed b y Gwen Leg ler, M S W , and
Le i l an i Alexander. These two powe rfu l healers have
been i nvolved in o u r work with The E motion Code and
The Body Code si nce the 1 990s. You can find more
i nformation on T3 Therapy at http://healers l i brary. com/t3
If you have a cl ient who shows a need for a T3 sessio n ,
visit us o n l i ne to find a certified T3 practitioner w h o can h e l p . T3 Therapy should
never be attempted by anyone who is not ce rtified i n the tech n i q u e , as T3 req u i res
special ized knowledge and ski l l s .
Addictive Heart Energy
The heart is designed to expe rience love , joy and peace . I be l ieve the heart
re members the joyful and lovi ng place we came from and longs despe rate ly to
expe rie nce those fee l i ngs ag ai n . When many of us are born i nto th is world , we beg i n
a l ife that is not conducive to expe riencing these positive emotions. The heart i n stead
expe riences negative emotions such as heartache and abandon ment. Many people
form a heart-wal l , fu rther blocking the heart from being able to experie nce love and
joy. In its desperation to find some sem b lance of that joy that it once knew, the heart
may create a specific type of i m balancing energy cal led Add i ctive H eart Energy.
Energ i es
Addictive heart energy is an i ntense attractor field i n the heart, which draws
i n appropriate , harmfu l and/or p leasu rable thi ngs to the heart as a su bstitute for love
and joy. In the same way that the g ravitational field of a black hole is so i nte nse not
even a beam of l i g ht can escape it, an Add ictive Heart Energy is a d rivi ng force
be h i nd add i ctions of a l l kinds. Common add i ctions that are created by Add ictive
H eart Energy are add i ction to : experiencing negative emotions, sugar, food , drugs,
alcohol , cigarettes , pornog raphy, and even i l l nesses . Add ictive heart energy can
cau se obsessive , add ictive and destructive be haviors and problems that ofte n d o n 't
cause pleas u re at al l .
We have fou nd that i t i s not possi ble to have
Add i ctive Heart E n ergy without fi rst havi ng a Heart­
Wal l at some point. The Heart-Wal l may be removed ,
but this wi l l not automatical ly remove the Addictive
Heart En ergy. lt appears that someti mes the H eart­
Wal l needs to be re moved befo re the Addictive H eart
Energy can be removed , but this is not always the
case .
To find Addictive H eart E n e rgy, si mply ask, " Do you
have Add ictive H eart E n e rgy?" N ext, ask , "Can we
rel ease it now?" If the answe r is yes , re move it with 3
rol l s down the govern i ng meridian . lt is not possible
to have m u ltiple Add i ctive H eart Energ ies ; only one of these is poss i b l e at a ti m e . If
you fi nd this energy on a client more than one ti me, it means that he or she h as
recreated it. I n this and eve ry other case , you shou l d always ask, " I s there an
u nderlyi ng reason why you have created this Add ictive H eart E n e rgy?" Then find and
remove the u nderlyi ng i m balances.
If a client is suffering from an add i ctio n , you can also treat it d i rectly by aski ng , " I s
?" Add ressing add i ction i n this
there a n u nderlyi ng reason for you r add i ction to
way can also help to re move the futu re poss i b i l ity of re-creating the Addictive H eart
Offe nsive energ ies are d i stortions i n the energy field that are ofte n created by the
su bconscious m i nd of other people. This section i ncludes cords, saboteu rs , post­
hypnotic suggestions, entities and c u rses.
En e rg ies
A co rd is an energetic co nnection between two people. When you find this using The
Body Cod e , it ind icates that there is an abnormal or negative cord with another
perso n . Cords can be positive or they can be negative . An exam ple of a healthy cord
wou ld be a heart-to-heart connection with a l oved one, mean ing that there is an
energetic cord going from one perso n 's heart to the other. A heart-to-heart cord
al lows positive energy and love to flow freely between the corded peopl e . Another
exam ple of a normal cord is an u m b i l ical connection from the baby to the mother.
When a baby is born and the u m b i l ical co rd that con nects the baby to the mother is
cut, the physical cord is cut, but the energetic cord sti l l re mai ns. I be l i eve this may be
how mothers can feel and sense the energy of what's going on with thei r c h i l d ren ,
and know i ntu itively when the i r c h i l d is i n trou ble . Energy flows th ro u g h that u nsee n ,
i nvisible cord , eve n i f they're on t h e other side o f the pl anet. Remember that energy
knows no barriers of d i stance .
An energy cord con necting two people who love each other heart-to-heart is a good
th i ng most of the t i m e . The only time when th is can be potentially damag i ng is if the
client needs to move on from that re latio n s h i p
a n d let go o f that loved one from t h e past. Most
of the time when you find a cord , it wi l l be a
negative cord . The most common type of
negative , damag i ng co rd is a g ut-to-g ut cord .
Th is type of cord allows negative energy to flow
between the two peop l e . lt is com mon fo r one
person to pick u p the negative emotions and
stress of the other perso n because it flows
thro u g h this cord . Th is flow of energy can go
both ways . Digestive d ifficu lties are also com mon
with g ut-to-g ut co rds.
lt is less com mo n , but al so possible to fi nd negative cords that attach to the body in
other locations. Usually you w i l l find that there is some sym bo l i s m with the body part .
If someone is i n a contro l l i ng re lationsh i p , for examp l e , you m i g ht f i n d that t h e co rd
attaches to the back of the i r neck or the head . You w i l l often need to ide ntify who is
con nected at the other end of the cord . Someti mes , this i nformation will be
u n avai lable either because the person is a stranger or for so me other u n known
reason . You can also identify what the location of the cord is on the client's body,
what age it was created that, or which party created the cord .
Negative or u ndes i red cords can be re moved with 3 rol l s down the govern ing
merid ian . If desired , a new, healthy cord can be created by i ntending to con nect both
parties heart-to-heart, and then rol l i ng another 3 ti mes down the govern i ng merid ian .
E n erg ies
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
I n the photo of the co uple sitting on the co uch , they wou ld benefit if that g ut-to-g ut
cord was i n stead changed so that it was con n ecti ng them heart-to-heart . Th is wou ld
enable love and positive energ ies to flow between them i n stead of negative energy.
A saboteu r is an energetic weapon or someti mes a wou nd that is placed or created
by another person or an entity in a pe rson 's energy body. Saboteu rs can cause pai n
and i rritation of tissues as wel l as emotional
d ifficu lties if the weapon/wou nd is affecti ng an
organ or g l and . The most com mon type of
saboteu rs are kn ives and hooks .
Saboteu rs are nearly always placed b y the
su bconscious m i nd of another perso n or an
entity. Occasionally, howeve r, the s u bject
h i mself may also place them , l i ke a self- i nflicted
wou nd or weapo n . Th is is usual ly done by the
su bconscio us m i nd when the person is havi ng
self-abusive thoug hts and fee l i ng s .
To identify t h e location i n t h e body, you can ask, " I s this sabote u r located above the
diaphrag m ? On the left side? In the splee n ?" etc. You can identify the type of
weapon using i ntu ition and ded uctive q u estion i n g , such as, "Is this a kn ife ? A b u l l et?
A hook? A wo u nd" You can ide ntify who it came from by aski ng , "Did this come from
a perso n ? An entity?" Keep in m i nd that saboteu rs are created and placed
su bconsciously by other people, usual ly as a manifestation of negative fee l i ngs such
as anger or jealousy. lt may or may not be beneficial to ide ntify the exact person who
the sabote u r came fro m . If the client is in danger of receiving more sabote u rs from
this perso n , it wi l l usual ly be more beneficial than not to know who the person was .
E ntities create and place sabote u rs i n an attem pt to h u rt us and sabotage o u r efforts
to heal and i m prove o u r l ives . The i r reason i ng is generally more malicious than the
saboteu rs that come from people. You can re move any saboteu r by rol l i ng 3 times
down the govern i ng meridian with i ntention to release the "weapon" or heal the
"wo u n d . "
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
Post-hypnotic suggestions are the energ ies of negative statements, which are placed
i nto the m i nd by entiti es. These are typ ical ly placed i nto the m i nd wh i l e we 're
l i sten i ng to some kind of repetitive or negatively charged m usic or playi ng some kind
of a video game with the same type of m usic. Liste n i ng to music with a very repetitive
E n erg ies
beat wi l l te nd to put the brai n i nto a sem i-hypnotic state . Th is makes the m i nd
vu lnerable and open to suggestions from outside sou rces . If a suggestion is
absorbed i nto the su bconscious mind, it can g reatly i nfl uence the thoug hts and
fee l i ngs of the perso n .
I n ancient G reece , m usic that had a ve ry
repetitive beat was outlawed because they
u nderstood someth i ng about this process. Post­
hypnotic suggestions ofte n resu lt in long-term
depression and su icidal thoug hts and fee l i ng s .
Most post-hypnotic suggestions are extremely
negative stateme nts such as , " I hate myse lf,"
and " I want to d i e . " You 'l l need to ask for help
from the Creator before you beg i n ide ntifyi ng
post-hypnotic suggestion s . Identify the word i ng
u s i ng i ntu ition and effective q u estion i ng such as ,
"Does this state ment start with I ? My? Peopl e ?"
etc. Once you have identified the correct
word i ng , you can re lease it with 3 rol l s down the
govern i ng merid ian .
I nve rsion is a dangerous state that is caused by post-hypnotic suggestions. M uch of
the musical ente rta i n ment that is pop u l ar now has the effect of putting the m i nd i nto a
se m i - hypnotic or trance- l i ke state , which opens the m i nd to suggestions. Si nce the
1 960s , a lot of the music that has been popu lar has this attri bute .
If a person l i stens to enough of this music for long enoug h , and they col lect enoug h
post- hypnotic suggestions, they can beco me i nverted , which means that they wi l l test
strong fo r evi l and weak for good ; they wi l l test weak for the i r own name and strong
fo r exam ple, if they say, "My name is Satan . " They wi l l test
positive for foods that are bad fo r the m , that wou ld normally
test negative . Eve ryth ing that wou ld normal ly test positive on
a normal person w i l l now test negative on an i nverted perso n .
Teenagers especially are sufferi ng from t h i s phenome n o n . I f
you look at t h e rate o f teenage depression a n d su icide and
you look at the ki nd of music that kids are l i ste n i ng to , you
can start putting two and two together. it's a fascinating thing
and I believe that it's actually a l ittle g l i mpse i nto one aspect
of the worki ngs of the forces of darkness i n this world , a
g l i mpse i nto someth i ng that we are not generally aware of.
Energ ies
Removing all post- hypnotic suggestions w i l l usually correct i nversio n .
Is there really a spi ritu al world aro u nd us? Are "ghosts" real ? Are the stories of
Jes u s ! casting evi l spi rits out from people that we read about in the N ew Testament
tru e ? I firmly bel i eve that the answers to these q u estions are "yes. " I have had
pe rsonal expe riences with entities myself, and I pe rsonally know many others who
have had expe riences with the m . There are even stories from my own fam i ly h istory
about ancesto rs who've had encou nte rs with these i nvisible personal ities. I wo n 1t
share those stories here , but if you are
i nterested i n read i ng from the N e lson Fam i ly
H istory book, there are some ve ry i nte resting
l ife expe riences recorded , some contai n i ng
entities, which may g ive you some perspective
about what they are l i ke . The fol lowi ng l i n k w i l l
take you t o t h e N elson H isto ry book, i n which
you can read some d ramatic stories of
m i racu lous heal i ngs and ang e l ic vis itations, as
wel l as ru n - i n s with dark spi rits ( free
down load ) : http://ti nyu rl . com/nelson-history
There are two types of entities, d isem bod ied spi rits or g hosts and evi l spi rits .
Disembodied Spirits
D isembod ied Spi rits or "g hosts" are i n d ividuals who were once h u man beings but
have passed away or d ied and are sti l l hang i n g aro u nd in spi rit form . They are
generally dark or negative in natu re because of the choices that they made and the
freq u e ncies that they generated w h i l e they were l ivi n g . For one reason or another,
they are not wi l l i ng to g ive someth i ng u p i n the world .
Disembod ied spi rits w i l l do anyth i ng to expe rience , even
if only te mporari ly, and eve n i n a m u ffled way, the
pleasu res of the fles h . These are often people who
suffered from add ictions in the i r mortal l ife , to thi ngs l i ke
cig arettes , alcohol , sex, porn , or d rugs. Those addictions
sti l l exert i nfl u e nce over the decisions that they make
now. They m i g ht struggle desperately to expe rience
someth i ng that they had w h i l e in the i r own body by trying
to use someone else 1S body. They m i g ht be hau nti ng a
place or d istu rbing the peace of a l iving person becau se
of thei r own negative issues. They can really be a
E nerg ies
d istu rbing i nfluence and be i nj u rious to whomever they attach to o r try to i n habit.
Evil Spirits
Evi l Spi rits are diffe rent i n that they have never had a body of the i r own . They were
never g ranted that privi lege by the Creator, but that doesn 't mean that they don 't
desperate ly want to have o n e . Evi l spi rits are truly miserable and wou ld l i ke to spread
thei r m i sery to anyone that they can . They have a very low vibration and they te nd to
hang arou nd i n d ividuals who are active ly doing th i ngs that are i m m o ral , low, mean ,
destructive , h u rtfu l , dishonest, deceitful and anyth i ng desp icab l e . They are ve ry dark
and encou rage bad choices i n others that they have i nfl ue nce ove r. They want to
enslave and have power ove r the enslaved . They want powe r ove r other bod ies
si nce they d o n 't thei r own . They wi l l try to l ive thro u g h the l iving and then because of
the i r ve ry natu re , they wi l l do whateve r they can to destroy those that they attack or
i n h abit, even to drive them to su icide .
The fact is that entities are abu ndant. There are lots of them aro u nd u s , j u st as there
are angels around u s , too . Some entities have specific evi l agendas or goals. lt is
usefu l to know that entities , especially evi l
spi rits , tend to attack us when we are about to
make some sort of breakthro u g h that wi l l bring
more l i g ht i nto the world or be a big step
forward i n o u r own personal l ife . They want to
hold us back howeve r they can . They m i g ht
attach to so meone's body to create pai n or use
a saboteu r to i nfl ict pai n and i nj u ry. They m i g ht
yel l or scream with the i r si lent voices or
su rro u nd us with a fee l i ng of darkness and
despai r. They do this to try to stop us from
doi ng good , to d istract our energy, and I th i n k
they d o i t because they hate us for the l i g ht and good ness i n u s . Knowing about them
is i m portant because if and when they are discovered , we can send them away and
be free of the i r i nfl u ence .
Entities are especially attracted to us when we are expe rienci ng negativity or any low
vibration . That's the kind of company they l i ke to keep . They love to kick you when
you are down so that they can h u rt, captu re , and destroy yo u . When we choose to
dwe l l on emotions of negativity, we attract them to u s . If we l i ste n to really negative ,
low vibrational m usic, play dark video games, view pornog raphy, or watch real ly
fri g hte n i ng or depressing movies , we attract these spi rits to us. I have learned from
my own expe rience that they have the capacity to make us depressed . I 've also
learned that they can not seem to stay aro u nd if we are focusing on h i g h vibrations,
especially if we are prayi ng ; if we are i nvoking the name of Jesus Ch rist, and so on.
E n erg ies
The Body Code and the E motion Code are nondenomi national but they are based i n
faith . I be l i eve that these methods wi l l work for you even thou g h you r beliefs may be
different than m i n e . If it is you r des i re , faith , and i ntent to do good to h e l p you rse lf
and others , it is my hope and bel ief that you wi l l have g reat success. I know with
absol ute ce rtai nty that entities are real . I know what has worked for me to get rid of
them so that is what I share with you .
We don 't h ave to be doing anything wrong or dark to end u p h avi ng some of them
attached to us or to have them fol lowi ng us aro u n d . There is someth ing we can do
about them , thoug h . H e re is what we recom mend :
To ide ntify and release entities, ask, "Are there entities attached to you ?" If the
answer is yes , do the fol lowi ng : w h i l e rol l i ng UP the governing merid ian , say these
word s , add ressi ng the entities d i rectly : " E ntity/E ntities - In the name of Jesus Ch rist,
(or the Creator) I com mand you to depart from this person and neve r bother h i m/he r
ag ai n . " W e h ave actually tried using this method b y proxy with success , too . W e are
powerful beings and with God on o u r side, anyth ing is possible !
it's also a good idea to identify and remove any i m bal ances that are maki ng you r
cl i ent vu l nerable or attractive to entiti es, keeping i n m i nd that they are attracted to
low vibrations such as scary movies, much of the music that has been popu lar si nce
the 1 960s, violent video games and so o n . You r clients can certai n ly benefit to know
abo ut th i s .
In the physical worl d , we 're al l too aware of people h u rting each other. There 's far too
much hatred and contention in this world that we can see with o u r eyes and hear with
our ears .
I n the spi ritual world , there is another kind o f battle going o n . People become
spi ritu ally i nj u red , and weapons of one kind or
another are used to i nfl ict wou nds on others . We
have also fou nd that a specific kind of very negative
energy can be attached to a perso n ; this is what we
refer to as a "cu rse . "
A cu rse is essentially a sphere o f very negative
energy that is been d e l i berately placed i nto a
pe rson 's energy field by another person or by an
entity. These wi l l often be located in the body in an
En e rg ies
area that corresponds to the i ntended resu lt of the curse. For exam p l e , if the cu rse is
i ntended to shut you r mouth , the cu rse wi l l be fou nd in the j aw . C u rses, l i ke trapped
emotions, can be fou nd anywhere , and w i l l often cause severe pai n or se lf-sabotag e .
To identify a curse , ask, " D o you h ave a cu rse?" If t h e answer is yes , ask, " Do we
need to know more about this cu rse?" If the answe r is yes , there are some optional
q u estions that you can ask. The fi rst q u estion wi l l help us determ i ne where this curse
came fro m . You m i g ht start by aski ng , " D i d you rece ive this c u rse from another
perso n ? Did you receive this c u rse from an entity?"
If you sti l l need to know more about the c u rse , you m i g ht ask what the i ntention of
the cu rse was . For exam p l e , " I s the i nte ntion of this cu rse to stop my heal i ng
prog ress? To preve nt my success ? To i nterfe re with my rel ations h i ps? To d isrupt or
i nterfe re with my rel ationsh i p with my creator?"
If the su bconscious m i nd sti l l has more i nformation that needs to be bro u g ht to
conscious awareness about this c u rse , you m i g ht ask about it's physical location .
Once the su bconscious m i nd is satisfied and the answer to the q u estion " Do we
need to know more about this cu rse?" is n o , you can si mply ro l l 3 ti mes down the
govern i ng merid i an , w h i l e saying these wo rd s : 11 1 re lease you from this cu rse ( i n the
name of Jesus Ch rist, or the Creator, as you choose . ) " Once you 've done t h i s , retest
to confi rm the cu rse is gone.
Its possible to absorb negative energy from other peop l e . To h e l p preve nt th i s , it's
ofte n usefu l to put up a "sh ield" aro und you rself. S h i e l d i ng is someth i n g that can help
to protect yo u from absorbing the negative energ ies that comes from other people or
entities, and fro m eve ryday stresses more effectively. H avi ng a shield is l i ke havi ng
an i nvisi ble force field around you r body; a bubble made of p u re protective energy.
Some people al ready have a shield , but most do not. N ote that havi ng a sh ield l i ke
this does not protect you against ce l l u l ar rad iation or other harmfu l E M F energ ies.
S h i e ld i ng is someth i ng that can help to protect
you from absorbing negative energy that
comes from other people or entities . H avi ng a
shield is l i ke havi ng an i nvisible fo rce field
aro u nd you r body; a bu bble made of pure
protective energy. Some people al ready have
a shield , but most do not. Ask, "Are you
s h ielded from negative energ i es?" If the
answer is "No", fo l low these steps. W h i l e
rol l i ng with a mag n et down t h e govern i ng
Energ ies
meridian , say the fol lowi ng word s , " I am placi ng a sh ield arou nd you . lt covers you
completely and is permanent. lt w i l l block al l negative energ ies out but w i l l allow
positive energ ies i n . " Then s i m ply retest by asking agai n , "Are you shielded from
negative energ ies?" The answer then should be "yes . "
Make s u re t o conti n u al ly rol l t h e mag n et down t h e meridian w h i l e sayi ng the
shield i ng parag raph . One of the t h i ngs you also need to be aware of is that
someti mes at n i g ht the sh ield wi l l go down for some reason and you ' l l need to
reactivate it i n the morn i ng . You can bring it u p again by s i m ply sayi ng , "Sh ields u p . "
Th is sou nds k i n d o f corny, b u t i t actually does work. lt can b e helpfu l for you , as a
practitioner of The Body Cod e , to make s u re you always have you r s h i eld u p before
you work on people. Th is can help to prevent you from absorbi n g the i r negative
energ ies that you re lease . lt is also hel pfu l to h ave a shield when one is i n a stressfu l
or volati le situation with others . H avi ng a sh ield can al low the negative energy to
bou nce right off. Th is seems to lower the stress level for people, and can also h e l p
t h e m make bette r emotional choices .
En erg ies
i!.f.H [TH E BODY CODE 2 .0]
E n e rg ies
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
The pu rpose o f t h i s mod u l e i s t o h e l p you u nderstand :
H ow the organs and g l ands each h ave an e lectrical c i rcu it that can be b lown
How the c i rcu its i n the body con nect the organs and g lands with ce rtain m uscles
The movi ng energy of the C hakras
The e n e rgy flow of the acu p u n ctu re meridians
The arrangement of the d ifferent body system s
The natu re of the con n ections i n the physical body and the spi rit body
Th is pictu re shows an e lectrical c i rcu it. O n the left
there is a battery . The positive pole of the battery
is con nected to a wire that is going across the top
of the pictu re . The negative pole of the battery i s
con nected t o a l i g ht b u l b . T h e rig ht side o f t h i s
d i ag ram shows that t h e switch is o p e n a n d the
ci rc u it is not complete , which means that no
electrical powe r is going to the l i g ht.
In this pictu re , the c i rcuit is con nected . There is
electricity flowing thro u g h the comp leted c i rcu it,
g iving power to the l i g ht b u l b . You wi l l learn in this
mod u l e that the body ope rates i n a s i m i lar way ,
with e lectrical c i rcu its that need t o b e worki ng
properly in o rd e r to have good health and correct
function .
CirDJit Ccwnplele
Electrons llow through a completed circuit.
Electrons do n o t ll o w through a n open circuit.
Circuit Breaker
Th is pictu re shows a c i rc u it b reaker, d ivided i nto d ifferent
c i rcu its that togethe r m ake up the e lectrical supply of a
b u i l d i n g . You probably h ave someth i ng very s i m i lar i n you r
house . I f you plug i n and ru n too many mach i nes from an
e lectrical o utlet, you wi l l d raw too m uch power, which wi l l
blow a ci rcu it.
Sudde n ly the l i g hts and al l the e lectrical items in that room
wi l l tu rn off, or the power m ay go out i n that enti re section of
C i rcu its and Syste ms
H!.fj [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
the h o u se . If the l i g hts go out i n the roo m you are i n at the ti m e , is it poss i b l e that i n
the next room , you r stereo , which may b e playi ng you r favorite song , m ay suddenly
s h ut off as wel l ? H ow does that happe n ? lt can o n ly happen if the stereo i s on the
same c i rcu it as the e lectrical outlet you j u st overloaded .
The Organs and Glands Have Circuits
I n you r body, eve ry o rgan and g land h as the equ ivale nt of an e lectrical c i rcu it. If you
overload any org an or g land , you can blow its energetic o r e lectrical c i rcu it. H e re 's
how this can happen i n o u r bod ies. Let's use the l iver for t h i s examp l e . The l iver's job
is to detoxify the body. H ow cou l d you ove rload it? One of the ways that you m i g ht
ove rload the l ive r is by taking th i ngs i nto you r body that are toxic.
If you are exposed to pesticides , herbicides, d ri n k too m uch alcohol o r eat toxic food
add itives , you can ove rload the l iver, which wi l l blow its c i rc u it . What w i l l happen then
is that the l iver won 't be able to fu nction at its fu l l performance capabi l ity . There are
other problems that come along with this too , which we ' l l d i scuss now.
The Organs I Glands I Muscle Connections
Blowing an o rgan 's c i rcuit will also i m balance certai n m u scles that are con nected
because they are on the same ci rcu it. I n this example with the l iver bei n g ove rloaded ,
the m u scles betwee n the shoulder b l ades wi l l become
i mbalanced and wi l l probably end u p fee l i ng pai nfu l ,
because they are o n the same c i rcu it as the l iver. Eve ry
organ and most of the g l ands h ave this kind of
con n ection with a m u scle or m u scles in the body.
I mbalance in an organ or g land wi l l ofte n cause pai n i n
the con nected m u scles o r i n the i m med i ate area. But it
can also cause m u scle weakness , maki ng that
particu lar part of the body vu l nerable and p rone to
i nj u ry. For exam p l e , rig ht knee i nj u ries are com mon i n
people who h ave i mbalanced g a l l b l adders , because
the g al l b l adder is o n the same c i rc u it as the m u scles of
the rig ht knee .
If any o rgan i mbalance i s not corrected , problems can
resu lt in a few d i fferent areas . Most notably, long-term
i mbalance can lead to b reakdown or d isease of the o rg an and arth ritis or pre m atu re
ag i n g of the body parts affected by the i m balanced m uscles. We are g o i n g to g o
thro u g h all the con n ectio n s between the o rgans a n d the m u scles so you c a n spot t h e
C i rcu its a n d System s
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
s i g n s of organ i mbalance before serious problems arise . By the end of this chapter
you wi l l u nderstand how to look at the body i n a com p l etely d ifferent way than eve r
before .
There i s always a m u scle i m balance associated with an organ o r g l and i m balance ,
with the exceptio n of a cou p l e of the g lands. There m ay o r m ay not be symptoms
such as pai n or weakness, but there wi l l be some l evel of m alfu nction or i m balance
there nonetheless.
Paired Organs and G lands
The pai red organs and g l ands are the kidneys,
l u ng s , ad renals, ovaries and testicles. I n the pai red
set of organs or g lands, the organ or g land on the
left i s always the "main" and the rig ht side organ or
g l and is always the "back u p" or the "reserve . " As a
resu lt, the left side o rgan o r g land wi l l u s u a l ly
beco me i m balanced fi rst, because it i s beari ng a
heavier load that it's rig ht-sided sibl i n g .
T h e pai red o rgans a n d g lands al l have con n ections
with m u scles located o n both sides of the body. The
left side o rg an/g land is d i rectly con nected with the
The orange reserve parachute
represents the right side organ or
associ ated m u scle on the left side. Therefore , when
gland in a pair
the left o rgan/g l and becomes overloaded , the l eft
m u scle on that same ci rcu it wi l l beco m e i m balanced . Accord i ng ly, when the rig ht
organ/g land becomes ove rloaded , the rig ht m uscl e on that same ci rcu it wi l l become
i m balanced .
For exam p l e , let's take a look at the ad renal g lands. When a person is u nder too
m uch stress for too long , it wi l l take a tol l on the ad re nal g lands , which are the "stress
g l ands" of the body. The left ad renal g land wi l l tend to become i m balanced fi rst,
si nce the l eft-sided organs are the "mai n s . " As a resu lt, the m u scles across the left
knee j o i nt, wh ich are con nected to the l eft ad renal g land , wi l l become i m balanced the
moment the left ad renal g land becomes i m balanced o r "blows it's fuse , " and the
resu lt wi l l be d iscomfo rt o r pai n in the left m e . If the stress conti nues, the rig ht
ad renal g l and m ay eventually "blow it's fuse , " also , resu lting in rig ht knee pai n as
wel l . I n this particu lar i n stance , we can see the i n ner worki ngs of the body, and now
we u nderstand a l ittle better why one of the very fi rst s i g n s of too m uch stress is l eft
knee pai n !
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2 .0]
The Organs and Glands Genera te Emo tions
Every org an and almost every g land in the body act as e motional frequency
generators. The emotions that we experie nce are not prod uced solely by the b rai n or
by the heart , as some people bel i eve . Rather, a specific e motion is generated by a
specific org an or g l and when we h ave an experience that req u i res an e motional
response. The E motion Code Chart shows the o rgan/g land/emotion rel ationsh i ps but
we wi l l also d iscuss them in this sectio n .
The Nature of Things
E n e rgy can not be created or destroyed , o n ly changed . lt h as always existed i n some
form o r anothe r. I believe that al l l ife was created spi ritu ally before it was created
physical ly. I ntentio n to create always precedes actual creatio n . I believe that a l l l ife
h as been desig ned to experience joy on some leve l . I ndeed , I believe that
experiencing joy is the u lti m ate pu rpose of o u r existe nce .
Happy Organs
Our bod ies and even i n d ivid u al body parts (such as o rg ans) were m ade to
experie nce joy. The ancient physicians looked upon the o rgans and g l ands as
separate 'officials' i n the 'kingdo m ' of the body. Some o rgans and g l ands were
su bservient to othe rs and some were d o m i n ant over othe rs . There were i ntricate
rel atio n s h i ps betwee n them al l , and each organ and g l and was viewed as a separate
i nte l l igence . If you s i m ply ask an o rg an or
g land or any part of the body if it is 'conte nted '
or 'happy , ' the body wi l l tel l you . Th is can
reveal i mbalances that othe rwise m ay not
show u p for a long , long t i m e , because an
organ m ay be ' u n h appy' o r 'd iscontented ' for
years before it finally blows its c i rcu it or
d evelops m ajor problems.
lt i s easy to identify if an o rgan o r g l and i s
i mbalanced . A l l you h ave t o do is a s k the rig ht
q uestions and the body wi l l g ive you the
i nformation that the su bconscious al ready knows . You don 't h ave to word the
q u estions exactly the way we 've worded them i n this man u al . Be aware however,
that the way you word you r q u estions will i nfluence the answers that you g et. Be
aware of any l i m itations you m i g ht be creating with the word i ng you use. For
example, there i s a d i fference betwee n aski ng , " I s there an i mbalance in you r
thyroid?" and , " I s there a n i mbalance contri buti ng to tro u b l e for you r thyroid?"
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
lt m ay be better to u se the second form of q uestion i ng because the i m balance m i g ht
not be l iterally i n the thyro i d . The u nderlyi ng i mbalance may be affecting the thyroid ,
but not necessari ly i n the thyroid . I n this exam p l e , the thyroid is strong ly i nfl u enced
and contro l l ed by the pitu itary g land . So the u nd e rlyi ng i m balance may l iterally be i n
the pitu itary , which i s therefore creating i m balance for the thyro i d . To avoid confusion
and faci l itate s i m p l i city, we have designed the fol lowi ng l i ne of sam ple q u estio n s for
you to use. There i s no need to be l i m ited to these specific q u estions, but we
encou rage you to be thoug htfu l about the word i ng that you u se .
. Testing for Contentedness
The easiest way to identify if an o rgan or g l and i s balanced or i mbalanced i s to ask
you r c l i e nt's body,
" I s you r
h appy?"
This is cal led testing for contented ness or testing for h appi ness . To u nderstand how
this works , you need to u nderstand the natu re of o u r bod ies and what they were
created for.
Testing for Happy Organs
You can s i m ply ask, " I s you r (organ o r g land name) h appy?" For exam p l e , "Is you r
heart happy?" or, " I s you r parathyro id h appy?"
Asking this broad type of q u estion m ay be a way of d i gg i ng deeper for answers
because it leaves al l poss i b i l ities ope n .
Th is i s s i m i lar to aski ng a friend h ow they are doing . Thei r automatic response m ay
be , "Fi n e . " But if you look them i n the eye and ask, " N o , really. H ow are you ?" they
may open u p to you and tel l you al l about thei r cu rrent situation . When you ask the
body if an o rgan or g land is 'happy' or 'content, ' you are really asking that o rgan or
g l and , "No, real ly. H ow are you ? Are you real ly h appy rig ht now?" When you ask i n
this way, you w i l l find th i ngs that you othe rwise m ay not fi nd !
happy now?" and perform a m u scle test, you 'l l g et a
When you ask, " I s you r
yes o r a no answer. If the m u scle response i s strong , this i n d icates a cong rue nt or a
"yes" answe r, which means that the org an is l i kely doing fi n e . If the m u scle respo nse
is weak, i nd i cati ng "no", this i nd i cates that the organ is h avi ng some kind of tro u b l e .
What is causing this tro u b l e m ay be d i rectly or i n d i rectly affecting t h e org an . If the
answe r is n o , and the o rgan is u n h appy, beg i n removi ng the causes fo r the o rgan 's
C i rcu its and Syste ms
*NI [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
u n h appiness (th i s proced u re is descri bed f u rther in the Correction section which
fol l ows) .
Occasionally, an org an or g land wi l l test as being "happy", eve n when it is not. There
may be obvious sym ptoms of organ o r g land i m balance , o r m aybe you r i ntu ition wi l l
lead you to s u spect that there is somethi ng wrong . If this happen s , you m i g ht ask,
" I s there a h idden i mbalance cau s i n g tro u b l e for you r
If you sti l l g et a "no" and you sti l l s u spect there is a problem with the o rg an/g land ,
you m ay also ask,
" I s there a d i scon n ection blocki ng u s fro m getting answers about you r
If you find a d i scon nection , you m ay need to correct it before you can g et clear
answers about the organ/g l and i n q u esti o n . After correcting the d isco n n ection , you
should be able to determ i n e eas i ly if the org an/g land is happy or not. Then you can
beg i n to work at correcting any u nderlyi ng i mbalances and restoring happi ness to the
body part.
Organ and G land Imba lance Correction
When an o rgan o r g land is u n h appy, there are almost always u nderlyi ng causes.
These u nd e rlyi ng causes can be anyt h i ng on The Body Code M i nd M aps ; someti mes
they wi l l be s u rprising to you , so always approach correction with an open m i n d . The
best way to beg i n correcting u n happ i n ess o r i m balance in an organ or g land is to
"Is there an u nderlyi ng cause for this (name of org an/g land) u n happi ness?"
If the answer is yes , g o to the main m i nd map in The Body Code M i nd Maps,
showi ng al l 6 areas of i m bal ance . Then simply narrow it down using a p rocess of
e l i m i n ation u ntil you find the specific i m balance , and correct o r release it as detai l ed
on that m i n d map . As soon as you h ave removed the fi rst u nd e rlyi ng i m balance , g o
back a n d a s k the s a m e q uestion agai n , " I s there an u nderlyi ng cause for this
org an/g land balance?" Conti n u e u nt i l you d o n 't find any fu rther u nd e rlyi ng
i m balances o r causes for the u n h appiness.
If you don 't fi nd any u nd e rlyi ng causes at al l for the org an/g land i m balance , this l i kely
i nd i cates that the o rg an/g land became stressed o r ove rloaded at some point, but the
u nderlying causes are no longer an i ss u e . Maybe the i n itial u nderlyi ng cause ( i . e . a
tox i n or a trapped emotion) was al ready e l i m i n ated at some point, but the
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
org an/g land was not q u ite able to rega i n its balance . You can then s i mply rol l 3 t im es
down the govern i ng meri d i an w h i l e focu s in g love and g ratitude for the client and the
i mbalanced body part. The next q uestio n to ask i s ,
" I s the
h appy now?"
If the answer is yes , the i m balance in the organ or g l and h as been corrected , and
you l i kely don 't need to do anyt h i n g else at that ti m e . lt may sti l l be a good idea to
fol low up with this o rgan or g land the next time you do a session for this c l i e nt,
especially if the o rgan or g land h as been severely i mbalanced . If the answer is no,
and the o rgan or g land is sti l l not h appy, you can rol l 3 times down the government
merid ian , focusi ng love and g ratitude o n the c l i e nt and the u n h appy body part . Then
try aski ng agai n ,
" I s the organ/g land h appy now?"
If the answer is sti l l no, ask,
"Is there anyth i ng else we can do for the o rgan/g land at this ti m e ?"
If this answer is yes , conti n u e to remove the u nd e rlying causes with The Body Code
M i n d Maps. If the answer i s no, ask,
"Is there a h idden i m balance that we can remove to help the organ/g land at this
ti me?"
If the answer is yes , you should now be able to identify any remai n i ng causes of
i m balance and remove the m . If the answer is sti l l n o , and you sti l l suspect there is
more to do for the o rgan/g land , you may ask,
"Is there a d i scon nection blocki ng us fro m getting answers about you r
If the answer is no, this i nd i cates that the organ or g land is sti l l in d i stress, but that
there i s noth i n g else that you can do for it at the t i m e . This wi l l l i kely occ u r on ly when
you are worki ng with an o rg an that is i n an advanced stage of i m bal ance or
degeneration .
lt is also possible that the o rgan or g land m ay s i m ply have more i mbalances to
correct at a later date . If this i s the case , you may g et the answer that the
organ/g land is happy, mean i ng that the o rg an/g land is happy for now.
Most of the o rgan/g l and i mbalances you fi nd wi l l be able to be corrected eas i ly,
bri n g i ng the o rgan/g land i nto a "happy" o r balanced state .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
H!.f:H [TH E B O DY CODE 2 .0]
We w i l l now d i scuss each of the g l ands, their fu ncti o n s , thei r con n ections with the
m u scles and the most com m o n symptom s of g land i m balance .
Adrena l Glands
The ad renal g l ands are the 'stress g lands' of the body. There are two , a l eft and a
rig ht, each situated atop one of the kid neys. They are part of the Endocri ne System .
The ad renal g l ands are responsible for :
P rod ucing the stress hormones ad re n al i ne and cortisol
When you 're u nder stress , the ad renal g l ands
kick i nto gear, prod ucing these hormones , which
create a fig ht or fl ig ht reactio n . Th is reaction is
very appropriate i n the short term , especially if
you need to fig ht or ru n away . Most of the time
we expe rience this reaction to everyday stresses
that don 't req u i re such a d rastic response. If the
body is u nd e r too m uch stress for too long , the
ad renals can become overloaded and the body
tissues wi l l be bathed in toxic levels of ad re n al i ne
and cortisol .
Symptoms of Adrena l Gland Imba lance
The most com m o n signs of ad renal g land i m balance are :
Pai n i n the l eft knee
Pai n in the low back
Low i m m u ne fu nction
Fatig u e
Sensitivity t o l i g ht
"Jo i nt noise"
I nabi l ity to cope with stress
Brain fog
I saw a patie nt once who was a you ng g i rl about 1 2 years old who was suffering fro m
j o i nt noise. H e r parents bro u g ht her i n a n d they said , " Everywhere s h e wal ks, h e r
joi nts creak and pop. lt's odd . I s that normal ?" lt was n ot normal , o f cou rse, and it
was happe n i ng because her ad renal g l ands h ad become real ly i m balanced . By
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CODE 2 . 0]
correcting her ad re n al g land i mbalance by removi ng the trapped emotions that h ad
lodged i n the area, her ad renal g l ands were b ro u g ht back i nto balance , and her j o i nt
noise stopped i m med iately.
Adrena l Emotions
The ad renals emotions are l i sted i n Row 6 on The E m otion Code C hart :
Ove helm
Un orthy
Adrena l Gland Muscle Connections
The m u scles associated with the ad renal g l ands are the :
Calf m u scles left and rig ht
Sartori u s left and rig ht
G raci l i s left and right
Al l these m u scles keep the legs stabl e . The Sartori us and G raci l i s m u scles cross the
knee j o i nt and when i m balanced , they create i n stabi l ity in that knee . The pelvis can
also be affected by i m balance in these m u scles.
C i rcu its and System s
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The left ad re n al is l i kely to become i mbalanced before the rig ht side is affected .
Therefore , the left side m u scles wi l l typically become i mbalanced more ofte n ,
res u lting i n l eft knee pai n and sometimes, lower back pai n ste m m i ng fro m pelvic
i mbalance o n the left side. Of cou rse , if the stress conti n ues, eventually the rig ht
ad renal m ay become i mbalanced as wel l , most often res u lting in pai n in both knees.
lt i s also possi b l e for the right ad renal to become i mbalanced before the l eft one
does, especi ally if a trapped emotion o r other energy lodges i n the area.
A n u mber of years ago I was snow s ki i n g , and I cou l d fee l that my left knee was very
u n stable. I cou ld tel l that if I wasn 't very carefu l , I was going to i nj u re that knee and
really h u rt myself. So I stopped rig ht there o n the slope and tested my body to see
what I co u ld do to solve the problem . I q u ickly fou n d that my l eft ad renal g l and was
i m balanced , but I cou ld not determ i n e that there was any trapped e motio n o r othe r
u nderlyi ng cause that needed t o be re leased . So I rol led 3 ti mes with my h a n d over
my g overn i ng meridian ( I d i d n 't h ave a m ag n et) , to bring the g l and back i nto a state
of balance . Th is i m med i ate ly tig htened up those m u scles and corrected that
weakness , and the i n stab i l ity was gone . I was able to ski the whole weekend without
any more worry about my knee.
Adrena l Eva luation
To ide ntify if both of the ad renals are balanced , al l you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q u estio n as,
" I s you r left ad renal happy?" and " I s you r right ad renal h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i n d icates u n happi ness o r i mbalance in the ad renal .
Adrena l Correction
If you fi nd that the ad renal is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do is identify and remove any
u nderlying causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the ad renal wi l l be i mbalanced
by trapped e motio n s or othe r e n e rg ies. If you d o n 't find any u nderlyi n g causes for the
ad renal i mbalance , s i mply rol l 3 times down the governing merid ian w h i l e focusing
love and g ratitude for the client and the i r ad renal . Then ask,
" I s the ad renal happy now?"
When the answer to this q u estion is "yes", you h ave successfu lly rebalanced the
ad re n al . If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anyth i n g else to correct, see the
O rgan and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifying
d ifficu lt-to-find u nderlyi ng causes.
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Hypo tha lamus
The hypothalam u s is a g land located i n the brai n betwee n t h e left a n d rig ht thalam u s .
lt i s part o f t h e E ndocri ne Syste m a s wel l a s t h e Central N e rvou s Syste m .
The hypothalam u s g l and has several varied pu rposes .
T h e hypothalam u s secretes hormones that :
Reg u l ate body temperatu re
Reg u l ate h u nger mechan ism
Reg u l ate th i rst mechanism
Reg u l ate c i rcad ian rhyth m (the sleeping and
waking rhythms of the body)
Symptoms of Hypo tha lamus Imba lance
The most com mo n symptoms of a hypothalam u s i m balance are :
I nsom n i a
C h i l l i ng , or i nabi l ity to stay cool or warm
D isru ptio n of the t h i rst mechanism (never fee l i ng th i rsty)
Hypotha lamus Emotions
There are no known emotions that are prod uced by the hypothalam u s .
Hypo tha lamus Muscle Connections
The hypothalam us is con nected energ etically with the
m u scles of the pharynx. These are the m u scles that
contro l swal lowi ng , and also have an affect on breath i ng
and vocalization .
Hypotha lamus Gland Eva luation
T o ide ntify i f t h e hypothalamus is balanced , all you h ave
to do is ask . You m i g ht ph rase the q uestion as ,
" I s you r hypothalamus h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happiness o r i m balance in the hypoth alam u s .
C i rcu its a n d Systems
Hypotha lamus Gland Correction
If y o u f i n d that the hypoth alam u s g land i s u n h appy, t h e next t h i n g t o do i s identify
and remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the
hypothalam u s will be i mbalanced by trapped e motions o r othe r energ ies. If you don 't
fi nd any u nd e rlyi ng causes for the hypothalam u s g land i m balance , you can simply
rol l 3 times down the g overn i n g merid ian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitu d e for the
c l i e nt and the i r hypothala m u s . Then ask,
" I s the hypothal a m u s happy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
hypothalam u s . If the answer i s "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see
the Organ and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on
ide ntifying d ifficu lt-to-find u nderlyi ng causes.
There are two ovaries, left and rig ht, located i n
the lower abdomen on either side of the uteru s ,
at t h e u pper e n d s o f t h e fal lopian tubes. They are
part of the Female Reprod uctive System as wel l
as the E ndocri ne System . They are analogou s to
the testicles i n the Male Reprod uctive System .
The ovaries are also energ etical ly con nected to
the Sacral Chakra, and i mbalance ste m m i ng
fro m e ither o n e can affect the other.
The ovaries are responsible for :
P rod ucing ova o r eggs (wh ich can then be ferti l ized by a male's sperm and g row
i nto a fetus)
Secreting estrogen and progeste rone (wh ich are the pri mary female hormones . )
Symptoms of Ovary Imba lance
The most com mon sympto m s of i m balance i n either o r both of the ovaries are :
D ifficu lt o r i rreg u lar menstruation (d u e to hormonal fluctuations)
Pain i n the lower abdom e n (betwee n bel ly button and h i p o n either side)
Ovarian cysts
I nfert i l ity
Ectopic preg nancy
Lowered sex d rive
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Lowered i n itiative
Ovary Muscle Connections
There are no known m u scle con n ections betwee n the ovaries and the m u scles.
Ovary Emo tions
E motions prod u ced by the ovaries are i n Row 6 o n The E motio n Code Chart :
Ove helm
Un orthy
Ovary Eva luation
To identify if both of the ovaries are balanced , a l l you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q u estion as,
" I s you r left ovary happy?" and " I s you r rig ht ovary h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n h appi ness o r i mbalance in the ovary.
Ovary Correction
If you f i n d that t h e ovary is u n h appy, t h e next t h i n g t o do is identify a n d re move any
u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the ovary wi l l be i m balanced
by trapped e motions or other energ ies . If you don 't fi nd any u nderlyi ng causes for the
ovary i m balance , s i mply rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i n g meridian w h i l e focusing love
and g ratitude for the client and the i r ovary. Then ask ,
" I s t h e ovary h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u estio n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
ovary. If the answer i s "no" but you can 't fi nd anyt h i n g else to correct, see the O rgan
and G land I mbalance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifyi ng d ifficu lt­
to-find u nderlying causes.
C i rcu its and Systems
The pancreas i s located beneath the l iver and s its betwee n the l iver and the
sto m ach . l t i s a part of the E ndocri ne Syste m as wel l as the D i gestive Syste m . The
pancreas g land i s also energ etical ly con nected to the Solar P l exus C hakra, and
i mbalance ste m m i ng fro m either one can affect the other.
The pancreas is responsible for :
Secreti ng insu l i n
Secreting digestive e nzymes
I n su l i n is a necessary com ponent for o u r bod ies
because it allows sugar to absorb i nto our cel l s .
If t h e pancreas malfu nctions w e can end u p with
D iabetes because it wi l l not be prod ucing e n o u g h
i nsu l i n t o h e l p u s d igest a n d metabol ize sugar.
The pancreas also secretes e nzymes that h e l p
us d igest o u r food .
Symptoms of Pancreas Imba lance
Some of the most com m o n sym ptoms of pancreas i mbalance are :
D i scomfo rt i n the m i d back
D i scomfort i n the left shou lder
D iscomfo rt i n the low back
D isco mfo rt in the neck
D iscomfo rt i n the wrist
D iscomfort i n the th u m b
I ndigestion
Bloati ng and g as
U l cers
D iabetes (major m alfu nction)
Pancreas Emo tions
E motions prod uced by the pancreas are in Row 2 o n The E motio n Code Chart :
Disg ust
Nervo sness
C i rcuits and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Pancreas Muscle Connections
The pancreas is con nected with the :
Triceps m uscles
Latiss i m u s m uscles
The Triceps m uscles are located i n the back of the u pper arm s . The Latissi m u s
m u scles are t h e o nes you can see here i n t h e lower a n d mid-back area. These
m u scles in particu l ar are q u ite larg e , which is why pancreas i m balance has so many
d ifferent possible sympto m s .
Pancreas Gland Eva luation
To identify if the pancreas is balanced , a l l you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht ph rase
the q u estion as ,
" I s you r pancreas h appy?"
The n you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the respo nse is
weak, that i n d i cates u nh appiness o r i mbalance in the pancreas .
Pancreas Gland Correction
If you find that the pancreas g land is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do is ide ntify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the pancreas w i l l
b e i m balanced b y trapped emotions or other energ ies. If you d o n 't f i n d any
u nderlyi ng causes for the pancreas g land i m balance , you can s i m ply rol l 3 times
down the govern i ng meridian w h i l e focus i n g love and g ratitude for the cl ient and the i r
pancreas . T h e n ask,
C i rcu its and Syste ms
ifij [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
" I s the pancreas happy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
pancreas . If the answer i s "no" but you can 't find anyth i n g e lse to correct, see the
Org an and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on identifying
d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes.
Pinea l Gland
T h e pi neal i s a brai n g land , located near the
ce nter of the b rai n . lt is part of the E ndocri ne
Syste m as wel l as the Central N e rvou s System .
The pi neal g l and i s also energ etical ly con nected
to the Brow C hakra, and i mbalance ste m m i ng
fro m either one can affect the other.
The pi neal g land 's pu rpose is to :
P rod uce melato n i n (a hormone that h e l ps
stabi l ize
c i rcad ian
rhyth m
fac i l itates p roper sleep)
Symptoms of Pinea l Gland Imba lance
The sym ptoms of pi neal g land i m balance are :
I nsom n i a
Difficu lty plan n i ng ahead
Eye pai n
Vision problems
The pi neal g l and is very much affected by the amou nt of s u n l ig ht we receive . People
who l ive in the far N o rthern o r Southern l atitudes sometimes suffer from SAD , or
Seasonal Affective D i sorder, which is caused by long d ark wi nters and not enough
s u n l i g ht. Th i s can be h e l ped by g etting more s u n l i g ht, of cou rse , but you can also
ach i eve the same bal ancing affect by d i recti ng the beam of a flas h l i g ht at the center
of the forehead .
Pinea l Gland Emotions
There are no known emotio n s that are p rod u ced by the p i neal g land .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Pinea l G land Muscle Connections
The tiny m u scles that control eye movement are
con nected on the same c i rcu it with the pi neal
g land , as you can see here . An i mbalance in the
pi neal g l and will tend to i mbalance these
m u scles.
Pinea l Gland Eva lua tion
To identify if the p i n eal is balanced , a l l you have to do is ask. You m i g ht p h rase the
q u estion as,
"Is you r pi neal happy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd icates u n h appi ness or i mbalance i n the p i neal .
Pinea l Gland Correction
If you find that the p i n eal g land is u n happy, the next th i n g to do i s identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance. Most of the time, the pi neal wi l l be
i m balanced by trapped emotions o r other energies. If you d o n 't find any u nderlyi ng
causes for the p i n eal g land i m balance , si mply rol l 3 ti mes down the g overn i n g
meridian w h i l e focusing love a n d g ratitude for t h e client a n d the i r pi neal . T h e n ask,
" I s the pi neal h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
p i n eal . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng e lse to correct, see the Organ
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifyi ng d ifficu lt­
to-find u nderlying cau ses .
Parathyroid Gland
The parathyroid g land actually consists o f fou r small g l ands situated o n the backside
of the thyroid as s hown . The responsi b i l ity of the parathyroid g land i s to :
P rod u ce parathyroid hormone (a hormone that controls the amo u nt of calci u m i n
the blood and the bones)
C i rcu its and Systems
Hfi:H [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Symptoms of Parathyroid Gland
Imba lance
The symptom s of parathyro id g land i m balance
vary, depend i n g o n whethe r the parathyroid i s
over prod ucing parathyroid hormon e , o r u nder
prod ucing it.
Symptoms of Hypopara thyroidism
(Low Function )
Low blood calci u m l evels
M u scle Spasms, especially in hands and
Fatig u e
H eadaches
I nsom n i a
Ting l i ng aro u nd mouth or extre m ities
Symptoms of Hype rparathyroidism ( H ig h Fu nctio n )
Kid ney stones
Gall sto nes
Fatig u e
N ausea
Bone pai n
E levated blood calci u m levels
Hyperparathyroidism (High Function )
Kidney stones
Gall stones
Fatig u e
N au sea
Bone pai n
E levated blood calci u m leve l s
I n add ition , because the parathyroid g land con nects t o t h e l evator scap u l a m u sc l e ,
a n y i mbalance i n the parathyroid wi l l tend t o resu lt i n n e c k o r s h o u l d e r d iscomfort.
C i rcu its and System s
Parathyroid Gland Emotions
The parathyroid prod u ces the e motions l i sted in Row 6 o n The E m otion Code C hart :
Parathyroid Gland Muscle
The parathyroid g land i s energetical ly con nected
to the levator scapu l ae m uscle . This m u scle i s
most active w h e n a person s h rugs thei r
shoulders , and wi l l tend to resu lt i n neck and
shou lder d iscomfort if i m balanced .
Parathyroid Gland Eva luation
To identify if the parathyroid g l and is balanced , a l l you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q u estion as,
" I s you r parathyroid g land h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the respo nse is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happi ness o r i m balance in the parathyroid .
Parathyroid Gland Correction
If you fi nd that the parathyroid g land is u n happy, the next th i n g to do i s identify and
remove any u nde rlyi ng causes for the i mbalance . Most of the t i m e , the parathyroid
wi l l be i mbalanced by trapped e motions or other energies. If you d o n 't find any
u n d e rlyi ng causes for the parathyroid g l and i m bal ance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti mes down the
gove rn i ng merid ian w h i l e focusi ng love and g ratitude for the c l i e nt and the i r
parathyroid . T h e n ask,
" I s the parathyroid h appy now?"
C i rcu its and Systems
'h•' [TH E B O DY COD E 2 .0]
When the answer to this q uestio n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
parathyroid g l and . If the answer i s "no" b ut you can 't fi nd anythi ng e l se to correct, see
the Organ and G l and I mbalance Correction section for more i n structions on
identifying d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlyi n g causes.
Pituitary Gland
T h e pitu itary i s a b rai n g l and located i n t h e lower part o f t h e front half o f t h e brai n . l t
i s part o f t h e E ndocri ne Syste m a s wel l a s t h e Central N e rvou s System . T h e pitu itary
g land 's pu rpose i s to secrete hormones that reg u l ate the body bal ance , o r what we
cal l homeostasis . lt secretes hormones that i nfl u ence other g lands to contro l :
G rowth
Blood press u re
Thyroid g land function
Metabol ism
Water and hyd ration reg u l ation
Water absorption by the kid n eys
Temperatu re reg u l ation
Sex o rg an fu nction in both sexes
Aspects of c h i ldbi rth and preg nancy
The prod u ction of breast m i l k
As you can see , t h e pitu itary g land i s very i m po rtant a s i t does s o many t h i ng s !
Symptoms of Pituitary Imba lance
The most com mo n symptom s of pitu itary g land i mbalance are :
Hormonal i m balances
Thyroid problems (see Thyroid G l and section)
Dehyd ration
Fatig u e
H ig h blood pressu re
Wei g ht gain ( u s u ally d u e to thyroid g land i mbalance)
Pituitary Emotions
There are no known emotio n s that are prod u ced by the pitu itary g land .
Pituitary Muscle Connections
There are also no known m u scle con nections.
C i rcu its and System s
Pituitary Gland Eva luation
To identify if the pitu itary i s balanced , all you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht ph rase the
q uestion as,
" I s you r pitu itary h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u nh appiness o r i m balance in the pitu itary.
Pituitary Gland Correction
If you find that the pituitary g land is u n happy, the next th i ng to do is identify and
remove any u nderlying causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the pitu itary wi l l
b e i m balanced b y trapped e motions o r other energies. If you d o n 1t find any
u nderlyi ng causes for the p itu itary g l and i mbalance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti mes down the
governing meridian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the client and the i r pitu itary.
Then ask,
"Is the p itu itary happy now?"
When the answer to this q u estion is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
pitu itary. If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng e l se to correct, see the
Organ and G land I mbalance Correction section for more i n structio n s on ide ntifying
d ifficu lt-to-find u nderlyi ng causes .
The p rostate g l and is a small m u scular organ about the size of a chestn ut located
j u st below the bladder. lt is part of the Male Reprod uctive System and is analogous
to the uterus i n the Female Reprod uctive System . The prostate is energetical ly
con nected to the Root Chakra, and i mbalance ste m m i ng fro m either one can affect
the other.
The pu rpose of the prostate is to :
P rod uce P rostatic F l u i d (a th i n zi nc­
contai n i ng opaq u e secretion which h elps to
nou rish the sperm cel ls)
P ropel
ejac u l ate
fl u id
m u sc u l ar
C i rcu its and Systems
if!! [TH E B O DY COD E 2.0]
Symptoms of Prostate Gland Imba lance
Sym ptoms of prostate g l and i mbalance m ay include :
Steri l ity
Pain i n the low back
Pain in the left h i p
Decreased u ri n e flow
As men age past 50 they often beg i n to suffer fro m Ben i g n P rostatic Hypertrophy or
B P H , which tends to red uce the flow of u ri n e . lt's one of the reasons why when men
get older, they wi l l often report that they h ave to g et u p a n u m be r of ti mes every n i g ht
u ri n ate , and their u ri n e flow i s also red uced . I believe o n e of the reasons for this is a
zinc deficiency because every time a man ejac u l ates , he l oses a good deal of z i nc
contained i n the prostatic fl u i d .
Prosta te Emotions
The prostate prod uces the e motions l i sted i n Row 6 o n The E motion Code C hart :
Ove helm
ha me
Un orthy
Worth less
Prostate Gland Muscle Connections
The prostate is con nected with the :
G l uteal or buttock m u scles
Add u ctor m u scles, located on the i n ner sides
of the th i g h s .
Prosta te G land Eva luation
To identify if the prostate i s balanced , all you
have to do i s ask. You m i g ht p h rase the q u estio n
"Is you r prostate h appy?"
C i rcu its and Systems
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answe r i s . If the response i s
weak, that i n d icates u nhapp i n ess or i mbalance i n t h e prostate .
Prostate Gland Correction
If you find that the prostate g l and is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do is ide ntify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the prostate w i l l
be i mbalanced b y trapped emotions o r other energ ies. If you don 't f i n d any
u nderlyi ng causes for the prostate g l and i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti mes down the
govern i ng merid ian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the c l i e nt and the i r prostate .
Then ask,
"Is the prostate h appy now?"
When the answer to this q uestio n is "yes", you have successfu lly rebalanced the
prostate . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng e lse to correct, see the
Organ and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on identifying
difficu lt-to-find u nderlyi ng causes .
The testicles (aka testes) are 2 g l ands (rig ht and
left) located in the scrotal sac betwee n the legs
where it's a l ittle bit cooler, as sperm th rive better
i n cooler tem perat u res. The testicles are part of
the Male Reprod uctive System and the
Endocri ne Syste m . They are analogous to the
ovaries in the Female Reprod uctive System .
They are also energ etical ly con nected to the
Sacral C hakra, and i m balance ste m m i ng fro m
either one can affect t h e other.
The testicles are responsible for :
P rod ucing sperm
P rod ucing male hormones (especially testosteron e , the most s i g n ificant of the
male hormones)
Symptoms of Testicle Imba lance
The most common symptoms of testicle i m balance are :
Steri l ity
Lowe red sex d rive
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Lowered i n itiative (d u e to red uction in testosterone)
Testicle Emotions
The testicles prod uce the e motio n s i n Row 6 o n The E motion Code Chart:
Ove helm
Un orthy
Testicle Muscle Connections
There are no known m u scle con n ections between the testicles and the m u scles.
Testicle Eva luation
To identify if both of the testicles are bal anced , all you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q uestion as ,
" I s you r left testicle h appy?" and " I s you r rig ht testicle h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n h appi ness or i m balance in that testicle . You can work o n o n e
testicle at a time or both at a time if t h e body allows . Keep i n m i nd that i mbalances
such as trapped e motio n s can certai n ly i mbalance a l arge enoug h area as to affect
both testicles, and the same is true for othe r problems l i ke pathogens or n u tritional
deficiencies .
Testicle Correction
If you find that the testicle g l and (s) is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do is identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i mbalance . Most of the t i m e , the testicles wi l l
b e i mbalanced b y trapped e motions o r other energ ies. I f you d o n 't find any
u nderlying causes for the testicle g l and i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti m es down the
governi ng meridian w h i l e foc u s i ng love and g ratitude for the c l i e nt and their testicles.
Then ask,
"Is the testicle h appy now?"
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
When the answer to th i s q u estion i s "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
testicle (s) . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see the
Organ and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structio n s on identifying
d ifficu lt-to-find underlying cau ses .
Thymus Gland
T h e thym u s g l and is located i n t h e chest, a n d sits
rig ht on top of the heart. I n a newborn baby, the
thym u s is q u ite l arge i n rel ation to the heart. As
the heart g rows, the thym us stays the same size .
lt is part of the I m m u ne System . The thym u s
g land is also energetical ly con nected t o t h e Heart
C hakra, and i m balance ste m m i ng from either one
can affect the other. N ote that the thym u s g land
wi l l suffer energ etically when a Heart-Wal l is
present, and this is another reason for lowered
i m m u ne fu nction i n H eart-Wal l cases .
The thym us is responsible for:
H e l p i ng T-ce l l s to matu re . (The T i n T-cel l actually stands for thymus) . T-ce l l s
protect t h e body from i nfectio n . These cel l s help t o protect agai nst auto i m m u ne
d isease as wel l .
Symptoms of Thymus Imba lance
The most common sym ptoms of thym u s i m balance are :
D iscomfo rt i n the shou lder
• Lowe red i m m u n ity
• Autoi m m u ne problems
Thymus Emotions
The thym u s prod uces the emotions in Row 6 on The Emotion Code C hart :
Ove helm
Un orthy
C i rcu its and Systems
ifjj [TH E B O DY COD E 2.0]
Thym u s M u scle Con n ection
Teres m ajor m uscles
These are the m u scles that lie o n the bottom h alf
of the shou lder blades and con nect the shou lder
blades to the shou lder. They h e l p to rotate the
shou lder externally and also bri ng the shoulder
and the arm backward s .
Thymus Gland Eva luation
To identify if the thymus is bal anced , all you h ave
to do is ask. You m i g ht ph rase the q u estion as ,
" I s you r thymus h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd icates u n happi ness or i mbalance in the thym u s .
Thymus Gland Correction
If you find that the thym u s g land is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do is identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the thym u s wi l l be
i m balanced by trapped e motions o r other energ ies. If you don 't find any u nderlyi ng
causes for the thym us g land i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the govern i n g
meridian w h i l e focusi ng love a n d g ratitude for the client a n d the i r thym u s . Then ask,
"Is the thym u s happy now?"
When the answer to this q u estion is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
thym u s . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see the
Org an and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structio n s on identifyi ng
d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes .
Thyroid Gland
The thyroid g l and is situated i n the lower part of
the front of the th roat. lt is part of the Endocri n e
Syste m . T h e thyroid g land is also energ etical ly
con nected to the Th roat C hakra, and i mbalance
ste m m i ng fro m e ither one can affect the other.
C i rcu its and Syste m s
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
The thyroid 's pu rpose is to secrete hormones that :
Control metabol i s m
Contro l blood calci u m
The thyroid prod uces a hormone cal led Thyroxi n e . When the thyroid i s i mbalanced
and i s not prod ucing enough Thyrox i n e , it creates sym ptom s that are g rou ped
together as a con d ition known as Hypothyroidis m . On the other side of the coi n is
what we cal l Hyperthyroidism , where the thyroid is prod uci ng too much thyroid
hormone. In seve re cases, this is a con d ition cal led G rave 's D i sease .
Symptoms of Thyroid Imba lance
Some com m o n signs of hypothyroidism or low thyroid fu nction are :
Weig ht gain
Fatig u e
Th i n , brittle nails
Cold i ntolerance
Some com m o n signs of hyperthyroidism o r h i g h thyroid fu nction are :
N e rvousness
H ai r loss
Rapid heart rate
I n extreme cases, G rave 's D isease .
One of the h al l marks of G rave's d isease i s eyes that seem to pop out.
Other signs of general thyroid i m balance (either high o r low fu nction) are :
D iscomfort o r weakness i n the shoulder
D i scomfo rt o r weakness i n the wrist
D i scomfo rt o r weakness i n the elbow
Many people h ave thyroid i mbalances that are not so extreme as to show major
sympto m s ; more often , the symptoms wi l l be o n a more m i nor scale .
Thyroid Emotions
The thyroid prod uces the emotions l i sted i n Row 6 o n The E m otion Code C h art :
C i rcu its and Syste ms
ifj:i [TH E BODY CODE 2 .0)
Thyroid Muscle Connection
The thyroid is con nected with the :
Teres M i nor m u scles ( i n both the rig ht and left shou lders)
The Teres M i nor is a small m uscle that crosses fro m the bottom side of the shoulder
blade over to the shou lder joint itself, to the head of the H u merus bon e .
W h e n t h e thyroid becomes i m balanced , t h e teres
m i no r m u scle on either or both sides w i l l also
become i m balanced . Th i s can create weakness,
tension and/o r pai n i n e ither o r both shou lders .
Shoulder i nj u ry i s also com m o n because the
stabi l ity of the joint h as been com p rom ised .
One of the exam ples of this that I rem e m ber very
wel l fro m practice was a you ng man who played
h i g h school sports . He wou l d frequently wake u p
i n the m iddle of the n i g ht scream i n g because h i s
shoulder wou ld dislocate very, very eas i ly when h e
rol led over i n h i s sleep. Th is is a n extreme
exam p l e , but can certai n ly happe n ! What we fou n d
was that t h i s you ng m a n h ad a thyro i d i mbalance ,
which was seve re ly weake n i ng h i s shoulder m u scles. We were able to correct the
thyro i d i mbalance , and s i m u ltaneously reverse the weakness in the teres m i no r
m u scles. That was all i t took t o stop h i s shoulder com i n g o u t o f t h e j o i nt. I remember
when we fou nd this i m balance he said , "You know, my mothe r h as a thyroid problem
and so does my g randmother." Some t h i ngs do ru n i n the fam i ly, but that does n 't
always mean they can 't be fixed and the problem reve rsed !
Thyroid Gland Eva luation
To identify if the thyroid i s balanced , al l you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht p h rase the
q uestion as,
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
" I s you r thyroid h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the respo nse is
weak, that i nd icates u n h appiness or i m balance in the thyroid . lt m ay be o bvio u s
whether t h e thyroid is function i ng too h i g h o r too l o w depend i n g on what t h e
sym ptoms are . If this is u nclear and you want t o know, y o u c a n si m p ly ask,
"Is you r thyroid fu ncti o n i ng too h ig h ? Or too low?"
Identifying this i nformation i s generally not n ecessary for most clients ; u s u al ly it is
fine to s i mply ide ntify that the thyro i d i m balanced , then go from there .
Thyroid Gland Correction
If you fi nd that the thyroid g l and i s u n h appy, the next th i n g to do is identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the thyroid will be
i m balanced by trapped e motions o r other energies, or an u n d e rlyi ng i m balance in the
pitu itary g land . The pitu itary has a strong and d i rect i nfluence o n the fu nction of the
thyroid . If you d o n 1t find any u nderlying causes for the thyroid g land i mbalance ,
s i m ply rol l 3 times down the govern i n g meridian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for
the client and the i r thyro i d . Then ask,
"Is the thyroid h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
thyroid . If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anyth i ng else to correct, see the Org an
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifyi ng d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes.
We w i l l now d iscuss each of the o rgans, the i r functions, the i r con n ections with the
m u scles and the most common sympto ms of org an i m balance .
B ladder
The bladder is a very m u scular and e l astic hol low organ , located in the lower
abdome n . lt is part of the U ri n ary System . The pu rpose of the bladder is to :
Store u ri n e that is prod uced by the kidneys
E l i m i nate u ri n e thro u g h u ri n ation
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Symptoms of Bladder Imba lance
Common sympto m s of b l adder i m balance are :
D i scomfort i n the low back
D i scomfort in the knee
D i scomfort in the an kle
D i scomfo rt in the foot
N octu ria or i nterru pted sleep d u e to freq u e nt
u ri n ation
U rgency, freq u ent u ri n ation
I nconti nence
U ri nary Tract I nfection
Bleed i ng with u ri n ation (blood in u ri n e is # 1 sig n of bladder cance r)
Bladder Emotions
E motions prod u ced by the bladder are in Row 5 o n The Emotion Code Chart :
H orror
Creative lnsec rity
Te ror
W1shy Washy
Bladder Muscle Connections
The bladder is con n ected o n the same c i rc u it with the :
Paraspinal m u scles
Tibialis Anterior m u scles
Peroneus Lon g u s and Brevis
The Paraspi n als are several m u scles that l i e along the spine o n both sides along its
enti re length , from the base of the sku l l al l the way down to the very bottom of the
l u m bar spine .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The Tibialis Anterior m u scles
are the m u scles that are
i nvolved with s h i n -spl i nts . The
Peroneus Longus and B revis
m uscles are also in this same
area in the lower legs,
contro l l i ng balance in the
Bladder Eva luation
To identify if the bladder is
balanced , al l you h ave to do is
ask. You m i g ht ph rase the
q uestion as ,
" I s you r b l adder h appy?"
The n you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answe r i s . If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n h appi ness or i mbalance in the bladder.
Bladder Correction
If you fi nd that the bladder g l and is u n happy, the next th i ng to do is identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the b l adder wi l l
b e i mbalanced b y trapped e motions o r other energies. If you d o n 't f i n d any
u nderlying causes for the bladder g land i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the
governing meridian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the c l i e nt and thei r b l adder.
The n ask,
"Is the b l adder happy now?"
When the answer to this q uestio n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
bladder. If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see the
Org an and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifying
d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlying causes
C i rcu its and Syste ms
iffj [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The Co lon
The colon is also known a s the l arge i ntesti n e ,
a n d is a l arge organ located i n t h e abdomen . lt i s
part o f the D i gestive Syste m . There are d ifferent
sections of the colo n : The ascendi ng colon beg i n s
on t h e rig ht s i d e o f t h e body i n t h e l ower
abdomen , j u st above the append ix, and then
travels up. The transverse colon swoops across
from the right to the l eft side of the body. Then the
desce n d i ng colon comes down o n the left side of
the body. The sigmoid colon m akes a small loop
back u p agai n . The last section of the col o n is
known as the rectu m , which term i n ates i n the
an u s where fecal m aterial is e l i m i n ated fro m the
The colon 's responsibi l ities are to :
Absorb water and salt fro m fecal material
E l i m i n ate fecal m aterial
I read recently about some people who were stranded in a desert. The o n ly water
they cou ld find was very b rackis h water that they cou ld not d ri n k. H owever, they h ad
some kind of device that al lowed them to g et the wate r i nto the i r colons via an
i m p rovised enema. They were actually able to s u rvive because their bod ies cou ld
absorb the u nd ri n kable wate r t h ro u g h the colon . So there 's a tip for you if you eve r
get stuck i n the desert with u nd ri n kable water !
Symptoms of Co lon Imba lance
The most com m o n sym ptoms of colon i mbalance are :
D i scomfort i n the low back
D i scomfort in the h i ps
D iarrhea
Change i n bowel habits o r chang i ng stool q ual ity o r consistency
Stools with m ucous
A fee l i ng of i ncomplete defecation o r a red uction i n the cal i ber of feces
Bloody stools, b l ack stools or rectal bleed i n g
Bloody stool s , b l ack stools o r rectal bleed i ng are defi n itely i n d i cations that it's t i m e to
see a doctor !
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Colon i m balance that is prolonged o r severe also tends to cause com mon cond itions
such as col itis, i rritabl e bowel syn d rome ( I BS ) , d iverticu l itis and d iverticu los i s .
Co lon Emo tions
The e motions prod uced by the colon are in col u m n 3 on The Emotion Code C hart :
Co lon Muscle Connections
The colon is on the same circuit as :
The Hamstri ng m u scles
The Tensor Fascia Lata m u scles
The H amstri ng m u scles are the large m uscles at
the backs of the t h i g h s . The Tensor Fasci a Lata
m u scles ru n along the outside of each of the
legs, starting at the hip area and then travel i ng
down to the outside of the knee .
Co lon Eva luation
To identify if the colon i s balanced , all you have to do is ask. You m i g ht ph rase the
q u esti o n as,
" I s you r colon happy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response i s
weak, that i n d i cates u n happi n ess o r i mbalance i n t h e colo n .
Co lon Correction
If you find that the colon is u n h appy, the next th i n g to do is identify and remove any
u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the colon will be i mbalanced
by trapped e motio n s or othe r energ ies . If you don 't fi nd any u nderlyi ng causes for the
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
colon i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the g overn i ng meridian wh i l e focusing love
and g ratitude for the client and the i r colon . The n ask,
"Is the colon happy now?"
When the answer to this q u estio n is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
colon . If the answer i s "no" but you can 't find anyth i n g else to correct, see the Org an
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n ide ntifying d ifficu lt­
to-find u nd e rlying causes .
Ga llbladder
The gal l b l adder is located in the rig ht side of the abdomen u nder the ri b cag e ,
nestled i nto t h e u nderside o f t h e l iver. lt is part o f t h e D i gestive Syste m .
The pu rpose of the gal l b l adder i s to :
Secrete b i l e , which h e l ps to absorb and d i g est fat
B i l e cou ld be considered as the body's detergent.
If you 've ever put a d rop of deterg e nt i nto a s i n k
fu l l o f g reasy or o i ly water and seen how i t breaks
up the g rease or o i l i m mediately, you wi l l
u nderstand t h i s . When w e take fat i nto o u r body,
the g al l b l adder i njects b i l e i nto the i ntesti n e .
There t h e b i l e breaks down t h e fat s o i t can b e
absorbed i nto t h e bloodstream .
Symptoms of Ga llbladder Imba lance
Com m o n sym ptoms of gallbladder i m balance are :
D i scomfo rt i n the rig ht knee
D iscomfort in the rig ht shou lder
D i scomfo rt u nder the rig ht rib cage
Pain i n the rig ht side of the chest
N au sea
Vom iting
G as
Bloati ng
Typical ly these sym pto m s will become worse after eati ng Foods that are h i g h in fat.
D i scomfo rt u nder the rig ht ri b cag e , nausea and vom iti ng are more rare sym pto ms
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CODE 2 . 0]
than the other symptoms, and usually resu lt from stones, i nflammation or congestion
i n the gal l b l adder, i n d icating a more severe or long-term i m bal ance .
Ga llbladder Emo tions
The g a l l bladder prod uces the emotions l i sted i n Row 4 o n The E motio n Code Chart :
Bi erness
Ha red
Frus ration
Ta ken for Granted
Ga llbladder Muscle Connections
The g a l l b l adder is on the same circu it as the :
Anterior Deltoid m u scle i n the rig ht shoulder
Popl ite u s m u scle located on the back of the rig ht knee
When the gal l bl adder becomes i mbalanced , these m u scles also become
i m bal anced , destab i l izing the rig ht knee and the right shou lder. R i ght knee tro u b l e is
the most com m o n symptom of gal l bladder i m balance , with d i scomfo rt i n the rig ht
shou lder occu rri ng less freq u e ntly.
C i rcu its and Systems
Hfif [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
Ga llbladder Eva lua tion
To identify if the g a l lbladde r i s balanced , all you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht ph rase
the q uestion as ,
" I s you r gallbladder h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happi ness o r i mbalance in the gallbladder.
Ga llb ladder Correction
If you find that the g al l bl adder is u n h appy, the next thing to do is identify and remove
any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the gall b l adder w i l l be
i mbalanced by trapped emotions or other energ ies. If you don 't find any u nd e rlyi ng
causes for the g al l bladder i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the g overn i ng
meridian w h i l e focusi ng love and g ratitude for the client and thei r g al l bladder. Then
"Is the gal l b l adder h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u estio n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
gal l b l adder. If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anyth i n g else to correct, see the
Organ and G land I mbalance Correction section for more i n structions on identifying
d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlying causes.
The Heart
The heart is a m u scular p u m p located i n the
chest, about the size of you r clenched fist. lt i s
the powe rhouse beh i nd the C i rc u l atory System ,
keep i n g the body tissues wel l s u ppl ied with blood
and vital n utrients.
The heart not o n ly p u m ps b lood , but i s also is a
second brai n . lt p uts out a much larg e r e n e rgy
field than the brai n itself; a m ag n etic field that
extends out fro m the body u p to 1 2 feet i n
d iameter. I believe that the heart i s the seat of the
su bconscious m i n d , the seat of the sou l , and the core of you r bei n g . lt's also the
sou rce of all you r creativity and love . This is one of the reason s why it so i m portant to
get rid of the H eart-Wal l if you h ave one, so that creative energy isn 't blocked .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0)
The heart's physical respo n s i b i l ity is to :
• P u m p blood throug hout the body
• Be the center of you r bei n g , the core of who you really are !
Symptoms of Heart Imba lance
Heart malfu nction causes such symptoms as :
Low energy or exhaustion
Ski pped beats (pal pitations)
Discomfort in the chest and shou lders
Tro u b l e g iving and receivi ng l ove (usual ly i n d icates a H eart-Wall )
People who have a very d ifficult time j u st wal king u p a fl i g ht of stai rs ofte n h ave
i mbalance i n the i r heart. Pal p itations are where the heart sudd e n ly stops beating for
an i n stant and then starts agai n .
Heart Emo tions
The heart e motions are l i sted in Row 1 o n the E motion Code C hart :
Effort Unreceived
Love Un received
Hea ache
Heart Muscle Connections
The heart is con nected with the :
Su bscap u l aris m uscles , which l i e on the
u nderside of the shou lder b l ades
Heart Eva luation
To identify if the heart is balanced , a l l you h ave to
do is ask. You m i g ht ph rase the q uestion as ,
" I s you r heart h appy?"
C i rcu its and Syste ms
Hfi:H [TH E BODY COD E 2 .0]
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer i s . If the response i s
weak, that i n d icates u n happi ness o r i mbalance i n the h eart.
Heart Correction
If you find that the heart i s u n happy, the next t h i n g to do is identify and remove any
u nderlying causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the heart wi l l be i mbalanced
by trapped emotions, a Heart-Wal l or other energ ies. If you don 't find any u nderlyi ng
causes for the heart i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the governing merid i an
w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the client and the i r heart. Then ask,
" I s the heart h appy now?"
When the answer to this q uestion is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
heart . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see the Organ
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on identifying d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes .
Ileoceca l Va lve
The i leocecal valve i s s p h i ncter that con nects the
smal l i ntesti ne and the colon together. The
reason it's cal led the i leocecal valve is because it
joins the cec u m to the i l e u m , the i l e u m being the
l ast part of the small i ntesti n e . lt is part of the
Digestive Syste m . This is probably the most
eas i ly i mbal anced c i rcu it i n the body and i s often
a location where trapped e motio n s lodg e .
T h e i leocecal valve i s responsible for :
Contro l l i ng a n d reg u l ating t h e flow o f fecal
material from the small i ntestine i nto the colon
Symptoms of Ileoceca l Va lve Imba lance
The most com mo n sympto m s of i leocecal valve i mbalance are :
D iscomfort i n the appendix area
D iscomfort in the low back
D i scomfo rt in the rig ht h i p
S i n us problems and d rai n age
D iarrhea
Consti pation
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Bloati ng and g as
D i scomfo rt i n the appe n d ix area is very often caused by i leocecal valve i m balance ,
but it's hard to spot u n less you know what you are looki ng for. I n fact, a lot of people
end u p h avi ng their appe n d ix taken out because of an i leocecal valve i rritatio n .
These are t h e occasions you hear about where the doctor comes back, and says ,
"We d i d n 't fi nd anyth i ng i n there . You r appendix looked o kay. We too k it out anyway
but it d i d n 't seem to be i nfected . " I be l i eve that the c u l prit here is often an i rritated
i leocecal valve .
Someti mes the i leocecal valve becomes i mbal anced and locked s h ut, not al low in g
fecal m aterial to pass fro m the small i ntestine i nto the colon as it sho u l d . This wi l l
cause constipation a n d poor e l i m i natio n o f tox i n s (metabol ic waste) . Tox i n s fro m
fecal m ate rial w i l l start t o be reabsorbed i nto t h e blood stream , so t h e body wi l l try to
get rid of them by shedd i ng them th rou gh the n asal s i n u ses . The resu lt is post-nasal
d ri p or si n u s problems ( i n cl u d i ng recu rri ng s i n u s i nfections) . S i n u s d rai nag e due to
i leocecal valve i mbalance i s what I cal l "false allerg ies". Typ ically when people have
s i n u s problems l i ke this, they'll go to the i r doctor and the doctor wi l l d i ag nose them
with allerg ies and prescri be al lergy medication . But if you correct the i m bal ance i n
the i leocecal valve , often these s i n u s d rai n age problems wi l l go away, often
i m mediately o r with i n hou rs . I 've seen cases where peo ple's s i n u ses s i mply d ried u p
i m m ed i ately, with i n 3 0 seconds ! lt i s very l i kely that about half ( o r more) o f t h e people
taki ng allergy medication actually don 't h ave allerg ies at al l , j u st an i l eocecal valve
i m balance .
More often than not, when the i leocecal valve is i m balanced , it wi l l tend to lock ope n .
Th is allows fecal m aterial i n t h e colon to go back i nto t h e smal l i ntesti n e , i n the
d i rection it shou ld n 't be g o i n g . When that h appe n s , the symptoms l i sted above wi l l
tend t o become eve n more i ntensified .
Ileoceca l Va lve Muscle Connections
The i leocecal valve i s con nected with the :
R i g ht i l i acus m uscle
The i leocecal valve is on the same c i rcu it as the
i l iacus m u scle on the rig ht side. Keep in m i nd
however, that the colon and/or the small i ntestine
circu its can also become i m balanced when the
i leocecal valve is i mbalanced . This means that
i mbalance i n the i leocecal valve cou l d potentially
C i rcu its and Syste ms
lead to several different m uscles beco m i ng i mbalanced .
Ileoceca l Va lve Emo tions
The e motio n s prod uced by the i leocecal valve are l i sted with the small i ntestine i n
Row 1 on The Emotion Code C hart :
Betraya l
Love Unreceived
Effort Unrecetved
Ileoceca l Va lve Eva luation
To ide ntify if the i l eocecal valve is balanced , all you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q uestion as ,
" I s you r i leocecal valve h appy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happi ness or i mbalance in the i leocecal valve .
Ileoceca l Va lve Correction
If you find that the i leocecal valve is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do i s ide ntify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the i leocecal
valve w i l l be i mbalanced by trapped emotions or othe r energ ies. If you d o n 1t find any
u nderlyi ng causes for the i leocecal valve i mbalance , si mply rol l 3 ti m es down the
govern i n g meridian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the client and thei r i leocecal
valve . Then ask,
"Is the i leocecal valve happy now?"
When the answer to t h i s q u esti o n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
i leocecal valve . If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anyth i ng else to correct, see
the O rgan and G land I mbal ance Correction section for more i n structions on
ide ntifying d ifficu lt-to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes.
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
There are two kid n eys, left and right. The kidneys
are retroperitoneal , mean i ng they are located
beh i nd the rest of the abd o m i n al o rgans and are
closer to the back of the body than the front.
They are part of the U ri nary System and the
E ndocri ne Syste m .
The pu rpose of the kid neys i s to :
Cleanse and fi lter the blood (tox i n s i n the
body al l eve ntually end up in the kid neys as
they are fi ltered out fro m the blood)
C reate u ri n e
Reg u l ate blood pressu re
Sto re energy ( i n C h i nese med i c i n e , the kidneys are known as energy rese rvoi rs)
Symptoms of Kidney Imba lance
One of the most com m o n reasons why people have back pai n i s because of kid ney
i m bal ance . Sym pto ms of kid ney i m balance are :
D i scomfo rt i n the low back (most common)
D i scomfort in the m i d back
D iscomfort in the lowe r rib area
D i scomfort in the lower neck
D iscomfort in the h i p (usually associated with kid ney i m balance o n that side)
TMJ pai n
Fatig u e
More serious sym ptoms o f kidney m alfu nction are :
Leg pai n
Swel l i ng i n the ankles or face
A fou l or metal l i c taste
Lack of u ri ne prod uction
I f you look at the kidney m uscle con n ections, you 'l l see the area where the psoas
m uscle beg i n s at the very top of the l u m bar vertebrae . Oftentimes people wi l l g et
pai n i n the area at the top of the psoas and i n the ribs com i ng out fro m here.
Kid ney i mbalance can also cause d i scomfort in the lower neck because of the
con n ection with the u pper trapezi u s m u scles . In add ition , I have fou nd the TMJ
(temporal mand i b u lar joi nt) can be i mbalanced and agg ravated by a kid ney
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
i m balance , apparently d u e to the con n ection of the trapezi u s m u scles and the
function of the cervical spine and the TMJ .
Kidney Emotions
E motions prod uced by the kidneys are in Row 5 o n The E motio n Code C hart :
Creative Insecurity
Wishy Washy
Kidney Muscle Connections
The m u scles associ ated with the kid neys are the :
U pper Trapezi u s m uscles
Psoas m u scles
The u pper trapezi u s m u scles (on both the rig ht and left) attach to the base of the
sku l l and then come down and attach to the shoulder b l ades o n both sides.
I mbalance in either of these m uscles will tend to create tro u b l e in the shoulders or i n
the neck.
The kid neys are e n e rg etical ly con nected with the Psoas m u scles deep in the lower
back and the pelvis . N otice that the psoas m uscles orig i n ate near the l u m bar
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
vertebrae and then con nect with the pelvi s , hooking i nto the h i p j o i nt at the bottom .
When e ither of the psoas m u scles becomes i mbal anced , it can have a severe effect
on the stabi l ity of the lower body. D i sc i nj u ries and d i sc problems are much more
l i kely to occu r with kid ney I psoas i mbalance. I n all the years that I practiced i n my
brick and mortar c h i ropractic busi ness, I saw h u nd reds of low back pai n and d isc
patients. Every s i n g l e d i sc patient that ever I saw h ad a kidney i mbalance . When we
corrected the i r kid ney i mbalances, we were able to h e l p every patient g et wel l ,
except for two cases that were too far gone, who we had to send out for s u rg ical
i ntervention .
Kidney Eva lua tion
To identify if both of the kidneys are balanced , al l you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q u esti o n as,
"Is you r l eft kid ney happy?" and "Is you r rig ht kidney h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answe r is. If the response is
weak, that i n d i cates u n happ i n ess or i mbalance in that kid ney.
Kidney Correction
When you find that one of the kidneys i s u n happy, the next th i ng to do is identify and
re move any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Remember that caffe i n e toxicity i s
a common u nderlying cause o f kid ney i m balance , s o consult with t h e c l i e nt about
thei r caffei n e i ntake . You may want to suggest that they stop usi ng caffei n e and d ri n k
more water i n stead , wh ich wi l l help flush toxi n s out o f the kidneys and resto re
balance . Keep i n m i nd that there may also be othe r u nderlyi ng i mbalances , so use
The Body Code as needed to track them down . If you d o n 't fi nd any u nderlyi ng
causes for the kid ney i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i n g meridian
wh i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the c l ient and thei r kid ney. Then ask,
"Is the kid ney happy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
kid n ey. If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i n g else to correct, see the Org an
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifying d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes .
C i rcu its and Systems
The liver is a very large organ located under the
gallbladder. lt is part of both the Digestive and
Immune Systems.
The purpose of the liver is to:
Support the immune system
Cleanse and detoxify the blood from foreign
Break down chemicals and toxins
Symptoms of Liver Imbalance
The most common symptoms of liver imbalance
Discomfort between the shoulder blades
Discomfort in the right shoulder
In severe cases, you may also see:
Jaundice (a yellowish tint to the skin and eyes)
Loss of appetite leading to weight loss
Swelling under the right lower ribs
The last 3 items are a dead giveaway that there's some kind of a severe liver
problem. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's time to see a medical doctor.
Liver Emotions
The liver produces the emotions listed in Row 4 on The Emotion Code Chart:
Ha red
Frus ration
Taken for Granted
Circuits and Systems
Liver Muscle Connections
The l iver is o n the same c i rcuit with the :
Pectoral is M ajor m u scles i n the m i d d l e of the chest
Rhomboideus Major, or the Rhomboid m uscle on the rig ht side
The rhomboid m u scle goes fro m the thoracic vertebrae i n the center of the spine (the
second , th i rd , and fou rth thoracic vertebrae) and it travels right at an obl i q ue ang l e
a n d con nects to t h e i nside edge o f t h e shou lder blad e .
W h e n I was i n col l ege , I worked i n the c h i ropractic col lege c l i n i c . I h ad a patient w h o
wou l d come i n t o have me wo rk o n h i m eve ry week. H is u pper thoracic verteb rae
were always out of al i g n m e nt, but I wou l d rea l i g n h i m each week and he wou ld leave
fee l i ng much better. But then next week h e 'd be back again and h i s vertebrae wou ld
be out of al i g n ment i n the same way.
After seve ral weeks of th i s , I fou nd myself wonderi n g , "Wh at i s going o n here ? Why
can •t I fix this fel low? I s it h i m ? I s it m e ? I don 't u nd e rstan d . " lt real ly bothered me
that I cou ld never g et this area of h i s s p i n e to stab i l ize . What I fou nd l ater was that he
had a l iver i m balance , which was destab i l iz i n g the rig ht rhomboid m u scle, causing
h i s vertebrae to s l i p out of align ment.
Liver Eva luation
To identify if the l iver is balanced , al l you have to do is ask. You m ig ht ph rase the
q u estion as ,
" I s you r l iver h appy?"
The n you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response i s
weak, that i nd i cates u n happi ness o r i mbalance i n t h e l iver.
C i rcu its and Syste ms
'"' [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Liver Correction
If you find that the l iver is u n h appy, the next th i ng to do i s identify and remove any
u nderlying causes for the i m balance . M ost of the ti m e , the l iver wi l l be i m balanced by
trapped emotions or othe r energ ies. If you d o n 't fi nd any u nderlyi ng causes fo r the
l iver i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the governing meridian w h i l e focusing love
and g ratitude for the c l i e nt and thei r l ive r. Then ask,
" I s the l iver h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u estion is "yes", you have successfu l ly rebalanced the
l iver. If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng else to correct, see the Organ
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifyi ng d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlying cau ses .
The l u ngs are l arge organs located i n the chest cavity, one o n either side of the
heart. The l u ngs are the mai n com po ne nt of the Respi ratory System . The i r
respo n s i b i l ity i s to :
Bring oxygen i nto the body to oxyg e n ate the b lood
E l i m i nate carbon d i oxide
Symptoms of Lung Imba lance
Lung i m balance can resu lt i n :
D i scomfort between the shoulders
D iscomfo rt i n the ribs
D i scomfort in the u pper back
Shortness of breath
Decreased abi l ity to exercise
A persistent cou g h
Coug h i ng u p m ucou s o r blood
Pain or d iscomfort when breath i ng
C i rcu its and Systems
Lung Emo tions
The l u ng emotions are l i sted i n Row 3 o n the Emotion Code Chart :
Lung Muscle Connections
The l u ngs are con nected with the :
Deltoid m u scles of the outer shoulders
Coracobrachialis m u scles i n the u nder the arm s , which d raw the H u merus
forward towards the torso
Serratus Anterior m u scles, which are i n the sides of the chest and ribs
Lung Eva luation
To identify if both of the l u ngs are balanced , all you h ave to do i s ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q uestion as,
"Is you r rig ht l u ng h appy?" and "Is you r left l u ng happy?"
C i rcu its and Systems
Hlf:l [TH E B O DY COD E 2 .0]
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response i s
strong o n either q uesti o n , that i nd i cates an i mbalance i n that l u n g .
Lung Correction
When you find that one of the l u ng s is u n happy, the n ext th i n g to do is identify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the l u ng s wi l l be
i m bal anced by trapped e motio n s o r othe r energ ies. If you don 1t find any u nderlyi ng
causes for the l u ng i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the g overn i n g meridian w h i l e
focusing love a n d g ratitude for the client a n d the i r l u n g . T h e n ask,
" I s that l u ng h appy now?"
When the answer to this q u esti o n is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
l u n g . If the answer is "no" b ut you can 't find anyth i ng e l se to correct, see the Organ
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on identifying d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nd e rlyi ng causes .
Sma ll Intestine
The small i ntestine is a very long ski n ny organ
located i n the abdomen . D u e to the special
n atu re of its l i n i ng , the small i ntesti n e h as a
su rface area about the size of a ten n i s cou rt ! lt i s
part o f t h e Digestive Syste m .
The small i ntesti n e 's pu rpose i s to :
Absorb n utri e nts from food . The food that
you eat travels from the stomach i nto the
small i ntestine where it i s fu rther d i gested
and the n utrients absorbed i nto the
bloodstream .
Symptoms of Sma ll Intestine Imba lance
The most com m o n sym ptom s of i mbalance i n the smal l i ntestine are :
Pain i n the low back
Pai n in the knees
Bloat i ng
G as
D iarrhea
N ausea
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Skin problems due to l ack of n utrients. When the small i ntestine is i m balanced , it
i s often less able to absorb n utrie nts that the rest of the body tissues need i n
order to fu nction opti mally. The ski n is o n e of the last o rgans to receive the
n utrients absorbed by the small i ntestin e , and because of th i s , the ski n m ay
show symptoms of n utri e nt d eficiency i n the form of a rash , d ryness, flaki ng
and/o r cracking .
Sma ll Intestine Emotions
The smal l i ntesti n e e motions are l i sted in Row 1 o n the E motio n Code C h art :
E art Unreceived
Love Unreceived
Vulnerabili y
Sma ll Intestine Muscle Connections
The small i ntestine i s energetical ly con nected with the :
Abdom i nal m u scles
Quad riceps Femoris m u scles
When the small i ntestine becomes i mbalanced , al l of the abdom i nal m u scles also
become i mbalanced because they are o n the same c i rcu it. Any personal trai ner wi l l
tel l you that you need t o h ave strong abd om i nal m uscles i n order t o h ave a stable
C i rcu its and System s
ifiei [TH E BODY CO DE 2 .0]
core . H avi ng a small i ntestine i mbalance wi l l auto m atical ly create weakness in the
abdom i nal m u scles, destab i l izing the core , which can lead to lower back pai n .
The small i ntestine also con nects with the Q u ad riceps Femoris m u scles, wh ich are
the l arge m u scles in the front of the th i g h s . Both of these m u scles can lead to tro u b l e
i n the knees a n d the l o w back if t h e y are i m balanced .
Sma ll Intestine Eva lua tion
To identify if the small i ntestine i s balanced , al l you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht
ph rase the q uestion as ,
" I s you r smal l i ntesti ne happy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happ i n ess o r i m balance in the smal l i ntesti n e .
Small Intestine Correction
If you find that the small i ntestine is u n h appy, the n ext th i ng to do is ide ntify and
remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the t i m e , the smal l
i ntesti ne wi l l be i m balanced by trapped emotions o r othe r energ ies. If you d o n 't fi nd
any u nderlyi ng causes for the smal l i ntestine i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 times down the
govern i n g merid ian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the client and the i r small
i ntesti n e . Then ask,
"Is the smal l i ntesti ne happy now?"
When the answer to this q uestio n is "yes", you have successfu lly rebalanced the
small i ntesti n e . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find an yt h i ng else to correct, see
the O rgan and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on
ide ntifyi ng d ifficu lt-to-find u nderlyi n g causes .
The spleen is located in the u pper abdom i nal
cavity , at the left side of the stomach . lt i s part of
the I m m u n e System as wel l as the Lym p h atic
Syste m . The spleen 's respon s i b i l ity i s to :
D ispose of old red blood cel l s
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
P e rform i m po rtant i m m u ne functions such as detecting pathogens i n the b lood
Hold a reserve of blood
Recycl e i ron
People who h ave h ad ru ptu red their spleen and h ad it removed can sti l l s u rvive
without a splee n , but l ife i s better with it, of cou rse. When the spleen i s i m balanced or
h as been removed , it tends to create i ncreased susceptibil ity to i nfection and anem i a .
Symptoms of Spleen Imba lance
The most com mon symptoms of i m balance i n the spleen are :
D iscomfort i n the m i d-back
D i scomfort i n the left shoulder
Lowered i m m u n ity
Pai n i n the u p pe r left abdomen
Repeated bouts of i nfection
Excessive bleed i ng
Anem i a
D izzi n ess
Fatig u e
Head aches
Spleen Emo tions
Emotions prod uced by the spleen are i n Row 2 on The E motion Code C h art :
Failu re
Lack of Control
Low Self-Esteem
Spleen Muscle Connections
W h e n the s p l e e n becomes i m balanced it wi l l affect t h e :
T rapez i u s m u sc l e , specifica l l y t h e m i d and the l owe r parts of the trapezi u s .
C i rcu its a n d Syste ms
Hffi [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Spleen Eva luation
To ide ntify if the spleen is balanced , all you h ave
to do is ask. You m i g ht ph rase the q u estion as ,
" I s you r spleen happy?"
Then you can perform a m u scle test to see what
the answer i s . If the respo nse is weak, that
i nd icates u n h appiness or i m balance i n the splee n .
Spleen Correction
If you find that the spleen i s u n h appy, the next
t h i n g to do is identify and remove any u nderlyi ng
causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the
spleen will be i mbalanced by trapped emotions o r
other energ i e s . If you don 't f i n d a n y u nderly i n g causes for the spleen i mbalance ,
si m ply rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i n g meridian w h i l e focusing love and g ratitude for
the client and the i r splee n . Then ask,
" I s the spleen happy now?"
When the answe r to this q uestion is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
splee n . If the answer is "no" but you can 't find anyth i ng e l se to correct, see the Org an
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifying d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlyi ng cau ses.
The stomach is a hol low m uscu lar o rgan located
i n the abdom i nal cavity. lt is part of the D i gestive
System .
The pu rpose of the stomach i s to :
Secrete protei n digesti ng enzymes
Secrete hyd roch loric aci d
Secrete m ucou s
C h u rn u p swal lowed food so that it can
beg i n the d i gestive process
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Symptoms of Stomach Imba lance
The most com m o n sym pto ms of stomach i m balance i nclude :
D iscomfo rt i n the neck
D iscomfo rt i n the shou lders
D i scomfort i n the el bows
D i scomfort i n the wrists
H i atal H e rn i a
Acid reflux
Stom ach pai n
U lcers
G as
Bloati ng
D i arrhea
Consti pation
H i atal hern i a i s a condition where part of the stomach protrudes u pward thro u g h an
ope n i ng in the d iaphrag m . Th i s can cause stom ach pai n , acid refl ux, belc h i ng and
othe r u n p leasant sym pto m s . Contrary to pop u lar bel ief, s u rg e ry i s not always
necessary to correct h i atal hern ia. lt is very com mon for stom ach i m balance to create
a h i atal hern i a , so often , correcting the stomach i m balance w i l l also correct h i atal
hern i a . You can m u scle test a person to see if they h ave a h i atal hernia by s i m ply
asking the body. Th is will be explored fu rther in the Eval u ation and Correction
sections which fol low.
Stomach Emotions
The stomach emotio n s are l i sted in Row 2 o n The E motio n Code Chart :
Fai l u re
Hopele ssness
Lack of Control
Low Self-Esteem
Stomach Muscle Connections
The m u scles that are associated with the stom ach are known as the :
Pectoral i s M ajor Clavicular m u scles
N eck flexor m u scles
C i rcu its and Syste ms
Hfji [TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
B rachiorad ialis m u scles
The Pectoral is Major C l avicu lar m u scles are the u ppermost section of the Pectoral is
m u scles that attach to the clavicl e , or the col larbo n e .
The N eck Flexor m u scles are located d e e p with i n the neck. Col lective ly they are
made of 2 g ro u ps of seve ral l ittl e m uscles cal led the Lon g u s Capitis m u scles and the
Lon g u s Col l i m u scles.
The B rachiorad ialis m u scles are located i n the forearms and el bows. I mbalance in
these m u scles will tend to affect the e l bow and/or the wrist on either or both sides.
The b rachiorad ialis m u scles, when i m balanced , will tend to cause pai nfu l and
persistent problems such as carpal tu n n e l syn d ro m e . You m ay notice that you see
c l i e nts who suffe r fro m both stom ach i mbalance and carpal tu n nel at the same ti m e ,
because those m u scles a n d t h e o rgan are on the s a m e c i rcu it.
Stomach Eva luation
To identify if the stom ach is balanced , all you h ave to do is ask. You m i g ht p h rase
the q uestion as ,
" I s you r stom ach happy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i n d i cates u n h appi ness or i mbalance in the sto m ach .
To confirm if a c l ie nt h as a h i atal hernia, you can ask i n the same way ,
C i rcu its a n d Syste m s
"Do you h ave an h i atal hernia?"
If the answer i s yes , you can look for u nderlyi ng i m balances by aski ng ,
" I s there an u nderlying cause for the h i atal hernia?"
Stomach Correction
If you find that the stom ach is i m balanced (or that there is a h i atal hern i a) , the next
thing to do is identify and remove any u nderlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of
the t i m e , the stomach w i l l be i mbalanced by trapped emotions or othe r energ i e s . If
you d o n 't find any u nderlyi ng causes for the stom ach i m balance , s i m ply rol l 3 ti mes
down the gove rn i ng meridian wh i l e focusing love and g ratitude for the client and their
stom ach . Then ask,
" I s the stomach happy now?"
When the answer to this question is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
stom ach . If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anyt h i ng else to correct, see the
Organ and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions on ide ntifying
d ifficu lt-to-find u nderlying causes.
The uterus is located i n the lower abdomen and
the center of the pelvic cavity. lt is also known as
the wom b . Extend i ng fro m the uterus on the
u pper left and rig ht are the fal lopian tubes. The
ope n i ng of the uterus, which protrudes i nto the
vag i n a is known as the cervix. The uterus i s part
of the Female Reprod uctive Syste m . The uterus
is also e n e rgetical ly con nected to the Root
C hakra, and i m balance ste m m i ng fro m e ither one
can affect the other.
The pu rpose of the uterus is to :
P rovide a g rowth e nvi ro nment for the fetus
P rod uce sexual response by d i recting b lood flow to the othe r parts of the female
syste m
C i rcu its and Syste ms
iBJ [TH E B O DY COD E 2 . 0]
Symptoms of Uterus Imba lance
The most com m o n symptoms of uterus i mbalance are :
D i scomfort i n the low back
D i scomfort i n the lower abdomen
D i scomfo rt d u ri ng o r after i ntercou rse
D i scomfo rt i n the left h i p
I nfertil ity
Uterus Emotions
The ute r u s e m ot i o n s are l i sted i n R o w 6 o n t h e E m oti o n Code C h a rt :
Ove helm
Un orthy
Uterus Muscle Connections
The m u scles con nected o n the same c i rc u it with
the uterus are the :
Gluteal o r buttock m uscles
A dductor m u scles of the i n n e r thighs
Uterus Eva luation
To identify if the uterus i s balanced , all you h ave
to do is ask. You m i g ht p h rase the q u estio n as ,
" I s you r uterus h appy?"
Then you can perform a m uscle test to see what the answer is. If the response is
weak, that i nd i cates u n happi ness o r i m balance in the uterus.
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Uterus Correction
If you find that the uterus is u n happy, the next thing to do i s identify and remove any
u n d e rlyi ng causes for the i m balance . Most of the ti m e , the uterus wi l l be i m balanced
by trapped e motions or other energies. If you d o n 't fi nd any u n derlyi ng causes for the
uterus i m bal ance , si mply rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i ng meridian wh i l e focusing
love and g ratitude for the cl ient and the i r uteru s . Then ask ,
" I s the uterus happy now?"
When the answer to this q u estion is "yes", you h ave successfu l ly rebalanced the
uteru s . If the answer is "no" but you can 't fi nd anything else to correct, see the Org an
and G land I m balance Correction section for more i n structions o n identifying d ifficu lt­
to-fi nd u nderlyi ng causes .
The "Usua l Suspects "
Over the years I have learned that the most common o rgan and g l and i m balances
that create d i scomfo rt can be arranged i nto a table l i ke that shown above . Th is can
be usefu l in knowing which o rgans or g l ands to check if you are attem pting to
add ress a specific problem .
For example, let's say you r friend is suffering from low back d iscomfort. You m i g ht
beg i n by checking the balance of the kid n eys , both left and rig ht. If they are testing
okay, you m i g ht check the i leocecal valve , then the ute rus and the ad renals. You can
test these o rgans and g l ands in any order you want, but the organs and g l ands are
arranged here by freq uency or l i ke l i hood of you r finding them to be part of the
proble m . In other word s , kid ney i m balance is the most com mo n cause of low back
tro u b l e , fol l owed by i leocecal valve , fol l owed by uteru s , fol l owed by ad renals.
Remember that this is not cast i n sto n e , this order s i m ply reflects my own
experie nce , and I share it here s i mply to save you t i m e . This l i st is not all-i nclusive ,
but i t g ives you a g reat place to start .
"The Usual Suspects "
Low Bac k Pai n
Kidney - l leocecal Valve - Uterus - Ad renals
Knee Pa i n
Adrenals ( Left Knee) Gallbladder ( R ight Knee)
M i d-Bac k Pai n
Liver - Spleen - Gal lbladder
Wrist/El bow Pai n
Stomach - Lean - Pancreas
Sh ou lder Pai n
Thyroid - Gal l bladder - Heart
TMJ Pa i n
C i rcu its and Systems
ifi:' [TH E BODY COD E 2 .0]
The pu rpose of this mod u l e i s to h e l p you u nderstand what the C hakras are and how
to d etect and correct the i mbalances that can occ u r in the Chakras .
The Body's Energy Centers
There are seven C hakras that make u p the powerfu l g ro u p of e n e rgy centers i n the
body. " Chakra " is an Sanskrit word that l iteral ly means "wheel" o r "d isc". These seven
energy centers emanate from the center of the body; the crown C hakra emanates
from the top of the head and the lower 6 C hakras emanate fro m the spi n e . I l i ke to
th i n k of the C hakras as being the power sou rces or 'force centers' of the body's
energy fie l d . Each C hakra is bel ieved to h ave an i nfl u e nce ove r the o rgans o r g lands
in its vici n ity. Western med icine does not generally acknowledge the existence of the
C hakras , but we know that they can certai n ly become i mbalanced and resu lt in
i m balances i n the body. The most com m o n reason for C hakra i m bal ance is trapped
e motions. A balanced C hakra should h ave an energy flow that i s open and movi ng ;
an i m balanced C hakra i s generally thoug h to be "closed" o r wou nd u p , and the
movement of energy i s more stag nant.
Chakra Symbo ls, Co lors and Associations
Every C hakra i s symbol ized by a lotus contai n i ng a specific n u mber of petals. Each
chakra also h as its own particu lar color. This g ives us an i n d i catio n for which color
crystal we can use to open and bal ance the C hakra, if n ecessary. This can be done
by weari ng jewe l ry contai n i ng this crystal , o r s i m ply hold i ng the crystal . Generally, all
that is necessary to balance a C hakra is to correct it energ etical ly, however, the
heal i ng power of crystals h as been used for centu ries to assist in strengthe n i n g the
balance of the C hakras. Eve ry C hakra h as a certa i n associ ation with an aspect of o u r
bei n g , o r a part o f o u r l ife : physical , e motional , me ntal and spi ritu al .
The Crown Chakra
The Sanskrit name for the C rown C hakra is " Sahasrara ". The
ancient sym bol for this C h akra is the i m ag e of a lotus flower with
a thousand petals. To assist i n ope n i n g up and balanci ng the
C rown C hakra you m i g ht use a violet colored crystal , as violet is
the associ ated color. The C rown C hakra is associated with the
concept of p u re consciousness, i n ne r wisdom and o u r
con nection t o u n iversal i nte l l igence .
C i rcu its a n d Systems
lt is believed that the energy eman ati ng fro m the C rown
C hakra con nects you with the energy of the u n iverse and the
energy of the u n ive rse also ente rs you r body throug h the
Crown C hakra. The location of the C rown C hakra is rig ht at the
top of the head , where the soft spot is on the head of a
newborn baby. Physical ly, the C rown C hakra is con nected with
med itatio n . E motionally, it is associated with "be i n g n ess" or
that particu lar sensation of bei n g who you tru ly are and l iving
you r truth . M e ntal ly, it is con nected with u n ity ; not o n ly the u n ity
of you rself and others but also of you rself and the u n iverse . Spi ritu ally, the C rown
C hakra is associ ated with o u r con n ection to the d ivi n e .
The Brow Chakra
This energy center h as a l i n k with the pi neal g land i n the brai n .
The Sanskrit name for the Brow C hakra i s "Ajna ", and the
ancient sym bol is that of a lotus with two petals. The colors
associated with the B row C hakra are wh ite , i n d igo and deep
b l u e . C rystals i n these colors may h ave heal i ng properties that
can h e l p balance this C hakra. The Brow C hakra is con nected
with balance of self as wel l as i ntu itio n . lt's associated with the
"th i rd -eye", which h as to do with you r abi l ity to see and plan the
futu re . If the Brow C hakra is i m balanced , it cou ld make it harder for you to see you r
path clearly, and cou ld pote ntially even halt you r prog ress. The Brow C hakra i s
located rig ht betwee n t h e eyes a n d is a l s o freq u e ntly refe rred
to as the "Th i rd- Eye Chakra". P hysical ly, the Brow C hakra is
associated with absorption of l i g ht. ( Recal l from an earl ier
d iscussion that the p i n eal g l and can be treated by d i recting the
beam of a flas h l i g ht i n between the eyes) . The con nection with
the pi neal g land i s q u ite d i rect. E motionally, the Brow Chakra is
con nected with clarity and i ntuition . M e ntal ly it is con nected
with the concept of wisdom , and spi ritu ally with perceptio n .
The Throat Chakra
The Sanskrit name for the Th roat C hakra is " Vishudda ". lt h as a
l i n k with and i nfluence over the balance of the thyroid g l an d . Its
symbol is a lotus with 1 6 petals. The associ ated color is pale
b l u e or t u rq uoise. The Th roat C hakra is associated with
com m u n ication or speaki ng you r truth . If we have not spoken o u r
truth , or been u nwi l l i ng t o speak u p about someth i n g , t h e Th roat
Chakra can become i m bal anced . Trapped e motio n s that lodge i n
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
the th roat wi l l also i m balance the Th roat C hakra. The Th roat
Chakra is located exactly where it sou nds - the throat.
P hysically, t h i s C hakra i s con n ected with the idea of
com m u n icatio n , e m otionally the idea of i ndependence ,
mental ly with fluent thoug ht, and spi ritu ally it's con nected with
the sense of secu rity (th i s m ay be con nected with speaking
you r truth) .
The Heart Chakra
The H eart C hakra i s located rig ht at the center of the stern u m .
P hysiolog ical ly, i t is associated with the thym u s g land . The
thym u s g l and sits rig ht o n top of the heart and i s responsible for
auto i m m u n ity and with the m atu ration of t-ce l l s , wh ite blood ce l l s
that are very i mportant for i m m u ne defense. T h e Sanskrit word
for the Heart C hakra is "Anahata ", and it is symbol ized by the
i m ag e of a lotus blossom with 1 2 petals as you can see here .
The associated colors are g reen and
p i n k . Con nected with the Heart Chakra are the ideas of
u ncond itional love , compassion and a fee l i ng of we l l - be i ng .
P hysical ly, the heart Chakra is associated with c i rcu l ation .
E motionally, it's con nected with u ncond itional love . M ental ly,
it's con nected with passio n . Spi ritually, it's con nected with
devotion to both o u r loved ones and the h ig her power.
The So lar Plexus Chakra
The Sanskrit word for the Solar P l exus C hakra is " Manipura ",
and it is symbol ized by a lotus with 1 0 petals. lt's l i n ked to the
pancreas and specifically to the eyelet cel l s i n the pancreas . The
eye let cel l s are the cel l s that produce i n s u l i n and that enable u s
t o metabol ize sugar. When the eyelet cel l s cease fu nction i ng t h e
d i ag nosis is d iabetes, a n d i ns u l i n m u st be suppl ied artificially.
The color l i n ked with the solar plexus C hakra is yel low. Th i s
C hakra is associ ated with personal power, with i ntroversio n ,
a n d also with g rowth o f self. T h e Solar Plexus C hakra i s
located i n the solar plexus j u st below t h e bottom o f the
stern u m .
P hysical ly,
it's con nected
d i gestion .
E motionally, it's associ ated with the idea of expansive ness o r
g rowth . M e ntally, it's associ ated with personal g rowth .
Spi ritually, it's associ ated with g rowth i n all aspects .
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The Sacra l Chakra
The Sanskrit word for the Sacral C hakra is " S vadisthana ". lt's
l i n ked to the testes o r the ovaries. lt is sym bo l i zed by a lotus with
six petals and the associ ated color is o ran ge . Th is C hakra i s al l
about relationships, e motional needs and
pleas u re . The Sacral C hakra i s located
between the u m b i l icus and the pubic
bon e .
Physical ly, this Chakra h as a
d i rect con n ection with reprod uctio n . E motionally it is l i n ked
with joy, mental ly with creativity, and spi ritu ally with
e nth usias m .
The Root Chakra
The Sanskrit name for the Root C hakra is " Muladhara ". lt's
l i n ked to the prostate or uteru s . lt's symbol is a lotus with fou r
petals and the associ ated color is red . Th is C hakra is a l l about
i n sti nct , s u rvival , and potential . The Root C hakra also con nects
you to the energy of the earth ; if this
Chakra is i m balanced you may not be
able to feel "g rou nded". I mbalance i n The
Root C hakra is often i nvolved i n creating lower back pai n . The
Root C hakra is located i n the peri n eu m , between the sex
organs and the tai lbone. P hysical ly, it's associated with
sexual ity, e motionally with sensual ity, mental ly with stabi l ity,
and spi ritu ally with a sense of secu rity.
Detecting and Correcting Cha kra Imba lances
C hakra i m balances w i l l often be detected when you 're using The Body Code M i nd
M aps. O nce you dete rm i n e which C hakra is i m bal anced , you m i g ht ask " I s there an
u nderlying cause for this C hakra i m balance?" Removi ng the u nderlyi ng cause(s) wi l l
usually correct t h e C hakra i m balance automatical ly.
The most common cause of i mbalance is trapped e motion s . The second most
com m o n cause of C hakra i mbalance is psychic trau mas. Sometimes no u nderlyi ng
i mbal ance will be detected . In othe r word s , sometimes the C hakra will j u st need to be
"reset" with you r i ntention energy.
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Resetting a Chakra
You can reset a C hakra by ru n n i ng a m ag n et down the gove rn i ng meridian 3 times ,
with t h e i ntention to correct t h e i m balance . lt i s i m po rtant t o correct C hakra
i m balances because they h ave a lot to do with how we fu nction i n o u r l ives. For
examp l e , if the H eart C hakra is i m balanced , it's going to make it h arder to feel joy.
H aving a heart-wall wi l l , of cou rse, i m balance the heart C hakra tre m e ndously. If the
Th roat C hakra i s i m balanced , that wi l l u s u al ly be because you 've been u nwi l l i ng to
speak out about someth i ng . Balancing the Th roat C hakra wi l l tend to m ake you more
wi l l i ng to speak out, to m ake you rself heard . Balanci ng the B row C hakra w i l l free
you r th i rd eye so that you can be more i ntu itive . The C rown C hakra is one of the
most i mportant ones because it con nects you with the energy of the u n iverse, God ,
and so o n .
Here we h ave an acu p u nctu re model that shows the various meridians. The
meridians were fi rst d iscovered aro u nd 5 , 000 years ago and h ave been m apped out
more recently using rad ioactive isotopes and tracers .
Acu p u n ctu re is a very soph i sticated method of
balanci ng the energy in these m e ridians u s i n g fi ne
need l e s . By using The Body Code you wi l l be able to
find and correct i mbalances in these m e ridians using
mag n etic energy i n stead of need les. The acu p u nctu re
meridians were known and u sed by the ancient
physicians in C h i na. What is not com m o n knowledge is
that the meridians were also known to the ancient
Mayan people i n the Americas. The poi nts that they
used m atched the C h i nese poi nts . The meridians were
also known to the I nca medici ne people as steles, o r
rivers o f light that flow with i n t h e l u m i n o u s body.
The Five Element Theory
Before we look at the i ndividual merid ians, let's d iscuss the Five Element Theory and
the D i u rnal cycle . In trad itional C h i nese medici n e , the Five Element Theory states
that everyth i ng that exists is made of a comb i n ation of one or more of these five
elements : wood , metal , earth , fire and water. Every one of the merid ians that we w i l l
d iscuss has a correspond i ng element .
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The Diurnal Cycle
The D i u rnal Cycle shows the activity levels of the meridians throug hout the d ay. The
energy flow i s stronger in a merid ian d u ri ng its desig n ated peak time of day or n i g ht,
with the least amou nt of energy being focu sed on the same meridian 1 2 hou rs l ater.
C i rcu its and Systems
The Diurnal Cycle Explanation
If a meridian or its associ ated o rgan is i mbalanced , negative symptoms are more
l i kely to occu r d u ri ng the peak time of d ay or n i g ht when the most energy is bei n g
focu sed o n the merid ian . F o r example , let's say that a client o f you rs conti n u al ly
wakes u p i n the m iddle of the n i g ht between 3 and 4 o 'clock i n the morn i ng . The
chart s hows that the l iver (LV) and the l u ngs (LU) are the o rgans that are ,
respective ly, fad i ng fro m o r com i ng i nto pro m i nence at that h o u r . You cou ld ask if
those organs or the associated meridians are h appy, and correct any i mbalances
that show u p .
Yin and Yang
Yi n and yang are two compleme ntary energetic forces i n the u n iverse . One can not
exist without the other. The flow of both yi n and yang i n the acu p u nctu re meridians
m u st be balanced i n order for the body to remai n totally healthy. Certain meridians
control the flow of y i n energy, while the others are responsible for the flow of yang .
Yi n is a passive , d arker e n e rgy w h i l e yang is an agg ressive , brig hte r energy. lt i s
possible t o h ave an i m balance i n t h e flow o f y i n or yang e n e rgy, w h i c h w i l l almost
always be d u e to an i mbalance i n one or more of the meri d ians.
The Twelve Standard Meridians and Co llatera l Channels
The twelve standard merid ians are al l energy pathways that h ave a correspon d i n g
organ a n d a col l ateral chan n e l . I n the d i ag rams y o u wi l l notice that the meri d i an itself
is outl i ned in b l ack and dark b l u e , and the col l ateral channel is h i g h l i g hted in l i g hter
b l u e and w h ite . These merid ians and the i r col l ateral chan nels are sym metrical o n
both sides o f t h e body. F o r exam p l e , t h e L u n g M e ri d i an i s shown o n t h e left s i d e of
the body with the col l ateral chan nel on the rig ht, but a m i rro r i m ag e of this exists , with
the meri d i an ru n n i ng down the rig ht side of the body and the col l ateral channel on
the left. I mbalances such as pathogens u sually fi rst affect the col l ateral chan n e l , then
the meridian and fi nally the organ . Energ ies such as trapped emotions however, can
lodge anywhere along the pathway of the meridian and i m bal ance its energy flow.
C i rcu its and Syste ms
Standard Meridians and Co llatera l Channels
Taiyin Lung Meridian of
The Taiyin Lung meridian of the
hand i s a Taiyi n meridian , which is a
g reater yin m e rid ian . The associ ated
element is m etal .
Shaoyin Heart
Meridian of Hand
The S h aoyi n heart meridian
of hand i s S h aoyi n merid ian ,
which means lesser yi n . I n
the Five Element Theory, it
is associated with fi re and ,
of cou rse , con nects with the
C i rcuits and Systems
Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of the Hand
The J ueyi n Pericard i u m meridian of the hand is an absol ute yin merid i a n . associ ated
element is fi re . lt is i nvolved with the Pe ricard i u m or the fascial l i n i ng aro u n d the
heart .
C i rcu its a n d Syste ms
Sha oyang Sanjiao Meridian of the Hand
S h aoyang means lesser yang . The five elements association is fi re . This particu lar
meri d i an is also known as the 'tri ple heate r' or 'tri ple warmer, ' which is an
acu p u n ctu re theory that d ivides the h u man body i nto 3 areas of ' b u rn i n g ' or
metabo l ism , namely the ( 1 ) chest cavity ; (2) the upper abdomen and (3) the lower
abdom e n .
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Taiyang Sma ll Intestine Meridian of the Hand
The Taiyang small i ntesti ne m e rid i an of the h and i s a Taiyang merid i an , which
means g reater yang . So in othe r word s , this particular meridian is a yang m e rid ian .
The five element correl ation is fi re .
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Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of the Hand
Yang m i ng means yang brig htness or warmt h . The associated element i s metal .
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Taiyin Spleen Meridian of the Foo t
The Taiyi n spleen meridian of the foot's Five Element con nection i s earth and i t i s
con nected of cou rse to the spleen and n o u rishes the spleen . A l l of these meridians
n o u rish the i n d ividual o rgans that are l i sted .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Sha oyin Kidney Meridian of the Foot
S h aoyi n means lesser yi n and the Five E l e m e nt Theory association h e re is water. l t
con nects with and nou rishes the kidney.
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Jueyin Liver Meridian of the Foo t
J u ey i n means absol ute yi n . The associ ated element i s wood .
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Shaoyang Ga llbladder Meridian of the Foo t
S h aoyang means l esser yang . The associ ated e le ment i s wood .
C i rcu its and Systems
ifji [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
Taiyang B ladder Meridian of the Foo t
Taiyang means g reater yang . The associated element i s water.
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Yangming Stomach Meridian of the Foo t
Yan g m i ng means yang brig htness o r warmth . The associ ated element i s earth .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
ifij [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians
The 8 extraord i nary meridians are considered to be storage meri d i ans o r energy
reservoi rs that can supply the 1 2 standard meridians with extra e n ergy if needed .
They can also provide a p l ace for the 1 2 standard merid ians to offload excess
energy. The extraord i nary meridians are not associated d i rectly with o rgans, nor do
they h ave col l ateral chan ne l s . Six of these meridians h ave a sym m etrical rig ht and a
l eft vers i o n . The conception and the gove rn i ng m e rid i ans do not h ave a rig ht and left.
The governing merid ian , which we use i n The Emotion Code and The Body Code is
one of these merid ians.
Governing Meridian (Du Mai)
Th is meridian I nfl u ences the flow o f yang energy.
If i mbalanced , it will tend to create tro u b l e i n the b rai n , bone m arrow, spinal cord ,
nervou s syste m , stroke , psycholog ical issues and headaches. lt is used as the mai n
entrance poi nt for i ntention energy i n The Body Cod e .
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[TH E BODY COD E 2 . 0]
Conception Meridian (Ren Mai)
Th is meridian i nfl u e nces t h e flow o f yi n
energy i n the body.
If it i s i m balanced , it wi l l tend to create
tro u b l e i n rep rod u ctive system (for both
male and female) , i mpote nce , tro u b l e with
the face , l i ps and eyes, and d igestive
tro u b l e
Penetrating Meridian
(Chong Mai)
Th i s merid i an I nfl u e nces flow of
energy and blood i n whole body
and the 1 2 mai n meridians. lt is
associated with m ajor arteries,
c i rcu l ation ,
kid n eys and the
stom ach .
I mbalance creates tro u b l e i n the
system ,
abdomen ,
gastro i ntest i n al system , heart and
c i rcu l atory syste m . Can also
create depression and spi ritu al
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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Girdle Meridian (Dai Mai )
Th i s meri d i an i s l i ke a "be lt" that b i n d s the yi n
and yang energy i n the body, i nfl u e nces
c i rcu l ation to the legs and su pports the l u m bar
reg ion .
I m balance creates weakness i n the l u mbar
area, a fu l l n ess of the abdomen and weakness
in the legs.
Yin Linking Meridian (Yin Wei Mai)
Th i s meridian i nfl u ences t h e balance of the yi n
meri d ians. lt is associ ated with the Leg Taiyi n
and Arm J u eyi n merid ians.
I m balance creates tro u b l e with blood c i rcu l ati o n ,
depression , h eadaches, chest pai n , g astric pai n ,
and loss of wi l l power.
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Yang Linking Meridian (Yang Wei Mai)
Th is meridian i nfl uences t h e balance o f t h e 1 2
mai n Yang Merid ians. lt i s particularly associ ated
with the S h aoyang Meridians.
I mbalance creates l ack of energy, c h i l l s , feve rs
and lower back pai n
Yin Heel Meridian (Yin Qiao Mai)
Th is meri d i an i nfl u e nces the balance of yi n
and yang i n the body as wel l as the ascent of
fl u id s and the descent of energy.
I mbalance
cold ,
n u m bness in the lower l i m bs , l u m bar
i m balance ,
d i gestive
u rogen ital
respi ratory
issues ,
sleepiness, eye issues, hot flashes and lower
abdom i nal pai n .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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Yang Heel Meridian (Yang Qiao Mai)
T h i s meridian i nfl u e nces t h e balance o f y i n and
yang , and the ascent of fl u ids and the descent of
energy. lt is associated with the b l adder
meri d i a n .
I m balance creates v i s u a l d i sorders , i nsom n i a ,
tro u b l e wal ki ng , l ower l i m b tro u b l e , epilepsy with
seiz u res
The Denta l Meridians
The Dental Relationsh i p C hart l i sts the con nections between the various teeth and
their corresponding meridians. If you h ave a c l i e nt who h as a problem with a specific
body part, you may want to ask if the rel ated tooth (or teeth) is h appy and vice versa .
The Dental Relationsh i p C hart is located i n the M i nd Maps.
Let's say you are h avi ng d i fficu lty with you r rig ht u pper 1 st bicuspid tooth . U s i ng th i s
chart, you w i l l fi nd that t h i s particu lar tooth is related t o t h e rig ht L u n g and t h e right
side of large i ntestine (or the asce n d i n g colon ) . You wi l l also see that there is a
con nection with the pitu itary g l and , and that tro u b l e with this tooth is often associ ated
with j o i nt problems in the rig ht shou lder, e l bow, and hand , as wel l as the foot and big
toe . This can g ive you some s i g n ificant t h i ngs to check out if you are trying to solve a
tooth proble m . Remember that it is possi b l e for a s i n g l e tooth to become m isal ig ned ,
or to h ave a trapped emotion creati ng i mbalance i n it as wel l .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO DE 2 . 0]
Meridian Eva luation
If you find that a meridian i s i m balanced , you can ask, " I s t h i s meridian i mbalanced
on the rig ht? On the left?" ( Re m e m be r that this q u estion does not apply to the
conception and the govern i ng meridian s . ) You can g o back to main M i nd Map and
s i m ply ask, " I s there an u nderlyi ng cause for the i mbal ance in this merid ian?" Then
you can identify and remove any u nderlyi ng causes. Ve ry often you ' l l find that
trapped emotions create i m balances i n these energy chan nels, as do psyc h i c and
physical tra u m as .
Meridian Correction
S i m ply identify and release any u nderlyi ng causes for the meridian i m balance . Often ,
the meridian i m balance wi l l b e auto m atical ly corrected b y re movi ng the u nderlyi ng
cause . If it does not auto m atically correct, you can rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i ng
meridian to correct the energy flow i n the merid ian .
T h e pu rpose o f t h i s mod u l e is t o help y o u u nderstand what d isco n n ections are , the
types of d isco n n ections that can occu r and how to detect them and correct them .
Our Dua l Nature
To u nderstand this phenomenon of spi rit/physical
d isco n n ection , you h ave to understand a l ittle bit about
o u r d u al n atu re . I personally believe that each of us
h ave always existed as separate and d isti nct
i ntel l igences , without beg i n n i n g . Ages ago , God , o u r
C reator o rganized o u r i nte l l igences i nto spi rit bod ies.
You r spi rit body is i n the express pe rfect i mage of you r
physical body but the su bstance o f you r spi rit i s finer.
In othe r word s , if you cou ld take the spi rit out of you r
physical body and put the two side by side and actual ly
see the energy of you r spi rit, it wou ld look exactly l i ke
you r physical body looks , i n the most m i n ute d etai l .
The Spirit-Body Template
The spi rit body is l i ke a b l ueprint for the physical body. lt is a tem p l ate that you r
physical body g rows i nto . You r spi rit body fi l l s you r physical body and an i m ates it. lt
is the l ife force that operates the physical body in the most i ntricate ways . To
C i rcu its and Systems
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i l l u strate , if you put you r hand i nto a g l ove and move you r
fingers , the g l ove wi l l sudden ly appear to b e an i m ated . There
is no l ife i n the g l ove by itself, when it is without the hand
i nside of it. In that same way, our spi rits a n i m ate our physical
bod ies when they are together, con nected , and i nterfacing
with each oth e r normal ly. If you 've ever been to a funeral and
you look at the person lying there in the casket, it's obvious
that someth i n g h as gone out of their body. I bel i eve that i s
si mply that their an i m ating spi rit h as left the m , j u st a s w h e n
the h a n d is removed fro m the g love .
The Interface
The q uestion that I h ad for many years was "How does it work?" H ow does the spi rit
actually act as the hand i nside the g love ? What is the i nte rface ? What is the
con necti o n ? H ow does the physical body con nect with the spi rit body and vice versa,
and i s it possi ble that this i nterface itself i s suscepti ble to i mbalance ? Alth o u g h we
sti l l do not u nderstand the i nterface fu l ly, it can i ndeed break down .
Spirit/Physica l Disconnection
When the physical body becomes d isco n n ected from the spi rit body, w e refe r t o i t as
a spi rit physical d isco n n ection . The spi rit is where it shou ld be , but its abi l ity to
com m u n i cate with the physical body is somehow broken down .
The resu lt of d i scon n ection betwee n the spi rit body and the physical body is
m isal i g n m e nt of bones, lowered i m m u n ity, organ and g l and m alfu nction and pai n . I
bel i eve it can be a contri buti ng factor i n cancer as wel l . Th i n k about it this way, the
spi rit is the i ntel l ig ence with i n you . The p hysical body i s real ly j u st the hardware ; it's
the wal king , tal king com pute r syste m , if you wi l l , and if there is a d i scon nection that
occ u rs so that the physical body and the spi rit
are no longer com m u n icati ng , then it can
create a situation where cancer and other
d i sease m ay arise u nchecked .
Any part of the physical body can become
d isco n nected fro m the spirit body. Li kewise,
the spi rit can become d isco n nected from any
part of the body. Now, of cou rse if you r spi rit
d isco n nects
you r
completely, we cal l that death , and they're
going to be plan n i n g you r funeral . lt is possible
C i rcu its and Systems
for the spi rit and the physical body to be partially d isco n n ected , eve n to q u ite a l arge
deg ree someti mes, and you w i l l sti l l be alive . You may not be fee l i ng very wel l if this
happens, as the physical body defi n itely needs the i ntel l igence of the spi rit to ope rate
When I d i scovered t h i s , one of the fi rst patients that I saw was a woman who had
pai n at a 9% on a 0 to 1 0 scale. She h ad pai n fro m the base of her s ku l l all the way
down her neck, and al l the way down her chest, i n the back al l the way down to her
low back. When I checked her, her head and her neck, her chest and her abdomen
were a l l completely d isco n n ected from the spi rit. By s i m ply reconnecti ng the spi rit to
the physical body , she was able to go fro m a 9% in pai n to about a 2 , with i n about 3
or 4 m i n utes.
Spirit/Physica l Disconnection Eva lua tion
T o check fo r t h i s p ro b l e m yo u m i g ht as k someth i n g l i ke t h i s :
" I s you r spi rit fu lly com m u n icating with you r body?" If the answer is no, to d i g deeper
you m i g ht ask, "Is you r spi rit fully com m u n icating with you r head ? With you r
abd o m e n ? Etc . " M ost often , the reg ions that w i l l b e d isco n nected w i l l b e the : head ,
neck, thorax, abdom e n , rig ht arm , left arm , left leg , and rig ht leg . You can becom e
d isco n n ected i n a n y part o f t h e spi rit a n d t h e body, howeve r, s o if there is pai n
somewhere , or i f d i sco n n ection shows u p , you can ask about i t anywhere , even i n
smal l areas such as i n an eye o r a tooth . You can also u se the Syste m s o r the O rgan
or G land chart if you need to narrow it down to a specific body part.
If you want to , you can test how con nected the spi rit and body are . Ask, "How
con nected are you r spi rit and body? More than 50%? More than 75%?" You can
narrow th i s n u mber down u ntil you get an exact percentag e .
T h e i nterface betwee n t h e spi rit a n d t h e body is a two-way com m u n icatio n . You r
spi rit has to com m u n icate with you r physical body and you r physical body has to
com m u n icate with you r spi rit. The d i sco n n ection can happen i n o n e d i rection or the
other and someti mes i n both d i rections. You wi l l want to ask, "Is the body fu l ly
con nected to the spi rit?" and " I s the spi rit fu l ly con nected to the body?"
Reconnecting the Spirit and Body
I h ad a patient o nce who came to see me for pai n i n her rig ht foot. She wal ked i n with
q u ite a l i m p . We tested to see what was wrong . She h ad a m isal i g n ed bone in h e r
foot. She also had a d i scon n ection between the spi rit a n d t h e body, a n d i t j u st so
happened that it was that enti re leg that was d i scon n ected . We recon nected it by
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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s i m ply rol l i ng down the back, down the g overn i n g meridian 3 times, and i m med iately
she was able to wal k with no l i m p . lt j u st took a m atte r of seconds to make this
recon nectio n , and she was able to g et u p and wal k without any limp at al l . After
taki ng a few steps she w h i rled aro u n d and exclaimed , "How did you do that? What
d i d you do?" A l l I h ad done was rol l a m ag net down h e r back 3 times with i ntention ,
but the resu lt was an i n stant reco n n ectio n of her spi rit with her physical leg , resu lting
i n i m med iate self-correction of the m isal i g n ment i n her foot.
When the spi rit and the physical body become d isco n n ected , it al lows m isal i g n m e nts
to conti n u e and to remain u ncorrected . If the b rai n real ly wanted to, cou ld n 't it
recon nect or real i g n bones that are out of al i g n ment? Why does n 't it do it? I bel i eve
that one of the big reasons why it does n 't is because of this phenomenon of
d isco n n ection where the spi rit and body aren 't tracki ng together.
Spirit/Physica l Disconnection Correction
After you h ave identified exactly what is going on with the d isco n nection , you will
want to ide ntify and remove any u nderlying causes. Then you can recon nect the
spi rit and the body.
If it's the spi rit that is d isco n nected fro m the physical body, then you 'l l correct by
rol l i ng down the govern i n g meridian 3 times. If it's the physical body that is
d isconnected from the spi rit, it's corrected by going up the govern i n g meridian 3
times. If you d iscover that the d i sconnection i s occu rri ng i n both d i rections, rol l the
mag n et i n one d i rection 3 times fi rst, then i n the other d i rection 3 times with i ntention
to correct each problem i n d ividually.
J u st th i n k of the spi rit as be ing a higher vibratio n . So to con nect spi rit to body you are
going from a h i g h e r vibration (spi rit) to a lower vibration (physical body) and so you
rol l down the gove rn i ng merid ian . By the same toke n , if some part of the physical
body is not com m u n icating with the spi rit then you 'd rol l fro m the bottom and go up
from the physical body to the spi rit, ascending to the h i g her vibration .
Spirit Out of Body Disconnection
Death is the complete separation o f t h e spi rit a n d the body, but what about partial
separation of spi rit and body? This is d ifferent fro m a d isconnection where the
i nterface is b roken down . This is when the spi rit actual ly comes partially out of the
body o r i s displaced out of the body to some deg ree .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
[TH E B O DY CODE 2.0]
The spi rit may actually become d i slodged from
the physical body d u e to some kind of a
physical trau ma such as a fal l , a car accident
o r some other kind of i nj u ry , or fro m some
i ntense e motional stress such as combat,
abuse, tort u re and extremes of that sort.
People handle stress d iffe rently, and some
h ave more of an emotional load , so if someone
h as expe rienced sign ificant stress of any ki n d ,
they m ay exh ibit t h i s problem .
If a portion of the spi rit is outside of the physical body, the lack of com m u n ication and
other resu lts w i l l be s i m i l ar to a d i scon n ection of spi rit and body. The d i sti nction
i nvolves the location of the spi rit. In s i m ple d i scon nectio n , the spi rit body i s where it
sho u l d be, but it's not com m u n i cati ng to the physical body. This kind of d i scon n ection
is where the spi rit is partially d i s p l aced out of the physical body to some deg ree .
Sym ptoms m ay i nclude pai n , persistent m isal i g n ment of structu ral components of the
body, lower com m u n ity, organ and g l and malfu nction and possibly cance r.
Spirit Out of Body Disconnection Eva luation
You can s i m ply ask, "Is 1 00% of you r spi rit with i n you r physical body?" If not, ask
how much of the spi rit is with i n the p hysical body, and determ i n e a percentage .
Spirit Out of Body Disconnection Correction
To correct the d i scon nectio n , s i m ply rol l down the govern i ng meri d i an wh i l e you 're
sayi n g , "I now bring you r spi rit back 1 00% i nto you r physical body where it belong s . "
The n retest t h e percentag e . If i t doesn 't test at 1 00%, you may need t o dig deeper for
u nderlying causes. Alternately, you m ay find and remove the u nderlyi ng causes
befo re you attempt to correct the d i scon nection .
Spirit/Spirit Disconnection
The d isconnection of d i fferent parts of the spi rit cou ld be thought of as a break or tear
in the spi rit o r energy body. Th is almost always affects the heart, but it is also
possible that it can affect other body parts or the whole spi ritual body. A spi rit I spi rit
d isco n n ection of the heart wou ld be considered a 11broken heart11 • Th i s wou ld i n d i cate
the heart the heart was b ro ke n i nto 2 or more 11pi eces11 , which are now not
com m u n i cati ng with each other.
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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Spirit/Spirit Disconnection Eva luation:
Identify the affected body part using i ntu ition and m u scle testi ng , referri ng to the
System s , O rgans o r G lands charts if n ecessary. Consider the symbol is m when
identifying the affected body part o r reg i o n . If desired ,
identify the level of con nection betwee n the 2 parts of
the spi rit that are d isco n nected ( i . e . there is 54%
con nection between the 2 halves of the spi ritu al heart) .
Spirit/Spirit Disconnection Correction:
There are al most always u nd e rlying causes, and it i s a
good idea to find and remove them before conti n u i n g .
Then rol l 3 ti mes down t h e govern ing meri d i an , w h i l e
focusi ng l ots o f love a n d i nte ntion t o h e a l the
d isco n n ection completely. Retest to check the l evel of
con nectio n . If you d i d not reach 1 00%, use The Body
Code M i nd M aps to identify any other u nderlying causes or needs. You can also use
you r i nt u ition to sense if there i s anyth i ng else needed to heal the d isco n n ection
fu rther ( i . e . forg iveness, spi ritual nou rish ment) .
Physica l/Physica l Disconnection
This kind of d i scon nection is a breakdown of com m u n ication and con n ection
betwee n two parts of the physical body. U s u al ly these two parts are i n the same
i m med i ate area, ( i . e . two d ifferent m u scles of the left knee) .
There w i l l always be an u nderlyi ng cause for this type of d isco n n ection , and most
often it wi l l be some kind of E n e rgy or perhaps someth ing e l se o n the C i rcu its and
Systems chart. Physical/physical d isco n n ections w i l l nearly always create
i nflammation and pai n .
Physica l/Physica l Disconnection
Eva luation
Identify the affected body part(s) o r reg ion u s i n g
i ntu ition a n d m u scle testi ng . Consider t h e
sym bo l i s m when identifying the affected body
part or reg ion . If d es i red , identify the level of
con nection betwee n the 2 parts of the body that
are d isco n nected ( i . e . there is 78% con nection
betwee n the m u scles of the l eft knee) .
C i rcu its and Syste ms
Physica l/Physica l Disconnection Correction
Identify and remove any u nderlying causes, then rol l 3 ti mes down the govern i ng
merid i an to recon n ect. Retest to check the l evel of con nectio n , and use The Body
Code M i nd M ap to identify if anyt h i n g e l se i s needed to heal the con n ection fu rther.
Morning Sickness Disconnection
Morn i ng sickness affects m i l l ions of women worldwide. The c u res o r su pposed cu res
for morn i n g s ickness d o n 't real ly work. As far as the world knows , there real ly is no
cu re for morn i ng sickness. There are medications that you can take but those are
potentially h armfu l to the fetus and the mothe r because al l med ications are toxic.
When my wife , Jean was preg nant with our you ngest daug hter E l i sabeth , she was
sufferi ng very bad ly with morn i ng sickness. She begged me to h e l p her so I started
th i n ki n g of a l l the things that I knew that were s u p posed remed ies. There 's a long l i st
of thi ngs that you can try and some of those things do h e l p a l ittle , but none of them
really fix the proble m . Without any real viable options that I knew of, I decided to tu rn
to the h i g h e r power and ask for some h e l p . The answe r that came to me was that
morn i n g sickness is caused by a disconnection between the mothe r and the g rowi ng
What I fou nd was the b ra i n is someti mes not i n itially con nected with this new l ife that
is g rowi ng with i n . Essentially, the mother h as to be con nected both energetical ly and
physical ly with all parts of the fetus .
Here w e see i n l i st form t h e vario u s com ponents o f t h e mother a n d t h e u n born c h i l d
that m ay become d isconnected from each other. On t h e mother's part, h e r spi rit, h e r
body o r her brai n m ay become d i sconnected fro m t h e fetus , placenta, amniotic fl u i d ,
or u m b i l ical cord , and the d i sconnection m ay b e fro m t h e physical or spi ritual aspect
of these components.
U n born c h i l d parts :
Spi ritual fetus
Spiritual placenta
S p i ritual amn iotic fl u id
Spiritu al u m b i l ical cord
P hysical fetus
P hysical placenta
P hysical am n i otic fl u id
P hysi cal u m b i l ical cord
C i rcu its and Systems
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M other parts :
Spi rit
B rai n
Morning Sickness Disconnection Eva luation
There are several d ifferent poss i bi l ities for morn i ng sickness. The fi rst thing you want
to do is identify if the mother is d isco n nected from the fetus or the fetus i s
d isco n n ected from t h e mother. If t h e d isco n n ection orig i n ates with t h e fetus , c l i c k that
M i nd M ap and then dete rm i n e whether the disco n n ection orig i n ates with the spi ritual
or physical u n born ch i l d . Then you can determ i n e which part of the u n born c h i l d and
its i m med i ate envi ro n ment is d isconnected from which part of the mother. The
process is the same if the d i scon nection orig i n ates from the mother. You wi l l want to
identify which part of the mother the d isco n n ection orig i n ates with : her spi rit, body o r
brai n . T h e n si mply identify it i f i t is t h e spi ritual u n born c h i l d or t h e physical u n born
ch i l d , and then which part of it o r its enviro n ment is d isco n nected fro m the mother.
This probably sou nd s more com p l icated than it actually i s , but the M i nd Maps make it
Morning Sickness Disconnection Correction
As soon as you identify a d isco n n ection betwee n the mother and the fetus , ask if
there are any u nderlying causes. Then identify and remove any that you fi nd . Then
recon nect the d isco n nected parts of the fetus and the mothe r by rol l i ng 3 times down
the g overn i ng merid ian . lt is com mo n to h ave m u ltiple d isco n n ections creating
morn i ng sickness, so make s u re to identify and correct al l d isco n n ections that you
fi nd .
I 've seen a good n u m ber of morn i ng-sick wom e n over the years si nce I was led to
this knowledge and I h ave n 't h ad anyone yet that this has not hel ped . Often the
effect i s i m med i ate and q u ite d ramatic. As soon as you m ake those con nections,
typical ly the morn ing sickness wi l l be gone i nstantly. Typical ly what women say i s , "I
fee l better, I 'm going to g o eat someth i ng . " They're h u n g ry because they h aven 't
been able to eat d u e to the morn i ng s ickness. I th i n k that you 'l l enjoy this o n e . This
can real ly come i n handy and it's someth ing that you won 't find anywhere e lse but
The Body Cod e .
T h e body is m ade u p o f m u ltiple d ifferent system s , with some parts playi ng roles i n
more than o n e system . T h e pu rpose o f t h i s section is to o utl i ne t h e d i fferent system s
C i rcu its a n d Syste ms
[TH E BODY COD E 2 .0]
so that you u nderstand what they are , how they work and how to identify and correct
any i m balances i n the m . The Body Code M i nd M aps outl i n e the main components of
the various systems. If you find that there is an i m balance affecti ng one of the
system s , you may choose to identify which specific part of the system is being
affected , if necessary. Then identify and remove any u nderlying causes, resto ri ng
balance to the syste m .
Circulatory system
The c i rcu l atory system fac i l itates the movem e nt of blood , lym ph and n utrients
th roug hout the body. This helps to provide nou rish ment to the body tissues, fig ht
i nfectio n ,
reg u l ate
body tem peratu re
mai ntai n
homeostasis. The c i rcu l atory system i ncl udes not only the
heart , but also al l of the m i les of vessels, i ncl u d i ng arteries ,
vei n s and cap i l laries, that carry blood to and fro m all parts of
the body. I n the M i nd Maps, these are broken down i nto
u pper l i m b vesse l s , thoracic vesse l s , lower l i m b vessels,
abdom i nal vesse l s , and head and neck vessels, and are
b ro ken down eve n fu rther from there in most cases .
Digestive system
The d i gestive syste m is responsible for the b reakdown and extraction of n utrients
from the food and d ri n k that we cons u m e . Digestion beg i n s in the mouth , where the
teeth g ri nd u p the food and m ix it with saliva,
which contains sal ivary amylase , an e nzyme
that beg i n s to b reak down and digest starch
that we've eaten .
The m uscu l ar action i nd uced by swal lowing
propels the food down the esophag u s , thro u g h
t h e card iac s p h i ncter, w h i c h rel axes t o allow
the food pass, and i nto the stom ach . C h u rn i ng
of the stom ach and secretion of Hyd rochloric
acid and Peps i n , an e nzyme that d i gests
prote i n , conti n ues the d i gestive process.
Hyd rochloric acid in particu lar can be very damag i ng to the wal ls of the sto m ach , so
the stomach secretes a layer of m ucou s to act as a barrier to its conte nts . After an
h o u r o r two , the stom ach contents (now refe rred to as chyme) pass thro u g h the
pylo ric sphi ncter and enter the smal l i ntesti n e , where d igestive enzymes fro m the
pancreas are secreted i nto the mix. 95% of n utrient absorption occ u rs i n the smal l
i ntesti n e , w h i l e water and m i nerals are reabsorbed back i nto the blood from the
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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colon . The next step is for the fecal matte r to be e l i m i n ated fro m the colon thro u g h
t h e rect u m a n d t h e an u s .
Endocrine System
The e ndocri ne syste m is a series of g l ands that secrete
hormones d i rectly i nto the b loodstream . H o rmones are
responsible for reg u l ati ng a l l sorts of fu nctions i n the
body i ncl u d i n g metabo l i s m , g rowth and development,
tissue fu nctio n , sleep and mood . The endocri ne system
i nc l u des g lands such as the hypothalam u s , pi neal ,
pitu itary , ad re nal g land s , testicles, ovaries, thyroid ,
pancreas , parathyroid g l ands, and kid neys .
Immune System
The function of the i m m u ne syste m is to protect the body agai nst d isease,
particu l arly against d i sease caused by outside i nvade rs such as bacte ria, vi ruses,
mold , fu ng i , and parasites. The i m m u ne syste m i ncludes the l iver, splee n , append ix,
bone m arrow, Peyers patches (special ized lymph nodes that are attached to the
su rface of the small i ntesti ne) , the lymp h nodes , tons i l s , adenoids and the thym u s
g land .
I 've always be l i eved that d eterm i n i ng how wel l the
i m m u ne system is actually functi o n i ng i s a wonderf u l
i nd i cator o f h o w healthy a person really i s . D u ri n g t h e
years that I was i n practice , I fou nd that people w h o
h ad b e e n d i ag nosed with some sort o f major probl e m
s u c h a s fibro myal g i a , c h ro n i c fatig u e , l u pu s , cancer,
etc. wou ld typical ly have an i m m u ne system that was
function i ng below 1 0%. This is easy to determ i n e
thro u g h m u scle testi n g , a n d it's also fasc i n ating to
watch the i m m u ne system i m p rove as you m ake
corrections usi ng The Body Cod e . I h ave seen the
release of a single trapped emotion i m p rove a perso n 's i m m u ne function by as much
as 20%. lt's i m portant to note that any i m balance that is l i sted in The Body Code w i l l
have the effect o f lowering i m m u ne function , a n d t h e correction o f a n y i m balance wi l l
serve to i m p rove i m m u ne fu nction .
C i rcu its and Syste m s
Integumentary system
The i nteg u m e ntary system serves as
a protective barrie r between the
envi ro n m e nt
remainder of the body. lt i nc l u des
the hair, nails and the ski n .
The skin is comprised o f three
different l ayers , the epiderm i s ,
hypoderm is.
hypodermis is t h e deepest layer of
ski n , which attaches to bone o r
m u scle a n d houses t h e fat deposits
for ad i pose tissue of the body.
The derm i s , the m i d d l e layer of the ski n , contai ns con nective tissue and blood
vesse ls that nou rish the skin and carry away waste prod ucts . The g lands and hai r
fol l icles orig i n ate i n the derm i s .
T h e epiderm is is t h e o utermost l ayer o f s ki n , t h e layer that forms t h e protective
barrier between us and the h arsh world aro u nd us. lt consists of many layers of
epith e l ial cel l s that replace themselves every 2 to 2% months.
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic syste m fi lters out d i sease-causing organ isms, prod uces wh ite blood
cel l s , and generates d isease-fi g hting anti bodies, and consists of a network of d u cts
and g l ands that carry a clear f l u i d known as lym p h . Lym ph fl u i d is actually formed
fro m blood plasma, which fi lters i nto the lym ph
system from the circu l atory syste m . The lym phatic
system plays an i mportant role in i m m u ne function ,
as it prod uces d i fferent types of wh ite blood cel l s , or
lym phocytes , and i s i m portant for the removal of
toxic waste prod ucts from cel l s .
N ote that the lym phatic system i ncl udes t h e
adenoids, ton s i l s , appendix, b o n e m arrow, lymph
nodes, Peyers patches, spleen and thym us g land .
C i rcu its and Systems
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Muscular System
The m uscu lar system incl udes ske l etal m uscl e , smooth m u scle and card i ac m uscle
tiss u e . S mooth m uscle is considered to be an i nvo l u ntary type of m uscle , si nce you
can 't consciously m ake it contract l i ke you can a skeletal m uscl e . lt's fou n d i n the
wal ls of blood vessels, lym phatic vessel s , the bladder, uteru s , male and female
reprod u ctive tracts, the d i gestive system , the respi ratory syste m , the skin ( m u scles
make you r hair stand on end when you g et goosefles h ) , and the i ris of the eye .
Card i ac m u scle tissue i s a h i g h ly special ized type of m uscle that only exists i n the
heart. lt's desig ned to contract auto m atically relax in a conti n u o u s cycle that l asts
you r whole l ife . S keletal m uscl e , u n l i ke the fi rst two types , is u nder consciou s contro l ,
and is what moves the s keleto n , enab l i n g us t o r u n and j u m p a n d wal k, com b o u r
hair, and do everyt h i ng e lse w e d o . I n t h e m i nd m aps , m u scles are d ivided i nto head ,
neck, thoracic, back, u pper and lower l i m b , and abdom i nal m u scles.
N ote that most m u scle i m balances are actually the resu lt
of an i m balance i n an o rgan o r g l and . I n other word s , an
organ o r g l and becomes ove rloaded and u n h appy, and
the m u scle that i s energ etical ly con nected to that o rgan
and g l and also becomes i m balanced . I 've i ncl uded many
specific m uscles i n this sectio n , but because there are so
many m uscles i n the body, some areas of the body are
referred to s i m ply by reg ion . If you are b ro u g ht to one of
these m aps , and then to a specific reg ion of the body
that does not h ave specific m uscles l i sted , remember
that the su bconscious m i nd of the i nd ivid ual that you are
testing knows perfectly wel l what m uscle is i mbalanced .
What is more i mportant than identifying the exact m u scle i n this case , is identifying
the i mbal ance that i s maki ng that m u scle u n h appy. If there does not seem to be an
u nderlyi ng cause of the i m balance , rol l a mag net down the govern i n g meridian 3
ti mes w h i l e holding an i ntention to correct the i m balance , then retest.
Nervous system
The n e rvou s system is the body's com m u n ication system . lt coord i nates all of the
activities of the body, whethe r vol u ntary or i nvol u ntary, and enables com m u n ication
and the rel ay of i nformation betwee n d ifferent parts of the body. lt consists of the
central nervou s system (the b rai n and spi nal cord) and the peri pheral n e rvou s
system (the nerves that con nect t h e central n e rvou s system t o t h e rest o f t h e body) .
C i rcu its and Systems
[TH E BODY CODE 2 . 0]
The peripheral n e rvou s system is d ivided u p i nto the
autonomic n e rvous syste m and the somatic n e rvo u s
system . The som atic n e rvous system is responsible
for carrying i m p u lses and i nformation to and from the
central nervou s system to al l the m u scles and other
tissues of the body. The autonomic n e rvou s system
is d ivided i nto t h ree parts , the sympathetic, enteric,
and parasympathetic n e rvou s system s .
T h e sympathetic nervou s system is most responsible
for the fig ht or fl i g ht response , but is also responsible
for h e l p i ng us to mai ntai n homeostas is , and thus it is
always active to some degree. The parasym pathetic nervou s system is the d ivision
of the autonomic n e rvou s system that is for the activities that occ u r i n the body when
we are at rest, i ncl u d i ng d i gestion , sexual activities, u ri n ation , sal ivation , defecatio n ,
lacri m ation (crying) and s o o n .
T h e e nteric nervous syste m i s responsible for both secretion and moti l ity, and is
basically considered a separate , stand-alone nervou s system that belongs solely to
the d i gestive system . Althou g h it fu nctions on its own , it m ay be mod ified by the
sym pathetic or parasympathetic nervous system s .
Reproductive System
The reprod uctive system is what allows u s to prod uce c h i l d re n . Sperm from the male
fertil izes the female's egg , or ovu m , i n the fal lopian tube. The fertil ized egg then
travels from the fal lopian tube to the ute ru s , where it i mp l ants itself in the uterine wal l .
The fetus then develops over a period of 9 months .
I n t h e fem al e , t h e reprod uctive system i n c l u des vag i na,
ute ru s , ovaries and fal lopian tu bes. In the male, the
reprod uctive system i ncl udes epid idym i s , vas defere n s ,
accessory g l ands, sem i nal vesicles, prostate g l and ,
b u l bo u reth ral g l ands and penis.
The vag i na is an e l astic m u scular sheath i n the female system that fac i l itates both
sexual i ntercou rse and c h i l d b i rt h .
C i rcu its a n d Syste ms
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
The epid idym i s , a wh itish m ass of tig htly coi led tu bes cu pped against the testicles,
acts as a m atu ration and storage area for sperm before they pass i nto the vas
defere n s , that carry sperm to the ampu l l ary g land and prostatic d u cts .
Vas deferens
The vas deferens, also known as the sperm d u ct, is a t h i n tube approxi mately 43 . 2
centi meters long that travels from t h e epid idym is t o t h e pelvic cavity .
Accessory glands
Th ree accessory g lands provide fl u ids that l u bricate the d u ct syste m and n o u rish the
sperm cel l s . They are the sem i n al vesicles, the p rostate g land , and the b u l bo u reth ral
g lands (Cowper g l ands) .
Seminal vesicles
Sem i nal vesicles are sac- l i ke struct u res attached to the vas deferens at one side of
the b l adder. They prod uce a sticky, yel lowish fl u id that contains fructose. This fl u i d
provides sperm cel l s energy a n d a i d s i n t h e i r motil ity. 70% o f t h e semen is its
secretio n .
Prostate gland
The prostate g l and s u rro u nds the ejac u l atory d u cts at the base of the u reth ra, j u st
below the b l adder. The prostate g l and i s responsible for the proof seme n , a l i q u i d
m ixtu re o f sperm cel l s , prostate fl u id a n d sem i nal fl u i d . T h i s g l and is also responsible
for making the se men m i l ky i n appearance by m ixing calci u m to the semen com i ng
fro m sem i n al vesicle (semen com i ng fro m the semi nal vesicle i s yel lowish i n color) ;
the semen re mai ns cloudy and cl u m py u ntil the prostatic profi b ri nolysi n is formed i nto
fi brinolysi n and lysis of the fibrinogen fro m the semi nal vesicle fl u ids occu rs .
Bu lbourethra l glands
The b u l bo u reth ral g l ands, also cal led Cowper g lands, are two small g l ands located
on the sides of the u reth ra j u st below the prostate g land . These g l ands prod u ce a
clear, s l i ppery fl u i d that e m pties d i rectly the u reth ra. 1
Respiratory System
The respi ratory system brings oxyge n i n the body and
removes carbon d ioxide thro u g h the act of b reath i ng .
Air e nters the body thro u g h the nose and mouth ,
https ://en .wikiped i a . o rg/wi ki/H u man_male_reprod uctive_system
C i rcu its and Systems
passes down the trachea or windpipe, i s d iverted i nto either the left o r rig ht bronchial
tube and passes i nto prog ressively smaller t ubu les, refe rred to as b ronch ioles, u nti l
eve ntu ally it ends u p i n the alveo l i , where option i s active ly absorbed across the
alveolar m e m b rane i nto the blood , and carbon d ioxide passes fro m the blood and is
exhaled . The resp i ratory system i nc l udes the nose , trachea, l u ng s , b ronchial tubes,
bronchioles and alveol i
Skeletal System
The skeletal system is made up of bones and con nective
tissue such as l igaments and tendons, wh ich shape the body
and protect the o rgans . The skeletal system works with the
m u sc u l ar system to h e l p the body move .
Connective tissue
There are fou r categories of con nective tissues in the body:
d i scs , fascia, l igaments and tendons. Tendons con nect
m u scle to bone, and are fou nd on both ends of eve ry m uscle
in the body. Ligaments con nect bone to bon e , and are fou nd
thro u g hout the body, whereve r two bones adjoi n . Fascia
looks l i ke that th i n , clear, fi l my, plastic-wrap l i ke coating
betwee n the ski n and meat of a raw c h icken b reast. Fascia
covers and separates all the m u scles in the body, one from
another. In add ition , fascia provides a protective coating for
every bon e , organ , artery, ve i n , and every tissue of the body. For exam p le , the
fasci al tissue that covers the l u ngs is cal led the p l e u ra. When it becomes i nflamed ,
we cal l that pleu risy. The fascial coating over the b rai n is cal led the d u ra. That's
where the word epid u ral comes fro m . The g reat osteopath , Dr. Robe rt Fu lford made
tremendous strides in d i scoveri ng that the fascia can become d i storted , o r hold
abnormal tension . Strong e motions, physical trau mas , and othe r i ns u lts that the body
m ay end u re can all d istort and twi st the fascial tiss u e . The
fascia then holds those energ ies with i n itself, causing
i mbalance to occu r i n the body. If the fascial network i n the
body is d i storted , w i l l the structu re of the body be p u l l ed out
of al i g n m e nt? Of cou rse. If the fasci a is d i storted aro u n d
t h e organs i n the body, w i l l the chem ical processes and
reactions taki ng p l ace in those o rg ans fu nction as
efficiently? I d o n 't th i n k so . Because of the e lectrical n atu re
of fasci a , fascial d i stortion also seems to affect the
energetic make u p of the body and e lectrical tran s m i ssion .
I n h i s researc h , Dr. Fu lford fou nd that by using a
mechan ical d evice cal led a percussor, (essenti ally a heavy
C i rcu its and Syste ms
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d uty percussing vibrator) he was able to i n sti l l motion i nto the fascial tissues and g et
them to actually u nwind and u n rave l . The resu lts that D r. F u lford and others h ave
obtai ned u s i n g percussors to u nwi nd the fascial tissue h ave been noth i ng short of
m i racu lous. Long-stand i ng physical problems h ave i m mediately resolved themselves
upon percussion . After experi menti ng with Dr. Fu lford 's tech n iq u e in various ways , I
began to th i n k that perhaps there m i g ht be a better way. At any g iven time i n the
body, there is a certain amou nt of fascial d i stortio n . The s u bconscious m i n d , amazin g
com puter that it i s , is fu l ly aware o f this d istortion , an d com p rehends it i n the most
m i n ute detai l . By fi nd i ng and correcting the u nderlying i mbalances , the fasci a is
al lowed to retu rn to a bal anced state .
Discs are the shock absorbers of the body. You can th i n k of each d i sc as be i ng l i ke a
11j e l ly doug h n ut11 m ade of concentric layers of cartilag e , s u rro u n d i ng a gelatinous
center cal led the nucleus p u l posus. lt•s really a b ri l l iant desig n , because the
gelati nous center acts l i ke a bal l beari ng between each of the verteb rae , transferri ng
wei g ht down the spine i n a very efficient way.
Someti mes d i scs b u l g e . When they do so , they i nvariably put pressu re on the spinal
nerve nearby. When the nerve is com p ressed , the resu lt is u s u al ly either pai n , or
some sort of n u m b ness or ti ng l i n g , u s u al ly i n the arm or leg . The general ru le of
th u m b is that the more pressu re there is on a n e rve , the
worse the n u m bness or ting l i ng wi l l be. If the pressu re
gets bad enoug h , there w i l l be total anesthesia, o r
complete lack o f feel i n g . This is never someth i ng t o play
aro u nd with , of cou rse . If you eve r have a client that is
deal i n g with this kind of proble m , o r h avi ng this sort of
symptoms, if they d o n •t i m p rove rig ht away fro m what
you d o , you should refer them to a c h i ropractor.
There are all kinds of things that can make a d isc b u l g e .
I n my experi ence , the most commo n t h i ng i s actually
some sort of o rgan i m balance . The reason for this is that
the o rgan i mbal ance wi l l always cause m u scle
i mbalance . If the rig ht o rg an is i m balanced , m u scles that su pport the spine m ay
actual ly be com p ro m ised . The biggest c u l prit here is the kidney because of its
con nection with the psoas m u scle, wh ich su pports and holds u p the l u m bar s p i n e .
J u st remember that anyt h i n g c a n cause anyth i ng . I h ave seen i nfection i n d i scs
before . I h ave seen trapped e motions in d i scs before , causing them to b u l g e .
The Skeleton
T h e ske l eton can be b ro ke n down i nto two m a i n divisions, refe rred t o a s t h e Axial
ske l eton and the Appendicu l ar ske l eto n .
C i rcu its a n d Systems
Axia l Skeleton
T h e axi al skeleton consists o f t h e s ku l l , the teeth , a n d t h e ve rteb ral col u m n i n cl u d i ng
the cervical , thoracic and l u m bar verteb rae , as wel l as a l l of the ribs and bones that
m ake u p the stern u m . This i ncludes the stern u m , the man u b ri u m , which is situated at
the top of the ste rn u m and makes u p the b u l k of the b reastbon e , and the xiphoid
process, wh ich is at the very bottom of the stern u m .
I n the axi al skeleto n , the sku l l i s a dynamic, amaz i ng
structu re that is capable of far more movement than the
med ical o r dental profession bel ieves . As the s ku l l expands
and contracts betwee n 6 to 1 2 times per m i n ute , each cran ial
bone moves a very m i n ute amou nt. Someti mes cran ial bones
become m i saligned very s l i g htly. Sometimes the movement
between one cran ial bone and anothe r becomes i mp i nged .
The biggest u nderlying cause of this sort of problem is
trapped emotions. As a former cran iopath , I understand the
d ramatic d iffere nce that it can make to h ave all of the bones
of the s ku l l functio n i ng normally.
Al i g n ment of the spinal vertebrae is especially i m portant because the spi nal col u m n
houses t h e spinal cord , which is l i ke t h e freeway con necti n g t h e bra i n t o t h e rest of
the body. If a vertebra is out of a l i g n m e nt, it can i m pede the com m u n ication betwee n
the b rai n a n d t h e body.
Appendicular Skeleton
The appendicu lar skeleton i nc l udes the bones of the u pper l i mbs, incl u d i ng the
shoulder blades o r scapu lae , and the col l arbones or clavicles , as wel l as the bones
of the upper and lower arm s , wrists and hands In add itio n , it i n c l u des the bones of
the pelvis and the bones of the lower l i m bs , i nc l u d i ng the fem u r bones , tibia, fi b u l a
a n d t h e bones o f t h e ankle a n d foot.
Urinary System
The u ri n ary syste m is responsible for e l i m i nati ng waste
prod u cts fro m the body i n the form of u ri n e . Al l the
b lood i n the body passes thro u g h the kidneys every
few m i n utes . The kidneys fi lte r the blood and form
u ri n e , which is then passed down the u rete rs i nto the
u ri n ary bladder. When the b l adder becomes fu l l , u ri ne
is then passed thro u g h the u reth ra and is e l i m i n ated .
C i rcu its and Systems
i§i:l [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
C i rcu its and Syste ms
The pu rpose of this mod u l e is to h e l p you
u nderstand toxicity, how to detect it and what
to do to correct or e l i m i n ate it. There are many
d iffe rent types of toxins that affect o u r bod ies.
The types of toxicity d i scussed i n this mod u le
i nclude : heavy metals, excesses such as free
rad icals and metabol i c waste , electromag n etic
freq uencies l i ke microwaves , chem icals ,
prions, m icrobial tox i n s which are the
byp rod u cts of i nfection s , and dental tox i n s .
Toxicity is t h e accu m u l ation a n d b u i l d u p o f toxi ns, or toxic material s , i n the bod i ly
tissues. For the most part, toxicity is a re latively new phenomeno n . Most toxins were
i ntrod uced i nto o u r envi ronments and s u bseq uently i nto o u r bod ies aro u nd the
beg i n n i ng of the I nd u strial Revo l ution . This problem conti n ues to i ncrease as the
health of planet earth decl i nes. Toxicity is now a worldwide problem , and
u nfortunately there aren 't m any places you can go on the earth where you don 't find
some kind of toxins.
A h u g e amou nt of the toxins that we are exposed to come from the food we eat. The
average person takes i n about 1 4 pou nds of chem icals per year i n the form of food
add itives : h u m ectants , preservatives, food colorings and so o n . The more processed
food you eat, the more these toxic food add itives wi l l b u i ld up in you r bod i ly tissu es.
These toxins are damag i ng to the body and i nterfere with the normal fu nction of the
i m m u ne syste m , but they can be e l i m i nated . We cal l this process of e l i m i nation
An i m portant th i ng to re member is that if trapped e motions and other energetic
i m bal ances are present, they wi l l tend to make detoxing more difficu lt. For exam p l e ,
if you have a trapped emotion that is lodged i n t h e l iver, a major organ of
detoxification in the body, eve ry chem ical reaction now taki ng place in the l ive r is
going to be i nterfered with . The l iver fu nction w i l l not be at 1 00% by any means, and
getting rid of harmfu l toxins is going to be d ifficu lt or even i m poss i b l e . S i m i larly, if you
have trapped emotions i n the smal l i ntest i n e , wh ich houses a large part of you r
i m m u ne system , you ' l l also have a hard time g etting rid of tox i n s . The i m m u ne
system is responsible for cleari ng , removi ng and breaki ng down tox i n s , and if it is
be ing compro m ised it won 't work as wel l . A s i n g l e trapped emotion can decrease the
fu nction of you r enti re immune syste m by u p to 20% .
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Tox i n s can be spread homogenously throug hout the body or accu m u l ated i n a
certai n o rgan . Toxins can also be concentrated i n fatty tissues l i ke the fat ove rlaying
the sto m ach . There is more i nformation about toxin s and obesity at the end of this
mod u le .
All toxins consist of noth i ng but p u re energy, so you can treat them as such with The
Body Cod e . Th i n k of tox i n s as clouds of energy in body, j u st l i ke trapped emotions or
other energ ies. When you fi nd a tox i n , you can identify what kind of tox i n it is and any
othe r necessary i nformatio n , i ncl u d i ng the location of the tox i n in the body if des i red .
Then rol l 3 times down the govern i n g meridian with i ntention to release the toxi n .
I n some cases, treati ng e n e rgetically i n this way may b e enoug h , and the body can
hand le any remai n i ng detoxifying on its own with no other h e l p . This wi l l u s u al ly be
the case if the toxic load is m i no r and the body's organs are functi o n i n g wel l . Other
ti mes however, the body wi l l need some extra h e l p , and you may need to suggest
som e kind of a detoxification prod u ct or cleanse for you r clients .
Types of Toxins
There are many d i ffere nt types of toxi n s that affect o u r bod ies. The types of toxicity
d iscussed i n this mod u l e i nclude : heavy metals, excesses such as free rad icals and
metabol ic waste , e lectromag netic freq ue ncies l i ke m icrowaves , chem icals , prions,
m icro bial toxins which are the byprod ucts of i nfections, and dental tox i n s .
Heavy metals are elements that h ave no benefit to the h u man body. When
i ntrod u ced to the body and accu m u l ated , heavy metals can be extre mely damag i ng
to the body tissues and create i nterference with metabol i c processes. Sou rces of
heavy metals i nclude contam i n ated food , vacci nes, pol l uted air, water, cosmetics and
more .
If you were born i n the 1 97o •s or earl ier, you may re member that at every gaso l i n e
pu m p at every g as statio n , there was a s i g n that read : "For use a s motor fu e l on ly­
contains lead . "
Toxin s
Leaded gaso l i n e was common from the 1 920's u nti l the
1 980 's . Lead was considered an i m po rtant compound to
mix i n with gaso l i n e because it h e l ped the eng i ne ru n
more smooth ly. Leaded g aso l i n e is sti l l u sed i n certain
cou ntries, and on a very l i m ited basis for people who
d rive and mai ntai n h i storic cars . (Th is is because old
cars won 't ru n very wel l at al l o n gaso l i n e that does not
contai n lead . ) When leaded gaso l i n e was being heavi ly
used , m i l l ions of tons of lead were put i nto the
atmosphere in the form of exhaust. As a res u lt, many
people i n the i n d u strial ized world now h ave a very h i g h
lead content i n the i r bod ies.
Lead h as also been an i n g redient i n pai nt for thou sands of years , even tho u g h
m a k i n g a n d u s i n g lead based pai nt was a known danger. I n fact, t h e pai nt m akers
and pai nters often came down with paralysis and nervous system d i sorders .
Altho u g h ban ned i n t h e U n ited States i n 1 978 , m uch o f t h e world sti l l prod uces and
se l l s lead based pai nt. Even though many places d o n 't use lead based pai nt
anymore , old pai nt chips and d u st from b u i ld i ngs and toys poses a threat. C h i l d ren
are at risk the most because old pai nt c h i ps or d u st have a sweet taste .
Another very dangerous heavy metal is merc u ry, one of the most toxic su bstances
known to man . lt is said that o n ly rad ioactive pl uton i u m is more poisonous than
merc u ry !
Mercu ry is fou nd i n metal dental fi l l i ngs, also known as
amalgam . These fi l l i ngs contai n about 50% merc u ry,
which leaches out i nto the body and can cause al l
kinds of problems. Mercu ry also comes from air
pol l utio n , m ai n ly from coal-fi red plants , which let off
smoke i nto the atmosp here . Th is toxic smoke gets
absorbed i nto the ocean water and is consu med by
fish . Larger ocean fish can contai n ve ry h i g h levels of
mercu ry because they've eaten al l the smal ler fish
which contai ned mercu ry, and it's b u i lt u p in the i r
bod ies . T h e larger t h e fis h , generally speaki ng , t h e h igh e r t h e level o f mercu ry .
Mercu ry h as also b e e n u sed i n m a n y vacci nes over the years , a n d may sti l l be fou nd
i n some of them tod ay .
Toxin s
• [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
The l argest sou rce of mercu ry exposu re is amalgam fi l l i ng s . I h ave seen several
cases where peo ple were d i ag nosed with a m ajor d i sease, and by s i m ply g etting rid
of thei r amalgam fi l l i ng s , they were able to recover the i r health in a ve ry d ramatic
manner. Amalgam fi l l i ngs should always be removed very carefu l ly , because when a
dentist goes to d ri l l out these old mercu ry fi l l i ng s , clouds of mercu ry vapor are
released . If you have dental fi l l i ngs l i ke th is and you 're going to have them removed ,
m ake s u re that you r dentist uses a dental dam , which is a rubber dam that protects
you so that you don 't get exposed to this toxic vapor. You also need to be on a nasal
breath i ng syste m to make s u re you d o n 't b reathe in any of the tox i n s .
I h ad my o w n experi ence w i t h this o nce , before I u nderstood h o w dangerous merc u ry
i s . I went to a dentist and asked h i m about getting an amalgam fi l l i n g removed . lt was
many years ago , and he thoug ht the fi l l i ng wasn 't a big pro b l e m , but I wanted it
replaced anyway. So he went ahead and dril led out j u st one mercu ry fi l l i ng and
replaced it with a wh ite ceramic composite fi l l i n g . I felt fine after the proced u re , d rove
home , wal ked thro u g h my front door, wal ked up the stai rs to my bed room , and when
I got to the top of the stairs , I sudden ly col l apsed .
The next day, I h ad a tu mor that had suddenly appeared o n my finger! lt was a
mal i g n ancy that had to be removed s u rg i cally. lt j u st kept g rowing and g rowi ng and
g rowing . I tested myself later and fou n d that I had received about 1 0 years worth of
mercu ry exposu re , j u st by h avi ng that one fi l l i n g removed without the proper
precautions. So you can see that you have to be really carefu l if you are going to
have you r amalgam fi l l i ngs removed . Go to somebody that knows what he or she is
doing and wi l l use eve ry possible precautio n .
A luminum
Al u m i n u m is the most abu ndant metal i n the
earth 's crust. lt is also another damag i ng heavy
metal that causes m alfu nction i n the body . One of
the most common sou rces of al u m i n u m is
com m e rcial antiperspi rant deodorant. Al u m i n u m
cookware and foi l is also u nsafe to u se because it
leaches al u m i n u m i nto food as you cook. Packaged
table salt often contai ns sod i u m s i l icoal u m i nate ,
wh ich contai n s al u m i n u m , and is u sed i n many
baki ng m ixes and baking powde rs as an anti­
caki ng age nt as wel l . If you start read i n g labe l s , you w i l l be amazed at how many
sou rces of al u m i n u m there are in see m i ng ly harmless eve ryday prod ucts . Al u m i n u m
h as been l i n ked with Alzhei mer's D i sease , so i f you want to keep you r m i nd you n g ,
try t o e l i m i n ate a s many sou rces o f i t a s possi b l e .
Cad m i u m is another heavy metal that is also ve ry
dangero u s . lt can be fou n d i n batteries, as a stabi l izer
for plastics, and i n a i r pol l ution from the b u rn i ng of
fossi l fuels and m u n ici pal wastes . Tobacco smoking is
a h u g e sou rce for cad m i u m exposu re , and tobacco
smoke rs have been fou nd to h ave 4 to 5 ti mes the
blood cad m i u m concentrations of non-smokers .
Cad m i u m is a known carcinogen that is also used i n
artist's pai nts .
Th is category of toxins resu lts from too much of a particu l ar th i ng which i s not
necessari ly toxic in smal l e r amou nts . When there is too much exposu re to any of the
th i ngs in this category, it can become toxic to the body. We refe r to these as
excesses .
Stress Hormones
Ad renal i n and cortisol are considered to be the 11Stress
hormones11 of the body, and can be prod uced in excess
d u ri ng d ifficu lt ti mes, beco m i ng toxic to the body if they
are not used or e l i m i n ated efficiently. N ote that vigorous
physical exercise is the best way to clear these toxic
hormones fro m the tissues on a reg u lar basis.
Metabo lic Waste
Metabol ic waste refe rs to the byprod ucts of a l l metabol ic processes i n the body. If the
org ans of e l i m i nation are compro m i sed in any way, or are working l ess efficiently
than they should be , metabol ic waste can b u i ld up in the body. To prevent this kind of
issu e , d r i n k plenty of water, exercise reg u l arly, and keep the organs of e l i m i nation i n
good shape s o they are functi o n i n g a s they shou l d .
If you f i n d there is a n excess o f metabol i c waste , you can correct it b y fi nd i ng and
cleari ng any i m balances in the organs of e l i m i nation (specifically the Colo n , l leocecal
Valve , Small I ntesti n e , Kidneys and Live r) . Then do any ki nd of cleansing necessary
to e l i m i nate the b u i lt u p toxi n s . Colon hyd rotherapy treatme nts are an exce l lent way
to cleanse metabol i c waste , as are l iver and kid ney cleanses .
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Free Radica ls
Free rad icals are basical ly u n stable atoms that are
created by oxidatio n , which disru pt the healthy l iving
cel l s and accelerate the ag i ng process and b reakdown
of the body. O u r bod ies n atu rally create free rad i cals,
but tend to create more free rad icals when we 're
exposed to radi atio n , too much d i rect s u n l i g ht, tobacco
smoke , pol l ution , when we overeat or when we eat
foods that are h i g h i n fats and sugar.
rad icals cause cou l d be
i l l u strated with a sayi ng : " lt's how the body rusts . " This
chair, for exam p l e , has bee n outside for too long , and you
can see that it's ru sti ng . Metal breaks down by rusti ng ; the
body breaks down by bei n g exposed to free rad ical s . Both
are processes of oxidation . Stud ies show that period ic
fasting and eating fewer calories slow down the rate of
oxidation and free rad ical formatio n , thus slowi ng the ag i ng
process and keeping the body you ng e r and health ier.
This C h i nese medici ne concept refe rs to "Six Pernicious I nfl u ences" that can d isrupt
the normal fu nction of the body. I ncluded are the energ ies of heat, dampness ,
d ryness , wind , "su m me r heat" and col d .
These elements o f n at u re are not i n herently toxic, o f cou rse , they are s i m p l y forms of
energy that exist to make o u r world the d iverse place that it i s . If any of these
energies e nter the body and become trapped ,
however, the body wi l l consider it a toxic energy
l i ke any other. These energ ies can create pai n ,
achy joi nts, lowered i m m u ne function , and othe r
problems because they i nterfere with t h e balance
of the energy field . You can find this kind of tox i n
b y using The Body Code M i nd Map, a n d
e l i m i nate it b y rol l i ng 3 times down t h e govern i n g
merid ian.
Tox i n s
[TH E BODY COD E 2 .0]
Another form of toxins come i n the fo rm of e lectromag n etic energy. Al l of these are
d iffe rent wavel engths of energy i n the e lectro m ag n etic spectru m . What is actually
toxic are the freq u encies of rad iation because they d i stort the energy field and are ,
therefore , damag i ng to the body. You can release any E M tox i n by rol l i n g 3 times
down the govern i ng merid ian .
Co l or
Remember that colors are si mply energy, each h avi ng a particu lar wavelength . If you
get too much of a certain color, it can become toxic, howeve r that does not mean that
the color wi l l always be co nsidered a tox i n by the body. lt w i l l most l i kely be that the
person has been su rro u nded by too much of that color for too long . Howeve r, there
may be an u nderlyi ng i mbal ance that is cau s i n g the body to perceive the co lor as a
toxi n , usual ly someth i ng that creates a s u bconscious association of a certain color
with negativity i n the body. For exam p l e , a trapped emotion about an ex-boyfriend
who always wore g reen cou l d cause you to su bconsciously associate the co lor g reen
with negative emotions that you h ave about the ex-boyfriend . The color g reen then
can become synonymous, i n a way, with the negativity of
those emotions. You can find out if this is the case by
aski ng , " I s there an u nderlyi ng i m balance causing this
color to be perceived as a tox i n ?" Then re lease whatever
you fi nd , and repeat the process if necessary. Then you
can release the toxic color energy by rol l i ng the mag n et
down the govern i ng merid ian 3 times. lt may be a good
idea to avoid that color for a few days afterward , but is
often not necessary .
EMF/Cellular Radiation
E lectromag netic fields that are toxic come fro m
eq u i pment
l i ke
cel l u lar
m icrowaves and computer screens. Rad i ation from
cel l phones is a huge problem i n o u r day, as you
can 't go many places where there isn 't cel l phone
cove rag e , and most people, i ncl u d i ng c h i l d re n , now
h ave the i r own personal cel l phones. There is
enormous vested i nterest i n keeping any negative
stu d ies that come out about this as q u iet as possi b l e ,
because there 's a h u g e amou nt o f money i n t h e cel l
phone i n d u stry . I 'm very sensitive myself t o cel l phone rad iatio n . I try t o u se a corded
• [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
headset, to keep the cel l phone away fro m me as much as poss i b l e .
When you 're fi rst cal l i ng someone on you r cel l p h o n e a n d it i s maki ng the
con nection , this is when the rad i ation e m itting from the phone i s the h i g hest. Keep
the phone away fro m you u nti l it h as made the con nection . My advice is to use a ce l l
phone as l ittle as possi b l e . There are also some g reat devices avai lable that you can
attach to you r cel l phone that wi l l decrease the rad i ation to a g reat deg ree. If you
d o n 't do that, you may end u p l i ke a friend of m i n e who actually developed a bra i n
tumor that was almost the exact same s i z e a n d shape a s her cel l p h o n e ante n n a .
There are more a n d more people developi ng aud itory n e rve tu mors , or brai n tumors
fro m the u se of cel l phones.
Scientists h ave done stud ies and d iscovered that food coo ked i n a m icrowave wi l l not
be as healthy for you as food that is cooked i n a trad itional ove n . Th is is because the
toxic m icrowave energy actually b reaks down structu res i n the food , cau s i ng it to be
less healthy, and even toxic for you r body. You can try th i s you rself. Boi l a cu p of
wate r on the stove and bo i l a cup of water in the m icrowave . Hold the cup that's been
i n the microwave and m u scle test you rself for the water. You ' l l test weak. Then if you
hold o nto the c u p of water that's been heated on the stove , you 'l l test strong .
You can release E M F energy with 3 rol l s down the gove rn i ng merid ian , but keep i n
m i nd that when this shows u p , the body i s tel l i ng you that i t has been exposed to
toxic l evels of E M F energy and you need to be more careful i n the fut u re .
Fluorescent Lights
Fluorescent l i g hts e m it a frequency that can be toxic. Many
people are sensitive to fl uorescent l i g ht and don 't even real ize
it. S i m ply release this toxic vibration by rol l i ng a mag n et down
the g overn i ng merid ian 3 times. Also consider getting new
l ig ht bu lbs. There are several other types of l i g ht b u l bs on the
market that e m it normal freq u e ncies of l i g ht and aren 't h arsh
o r toxic to the body.
I 'm referri ng t o " i o n i z i n g rad i atio n " here , rad iatio n that is
powerfu l enough to actually knock electrons out of the i r o rbits
which damages the D N A , creates m utations and so o n . Th is
i s the kind of rad i ation that comes from n uclear power plants ,
and i s what caused the horri ble m utations and d iseases after
the Chernobyl n uclear p lant d isaster i n the 1 980's. You can
Toxin s
also be exposed to rad i ation levels that are cu m u l ative on a lower leve l , whenever
you receive an x-ray at the dentist's office o r if you fly at a very h i g h altitude for h ou rs
at a time d u ri ng the d ay. N o rmally, the body i s able to repair this kind of damage
without too m uch tro u b l e , but if the exposu re i s too g reat , the damage caused to the
atoms and the DNA can be too d ifficult to overco m e . You can re lease rad i ation
energy with 3 ro l l s down the govern i ng meri d i an .
Sca lar Energy
N i ko l a Tesl a i s generally recog n ized as being the father of
scalar e lectromag netics, or scalar energy. 11 Scalar energyll
and 11Zero poi nt energyll are two terms that mean the same
th i ng .
Th i s p u re energy i s what fi l l s the i m mensity of space , located
i n between the e lectrons i n ato m s . lt is the energy that we
d o n 't u se to power o u r veh i cles or to ru n o u r app l i ances , yet it
is an enormous pote ntial sou rce of energy. Princeton U n iversity's J o h n Wheeler and
Richard Feyn man famously calcu lated that one cup of zero poi nt or scalar energy is
enoug h to bring all the oceans of the world to the boi l i ng poi n t !
Normally, scalar energy is not a problem for u s , it si mply exists with i n us and
eve rywhere else in the u n iverse . lt can even be used as a heal i n g tool because it is
such a p u re form of energy, and can m ag n ify i ntention j u st as a mag net can . There
are i nd ications that scalar energy i s now being u sed to mag n ify i l l i ntentions as we l l .
l t is now apparently be i n g m i l itarized , weapon ized , and used for nefarious pu rposes.
lt can also be used on a large scale to control the weather and eve n to remote ly
trigger earthq u akes . Is beyond the scope of this manual to go i nto th i s any fu rther,
but if you 'd l i ke more i nformation start by research i ng the word HAA R P on the
I nternet. If scalar energy shows up as an i m balance , release it by rol l i ng down the
gove rn i ng meri d i an 3 times.
Sou n d can also be toxic. T h i s m i g ht i nclude music,
construction noise , buzz i n g , etc. These are all j u st
freq u e ncies of energy, the body does n 't d i scri m i n ate - if it's
toxic, it's toxic. S i m ply release this toxic energy by rol l i ng the
mag net down the govern i ng meri d ian 3 ti mes. And avoid that
toxic sound i n the futu re if you are able to !
Tox i n s
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Chem ical toxicity is a h u g e problem , especially i n the U n ited States and othe r
i n d u strialized natio ns. Most chemical toxicity can be eas ily avoided if you are carefu l
about what you eat, touch and b reathe. You can attem pt to clear any chem ical tox i n
b y rol l i ng 3 ti mes down t h e govern i ng meridian , t h e n b y avo i d i ng that tox i n i n the
futu re . N ote that you m ay also need to do some sort of cleanse to com p l etely clear
that tox i n fro m the body.
Food Additives
Aspartame is a ve ry toxic su bstance that can be fou n d in chewi ng g u m and i n d iet
foods and d ri n ks . lt is m arketed as a sugar su bstitute u nder the brands Equal and
N utrasweet. Aspartame is an excitotoxi n and when i ngested can cause headaches,
sto m achaches, se i z u res and a long l i st of other problems. lt
works very we l l as a pesticide to ki l l ants , so that i s l i kely a
good sign that you sho u l d n 't eat it ! Aspartame can be fou nd
i n over 9 , 000 d ifferent prod ucts now, and that n u mber is
c l i m b i ng . We go i nto more detai l about this i n the
presentation on the Conspi ri n g M e n DVD , one of you r Body
Code bon u ses.
Food Co loring
Food colori ng makes foods look good , but it's also a toxi n . M any common foods
such as o ranges and sal mon are actually dyed so they wi l l look more "palatabl e . "
T h i s is d o n e because o f t h e n atu ral variation i n calor that some people don 't fi nd
appetizi n g . The problem with this is that food coloring is
general ly toxic. lt has long bee n suspected in the agg ravation
of be havioral d i so rders such as A D D and AD H D , and has also
been suspected to cause fu rther problems for those sufferi ng
fro m Autism Spectru m D i so rders. lt can also cause typ ical tox i n
rel ated issues s u c h a s head aches, stom achaches, etc.
H u mectants are u sed to preserve moistu re and keep
prod u cts fro m d ryi ng out before they're p u rchased .
H u mectants are used i n both foods and cosmetics. One of
the most com m o n h u mectants is cal led propyl ene g lycol - fou n d i n anyth i n g from
deodorant to cake mix. P ropylene g lycol is generally recog n ized as a safe add itive ,
however it can cause ski n and eye i rritatio n , and more severe reactions l i ke nausea
and vomiting with long term exposu re . Regard l ess of the sym ptoms, we know that
h u mectants on the whole are toxic, b u i ld i ng u p i n the body to cause a lowe red
i m m u ne syste m and othe r problems.
Monosod i u m g l utamate , o r MSG , i s present i n a wide variety of d i fferent foods and is
d isg u ised u nder a slew of d i fferent names . The most com m o n key words to watch for
are : g l utamate , hyd rolyzed , autolyzed and mod ified . These com po u nds do d ifferent
thi ngs to food , but they are all toxic and they generally prod uce the same physical
reaction in those who are sensitive to MSG . The reason for these sym ptoms is that
MSG is a type of excitotox i n , which means that it excites nerves to death .
You may have heard of "Ch i nese Restau rant Syndrome", which i ncl udes sym ptoms
such as headache, m u scle tig htness , fatig u e and nausea fo l lowing a meal l aced with
MSG . Most people d o n 't eve n real ize they are se nsitive to
M S G , they j u st know they fee l sick a lot of the ti m e . MSG
tends to be add i ctive , is mood i nfl uencing and causes wei g ht
gai n . I n fact, that's how sci e ntists do stud i es on obesity i n the
l aboratory ; they create obese rats by feed i n g them MSG .
These an i m als are cal led MSG treated rodents . There i s
more i nformation about MSG i n t h e Conspiring M e n DVD .
Preservatives are u sed to extend the shelf l ife of foods , to keep them from spo i l i ng .
P reservatives are toxic and can i nterfere with the metabol i c processes i n the body.
Th is can cause energy loss, wei g ht gain and many other problems i nclud i ng the
creation of abnormal ce l l s .
You c a n tal k t o a n y mortician w h o has been aro u nd for very l o n g a n d they wi l l te l l
you that 3 0 or 4 0 years ago , when a person wou ld d i e the i r body wou ld have t o be
e m bal med rig ht away, because the body wou l d start to
decompose i m med iately. Now, because everyone is
somewhat p ickled with all the preservatives that are in the
food that we eat, the m o rticians can actually l et the body lay
there for 2 or 3 d ays before they have to start embal m i ng it.
Th is m ay make l ife easier for the morticians, but it's not a
good th i ng for the h u man body at al l .
Toxin s
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2 .0]
Sugar is probably the biggest food add itive there is and the most com mo n ly i ngested
toxi n . I n its n atu ral and u n refi ned form , in fru its, g rains and dai ry , sugar is not too
bad . The problem is that nowadays it's easy to find refi ned sugar eve rywhere . M ost
people eat far too m uch sugar for the body to process, cau s i ng wei g ht gai n , mood
d i stu rbances, and an ove rload on the pancreas, which can eve ntually lead to
d i abetes. Excess sugar also causes oxidation of cel l s and the
formation of damag i ng free rad ical s . There are a coup l e of
books about sugar that I recom mend you read if you want an
in depth analysis of sugar and its effects on the body. "Sugar
Shock!" by Con n i e Bennett and "Su g ar B l ues" by Wi l l iam
Duffy wi l l both really open you r eyes to how damag i ng sugar
real ly is.
Medica l Toxins
All med ications are toxic to the h u man body- we cal l these med ical tox i n s .
Med ications are used to suppress sym ptoms or to ach ieve a certain effect, but there
are also u n i ntended or u nwanted effects- these are cal led side effects . Side effects
are a byproduct of toxicity i n the body. They range
fro m ski n i rritation to headache to nausea to death .
The l iver and kid n eys are especially v u l n e rable to
medical toxins because they are the o rgans that
are tryi ng to detoxify the body of the toxic
med ications. Some d rugs are so toxic that people
have to go i n to the doctor every week so they can
test the l ive r and kidneys to see if they are starting
to fai l yet . Medications are far too overused in
western medici n e .
M i l l io n s o f people, particu larly t h e elderly, are u s i n g dangero u s com b i n ations of
med ications that are u ntested , yet they are sti l l be i ng prescri bed every d ay without
fu l l knowledge of the possible com p l i cations that cou l d take place . A col leag u e of
m i ne had a patient who was taki ng a certai n med icati o n that was so powerfu l , one of
the side effects was a synd rome that's known as fu rry ton g u e . The medicati o n
actual ly created fu r o r hai r g rowi ng all over this person 's tong u e !
Toxin s
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Vaccina tion
Vaccines contai n very toxic components , such as al u m i n u m ,
formaldehyde and mercu ry, which are add itives that weaken
the organism or preserve the vacc i n e . For the most complete
i nformation on vacci n ations, thei r true h i story and why you
sho u l d avoid them , read : "Vaccination is N ot I m m u n ization , " by
Dr. Tim O'Shea, avai l able on Amazon .
Recreationa l Drugs
Recreational d rugs are a scou rge of the world i n o u r
day, destroying cou ntless l ives . They're also extremely
toxic and do thei r damage to the body q u ickly and
sometimes permanently. All tox i n s are damag i ng to the
body as a whole, but especially damag i ng to the l iver
and the kid neys because it's the l iver and the kidneys
that have to p u rify the blood . With repeated exposu re
and no detoxing , toxins wi l l b u i ld u p i n the l iver and
kid neys , causing a m u ltitude of problems. I bel ieve that
d rugs (excl u d i ng caffei n e and tobacco) open the body
to i nvasion by e ntities as wel l .
Alcoho l
Taken spari ng ly, alcohol does n 't d o too m u ch damag e , but i f abused o r taken i n
excess , i t can cause a lot of problems. The mai n problem that alcohol causes i s
i nte rference with the l iver. The l iver has to work ove rtime to detox alcohol from the
body, but i n cases of repeated u se with l ittle or no recove ry ti m e , l i ke alcohol i s m , the
l iver fu nction can actually decrease u nt i l it is hardly functi o n i n g at al l . If this persists ,
l iver d isease and eve ntu ally ci rrhosis of the l iver resu lt, lead i ng to death , s i nce you
need a worki ng l iver in order to keep l ivi n g .
Amphetam i nes are chem ical ly eng i n ee red psychosti m u lant d rugs that act to speed
up the nervou s syste m , causing e u phoria, i ncreased concentratio n , hype ractivity and
many other more agitating symptoms. Speed i n g up the natu ral rhythms of the body is
very harmfu l to the ad renal g land s , the kidneys and the l iver. Amphetam i nes i nclude
pharmaceutical d rugs such as Adderal l , but also i nclude metham phetam i nes, an
i l legal street d rug com mo n ly cal led meth or speed . Amphetam i nes in any form are
toxic, and when i ntroduced to the body, the l iver wi l l attem pt to b reak down the
Tox i n s
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
chem icals i nto hopefu l ly l ess toxic components. The physical effects of
Amphetam i n e use are harmfu l , and i nclude : wei g ht loss, i nsom n i a , i ncreased b lood
pressu re , n u m bness, tachycard ia, risk for heart attack and many more .
Psycholog ical effects i nclude : anxiety, false sense o f confidence , strength or we l l ­
b e i n g (al l o f these b e i n g dangero u s t o t h e user's safety) , a n d poss i b l e psychosis.
Caffei n e is one of the most common toxins people take i n . I 'm classifying it as a
recreation al d rug because it's addictive , toxic, and so many people rely o n it for its
drug-l i ke effects on the body. Because caffe i n e creates
i m bal ance i n the kidneys, it w i l l also te nd to create low
back pai n . In fact, I bel i eve it is the largest s i n g l e factor
that causes low back pai n today ! Caffei ne i s more
dangerous than j u st th i s however- it causes Fibrocystic
B reast D isease as we l l as Ben i g n Prostatic Hypertrophy­
a cond ition where the prostate becomes e n larged and
creates d ifficu lty with u ri n ation .
Cocai ne is a d rug that sti m u l ates the central n e rvous system and is both very harmfu l
and i ncred i bly add i ctive . J u st l i ke any other d rug , cocai ne causes health problems
that become worse with prolonged or excessive use, which can resu lt i n heart and
blood pressu re problems, paranoid delusions, seizu res and strokes- which we know
can cause death , and often do in cocaine users . Cocaine also destroys the ce l l s of
the body, which you can see clearly when you look at an add i ct- they always seem to
look 1 0 or 1 5 years older than they real ly are because the i r ce l l s h ave been
weakened or destroyed and the process of oxidation has been accel erated .
Ecstasy, also known as M D MA is a real ly dangero u s psychoactive amphetam i ne
street d rug that also happens to be very toxic. lt causes an i mbalance i n the
seroto n i n transporters in the b rai n , wh ich u nfort u n ately m akes you feel g reat wh i l e
you 're on t h e d ru g , b u t t h e s i d e effects can be d ifficult t o devastati ng . At t h e lesser
end of the spectru m , Ecstasy w i l l cause i ncreased depression and anxiety- even
after a user has q u it u s i ng it. This is because the seroto n i n levels i n the brai n have
been depleted and they don 't automatically go up to normal agai n . On the other end
of the spectru m is d isaster. I had a patient fro m Cal iforn i a who h ad tried Ecstasy
twice . The fi rst time she tried it, she d i d n 't notice m uch of anyth i n g , but the second
Toxin s
time she tried it, it basically destroyed her health com p letely. When she came to m e ,
she was 2 3 years old a n d had s u c h terrific fatig u e a n d s u c h terri ble Fibromyalg i a that
she cou l d n 't work anymore . lt was a l l she cou l d do to get to the store to buy e n o u g h
food t o s u rvive on each week. T h e ecstasy had done i rreparable damage t o her
body, and because of that there wasn 't m uch I cou l d do to h e l p her, sad ly.
H e ro i n is an i ncred ibly add i ctive and very damag i ng d ru g , m ade fro m the opi u m
poppy. Psycholog ical depende nce is what makes hero i n s o add ictive , because o f the
e u p horia experie nced when the d rug is take n . L i ke other d rugs, it is toxic and
destroys the body, causing respi ratory problems that are often what ki l l s the user, as
wel l as decreased l ive r fu nction and heart problems.
Ketam i n e is a d rug used medically as an anaesthetic, but u sed as a street d rug as
wel l . lt causes i m paired senses, h al l uci n ations and problems with respiration and
c i rcu lation . lt is both addictive and toxic, l i ke other d ru g s .
Lyserg i c acid d i ethyl a m i d e i s a psyched e l i c d rug i nvented for medicinal and
psyc h i atric pu rposes but now more freq u e ntly used as a street d rug . lt causes
hall uci nations, paranoia and e u p horia. LS D as a su bstance is considered to be non­
toxic, however, it shows u p as a tox i n i n the body because its energy is very toxic.
L SD, or
is widely tho u g ht of as bei n g fai rly harm l ess, but this is not true at al l .
Marij uana creates a kind of mold i n the body when it i s smoked . The mold seems to
have an affi n ity for the joi nts , which it g rad ually damages and destroys over time.
J u st l i ke any d rug , prolonged and excessive use causes more of the problem- so the
more marij uana u sed , the h i g h e r the probabi l ity for j o i nt
problems. If you h ave a c l i e nt who u ses m arij u ana, you
can actual ly ask thei r body which of the i r joi nts wi l l be
destroyed fi rst. Usual ly it wi l l be one of the larger joi nts
l i ke the shou lder or the knee . Often the j o i nt that you 've
fou nd w i l l be destroyed fi rst wi l l already be caus i ng
problems for the perso n , and this i s usually q u ite eye
ope n i n g for them .
Toxi ns
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2.0]
My o p i n ion i s that people who u se m arij uana long-term often end up in wheelchai rs
because the i r joi nts g et destroyed , the i r vertebral d i s ks deteriorate , they end u p i n
con stant pai n , and they most often conti n u e t o use the m arij u an a t o h e l p them to
deal with the pai n , wh ich really makes the problem worse . There was also an
apocryphal study done i n M i am i , Florida i n the 1 980's that showed long-term
m arij uana users develo ped a "crust" over the b rai n , with the b ra i n actual ly s h r i n k i n g
t o about the size o f a softbal l . So there are s o m e real health problems associ ated
with m arij u ana, besides the more widely recog n ized l ack of motivation and paranoia
Mesca line
Mescal i n e is a psychedelic d rug that targets the peri p h e ral nervou s system . Like LS D
it i s considered non-toxic but it h as toxic energy and shows u p as a tox i n i n The Body
Cod e .
H a l l ucinog e n ic m u s h rooms, o r Psi locybi n m u s h rooms are used as another
hal l uci nogenic d ru g . They are also co nsidered non-toxic but show u p as a tox i n i n the
Nitrous Oxide
N itro u s oxide, or laug h i ng g as also shows up as a toxi n . lt is u sed as a street d ru g as
we l l as for med ici nal pu rposes and can cause seve ral health problems with
prolonged use, as wel l as death fro m anoxia, o r deprivation of oxyg e n .
The most com mo n ly known toxic n ig htshade is the
psychoactive 11dead l y n i g htshade11 or bel l adon n a . Tobacco is
also a n i g htshad e , as are ed i b l e plants such as potatoes ,
tom atoes, eggpl ants and peppers . N ig htshades are known to
cause i nflammation and pai n , d u e to the alkaloid chem icals
they prod uce . The most com m o n i nclude nicoti ne i n tobacco ,
the hall uci nog e n i c and dead ly tropane al kaloids i n
bel l adon n a , and the m i ld l y i rritating a l kaloids i n tom atoes ,
potatoes, and othe r food n i g htshades. I ofte n advise sensitive
i nd ividuals to avoid n i g htsh ades altogether because they can
cause such i rritation of the tissues, alth o u g h most people
Toxi n s
[TH E B O DY CODE 2 .0]
tol erate ed i ble n i g htsh ade p lants very wel l .
Tobacco is one of the top three most popu lar toxin s out there , along with alcohol and
caffe i n e . Tobacco is a recreational d rug in and of itself. lt wou ld req u i re an add itional
presentation about tobacco and the thousands of d ifferent toxic chem icals that it
contai ns. One of the chem icals that tobacco contains is actually an i n secticid e , cal l ed
hyd rogen cyan ide- the same d rug that was used i n N azi Germany i n the gas
chambers .
Environmenta l Chemica ls
Envi ro n m e ntal chemicals are chem icals and toxi n s that you are exposed to in you r
own personal envi ron ment: where you l ive and work.
Building Ma teria ls
B u i ld i ng materials often contain toxins in floori ng , carpets, formaldehyd e , pai nt
fumes, and other harmfu l chemicals that are released i nto the air. N ew b u i l d i ng s , or
b u i l d i ngs with fresh pai nt and carpet sho u l d be ai red out as m uch as possi ble to keep
the air b reathable. Getting fresh air is i m perative to you r health . I n fact , a study done
not too long ago that showed the a i r i nside most homes to be more toxic than the air
in the most pol l uted cities i n the US. HealthWay . com makes what are arg uably the
best i ndoor a i r cleaners to e l i m i nate th i s probl e m , and I h i g h ly recommend the m .
Pesticides and Herbicides
Pesticides are chem icals that are sprayed on fru its and vegetables to kee p bugs
from eating the prod u ce before it is sold . These che m i cals are very h armfu l to the
body, causing al l kinds of problems. Herb icides are chemicals that are u sed to ki l l
weeds . Rou n d u p i s a h ig h ly toxic and widely used
herbicide yo u may h ave heard of. Studies clearly
show that Rou nd u p , as wel l as genetical ly mod ified
Rou n d u p Ready p lants are toxic and lead to b i rth
defects and other seri o u s problems i nc l u d i ng loss of
energy, autoi m m u ne d isease and more . Watch a
YouTube docu me ntary cal led "Genetic Rou lette" for
more i nformation about this very i m portant topic.
M i l l ions of tons of herbicides and pesticides are u sed
in the i nd u strial farm i n g i nd u stry in the western world
Toxi n s
• [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
every year. This i s j u st one reason why organ ically g rown foods are better for you r
body !
GMO Foods
G M O stands for " G enetical ly Mod ified O rgan i s m !' As you
are probably aware , modern scientists are comb i n i ng the
DNA of foods l i ke tom atoes, corn , wheat and so on, with all
ki nds of other D N A , i ncl u d i ng D N A from i nsects , poisonous
pl ants , etc. For examp l e , 90% of the soybeans and 70% of
the corn that is g rown i n the U n ited States is genetical ly
modified under the label " Ro u n d u p Ready. " This means
that these plans have been genetical ly mod ified to be able
to withstand being d renched with Rou n d u p , a very pote nt
herbicide mentioned above.
Cosmetics l i ke make u p , lotions, perfu mes, deodorants and h ai r prod ucts can also be
very toxic. They m i g ht seem harmless, but many contain toxic chem icals and eve n
heavy metals . lt's also been observed that a lot of the big name brand cosmetics that
you pay the most money for are the most toxic ones of al l . Once you know what to
look for and avoid , you can beg i n u s i n g prod u cts that are actually doi ng you r body
good , not damag i ng it.
Cleaning Supplies
The chemicals in clean i n g suppl ies m ay g et the job done, but they are very toxic to
the body, not to mention the envi ro n m e nt. Com i ng i n contact with fu mes fro m toxic
clean i n g suppl ies can cause respi ratory problems, head ache, m u scle aches and
fatig u e , i n add ition to other various long-term effects
with repeated exposu re . There are seve ral healthy
alternatives to com m e rcial clean i n g suppl ies, and a l ot
of them actually work better than the i r toxic
cou nterparts . Some natu ral prod u cts are so completely
non-toxic that they're safe enough to d r i n k , believe it or
not. Vinegar and baki ng soda are also nat u ral
environmental ly friend ly. Clean i n g suppl ies do not h ave
to be toxic to do the job.
Tox i n s
[TH E BODY CO DE 2 .0]
Prions are deformed or m utated protei n molecu les
that wreak h avoc in the tissues of the body. There
are d ifferences of opi n i o n about whether prions are
al ive or not, I bel i eve that these dangerous prote i n s
are u s u al ly derived from normal prote i ns i n the
body that are then damaged by tox i n s , particu larly
by heavy metals . They can be i ngested by
consu m i ng tai nted meat prod ucts and byprod ucts ,
and are i m p l i cated
bovi ne spong iform
e ncephalopathy (BSE) , also known as mad cow
d i sease .
Pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, fu n g i and mold al l prod uce the i r own specific
toxic waste , and people can be ve ry sensitive or allerg ic to these tox i n s . M icrobial
toxins refer to the waste prod ucts of i nfections and i nfestations but can also refe r to
the dead organisms themselves . When you find m icrobial tox i n s , you w i l l want to
identify the type of pathogen that created the m . You can clear these tox i n s with 3
rol l s down the gove rn i ng merid i an . Then you want to find out if the i nfection is active
or not. If it is active , refe r to the Pathogens mod u le for more i n structio n .
S i nce modern dentistry causes so many problems for so many peop l e , and si nce
there is a g reat dearth of i nformation about this topic, I hope to add ress the key
issues here .
A cavitation is an encaps u l ated pocket in the u pper or
lower j aw that is i nfected with anaerobic bacterial
organisms, wh ich prod u ce very powerfu l tox i n s .
Cavitations are caused b y trauma t o the jawbo n e ,
most often a tooth extraction or a root canal . lt is
esti m ated that 70 to 90% of all tooth extractions resu lt
i n cavitatio n s . Cavitations are often d ifficu lt to detect, and most often go u n d i ag nosed
d u ri n g the l ifetime of the sufferer. The same extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria that
are fou nd i n cavitations are also fou n d i n root canal teeth . Correction req u i res
s u rg ical i nterventio n .
Toxin s
• [TH E B O DY CO D E 2 . 0]
Most dentists are vag uely aware of cavitations, but o n ly a tiny h andfu l of true hol istic
dentists m ake a p racti ce of fi nd i ng and removi ng them . I wou ld esti mate that for
every 5 , 000 11Biolog ical Dentists , 11 you w i l l find one that u nderstands this problem and
knows what to do to deal with it. These d entists are tru ly few and far betwee n ! Please
contact o u r su ppo rt staff at support @ healers l i b rary. com if you wou l d l i ke us to send
you the l i st that we 've com p i led of these dentists .
Root Canals
If you look at the su rface of a tooth u nder a very
powerfu l m icroscope, you w i l l see that it actually
looks noth i n g l i ke you m i g ht i m ag i n e . You cou l d
com pare it t o taki ng a handfu l o f d ri n k i ng straws
and looki ng at that h andfu l of straws on e n d .
Each tooth is com posed o f very small tu bes
known as m icrotu bu les. The average ad u lt tooth
contains between 4 to 8 m i les of these m icro-tu bu les.
A root canal is perfo rmed when a tooth h as d i e d . By defi n itio n , that tooth is i nfected ,
and the m icrotu b u les that make u p that tooth conta i n l ivi ng bacteria. Root canals
can not be done safely because it is i m possible to steril ize the m i les of bacteria­
contai n i ng microtu b u les fou n d in a typical tooth .
When a root canal is performed , the dead tooth is sealed off, and the bacteria are
now l eft trapped i n an envi ron ment that prod uces no oxygen fo r the m . As a res u lt,
these bacte ria conti n u e to s u rvive , but they change their natu re fro m 11aerobic11 to
11anaerobic11 bacteria. S i m u ltaneously, they beg i n prod ucing very powerf u l tox i n s .
T h e toxins prod uced b y both root canal teeth a n d cavitations have bee n
demonstrated i n l aboratory stud ies to stop u p to 67% of the reactions i n the Krebs
cycle , the most basic chemical reaction in the body that prod uces the energy that we
need to l ive .
These toxins cause heart and ci rcu latory d i seases , arthritis and rhe u m atis m ,
d i seases o f t h e b rai n and nervou s system , and even cancer. I n fact, 95% of breast
cance rs wi l l have corresponding root canal (s) or cavitations on the same side as the
cancer, accord ing to thermog rap h i c stu d i es !
I n o u r experience , root canal teeth always need to be extracted , and cavitations are
usual ly fou n d u nderneath the root canal , which also need to be s u rg ical ly cleaned out
Toxin s
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
and steril ized . This is h i g h ly special ized dental wo rk that i s performed by very few
dentists .
A cavity is an area of tooth su rface that is decayed . Bacterial i nvasion h as always
been thou g ht to be the cause of tooth decay. However, we
now know that there is a conti n u o u s flow of fl u id fro m the
i nside of a tooth to the outside of the tooth via the
microtu bules. When sugar is present, (eve n if it bypasses the
mouth and i s i ntrod uced d i rectly i nto the stomac h , bypassing
the teeth enti rely,) this flow of fl u id wi l l reverse d i rection
i m med iate ly. This is thoug ht to be a major mechanism
lead i ng to tooth decay.
Cavities can be healed , contrary to pop u l ar bel ief. Ask if the tooth is happy, if it i s not,
fi nd out why, fix what you fi nd , and watch what happens. In the event that noth i ng
you do works , you can test for dental m ate rials that are com pati b l e , and of cou rse,
avoid amalgam fi l l i ngs at al l costs.
F l uoride is a toxic by-prod u ct and an i n d u strial waste prod uced by the n u clear,
al u m i n u m , and phosphate ferti l izer i n d u stries. In what is probably the g reatest
marketi ng cou p eve r performed , the p u b l i c has been deceived i nto bel ievi ng that
fluoride is essential for health . Fluoride , of cou rse , is widely used by the dental
i n d u stry, but has never been proven to prevent cavities,
contrary to popular bel i ef and conventional wisdom .
Fluoride causes fl uorosis , which i s a wh ite mottl ing of the
teeth , and it also makes bones more b rittle. Fluoride is fou nd
i n teeth white n i ng treatments , dental fl uoride treatments ,
fluoride tooth paste , de ntal floss, bottled water, vitam i n s , etc.
To fi nd if fl uoride toxicity is problem , ask, 11DO you have
fl uoride toxicity?11
Mercury Ama lgam Fillings
The only th i n g more toxic than merc u ry is pluto n i u m , yet it has been widely u sed i n
dental amalgam fi l l i ngs for many years . Metal fi l l i ngs typical ly contai n 50% mercu ry.
Conventional wisdom says that the mercu ry i n amalgam fi l l i ngs does not leak from
Toxin s
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
the tooth and that no mercu ry vapor escapes from metal fi l l i ng s . To see how false
this i s , s i m ply go to YouTube and search for "smoki ng tooth . "
P lease note that removal of metal fi l l i ngs m u st be
done by q u al ified dentist u s i ng all possible
precautions against fu rther mercu ry exposu re ,
i nc l u d i n g a dental dam and nasal can n u la.
For more i nformation about the teeth and their
con n ection with the organs, g l ands and the
acu p u nctu re syste m , see the Dental Relationsh i p
Chart located i n t h e M i nd M aps.
One of the fasci n ating things about toxicity is that it actually is perhaps the biggest
reason for obesity. The reason for this is that the process of cleari ng toxin s from the
body is not 1 00% efficient. Even tho u g h the l iver and the kid neys do the best job they
can , they can 't always remove eve ry tox i n , especially if there are a lot of toxi ns
present. As a resu lt, the excess toxins are e ncaps u l ated by fat cel ls, which act as
cold storage to protect the body from these poisons. The problem i s , the more tox i n s
you accu m u l ate , the more fat yo u need t o buffer you fro m those toxi n s . H e re 's
esse ntially what happe n s :
An obese person wi l l have more fat t o protect t h e body from all t h e toxic i m p u rities i n
the i r body. If they go on a d iet, the i r body becomes smal ler because i t loses t h e fat,
but it doesn 't necessari ly lose the tox i n s , which means the re lative concentration of
tox i n s in the i r body now is actually h i g her. The body w i l l sense that i ncreased leve l of
i m p u rity and go i nto an emerge ncy fat prod u ction mod e , causing the fat to be pi led
rig ht back on. In fact, someti mes people wi l l end u p havi ng more fat than they had
before . The best way to get rid of fat, i n my o p i n ion , is to fi rst use The E m otion Code
to determ i n e if there are any trapped e m otions that are
preventi ng the person fro m losing weig ht, and release
whatever e motions show u p . Then determ i ne the best
way to cleanse the body, and complete that cleanse.
When you cleanse the body of tox i n s , the body sheds
excess fat because it doesn 't need the fat to act as a
buffer anymo re . Then afte r that you s i m p ly mai ntain the
body weight by preventi ng the i ntake of all these toxins
we've j u st d i scussed .
Toxi n s
Trad'"tiona Diet
Fat stored to
protect from impurities*
Body senses increased level
Smaller body means
of impurities* and goes into
increased percentage
emergency fat production -
of impurities*
Nutritional C eansi ng and Replenis i ng
Better overall health
Fat stored to
with less fat and
mpurities* are released ,
so body sheds fat
protect from im puriti es*
more l ean muscle
Shed Pounds Without The Rebound !
Cleansing is a safe, hea lthy, and n atural way
to achieve a health ier, l ea ner body.
Dea ling With Toxins
I have known a n u mber of people who've lost over 1 00 pou nds s i mply by cleansi ng .
I n fact, if you go o n the rig ht kind of cleanse, you can lose wei g ht safely and q u ickly.
Typically, men can lose a pou nd of fat per day j u st by cleansi ng . Wom e n can
typically lose about a pou nd every othe r day. You can 't lose wei g ht that fast on any
kind of a d i et that I know of.
Tox i n s
• [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
The E motion Code is very i m po rtant to weig ht loss because if you h ave trapped
emotions that are preventi ng you from losing weig ht, or preve nti ng you fro m
releasing tox i n s , no matter what you do you r body wi l l hang on t o that weig ht. You
can cleanse and you can d i et but the wei g ht w i l l come back if you h ave these kinds
of e motional blockages. M ake s u re that i s not an issu e , and then you can conti n u e
with a cleanse . There are many d ifferent kinds of cleanses that you can d o . There
are specific organ cleanses l i ke l iver, gal lbladder or colon cleanses , whole body
cleanses, and more . There are also cleanses that deal with specific toxin s such as
heavy metals.
Heavy Meta l Cleanses
One of the best heavy metal cleanses that I h ave fou nd is / V (intra venous) Chela tion,
which is i ntense but g reat if the probl e m is very bad . This is where you go to a c l i n i c
a n d they cleanse you r blood before putting i t back i nto you r body. There are also o ral
chelation supplements that you can take . One of the best ones that I h ave see n is
cal led Beyond Chela tion, developed by the "father of chelation", Dr. Garry Gordon ,
who you may have seen o n TV adve rtisi ng some of h i s
prod u cts . Another o f t h e best oral chelation prod ucts is
cal led A CZ-Nano, which is also known as zeolite. Th is
seems to work very wel l to chelate heavy metal tox i n s .
A c l i e nt who is taking t h e ACZ- N ano t o chelate t h e
mercu ry o u t o f her body told me that with i n a cou p l e of
days of taki ng the ACZ- N an o , her vision suddenly
i m p roved q u ite d ramatical ly. She is able to see colors
now that she d i d n 't real ize she was m issi ng befo re !
There are other methods of cleansin g heavy metals,
but these are the ones that I have fou nd to be most
effective so far.
Co lon Cleanses
Colon cleanses can help rid the body of tox i n s safely and q u ickly. One of the best
ones on the market is this one cal led Colonix by Dr. Natura. Colon cleanses are
typically kits that i nclude any comb i n ation of herbs, n atu ral l axatives and b i n d i n g
agents l i ke be nton ite clay t o p u l l toxins o u t o f t h e colon . Colonic therapy, also cal led
colon hydrotherapy i s also very effective i n cleansing the colo n . I nstead of doing an
enema at home, in wh ich you use about a gallon of water, a colon hyd rotherapy
session is done by a professional and w i l l typical ly l ast about 45 m i n utes . This
i nvolves ri nsing out the colon with about 1 0 gallons or more of water. Someti mes the
water u sed i s oxygenated to h e l p ki l l m icroorganisms. Colonic therapy is offe red as a
standard therapy at every worthwh i l e health recove ry spa. Cleansing the col o n can
Toxin s
make an enormous d iffere nce i n how you fee l . The
average person is carrying aro u nd a l ot of toxic
i m pacted fecal material i n the colon , which can cause
energy loss , weig ht gai n , a protrud i n g g ut and many
othe r health problems. Removing all this toxic sl udge
can help the co lon to do its job rig ht, raise you r i m m u n e
system , a n d help you feel more energ ized a n d healthy
al l aro u n d .
Optimum Hea lth Institute
For cleansing al l d ifferent kinds of toxins from the body, there is a health recove ry
cente r cal led the Optimum Health Institute, which has 2 l ocations : one i n Lemon
G rove , Cal iforn ia near San Dieg o , and another near Austi n , Texas . They h ave a
wonderful holistic prog ram where you can stay betwee n 1 to 3 weeks at a ti m e . The i r
program consists o f cleansing thro u g h eating l ive
fresh fru its and vegetables and very l i beral use of
wheatg rass . They g row the i r own prod u ce and feed
you j u st about the health iest d i et there i s , w h i l e
ed ucati ng you about n utrition a n d cleansi ng , among
other th i ngs. lt's real ly q u ite an amazing place . When I
was practici ng i n Southern California my parents
wou ld go to this facil ity every year, and I was always
amazed at the transformation that took place i n them
i n such a short ti m e . I wou ld see them on thei r way
down and then I wou ld see them on the way back a week or 2 l ater. My mother
especially always looked l i ke she was 1 0 years you nger after her stay there . H e r skin
always j u st g lowed after al l the cleansi n g . I Ve stayed at the Opti m u m H ealth I nstitute
myself, and I h i g h ly recom mend it, especially if you ' re deal i n g with any kind of major
health pro b l e m . Thei r website is http://www . opti m u m health . o rg .
lsagenix is another fu l l body cleansing prog ram that for
most people works very wel l . lsag e n ix was desig ned to
h e l p people lose wei g ht and cleanse , w h i l e provid i ng
u lti m ate n utrition and h i g h energy leve l s . They h ave 2
mai n packages : the 9-day cleanse or the 30-day
cleanse . You can si mply test you rself or you r c l i e nts to
see which one is needed .
People who are very
overweight o r toxic w i l l someti mes need two or th ree
30-day cleanses back to back. We 've gotten g reat
• [TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
resu lts with lsag e n ix and h ave used it for many years now.
Of cou rse, there are othe r cleansing programs out there that are g reat, but l sag e n ix
and the Opti m u m H ealth I nstitute are the two that I 've h ad the most experience and
the best l uck with . You can always m u scle test you rself or yo u r c l i e nts to see what
othe r cleansing prog ram wou ld be the best option . For more i nformation visit
www . Healersli b rary. l sage n ix.co m o r cal l my associate J ay Bennett anytime betwee n
9 a m a n d 5pm P ST (G MT-6) at (949 ) 2 1 8-2220 or (949)874-0224 or email
jayben n ett @ cox. net.
Liver/Ga ll Bladder Cleanse
H e re we h ave a pict u re of a gal l b l adder that h as
bee n opened u p . What you 're seeing i nside the
gal l b l adder are a b u nch of gal l stones, made of
hardened cholesterol and bile salts . G al l stones are
the reason why most people end up h aving the
gal l b l adder removed when it has tro u b l e , but there
is a natu ral way to g et rid of gallstones cal led the
Liver and G al lb l adder Flush (Cleanse) . This
cleanse wi l l help to fl u s h both toxins and
gallstones out of the l ive r and the g al l bl adder. I
want to caution you that you should use this on ly u nder su pe rvision of you r doctor.
You r medical doctor probably hasn 't heard of this cleanse , so co n s ult you r alternative
doctor before beg i n n i ng it (or any type of a cleanse) .
The l iver and gal l bl adder flush is an i m po rtant detoxifying agent wh ich w i l l h e l p
restore the normal functional capacity o f these organs. lt is not reco mme nded for
clients u nder 25 years of age or clients with known large stones. Listed below are the
steps that shou ld be fol l owed :
1 . Monday thro u g h Satu rday noo n , d ri n k as m uch apple j u ice as you r appetite wi l l
perm it i n add ition t o reg u lar meals and any supplements that m ay have been
prescri bed . The app le j u ice should prefe rably be o rganic to assu re there are
no add itives .
2 . At noon on Satu rday, you should eat a normal l u nch .
3 . Three h o u rs later, d ri n k 1 bottle of mag nesi u m citrate l axative (widely avai lable
i n the U S at d rug stores) t h i s wi l l beg i n to flush the i ntestines of toxic waste
materials, so plan on staying home or near a bath room . )
4 . Two h o u rs l ater, repeat step 3 .
5 . You m ay have g rapefru it j u ice , g rapefru it or other citrus fru its or j u ices for you r
eve n i ng meal .
6 . At bedti m e , you m ay h ave 1 of the fol lowi ng : a cup of u n refi ned o l ive o i l
fol l owed b y a s m a l l g l ass o f g rapefruit j u ice, or a cup o f warm u n refi ned ol ive
o i l ble nded with a cup of lemon j u ice . ( U n refi ned ol ive o i l may be p u rchased
fro m any health food store . lt is best to u se fresh citrus j u ice , but can ned or
bottled are perm issible) .
7 . Fol lowi ng step 6 , you should go i m med iate ly to bed and l i e on you r rig ht side
with you r rig ht knee p u l led u p close to you r chest for 30 m i n utes .
8 . The next morn i n g , 1 ho ur before breakfast, d ri n k 1 bottle of mag nes i u m citrate
laxative .
9 . Be s u re to conti n u e with you r normal d i et and any n utritional prog ram that has
bee n prescri bed for you .
Some clients h ave occasionally reported s l i g ht to moderate nau sea when taki ng the
o l ive oi l/citrus j u ice . This nausea wi l l slowly d isappear by the time you go to sleep. If
the o l ive oil i nd uces vom iti ng , you need not repeat the proced u re at the time. Th i s
occu rs only i n rare i n stances .
This fl u s h i n g of the l iver and gal l b l adder sti m u l ates and cleanses these organs as no
other method can . C l ients who have chro n ical ly suffe red from gallstones, b i l iousness,
backaches, nausea, etc . occasionally find smal l gal lstone-type objects i n the stool
the fol lowi ng day. These objects are l i g ht g reen to dark g reen in color. They are very
i rreg u l ar i n shape , gelatinous i n textu re , and vary i n size from g rape seeds to che rry
seed s . If there see ms to be a l arge n u mber of these objects i n the stool , the fl ush
should be repeated i n 2 weeks.
Liver Cleanse
Th is 3 day prog ram wi l l help to cleanse the l iver and the lym phatic syste m .
1 . D ri n k 2 cups o f u n sweetened black che rry j u ice daily, 1 i n the morn i ng and 1 at
n i g ht.
2 . Take 1 0 tablespoons of l i q u id chlorophyl l daily, spl itting them u p thro u g h the
day, or taki ng 5 i n the morn i ng and 5 at n i g ht.
3 . Make t h e fol lowi ng d ri n k a n d d ri n k i t throug hout t h e day :
a. 2 q u a rts o f g rapefru it j u ice m ixed with t h e j u ice o f 8 lemons and 2 q u arts
of d i sti l led wate r. D ri n k this m ixtu re at 30- m i n ute i ntervals throug hout the
d ay.
G et a colon hyd rotherapy treatment each day d u ri n g the 3 days you are on the
cleanse. If you start to fee l sick or have a feve r or headache, it means you r colon has
Tox i n s
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toxic material i n it and the tox i n s are being reabsorbed i nto you r blood stream ,
cau sing you r sym ptoms. If this happe n s , an enema or colonic wi l l q u ickly h e l p to g et
the toxins out of the colo n .
You m u st remember that t h e fi rst fu nction o f the l iver is to detoxify you r body. You
can not be healthy and feel good if you r l iver does not fu nction as it was i ntended to
fu nction . Le mon j u ice and g rapefru it j u ice are two of the best sti m u l ants that help the
l iver to cleanse its tissues and sti m u l ate it to g reater efficiency. Caution should also
be observed as too much g rapefru it and lemon j u ice over too long a period of time
can be dangerous to the body. Please consult a h o l i stic physician if you are i ntend i n g
on conti n u i ng this cleanse for a l o n g e r than 2 weeks , or i f you h ave a n y q uestion
about usage or safety.
Kidney Stone Flush
L i ke the l iver, the kidneys are responsible for fi lteri ng toxins fro m the body.
Someti mes toxins accu m u l ate in the kid neys , along with d issolved u r i n ary m i nerals
that form what are cal led kidney stones . Most of the time these kid n ey stones are
small e n o u g h that they can be e l i m i n ated with no sym pto ms thro u g h the u r i n e , but
sometimes they are too l arge to pass th ro u g h the u r i nary tract, caus in g i ncred i b l e
pai n a n d malfu nction o f the u ri nary tract. T h e pai n i s typical ly experienced i n the
lower back, the h i p and arou nd the front of the lower abdomen , on the side of the
kid ney with the stones.
You should always check with you r alternative doctor before beg i n n i ng any type of
cleanse . That bei ng said , the kidney flush is easy, effective and fast.
1 . S i mply d ri n k six 1 2-ou nce bottles of C l assic Coca-Cola (if at a l l poss i b l e , use
Mexican Coca-Co l a or other that does not contain h i g h -fructose corn syru p ,
that certai n ly do not d ri n k t h e kind with aspartame . ) with i n 1 h o u r
2 . Fol low with 4 o u nces o f pu reed asparag u s . T h e com b i ned acids i n t h e Coca­
Cola and the asparag us is often enoug h to d i ssolve the stones.
Ga llbladder Cleanse
P lease note that none of these cleanses should be performed if you are in pai n . I n
that case , you should see a n alternative doctor and fol low the i r i n struction s .
In the event that yo u don 't need to cleanse both the l ive r an d g al l b l adder, this
g a l l b l adder cleanse u s u ally works q u ite wel l .
Toxin s
N ote that this cleanse is to be used u nder the su pervision of an alternative doctor
only. H e re 's how it works :
1 . D ri n k a g l ass of organic app le j u ice eve ry waki ng hou r for 2 d ays , eati ng o n ly
fru its and vegetables d u ri ng you r cleanse .
2 . If possi ble, eat beet g reens d u ri ng these 2 days . Beet g reens are q u ite tasty if
steamed gently.
3. At the end of the second day, d ri n k 1 to 2 tablespoons of E psom salts
d issolved in water.
4 . N ext, blend 1 /2 c u p of ol ive oil with 1 cup of M exican Coca-Cola or
u n sweetened g rape j u ice with the j u ice of 1 lemo n . Mexican Coca-Cola is
reco m mended ove r reg u lar Coca-Cola, because it does not contain high
fructose corn syru p . The pu rpose of the Coca-Cola, or the g rape j u ice ,
whichever you prefer is to make i t more palatable t o d ri n k t h e o i l .
5 . A s soon as you h ave d ru n k this com b i n ation , i m med iately get i n bed and l i e
down on you r rig ht side with you r knees p u l led u p to you r chest. Stay i n this
positio n for at least half an hou r before you go to sleep.
6 . The next morn i ng , d ri n k 1 bottle of citrate of mag n es i u m and take the morn i n g
off. Watch you r stoo ls for stones that have passed from you r gal l b l adder. lt
may su rprise you !
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N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
The p u rpose of this mod u le is to help you to u nderstand what n utritional i m balances
and l ifestyle needs are , how to detect the m , and how to correct the m . This section
d i scusses vitam i n s and m i nerals, herbs, what p H i m balance i s , dehyd ration and how
it affects you , how to test d i fferent foods , how to test for m ag n etic field deficiency and
what to do about it. Th i s mod u le also i ncl udes a section o n how to identify oth e r
need s : thi ngs that m ay need t o be i ncorporated i nto the d i et a n d o r l ifestyle i n order
to find complete balance .
The Food Pyramid
The Food Pyramid is a pictorial d i ag ram showi ng
g u ideli nes for a proper d i et, which was fi rst p u b l ished by
the U S Food and D rug Ad m i n istration ( F DA) in 1 992.
There are a cou ple of m ajor problems with the food
pyram id . Fi rstly, it is an ove rly b road , catch-al l type of
syste m which ignores the fact that d iffere nt bod ies h ave
d iffe re nt needs, both for calorie i ntake and type of food .
The next issue is that the food pyramid focuses on ratio
and q uantity wh i l e saying noth i n g about the qual ity of the
foods .
Eating organ ically g rown food is vital to o u r health , and beco m i ng more and more so
as time goes o n . W h i l e it is often better to eat conventionally g rown fru its and
vegetables rather than none at al l , this is not always the case . For exam p l e ,
conventionally or com m e rcially g rown bel l peppe rs (capsicu m ) are often sprayed so
heavi ly with toxic pesticides that you 're better off leavi ng them on the shelf !
U nfort u n ately, pesticides and h e rbicides aren 't the only th i n g you need to watch out
for. Many fru its , vegetables and g rains are also being genetical ly mod ified (G M O) ,
mean i n g their D N A h as been altered to ach i eve a certain affect. These o rganisms
are u s u ally read as toxins by the body, even tho u g h they may look j u st the same as
their organic cou nterparts . I n fact, ge n etically modified foods m ay eve n appear
prettier, fresher and without the bru ising that you someti mes see in other prod uce ,
but don 't be fooled . Th i s is because thei r D N A has been specifically altered so the
prod u ce wi l l be toug her, to s u rvive the often long , rou g h road from farm to store . If
you r fru its and vegetables sti l l seem fresh 2 wee ks after you buy the m , you m ay want
to q uestion how healthy for you they really are . Many are also altered so they wi l l
g row i n u n n atural cond ition s such as a colder or warmer cli mate . For exam p l e ,
sci e ntists com b i ned t h e D N A o f tom atoes with the D N A o f the flo u nder fish . This
N utritio n and Lifestyle
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
al lowed them to g row tom atoes i n an u n n at u rally cold c l i mate , where normal
tom atoes wou ld not be able to g row. These tomatoes may look normal , but you r
body knows better !
Avo id i ng toxins is a good reason t o eat organic, b u t it's certainly not t h e o n ly reason .
Organ ical ly g rown fru its and vegetables h ave been prove n to be many ti mes more
n utrient rich than com m e rcially g rown ones i n al most all cases, too . There was a
study done a n u mber of years ago by R utgers U n iversity. The i r hypothesis was that
there m i g ht be a d ifference i n m i neral content i n organ ical ly g rown ve rsus
com m e rcially g rown vegetables . The resu lts of the i r study were asto u n d i ng . They
fou nd that organ ical ly g rown snap beans had 73
parts per m i l l io n of boron and 227 parts per m i l lion of
i ro n . Com mercially g rown snap beans had 1 0 parts
per m i l l ion of boron and 1 0 parts per m i l l io n of i ro n .
Organ ically g rown tomatoes contai ned al most 2000
parts per m i l l ion of i ro n . Com m e rcially g rown
tomatoes had o n ly 1 part per m i l l ion ! All of the
m i neral contents were d ramatical ly h ig h e r in the
org an ical ly
g rown
com m e rcially g rown vegetables.
Eating organic is by far the best way to n o u rish the body and g ive it all the n utrients it
needs. You r body is an i ncred i bly sop h i sticated mach i n e , so why wou ld you g ive it
fuel that is su bpar or contam i n ated ? You wou l d n 't put cheap, d i l uted fue l in you r
expensive Fe rra r i , wou l d you ? Of cou rse not, you 'd m ake s u re i t h ad the proper fuel
i n o rder to keep the car function i ng correctly. You r body is the same , it needs a
certai n balance of n utrients i n order to remain i n balance and fu nction opti mally.
What you r body needs is probably a l ittle d ifferent than what my body needs, of
cou rse , depend i n g on any n u m be r of factors . But at the end of the day, organic food
is best for all of u s .
If you are a b l e to , I h i g h ly recom mend that y o u g row s o m e o f you r o w n vegetables
and fru its . If you 've ever g rown you r own food , especi ally tomatoes - they taste
heave n ly com pared to the tomatoes that you can buy at the store . If you don 't have a
garden of you r own , I wou ld h i g h ly recom mend that you read a book cal led "Sq u are
Foot G arde n i ng . " I n that book, you 'l l learn how you can h ave a garden , eve n if you
l ive i n an apartment and you d o n 't have any land .
Nutritiona l Ideas Change
If there 's o n e th i ng that is for certai n , it i s that ideas about n utrition change
conti n u al ly. You may remember the g reat egg scare d u ri ng the 1 990's. Scientists
N utritio n and Lifestyle
p u b l i shed the idea that eggs were causing heart
d isease because of the cholestero l , and recom mended
that no one should eat more than one egg per week. Of
cou rse, a few years later, they d iscovered that the i r
p u b l ished ideas were actually wrong , a n d they h ad to
recant the i r statements . Keep an open m i nd when you
hear about what foods you should and shou ld n 't eat ­
you never know what i nformation m i g ht be o utdated ,
i ncorrect or j u st part of the story. Remember that what
is really best for the body is d iffere nt for everyone so
use m u scle testi ng to dete r m i n e what you need and what you should avoid .
Cho lestero l
Speaki ng of cholestero l , it h as never actually been proven that cholesterol creates
heart d isease or harden i ng of the arteries , wh ich is known as Arteriosclerosi s .
Meanwh i l e , the pharmaceutical i n d u stry is raki ng i n t h e money fro m a l l t h e sales of
cholesterol red ucing medicatio n . I n real ity, cholestero l isn 't all bad ! lt is prod uced
n atu ral ly by the l iver, and is necessary for the body to fu nction properly.
Fats are also q u ite demon ized i n o u r soci ety, and wrongfu l ly so . Low-fat d i et foods
were the craze in the U S at the beg i n n i n g of t h i s centu ry, showi ng how m isi nfo rmed
the p u b l ic h as been about fats and what ro le they real ly play. General ly speaki ng ,
foods h i g h i n sugar and starch are what cause people to gai n we i g ht, not healthy
fats ! There is a lot of m isi nfo rm ation out there about
what kinds of fats are good and what are bad . The
good kinds of fats are necessary for the fu nction of
the body and the health of our tissues. Deficiency i n
these fats can cause big problems ! Eating too many
bad o r u n h ealthy fats can cause i nflam matio n ,
formation o f free rad icals and othe r problems. Keep
in m i nd that the closer a fat is to it's n atu ral state , the
health ier it w i l l be. For examp l e , the fats fou nd in raw
n uts and seeds , avocados and raw, cold-pressed
cocon ut o i l h e l p suppo rt the body tissues. P rocessed fats l i ke canola o i l (rapeseed
o i l ) can be h armfu l and toxic to the body and s h o u l d be avoided . Many o i l s also
become u nstable and h armfu l when heated too h ig h . Ol ive o i l , for example, is
beneficial at roo m tem pe ratu re , but should not be heated . Use o l ive oil on salads and
choose coconut oil for cooking i n stead .
N utritio n and Lifestyle
M i l k h as been put on a pedestal i n Western society, for no good reason . When m i l k
is raw, i n its n atu ral form straig ht fro m the cow, i t is actually a very healthy food for a
lot of peo p l e . I n fact, there are many cases where d iseases seem to go away when
people get o n a d i et i ncl u d i ng raw cow's m i l k. The
problems arise when cow's m i l k is pasteu rized , which
means that it's heated hot enough and long enoug h to
ki l l the bacteria that is i n the m i l k . This changes the
natu re of the m i l k and ki l l s its val uable enzymes. M i l k
is also usual ly homogen ized , which means that t h e fat
content has been alte red . If you 've eve r see n raw m i l k
that has come straig ht from a cow that hasn 't been
homogen ized , what you ' l l see is a thick layer of cream
on the top . When they homogen ize m i l k, they blend the cream i nto the rest of the
m i l k so that very fine m icroscopic d roplets of fat from the cream are spread
throug hout the m i l k, held i n suspension . The problem with that is that the fat particles
go i nto the blood stream too eas i ly, which is not hand led very wel l by the body. Th is
is the kind of u n healthy fat that contri butes to harden i ng of the arte ries . If you 're
going to d ri n k m i l k or any other dai ry prod uct, make s u re it's raw !
There is a lot of controve rsy about g rains and whethe r they are healthy or not.
Conve ntional wisdom proclaims that g rains are healthy, and the food pyramid
suggests m u ltiple servings of breads and cereals per day. Maybe this wou ld be okay
for some peo p l e , but the evide nce shows that many, many others are u nable to
digest g rai n s , and experience al l kinds of sym ptoms and health problems as a resu lt.
There are any n u mber of poss i b i l ities for bei n g
u nable t o digest g rai n s , one be i ng that m a n y g rai ns
on the market now are genetical ly mod ified .
Scientists man i p u l ate the D N A of a g rai n to prod uce
a desi red effect, such as a h i g h e r yield or a longer
g rowing pe riod . While this m ay mean more money
for the g rower, it can spe l l d isaster for the consumer.
Com m e rcially g rown wheat i n the US, for exam p l e ,
has a very molecu lar structu re t h a n it u sed t o w h e n
o u r parents a n d g rand pare nts were g rowi ng u p . Back
the n , problems such as g l uten i ntolerance weren 't wel l known or u nderstood , partially
because the med i cal research was n 't there , but also because most people d i gested
wheat with relative ease and d i d n 't h ave the tro u b l e with it that demanded any
N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
med i cal attention , q u ite u n l i ke today. Wheat today contai ns seve ral more types of
prote i n than the heritage wheat you cou ld find i n the 1 960 's, before genetic
mod ification of food real ly began . Our bod ies do not u nderstand what these fore i g n
protei n s are , s i m p ly because they are not natu ral . W h e n t h i s k i n d o f fore i g n molecu le
is i ntrod uced i nto the body, particu larly the d i gestive system , an al lergy o r i ntolerance
can develop almost i m mediately. Th is is a n atu ral reactio n , s i m i lar to the i m m u ne
reaction that takes place when a fore i g n i nvad e r such as a bacte rial or vi ral pathog e n
enters t h e body. Th is means that t h e body h as u nderstood this molecu le t o b e
negative , a n d t h e i m m u ne system wi l l b e on t h e lookout for this i nvader i n the futu re .
The side affects of this can be almost anyth i n g , b ut the most com mon are fatig u e
after eati n g , d i gestive u pset, headaches a n d ski n problems. Genetically mod ified
organisms look so s i m i lar to the reg u lar o rgan isms, that even if you g o back to eating
o n ly o rganic wheat, for exam ple, you r body sti l l m ay perceive it as an i nvader that
req u i res i m m u n e i nterventi o n . Releas i ng an i ntolerance o r allergy to the g rain can
help to erad icate this pro b l e m . See the E n e rg ies section on Al l e rg ies and
I ntol e rances for more i nformation about t h i s .
Another reason for d ifficu lty d igesting g rains i s that
g rain crops are often heavily sprayed with pesticides
and herbicides. S i m i lar to the G M O i ssue , this can
cause the body to perceive the g rai n as a tox i n or
i nvader, i n add ition to the poisonous chemicals it
contains. Eating organic g rai ns can prevent this fro m
happe n i ng i n t h e fi rst place , b u t if an allergy o r
i ntolerance has al ready developed a n d is not cleared ,
the body w i l l l i kely conti n u e to react negatively to the
g rai n , even if you eat o n ly organic in the futu re . So in
other word s , if you have eaten wheat that h as been sprayed with pesticides, and
you r body has developed an i ntol e rance to wheat, you cou l d eat o rganic wheat but
you m ay sti l l conti n u e to react negatively to it.
Another problem with g rains i s that they are ofte n h i g h ly processed . This usual ly
means that the h ig h-fiber, n utri e nt contai n i ng parts h ave been removed , leaving the
starchy, h ig h-g lyce m i c parts of the g rai n . The pu rpose of this i s u s u al ly for practical
reason s , so as to m ake baked goods l i g hter and fluffier, to h e l p oatmeal cook faster
and so on. Some g rains are eve n bleached to make them wh iter and therefore , more
visually attractive , which i s very harmfu l to the d igestive system . I n short, if o u r
bod ies were i ntended t o eat a g rai n , w e should eat t h e whole g rai n , not j u st certa i n
Whether o u r bod ies are i ntended to eat g rai n is another big controve rsy. Many
people bel i eve that our bodies don 't d i gest g rai n s we l l because our ancestors were
N utrition and Lifestyle
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h u nter-gatherers for thousands of years , not farmers . We s i m ply h aven 't h ad time to
evolve i nto the g rai n-digesti ng mach i nes that we 've tried to force o u r bod ies to be .
Th is m ay be why so many people beg i n a g rain-free d i et such as Paleo and never go
back, because they feel so m uch better !
There are legacy g rains l i ke Q u i noa, which actually a seed , a n d Amaranth , which i s
a n ancient form o f wheat, a n d I f i n d that many peo ple can cons u m e t h e m without
having any problems. That may or may not be the case for you .
What's Right for Your Body
The perfect d i et does exist, but it wi l l never be a o ne-size-fits-al l type of plan . lt is the
d i et that is specifically for you , the one you r s u bconscious m i nd al ready knows all
about ! You r body knows exactly what it does and does not want, what wi l l n o u rish
you and what wi l l cause problems if you eat it. Al l you have to do is ask, "Does my
?" and see what answe rs you get. You can get as specific as you
body want
want, eve n creating complete and exte nsive meal plans. Remember that if you have
tro u b l e with a ce rtain food , there m ay be an underlyi ng reason (especial ly if the food
is not i n herently toxic) , so j u st use The Body Code M i nd Maps and clear whateve r
yo u find . Keep i n m i nd that you r d i etary needs wi l l l i kely change ove r ti m e , depend i ng
on what is going o n i n you r body and i n you r l ife . So keep an open l i ne of
com m u n ication going with you r body and keep g iving it the proper fuel .
Most Western d i ets are deficient i n vitam i n s and m i nerals .
Factory farm i ng practices h ave depleted t h e soi l s o that the
veg etables and fru it g rowi ng from it are not rich in n utrients l i ke
they o nce were . I n add ition to that, most people d o n 't eat
e n o u g h fru its and vegetables as it i s , so it should be no
su rprise that many people h ave n utri e nt deficiencies. The
body's org ans and tissues need a certai n amou nt of vitam i n s
a n d m i nerals i n order t o fu nction properly. W h e n they do n 't
have the n utri e nts they need , i mbalance and eve ntual
breakdown is the resu lt.
Nutrient Deficiency Eva luation
F i nd i ng n utritio nal deficiencies is very easy because the body knows exactly what it
needs. Ask, "Do you h ave a n utritional deficiency that needs to be add ressed ?" If the
N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
answe r to that is "Yes", fi nd the n utrient o n the N utritional C hart. You can d ivide the
n utrient l i st i nto col u m ns and odd and eve n rows, then n arrow it down to the n utrient
when you get to a certain box. This is the same ki nd of process as fi nd i ng a Trapped
E moti o n . For exam p l e , ask " I s what you need in col u m n A?" or " I s what you need i n
col u m n B?" the n , " I s i t i n o n e of the odd rows ?" or " I s i t i n a n even row?" Etc . The
N utritional Chart i s l ocated in you r M i nd M aps .
Nutrient Deficiency Correction
Most d i etary n utrient deficiencies are correctable with supplementatio n , but some
times eati ng a certai n food can also correct the deficiency. Consult the n utrient chart
for more i nformation about obtai n i ng n utrie nts fro m food . As soo n as you identify the
n utrient that is needed , you want to test for dosages of supplements (or what sou rce
of food to eat, if this is a poss i bi l ity) . If someone h as had a deficiency for a ve ry long
ti m e , they m ay need to take more than the reco m m e nded daily allowance of a
particu lar supplement u nti l the deficiency is co rrected . Be aware howeve r, that it is
possible to take too much of certai n vitam i n s and m i neral s , so con s u lt The Body
Code N utritional Chart for recom mended daily allowance i nformatio n , and
recom mend that you r cl ients con s u lt thei r doctor if they h ave q u estions or concern s .
Appendicitis or Nutritiona l Deficiency ?
This story w i l l i l l u strate how val uable m uscle testing fo r n utritio n can be. I h ad a
patient who h ad been hospital ized for about 5 d ays with pai n i n her rig ht lowe r
abdomen . When she was fi rst ad m itted to the hospital , they assu med it was
append icitis, but when they ran the tests , her appendix appeared to be doing fi n e .
She was there i n t h e hospital for 5 days wh i l e they ran all t h e other tests that we re
available. All tests came back negative . They finally told her, "We d o n 't real ly th i n k
there 's anyt h i ng wrong with you . W e th i n k it's al l i n you r head because w e can 't find
anyth i n g on our tests, and we can 't keep you here any longer. You have to leave
now . "
T h e next d ay, on Monday s h e came i nto my
office and we fou n d , among other t h i n g s , that
she had a need for chrom i u m . I assu med it
was an i ncidental find i n g , and d i d n 't really th i n k
too m u c h about i t at the t i m e . I sai d , "You
know , it's showi ng u p that you need chrom i u m ,
s o you need to g et a c h ro m i u m supplement at
the health food store . " But I d i d n 't real ly th i n k
that i t had anyth i ng to do with t h e pai n that she
N utritio n and Lifestyle
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was i n , because that d i d n 't m ake se nse . So I fixed everyt h i n g that I cou ld find on h e r
a n d she went home .
The next d ay, she came i nto my office fee l i ng even more pai n . I remember th i n ki n g ,
"Th is woman is going to bu rst h e r appe n d ix and she's going t o d i e and it's g o i ng to
be my fau lt, and I 'l l be out of busi ness and that w i l l be it." I d i d n 't know what else to
do but ask her body what it wanted . The very fi rst th i ng that showed u p when I
started testing her was that she had some kind of n utritional need .
We went to the N utritional Chart, to Col u m n B and Row 1 , and rig ht to chrom i u m
agai n . I sudden ly remembered that chro m i u m h ad shown u p the day befo re , and I
asked her, "Did you get the c h ro m i u m supplement yesterday?" and she said , " N o . "
S o I said , "Okay, I want you t o leave t h e office rig ht now a n d I want you t o go t o t h e
health food store a n d b u y some chro m i u m . "
S h e went to the health food store , and about 2 5 m i n utes later was back i n m y waiting
roo m , l iterally j u m p i ng u p and down sayi ng , " I am fixed ! That fixed it !" She told me
that the moment she took the c h rom i u m at the health food store , the pai n was
i n stantly gone. She asked me how I fig u red it out and I said , "We l l , it wasn 't me that
fig u red it out. lt was you r body. You r body knew exactly why you needed it!" And she
asked , "Can you explain why that happened , why the chro m i u m deficiency
apparently was creating so much pai n ?" I said , "Frankly, I h ave abso l ute ly no idea,
but apparently you r body real ly needed it, and l uckily we were able to tune i nto you r
body and hear what i t was sayi n g . " Qu ite a n amazing th i ng , isn 't it?
Physica l Ma lnutrition
P hysical mal n utrition refe rs to a g ro u p of cond itions that
are generally related to poor q u al ity or i n sufficient
q u antity of n utrient i ntake , absorptio n , or uti l izati o n .
There are two major types o f maln utrition :
P rotei n - energy mal n utrition , which resu lts fro m
deficiencies i n a n y or all n utri e nts that are normally
avai lable
M icron utrient deficiency, which resu lts from a
deficiency of specific m icro n utri e nts such as
vitam i n s , m i nerals, and so o n .
N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0)
I n Th i rd World cou ntries, protei n -energy m al n utrition i s most com m o n . Most peop l e i n
the Western world suffe r from m icro n utrient deficiency. Th i s j u st i nd icates that the
q u al ity of food in the d i et i s not n utrient dense enoug h to provide proper nourishment.
Th i s can be corrected with supplementation and maki ng appropriate changes to the
d i et. See the previous section o n N utrient Deficiency for more i nfo rmatio n .
Spiritual Ma lnutrition
We h ave a d ual n atu re , or in other word s , we are beings
with both spi rit and a physical body. lt i s possible for
either the physical body o r the spi rit to become
mal n o u rished . Spi ritual maln utrition i s very d ifferent
from physical m a l n utritio n . If we go ve ry long without
eating physical food , our body l ets u s know in no
u n ce rtai n terms that it's time to eat. If we neg lect to feed
o u r s p i rit however, we do not receive strong messages
l i ke the o nes we can receive from o u r physical body.
N eve rtheless, it's vital ly i m portant for u s , if we want to
l ive joyfu l and tru ly balanced l ives , to feed o u r spi rits o n
a reg u l ar basis.
O u r testing shows that worldwid e , rou g h l y :
53% of people are i n a state of spi ritu al starvation
32% of people are in a state of spi ritu al
malnou ris h m e nt
The remai n i ng 1 5% of people are feed i ng the i r spi rits reg u larly e n o u g h that
they can be considered spi ritual ly we l l-nou rished
So, if you are spi ritually malnou rished , what can you do? lt's really all about vibration .
There is a wonderfu l word i n the E n g l i s h lang u age that helps to describe the kind of
spi ritual food that o u r spi rits real ly can use. That word is "edify . " We need to edify o u r
spi rits , which means that w e need "to i n struct or benefit, especially morally or
spi ritu a l l y ; u p l ift . " Anyt h i n g that you can read , l i sten to, watch or do that bri ngs you to
a h ig her leve l is l i kely s p i ritual ly nou rish i n g . Anything that rai ses you r vibratio n .
E njoyi ng n atu re a n d watch i ng e ntertai n ment with a positive message about love and
hope can be beneficial o n a more m i no r leve l . The best sou rces of spi ritual food
com e fro m earnestly striving to create and nou rish a rel ationsh i p with you r h ig her
power. P rayer, med itatio n , scri ptu re read i ng , and acts of service to othe rs h ave the
power to raise our v i b ration l i ke noth i n g e l se can . lt may be beneficial to ask the body
what type of "food" the spi rit needs .
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Someti mes eating a ce rtai n food may be necessary for proper heal i n g , or proper
fu nctio n of the body tissues and o rgans. H ippocrates said , "Let you r food be you r
medici n e . "
Foods Eva luation and Correction
S i m ply ask, "Is there a particu lar food on this page that you wou ld benefit from ?" Or,
" I s there a particu lar thing o n this l i st that wou l d h e l p you to heal ?" If the answer is
yes , u se a process of e l i m i n ation to ide ntify the col u m n , row, cel l and finally the food .
You can u se m u scle testing to determ i n e how m uch of the food , how ofte n to eat it,
and for how long ( e . g . one sweet potato per d ay for 3 d ays ) . Yo u m i g ht be su rprised
at what shows u p !
The Price-Pottenger Institute
The P rice- Pottenger I n stitute has been putting out ve ry
i m portant i nformation about n utritio n and the i m portance of
eating raw foods for many years. Th is is a transcri pt
contai n i ng some really i nteresting i nformatio n .
Male : " D r. Weston Price was a dentist and dental researcher
whose search for the
.� U ST R .O. l f .\ , ' .� BO R I G I N I S
de ntal decay took h i m
al l ove r the world to l ive with and i nvestigate
the d i ets of those trad itional native popu l ations
who were pictu res of exceptional health . This
i ncl uded the Swiss, Eskimos, Polynesians,
African s , N ew Zealanders, and many others ,
b u t always i n remote tribal com m u n ities, wh ich
have remained on thei r trad itional d i ets as they
were sti l l far removed from i nd u strial ized
society and modern refi ned foods . He fou nd
that these popu l ations conti n ued to exh i b it
pe rfect physical and dental health i nto o l d age .
H e wrote about t h e trad itional foods that they
consu med which kept them i n such fab u lo u s
cond ition . H is book, N utritio n a n d P hysical
Degeneratio n , which the fou ndation conti n u es
N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
to p u b l i s h and sel l every year, i s sti l l the o n ly book of its ki nd , and h i s research is sti l l
being q u oted at cu rrent scientific med ical and n utritional conferences aro u nd the
worl d .
Male :
"Wh at made these people so healthy? Why is it that they d i d n 't h ave the
degenerative d i seases that we h ave today? There are many reasons of cou rse . But
agai n , getting back to whole foods and reg ard less of what ki nd of d i et one h as ,
because P rice says people were al l d ifferent i n terms o f the i r d iet, depe n d i ng o n
where they l ive , what t h e c l i m ate was , what ki nd o f soi l , for exam p l e , b u t the
u nderlyi ng , u n ifyi ng factor with all of them was that they were not eating refi ned ,
revital ized foods . They were eati ng foods which were g rown i n the area i n which they
l ived , which meant they ate foods that were seasonally ready to eat.
Fem al e :
"When Dr. P rice began his travels back in the 1 930s, he fou n d
degenerative d isease was on t h e rise back the n . "
Mal e :
"Price looked u pon t h e mouth - be i ng a dentist o f cou rse, he looked
u po n the mouth as bei n g the wi ndow to the rest of the body and because teeth were
more read i ly accessi b l e and easier to photog raph and spot, he obviously
e m p h asized that i n h i s pict u res. Most of
P rice's pictu res are people with the i r mouth
open for that very reason . B ut that was o n ly
the tip of the iceberg because the h i g h
i ncidence o f cavities was i n d i cative not o n l y of
j u st poor oral health , but it was i n d icative of
overal l skeletal health , and overal l body health
as wel l . P rice took the foods of the societies he
i nvestigated back to his laboratory. H e had
samples sent back there, and he analyzed
them , and he fou nd , for examp l e , that the food
val ues in those foods , in many of the very i m po rtant n utrie nts such as _ omega-3 fatty
acids, which are , as you know , finally being "red iscovered" almost 1 0 times h i g h e r
t h a n what w e have i n today's d iet. Ou r d i ets today are very h i g h i n omega-6s w h i c h
come pri m arily from g rains a n d g ra i n seed o i l s . lt's a total reve rsal o f t h e balance
between omega-3s and 6s that P rice 's people h ad . "
M al e :
" D r . Francis Marion Pottenger, J r . was a med ical doctor w h o was best
known for h i s fam o u s 1 0-year n utritional feed i n g study that he carried out with many
h u nd reds of cats . The cats were d ivided i nto d ifferent g ro u ps where they were fed
either cooked or raw an i mal based foods such as cooked meat versus raw meat,
pasteu ri zed dai ry versus raw dairy. The study descri bes i n detail all of the physical
and emotional problems which developed in the cooked d i et a n i mals that never
N utritio n and Lifestyle
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
occu rred in those on the healthy raw foods . The
cooked d i et cats never ever got past the t h i rd
generation si nce they lost ferti l ity and the abi l ity to
reprod uce . J u st as today, we h ave more and more
cl i n ics special izing i n using d rugs to help people who
have become u n able to g ive b i rth to c h i l d re n . "
"The study and t h e book w e sel l , wh ich describes it,
sti l l stands alone in its abi l ity to show the effects of
cons u m i ng denatu red foods as the pop u l ation does
at every meal . "
Fe m al e :
"Pottenger fou nd that 30% raw and 70%
cooked d id n 't fly. lt wou ld n 't mai ntai n health but 5050, you sti l l felt you cou ld get along . "
Mal e : "So those cats fed on a 1 00% raw d i et th rived . The th i rd generation looked j u st
as healthy as the fi rst generation . That's al l docu mented i n the Pottenger book cal led
Pottenger's Cats . "
Fe mal e :
"Potte nger fou nd with t h e cats the same types o f degeneration from the
i m poverished food , or i n his case, cooked food as wel l . P rice saw where the trad i ng
posts and modern people com i ng i n to h e l p the pri m itives we re destroying the m . "
"The fasci nating th i n g about the Potte nger cat studies i s that i n many
Ma i e :
ways they tied in with some of Dr. P rice's research . Pottenger fou nd that in the th ree
g ro u ps of cats, which he iso l ated and fed d i ets rang i ng from al l raw to one-th i rd raw
and two-th i rd cooked exh i b ited certai n skeletal changes ove r the generations of the
cats . The g ro u ps that were fed more of the cooked d i et less proportionally of the raw
d i et started developing and showed skeletal deform ities, primari ly i n the sku l l itself.
And this is i nteresting because Price fou nd the same thing with the pri m itive g ro u ps
that he visited when they had gone on refi ned foods. He also noticed , and you 'l l see
the pictu res in his book, N utritional and P hysical Degeneratio n , the narrowing of the
jaw , the l ifti n g of the u pper pal ate , and the crowd i ng of the teeth , which shows that
the d i et for cats that were fed the more proportions of the cooked food was not
proper for that particu lar kind of an i m al . They weren 't getting some of the n utrients
that were needed to b u i ld proper skeletal shapes and it was the same thing with the
peopl e . N ow when one looks arou nd today, we can see a lot of evidence of the kind
of d i ets that we h ave degene rated i nto as a society to a g reater or lesser extent and
those reflect back again on what P rice was tal king about and that is the more food
that we use that is d isplaci ng those foods that h ave n utri e nt val u e . The more we are
N utrition and Lifestyle
l i kely to be prone to things l i ke osteoporosi s and ske l etal deformities and cavities of
the teeth , th i ngs of that n atu re . "
For more i nformation
http ://www. ppnf . o rg .
P rice- Pottenger
I n stitute
N early all herbs have heal i n g or medici nal
q u al ities . If you 'd l i ke to do more extensive
research about herbs, I recommend "The
Complete Medicinal H e rbal , a P ractical G u ide to
the H eal i ng P rope rties of H e rbs with More Than
250 Remed ies for Com m o n A i l m e nts" by
Penelope Ody and M ark B l u menthal , and
"Herbal Home H ealth Care" by J o h n R .
Christopher. I wou l d strongly recommend that
you p u rchase one o r both of these books as a
g u ide to u s i n g herbs correctly.
Before reco m m e nd i ng that a person take any certai n herb , m ake ce rta i n that you are
aware of any possible problems that may resu lt, even if the body i nd i cates that it
wants the herb. Always err on the side of caut i o n .
Someti mes the body wi l l need t o avoid an h e r b , a n d this is the only chance t h e body
has to bri ng it to you r attention ! M ake s u re you r q uestions are clear so you get the
rig ht answer.
Herbs Eva luation
You can s i m ply ask, " I s there a particu lar herb on t h i s chart that you r body needs?"
or " I s there a particu lar herb on this chart that you need to avo i d ?" Then find the herb
o n the H e rbs Chart i n The Body Code M i nd Maps, u s i n g a process of e l i m i n ation to
fi nd fi rst the col u m n , then the row, then identify which herb it i s out of the 6 l i sted i n
that box.
N utrition and Lifestyle
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Herbs Correction
Identify the i m mediate dosage
necessary, and the long-term
dosag e if desi red . Agai n , m ake
it clear to you r c l i e nts that these
are o n ly suggestions and that it
is a good idea to consu lt a
doctor before taking anyth i n g ,
especially if they are i n poor
health , preg n ant o r lactating or
on med ication . H e re i s a l ist of
herbs that should be avoided
d u ri n g preg nancy because of
what they do to reproductive
organs or because of n atu ral ly
occu rri ng su bstances fou n d in
the m .
Avoid During Pregnancy
Essential Oils
Passio n Flower
American Mand rake
Flax Seed
Poke Root
Junipe r
lady's Mantle
Cascara .§.§9!J�Q?
Celand ine
Make Fern
Uterine Sti mulant
Cotton-Root Bark
Wild Cherry
M i stl etoe
S:::.Q hQ§I)
S:::.Q hQ.� I)
The h u man body i s about 74% water. Water is
necessary for good cond uctivity i n the body, as wel l as
many other body processes. Dehyd ration is a com m o n
reason for a person t o become d i fficult or i m possible to
m u scle test. M any of us don lt d ri n k enough water but it
i s essential to do so for proper function i n g of the body
and for good health . Com m o n sym ptoms of
dehyd ration are headache , j o i nt pai ns, low back pai n ,
neck pai n , foggy th i n ki ng and consti patio n .
Tap water often does not correct dehyd ration . lt i s be l i eved to be a homeopathic
blend of many d ifferent ki nds of negative energ ies i nc l ud i ng i nd u strial waste ,
ag ricu ltu ral ru noff, artificial hormones , med i cations and anti biotics.
A comprehensive l i ne of q u estion i n g is outl i ned in the Dehyd ration M i nd Map, but
suffice to say here that you should make s u re of three th i ngs for you r c l i e nts :
They are d ri n ki ng enough water
They are d ri n ki ng the rig ht q u al ity of water
Thei r body i s able to absorb the water properly
N utrition and Lifestyle
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2 .0]
An u nderlyi ng i m balance such as a trapped e motio n or a stom ach or kid ney
i m balance can block the body from being able to absorb water properly. If you find
that this is the case, remove the i mbalance , then test for those 3 factors agai n to
make s u re dehyd ration wi l l not conti n u e to be a problem .
Mag netic field deficie ncy is l i ke any othe r deficiency. If you don 't get enoug h
mag netism , then you need to somehow supplement that need . I nterestingly enoug h ,
the earth 's m ag n etic field i s now about 1 0% weaker than it was when the German
m athematician , Carl Fried rich Gauss started keepi ng tabs on it in 1 845 . Because of
the natu re of our l ives and our loss of contact with the soi l , as wel l as our constant
exposu re to negative e lectromag n etic fields, M ag netic Field Deficie ncy Syn d ro m e , or
M FDS is a ve ry com m o n proble m .
There was a study d o n e o n Fibro myalg i a u s i n g mag netic mattress pad s . T h i s was a
random ized , double bl i nd pi lot study that was done at Tufts U n iversity i n Bosto n . Th i s
study concl uded that, "Sleeping on a m ag n etic mattress pad with a m ag n et su rface
field strength of 1 1 00 p l u s or m i n u s 50 gauss, del ivering 200 to 600 g auss at the ski n
su rface provides statistical ly sign ificant and cl i n ical ly relevant pai n rel i ef and sleep
i m p rove ment i n su bjects with Fibromyal g i a . No
adverse reactions were noted d u ri ng this 1 6-week
trial period . A l l that, s i m ply from sleeping o n a
mag n etic mattress pad !
Another study u s i n g m ag netic mattress pads was
carried out ove r a one-year period in th ree of J apan 's
foremost hospitals , u s i n g 43 1
patients. The
concl usion was that sleeping on m ag n etic mattress
pads proved effective in helping rel ieve neck pai n ,
shou lder pai n , back pai n , lower l i m b pai n , i nsom n ia,
and fatig u e . In fact, as I recall from the stu dy there
was an ave rage 83% i m p rovement i n all those
a i l m e nts. There were no h armfu l side effects either, because these patients were
si m p ly getting what thei r bod ies needed i n o rder to retu rn to a state of balance , with
noth i n g else ( l i ke medication toxi ns) getting in the way.
Of cou rse , refrige rator mag n ets are widely available and work j u st fine for releas ing
trapped emotions and correcting energ etic i mbalances, but the N i kken mag n ets work
best for treatment of M FD S and for a lot of other problems as wel l . That's one of the
reasons why we recommend the N i kken p rod ucts , because if you 're going to be
doing The Body Code and worki ng on peop l e , you w i l l be using m ag n ets con stantly.
N utrition and Lifestyle
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
The N i kken m ag n ets are of the h i g hest q u al ity, wi l l l ast a ve ry long time and are
professional strength , so they are wel l worth the i nvestment.
Nikken Magnets
Of cou rse , refrigerator mag n ets are widely avai lable and work j u st fi ne for releas ing
trapped emotions and correcting energetic i m balances, but the N i kken mag nets work
best for treatment of M FDS and for a lot of other problems as we l l . That's one of the
reason s why we recommend the N i kken prod ucts , because if you 're going to be
d o i n g The Body Code and working on peop l e , you wi l l be u s i ng mag n ets constantly.
The N i kken mag n ets are of the h i g hest q ual ity, wi l l last a ve ry long time and are
professional strength , so they are wel l worth the i nvestment.
Enro ll as a Nikken Wellness Consultant
T o e n ro l l a s a we l l ness consu ltant,
www. healers! i b rary.com/sto re
si mply
website :
If o n e 's body or l ifestyle is lacking i n some crucial area, the su bconscious can
com m u n icate that need to you th ro u g h the u se of these M i nd Maps. The category
"Outside N eeds" refe rs to anyth i ng else that can h e lp ach ieve balance and u ltimate
heal i n g , apart from the i m balances and needs l i sted e l sewhere i n The Body Code
M i nd Maps . These o utside needs can be anyth i ng from me ntal health care to
massage to homeopathy.
We h ave g rou ped this enormous l i st i nto the fol lowing six categories so they w i l l be
easier to identify. Adj u nctive Therapy i ncl udes com mo n therapies such as
Homeopathy and Essential O i l s . E n e rgy Tech n i q ues and Energy Work both i nclude
othe r kinds of energy heal i n g tech n i q ues and practices apart fro m The E motion Code
and The Body Cod e . You m ay fi nd that you end up in the P hysical N eeds section
most ofte n , as it i ncl udes crucial activities such as Body Work, Detoxification and
Exercise . M ental and E motional Fitness i ncl udes activities to help balance th i n ki n g
a n d emotions, a n d may assist i n avoidance o f t h e formation o f new Trapped
E motions. The last, but certainly not least section is C h i ropractic Care - a practice
essential for proper spi nal and o rgan health . The items in these 6 categories i n
Outside N eeds does not constitute a n exhaustive l i st, b u t w e h ave done o u r best to
make it as far reach i ng as necessary . Keep i n m i nd that some items m ay show u p i n
more than o n e category because they techn ically fit i n more than o n e place . The
su bconscious knows exactly what the body and spi rit need - yo u j u st need to ask !
N utrition and Lifestyle
Sleep is a restfu l state that allows for accel erated heal i n g , g rowth a n d a general
rebalancing of the m i nd , body and spi rit. M any people have an i m balance or
deficiency in slee p . M any of these people spend enough ti me in bed but are sti l l not
getting proper restorative sleep. If this i m bal ance shows u p , you can ask, "Are you
getting enoug h restfu l sleep?" or 11 1 S there anyth i ng i nterfering with you r abi l ity to
sleep properly?11 Keep i n m i nd that there cou ld be m u ltiple u nderlyi ng causes , so use
The Body Code M i nd M aps to find and e l i m i nate the m .
Occasionally, the spi rit or body m ay become deficient i n a ce rta i n co lor, or the
vibration of that color. Keep in m i nd that co lors are j u st freq u e ncies, wh ich can have
an effect on the overall energy field and therefore the body. I n some situations, the
vibration of a color can be the perfect remedy for resto ring balance .
Color deficiency can be corrected i n various ways . Most often , the best way i s to start
weari ng cloth i ng of that color, but looki ng at thi ngs that are that co lor co u l d also work.
In some cases, u s i n g colored l i g ht therapy is the best method . As with eve ryth i ng
else , j u st ask and the body wi l l tel l you !
p H i mbalance is a com m o n problem . p H is a meas u re of the acid ity or the al kal i n ity
of a su bstance . P u re water is considered to be a neutral p H , or a pH of about 7 . 0 . A
n u m be r smaller than 7 . 0 i n d icates acid ity, wh i l e n u m bers that are g reate r than 7 . 0
are al kal i n e . A pH o f 7 . 3 to 7 . 5 is considered normal for t h e h u man body.
G astric fl u i d , or hyd rochloric acid is extremely acidic.
Carbonated beverages are i ncred i bly aci d i c too . Coca­
Cola h as a pH of aro u nd 2 . 46 . P u re rai n , (wh ich is
water that's i n eq u i l i bri u m with atmospheric carbon
d ioxide) comes i n at j u st between 6 and 5 . And d isti l led
water comes in at rig ht at 7, or neutral p H .
A lka line
Seawater h as a pH of about 8. Baki ng soda is about an 8 . 2 or so. M i l k of M ag nesia is
about 1 0 . 5 or so , household a m m o n i a is very al kal i ne , betwee n 1 1 and 1 2 .
N utrition and Lifestyle
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Household bleach is between 1 2 and 1 3 , and you know how caustic bleach can be .
You can put bleach on concrete and it wi l l actually etch the concrete away if yo u
leave it very long . Then eve n more al kal i n e than that is household lye . As we know,
lye is u sed to make soap , but you d o n 't want to ever get lye on you r ski n !
Testing pH with Acid/Alka line Sca le
I n this pictu re we have a typical scale for testi ng body pH . Th is type of scale wi l l vary
a bit as far as the co lors g o , but if you go to any d rugstore , you can buy a p H test kit ,
usual ly a l ittl e bottle contai n i ng p H test stri ps . You ' l l see that on this scale, the colors
vary depe n d i ng on how acid or how al kal i n e you are , and you want to be right i n the
m i d d l e , rig ht at about 7.0 to 7 . 5 .
Testing Your pH
I n this pictu re we h ave a typical scale for testing body p H . Th is type of scale wi l l vary
a b it as far as the colors g o , but if you go to any d rugstore , you can buy a p H test kit,
u s u a l ly a l ittle bottle contai n i ng pH test strips. You 'l l see that on this scale , the colors
vary depend i ng on how acid or how al kal i n e you are , and yo u want to be rig ht i n the
midd l e , rig ht at about 7.0 to 7 . 5 .
Here is how t o test you r p H . Fi rst, wait for 2
h o u rs afte r havi ng anyth i ng i n you r mouth . The
pu rpose of this is to test the p H of the sal iva
be i n g prod uced by the body, without confusing it
with the varied p H of d ifferent foods . Try to fi l l
yo u r mouth with sal iva, then swal low. Repeat this
2 more ti mes and then apply the sal iva to a piece
of pH test pape r. Wait about 20 seconds and
then com pare the res u lting color to the p H color
" o o o · 9l S 6 0 ' l.
chart. The p H color chart wi l l be o n the back of
the bottle or package of pH strips that you wi l l
buy at the pharmacy. If you r p H is about 7 . 5 ,
you r body fl u ids are i n a healthy range. If you r p H is between 6 and 6 . 5 , you 're acidic
and therefo re you are at a h i g h e r risk of developing a degenerative d isease . Causes
of acid pH are too m uch stress and too many acid-prod ucing foods . Meat is very
acidic. If you r pH is lower than 6 . 0 , then you 're h i g h ly acidic, probably m i neral
deficient, and you probably are man ifesti ng sym ptoms of a degenerative d i sease .
Degenerative d iseases i nclude t h i ngs l i ke cancer and auto i m m u ne problems.
N utrition and Lifestyle
Muscle Testing for pH Imbalances
lt's also possible to test pH via muscle testing. You can simply ask, "Is your body pH
too acid?" or "Is your body pH too alkaline?" The body will usually give you a pretty
reliable answer. lt may not be as exact as using the test strips, but it is certainly
Changing Your pH
Most people become too acidic in their pH, and not too alkaline. To change your pH
rapidly from an acid to a more alkaline state, you can mix a teaspoon of baking soda
into an 8 ounce glass of water and drink it 3 times a day for 2 days. This is a general
guideline, so keep in mind that you may need to do this for longer than 2 days if your
pH is very acidic. To get the right dosage for your body, simply ask, "How many
teaspoons of baking soda do I need per day? One? Two?" etc. Then ask, "How long
should I continue this? One day? Two?" and so on.
Nutrition and Lifestyle
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2.0]
M isal i g n me nts
Structu ral m isal i g n ments are a major sou rce of i m balance i n the body. The pu rpose
of this mod u le is to help you understand what structu ral m i sal i g n m e nts are , how they
affect u s , and how to detect and correct them , i n many cases energetical ly, when no
doctor of ch i ropractic is avai labl e .
I 've desig ned T h e Body Code Package t o b e a sort o f "fi rst a i d kit", s o that you can
be em powered to take you r health i nto you r own hands if you are eve r without
access to the professional care of a doctor. The pu rpose of this mod u l e is certai nly
not to teach yo u how to be a c h i ropractor or how to replace proper chi ropractic care ,
but i n stead to teach you how to help you r body attai n and retai n proper al i g n ment
and bal ance . When you use The Body Code to create structu ral balance , you wi l l
l i kely find that you are able to hold you r ch i ropractic adj u stments for much longer.
Let's tal k a l ittle bit about the h i story of c h i ropractic.
This is a pictu re of Dan iel David Pal mer, who is the
fou nder of c h i ropractic i n our modern era. I th i n k he
cou ld real ly be cal led the re-discovere r of chi ropractic,
because man i pu l ation of bones i n the body to ach ieve
better health has been around si nce the time of the
In 1 89 1 , Doctor Pal mer was wo rki ng as a mag n etic
healer in Dave nport, Iowa. Back in those days there
was a tremendous amou nt of med ical freedom i n the
cou ntry. There were many different kinds of doctors and
healers , and Doctor Pal mer used mag n ets to heal . One
day, the jan itor who worked i n Doctor Pal mer's office
bu i ld i ng came i nto the office to clean . Th is m a n 's name was Harvey Li l l ard , and he
had bee n mostly deaf for a n u m ber of years . Doctor Pal mer asked h i m how he
became deaf. Li l lard explai ned that, years before , as he was bend i n g over to pick u p
a bucket, he felt a pai n i n h i s neck and a l l o f a sudden h i s heari ng went away.
Doctor Pal mer exam i ned h i m and fou nd what he fe lt was a m isal ig ned vertebra i n
L i l l ard 's neck. Doctor Pal mer reasoned that maybe this m isal ig ned bone had created
some kind of i m balance in the body that had lead to the deafness . He had the idea
that perhaps if he realig ned this bon e , the deafness m i g ht go away.
M isal i g n m e nts
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2.0]
H e g ave this man the fi rst chi ropractic adj ustment i n the modern era, and it d i d
restore Harvey Li l l ard 's heari ng ! So C h i ropractic started o u t a s a c u re for deafness i n
its very, very early stages, b u t i t came to be known far a n d wide a s a fantastic way to
rel ieve all kinds of ai l ments and resto re balance to the body.
T h e scientific basis o f ch i ropractic l ies i n t h e fact that structu re affects fu nction i n the
body. In chi ropractic, the structu ral al i g n ment that is largely focused on is with the
bones i n the spi nal skeleto n . But any part of the physical body is capable of
beco m i ng m isal i g n ed , i nc l u d i ng but not l i m ited to bones, m u scles, tendons,
l igaments , nerves , organs, even the eyebal l s .
Take a l o o k at this pictu re o f t h e spi n e , brai n a n d organs. The b l u e l i nes that are
passi ng from the spine to the vario u s org ans represent the nerves that are carrying
com m u n i cations from the b rai n to the organs and g lands, and from the d ifferent
organs and g lands back to the brai n . The spinal cord is l i ke the freeway where all
M isal ig n me nts
these messages travel back and forth from the brai n to the various organs. The
spinal cord is housed and protected by the vertebrae in the spinal col u m n .
Misa lignment (Subluxation )
This pict u re i l l u strates a closer look at the vertebrae i n the
spinal col u m n , with the colored l i nes representi ng the
nerves that b ranch o ut from the spinal col u m n and attach to
an organ or g l and o n the other end. Good al i g n ment of the
vertebrae allows the messages to flow freely along the
nerves , back and forth between the brai n and the various
organs and g lands.
This pictu re i l l u strates what happens to the spi nal nerves
when there is a m isal i g n m ent in the s p i n e , also refe rred i n
c h i ropractic as a subluxa tion. The m iddle vertebra i s
m i salig ned and i rritating t h e nerve pass in g out of the spine
j u st below it, which resu lts i n poor nerve transm ission . This
resu lts i n red uced com m u n ications between the brai n and
that organ or tissue o n the other end of the nerve . That
often resu lts i n poor health of the organ or tiss u e , and even
eve ntual d isease .
Because the body tissues are u ltimately made of p u re
energy, they can be i nterfered with by other energ ies.
Trapped e motions are the most common u nderlying cause
of m isal i g n ments , because they i rritate and d i stort the
tissues, ofte n lead i ng to m uscle i m bal ance and
misal i g n ment of tissues and bones. If a trapped emotion is
al lowed to remai n in a particular area, you may fi nd
you rself visiti ng the c h i ropractor repeatedly, but you r bones
may not stay alig ned for long .
The Lungs
Let's take a look at the spine located i n between the shou lder blades. If we get a
m i sal i g n ment i n that area, it may put pressu re on the n e rves that are travel i ng from
the brai n to the l u ng s . If you have less than 1 00% com m u nication between the brai n
and the l u ng s , wi l l the l u ngs be able to fu nction at 1 00%? The log ical answe r is n o ,
they won 't. So if t h e l u ngs are not fu nction i ng at 1 00% because they've got t h i s
i nte rference g o i n g o n , what kind o f sym ptoms m i g ht you notice ? If t h e l u ngs start to
malfu nction , one of the most common thi ngs that develop is asthma. I have had a lot
M isal i g n m e nts
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
of success correcting and re l ievi ng asthma s i m ply by real i g n i ng the bones in that
u pper area of the spi ne.
I remember a woman who came i n to me with her son who was 3 years o l d . When he
was born he had a very d ifficu lt del ive ry . He was born with forceps , and that wi l l
oftenti mes resu lt i n m isal i g n ment o f the u pper bones i n the neck. A s a newborn h e
started getting ear i nfections, and for the fi rst year o f h i s l ife , he had ear i nfections
conti n u al ly. When he tu rned 2 , he started havi ng asthma sym ptoms. He was
prescribed various medications for the next 2 years , one asthma medication after
another, and when she bro u g ht h i m in to see me, he was on two non -steroidal , anti­
i nfl ammatory d rugs, and he was also on steroid medications, two i n h alers and two
oral medications. Th is was a very sick l ittle boy, and what we fou nd going on with
h i m was that he s i m ply had a m isal i g n ment at the th i rd thoracic area, creating
i nterference between the brai n and the l u ngs. I only had to adj ust him three ti mes
before the asthma sym ptoms completely went away. I don 't ever recall havi ng a
patient with asthma that I was not able to h e l p , sim ply by correcting these
m isal i g n ments , and there are many, many other c h i ropractors that w i l l tel l you the
same thing .
M isal ig n me nts
The Gallbladder
When there is i nterfe rence in the nervous syste m that affects the gal l b l adder, it has a
harder time knowi ng what it is su pposed to do, and as a resu lt it's more l i kely that the
gal l b l adder will have tro u b l e . lt's more l i kely that you wi l l end u p with gal lstones. lt's
more l i kely that you will end u p havi ng to have you r gal l b l adder removed if you get
m i sal i g n ment i n this area, which is rig ht aro u nd the fou rth thoracic ve rtebrae .
M isal ig n ments
The Liver
The l iver is the body's major organ of detoxification and if the brai n and the l iver are
not com m u n i cating ve ry wel l , then the l iver is going to have a harder time detoxifying
you . You r i m m u n e syste m is going to suffer as a res u lt. And there are a whole lot of
t h i ngs that can resu lt from that if you fol l ow this log ical ly. If the i m m u ne system is
depressed because there is poor com m u n ication between the b rai n and the l iver,
then you 're going to be more l i kely to suffer from a lot of d ifferent problems, as wel l
as havi ng a h arde r t i m e deal i ng with t h e envi ro n m e nt that you 're l iving i n .
M isal i g n me nts
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Uterus and Ovaries
Let's take a look at the uterus and ovaries and the reproductive system . If you 've got
m isal i g n ment i n the low back, you 're going to have a harder time mai ntai n i ng g ood
fu nction i n the ute rus and ovaries, or if you 're a man , in the male reprod uctive
system . Do you th i n k that good brain-organ com m u n ication m i g ht h ave anyth i ng to
do with you r abi l ity to reprod uce ?
Real ize that t h e b rai n con nects to a l l you r tissues, a n d that any m isal i g n ment o f any
tissue is dangero u s , especi ally misal i g n ments of the s p i n e , due to the i r i ntimate
relatio n s h i p with the spinal cord .
M isal i g n m e nts
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2.0]
structu res,
al l
whethe r they are m u scle, tendo n ,
l igament, nerve , organ , or bon e , are
al l made of p u re energy and are
the refore capable of be i ng corrected
energetical ly, eve n at a distance .
Also re member that I 'm not tryi ng to
turn you i nto a c h i ropractor, but what
I am tryi ng to help you gain is a tool
so that if yo u don 't have access to
c h i ropractic care , you w i l l sti l l have
c h i ropractic
m isal i g n ments that otherwise m i g ht
be u ncorrectab l e . lt is al l dependent
on you r own bel ief, faith and
i nte ntio n .
Detecting Structura l Misa lignments
Fi rst of al l , to detect structu ral m isal i g n m e nts , you can si mply ask this q uesti o n , "Do
you h ave structural misal i g n ment that i s helping to create this sym pto m ?" Or you
m i g ht state , " I have a structu ral m isal i g n ment." Then do a m uscle test and swaying
forward or a strong m u scle test means that's positive .
Optionally, yo u m i g ht add , "Do you have a structural m isal i g n ment i n you r low back,
or do you have a structu ral m isal ign ment of a particu lar bone or org an , etc. ?" Let's
say fo r exam ple, you are worki ng on a friend who has low back pai n . You cou ld
si mply ask, "Do you have a structu ral m isal ign ment that is affecting you r low back?"
If the body answers "Yes , " to correct it, you 'd si mply rol l the m ag n et down the
govern i ng meridian 3 times with the i nte ntion to correct whatever structu ral
m isal i g n ment is going on in that area.
Testing For Corrected Misa lignments
So you can recheck by s i m ply aski n g , "Did we correct that m isal i g n ment?" lt's real ly
q u ite s i m p l e , and if you can get you r m i nd aro u nd the fact that eve ryth i ng is energy,
then sudde n ly it frees you from the normal physical l i m itations of you r m i nd . The
be l i ef that th i ngs that are structu ral are physical and are not real ly energy is not real ly
M isal i g n me nts
tru e . Everything
is energy and
anyth ing can
man i p u l ated or corrected
Determining Percentage of Brain Communication
If you 're deal i ng with a particular org an , one of
the t h i ngs that you can ask is, "What percent of
the messages bei n g se nt by the brai n to this
organ are arrivi ng on averag e ?" You can
determ i n e the perce ntage before and after
structu ral correction is made energetical ly, and I
th i n k you wi l l be amazed . For exam p le, one of
the thi ngs that I used to routinely do with people
who were suffering from asth ma is ask, "What
percent of the com m u n ications from you r brai n
are actually arrivi n g at you r l u ngs on averag e ?"
And then we wou l d test , "Are 50% of those
messages getting th roug h ?" N o . "Are 40% of
those messages getting th ro ug h ?" Yes . And you
can trace it down that way and get an actual
n u m be r, so that you can determ i n e exactly what
percent of the com m u n ications from the b rain
are actually arrivi ng at that organ .
Once you make the co rrection - by either releasing a trapped emotion for exam p l e ,
or by actually maki ng an energetic, mag n etic correction t o whateve r m i sal i g n ment
there is that's going on - if you retest th is, you 'l l find that the n u m be r j u m ps
d ramatical ly. Th is is a ve ry i nte resting thing that you can do. And you ' l l be amazed
how often a simple correction l i ke this can make i m mediate changes.
My reco m m e ndation is for you to find a ch iropractor i n you r local area and have a
relationsh i p with h i m or her, and get adj usted freq u e ntly. But if the day comes when
you can 't leave you r house, and you can 't get to a chi ropractor, and you 're on you r
own , re member that corrections l i ke this can b e made si mply through i ntention and
energy. lt's al l about you r level of bel ief. lt's al l about what you bel i eve is poss i b l e .
Whateve r y o u bel i eve is possible is poss i b l e . Remember, "Al l things are possible to
h i m that believeth . " ( Mark 9 :23)
M isal ig n ments
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2.0]
Correcting Misa lignments
When I was i n practice , I fou nd that it was n 't o n ly bones that became m i salig ned . I n
fact, I fou nd that any tissue of the body can become m isal ig ned !
Can the b rai n become m isal igned ? Certai n ly. What about the heart? Defi n itely. I 've
seen it happe n . Let me share with you a cou p l e of stories.
I once had a patient co me to me who h ad been i n an auto accident. She had a
consistent and nagg i n g left-sided neck pai n that rad iated down i nto her left shou lder.
I real ig ned a l l the bones i n her spine and in her neck. I
wo rked with her consistently for seve ral weeks , but the pai n
i n her neck and shoulder was not going away. I n fact, it
was the same, accord i ng to her, as it was rig ht after the
accident. Th i s was puzzl i ng to me. I had no idea why she
wasn 't getti ng wel l . I sent her out for a mag n etic resonance
i m age or M R I of her neck, wh ich showed that her neck was
about as perfect as it cou ld possibly be . At this ti me I was
j u st learn i ng about asking q uestions and getti ng answe rs
from the subco nscious m i n d . So, being at a loss as to what
to do to help her, I started asking q u estions, and d i d n 't take
too long before I fou nd out that her heart was actual ly
m isal ig ned .
Her heart had somehow gotten m i sal ig ned forward toward her breastbon e . I was
beg i n n ing to u nderstand how o u r i ntention makes things happe n , and I tho u g ht that,
if I co u ld put some kind of an opposite force i nto her body with the i ntention of
moving her heart back i nto its normal positio n , it should wo rk.
So, with her perm ission , I placed the flat of my hand on her breastbone and then
sim ply gave the back of that hand a good th u m p with my other han d , while hold i ng
an i ntention to rea l i g n that part back to its normal positio n . lt
worked ! The pai n i n her neck and shou lder, which had been
so relentless and i m poss i b l e to fix, was i n stantaneously gone ,
neve r to retu rn .
Another example of this fasci nating phenomenon , and one
that I wi l l neve r forget, came about when a patient of m i n e
was suffering with a seve re m i g raine headache. After
correcting everyth i ng that I cou l d f i n d , the head ache was sti l l
there . I n fact, I 'd seen her several ti mes and i t wasn 't going
away. I was puzzled by this, and asked my Heave n ly Father
for some add itional g u idance about what to d o . I started doing
M i sal i g n me nts
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
some more testing and asking more q uestions and soon fou n d that she had a
m isal i g n ment i n her left big toe . I corrected that m isal i g n m e nt, and believe it or not,
her headache was gone with i n a matter of seco nds.
Remember, the old saying of the holistic P hysician is 11Anyth i ng can cause anyth i ng . ��
N eve r was that more true than i n this case !
Another exam ple of how any tissue can become m i salig ned was a case where
another patient of m i n e was suffering with a headache. I fixed eve ryth i ng I cou l d fi n d ,
b u t her headache was sti l l there . I wal ked o u t with her t o t h e front d e s k where we
conti n u ed o u r conve rsation . As I was tal king with her it sudd e n ly dawned me what
the problem was . One of her eyebal ls actually had become ve ry slig htly m i salig ned .
This was not a visible m isal i g n ment, but it was my i ntu ition speaking to m e , te l l i ng
me what she needed .
Using m u scle testi ng , I fig u red out the exact d i rection that her eyebal l had become
m i salig ned in, and asked her to close her eyes. I appl ied some very g e ntle pressu re
to her eyebal l , and gently tapped on that finger i n the opposite d i rection of her
misal i g n ment. Wou ld you believe what happened ? The headache was sudde nly
gone. ( Nowadays , I wou ld si mply use a mag n et down the govern i n g merid ian to
correct that m isal i g n ment, and I cou ld even do it from the other side of the p lanet,
and so cou ld you !)
Here 's one more exam ple for you . I fou nd out d u ring those years that one of the
most common m i sal i g n m e nts i n the body actual ly happens to the kidneys . The
kidney sits i n a 11Suction cu p" of fatty tiss u e . When a sudden trau ma happe ns to the
body, or if you are u nder prolonged stress, if you get de hyd rated , if you are d ri n ki ng
caffe i n ated d ri n ks l i ke coffee , black tea, Coke or Peps i , or essenti ally, if you are
taki ng anyth i ng i nto the body that is toxic in any way, since the kidneys fi lte r the
blood , the toxins wi l l end u p i n the kidneys at some poi nt. Th is can i m balance the
kid neys , and will ofte n m isal ign the m . The most com monly m i sal ig ned organ in the
body is actually the left kid ney, because we te nd to i ngest a lot of toxi n s , which end
u p i n the kidneys, and the left kidney becomes i m balanced fi rst because , once ag ai n ,
left-sided pai red organs are the fi rst to become
i m balanced , with the rig ht side organs being
held i n rese rve as a back u p .
When t h e kid ney becomes i m balanced it wi l l
ofte n 11d rop11 o u t o f its normal position s l i g htly. I f
you take a look at t h e kidney i n you r m i nd map
you 'l l see that the kidney con nects to the u pper
trapezi u s m uscles as wel l as the psoas
M isal i g n m e nts
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
m uscles i n the lower back. This i s the reason why it i s so common for people to have
l ow back pai n when the kid ney becomes m isal ig ned . These are q u ite often the ve ry
same people that are most often u s i ng caffe i ne on a reg u lar bas i s , i n my expe rie nce .
When one o r both kidneys become i m balanced or d rop out of the i r normal positio n ,
low back pai n is not far beh i n d , and t h e d i scs i n t h e l u m bar spine are now at g reat
risk of bei ng damaged or b u l g i n g .
I n all t h e years that I was i n practice I treated h u n d reds o f patie nts with low back d isc
problems, and I had to send very few of them out for s u rg ical i ntervention . Why?
Because I knew that the secret to the low back is actually the kidneys . In al l the years
that I was i n practice , I neve r saw a s i n g l e d isc i nj u ry i n the low back that did not
have a kidney i m balance as a major u nderlying cause .
I remember at the end of one day when I was al l done seeing patients , a man wal ked
in off the street. He was h u nched over forward , and was also lean i ng to one side,
which is a common position that people wi l l assume if they have nerve i m p i ngement
in the low back. They are basical ly lean i ng away from the " p i nch" to take the
pressu re off the nerve that i s be i ng sq ueezed . He asked me if I cou l d help h i m . I
repl ied , " I don 't know. H ow long have you been i n t h i s position?" H e sai d , "Two
years !"
I brought him back i nto my treatment room and found that both of h i s kidneys had
actually d ropped out of thei r normal positi o n . I manually brou ght h i s kidneys back u p
i nto the i r normal al i g n m e nt, and then I asked h i m to stand u p . When he stood u p ,
suddenly h i s postu re was perfect. He shouted , " I 'm straig ht ! I 'm straig ht ! How d i d you
do that ! ?"
Of cou rse , knowi ng what I know now, I cou l d 've corrected h i s kidney m isal i g n ment
energetical ly, and I cou ld have done it from the other side of the planet, and gotte n
the same exact resu lts . I s n 't that amaz i n g ? Remember that any tissue can become
m i sal ig ned . But the beauty of The Body Code is that, if you find any m i salig ned
tiss u e , you can simply correct it in the same way that you correct anyth i n g else, with
3 rol l s of a m ag n et or you r fingert i ps down the govern i ng merid i a n .
One other thing that I wou ld l i ke t o poi nt o u t about m i sal i g n ments is that they are
often caused by Trap ped Emotions or othe r energetic i m balances. So, when you fi nd
a m isal ign ment, you can ask if there is an u nderlying cause of that m isal i g n ment. If
the answer is yes , go to the main page of The Body Code M i nd Maps and track down
the u nderlyi ng cause. You wi l l find that it is nearly always in the E nergy area, but it
cou ld be anywhere . J u st re member that . Anyth i ng can cause anyth i ng . But don 't let
that stress you out, o kay? J u st trust i m pl icitly i n the su bconscious m i n d , have a heart
M i sal i g n m e nts
fu l l of love for the person you 're working on (eve n if it's you rself) ask the h i g h e r
power for h e l p , bel i eve y o u can do it a n d be g ratefu l that it is going t o work, a n d there
w i l l be no stopping you . J u st fix whateve r you find ! You ' l l fi nd that when a
m isal i g n ment has an u nderlying cause , the correction of that u nderlying cause wi l l
almost always resu lt i n a n i m mediate correction o f t h e m isal i g n m e nt.
Let's say that you 're worki ng with someone who h as some kind of a shoulder
proble m , and let's say that you fi nd a trapped emotion and release it and then the
body says, " N o , there aren 't any other trapped emoti o n s , " but they're sti l l havi ng a
problem . You m i g ht s i m ply ask, " I s there a structu ral m isal i g n ment that's helping to
create this sympto m ?" There m i g ht be some kind of m isal ign ment of the shou lder or
some of the other tissues i n the shou lder. The n ice th i n g about it i s you d o n 't real ly
need to be an expert i n anatomy to be able to do this, because the i r su bconscious
m i nd is an expe rt i n anatomy, and it knows exactly what is structu rally out of
al i g n ment. lt knows exactly how to apply that energy that you 're going to put in to
the i r body to make that correction . You don 't need to be an expe rt, althoug h it's good
to know some anatomy. All that knowledge is good , but you don 't need to be an
expe rt for th i s . So in a case l i ke th is, if you get an answe r that is affi rmative , you
s i m ply wou ld correct the structu ral m isal i g n ment by rol l i ng 3 ti mes down the
govern i ng meridian , or if you 're worki ng on you rself you can go from the forehead ,
over the top of the head to the back to the neck 3 times. lt's really q u ite amazing .
Recurring Misa lignment
If a structu ral m isal ign ment comes back ove r and ove r, the most common reason wi l l
b e a trapped emotion or some other energy. Remember to th i n k on you r feet and if
you 're tryi ng to fix a problem , be open to all poss i b i l ities.
Common Misa lignments
Here are some common m isal i g n ments of organs. The kidneys wi l l very often
m isal ig n , creating back and knee pai n . Remember that any tissue can become
m i sal ig ned . Organs commonly become m isal ig ned but are almost never realigned.
Kidney m isal ign ment or i m balance is the s i n g l e biggest cause of back pai n that
exists , i n my opi n i o n . I n 1 7 years of practice I never saw one low back d i sc patient
that did not h ave a kidney i m balance . Remember that in the body when we have
pai red org ans -the kid neys for exam ple, and the ad renal g l ands, the l u ngs - the left
side organ is always the "main" and the rig ht is always the "reserve , " so the left sided
organs wi l l te nd to become i m balanced fi rst.
M isal i g n m e nts
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Kidney Misa lignment
Let's say that you 're worki ng with someone who has low back pai n . You cou ld ask
this q uestion , "Is you r kid ney out of al i g n ment?" And if you get a "Yes" answe r, then
yo u can simply rol l 3 ti mes down the govern ing meridian with the i ntention of
co rrecting that i mbalance energetical ly. Then j u st watch and see what happens. I
always l i ke to have people wal k for a few seconds after maki ng a correction l i ke th i s ,
s o t h e changes w e have made can take effect a b i t more q u ickly, a n d s o they can
fee l the those changes rig ht away.
Uterus Misa lignment
The uterus often m i sal i g n s , creating left hip and/or low back pain, which is ve ry
com mon . Also , when the ute rus m isal i g n s , you wi l l tend to have a harder time
conceivi ng . Try rol l i ng 3 ti mes to correct this as we l l .
Stomach Misa lignment
The stomach w i l l often protrude u pward thro u g h the d iaph rag m and create aci d reflex
because the card i ac sph i ncter m u scle of the top of the stomach q u its worki ng as we l l
as i t sho u l d . These i m balances can a l l b e corrected , ofte nti mes energetical ly.
Remember that the most common reason for all of these m isal i g n ments is trapped
emotions that have lodged in that area. But if you re lease the trapped emotions and
there are sti l l problems or sym ptoms, check fo r structu ral i m balances and fix the m ,
because they CAN exist all b y themselves !
Fascia l Distortion
We 've al ready tal ked about fascia, the con nective
tissue that su rrou nds and protects a l l the tissues of the
body. Someti mes the fascia can become d i storted d u e
t o emotional or physical stress . If it shows u p on The
Body Code m i nd map as an issue, fi rst ask if there are
any u nderlyi ng causes for the fasci al d i stortion , find
them and correct the m . The n , recheck to see if the
fascial distortion has been corrected . If not, and there
are no other u nde rlyi ng i m bal ances creati ng this fascial
d i stortion , correct it by rol l i ng 1 0 ti mes down the
govern i ng merid ian .
M isal i g n m e nts
Disk Misa lignments
The disks are the shock absorbers of the body, and are
fou n d i n between eve ry two vertebrae of the body with
only one excepti o n , si nce there is no d isc between the
fi rst and second cervical vertebrae .
When d isks become m i saligned , they wi l l cause pai n
that may rad i ate fro m that area to nearby struct u res. I n
add ition , d isc b u l g i ng wi l l often put press u re o n
adjacent spinal n e rves causing pai n to rad iate down
and arm or leg .
If this specific desk shows u p as yo u were using The Body Code M i nd Map, ask , " I s
there a n u nderlyi ng cause o f t h i s d i s k m i sal i g n ment?" F i n d a n d re move any
underlying i m balances in this way. If there are no underlyi ng i m balances , and the
d isc is sti l l showi ng that it is m isal igned , sim ply ro l l down the governing meridian
th ree times with the i ntention to correct that d i s k m isal ign ment, then retest.
Misa lignments of Other Tissues
Remember that any tissue can become misal igned . The brai n (or part of the brain)
may become m isalig ned , particu larly afte r some sort of accident or physical trau ma.
The same causes may res u lt i n m i sal i g n ment of a breast, a m u scle or a reg ion of
tiss u e . Lucki ly, The Body Code makes identifying and correcti ng these
m isal ig n m e nts q u ite s i m p l e .
I n fact, let me share one l ast story with you . One day my
son Joseph 's front u ppe r teeth col l ided with h i s brother's
head . His rig ht front tooth was bent backwards. I q u ickly
bro u g ht it back i nto a more normal positi o n , but
wondered what was going to happe n .
A s you m i g ht g u ess, that tooth tu rned a dark shade of
g ray. I cal led o u r fam i ly dentist and explai ned what had
happened . H e assu red me that the tooth was dead ,
there was nothing that cou ld be done . But he said that
since it was a baby tooth anyway, it d id n 't matte r.
A cou p l e of wee ks went by, and I kept h avi ng a nag g i n g
fee l i ng that someth i ng m i g ht be done t o help Joseph 's
tooth . I finally decided to do some more detailed
M isal ig n me nts
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
checki ng . M u scle testing myse lf, I fo u nd that tooth was sti l l showi ng that it was out of
al i g n ment, but not to the naked eye . I fou nd that the tooth had been rotated a ti ny
amou nt in one d i rectio n . So, using j u st a fingernai l , I made a smal l co rrection in the
opposite d i rectio n . The next m isal i g n ment that man ifested thro u g h my self-testi ng
was that the tooth was pushed u p i nto the u pper jaw
a bit too far. I gently g rasped the tooth and gave it a
gentle tug downward . N ext, I d iscovered that the
tooth was sti l l m isal igned s l i g htly backward , and a
small flick of a fi ngernai l i n the opposite d i rection
seemed to correct that m isal i g n ment as wel l . There
were two other tiny m i sal i g n m e nts that I was able to
pick u p and correct. This was i n the eve n i ng .
The next morn i n g , I was shocked to see that
Joseph 's tooth was back to normal . lt apparently
wasn 't dead afte r al l , but it ce rtai n ly was n 't getting
any ci rcu l ation , and m u st have been close to dead ,
i ndeed . If you th i n k about the ti ny cap i l l aries thro u g h
w h i c h blood flows i nto o u r teeth , it is easy t o see how
a m isal ig ned tooth m i g ht d isrupt that blood flow.
N owadays, if faced with the same situatio n , I wou l d
s i m ply rol l a mag n et or m y fi ngertips down t h e govern i ng meridian 3 times, with
i ntention to fix the m i sal i g n ment. In a com p l ex case l i ke th i s , I m i g ht have to do that a
n u m be r of times, to correct each specific component of the m isal ign ment. But it cou ld
also be done at a d i stance , with no tro u b l e .
I hope t h i s section has bee n i nteresting a n d e n l i g hten i ng for you ! Remember, the
su bco nscious m i nd knows exactly what you or you r clients need . J u st bel i eve , ask for
help from above , and have a heart fu l l of g ratitude and love that you r attempt to help
wi l l succeed , and you wi l l see m i racles !
M isal ig n ments
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
T h e pu rpose o f t h i s mod u l e is to h e l p you t o u nderstand t h e different kinds of
pa thogens, how to detect the m , and what to do to correct the m . Pathogens i nclude
i nfections l i ke vi ruses , bacte ria, fu n g i and mold , and i nfestations, which refe rs to
Infections Explanation
I nfections are t h e n u m ber one ki l l er worldwide. Ove r 2 m i l l ion people d i e fro m
i nfections every year, far more than from any other cause o f death .
I n o rder to preve nt and e l i m i n ate i nfections efficiently, the body's i m m u ne syste m
m u st be fu ncti o n i n g properly. Anyt h i ng that i m balances the body w i l l tend to i nterfere
with the i m m u ne syste m and hamper its natu ral abi l ity to recog n ize and e l i m i n ate
i nfections. For exam p l e , trapped emotions and other energetic i mbal ances can
actually enable i nfections by d i storting and i m balanci ng the bod i ly tissues, which can
al low the i nfection to g row and prol iferate . Toxicity, acu p u nctu re (meridian)
i mbalances, structu ral m isal i g n ments , and i ndeed , anyth i ng that i s l i sted i n The Body
Code M i nd Maps wi l l h ave a tende ncy to lowe r i m m u ne fu nctio n and i nterfe re with
the body's abi l ity to fig ht i nfections or i nfestatio n s .
Most o f the ti m e , at least i n fi rst world cou ntries, what w e s e e are low-g rade
i nfections. Low-g rade means it is not necessari ly life-th reate n i ng . Low-g rade
i nfections often won 't show u p on any kind of med ical testi ng , but they can cause a
lot of problems i n the body, usually showing u p as l ack of energy as i n C h ro n i c
Fatig u e Syn d ro m e , m u scle pai n a s i n Fibromyal g i a , stomach u l cers o r acid refl ux,
skin rashes, and other bothersome problems. On the other hand , we often fi nd low­
g rade i nfections and/o r i nfestations as an u nderlying cau se of very serious problems
such as cance r.
The trad itional treatments for i nfections and i nfestations are pri m ari ly based on
anti biotics , anti-vi ral , anti-fu ngal and anti-parasitic d rugs. The problem is that,
especi ally i n the case of anti biotics , the i r widespread u se is lead i ng to the creation of
s u perbugs, bacteria that are beco m i ng resistant to eve ry known antibiotic. Another
problem with any d rug l i ke this is the negative side effects that they cause, and the
damage that they do to the physical body. lt is said that the body needs 7 years to
recover from taki ng a s i n g l e anti b iotic prescri ptio n . Broad-spectru m anti biotics often
wipe out the healthy i ntesti nal flora, lead i ng to l ife long problems with d igestion .
• [TH E BODY CODE 2 .0]
A New Understanding
I o nce h ad a patient who came to me and told me that she had been d iag nosed with
Epste i n - Barr virus. I i m mediately started th i n ki ng of the trad itional ways and methods
that I h ad u sed to take care of something l i ke th i s . I cou l d n 't h e l p but wonder if
perhaps there was a better way than what I h ad known in the past. H aving gotten my
best i nformation fro m prayer before, I prayed for h e l p . My prayer went someth i ng l i ke
th i s : "Heaven ly Father, i s there a better way than what I cu rrently u n derstand , to take
care of a problem l i ke t h i s ? Please h e l p me to understand , so that I can h e l p this
woman to get wel l . " An answe r i m med i ately flowed i nto my m i nd was that there was
another, enti rely d iffe rent way to view this i nfectio n . If I cou ld view this i nfection as a
"cloud" of energy i n the body, it wou l d free my m i n d , and enable me to m an i p u l ate
this energy i n the same way that I cou ld rel ease the energy of a trapped e motion !
I o nce h ad a patient who came to m e with a chro n i c cou g h
that she 'd h ad for over a year. T h e cou g h was s o bad that
her h u sband h ad actually moved to a d ifferent part of the
house to get away fro m h e r coug h i ng , and she was afraid
that the i r marriage cou ld end because of it. Anytime she
took a deep breath , she wou ld start to cou g h
u ncontro l l ably. I m u sc i e tested her u s i n g T h e Body Code
and detected a vi ral i nfection in her l u ng s . We released the
v i ral energy by rol l i ng down the spine a few ti m es with a
m ag n et. She then took a few breaths and felt fi ne with no
cou g h i ng for the fi rst ti me i n over a year! I then wal ked her
u p to the fro nt desk, and the whole time she was raving
about how m uch better she felt and how excited she was .
After she l eft, I wal ked back i nto my treatment room , and as I wal ked t h ro u g h the
door, I felt somethi ng e nter my chest. lt was a s u btle yet u n m istakable fee l i ng that
someth i n g had j u st come i nto my body that wasn 't there before . Suspicious, I took a
deep breath , and i m med i ate ly started coug h i ng u n contro l l ably. Somehow, I h ad
picked u p the energy that I h ad released fro m my patient. Appare ntly it stayed
suspended i n the ai r u ntil I wal ked i nto it. I released the vi ral energy on myse lf and
was able to q u it cou g h i ng rig ht away.
Th i s expe rience h e l ped me to u nderstand that pathogens are real ly j u st pu re energy,
som et h i ng that reg u lar western med i c i n e does n 't acknowledge or u nderstand . For a
vi ral i n fection to i m med i ately start caus i n g a problem l i ke a severe cou g h j u st doesn 't
m ake any sense if you th i n k about it i n terms of trad itional m icrobiology, w h ich wou ld
d i ctate that vi ruses need time to physical ly i ncu bate and g row. Yet, it is j u st as val id
to view v i ruses, and i ndeed , any i nfection o r i nfestatio n , as an e n e rgy as wel l .
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Pathogens Eva luation
The best way to identify an i nfection is s i m ply to ask, "Do you have a (mold, bacterial,
fu ngal , vi ral) i nfectio n ?" and perfo rm a m u scle test. Alternatively, you may ask, "Do
you have a parasitic i nfestation?" If the answer to either of these q u estions is strong ,
this i n d icates that there is an i nfection or i nfestation present. At this point, you may
want to ask where the i n fection is located i n the body, by process of ded u ction ,
aski ng if is i n the left half of the body, u pper half, front, back, etc .
Pathogens Correction
To correct an i nfectio n , there are two th i ng s that you can do :
Release the e n e rgy of the pathogen (wh ich m ay be a l l that is needed ,
depend i ng o n you r own l evel of faith and belief, and the l evel of faith and bel ief
of you r client)
Identify and suggest a remedy to e l i m i nate the pathoge n
Trea ting Pathogens as Energies
Releasing the energy of a pathog e n may not be q u ite e n o u g h to take care of a low­
g rade i nfection or i nfestation eve ry t i m e , but it is a good place to start. To be clear, I
always recommend that you attem pt to hand l e a l l i nfections and i nfestations with the
correct herbs or other remedies when needed .
I n o rder to release the energy of a pathogen , you 'l l fi rst want to ide ntify the kind of
pathogen ( i . e . vi rus, parasite) . Then s i mply focu s on the pathog e n as being j u st a
cloud of energy i n the body. You can identify the location of this pathogen cloud if
you want to . As you identify it, the pathogen energy w i l l come to the s u rface of the
body, j u st as a trapped emotion emerges i nto the energy field to be re leased . Then
you can s i m ply ru n the m ag n et ove r the govern i ng meri d i an 3 times to re lease it.
Trea ting Infections with Remedies
There are a few different remedies that you cou ld use for any kind of i nfectio n . The
body wi l l tel l you which remedy is the best if you j u st ask. Sometimes it is beneficial
to take more than one remedy at a ti m e . For exam p l e , a mold i nfection cou l d be
treated with both neem and coconut o i l . We wi l l d i scuss the d ifferent pathogens l ate r,
and l i st the remedies that are best for that specific type of i nfectio n .
The best remed i es for i nfections are :
Wild oregano
• [TH E B O DY CO D E 2 .0]
Olive leaf extract
N ee m leaf
O rganic v i rg i n cold-pressed coco n ut o i l
Colloidal si lve r
Activated sod i u m c h l o rite
Tai Ra C h i and T4
Wild Oregano
Wild o regano is a l ittle d i fferent from the kind o f o regano that you buy i n the spice
aisle at you r g roce r. Th is h e rb g rows i n the footh i l ls of the Med iterranean and i s sold
in caps u les conta i n i n g the crushed leaves , and also p rocessed i nto o i l , which is sold
in d ropper bottles o r in l iq u id gel capsu les. There are seve ral different wild o reg ano
prod u cts you can find i n the health food store o r o n l i ne . J u st m u scle test to see which
o n e the body wants .
0 live Leaf Extract
O l ive leaf extract i s m ade from crushed o l ive leaves and is sold in capsu les o r l i q u id
form . lt i s easy to find i n stores o r o n l i n e .
Neem leaf
N eem is a tree fro m I nd i a that h as leaves wh ich are g e ntle and cleansing to the
body, but tou g h on i nfectio n s . lt s h o u l d be easy to find at most h ealth food or
su pplement sto res , o r o n l i n e . Some people test to need u p to 40 N ee m capsu les per
d ay, a h i g h dosage that u s u a l ly isn 't necessary for longer than 6 d ays. When taki ng a
h i g h dosage l i ke that, the fu ngal mold o rganisms wi l l d ie-off q u ickly, and m ay create
fl u - l i ke sym ptoms i nc l ud i ng m u scle aches, headac h e , nausea and vom iti ng . M o re
com m o n ly, people wi l l test to need a lower dosage ove r a longer pe riod of ti m e . Th i s
m i g ht be someth i ng l i ke 1 0 o r 20 N e e m capsu les per d ay for 2 o r 3 weeks , o r eve n
longer depend i ng on how bad the fu ngal o r mold i nfection i s .
Organic, virgin co ld-pressed coconut oil
Coco n ut o i l c a n correct a n d prevent i nfections, a s wel l a s keep you r s ki n , o rgans and
othe r tissues healthy. Coco n ut oil can be taken i nte rnal ly by the spoonfu l , rubbed on
the ski n o r u sed in cooking . The molecu les of coconut oil remai n stable at h i g h
tem pe ratu res, maki ng t h i s j u st about t h e o n ly o i l you s h o u l d be cooking with . You can
s i m ply ask wh ich m ethod of ad m i n istration wou ld be the best for the body and fo r the
type and location of the i nfectio n . For i n stance , a skin rash caused by mold cou ld be
treated by either ru bbing coconut o i l o n the affected area, by taki ng it i nte rnal ly, or
both .
Co lloida l Silver
silver i s another very powerfu l , antiv i ral , anti-bacterial , anti-fu ngal
com po u n d . Col loidal si lve r is s i m ply si lver ions that are i n sol utio n . lt does n 't look
much d ifferent than water to the naked eye . When babies are born , the n u rses wi l l
put d rops o f si lve r n itrate i n thei r eyes, to prevent b l i nd ness and othe r com p l i cations
i n case the mother h as some kind of i nfection or sexually trans m itted d i sease. If you
get an eye i nfectio n , you can put a d rop or two of co l loidal si lver i n there , eve ry few
hou rs for a day or so , and it wi l l u s u a l ly take care of the problem very rapidly.
Colloidal si lver is a remedy I 've used for many years , and it has always been rel iabl e ,
whether u sed oral ly o r topical ly. lt's a good th i n g t o have i n you r medicine chest as
it's m u lti-pu rpose and lasts a very long time on the shelf. There are ways to make
col loidal si lver at home, however it is also very easy to fi nd in stores . I wou l d caution
you to be carefu l with col loidal si lver because it is possible to take too m uch of it,
which will turn you r s ki n b l u e . The nano-particle col loidal si lver does n 't seem to do
this howeve r. Make s u re to m u scle test the body for the correct dosag e , not going
too far beyond the reco m m e nded i ntake l i sted on the labe l .
Activated Sodium Ch lorite
Also known as M M S , M i racle M i neral S u pplement or chlori ne d ioxid e , activated
sod i u m chlorite h as been widely used in the alternative cancer com m u n ity for many
years . Activated sod i u m chlorite appears to be h i g h ly
effective against al l i nvasive o rganisms, i ncl u d i ng bacte ria,
vi ruses, parasites , mold and fu ngal i nfectio n s . U n l i ke other
supplements , activated sod i u m chlorite 11b u i lds u p11 i n the
body over ti me to the dose that you need . lt's i m po rtant to
start off slow as it can be very hard on the stomach and can
create nausea, d iarrhea and eve n vom iti ng . If these
symptoms occu r, d i sconti n u e use, or cut back o n you r
dosag e . Activated sod i u m chlorite works best on a n em pty
sto m ach , partly because vitam i n C , various antioxidants ,
i m m u ne b u i lders and food have a ne utral izing effect on it.
This p roduct is normally sold as 2 bottles : 1 bottle of 50%
citric acid sol ution and one bottle of 28% sod i u m chlorite
solution .
To make 2 d rops of activated sod i u m chlorite :
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Put 1 d rop of 50% citric acid sol ution i nto a g l ass.
Put 1 d rop of 28% sod i u m c h lorite solution i nto the same g l ass .
Sti r them togethe r period i cal ly for 3 m i n utes. The solution wi l l tu rn b rown .
Add 6 to 8 o u n ces or more of pu rified water and d ri n k the water.
M u scle test for the appropriate u lti m ate dosag e , and start off slowly. Start with no
more than 1 d rop of activated sod i u m chlorite per day (if you 're fol lowi n g the
i n structions above , d r i n k h alf the g l ass of water and th row the rest away) . You can
also test to see if a person needs to take this supplement more than once a day, for
example a person m i g ht test that they need 2 d rops, 3 ti mes a day.
Tai Ra Chi and T4
Tai Ra C h i and T4 are two su pplements that we u se togethe r to treat fungal
i nfections. They are both m ad e by System i c Form u las , a com pany I h ave worked
with for years. This com pany sel l s o n ly to doctors, but you can p u rchase them o n
Healersli b rary.com a n d h ave t h e m sent t o you .
Determining Dosages
H e re is how to determ i n e the dosage of any remedy for any kind of i nfection o r
i nfestatio n :
t h e best remedy o r herb for the
i nfectio n/i nfestation ?" When
Ask " I s
you fi nd the type of re medy o r herb that tests good , you ' l l want to fi nd out what
dosage the body needs . So you 'd ask, "Do I need 5 capsu les per day?" o r "Do I
need 1 0 d rops per day?" If the answer is yes , or strong , this i nd i cates the body
needs a t least this amou nt, so you ' l l want to g o h i g her to test for the m ax i m u m
dosag e , l i ke this : " D o I need 1 0 capsu les a day?" a n d s o o n . If t h e answer is sti l l
strong , test agai n , "Do I need 1 5 capsu les? 2 0 capsu les? 2 5 capsu les?" etc.
Eventu ally, you 'l l get to the dosage that you need and if you go o n beyond that,
suddenly you ' l l get a weak m u scle test. For exam p l e , if you need 25 capsu les a day
and you ask, "Do I need 25 capsu les a day?" you shou ld g et a strong m u scle test . If
you ask, "Do I need 26 capsu les a day?" You wi l l get a weak m uscle test. After yo u
determ i n e the dai ly dosag e , you can determ i ne how many d ays or weeks you need
take the remedy or herb, that way you wi l l know how much to buy.
Keep i n m i nd that m u scle testing can be s u bjective . lt is always a good idea to
consu lt the label on the bottle for the reco m m e nded dosage to get a general idea of
how m uch of a particu lar remedy is typical .
The word virus is Lati n and means toxin o r
poison. Th is is appropriate considering how
destructive vi ral i nfections can be to the body.
Vi ral o rganisms are extremely smal l ; about
1 /1 QQth the size of the average bacterial cel l .
They can not be seen with the average
microscope . Vi ruses i nclude i nfl u enzas (the fl u ,
H 1 N 1 o r the swi n e fl u ) , the common col d , the
herpes vi ruses , the H epatitis vi ruses , and H I V or
the A I DS virus. Vi ruses m u ltiply by i nvad i ng and
destroying the cel l s of you r body, one by o n e .
Each l ittle vi rus h as t h e abi l ity t o i nvade a cel l ,
where it m akes a copy of itself, destroying you r cel l i n the process . Vi ruses m utate
ove r t i m e , so the med icines and vacci nes created to cu re them are often i neffective
by the time they are prod u ced and made avai l ab l e . There are a lot of people who fee l
that the n e w emerg i ng vi ruses are bei n g created either accidental ly or on pu rpose i n
l aboratories. There's a book that you can read about th is i f you 're i nterested , cal led
A IDS, Ebola, a n d Emerging Viruses by D r . Leo nard Horowitz .
Vira l Infection Symptoms
The most com mo n sym ptoms of a vi ral i nfection are : Fever, fati g u e , ras h , m u scle
aches and d i gestive u pset.
Vira l Infection Eva luation
To test for the presence of a vi ral i nfection , you cou l d s i m ply ask, "Do you h ave a
v i ral i nfection ?"
Vira l Infection Correction
The best remedies for vi ral i nfection are :
Wild oregano
O l ive leaf extract
Col loidal si lver
Activated sod i u m chlorite
• [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
are larger, s i n g l e cel led m i croo rganisms,
such as stre p , staph , sal mo nella, E . col i , and H .
pylo ri . These organisms can create d iseases and
problems l i ke Tu bercu losis, Pneu monia, Cholera,
Syp h i l i s , Anth rax, Leprosy, stom ach u lce rs and
B u bo n i c P lag u e . Bacte rial i nfections can be
dead ly, as you can tel l from the d iseases j u st
mentioned .
Bacteria l Infection Symptoms
The most com mon sym ptoms of a bacterial
i nfection are : Fever, fati g u e , ras h , m uscle aches, d i gestive u pset and odor.
Bacteria l Infection Eva luation
Si mply ask, "Do you have a bacterial i nfectio n ?" A strong m u scle test i n d icates that
there is a bacterial i nfection present.
Remember tha t any kind of infection is potentially dangerous, so I would advise you
to seek medical assistance if it is a vailable to you. If you are on your own, you can
use one of the natural home remedies in this program.
Bacteria l Infection Correction
The best n atu ral treatments for bacterial i nfections are :
Wild oregano
O l ive leaf extract
Colloidal si lver
Activated sod i u m chlorite
Fu ngal o rganisms and fungal spores are o m n i present, i nc l u d i n g the ai r that we
b reathe. F u n g i in general are opportu n istic organisms, which means that they are
everywhere and if g iven the opport u n ity to g row, they wi l l . Fu ngal o rganisms have a
natu ral enviro n m e nt i n the i ntesti nal flora, but thei r g rowth i s usually held at bay by
the i m m u ne system . If the i m m u ne syste m becomes i m balanced , the fu ngal spores
can beg i n to g row and prol iferate . Th is ove rg rowth becomes a fungal i nfectio n .
The most com m o n type of fungal i nfection we
see is Candidiasis, or Cand ida. Can d i d a i s
cal l ed "the g reat m i m icker" , because i t can
m i m ic many d ifferent kinds of other problems i n
t h e body. A s a res u lt , Cand ida is often
m isd iag nosed as someth i n g else. Because
these organisms exist natu ral ly in the body, it is
also difficu lt to detect with trad itional med ical
testi ng . M u scle testi ng , however, can show u s
q u ite easily w h e n there i s a fu ngal i nfection
Funga l Infection Symptoms
Fu ngal i nfections ofte n create anxiety, pan i c attacks , abd o m i nal g as or bloating ,
brai n fog or cloudy th i n k i n g , and cravings for sugar, starchy foods and/ o r alcohol .
Th i s l ast sym ptom occu rs because the fu n g i feed on s i m ple sugars l i ke sweets , flou r,
baked goods and alcohol . I n fact, fungal i nfection is often a l arge contri buting factor
i n alcohol depende ncy. Alcohol b reaks down i nto sugar i n the body, feed i ng the
fungal i nfection and al lowing it to g row even more . This can create a sort of
downward s p i ral u n less there is some ki nd of i nterve ntion . Ideally the i ntake of
alcohol should stop and some ki nd of remedy should be ad m i n iste red to e l i m i n ate
the i nfection and get the i ntesti nal flora back i nto a state of balance . These
sym ptoms are all com mon for mold i nfections as wel l .
Othe r sym ptoms of fu ngal i nfection i ncl ude : constipatio n , d iarrhea, i nd igestion , ski n
i nfections o r skin problems such as eczema, depressio n , i rritabi l ity and mood swi n g s ,
excessive fatig u e , d izzi ness , learn i n g d ifficu lties, poor memory, headaches or
m i g raine headaches, rectal itch i ng , sensitivity to frag rances and/o r chem icals , thrush
(shown by a wh ite coating on the tong ue) , and Vaginitis or yeast i nfections (usual ly
because fu ngal and mold i nfections prol iferate we l l i n the dark, moist areas i n the
body. )
Funga l Infections Causes
Fu ngal i nfections l i ke Candida and mold are common after hormone treatments . For
examp l e , g o i n g o n b i rth control p i l l s or i njections often d i srupts the normal hormone
balance , creating an envi ro n m e nt where these opportu n i stic o rganisms can start to
flou rish . P reg nancy also d isru pts the balance because of the hormonal fl u ctuations
that occu r d u ri ng preg nancy. U s i n g anti biotics w i l l also create i mbalance , al lowing
fu n g i and mold to g row. The average person h as u p to 3 and a h alf pounds of healthy
flora or healthy bacteria i n the i ntesti nal tract. These healthy bacteria assist the
i m m u ne syste m by kee p i n g fu ngal and other i nfections at bay. Anti b i otics , particu l arly
broad-spectru m anti biotics, wi l l tend to ki l l off not on ly the bad bacteria but also the
good bacteria that l ive in you r g ut, t h u s weake n i ng the i m m u ne system . Then when a
fu n g u s or a mold is i ntroduced to the body, it is allowed to flou rish without m u c h
i nterference. High sugar, starch or alcohol i ntake i n the diet wi l l also tend t o create a n
envi ron ment where mold and fu ngal i nfections can flourish . Th e more fuel they have
the more they can prol iferate and the stronger they beco m e . D i abetes also creates
an e nvi ro n m e nt that is perfect for these fungal and mold o rgan isms to take off
becau se the blood sugar l evels are h ig h .
Funga l Infection Eva luation
To test for the presence of a fu ngal i nfectio n , you cou ld s i m ply ask, "Do you h ave a
fu ngal i nfection ?" A strong m u scle test i nd i cates that there is a fu ngal i nfection
Funga l Infection Correction
The best remedies for fu ngal i nfection are :
Neem leaf
Cocon ut o i l
Tai Ra C h i and T4
Activated sod i u m chlorite
Fol low the anti-fu ngal/mold d ietary suggestions wh ich can be fou nd in the
Resou rces sectio n , at the back of you r man ual .
Mo ld VS Fungus
Fu ngal and mold i nfections are add ressed separately i n The Body Cod e , althou g h
they cause t h e same sym ptoms. Tech n i cally, m o l d i s a type o f f u n g u s , b ut mold
i nfection i n the body wi l l show u p separately from fu ngal i nfectio n . Because of th i s ,
you ' l l want t o test for m o l d a n d fu ngal i nfection i n d ivid u al ly.
Li ke any fu n g u s , mold i s an opportu n i stic o rgan ism , mean i n g it w i l l start g rowi n g
wherever it i s allowed to . lt's also o m n i present, mean i n g that m o l d spores are i n the
ai r aro u nd us, everywhere o n earth . Mold is an i ncreas i n g ly more pervasive problem
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
i n the world now. Mold can g row i nside the body o n the b rai n , i n the l u ng s , i n the
blood , and j u st about anywhere else you can th i n k of, even i nside of joi nts.
Mo ld Infection Symptoms
Mold i n fectio n s can create a wide variety of sym ptoms and p roblems, many of which
are the same as othe r fungal i nfections. Of these symptoms, especial ly com mo n are
j o i nt and m u scle pai n , fatig u e , and bra i n fog , along with cravings for s i m p l e sugars ,
starches and alcoh ol . For othe r mold i nfection
sym ptom s , refer to the l ist of fu ngal i nfection
sym ptoms. Mold can be very dangero u s to the
body but it is d i fficu lt to d i ag nose a mold
i nfection with reg u l ar med ical testi ng . For
some reason , we 're seei n g more and more
mold i nfections than we ever have i n the past.
This m ay be because the trad itional western
d i et is so h i g h in the foods that feed mold
o rganisms, and our i m m u ne syste ms are often
compro m i sed fro m other i m balances as wel l .
The worst mold i nfections usually arise
because of constant and repeated exposu re to a mold sou rce , such as mold g rowi n g
i n a h o u s e from a water l e a k or mold i n a venti l ation system where the spores are
breathed in repeatedly. Mold g rows particu larly wel l in e nvi ro n m e nts that are either
ve ry h u m id or very d ry, so contro l l i ng the h u m id ity level i n you r home can be h e l pfu l
i n preventi ng this type of issue.
Mo ld Infection Eva luation
To test for the presence of a mold i nfectio n , you cou l d s i m ply ask, "Do you h ave a
mold i nfection?" A strong m u scle test i nd icates that there is a mold i nfection present.
Mo ld Infection Correction
Mold i nfections seem to be best corrected with :
N eem leaf
Coco n ut o i l
Tai Ra C h i and T4
Activated sod i u m chlorite
Fol l ow d ietary reco m m endations which can be fou n d by visiti ng the Mold M i nd
Map and the Resou rces section of this man u al
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
I nfestations refe r t o t h e i nvasion o f t h e body by
parasites. This is an extremely com mo n problem
and can cause a lot of d ifficu lty, pai n and
i m balance in the body. lt is esti m ated that 85 to
90% of the pop u l ation in the U n ited States h as
some kind of parasite , but it m ay eve n be h ig he r
than that. Parasites are d iffi c u lt t o ide ntify o n a
medical test , i n fact most of the parasites that
i nfest the body don 't show u p at al l . The body can
become i nfested with parasites from wate r, food ,
i nsect bites , contact with an i mals and eve n
stepping outside on the g rass with bare feet.
Parasites i nclude com m o n offe nders such as the tapeworm , pi nworm , hookworm ,
protozoa, and s i n g l e cel l amoeba. Parasites ravage the body by steal i n g n utri e nts,
i nvad i n g bod i ly tissues and creating poisonous toxic waste i n the form of u ric acid .
Infestation Symptoms
Some com m o n problems caused by parasites i nc l u d e i ntest i n al p roblems such as
con sti patio n , bloating and d iarrhea, as wel l as m u scle pai n and weakness , fatig u e ,
anxiety, and freq u e nt s k i n rashes. C h ro n i c a n d prolonged parasitic i nfestation can
lead to seve re and dangero u s d iseases such as u lcerative colitis and C ro h n 's
D i sease.
Infestation Eva lua tion
S i m ply ask, "Do you have a parasite i nfestation ?" A strong m u scle response
i nd icates a parasite i nfestatio n . I have fou nd that it is more i m po rtant to identify the
specific remedy needed than to ide ntify the o rganism itself. This i s lucky because
there are so many d i fferent ki nds of parasitic organisms that can i nfest the body.
Infestation Correction
To correct an i nfestation , there are two thi ngs that you can do :
Release the energy of the pathoge n
Identify and suggest a remedy to e l i m i n ate the pathog e n
Releasing the energy o f a parasite is a g ood place t o start , but it i s l i kely that you wi l l
also need to find and suggest a remedy.
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
To rel ease the energy of the parasite i nfestation , s i m ply focu s on the parasite as
be i ng j u st a cloud of e n e rgy in the body. You can identify the location of t h i s
pathogen c l o u d if y o u want to, b u t it is not necessary. Then s i m ply ru n the mag n et
over the governing merid ian 3 times release it.
Treating Infestations with Remedies
There are 5 prefe rred remed ies for e l i m i nati ng i n festations :
Activated Sod i u m C h l o rite
The V R M form u l as are herbal blends m ad e by Syste m i c Form u l as Laboratories.
These 4 s u pplements are each created to add ress a d ifferent g ro u p or size of
parasite , to ki l l the e nti re spectru m of parasites . You can s i m ply m u scle test the body
to see which V R M form u l a and how many bottles total are needed . The correct
dosag e wi l l depend on the specific form u la, which we ' l l d iscuss i n a moment.
V R M 1 is m ade for the treatment of larger parasites i n the large i ntestine,
such as tapeworms. I u s u al ly recommend that it be used i n a 60-day
prog ram , with fou r cycles of 1 5 d ays, a cycle being 1 0 d ays of taki ng the
capsu les and 5 d ays not taki ng the capsu les. H owever, 90 days, o r six
cycles m ay someti mes be req u i red . More d i rections are provided in the
M i nd M aps.
VRM2 is for the treatment of smal l , blood-based , foreig n l ife forms and
small parasites in the gastrointestinal tract and in the outer tissues.
These are usually u sed i n a 60-day prog ram , fou r cycles of 1 5 d ays, a
cycle bei ng 1 0 days of taki ng the capsu les and 5 d ays not taki ng the
caps u les, but agai n , you m i g ht need to do 90 d ays . More d i rections are
provided i n the M i nd Maps .
: V RM2
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
V RM3 is for microscopic microorganisms i n the intestinal tract. Th is
herbal vermifuge assu res good health i n the i ntesti n al tract by h e l p i ng
the body e l i m i n ate m icroscopic o rg an i s m s . There are 30 capsu les i n a
bottle l i ke t h i s . VRM3 and V R M 4 are the two form u l as that seem to be
needed by most people. More d i rectio n s are provided in the M i nd Maps .
VRM4 is for amoebas and other protozoan microorganisms. Th is herbal
vermifuge is effective in treating cases of cel l u lar m icroorganisms, and is
also exce l l e nt for hand l i ng m icroorganisms in the i nternal o rgans. More
d i rections are provided i n the M i nd M aps .
¥ VRM4
Dosages for VRM Formulas
Most people w i l l need between 1 and 6 bottles of the V R M 3 o r V R M 4 form u l as . For
these , the dosag e is j u st about the same fo r eve ryone- 3 capsu les per n i g ht, to be
take n at bedtime 3 h o u rs after a p rotei n meal . I d o n 't reco m mend that anyone eve r
take more than 3 capsules per n i g ht because the parasitic d i e-off can cause some
u ncomfo rtable sym ptoms of nausea and d i arrhea if more than 3 capsu les are take n .
I n fact, I u s u a l ly reco m m e n d beg i n n i ng t h e prog ram with o n ly 1 caps u l e at bedti me
o n the fi rst n i g ht . The n , if no nausea is experienced , bump the dosage u p to 2
capsu les the second n i g ht, then to 3 the th i rd n i g ht and remai n at 3 capsu les per
n i g ht u nti l all the bottles h ave been consu med . Th is dosage is h i g h e n o u g h to be
effective but not so h i g h that it causes a lot of d iscomfo rt, althou g h d iarrhea is fai rly
com mon at this dosage l eve l . Agai n , this reco m mendation appl ies to the VRM3 and
the VRM4 Form u las only.
Remember that you should never reco m mend that a preg nant woman take anyth i n g ,
especially any of these parasite supplements , as they are not prove n safe for
preg nancy. If there is a possi b i l ity that a woman i s preg nant or may become
preg n ant, she sho u l d not take these supplements. I f there is any d o u bt about
whether any supplement that we h ave d i scussed is safe d u ri n g preg nancy, and that
i ncl udes any of the things d i scussed o r l i sted i n this mod u l e o r the mod u l e o n
n utriti o n , please consu lt a physician .
Another th i ng to keep i n m i nd is that parasites can develop a tolerance and beco m e
al most i m m u ne t o the herbs i n these form u l as , so i t i s i m po rtant t o rem e m ber t o take
them as sched u led every n i g ht . If you m i ss a dose j u st take the normal dosage the
next day so you stay o n track.
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
When You Can 't Find the Answers You Need
What do you do when you are m u scle testi ng someone with The Body Code and
you r m u scle testing does n 't seem to be worki n g ? What if you are g etti ng i nconsistent
or wrong answers ? What do you do when you j u st can 't fig u re out what the
u nderlyi ng i m balances are ? This h appens from time to t i m e . There may be a n u mber
of reasons that you m i g ht get stuck or not able to fi nd the answers . H e re are some
ideas to help yo u u nderstand why and what you can do about it.
When answers are not forthco m i ng , we have fou nd that it is worth a try to check
you rself with a base l i n e test to m ake s u re that you are cu rrently testabl e . One
com mo n reason that people become u ntestable is dehyd ratio n . You can th i n k of
water as bei ng the conductive fl u id for the electricity of the body. The n e rves are l i ke
the wiring of the body and the synapses are l i ke the e lectrical con n ections j u m p i ng
fro m o n e n e rve to another along the i r pathway. D ri n ki n g water is a good habit for so
many reason s ! When yo u r neck is out of al i g n m e nt, the e lectrical flow from you r brai n
to al l of the organs and other parts of you r body is hampered and the con n ections
are compro m i sed or not m ad e . You r n e rvous system is actually a com m u n ication
system . If you r neck is out of al i g n m e nt, or if you r clients neck i s m isal i g n ed , it is
probably i nterfering with e ither you r nervous system or the i rs , cau s i n g
com m u n i cation t o b reak down . W h e n that is happe n i ng , m u scle testing does n 't work
very wel l . The signals j u st aren 't g etting thro u g h and the body can not com m u n icate
accu rately. This is one of the most basic of reasons for m u scle testing to fai l or be
d ifficu lt to do effectively. The structu re of the body needs to be correctly alig ned for
flow and the body needs water fo r cond uctivity as wel l as for many other bod i ly
processes . If m u scle testing fai ls because of m isal i g n ment and/or dehyd ratio n , th i n k
o f what else i n t h e body m i g ht b e compro m i sed . T h e body needs com m u n ication to
flow to be able to do al l of the many processes that it does to heal to restore health
and to stay healthy. C h i ropractic adj u stments are val u able to al i g n the structu re of
the body. E n e rgetic adj u sti ng with i ntention also can work, in many cases, and of
cou rse it's easy to d ri n k water.
C i rc u m stances certai n ly d o n 't have to be perfect to m u scle test someo n e , but it does
h e l p to be prepared and ready. lt h e l ps to have a cal m and q u iet atmosphere without
d i stractions. The enviro n m ent aro u nd you is i m portant but eve n more i m po rtant, is
you r own i nte rnal envi ro n ment. If you aren 't focu sed or d o n 't really want to be doing
the work because you are either ti red , d i stracted , h u n g ry, or sick, you m ay struggle to
fi nd answe rs . If you are on med ications or d rugs or su bstances that alter you r m i nd i n
any way, you wi l l probably struggle, as wel l . If you are stressed or blocked
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
emotional ly, you m ay find that you need to release an e motio n or some other kind of
energy on you rself before you can m u scle test accu rately. If you are processi ng
emotions, you probably won 't be able to m u scle test effectively u nti l you are fi n i s hed
processing . You may h ave i mbalances su rface o nce in a w h i l e , someti mes
u n know i n g ly, so it does n 't h u rt to check to see if this is you r proble m . lt h e l ps to take
care of you r own needs befo re worki ng with others to h e l p the m . lt is i m po rtant to
create healthy bou nd aries so that you can do you r work with others when you really
want to do it and are ready and abl e . lt's ve ry pu rpose is to h e lp you rself and others
but when you need time for you rse lf for other t h i ngs and you aren 't fu l ly present, you
may h ave d ifficu lty u nti l you take care of you r real needs fi rst. Respect you r t i m e ,
personal needs a n d set priorities s o that you c a n e njoy t h e time you spend worki ng
to help others .
When the person you are worki ng with is u nwi l l ing to be tested for any reason , they
can certai n l y block you from being able to g et answe rs. Make s u re that they g ive you
con scio u s permission to work with them before you try to test the m . If you are h aving
tro u b l e g etting answers , m ake s u re that thei r su bconscious m i nd is okay to be tested
by you , too . Someti mes a c l i e nt m ay s i m ply h ave a reason to hang on to their
pro b le m . This can be u n known even to them . They m i g ht th i n k they want to get wel l
b u t h ave a need t o stay sick. For i n stance , i f they we re t o get wel l , they m i g ht h ave to
ass u m e respo n s i b i l ity for some t h i ngs that are frig hte n i ng to the m . The pressu re of
taking respon s i b i l ity m i g ht overw h e l m the benefits of getting wel l . There are other
poss i b l e sce n arios , as wel l . They m i g ht bel i eve that others pay more attentio n to
them if they are sick. They m i g ht th i n k that If they g ot wel l , they wou l d n 't be loved or
noticed or take n care of anymore . Bel i efs, ideas and prog rams such as these can be
con scious o r su bconscious. You can test you r client to see if they want to be wel l .
Test to see i f they fee l that they need to h ave the i r probl e m . J u st ask and let the i r
su bconscious g ive you a yes or a no answe r. H e l p i n g them to become
more con scious of these kinds of fixed ideas can assist them to work thro u g h
thei r fee l i ngs a n d l et go o f whatever does n 't serve them s o that they can b e tested
and worked on more eas i ly.
You m i g ht find it d ifficu lt to work o n you r spouse and close fam i ly m e m be rs .
You m i g ht want t h e answers to be s i m p l e w h e n they are com plex a n d many req u i re
ti m e . Some problems reveal themselves i n l ayers , a l ittl e at a ti m e . Sometimes it
takes effort to change i m po rtant l ife choices and res u lts are g rad ual . You m i g ht want
to fix them now b ut part of the i r eq u ation for heal i n g m i g ht be that they need to work
th ro u g h some things mental ly, forg ive someone , g ive someth i ng u p , o r learn
someth i n g . They m i g ht even fee l a n eed to h i d e an answer fro m you to spare you r
concern . You m i g ht project what you th i n k the answers are i f you th i n k you know the
person and u nderstand the i r p roblem . You r o p i n i o n and perspective m i g ht actual ly
get in the way. lt's i m po rtant to be wi l l i ng to accept the fi ndi ngs and not p roject what
you th i n k the answers o u g ht to be. Let those that you are close to own the i r issues
Resou rces
themselves and take respon s i b i l ity for the i r own heal i ng and g rowth . When you
become too e motionally i nvolved i n thei r problems, you can potenti al ly i nfl u ence the
answers , and ru n the risk of beco m i ng part of the problem of not being able to tru ly
fig u re things out.
Anothe r th i ng that we have noticed is that when a client has a h idden i m balance or a
d isco n n ection of some kind , it is h arde r to fi n d . When i m balances are h idden , they
req u i re for you to use the word 11h idden11 i n yo u r q u estions to find what you are
search i ng for. Once d i scove red , they can be cleared j u st as if they weren 't hidden .
D i scon nections can be d ifficu lt to d i scern because the body isn 't i nterfaci ng with the
spi rit l i ke it shou l d , so it i s n 't tracki ng what is goi ng on. If you are u nable to fig u re out
what is going on, ask if there is a d isco n n ection . Co m m u n ication betwee n the body
and the spi rit can be b roken down in a fai rly major way , preventi ng you from fi n d i ng
these so it's good to know that you need to check for t h i s . If the person is i n pai n for
no appare nt reason , ask if there is a d isco n n ection . If you find o n e , ask if there is a
reason for it, fix the u nderlying reason , and then get them recon n ected . If there are
other i m bal ances beyond that, they wi l l more l i kely show u p when they are
recon n ected . When the spi rit body and the physical body aren 't i n sync , they j u st
can 't work as wel l tog ether. Th is is why we often find pai n when there is a
d isco n n ectio n .
E ntities are another problem that show u p w h e n i t is d ifficu lt to f i n d specific
i mbalances but when you know that there defi n itely i s a problem . E ntities are either
disembodied spi rits o r evi l spi rits and can be a real n i g htmare if not d iscovered and
cast away fro m the i n d ivid u al . They love to create u n h appi ness , take contro l , and rob
i n d ivid u als of the i r personal freed o m . They can cause emotional problems such
as depression and anger and can be q u ite severe . They can also cause i l l ness , pai n
and i nversion . When i nversion happe n s , the person w i l l test yes for no and no for
yes . When we cast entities out from the person and send them away, i nversion w i l l
someti mes correct. If i t does n 't, you cou l d test for other i m balances s u c h a s post
hypnotic suggestions, resonances, and trapped e motio n s , etc. that m i g ht be causing
it. We suggest to use the name of Jesus C h rist to cast entities away. They will leave
if you bel i eve that they wi l l , and when you tel l them to g o , i n the name of Jesus
C h rist. He is an authority that they d o n 't l i ke to acknowledge but they have to obey
and g o , when com m anded in h i s name. If this is outside of you r bel ief system , you
may want to try whatever you fee l is appropriate . When you are d o i ng th is Body
Code work, you are releas i n g problems that create darkness in the l ives of those that
you are worki ng . I s n 't d arkness d i spel l ed with l i g ht and with o u r love ? They d o n 't
want you to h e l p anybody get wel l and happy. E ntities m ay try to thwart you r effo rts if
they can by i nfl uencing you to feel d o u bt , hopelessness, or some other negative
thoug ht or fee l i ng if they are aro u nd you or the client. lt's good to be aware and get
rid of them so you can find the answers that you need .
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CODE 2.0]
People h ave d i ffering bel ief syste ms and we recog n ize and appreci ate t h i s .
W e reco m mend starting each session with a prayer, asking G o d for h e l p because
this is how we h ave fou n d success . P rayer is a com m u n ication to God from you r
heart. l t can b e offe red s i l e ntly i f des i red . P rayer h e l ps because G od , who knows a l l
truth , can d i rect you r thoug hts a n d e n l ig hte n you r m i nd t o h e l p you t o find t h e
answers y o u need f o r you rself or you r cl ient. Th is i s how T h e E motion Code a n d
Body Code came t o b e over t i m e . G o d loves u s a n d wants t o bless o u r l ives . He says
to ask and we shall receive . If you h ave asked but are sti l l stuck, it does n 't h u rt to ask
ag ai n , focusing o n you r faith and i ntent to receive .
If you are sti l l havi ng tro u b l e after try i ng a l l of these t h i n g s , rem e m ber that there is a
coac h i n g prog ram , and there are other practitioners out there with the same goals as
you rs . We are al l tryi ng to help people to heal . We can con nect to h e l p one another,
work together, and to refer to o n e another when n ecessary to h e l p our friends and
c l i e nts. A con nection that you m ake with another practitioner m i g ht make the
d i ffe rence . We each h ave varying deg rees of u nderstan d i n g and expe rience with
d iffe rent kinds of issues. Be s u re to take advantage of the o n g o i n g web i nars and
foru ms to keep e n ri c h i n g you r knowledge base , too . You wi l l l earn more as you l i sten
more often .
I hope these ideas prove to b e worthwh i l e tips for you i f you ever find that you are
stuck. I know that these t h i ngs h ave h e l ped me when I have been u ns u re of what to
do temporari ly. There are always reasons for i m balances - j u st ask. lt's you r job to
ask the rig ht q uestio n s and then see how the answers fit together. lt really can
feel l i ke fi n d i n g the p ieces to a p u zzle and putting it together. When you h ave fou nd
the answers you need to h e l p someo n e , it's always worth the effort.
Reso u rces
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {
Sta rt H ere
Ask : "Did we release that
Tra pped Emot i o n ?
Side Magnet down
back or <Nor head 3X
(1 0X ror inh or�ed
Is the Trapped Emotion
i:1 an Even Row?
Is the Trapped Emotion
i:l an Odd Row?
Is the Trapped Emotion
i:1 Row 1 , 3, 5 (2, 4, 6)
Is the Trapped
Emotion __?
(Name emotions one by one)
····· ·
· ·
·· · ···· · · ··· ·· ·
·· · ··· ·
If answer is
unclear, ask
•ts this an
Emot ion
F l owC h art - 6 / 7 / 1 3 - M i n dj et
0 ..
St a rt H
e re
. ··
· · ··•
.· ·
. . :::•
. .. ··
Is the Trapped Emotion
in an Odd Row?
Is the Trapped Emotion
in an Even Row?
· ··
·· ·· ·
H eart-Wall
FlowChart - 6 / 7 / 1 3 - M i n djet
If N O, ask if there is a
H i dden Heart-Wall
· .... · ·
· ·
If answer is u nclear, ask • 1 s this an
nheri1ed Emotion?" li VES,
determine inhelited emotion
and genealogy
Start H ere
Note: There
are nearly
always just
2 tmpped
rarely 3 .
. . .
. .
. .
· ·
· · · ·· · ·· · ·
· · ·
· · · ·
· ·
· ·
· · · · ·
· ·
· · · ·
· · ·
· ·
· ··
· ·
· ·
P sych i c
Tra u m a
F l owC h art - 6 / 7 / 1 3 - M i ndj et
0 ..
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System
N utritio n al C h art
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row s
Row 6
Colu m n A
Column 8
Vita m i n A
C arotenoids
Vita m i n D
Vita m i n E
Vita m i n K
Calciu m
I ron
Thiam i n B1
Ribof l avi n B 2
N iaci n B3
Pantoth enic Acid Bs
Pyridoxi n e Bs
Mag nesi u m
M an g an ese
Molybden u m
P hosphorus
Seleniu m
Bioti n B1
Fol ate Bg
Cobalami n B 1 2
C h ol i n e
Vita m i n C
Zi nc
P otassi u m
Sodi u m
C h loride
S u lf u r
Omega 3
O m eg a 6
Co-Enzyme 01 0
Probiotics/ Prebiot ics
Carnitin e
Lecit h i n
Oxyge n
P rotei n
S atu rated Fatty Acid s
C arbohyd rates
Fi ber
C h o l esterol
Lutei n I Zeaxnth i n
Monou n s atu rated FA
Polyunsatu rated FA
H isti d i ne
Lys i n e
Leuc i n e
Val i ne
E n zymes
Met h i o n i n e
P h e nylala n i ne
Threon i n e
(Scro l l d own for m o re i nformation)
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System
N utritional Chart
Vitam i n s : The n ame vitamin was proposed i n the 20t h centu ry, it was orig inal ly cal led
vitam ines from "vital am ines" from an organ ic functional g roup in chemistry. The name
was later shorted to vitamin as we see it today.
Vitam ins can be classified i nto two d ifferent g roups: water soluble and fat soluble.
Vitam ins A, D , E , and K are fat sol uble and the rest are water soluble .
Th e recommendations listed here are from the D R I or Dietary Recom m ended I ntake.
These should be used only as a g uide as the dosage may exceed the "reco m mended"
amount. Dr. Weston Price found in his studies of trad itional cultu res that the diet of the
prim itives contained th ree to ten times the amount of the recom m ended dosag es .
Hypervitam inosis refers to a state in the body where the vitamin levels are high and can
constitute a toxic or poisonous state . This state is not ach ievable when the vitam ins are
procured from food , as is recom mended . it is possi ble to achieve this state thoug h , by
very h i g h dosages of "supplement" vitami n s ; so caution is advised .
Vita m i n A :
I nfants : 400-500 mcg/ day (mcg=microg ram . 1 m i crog ram = 0.001 m i l ligrams)
C h ildre n : 300-400 mcg /day
Ad ults : 600-900 mcg I day
Pregnant/ lactating : 700- 1 300 mcg / day
General Pu rpose :
Vitam in A is an i m portant vitam i n that acts as a catalyst on which i n n u m erable
biochem ical processes depend . i t is also an i m portant anti-oxidant in the body.
Food Sou rces :
Best sou rce is an imal prod ucts because it is preformed Vitam in A (Retinol) . I n
other words a n active form that the body can use i m mediately without process ing.
Animal : Liver, Eggs, Milk, Cod liver oil , Fis h , Butter (real butter) , Cheese , beef.
Plant (See carotenoids) : Sweet potatoes , carrots , pu mpkin , squas h , kal e,
spi nach , broccol i , or dark leafy vegetables .
*when usi ng plant sources it is i m portant to eat that source with a h i g h
q uality fat , l ike butter. Because vitamin A is fat sol uble i t wil l not be absorbed in t h e
s m a l l intestine without the presence o f fats a n d bile. S i m i larly the conversion o f plant
carotenes into Vitami n A is best ach ieved in the presence of vitamin A, so for people
who are deficient a high q uality animal source is reco m mended .
Resou rces
m [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Body Code System
N utrition al Chart
Carotenoids :
Rx :
No recommend dosages .
General Pu rpose :
Carotenoids are basically the inactive form of Vitam in A . Th e body can use
carotenoids to make vitam in A , but it m ust be in the presence of a high quality fat to be
absorbed and converted . Carotenoids are also a g reat sou rce of anti-oxidants .
Food Sources :
Sweet potatoes , carrots, p u m pkin , squash , kale, spi nach , broccol i , or dark leafy
vegetab les.
Vitamin D:
Rx :
Infants : 25 mg/ day
Childre n : 25 mg I day
Ad ults : 50 mg/ day
Pregnant / lactatin g : 50 mg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Needed for calci um and phosphorus absorption and thus essential to bone
health , strong teeth , and normal growth .
Food Sou rce s :
Animal : Fish , Milk , Egg s , l iver, C o d l iver o i l . I mportant that t hese are fatty
sou rces otherwise there is no fat carrier for absorption .
Skin synthesis : Vitamin D can be received through skin synthesis. Essentially a
cholesterol molecu les is converted to Vitami n D by U V radi ation (cholesterol levels m u st
be s ufficient to support this) . I mportant to note that su nscreens, cloth i n g , and seasons
of the year wil l affect and block this reaction from occu rri n g . Recommendation : 1 0- 1 5
m i n utes of sunshine/ day without the su nscreens (may need to build up safely) (from
spring to fall)
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CODE 2 . 0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Vitamin E:
Rx :
Infants : 4-5 mg/ day
Childre n : 6-7 mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 1 - 1 5 mg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating : 1 5- 1 9 mg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Needed for circu lation , tissue repair, and heal i n g . Also a powerful anti-oxidant .
Helps with sterility problems, PMS, and m u scular dystrophy.
Food Sou rces : (Alpha- tocopherol most active form )
Wheat germ , almonds, hazelnuts, pean uts, spi nach , broccol i , tomatoes ,
avocados, asparagus, ol ives , corn, un refined vegetable oils, butter, and organ m eats .
Vitamin K: (two forms: Phyl loq u inones K- 1 , plant sou rces ; and Menaquinones K-2 ,
animal sources.)
Rx :
Infants : 2-3 mcg/ day
Childre n : 30-50 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 60- 1 20 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ lactati ng : 75-90 mcg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Needed for blood clotti ng and pl ays an i mportant role i n bone health and
formation .
Food Sou rces :
Milk, Eggs , l iver, Butter, grain s , dark g reen vegetables
Thiamin :
Rx :
Infants : 0.2-0 . 3 mg/ day
Ch ildren : 0.5-0.6 mg/ day
Ad ults : 0.9- 1 .2 mg/ day
Pregnant/ lactating : ...., 1 . 4mg/ day
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 . 0]
Body Code System
N utritio nal Ch art
General Pu rpose :
All the water sol u ble 8 vitam ins work as a team to promote healthy nerves, ski n ,
eyes, hair, l iver, m uscle tone , and card iovascu lar funct io n . They protect u s from m e ntal
d isorders , depression , and anxiety. Sugar con s u m ption depletes 8 vitam i n s . Thiami n is
n eeded for hydrochloric acid prod uction , and is used to treat constipation , fatigue,
herpes , and m u ltiple sclerosis .
Food Sou rces :
G rains, Mushrooms , spi nach , flaxseed s , tuna, green peas, brussel sprouts ,
broccoli , Black , pinto , and I i m a beans, sesame and su nflower seed s , and the germ layer
of g rai ns .
Riboflavin :
I nfants : 0.3-0 .4 mg/ day
C h ildre n : 0.5-0.5 mg/ day
Ad ults : 0 . 9- 1 . 3 mg/ day
Pregn ant/ Lactating : 1 .4- 1 .6 mg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Related to the conversion of n utrients i nto energy, making other vitam ins and
m i nerals available to the body, and acts as an anti-oxidant.
Food Sou rces :
G rains, live r, veniso n , yog u rt , m i l k , m ushrooms, spinach, eggs, al monds .
Rx :
Infants : 2-4 mg/ day
Ch ildre n : 6-8 mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 2- 1 6 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 7- 1 8 mg/ day
General P u rpose :
Deficiency results i n pellag ra, characterized by dermatitis, tremors , dementia and
d iarrhea. Niacin helps in the conversion of food to energy and aids i n the d igestive
system , skin and nerve fu nction .
Food Sou rces :
G rains, meat and organs meats , m ushrooms and asparagus are also g reat sources.
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System
N utritional Chart
Pantothenic Acid :
Rx :
I nfant : 1 . 7- 1 .8 mg/ day
Ch ildre n : 2-3 mg/ day
Ad ults : 4-5 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 6-7 m g/ day
General Pu rpose :
Essential for ad renal g land fu ncti on . Plays an im portant role in cell metabol ism
and cholesterol production and aids in the body's abi lity to withstand stress . Deficiency
sig ns are fatigue, l istlessness, weakness, and n u m bness and tingl ing.
Food Sou rces :
Found i n organ meats, egg yolks, whole grains, avocados, mushrooms, and
cau liflower.
Pyridoxi ne:
Rx :
Infants : 0 . 1 -0 . 3 mg/day
C h ildre n : 0.5-0.6 mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 .0- 1 .7 mg/day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 .9-2 .0 mg/day
General Pu rpose :
Contributes to enzyme fu nctionality, requ i red for the synthes is of
neu rotransm itters like serotonin , norepinephrine and m yel i n formation . Deficiencies
li nked to d iabetes, nervous disorders, and coronary h eart disease.
Food Sou rces :
Mostly an imal prod ucts , also grai n s , leg umes, carrots and spinach .
Bioti n :
Rx :
I nfants : 5-6 mcg/day
C h ildre n : 8- 1 2 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 20 - 30 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 30-35 mcg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Helps i n energy formation from food and is necessary for body to p rocess sugars
and fats .
Resou rces
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Food Sou rces :
G rains, and an imal prod ucts
Rx :
I nfants : 65-80 mcg/ day
Ch ildren : 1 50-200 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 300-400 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactat i n g : 500-600 m cg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Necessary for D N A and R N A creation and strengthen ing the chromosomes,
plays critical role i n developing h ealthy red blood ce lls, it also protects DNA from
damage. Deficiency d u r i ng preg nancy can resu lt i n spi nal bifida.
Cobal am i n 81 2 :
Rx :
Infants : 0.4-05 mcg/ day
C h i l d ren : 0.9- 1 .2 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 1 .8-2.4 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 2.6-2 .8 mcg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Plays im portant role in the metabolism of all cel ls, especially those in the G l tract ,
bone marrow, and nervous tiss u e . Often related to fatigue.
Food Sources :
Liver, Kidney, m i l k , eggs, fis h , cheese and meat . O n ly fou nd i n ani mal products.
Rx :
I nfant : 1 25- 1 50 mg/ day
C h ildre n : 200-250 mg/ day
Ad ults : 375-550 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactat in g : 450-550 mg/ day
General P u rpose :
An essential component of structural tissue , a promoter of lipid transport and an
i m portant com ponent of neurotransm itters . lt also fu nctions as an e m u l sifier i n bile and
thus aid ing with digestion and absorption of fats.
Food Sou rces :
Eggs, butter, m eat , flax seeds , sesame seed s , and cau liflower.
Resou rces
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Vitamin C :
I nfants : 40-50 mg/ day
Childre n : 1 5-25 mg/ day
Ad ults : 45-90 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactatin g : 80- 1 20 mg/ day
General Pu rpose :
Serves as an anti-oxidant, aids the ad renal g lands in steroid synthesis, promotes
resistance to i nfections throug h involveme nt with leu kocytes and interferons. Also helps
to mai ntai n lung function .
Food Sou rces :
Fru its, vegetables , and organ m eats .
Om�a 3 's
Omega 3 also referes to EPA and D H A . Omega 3 fatty acids can n ot be synthesized by
the body and thus m u st be obtain ed in the d iet. There are som e conversions of other
fatty acids in the d iet to the needed omega 3 's , but because of the lack of overall good
n utrition in most people it recommend ed that they take a su pplement for this. The
omega 3 is a long chai n fatty acid and thus acts as an i m portant com ponent of cell
membranes and precu rsors to cel lular com m un ication via prostaglandi n s ,
th rom boxanes, leukotrienes , paracrines a n d other hormonal signals . They can modify
the process of inflam mation and are i mportant in brain fu nctions.
In regards to Omega 6 's and O m ega 3's it is i mportant to maintain a proper ratio
between the two . Recommended is 2:1 (6 to 3).
Rx :
C h ildre n : No rx,
Ad ults : 650mg-2000mg/ day
Pregn ant/ lactati ng : No Rx
Sources : Flaxseeds and oils, marine sources: Kri l l , Cod l iver, Mackerel , and Salmon .
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2 .0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Omega 6
Note : This wil l rarely show up as a n utritional need , but more of an ind ication that
someone is getting too much . I n wh ich case it is best to recommend they i ncrease their
omega 3 dosag e !
O m ega 6 fatty acids h e l p t h e body with s k i n i ssues a n d proper function o f cel l u lar
m etabol ism. Most people get more than enoug h omega 6 i n their diet . E levated levels
of omega 6 actually do harm . You want to mai ntai n a ratio between Omega 6 and 3
about 2 : 1 .
Rx :
Childre n : 4.4 to 4.6g/ day
Ad ults : 1 0- 1 2g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactat i n g : No rx
Sources : Vegetable oils
Co-Enzyme 01 0
Also known as Ubiqui nones this enzyme has 1 0 side chai ns, (Go- E nzyme Q 1 0) . The
ubiqu inones are essential components of the m itochond rial electron transport chain
(The process of making ATP or energy i n the body) and can be needed by people wit h
low energy. lt also acts as an anti-oxidant in the bod y !
Rx :
Ad u lts : 3-6mg/ day
Source : Meat and an imal prod ucts
Probiotics/ Prebiotics
No Rx:
Probiotics - m icrobial foods or su pplements that can be used to change or reestablish
and promote the g rowth of beneficial intesti nal flora (bacteria) .
Prebiotics - nondigestible foods products that sti m ulate the growth o f bacteria al ready
p resent in the colon ; i m proves gastrointesti nal h ealt h .
Prebiotic sou rces : Whole grains (especially oatmeal) , flax a n d barl ey ; g reen s ; berries ,
bananas , and other fruits ; l egumes; onions, garlic, honey, leeks.
Resou rces
[TH E BODY COD E 2 .0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Probiotic food sou rces : Live cu lture prod ucts such as : Yogurt , kefir, butter milk and other
fermented dai ry products ; fermented vegetables such as kim chi and sauerkraut ,
fermented soy products such as miso and tempe h .
Carniti ne
No Rx :
Used in the body to transport long chai n fatty acids (LC FAs) across the m itochondrial
membrane for oxidation (energy utilization). The h u man body h as l i m ited abil ity to
synthesize this enzym e . P lant foods are generally very low sou rces for obtain i n g
carn itine, s o m eat a n d dai ry products are recom mended !
No Rx: (See vitami ns A, C and E )
Antioxidant - molecu les s uch as some vitami ns (Vitam i n C a n d E) that i n h i bit action of
activated oxygen molecu les (free rad icals) that can damag e cells.
Protei n , a class of the macro nutrients , is a large biolog ical molecule consisting of one
or m ore amino acids. Protei ns perform a vast array of fu nctions i n the body
Rx :
Ch ildre n : 1 3-34g/ d ay
Ad u lts : 46-56g/ day
Pregnant/ lactati ng : 46-56g/day
All complete proteins (contai ns all essential amino acids) come from an imal sou rces .
Plant sou rces are g reat too, but m u st be com bined properly to ensure al l essential
ami no acids are present !
Saturated Fatty Acids
Rx : 20-40% of daily calories
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Another class of the macro nutrients fats , saturated fatty acids are more i m portant than
for j ust energy needs. Satu rated fatty acids help to im prove bone , h eart, liver, lungs and
brai n h ealt h . They are also i m portant for proper nerve signaling and for a strong
i m m u n e syste m . Satu rated fatty acids usually carry with them the essential fat soluble
vitam ins (vitam i n A, D , E , an d K) .
Rx : 40-60% of daily calories
The third class of macro nutrients , carbohydrates are manufactu red by plants and area
a m ajor source of energy in the diet . Carbohyd rates are com posed of carbon , hyd rogen
and oxygen in a ratio of C :O : H2 .
No Rx :
Fi ber - nondigesti ble carbohydrates that have been extracted or man ufactu red from
plants that h ave a ben eficial physiologic effect in h u m ans.
The role of fiber in the G l tract is complex and varies based on the solu b ility of the fiber.
I nsol u ble fiber generally i ncreases the fecal vol u me and decreases the transit time in
the Gl tract. On the other h an d , sol uble fibers can form gels resulting in slowed G l
transit time and slowed o r decreased n utrient absorption.
Rx :
I nfants : 28mg/kg/day
C h i ld re n : No Rx
Ad ults 8- 1 2 mg/ kg/ day
Synthesis of proteins req ui res the presence of all necessary am ino acids d uring the
process. A n essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and the refore m ust be obtain in the diet .
Sources : All an imal p rod ucts
Resou rces
Body Code System
N utritio n al Chart
Rx :
Infants : 1 03mglkg/day
Children: 44-64mglkg/day
Ad ults : 1 2mglkg/day
Synthesis of proteins req ui res the presence of all n ecessary amino acids d uring the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain i n the diet .
Sources : Al l an imal p rod ucts
Rx :
I nfants : 1 6 1 m g lkg/day
Ch ildre n : 44-74mglkg/day
Ad ults : 1 4 mglkg/day
Synt hesis of proteins req ui res the p resence of all necessary amino acids d uring the
process. An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that can n ot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain in the diet .
Sources: A l l an imal p rod ucts
Rx :
I nfants : 70mglkg/day
Childre n : 44-73mglkg/day
Adults : 1 Omglkg/day
Synthesis of proteins req u i res the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that cannot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain i n the d i et .
Sources : All an imal prod ucts
Reso u rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Rx :
Infants : 93mglkg/day
Ch ildre n : 25-38mglkg/day
Ad ults : 1 Omglkg/day
Synthesis of prote ins req u i res the presence of all necessary amino acids during the
process. A n essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore m ust be obtain in the diet .
Sources : A l l an imal prod ucts
Calci um
Rx :
I nfants : 21 0-270mg/ day
C h ild ren : 500-800mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 000m g - 1 300mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 000- 1 300mg/ day
Calciu m is the most abu ndant m i neral in the body, makes up about 1 .5% to 2% of the
body weight and 39% of total body m i n erals . Approxi mately 99% of the calciu m exists in
the bones and teeth . The remaining 1 % of calcium is in the blood and extracellu lar fluid
and wit h i n the cells of all tissues, where it reg u lates m any im portant m etabol ic fu nctions .
Food sou rces : Dairy products are t h e most concentrated sou rces o f calci um a n d where
the highest level of absorption i s achieved . Dark g reen leafy vegetables such as kale,
col lards , turn ip g reens , m u stard g reens , and brocco l i ; organ meats such as ad renals
and liver are great sou rces as well .
I n supplements there are a few com mon forms: Calci u m carbonate , calciu m citrate,
calci um g l u co nate , calcium lactate , calciu m phosphate, etc. The most com mon is
calci u m carbonate which is relatively i nsoluble and i s not absorbed as wel l as calci um
citrate . Calci um phosphate i s the form found in milk and has a h ig h bioavailability, but
not in supplement form . Calcium citrate or lactate is recom mended for supplement
pu rposes .
Chro m i u m
Infants : 0.2-5 .5 mcg/ day
Reso u rces
[TH E BODY CODE 2 . 0)
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Childre n : 1 1 - 1 5 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 20-30 mcg/ day
Pregn ant/ lactating : 20-45 mcg/ day
C h rom i u m is consid ered an u ltratrace m i n eral because of the low amounts needed. lt
aids i n gl ucose metabolism by potentiating insu l i n action and therefore i nfluences
carbohydrate , l i pid, and protein metabolism .
Sources : Brewer 's yeast , oysters , liver, and potatoes h ave high cho m i i u m
concentrations ; seafood , whole grain s , cheeses, a n d meats have medium
concentrations .
C h rom i u m is removed i n processed foods.
Rx :
I nfants : 200-220 mcg/ day
Ch ildren : 340-440 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 700-900 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 000- 1 300 mcg/ day
Copper, a normal constituent of blood, is another established essential m icron utrient .
Concentrations of copper are h ig hest in the liver, brain , heart, and kidney. Muscle
contains a low level of copper, but, because of the its large mass, skeletal m uscle
contains almost 40% of al copper in the body.
Copper is a com ponent of many enzymes , and sym ptoms of copper defici ency are
attri butable to enzyme fail ures.
Sources : Copper i s distributed widely i n foods. Food h ig h i n copper are shellfish ,
oysters, organ m eats, m uscle meats, chocolate , n uts , grains, and leg u m es .
I nfants : 1 1 0- 1 30mcg/ day
Ch ild re n : 90 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 1 20-1 50 mcg / day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 220-290mcg / day
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
Iodine is stored i n the thyroid g land , where it is used i n the synthesis of triiodothyron ine
(T3) adn thyroxine (T4) .
Sources : Seafoods such as clams, lobsters, oysters, sard ines , and other saltwater fish
is the richest source of iodine. Fresh water fish contai n less but are stil l g reat sources of
Rx :
I nfants : 0.27- 1 1 mg/ day
Ch ild re n : 7- 1 0 mg/ day
Ad ults : 8- 1 8 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 9-27 mg/ day
The functions of i ron relate to its abil ity to part icipate in oxidation and reduction
reactions. Because of this redox pro perty, iron has a role i n the blood and respiratory
transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide and in the e lectron transport chain and energy
creation i n the m itochondria.
Sources : Best sou rces are Liver, seafood , kid ney, heart , lean meat , and pou ltry. Beans
and vegetables are the best plant sou rces .
Magnesiu m
Rx :
Infants : 30-75mg/ day
C h ildre n : 80- 1 30mg/ day
Ad ults : 240-420mg/ day
Pregn ant/ Lactatin g : 31 0-420mg/ day
The major function of magnes i u m is to stabi lize the structu re of ATP in ATP dependent
enzyme reactions. lt is a cofactor for more than 300+ enzymes reactions. lt is needed
for the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids, and plays an i m portant role in the glycolytic
pathway. lt also plays role in cel l com m u nication via second messengers (cAMP).
Sources : Pretty abu ndant i n most food s , but good sou rces : seeds, nuts , leg u m es,
g rai ns, dark g reen vegetables, and dairy prod ucts and meat.
Rx :
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Infants : 0.003-0 .6mg/ day
Ch ild re n : 1 .2-1 .5mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 .6-2.3mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 2.0-2 .6mg/day
Sym ptoms of manganese deficiency include weight loss, dermatitis, change in hair calor
and growth , and occasional ly nausea and vom iti ng . lt can also affect the reprod uctive
system , pancreatic fu nction and several aspects of carboh ydrate metabolism .
Manganese plays an im portant role in enzyme activity, especially those of the
m itochond ria and the enzymes with anti-oxidant properties . In addition, man ganese is
used to activate many enzymes . lt used in the formation of con nective and skeletal
tissues , g rowth and reprod uction , and carbohydrate and l i pid m etabolism .
Sources : Whole grains, legumes , nuts and tea. Fru it and vegetables are modest
sou rces . Ani mal prod ucts contai n less manganese are poor sou rces .
Molybden um
Rx :
I nfants : 2-3 mcg/ day
Childre n : 1 7-22 m cg/day
Ad ults : 34-45 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 50 mcg/ day
Molybden u m is i m portant in oxidation-red uction (redox) reactions. lt aids in the
b reakdown of key am ino acids and i n the formation of others.
Sources : Legu mes , whole grain s , dai ry products, meat and dark leafy g reens .
Rx :
Infants : 1 00-275 mg/ day
Ch ild re n : 460-500 mg/ day
Ad ults : 700- 1 250 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 700- 1 250 mg/ day
Phosphorus ranks second to calci u m in abu ndance in h u m an tissues . lt participates i n
n u m erous essential funct ions in t h e body. D N A a n d RNA are based on phosphate. The
m ajor form of energy, ATP, contains high energy phosphate bonds . lt as acts in cel l ular
com m u n ication via cAMP and other secondary m essengers . lt is used to form the
Reso u rces
• [TH E BODY CO DE 2 . 0]
haley bonar
Body Code Systen1 ™
N utritio n al Chart
phospho l i pid mem brane in every single cel l . lt is u sed in the buffer system of the body
to control p H . Finally it forms with calciu m to strengthen teeth and bones .
Sources : I n general good sources of protein are good sou rces of phosphorus. Meat,
pou ltry, fish , and eggs are excellent sou rces . Mi l k , leg umes, and grains are other great
sou rces .
Rx :
Infants : 1 5-20 mcg/ day
C h ildre n : 20-30 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 40-55 mcg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 60-70 m cg/ day
A rather narrow dietary i ntake range exists for se le n i u m , below wh ich deficiency occu rs
and above wh ich toxicity can occu r. Sele n i u m is necessary for proper function of
g lutathione peroxidase, wh ich protects against oxidative damag e (free rad icals) . lt aids
in the conversion of T3 to T4 (thyroid).
Sources : Seleni u m content in foods is com pletely dependent on the selenium content
of the soi l . S u p plementation is best with selen i u m .
Rx :
I nfants : 2-3 mg/ day
Ch ildre n : 3-5 mg/ day
Ad ults : 8- 1 1 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 1 - 1 3 mg/ day
Zi nc, pri marily an intracellular ion , fu nctions in association with more than 300 d iffe rent
enzymes. lt partici pates in reactions i nvolvi ng e ither synthesis or degrad ation of
carbohydrates, l i pids, p roteins and n ucleic acids. lt serves as a sig naling agent in the
b rai n .
Sources : T h e most abundant sou rces of z i n c occu r i n an i m al fles h . M i l k , seafood ,
whole g rains, and leg u me are also fair sources.
Potassi um
Resou rces
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2 .0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Rx :
Infants : 0.4-0.7 g/ day
Ch ildre n : 3.0-3.8 g/ day
Ad ults : 4.5-4.7 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 4.7-5 . 1 g/ day
Potassi u m is responsible for mai ntai n i ng normal water balance , osm otic equ i l i b ri u m ,
and t h e acid-base balance. l t i s im portant i n neuromuscu lar activity and promotes cell
g rowth .
Sources : A s a rule fru its, vegetables , fresh m eats and dairy products are al l great
sou rces of potassi um
Sodi u m
Infants : 0. 1 2 - 0 .37 g/ day
C h i ld re n : 1 .0-1 .2 g/ day
Ad ults : 1 .2- 1 .5 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 .5 g/ day
Sod i u m is i m portant in mai ntai n i n g acid-base balance, neuromuscular function , and
plasma volume.
Sources : Sodi um C h loride or Salt. Recommended Real Salt or Sea Salt .
Ch l o ride
Rx :
I nfants : 0. 1 8- 0 . 57 g/ day
C h ildre n : 1 .5- 1 .9 g/ day
Ad ults : 1 .8-2.3 g/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 2.3 g/ day
S i m i lar to sod i u m and potass iu m , chloride acts as an electrolyte and aids in acid-base
balance , neuromuscular fu nction and plasma volume.
Sources : Sodi um Ch loride or Salt. Recommend ed Real Salt or Sea Salt .
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Ch art
No Rx :
Although a mi neral , s u lfu r mainly exists as a molecu le i n the body as a const ituent of
th ree amino aci ds : cystine, cysteine, and meth ionine. As such it exists as part of these
molecules wh ich aid in cellular reactions , connective tissue, redox reactions, etc.
Sources : Meat, poultry, fis h , eggs, bean s , broccol i , and caul iflower.
No Rx :
Flavonoids - pigments that act as free radical scavengers i n the plants , contribute to
mai ntenance of heart h ealth and boost anti-oxidant defenses .
Sources : Berries (especially d ark colored ) , cherries , red g rapes , g reen tea, cocoa,
onions, and apples .
Rx :
I nfants : no rx
Ch ildre n : 2-6 mg/ day
Ad ults : 1 1 -20 mg/ day
Pregnant/ Lactating : 1 7-20 mg/ day
Boron deficiencies affect to major organs : the brain and bone. Boron deficiency alters
brai n composition and function and reduces bone com position , structu re , and strength.
Sources : Good sources include: noncitrous fru it, vegetables , n uts , and legumes .
Rx :
See Vitam i n B 1 2 recom mendations :
Infants : 0.4-05 mcg/ day
C h ild re n : 0.9- 1 .2 mcg/ day
Ad ults : 1 .8-2.4 mcg/ day
Pregn ant/ Lactating : 2.6-2 .8 mcg/ day
Resou rces
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Most of the cobalt i n the body exists with vitamin B1 2 stores i n the liver. The essential
role of cobalt is i n vitamin b1 2. This vitam i n is essential for the maturation of red blood
cel ls ad n normal fu nction of all cells. In add ition to B 1 2 the enzyme meth ion ine
aminopeptidase, an enzyme i nvolved with D N A to RNA translation , i s the only other
known need for cobalt.
Sources : Cobalt exists in most food as an ultra trace m ineral , but only m icroorgan isms
prod uce B1 2 . Therefore ani mal organs or meat are recom mended.
No Rx:
Lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) - a phospholipid containing choli ne ; fou nd i n the
membranes of biologic organ isms. lt is a part of bile, where e m u l sifies fats, and is part
of li poprote i n s , where it transports trig lycerides and cholesterol .
Sources : Liver and egg yolks are rich sou rce s . Soybeans , peanuts , leg umes, spi nach ,
and wheat g erm are also good sources.
No Rx :
Cholesterol is the basis for all steroid derivatives made i n the body, i ncluding cortisone
and aldosteron e from the ad renal g lands and testosterone and estrogens from the
testes and ovaries, repectively, and bile acids made in the liver. Vitamin D hormone is
made when ultraviolet rays cleave cholesterol . Cholesterol is also i m portant i n cell
membranes where it aids in structu ral and fluidity.
Sources : An imal products.
Lu tei n I Zeaxanth i n
No Rx:
Lutein and zeaxanth i n are the two most abundant carotenoids. They have antioxidant
properties and p romote eye health .
Sources : G reen vegetables such as kale , spi nach , turnips, lettuce, b roccoli , zucch i n i ,
Reso u rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code System ™
N utritional Chart
Mono and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
No Rx :
Monou nsaturated fatty acids ( M FAs) contai n o n ly one double bond and polyunsatu rated
fatty acids (P U FAs) contain two or more double bonds. Because fatty acids with double
bonds are easily oxidized hu man store l ipids as saturated fats , mostly triglycerides .
Fats are energy rich and thus b e an easy sou rce o f calories in t h e d iet. I n add ition the
fat soluble vitam ins are usually present in high q uality fat sou rces . They play a role in
cel l membranes, cel l ular com m u n i cation and cell structure and protection
Sources : Animal products, n uts , seeds, and grains.
No Rx :
Lycopene - one of the carotenoid phytochem icals ; appears to act as a free radical
scavenger. Has high potential to redu ce the risk for heart d isease and prostate cancer
in m e n .
Sources : Tomatoes , g rapefruit, watermelon , a n d g uava. Tomatoes s h o u l d b e eaten with
a fat to i ncrease bioavailability through absorption .
Enzymes (digestive)
No Rx :
There are many enzymes that participate i n the digestive process ; they can orig inate
from the pancreas , stomach , and small intestine . Most of these enzymes are released
in an inactive form that is activated by a low p H . (High pH in the stomach wi l l lead to
d igestive problems). When the body i s maxed out it may be beneficial to use digestive
e nzymes as a way to all ow the body to heal.
Sources : Su pplements !
Meth ionine
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0)
Body Code Systen1
N utritional Ch art
Rx :
I nfants : 58 mg/ kg/ day
Ch ild re n : 22-27 mg/ kg/ day
Ad ults : 1 3 mg/ kg/ day
Synthesis of proteins req u i res the presence of all necessary am ino acids d u r i ng the
process. An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that cannot be synthesized in the
body and therefore m ust be obtain i n the d i et .
Sources : A l l an imal prod ucts
Rx :
Infants : 1 25mg/ kg/ day
Ch ildren : 22-69 mg/ kg/ day
Ad ults : 1 4 mg/ kg/ day
Synthesis of proteins req ui res the p resence of all necessary amino acids d u r i ng the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain i n the diet .
Sources: Al l an imal prod ucts
Th reonine
Rx :
Infants : 87mg/ kg/ day
C h ildre n : 28-37 mg/ kg/ day
Ad ults : 7 mg/ kg/ day
Synthesis of proteins req u i res the p resence of all necessary amino aci ds during the
process. An essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain in the diet .
Sources: A l l an imal prod ucts
Resou rces
• [TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Body Code System
N utritional Chart
Rx :
I nfants : 1 7 mg/ kg/ d ay
C h ild re n : 3.3 - 1 2 .5 mg/ kg/ day
Ad ults : 3 . 5 mg/ kg/ day
Synthesis of proteins req ui res the presence of all n ecessary amino acids during the
process. An essential amino acid is an am ino acid that cannot be synthesized i n the
body and therefore m ust be obtain in the diet .
Sources : All an imal prod ucts
Resou rces
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
B ody Code System ™
H ormones
Colum n A
Col u m n B
Row 1
Adi ponectin
Adrenaline (epi nephri ne)
Ad renocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Amyl i n
Androgens (e.g., testosterone)
A n giotensinogen
Atrial-natri uretic peptide (A N P)
Betatroph i n
Calc iferol (vita m i n 03)
Calcito n i n
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Row 2
Corticotropin-releasing hormone
Dopam ine
Eryth ropoietin ( E PO)
E ryth ropoietin ( E PO)
Estrogens (e.g., estradiol)
FG F-23 (phosphatonin)
Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 ( FG F1 9)
Fol l icle-sti m u l ati ng hormone ( FSH)
Gl ucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol)
Row 3
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Growth hormone (GH)
Growth hormone-releasi ng hormone
Hepci d i n
H u man chorionic gonadotropin (H CG)
Ins u l i n
Insulin-like growth facto r-1 (IGF-1 )
Irisi n
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Row 4
Mineral ocorticoids (e.g ., aldostero ne)
Neuropeptide Y
Noradrenaline (norepi nephri n e)
Oxytoci n
Parathyroid hormo ne (PTH)
Pro lactin (PRL)
Reti nol Binding Protein 4
Seroto n i n
Row s
Throm bopo ieti n
Thyroid-sti m ulating hormone (TSH)
Thyrotropi n-releasing hormone (TRH)
Thyroxine (T4)
Copyright 201 3, We l l ness U n masked, I re . , & D r. Bradley Ne lson. A l l rights reserved
Resou rces
Dental Relationship Chart
RiJht Shouldor.
tlbow, hand
(ulnar). S.l jo1111,
Right: TMJ, antmor hip/knee,
medial ankle
By Fritz Kra m e r, with some c h a n g e s b y K l i n g h a rdt I W i l l i a m s
RiJht r......,.
...... lup,
(radial), loot. big tot
lateral ankle
foot, toff.
tii)ot duodenum, tmi\IN.I
Names of
Rlght htart.
Tee th
Panctfas., rig.ht ide of tomach,
Rll!l't upper
3rd mohu
lobe of pnuh�ry
Rlal>t :old• ol
hvtr, g.aU
blllddtr, right
Rlght lung. right side ol large
stdt ol bihary
Right upper
Right upper
lst blcwpid
I I molar
Right upper
2nd bicuspid
Right kidney,
bl•ddtr, utrru�.o
rectum. Mus
bladdtr, uterus.
p rost<J�te.rectum,
� � fj a
ID m �
Righl upper
2nd molar
un �rior
kn«, Np,
Right upper
upper upper
lllltcrllll «.ntral
tll(IJor IncisOr
lo\>eo o( pih.lilllry
p it u itary
Lelt side ol
liver, biliary
Lelt lung. lelt side ol lorge
Lfft· Shoulder·
(ulnar), 5-I joint
foot, toes
Spleen. lelt side ol stomoch,
s1dt of
Left upper
Lelt upper lot
� & �
Lelt upper
2nd bicusp id
(pr.. molar)
Lelt upper
1st molar
Lelt upper
2nd molar
Right lowtr
Right lowtr
la le:�I
Lelt lower
(cuspid )
Left lower tst
�(t lower
2nd bicuspid
(pr.. molar)
Left lower 1st
mol o n
L@ft lower
2nd molnr
Rlght lowtr
3rd mol&r
RJght hellctr
1ermin&l dti.IO\
2nd molar
)$I molar
Right lower
Rlght lower
2nd bicuspid
Right lower
1st bicuspid
(pr... molar)
V Vu�� �
f!) 1F V �
Pancre... right side ol stomach.
pylorus, esophagus
lo,..�r low.r
lattfill ct.ntr•1
incisor '"'"""
RIS)\1 oide of
Rtght lung. right side ol large
liver. gall
bladder, nght
tide of btlhuy
Jllpi tkldtoty,
btaddcf', YIHU$.
�. ¥ftt1M..
,......... _
lelt side ol
ltver, btl iary
Ad renals
Ova ries,
Left PQIIertQr
l<n<o. htp,
llltc!rai MkJil"
IU&"L §Mu�.
rlbow, Nt!d
(ulnlr). $ t jl)lnt.
fQOC, kWt
Rlght. TMJ, anterior hip/ kn�.
medial a nkle
test i cles
Right. ShouldtHibow·hand
(radial), loot, big toe
Lelt l ung, left ide o l la rge
a.,bt l'l»l«iar
�...... M«<eott)'IJ diJP.Wto�,
po4h'fk1f" •nkk>
..... ......
h"li« •nkk
tAlt lowtr 'Jrd moiM 0
� '$Q
Spleen, left stde ol stomach.
Uft hetut left
si'M of tf]unum,
Lelt. TMJ, anterior htp/knee,
medi• l ankle
RJght POlte:nor
knH, h.tp,
ll'lter•l ai"'Ue
� � �
Jrd mol&r
Joi nts
Lc!lt: 1'Mj, IAterior hip/kntt,
med&al ankle
Lc!lt: Shouldtr·tlbow·hand
(rodi.11), loot, big toe
�. ....,.
_,..,., ,....,
posttttOt" al\klt
Lffl !Wktlf.W
.._, ...,..
....,..... tom••
JIO'Itliot ankk
Names of
Te eth
"""" ''"'"""
Lelt: ShouldeHibow·hand
(radial), loot, big toe
� �,.
(u!Nr) , S.I pnt.
foot. """
[TH E BODY CO D E 2 .0]
Body Code Healing System
Col um n A
Col u m n B
Col u m n C
Alfalfa herb
Comfrey leaf
H o rsetail herb
P ropolis res i n
Angelica root
Corn S i l k
I m mortal root
Pu lsatilla flower
Q uassia wood
Col u m n D
Arn ica flower
Cotton Root bark
J u n i per berry
As pen bark
Cow Pars n i p root
Kava- Kava root
Raspberry leaf
Astragalus root
C ramp bark
Kelp frond
Red C l over flower
Baptisia root
Damiana herb
Kola N ut
Red Root
Barberry root
Dandelion root
Lavender leaf
Rosemary leaf
Bayberry root bark
Desert Wil low bark
Licorice root
Sarsapari lla root
Benzoin g u m
Devil's C law root
L i ly of the Val ley root
Saw Palm etto fruit
Betony flower
Dogbane root
Lobelia herb
S hepherd's P u rse herb
B l ack Cohosh root
Dong Quai root
Ha H uang stem
S ku l l cap herb
Black H aw root
Ech inacea root
M a ravi l la root
S p i kenard root
Black Walnut h u l l
E lecam pane root
Marshm allow root
Sti l l i ng ia root
B lessed T h istle herb
Elder f lower
M atarique root
Storksbill herb
St. Joh n 's wort f lower
Blood root
Eucalpytus leaf
M i l k Thistle seed
Blue Flag rhz.
Eyebrig ht herb
M e nta Poleo herb
T h uja leaf
Blue Cohosh root
False U n icorn root
M ormon Tea
Toadflax herb
Blue Vervain herb
Fennel seed
Motherwort herb
Usnea l ichen
Blueberry leaf
Feverfew f lower
M u l lein leaf
Uva Ursi leaf
Fireweed herb
Myrrh g u m
Valerian root
B rickel l i a herb
Fringetree bark
N ettles herb
Vi rg i n ia Snake root
Buchu leaf
Garlic b u l b
O a t seed
Wh ite Oak bark
Bugleweed herb
Gentian root, g reen
Ocoti llo stem bark
Wh ite Sage leaf
Burdock root
G i ng ko leaf
Oregon G rape root
Wh ite W i l low bark
Burdock seed
G i nseng root, Wild Am.
Os ha root
Wi ld cherry bark
Calend u l a flower
G o lden Seal root
Pansy herb
Wi ld G i nger root
Cascara S ag rada root
G otu Kola herb
Partridge Berry
Catn i p herb
G ravel Root
C ayen n e fruit
G ri n d e l ia flower
Passion Flower
Yarrow f lower
Celandine, G reater
G uarana seed
Pau D 'Arco bark
Yel low D ock root
C h a m o m i l e flower
Hawthorne flower &
Pen nyroyal herb
Yerba Mansa root
Chaparral leaf
P i psissewa herb
Yerba Santa leaf
C hastetree berry
H ops strobules
Pleu risy root
Yoh i m be bark
C i n namon bark
H orehound herb
Poke root
Yucca root
C lematis herb
H orse Chestnut bark
Prickly As h bark
C leavers herb
H o rserad ish root
P rickly Poppy
(S quaw Vi ne)
Wild Yam root
Witch H azel leaf
Copyright 2009, We l l ness U n masked, I re . , & D r. Bradley Ne lson. A l l rights reserved
Resou rces
[TH E B O DY CO D E 2.0]
Body Code Heali11g System
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Col umn A
Column B
Colu mn C
U ve r
Lentil s
P apaya
P each
Cil antro
Uma Beans
Col l a rds
Othe r Beans
Duc k
P e rsian Melon
Dandeli on G reens
P e rsimmon
Fi sh
Endi ve
Pineappl e
Sweet Potato
G oose
G a �ic
G reen Beans
Winter Squash
J erusalem Artichoke
Aco m
S eeds
Kal e
Tu rkey
Bibb Lettuce
Othe r
Row 4
Cottage Cheese
Butter Lettuce
Bran F lakes
Iceberg Lettuce
C ream Cheese
Red Leaf Lettuce
c orn
Kefi r
Romaine Lettuce
M i l l et
Blac kberry
Row s
Row 6
Row 7
Row s
Row 9
Column D
Mung Bean Sprouts
Bl ueberry
O atmeal
Rice Bread
Mustard G reens
Cactus Fruit
Rice Cakes
Mustard Spinach
Cantal oupe Melon
Casaba Melon
Sour Dough
Cheri moya
Other Breads
Scal l i on s
Crenshaw Melon
M ayonnaise
Alfalfa Sprouts
snow Peas
Dried F ruit
Nut Butters
Othe r Sprouts
Spi n ach
A rtichoke
Fig (fresh)
Yel l ow
G rapefruit
Bamboo Shoots
Zucchi n i
G rapes
Beet G reens
Swiss Chard
G u ava
Be l l Peppers
Bok Choi
Tumip G reens
Brocc o li
Brussel Sprouts
Vegetabl e Starch
G a rbanzo Beans
Nectari n e
Copyright 2009, VVe l l ness Unmasked, Inc., & D r. Bradley Nelson. A l l rights reserved
Resou rces
[TH E BODY CO D E 2.0]
B ody Code System ™
Anti-Fut1gaVMold Dietary Suggestions
AVOI D These Foods
S ugar
C hoc o l ate
Mol asses
A rtific ial Sweeteners
A lcohol
Wi ne and Beer
Spi rits
L i q uors
G ra i ns, G l uten
Wheat, R ye
Oats, Barley
Corn , R ice
D ried
Root vegetables
Cured meats
A l l except w i l d sal mon
Shel lfish
Dai ry P roducts
M i l k and Cream
Whey Products
Beve rages
Coffee, Tea
Sodas, Energy d r i n ks
J uices
Soy (all products)
Legu mes
N uts
Pistach i os
Ketc h up and M ayo
Rel ish
Soy Sauce
Fats, O i l s
Pean ut a n d Corn o i l
Canola o i l
Soy oil
Processed meats
EAT These Foods
All non starc hy vegetables (grows above the ground)
Yogurt (no added sugar)
Sauerk raut
Other fermented
Kefi r
K i mchee
Beef, Chicken
Lamb, Turkey
Wild Salmo n, A nc hovies
Sard i nes
N uts and Seeds
A l mo nds, Flax
Haze l n ut
S u nfl ower Seeds
Coco nut meat
Wal n uts
Buckw heat, Oat bran
O u i noa
M i l let
Li ve Cultures
G ra i ns (non-gluten)
A l l organic free range
A ny
He rbs and S pices
Vi rg i n Coco nut O i l
Flax O i l
O l i ve O i l
Sesame O i l
X y l itol
Be ve rages
P ro biotic d rinks
He rbal teas
Fats, O i l s
Resou rces
Butte r
Le mon water