FACULTY OFELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERNG UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG COMMUNICATION RUBRIC CS1 SPEAKING SKILL 26600 PEKAN, PAHANG DARUL MAKMUR Lecturer : Course Code & Name : Program : Faculty : Semester : I Total Mark Sttudent Name CRITERIA 30 Section : 1 Session : 2014 / 2015 Day Time Venue Tue Thu 08.00 - 09.50 08.00 - 09.50 BTP1 BTP1 WEIGHTAGE SCORE GAINED MARK % 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTORS LEVEL OF ACHIEVMENT 0 1 Introduction: Topic and purpose of communication are introduced with appropriate attention getter Topic is not introduced; Purpose is not stated; There is no attention getter. Topic and purpose of communication are stated but not clear; There is no attention getter. Body: Provide general and background information which correspond with the purpose; Show understanding of the topic General and background information are not provided. Do show understanding of the topic. General and background information are General and background information are slightly General and background information are General and background information are inadequate and do not correspond with the inadequate and fairly correspond with the adequate, but moderately correspond with the adequate and correspond with the topic. Show purpose. Show poor understanding of the topic. purpose. Show fair understanding of the topic. topic. Show average understanding of the topic. good understanding of the topic. Body: Provide adequate, relevant and significant information of the topic (Include Literature, Methodology & Significance of the Research); Provide links between ideas Able to express ideas precisely, effectively Closing: Summary of the topic; Memorable and and confidently, in oral impactful communication Information is inadequate, irrelevant and insignificant There is no closing, and no summary made. 2 3 4 5 Topic and purpose of communication are stated Topic and purpose of communication are stated Topic and purpose of communication are made Topic and purpose of communication are made but not clear; Attention getter is fairly clearly; Attention getter is excellent and leaves clear. Attention getter is acceptable. clear. Attention getter is good. acceptable. an impact on the audience. Information is inadequate; The relevance and signicance of information is poorly made; Links and connections between ideas is poorly made. Information is present, but suppoting details are inadequate; The relevance and signicance of information is fairly made; Links and connections between ideas is fairly made. Closing highlights a few ideas and no final statement. Closing contains some key ideas and concludes with a fair final statement. Information is adequate; The relevance and signicance of information is moderately made; Links and connections between ideas is moderately made. Closing contains some key ideas and concludes with an acceptable final statement. Information is adequate; The relevance and signicance of information is good; Links and connections between ideas is good. 1 0 General and background information are adequate and correspond with the topic. Show excellent understanding of the topic. 1 0 Information is adequate; The relevance and signicance of information is excellent; Links and connections between ideas is excellent. 1 0 1 0 Closing highlights most key ideas, and concludes Closing highlights all key ideas and concludes with a good final statement. with a strong and impacfful final statement. Language expression used is not appropriate. Uses inappropriate language expression to the topic and level of communication. (Grammatical structure is poor.) Uses fairly appropriate language expression to the topic and level of communication. (Grammatical structure is fair.) Uses moderately appropriate language expression to the topic and level of communication. (Grammatical structure is moderately correct.) Uses appropriate and good language expression to the topic and level of communication. (Grammatical structure is good.) Uses appropriate and excellent language expression to the topic and level of communication. (Grammatical structure is excellent.) 1 0 Appropriate and varied choice of words according to the topic Choice of words is inappropriate and not varied to the topic and level of communication. Choice of words is inappropriate, and contains words which are overly used and repeated. Choice of words is fairly appropriate, and contains words which are overly used and repeated. Choice of words is moderately appropriate, and contains words which are slightly varied. Choice of words is appropriate and good, and contains words which are varied. Choice of words is appropriate and excellent, and contains words which are varied. 1 0 Appropriate organization of information in oral communication (Coherence and Cohesion) There is no organization in the communication. No coherence and cohesion of ideas. Organization of the communication, and coherence and cohesion are poor. Organization of the communication, and coherence and cohesion are fair. Organization of the communication, and coherence and cohesion moderate. Organization of the communication, and coherence and cohesion good. Organization of the communication, and coherence and cohesion excellent. 1 0 7 0 Appropriate language expression according to the topic and level of communication