Uploaded by Stephanie Maitem

Teacher Reflection: Learner-Centered Science Teaching

RPMS S.Y.: 2022-2023
Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)
Teacher I-III
Subject Taught: SCIENCE 8
Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered. (PPST7.1.2)
Reflection Journal Entry of High School Science Teacher: Embracing a LearnerCentered Teaching Philosophy Across Four Quarters
As I reflect on the academic year as a high school science teacher, I am grateful for the
opportunity to have applied a learner-centered teaching philosophy that consistently engaged my
students in the teaching-learning process. Throughout the four quarters, I aimed to create an
interactive and dynamic learning environment where students actively participated in scientific
exploration and discovery. By valuing their ideas, interests, and experiences, I strived to ignite their
passion for science and empower them as critical thinkers and problem solvers.
First Quarter:
In the initial quarter, I focused on building a strong foundation of scientific inquiry and critical
thinking. To foster curiosity and hands-on learning, I introduced a "Study Notebook in Science"
activity. Students were encouraged to record observations, questions, and hypotheses as they
conducted experiments and explored scientific concepts. The Study Notebook became a personal
record of their scientific journey.
Specific Activity: " Study Notebook "
Instructions: Maintain a science Study Notebook to record your observations, questions, and
hypotheses during laboratory experiments and class discussions. Use it as a tool to track your
scientific inquiries and findings.
Second Quarter:
As we progressed into the second quarter, I aimed to foster collaboration and communication
skills through project-based learning. Students were divided into groups and tasked with researching
and presenting on a specific scientific topic of their choice. They worked together to gather
information, conduct experiments, and deliver presentations to their peers.
Specific Activity: "Group Work and Presentation"
Instructions: In groups, select a scientific topic that interests your team. Conduct in-depth research,
design experiments, and prepare an engaging presentation. Share your findings with the class,
ensuring each group member contributes to the presentation.