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Sept 12 Takeaway

Angelina Dresser
Sept 12 Takeaway
Paper 1
This paper delves into the practical implications of Human Factors (HF) practices within
the aviation and railway sectors from 2000 to 2019. The study looks into how HF practices
change within organizations and how HF practices can influence many factors such as
performance. This is done by conducting interviews and observations in order to identify factors
and levels of effect. The main focus of the paper is the transition from viewing HF as a
mandatory regulatory requirement to a beneficial tool and mindset that can have positive
impacts, therefore from a must to mindset.
The paper displays the progression of HF practices from simple regulatory obligations to
excelling mindsets that enhance safety, performance, and well-being in industries that value
safety very highly. The paper pushed the importance of an HF mindset and how implementing it
in organizations is beneficial. The study recommends focusing on knowledge creation,
incorporating HF principles into safety, and involving management and supervisors in HF
training actively and visibly. The paper also notes that it is important to define HF goals and
content for each level of an organization and what those tasks entail.
I think this paper did a good job of showing the differences between a must and a
mindset, and how each relates to the other. The paper provides insights and examples of
regulatory requirements and what applying a mindset to an organization looks like. The study
uses various theories and examples to show how HF practices can impact an organization and
offers recommendations to researchers, managers, and operators of any industry. I also think the
paper did a good job of expressing the limitations of HF practices and the limitations in its own
research, then offering recommendations for future research. For example, they recommend
exploring the long-term effects of HF practices being implemented in organizations.
One aspect that leaves me with some curiosity pertains to the specific mechanisms or
practical strategies that companies employed to complete the transition from perceiving HF as a
mandatory requirement to fostering an HF cultural mindset. I would like to understand the
intricacies of how organizations instilled a cultural change because this seems easier said than
done and makes me think it would require a long time. Additionally, it would be intriguing to
know if there were any common challenges or roadblocks encountered during this transition, and
how these were overcome, as this knowledge could offer practical guidance for organizations
wanting to instill HF practices in the future.
Paper 2
This paper surrounds the field of human factors and its significance to healthcare. It
acknowledges the increasing interest and attention that human factors have garnered within
healthcare communities and institutions. This heightened interest is primarily due to the
recognition of human-centered design as a valuable approach in healthcare improvement efforts.
The paper points out one larger concern which is the rising confusion surrounding the concept of
human factors, which is observed within scientific literature. The paper then seeks to make the
scientific discipline of human factors more clear and establish the potential collaborations
between the healthcare and human factors communities.
From this paper, I gained an understanding of the role that human factors play in
healthcare. It shows that the fundamental goal of human factors is not the elimination of human
error, which is often impossible, but rather the design of systems that can withstand unforeseen
events and limitations. This perspective fundamentally revolves around collecting and analyzing
data regarding human characteristics and their interaction with the work environment. The aim is
to refine systems and processes to align with human capabilities. The paper also discusses that
the application of human factors is not confined to individuals alone and that it extends across
the whole organization. This can provide insights into how policies, procedures, and
organizational structures can influence performance and safety in healthcare settings.
One notable strength of this paper is its ability to clear up common misconceptions
related to human factors in healthcare. It accomplishes this by presenting five key facts that are
vital in comprehending the field. By debunking myths, it provides a concise portrayal of the
subject matter. The paper also emphasizes the significance of collaboration between healthcare
professionals and experts in human factors. This collaborative approach is essential for the
successful application of human factors principles in healthcare, and the inclusion of practical
examples demonstrates these processes clearly. These are all great strengths of the paper.
A question that lingers in my mind after reading this paper is related to the potential
resistance or barriers that healthcare institutions might face when trying to adopt human factors
principles. While the paper makes a compelling case for the benefits of incorporating human
factors into healthcare, it doesn't delve deeply into the challenges or objections that healthcare
professionals or administrators might raise. Some possible roadblocks I can think of are resource
allocation, cultural shifts, or perceived disruptions in productivity and everyday work.
Understanding the potential roadblocks could provide valuable insights into how to navigate
these hurdles effectively and ensure the successful integration of human factors science into
healthcare practices.