Uploaded by SARA SALEM

ABAS-II Report Template

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Student name
School name
Quesnel School District
Quesnel, B.C.
(school #)
Date of Assessment:
Date of Report:
Assessment completed by: Individuals who participated in the process of
completing the questionnaire.
Summary Report submitted by: Resource teacher’s name
Reason for Referral: Why now? Purpose….
Background Information: Relevant information that relates to the usefulness of
the information given from this assessment.
Instrument used:
This assessment provides normative data that compares Student’s name
to other typically developing students aged student’s age years. It provides an
assessment of daily, functional skills of an individual across a variety of settings.
Scaled scores that are indicated are based on a mean of 10 and a
standard deviation of 3. A scaled score of 10 defines the average performance
of a given age group. One standard deviation below the mean is 7 and two
standard deviations below the mean is 4.
The distribution of scores of the three adaptive domains and the General
Adaptive Composite (GAC) has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. A
score of 100 defines the average performance of a given age group.
This assessment is unlike a cognitive assessment. This is because
people have little ability to change their cognitive capacity. Adaptive skills, on the
other hand, are more amenable to change and more likely to show improvement.
In reviewing the results the team should compare the individual profile of scores
to the requirements of his/her environment at this time. If the team wishes to
improve students’ adaptive abilities they could take this information and develop
goals and objectives within the students IEP which are appropriate to the
environment and needs of the student.
Assessment results
Skill Area/Adaptive Domain/ GAC Scaled Scores Teacher
Community Use
Functional Academics
School Living/Home Living
Health and Safety
Conceptual domain
95% confidence interval
Social domain
(LS, Soc)
95% confidence interval
Practical domain
(CU, HL, HS, SC)
95% confidence interval
GAC (General Adaptive
95% confidence interval
Composite scores
Range given +-
Scaled ScoresParent
Comments: Anything that pertains to the additional information given during the
assessment process. This may be in the form of written comments or information
shared while implementing the assessment.
Summary and Conclusions (RT may wish to complete two separate sections if
the scores appear quite different – Teacher Report/Parent Report)
Compared to other students aged student’s age years name’s General
Adaptive Composite score for the Teacher assessment is composite score. This
score at less than the %ile percentile (95% confidence interval) is classified as
descriptive category ie borderline.
The Parent Assessment General Adaptive Composite of composite score
composite score is at %ile percentile at a 95% confidence interval. This is also
classified as descriptive category ie borderline.
The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System reports from both the
teacher and parent indicate that student’s name is performing well below/the
same as other typically developing student’s age year olds. The skill area of
specific skill area indicated a relative strength with a scaled score of scaled
score. This can be an area of the report where the RT may wish to emphasize
the positive aspects of the assessment and pull out the strengths.
This paragraph may include the recommendation to focus on specifics
within the students next IEP if the assessment indicates the need. The team
may wish to do an item analysis within the skill areas of the assessment, and
compare specific skills to priorities for student’s name considering her age and
home and school environment.
Any concluding statement here is appropriate. As previously mentioned
adaptive skills can be developed and will change and improve over time if they
are focussed on and rewarded. When a team works together to support a
student and help them to grow and develop everyone benefits.