Objectives Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non linear illustration etc., on understanding a text. Create an advance organizer based on the chosen selection Display the virtue of cooperation in accomplishing the given task Key Question How will you sort and visually present big information in the changing world? Advance Organizer Used to present information so that you can better understand and remember information you are learning (Gonzales et. al., 2015) introductory material at a higher level of abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness than the learning passage itself, and an overview as a summary presentation of the principal ideas in a passage that is not necessarily written at a higher level of abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness, but achieves its effect largely by the simple omission of specific detail (Ausubel, 1963, 1968). Graphic Organizer A way of arranging information about a topic based on the patterns and relationships that exist and applying a label to identify that relationship. This organization of information can be implemented before, during, and/or after reading. An advance organizer can’t be a Graphic Organizer but a graphic organizer can be an advance organizer. Group work In your groups. Create an advance organizer showing connections or introduction regarding the texts The Call Center Agent Lifestyle and The Ban For Plastic: A Global Concern. Time Allotted: 15 mins Presentation time for each group: 5 mins Rubric Creativity – 5 points Organization of ideas – 10 points Clarity of presentation 10 points Rubric Criteria 10 7 4 Organization of Ideas Main topic and sub topic shows very clear connection and development of ideas. Topic is clear and organizer shows relationship among each ideas but the certain aspects are confusing Topic is not clear and organizer shows no relationship among each ideas. Clarity of presentation The organizer was presented in a confident and prepared way. Listeners showed interest because everyone can see it. 3 mins of presentation is maximized. The organizer was presented in a confident and prepared way. Listeners are not interested. 3 mins of presentation is not maximized. The organizer was presented in nervous and unprepared way. Listeners showed no interest. 3 mins of presentation is not maximized. Activity Go back to the previous 3 selections and analyze them. Answer page 22. Take Aways Why do we need to use advance organizers?