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Marketing Assignment Guidelines - Intake III 2023

Professional Certificate in Marketing
Individual Assignment - Intake III 2023
Assignment submission period
24 September 2023
Assignment acceptance time period
Before 6.00 pm
This assignment should conform to the Assignment Guidelines presented as per the
PCM Text Book. (Please refer Course Manual {last section} of the Textbook)
Attached COVER PAGE FORMAT should be used and the ASSIGNMENT MARKING
SHEET should be attached after the cover page.
Word count: minimum 2000 and maximum 3000 words.
Do not insert any pictures on the cover page of the assignment.
Assignments will NOT be accepted after the last date of acceptance under any
Assignments should be submitted ONLY if allowed to sit for the examination paper
(Except for transferred candidates). If a student has NOT submitted the assignment,
an exam admission will not be issued for him/her.
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You will be issued a student ID/membership card from the institute within the first
month. It’s your responsibility to coordinate with the study centre where you attend
the lectures to collect the ID card.
Your examination will be held on 15 October 2023 at three examination centres:
Colombo, Kandy and Matara. Examination centre & time will be communicated
through the admission form.
Admission will be prepared ONLY for the students who have submitted their
assignments before the last date of acceptance. You are expected to collect your
admission form at least three days before the examination date. You will not be
allowed to sit for the examination without the admission card and student ID/NIC.
If you were absent on the examination date due to an illness, your assignment marks
can be transferred to the next immediate examination. You are expected to submit a
medical certificate as a proof of your illness along with the table given below, filled
within 14 days from the examination date. It will be valid ONLY for the next immediate
Results will be published in the SLIM website within one month from the examination
date. Result sheets or letter of assignment transfer (only for absent students) should
be collected from SLIM / Study centres within one month after releasing the results.
Only the assignment marks will be transferred. Therefore, students should coordinate
with SLIM / Study Centre to apply for the next immediate examination before the
assignment submission date by submitting a repeater application form along with a
payment of LKR3,000 as a repeat examination fee.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEDICAL ACCEPTANCE FORM
(Please separate from here and hand over to SLIM / Study Centre attached with medical
Student Name
Program & Intake
PCM Intake III - 2023
Registration Number
Contact Number
Reason for the absence
Signature of Student
Received by
(SLIM /Study Centre
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“The importance of understanding the Marketing Environmental Factors,
Marketing Segmentation and their importance/effects to the Organization
and developing the appropriate extended Marketing Mix elements for
Organizational Success.”
Regarding marketing activities, a business or an organization can be affected by various
environmental factors, which surround the firm. Such environmental aspects have an influence
over the decision-making of an enterprise. Since the environmental and marketing dynamics of
a firm tend to change and seem to be uncertain, it is imperative for a business to understand all
these aspects, and in the process, aim to develop approaches that might be beneficial to the
An organization utilizes different strategies to influence the demand for its offerings. The
marketing mix must be well utilized in relation to one another to avoid conflict in the minds of
buyers. A good quality product in a luxury market cannot have a high price and a large discount
at the same time. Identifying and arranging the elements of its marketing mix allows a business
to make profitable marketing decisions at every level.
All the elements of the marketing mix influence each other. They make up the business plan for
a company and handled right, can give it great success. But handled wrong and the business
could take years to recover. The marketing mix needs a lot of understanding, market research
and consultation with several people, from users to trade to manufacturing and several others.
Market Segmentation allows companies to target different categories of consumers who
perceive the full value of certain products and services. Before diving into the market,
researchers generally look for shared characteristics such as common needs, interests etc. The
danger with the unsegmented, mass marketing approach is that trying to appeal to everyone
may result in the company appealing to no one or missing key opportunities to attract an
important segment of the market.
A good marketer will be able to cluster similar customers into specific market segments with
different, and sometimes unique, demands.
Select a Manufacturing Company in Sri Lanka of your choice and give a brief introduction of the
Company / Organization and three products it markets.
(10 Marks)
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Describe how the Marketing Environmental factors (both micro and macro) effects to the
selected Organization’s day-to-day marketing operations.
(25 Marks)
With reference to the selected Manufacturing Organization in Task one, select one product of
your choice and carry out a detailed analysis of the Extended Marketing Mix elements which
they have effectively used to market the product.
(30 Marks)
Discuss the importance of Market Segmentation for the selected manufacturing company and
identify what target marketing strategies the selected company using / to be used to market
their products.
(15 Marks)
Please refrain from copying-and-pasting information from the Internet or another source and
make sure to reference your work according to the Harvard referencing format.
Word allocation for each task
Content Weightage
Task One
Task Two
Task Three
Task Four
Note: Please refer the given assignment marking scheme for marks allocation.
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Assignment Marking Scheme – PCM III - 2023
(For the use of the examiners only)
Professional Certificate in Marketing
PCM III 2023
Assignment Topic
“The importance of understanding the Marketing Environmental
Factors, Marketing Segmentation and their importance/effects to the
Organization and developing the appropriate extended Marketing Mix
elements for Organizational success”
Student Registration Number
(To be filled by the students)
Allocation of marks (Please Use only a RED PEN from this point onwards)
Area of evaluation
Task 01
Task 02
Task 03
Task 04
Following assignment guidelines
Marks Awarded
Final marks of evaluation
Overall comments by the examiner
Signature of Examiner
Signature of
& Date
Education officer
Important: This should be attached to the assignment AFTER THE COVER PAGE.
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Specimen of an Assignment Cover Page
Prepared By
D. I. Perera
Study Centre Name
Examination Month
Professional Certificate in Marketing
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