REPUBLIC OF CAMEROOON Peace-Work-Fatherland ******** MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF THE TEACHING OF SCIENCES ******** DEPARTMENT : LESEEHB REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix-Travail-Patrie ******** MINISTERES DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES ******** INSPECTION GENERALE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS ******** INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE CHARGEE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES SCIENCES ******** SECTION: SVTEEHB HARMONISED ANNUAL PROGRESSION FOR BIOLOGY . General Objectives : 1) This course, will help learners to acquire basic skills that will enable him/her to solve daily life challenges as well as being self-reliant. 2) It aims at inculcating in the learner, the attitude of environmental awareness; maintaining, improving or exploiting it in a sustainable manner. Specific Objectives for Form 1: -Identification of Biological Systems and their importance. School: …………………; Class: F1; Number of Didactic Sequences: 15; Weekly workload: 2H Subject: Biology Teacher’s Name : ……………………… ; Qualification : …………………Longivity…………………… Term Week 1st Term Wk.13(0422/09/23) Wk.4 2529/9/23 Wk.5 0206/10/23 Wk.6-7 (0920/10/23) Wk.7-8 (1827/10/23) Wk.9 3003/11/23 Wk.10 0610/11/23 Wk.11 1317/11/23 Wk.12 2024/11/23 2nd Term 1-2(2708/12/23) 3(1115/12/23) 4(0205/01/24) 5(0812/01/24) 6(1519/01/24) 7(2226/01/24) 8-9(2909/02/24) Categories of Actions Appropriating Knowledge of Life and Life forms. Module/Title /Topic. 1 The Living World Influence of the environment on plants and animals Practicing agriculture and animal husbandry - Using the soil in the production of consumable resources. - Preventing soil degradation Digitalization Res Res. onused line Dur ation Observat ions -Notion of Biology -Characteristics of Living things -Studying and Observation of Living things/Cells and their Types Yes Yes Yes 9h 08/09/23. World Literacy Day. Practicals/Revision/Integration/Evaluatio n and remediation Yes 2h 2.Environment and habitats -Definition of terms /Biotic and abiotic factors/Effects of day and night Yes 2h 3.Improving soil quality -Soil quality/farming practice -Farming techniques Yes Yes 3h 4.Soil erosion -Types of soil erosion Yes 3h -Causes effects and prevention Yes Revision/integration/Evaluation and remediation. Yes 2h -Purpose/materials/methods/effects and importance. Yes 2h -Types of medicinal plants - Methods of preparation. Yes 2h 5.Hunting/ fishing/harvestin g/gardening 6.Roles of medicinal plants Conserving natural resources (food and medicinal plants). Preventing/Av oiding early pregnancies. Pedagogic Sequence/Lesson Sub Topic/Didactic Sequence 1.Understanding Biology -Cultivation/harvesting and preservations 2 Health Education 7.Reproductive health 8.Early pregnancy Preventing/Av oiding STIs and AIDS. 9.STIs, HIV/AIDS Preventing/Av oiding food poisoning. 10.Quality nutrition 11.Food hygiene Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Puberty/primary and secondary sexual characteristics Fertilization and pregnancy Causes, consequences and Prevention. 3h Revision/integration/Evaluation and remediation. Gonorrhoea, syphilis/ chlamydia 2h Hepatitis-B, HIV-AIDS/PREVENTION of STIs, HIV-AIDS/hygiene of the reproductive organs Classes and sources of food Nutritional diseases Food preparation/preservation/ Practicals. Social health Page 1 sur 11 2h 1502/01/20 24--First break. 2h 2h 6h 2602/02/2024 Bilingualis m week. 05-11/02/24 Youth Week. 10(1216/02/24) 3rd Term TOTA L 11(1923/02/24) 12(2601/03/24) 1(0408/03/24) Preventing water pollution 2(1115/03/24) 3(1822/03/24) 4(2528/03/24) 5(0105/04/24) 6(1519/04/24) 7(2226/04/24) 8(2903/05/24) 9(0610/05/24) 10(1317/05/24) 33 Preventing air pollution 3 12.Water management Environment al Education and Sustainable Development 14.Land pollution Conserving Biodiversity 15.Conservation of biodiversity 03 2h Natural water sources/water pollution 4h Effects of water pollution/water borne diseases Purification of used water-water filters/maintenance. 13.Air Preventing land pollution Revision/integration/Evaluation and remediation. Composition of air/uses of natural and artificial air Air pollution and effects. 2h Revision/integration/Evaluation and remediation. Land pollutants and their effects 2h Preventing Land Pollution 2h Practicals 2h Notions and conservation techniques 2h Interdependence and Legislation 2h Revision/integration/Evaluation. 2h 15 2h 2h 2815/04/24 Second break 66h/ Year . *60 hours of theory * 06 hours of practicals. N.B: 1) The duration of one hour is just indicative; in reality, the periods vary from 40 to 50 minutes; 2) The learning of resources should be coupled with punctual formative evaluations proposed in a descriptive logic in order to fill any gaps or to complete learning. 3) The learning period for integration is an indicative proposal; this lesson has to be placed after a group of lessons. That is at the end of each didactic sequence 4) The elaborated progression sheet has to be clipped to the cover page or first page of the subject in the log book(RWKBK). 5)Digitalized lessons could be exploited from the DE platform (, virtual laboratory or self-made. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Page 2 sur 11 REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix-Travail-Patrie ******** MINISTERES DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES ******** INSPECTION GENERALE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS ******** INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE CHARGEE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES SCIENCES ******** SECTION : SVTEEHB REPUBLIC OF CAMEROOON Peace-Work-Fatherland ******** MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF THE TEACHING OF SCIENCES ******** DEPARTMENT : LESEEHB Specific Objectives for Form 2 :- Exploring the living world to ameliorate human life and environment. School: …………………: Class: F2; Number of chapters:14; Weekly workload: 2H Subject: Biology Teacher’s Name : ……………………… ; Qualification : …………………Longivity…………………… Ter m 1st Ter m Week 1-5(0406/10/23) Category of Actions Practicing agriculture and animal husbandry Module/Topic 1 The Living World. 6 (913/10/23) 7-9 (1603/11/23) 10-11 (0617/11/23) 2nd Ter m 12 (2024/11/23 ) 1-2(2708/12/23) 3(1115/12/23) 4(0205/01/24) 5(0812/01/24) 6(1519/01/24) 7(2226/01/24) 8(2902/02/24) 9(0509/02/24) 10 (1212/02/24) 11(1923/02/24) 12(2601/03/24) Sub Topic/Didactic Sequence 1.Reproduction in plants 2.Animal production Preventing/treati ng animal and plant diseases. 3.Improvement of quality and quantity of production Preserving consumable resources. Preventingeliminating deficiency and over feeding diseases. Preventing/avoid ing food poisoning. 4.Transformatio n of foodstuff 2 Health Education 5.Quality nutrition 6.Body mass index 7.Calorific value of food 8.Food hygiene 9.Physical and social health Maintaining physical and social health. Caring for and maintaining the reproductive 10.Behaviour harmful to reproductive health Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Digitalization Res. Res. used online Durati on Need for Reproduction and types/agents of pollination Fertilization /seed structure/seed dispersal/ qualities Seed germination/types of asexual reproduction Vegetative propagation [ Natural and artificial] Advantages/disadvantages of vegetative propagation/Evaluation Practicals/Revision/Evaluation and remediation. Sexual reproduction-fertilization and development/ techniques of rearing animals Metamorphosis in Insects and Amphibians Impact of larval forms on plant yields Animal/Plant parasites and diseases Biological/chemical control of pests Yes 10h Yes Yes 4h Integration/ Evaluation/remediation. Yes 2h Role of microorganisms - Methods of food preservation/Practical -Principle of animal and plant products preservation. Nutritional diseases Yes Yes 4h Yes 2h Body mass index Yes Determination of calorific values/project design on nutritional diseases Integration/Evaluation/remediati on. Food hygiene and rules of food preparation Yes Pedagogic sequence/Lessons Yes Yes *Practicals on V.P (cuttings) Yes Yes Yes 2h Yes 6h Yes Yes 2h 2h 2h Alcohol and smoking 2h Drugs 2h Project on social health Practicals Exercise/rest/sleep- integration and Evaluation/remediation. Practices harmful to adolescent reproductive health Emergent harmful behaviours 2h Page 3 sur 11 Observatio ns 2h 2h 2h 2602/02/2024 Bilingualis m week. 0511/02/24 Youth Week. 3rd Ter m 1(0408/03/24) 2(1115/03/24) 3(1822/03/24) 4(2528/03/24) 5(0105/05/24) 6(1519/04/24) 7(2226/04/24) 8(2803/05/24) 9(0610/05/24) organs in good health. Preventing/avoid ing STIs, HIV and AIDS Reducing/mitigat ing the effects of global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. Conserving Biodiversity. Preventing/mitig ating the impart of natural disasters/restorin g the environment to its natural state. 11.STIs, HIV/AIDS 3 Environmental Education and Sustainable Development 12.Global warming and climate change/ the ozone layer 13.Conservation of biodiversity and natural disasters in Cameroon 14.Natural disasters in Cameroon Notion and example of STIs 2h HIV/AIDS and STIs. 2h Revision/Integration / Evaluation/remediation. Notion, causes and effects of climate change and the ozone layer depletion 2h Effects of man’s activities on biodiversity and methods of conserving biodiversity 2h Types, causes , effects and prevention Practical- field work 2h Integration and Evaluation. 2h 2h 2815/04/24 Second break 2h END OF YEAR TOTA L 33 03 14 66h/Ye ar *60 hours of theory. *06 hours of practicals. N.B: 1) The duration of one hour is just indicative; in reality, the periods vary from 40 to 50 minutes; 2) The learning of resources should be coupled with punctual formative evaluations proposed in a descriptive logic in order to fill any gaps or to complete learning. 3) The learning period for integration is an indicative proposal; this lesson has to be placed after a group of lessons. That is at the end of each didactic sequence 4) The elaborated progression sheet has to be clipped to the cover page or first page of the subject in the log book(RWKBK). 5)Digitalized lessons could be exploited from the DE platform (, virtual laboratory or self-made. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Page 4 sur 11 REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix-Travail-Patrie ******** MINISTERES DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES ******** INSPECTION GENERALE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS ******** INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE CHARGEE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES SCIENCES ******** SECTION : SVTEEHB REPUBLIC OF CAMEROOON Peace-Work-Fatherland ******** MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF THE TEACHING OF SCIENCES ******** DEPARTMENT : LESEEHB Specific Objectives for Form 3: - Exploring the living world to ameliorate human life and environment. School: ……………………; Class: F3; Number of chapter:14, Weekly workload: 2H Subject: Biology Teacher’s Name: ………………………; Qualification: ………………Longivity……………………… Te rm Week 1st Te rm 1(0408/09/23) 2 (1115/09/23) 3 (1822/09/23) Category of Actions Understanding cellular exchanges to better conserve life. Module/Topic 1 THE LIVING WORLD Sub Topic/Didactic Sequence. Pedagogic Sequence/Lesson. Digitalization 1-CELLS AND WATER RELATIONS -Notion of cells and water Yes -Diffusion, Osmosis and active transport -Experiments to demonstrate cellular exchanges(practical on osmosis) -Osmosis and plant tissues -Transpiration(briefly treated). -Revision, asking and answering questions. Use of osmosis in grocery to keep vegetables fresh. Yes 2-CELLULAR EXCHANGE IN DIFFERENT CONDITIONS 4 (2529/09/23) 5 (0206/10/23) Res. online Yes Res. used Durati on Observat ions 4h 08/09/23. Literacy Day. 4h Yes 2h Integration/Evaluation/rem ediation. 6 (0912/10/23) 7 (1620/10/23) 2nd . Understanding the nature and variety of life forms to better live with them. 3CLASSIFICATION (Nature and Variety of life forms) -Understanding Classification - Viruses -Prokaryotae (Bacteria) -Kingdom Protoctista -Kingdom Fungi 2h 4h 8 (2327/10/23) -Kingdom Plantae 9(3003/11/23) 10 (0610/11/23) -Kingdom Animalia 6h Revision/Integration/evalua tive/remediation. Cultivation of Monocots and Dicots. 2h 11(1317/11/22 3) 12 (2024/11/23) 1 (2701/12/23) 2 (0408/12/23) 3(1115/12/23) 4 (0205/01/24) Improving the quantity and quality of plant and animal food resources. 4-CULTIVATION AND REARING OF ORGANISMS END OF TERM 5-PLANT NUTRIENTS 6-DIETING IN FARM ANIMALS Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. -Rearing of snails, fish and birds - Rearing of Mammals e.g. Guinea pigs and wistar rat. -Major and minor plant nutrients -Importance of N,P,K in plants -Sources of plant nutrients -Types of fertilizers - Fertilizer application -Dietary needs of farm animals -Balanced dieting in farm animals Page 5 sur 11 2h 2h 2h 2h 1502/01/20 24--First break. Making of compost manure Integration/evaluation/rem ediation. -Concept of balanced diet. -Classes of food. Practicals 4h -Nutritional and calorific requirements -Reference Intake(RI) and Guidelines Daily Amounts (GDA) -Calorific value of RI or GDA of a commonly eaten meal -Plant diseases 4h 2602/02/20 24 Bilingual ism week. -Human diseases 2h -Rules of personal hygiene 2h 0511/02/24 Youth Week. 10-AUTOMEDICATION 11- Risky Behaviour 12- Covid 19 Virus Disease -Fake traditional medicines -Risky behaviours -Protective behaviours -Covid 19 Evaluation/remediation. 2h 13- Intestinal worms -Tapeworm (T. Solium, T. Saginata). -Ascaris. -Interdependence of organisms -Social organization: Bee colony 4h -Termite colony -Evaluation -Biological importance of social organizations 2h -Differences between organic and non- organic fertilizers -Effects of fertilizers in the soil and environment - Visit to a near- by farm. Practicals. Integration/ EVALUATION END OF YEAR 2h 5(0812/01/24) 6(1519/01/24) 7(2226/01/24) 7-CLASSES OF FOOD 2 HEALTH EDUCATION Preventing deficiency in nutritional and calorific requirements of humans. 8(2902/02/24) 9(0509/02/24) 10(1216/02/24) 11(1923/02/24) 8-SOME COMMON DISEASES AFFECTING CROP PLANTS AND HUMANS 9-Personal Hygiene Preventing/eliminatin g the transmission of diseases of food crops, farm animals and humans including HIV/AIDS and STIs and Ebola 12(2601/03/24) 2h -Rejecting risky behaviors that facilitate the transmission and propagation of these killers. 3rd 1(0408/03/24) 2(1115/03/24) 3(1822/03/24) Preventing/eliminatin g intestinal worms. Enhancing food production while conserving the Environment. 4(2528/03/24) 5(0105/04/24) 3ENVIRONMEN TAL EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMEN T 14- Interdependence between living organisms 6 (1519/04/24) 7 (2226/04/24) 8 (2903/05/24) 9 (0610/05/24) T O T A L 33 03 14 2h 2h 2815/04/24 Second break 2h 2h 66h/Ye ar. *60 hours of theory *06 hours of practicals. N.B: 1) The duration of one hour is just indicative; in reality, the periods vary from 40 to 50 minutes; 2) The learning of resources should be coupled with punctual formative evaluations proposed in a descriptive logic in order to fill any gaps or to complete learning. 3) The learning period for integration is an indicative proposal; this lesson has to be placed after a group of lessons. That is at the end of each didactic sequence 4) The elaborated progression sheet has to be clipped to the cover page or first page of the subject in the log book(RWKBK). 5)Digitalized lessons could be exploited from the DE platform (, virtual laboratory or self-made. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Page 6 sur 11 REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix-Travail-Patrie ******** MINISTERES DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES ******** INSPECTION GENERALE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS ******** INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE CHARGEE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES SCIENCES ******** SECTION : SVTEEHB REPUBLIC OF CAMEROOON Peace-Work-Fatherland ******** MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF THE TEACHING OF SCIENCES ******** DEPARTMENT : LESEEHB Specific Objectives for Form 4: 1) 2) Understanding the functioning of the systems of the human body to better care for them. Maintaining a clean Environment. School: …………………; Class: F4; Number of chapters:19; Weekly workload: 3H Subject: Biology Teacher’s Name : ……………………… ; Qualification : ………………Longivity……………………. Te rm Week 1st Te rm 1-3 (0422/09/2 3) 4-5 (2506/09/2 3) Category of Actions Improving food production by constructing and appropriating knowledge of the mechanisms of functioning of living things. Module/Topi c 1 THE LIVING WORLD 6 (0913/10/2 3) 7 (1620/10/2 3) Sub Topic/Didactic Sequence 1-. Nutrition In Plants Pedagogic Sequence/Lesson 2. Classes of food - Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Water, Mineral elements, Vitamins, etc. their sources, importance and deficiencies. -Notion of a Balanced Diet. -Practicals, Integration/ Evaluation 3.Enzymes 8-10 (2310/11/2 3) 11 (1317/11/2 3) 4.Digestion 12 (2024/11/2 3) 2nd Te rm 1-2(2708/12/2 3) Protection against emerging diseases. Preventing infections by Pathogens. 3-4 (1115/01/2 4) 5(0812/01/2 4) 6-7(1526/01/2 4) Prevention of cardiovascular accidents and diseases. 2 HEALTH EDUCATIO N 5. Emerging Diseases 6. The Immune Responses 7. The Circulatory System 8.Hygiene of the Circulatory System Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. - Nutritional requirements of Plants. - Mechanisms of nutrient uptake and transpiration. -Photosynthesis and -. Experiments on photosynthesis. - Fate of translocated food. Digitalization Res. Res. online used Yes Durati on Obser vations 9h 08/09/2 3. Litera cy day. Yes 6h Yes 3h -Characteristics, Types and Importance of Enzymes. - Experiments to show enzyme activity(practicals) - Structure and Functions of the Alimentary canal in Mammals. -Physical and Chemical digestion. -Fate of the products of digestion. -Digestion in herbivores. - Adaptation of herbivores, carnivores, omnivores to their diet. 3h Integration/Evaluation 3h - HIV/AIDS, Ebola virus disease and Corona virus disease. - Prevention of infections. - Specific and non-specific. 6h - The heart and blood vessels, blood cells, Pulmonary and systemic circulation, cardiac cycle, blood pressure and maintenance of blood flow. Integration/Evaluation 6h -Accidents of the Circulatory System. -Diseases of the Cardio-Vascular System 6h Page 7 sur 11 9h 3h 3h 1502/01/2 024--First break. 3h 2602/02/2 024 Biling 8-9 (2909/02/2 4) 3r d T E R M 1011(1223/02/2 4) 24 (26/02/ 24) 1-3(0422/03/2 4) Preventing infections and disorders of the excretory system. 11. The Excretory system 4-5(2505/04/2 4) Preventing skeletal system deformities, diseases and accidents. 17. The skeletal and Muscular Systems. 6 (1519/04/2 4) 7 (2226/04/2 4) 8 (2903/05/2 4) T O T A L 9. Respiratory System Preventing respiratory infections and diseases. 10. Hygiene of the Respiratory System Maintaining a clean environment and the natural equilibrium through recycling. -Eradicating plant and animal parasites. -Maintaining natural relationships and ecosystem interaction. 9 (0610/05/2 4) 33 3 ENVIRONM ENTAL EDUCATIO N AND SUSTAINAB LE DEVELOP MENT 3 18. Saprotrophic nutrition 19. Parasitism -The lungs and the respiratory tract. -Mechanisms of breathing and respiratory volumes. - Internal Respiration. - Accidents of the upper respiratory tract infections - Lower respiratory tract disorders. Integration/Evaluation 6h -Organs of the Excretory System, Urine formation and Osmoregulation. -Urinary tract infections and treatments. -The Human Skin and the Liver. -Functions of the Skeleton, Joints and the different types of movements. -Fractures, sprains and Dislocations. -Importance of exercise, Muscles. Integration/Evaluation 6h -Role of Saprotrophs in the ecosystem, Saprotrophic food chain and Nitrogen Fixation. Practicals (Role of Saprotrophs in nature). -Decomposition of Sewage and Refuse -Parasitism and parasitic Food Chain, Predation, Food Web. -Ecological Equilibrium and Biological control of pests. -Predation Integration/Evaluation 3h 19 6h 3h 6h ualism week. 0511/02/2 4 Youth Week. 2815/04/2 4 Second break 4h 3h 3h 99h/Ye ar. *87 hours of theory. *06 hours of practicals. N.B: 1) The duration of one hour is just indicative; in reality, the periods vary from 40 to 50 minutes; 2) The learning of resources should be coupled with punctual formative evaluations proposed in a descriptive logic in order to fill any gaps or to complete learning. 3) The learning period for integration is an indicative proposal; this lesson has to be placed after a group of lessons. That is at the end of each didactic sequence 4) The elaborated progression sheet has to be clipped to the cover page or first page of the subject in the log book(RWKBK). 5)Digitalized lessons could be exploited from the DE platform (, virtual laboratory or self-made. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Page 8 sur 11 REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix-Travail-Patrie ******** MINISTERES DES ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRES ******** INSPECTION GENERALE DES ENSEIGNEMENTS ******** INSPECTION DE PEDAGOGIE CHARGEE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES SCIENCES ******** SECTION : SVTEEHB REPUBLIC OF CAMEROOON Peace-Work-Fatherland ******** MINISTRY OF SECONDARY EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE GENERAL OF EDUCATION ******** INSPECTORATE OF PEDAGOGY IN CHARGE OF THE TEACHING OF SCIENCES ******** DEPARTMENT : LESEEHB Specific Objective for Form 5: - Implementation of resources to ameliorate human life while maintaining a healthy Environment. School: …………………; Class: F5; Number of chapters:18; Weekly workload: 3H Subject: Biology Teacher’s Name : ……………………… ; Qualification : …………………Longivity……………………. Ter m Week Category of Actions Module/Topi c 1st Ter m. 1-4 (0429/09/23) Improving food production by constructing and appropriating knowledge of the mechanisms of functioning of living things 1 THE LIVING WORLD 5 (0206/10/23) 6(0913/09/23) 2. Food Production through Rearing of Animals. 3. Classical Biotechnolog y and Transformat ion of Food. 7 (1620/10/23) 8-10 (2310/11/23) 2nd Ter m 11 (1317/11/23) 12(2024/11/23) 1(2701/12/23) 2-3(0415/12/23) Sub Topic/Didact ic Sequence 1. Reproductio n In Plants. 4. Coordination In Plants. Eradicating prejudices surrounding genetic and chromosome anomalies. 2 HEALTH EDUCATIO N 5. Notion of Genetics. 6. Chromosome s and Genes. 7. Transmissio n of Genetic Information. 4(0205/01/24) 8. Genetic Anormalies. 9. Gene and Diversity In Humans 5(0812/01/24) 6(1519/01/24) 7-8(2202/02/24) 10. Modern Biotechnolog y. Preventing infections through the reproductive organs. 11. Reproductio n In Humans. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Lesson Pedagogic Sequence/Lesson Digitalization Res. Res. online Used Yes Dur ation Observatio ns 10h 08/09/23. Literacy day. Yes 3h Yes 3h - Transformation of Agricultural Produce - Transformation of Animal Products. Practicals on food transformation. - Plant Responses, -Experiments on Phototropism, Geotropism and the Effects of Auxins. Practicals (on tropisms). - Horticulture and its Importance. Integration/Evaluation Yes 6h Yes 9h Yes 3h - Understanding Genetics. Yes 3h - DNA and Human Karyotype. Yes - Cell Division. - Cancer as a disorder of Cell Division. -Sex Determination in Humans, Mendelian genetics and monohybrid inheritance, Variation within the Human race, Test cross/Back cross. Genetic Anomalies. Yes 6h Yes 3h - Notion of Alleles (dominance and co-dominance) Notion of Diversity in Characteristics. - Paternity Determination by DNA Fingerprint. - Forensic Science and Crime detection. Integration/Evaluation Yes - Notion and types of reproduction, Flower structure and pollination, Mechanism of fertilization. -Formation and dispersal of fruits and seeds - Germination and growth in plants. Practicals (e.g. on hypogeal and epigeal) germination). -Poultry farming, Piggery and Cattle Rearing. Integration/Evaluation - Male and Female Reproductive Organs. - Gametogenesis, Copulation and Fertilization -Pregnancy and Birth, Growth and Development of a child -Puberty. Page 9 sur 11 1502/01/2024 ---First break. 3h Yes 3h 2602/02/2024 Bilingualis m week. 3h 6h 0511/02/24 Youth Week. 9-10 (0516/02/24) 12. Family Planning. Eradicating STIs and HIV/AIDS 13. STIs 14. HIV/AIDS. 11(1923/02/24) 12(2601/03/24) 3rd TER M Tota l Preventing hormonal disorders 15.The Endocrine System. 1(0408/03/24) Preventing Nervous system and Sense organs disorders and accidents. 16.The Nervous System. 2(1115/03/24) Preventing terminal diseases. 3(1822/03/24 ) 4-5 (2505/04/24) Conserving the natural environment and the recycling of matter in nature. 6(1519/04/24) 7(2226/04/24) 8-12(2931/05/24) 33 17.Applicatio n of Modern Biotechnolog y. 3ENVIRONM ENTAL EDUCATIO N AND SUSTAINAB LE DEVELOP MENT 18. Ecology. -Birth Control Methods, Early Pregnancies. - Causes and Consequences of Some STIs. - Prevention and Treatment of some STIs. - Notion, Causes, Signs and Symptoms. - Mode of Transmission and Prevention. Integration/Evaluation - Endocrine glands, their secretions and roles, Hormonal Imbalance disorders and Consequences. - Hormonal Control of the Menstrual Cycle. -General Organization of the Nervous System, Types of reflexes and nervous transmission, Nervous fatigue and Rest of the Nervous System, Effects of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes on the Nervous System. -The Eye as a sense organ, the ear as a sense organ. -DNA and Gene technology, techniques used in modern Biotechnology, Applications of modern Biotechnology in health. 3h 3h 3h 3h 5h 6h 3h Integration /Evaluation. 3h -Ecological Concepts, Ecological factors and effects, Components of the Ecosystem and their interdependence, -Energy flow and the cycling of matter in the Ecosystem, 3h - Human impact on the Ecosystem. - Conservation. Practicals. Revision/Integration /Evaluation. 3h 3h END OF COURSE EXAMS 03 18 99h/ Year . *87hours of theory. *06 hours of practicals. N.B: 1) The duration of one hour is just indicative; in reality, the periods vary from 40 to 50 minutes; 2) The learning of resources should be coupled with punctual formative evaluations proposed in a descriptive logic in order to fill any gaps or to complete learning. 3) The learning period for integration is an indicative proposal; this lesson has to be placed after a group of lessons. That is at the end of each didactic sequence 4) The elaborated progression sheet has to be clipped to the cover page or first page of the subject in the log book(RWKBK). 5)Digitalized lessons could be exploited from the DE platform (, virtual laboratory or self-made. Annual Progression for the T/ L of Biology/HB2023/2024. Page 10 sur 11