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Histology Exam 1

Histologystudy of the microscopic structure of biological material<br>and the ways in which the individual components are structurally and<br>functionally related. A clear understanding of the fine structure and<br>molecular organization of cells greatly improves comprehension of<br>biochemical and physiological processes
CellsSimple vs. Compound Tissue<br><br>Simple - epithelial (SAME cells repeated)<br><br>Compound Tissue - Exocrine Pancreas Gland Tissue (VARIETY of cells)
Organ"E.g. heart, liver, lungs<br>(consist of a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">number of cell and tissue</span> types all acting co-<br>operatively)"
Organ SystemCirculatory System, Resp system, Digestive<br>Several organs and tissues that may be either close together of dispersed but they co-operate to perform a function
Cells (Definition)The individual units which function as the building blocks of most<br>biological materials cells are now classified into one of eight groups based<br>on function not morphology
Epithelial TissuesCover surfaces, line body cavities and form solid glands w barriers<br>absorb and secrete<br>tightly bound by cell-cell junctions
Support Cellsfibrous support tissue, cartilage and bone organize<br>and maintain body structure. Also produce and interact with the<br>extracellular matrix
Contractile Cellsmuscle and contractile cells involved in movement<br>via filamentous proteins organized to create contraction
Nerve Cellsbrain, spinal cord and nerves allow direct cell-cell<br>communication via the release of chemical messengers<br>(neurotransmitters)
Germ Cellsspermatozoa and ova allow reproduction via possession<br>of half chromosomal content
Blood Cellscirculating red and white cells permit oxygen transport<br>and defense
Immune Cellslymphoid tissues (nodes and spleen) are involved in<br>recognition and destruction of foreign material
Hormone Secreting Cellsvariety of tissues including thyroid and adenoid cells allow indirect cell-cell communication via the secretion of chemical messengers termed hormones
Cell Biology- Structure, phys, biochem and genetics<br>- fine structures visualised by light microscopy<br>- specifc cell structures visualised by using antibodies directed against specific protein/subcellular components
Anatomy- physical structure of an organism
Embryologyorigins of cell sytems and many diseases abnormalities can be connected w final histological developement
Pathologylinked to systems histology<br>most disease processes are associated w histological abnormalities
Scapelsdirectly accessible tissues e.g. skin, mouth, nose, uterine cervix
Needle Biopsysolid organs e.g. CNS, endocrine system, skeletal muscle
Endoscopic TubesAlimentary, respiratory and urinary
Flexible Cannulaealong blood vessels
Wax-embedded sections- Resolution of approximately 0.6 nano m<br>- Cheap, simple and easy, may destroy components<br>- 24 h<br>- Used for routine sampling e.g. PAP smear<br>- Fixation in preservative solution followed by progressive<br>dehydration (using increasing concentrations of alcohol) and<br>embedding of tissue in molten paraffin wax<br>- The tissue can then be cut into sections using a microtome<br>- Wax is removed and section rehydrated through decreasing<br>percentages of alcohol in wate
Frozen Sections- Used for immunohistochemistry<br>- Fast (5 minutes)<br>- Used when a rapid decision is needed e.g. when a patient is still on<br>the operating table<br>- frozen water preserves structures better<br>- Sample is first frozen by immersion in liquid nitrogen<br>- Cutting of thin sections (5-10 um) done using a microtome housed<br>in a refrigerated cabinet (cryostat)
Other Methods"-Involve usage of harder embedding materials as these provide<br>thinner sections, higher resolution and little tissue shrinkage<br>- Include<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> resin</span> (0.5-2.0 m sections), which is often used in<br>examination of mineralized bone,<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> acrylic</span> (similar methodology to<br>paraffin wax 1-2m sections) and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">epoxy</span> - (0.5-1 m sections used<br>for electron miscroscopy"
Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)- Hematoxylin (purple-black) stains nuclei and eosin (red) stains cell<br>components<br> Simple, reliable and inexpensive
Van Giesen (EVG)differentiates support cell fibers<br>- Elastic fibers (brown-black)<br>- Collagen fibers (pinkish-red)<br>- Muscle (yellow)<br> Example of a trichrome stain
Silver Methods- Certain biological components reduce silver nitrate to silver (black)<br> Demonstrates range of structures esp. reticulin fibers and nerves
May-Grunewald-GiemsaSmear preparations of blood and bone marrow cells
Toluidene Bluestains nuclei of white blood cells blue
Chemical Groups- Periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain - stains carbohydrates and<br>glycoproteins magenta and is used to delineate basement<br>membranes and neutral mucins of epithelial cells<br>- Sudan black or oil red O - stain lipids
Specific Enzymes- Presence determined by adding to incubating solution and<br>examining color change<br>- Used for acid and alkaline phosphatases, dehydrogenases,<br>ATPases and carried out on frozen sections
ImmunocytochemistryThe high specificity of antibodies for their target is used to<br>detect presence of specific cell molecules in tissues<br>- Two types of antibody are used (polyclonal and monoclonal)
Polyclonal Antibodies"- Obtained by <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">inoculating purified protein into an animal several<br>times</span><br>- Each inoculation increases the amount of antibody against that<br>protein i.e. boosts its memory<br>- On harvesting the serum this now contains a mixture of<br>antibodies, many of which are effective against the target<br>-<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> Disadvantage: somewhat “hit and miss” as many antibodies<br>will not recognize target; as a result most tests now employ<br>monoclonal antibodies</span>"
Monoclonal Antibodies<div><div>- Produced by inoculating mouse several times intraparentally/<br>intravenously with purified protein<br>- Using this route ensures mouse will now “process” the protein<br>by taking it to the spleen cells rather than a local lymph node<br>- Mouse is sacrificed and its spleen cells fused with immortal<br>myeloma cells (cancerous white cells)<br>- when fused together the result is a cell that is able to eternally produce<br>antibodies in tissue culture<br>- Advantage: once the spleen: myeloma cell hybrids, called<br>hybridoma, have been identified large amounts of specific<br>antibodies against the target protein can be mass produced<div></div></div></div><div></div><br>
Normal Cell Nuclei- Active cells – large, pale-staining nucleus<br>- Inactive cells – compact, round, intensely staining no nucleoli
Normal Cell Cytoskeletonmicrofilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules
Microfilaments"(5 nm) - made of actin (5%) of cell protein<br>these provide mechanical support, stabilization of cell<br>protrusions (e.g. microvilli), <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">communication</span> networks with<br>other cells and motile forces (with myosin)"
Intermediate Filaments"(10 nm) - made of six main proteins<br>that vary between cells are anchored to special sites of<br>membrane called <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">desmosomes and hemidesmosomes</span>"
Microtubules(25 nm) – are composed of tubulin and organize<br>cell division, transport of molecules around the cell and are<br>important in ciliary function
Normal Cell CytoplasmPink = organelles taking up acidic dyes (usually<br>mitochondria or granules)<br>o Purple = active protein production. Stain for RNA<br>o Lipofuscin
Lipofuscin"<span style=""color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Orange brown wear and tear pigment</span><br> autophagy of worn out cell<br>components; organelles are wrapped in ER and<br>then fused with a lysosome<br> Most common in long-lived cells e.g. nerve, heart<br>muscle and liver and those of the elderly"
Normal Non-Staining AreasStored in cells as non-membrane bound vacuoles (Fat or Mucin)<br>o Clear spaces in cytoplasm (wax sections) or may be<br>stained with dyes (frozen sections)
Level 1  - Mild Injury to Cell Components- reversible changes<br>     - swelling of membrane bound organelles<br>     - accumulation of elctrolytes and water<br>-  when stimulus is removed, damage is cleared out by autophagy<br>- damage to desmosome and hemi = roll up in ball to protect cell, recovery = re-expand
Level 2 - Severe Injury- Cellular Degeneration<br>- cloudy swelling (ER and Mitochondria)<br>- hydrobic degeneration = water logging, pale cells<br>- fatty changes = fatty acid build up and triglycerides (non-staining areas)
Mitochondria Damagelevel of mitochondria damage will determine cell death
ApoptosisProgrammed cell death<br>FEW mitochondria<br>normal to eliminate worn out cells
NecrosisMANY MITOCHONDRIA<br>pyknosis = nuclear condensation<br>karolysis = nucleus into pieces<br>no cytoplasm definition<br>plasma membrane edges are indistinct
Increased Cell Mass- As a consequence of cell division (hyperplasia)<br>- As a consequence of increase in cell size (hypertrophy)<br>- May be normal e.g. hypertrophy of muscle fibers occurs<br>following “working out” and both occur during menstrual cycle<br>- Tissue showing these features may not therefore be abnormal<br>but usually is when combined with abnormal cells
Reduction of Cell Mass- Tissue has undergone atrophy<br>- Lost cells are either replaced by adipose or fibrous tissue<br>(maintains size)<br>- May be normal in which case it is termed involution e.g.<br>thymus undergoes conversion to fat with age<br>- Abnormal atrophy may result from<br>o Lack of use (e.g. muscle)<br>o Loss of blood supply (e.g. ischemic atrophy of kidney)<br>o Lipofuscin is usually present
Changes in Cell Differentiation"- Cells may adapt to stresses in their environment by altering<br>their appearance (metaplasia = replace one w another) to survive (Fig. 6.6, page 65)<br>o E.g. smokers’ airways, acid reflux in esophagus<br>- Usually epithelial tissue<br>- Removal of stimulus may allow reversion to normal<br>- Non-removal of stimulus may allow progression to <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neoplasia = abnormal growth uncontrolled</span>"
Cellular Atypia and Dysplasia- May be as a result of rapid multiplication to replace damaged<br>cells; if damaging stimulus is removed atypical cells disappear<br>- Dysplasia (proliferation of immature cells) = cancer precursor<br>- Neoplasia is when this situation progresses to tumor formation
Fixing the Damage- Inflammation is always the first response to cell and tissue damage<br>and serves to<br>- Destroy or contain damaging agent<br>- Initiate repair processes<br>- Return damaged tissue to functionality
Vascular Dialation- relaxation of smooth muscle of blood vessels, increasing their diameter and allowing immune cells, fluid and proteins to access the area<br>o Also results in swelling of the tissue (edema)
Endothelial Activation- allows immune cells and proteins to escape<br>o Increases permeability of blood vessels<br>o Decreases “smoothness” of endothelium, changing it to a<br>“bumpy road” consistency and further slowing speed of<br>blood in area
Neutrophil Activation(~75% of white cells; phagocytic)<br>o Cells move more and more slowly in circulation as they<br>become more and more attached to the endothelial<br>surface<br>o Increased ability to squeeze through (diapedesis) vessel<br>wall<br>o Increased killing capacity once inside target tissue
Supprative Inflammationusually bacterially-mediated and resulting in<br>formation of necrotic tissue and pus (contains bacteria and<br>neutrophils both live and dead)
Fibrous Inflammationusually associated with membrane-lined cavities e.g.<br>around lungs, heart or abdomen and characterized by secretions<br>containing large amounts of sticky protein mats
Serous Inflammation<div><div>usually in skin in response to a burn;<br>associated with accumulation of thin, protein and cell-free fluid</div></div>
Inflammation Depends On- Level of damage to tissue<br>- Capacity of cells within tissue to divide and replace damage<br>(regeneration)<br>- Type of agent producing damage
Inflammation Resolution- Can only occur if framework of tissue is intact and tissue<br>involved has cells able to replace those lost<br>- E.g. skin cells following a burn or peripheral nerves
Inflammation Healing- fibrosis (scarring)<br>- Occurs following substantial damage<br>- Dead and damaged tissue is removed by phagocytic<br>macrophages<br>- “Gap” filled in using granulation tissue; consists<br>predominantly of inelastic protein called collagen<br>- Produces scar; fibrous scar<br>- Structural integrity reestablished but not same as original tissue
Abscess Formation- Inflammatory response can’t remove cause of damage<br>- Effectively a way of “sending agent to jail”<br>- “Jail” is produced by fibrous tissue and contains pus<br>component
Chronic Inflammation- Injurious agent persists over a long period<br>- Immunosuppressed individual<br>- Poor access of immune cells (unable to clear agent)<br>- Usually heals by formation of fibrous tissue (fibrosis
Origin of Human Organ SystemsOne day after fertilization, the zygote divides by mitosis to produce<br>a pair of blastomeres, which then divide every 20 hours until a 16-<br>celled morula is formed
Morulaattaches to the uterine wall 3-4 days later and cell<br>division continues forming a blastocele (cavity) in the center of the<br>______; the two cell types present will already have very different<br>finishing points
Embryoblast Cellscells inside the blastocele become the embryo
Trophoblast Cellscells on the outside of the blastocele will become<br>the chorion (embryonic component of the placenta)
Implantation of Embryooccurs at around 5-6 days after fertilization and new capillaries are stimulated in the uterus, by the chorion, to feed the developing embryo
Days 7-12trophoblast cells help to develop the blood pools of the<br>placenta whilst the embryoblast cells divide again to produce two<br>distinct layers<br>- Upper cells = embryo and amniotic cavity<br>- Lower cells = yolk sac
Two Weeks After Ovulationgastrulation begins;<br>blood and blood vessels of the embryo are formed first and the yolk<br>sac begins to produce hemopoetic, non-nucleated blood cells<br> The embryo now becomes attached by a connecting stalk of cells<br>(later the umbilical cord) to the placenta
Day 16true gastrulation begins with the formation of a primitive<br>streak and develops the embryo into a three-layered disk of autoderm, mesoderm and yolk sac
Day 16 Autoderm"altered by chemicals secreted by the central<br>mesoderm into <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">ectoderm</span>; this grows very rapidly forming the<br>first true organs of the early <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">nervous system</span> (days 17-19) and<br>thickens into an area termed the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neural groove</span>"
Day 16 Mesoderm"by ~3 weeks this area condenses into 1-3 pairs of<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">somites </span>on either side of the neural groove; these initially<br>produce the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">endocardium</span> and the two embryonic heart tubes"
Yolk sac"<div><div>embryonic <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">endoderm</span>, which is already producing<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">hemopoetic cells</span>, will later form linings of mucosa and glands</div></div>"
Week 2-3"- Primary neurulation begins with <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">ectoderm</span> forming into a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neural<br>groove</span>, and associated raised edges termed <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neural folds</span><br>- Secondary neurulation produces the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">spinal cord</span><br>- Blood vessels and blood cells form (<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">hemopoesis and angiogenesis</span>)<br>- Endocardial cells form into two tubes (early heart)"
Week 3-4"- Neural folds migrate towards each other in several places eventually<br>fusing to form a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neural tube;</span> at either side are <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">neural crest cell</span>s<br>- Eye and ear begin forming<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Heart</span> forms and begins beating, septa appear<br>- Cells of <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">first liver</span> and then digestive system form"
Week 4-5"- Early <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">skin</span> forms<br>- Brain differentiates into <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain</span><br>- Heart fills with blood, circulatory system well developed<br>- Respiratory system (lung buds) and lymphatic system initiated<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Thyroid</span> and digestive system (<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">stomach, intestines, gallbladder and<br>pancreas</span>) begin to form"
Week 5-6"<div><div><div><div>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Ear and eye</span> formation complete; smell is first sense acquired<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Mouth and nose</span> begin to form, teeth initiated<br>– Adenohypophyseal pouch (<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">precursor to pituitary</span>) forms<br>– Cartilaginous skeleton forms<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Esophagus, trachea, larynx and bronchi form</span><br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Semilunar valves</span> of heart form; heart now four chambers<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Kidneys</span> form and produce urine<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Upper limb</span> formation begins; arms will be made first<div></div></div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div><div><div></div><div></div><br></div>"
Week 6-8"- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Lower jaw</span> forms<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Lower limbs</span> form with toes made last; hand differentiates<br>– Muscles wrap around skeleton<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Gonadal</span> formation<br>– <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Intestines migrate</span> into abdomen"
Week 8-9"- Primary ossification of <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">cartilage into bone</span><br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Genitalia</span> form"
Week 10-11"- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Brain and digestive</span> system structure completed<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Vocal cords</span> form<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Liver, pancreas and thyroid</span> all fully functional<br>- Fingernails grow and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">facial hair</span> develops"
Week 12"- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Sex organs</span> completed<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Lungs</span> allow inhalation and exhalation<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Spleen</span> now fully functional<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Sweat glands</span> appear<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Body hair</span> develops"
Week 14toenail growth
Week 16eye migration and reflex development
Week 18 Egg production by female fetuses, uterine formation
Week 20final hardening of skeleton, bones of ear form, true skin
Week 32Immune system develops
Week 34 Skin develops blood vessels
Ectoderm"<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Outer Epidermis</span> =  hair, nails, sebaceous, glands, olfactory and mouth<br>epithelium*, lens and cornea<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Neural crest </span> = PNS, melanocyte, adrenal medulla, teeth dentine, facial cartilage<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Neural tube</span> =  CNS, neural pituitary and retina"
Mesoderm"<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Chordamesoderm</span>  = Spinal column<br>Paraxial Skeletal muscle, cartilage, bones, skin<br>dermis<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Intermediate Lateral Plate</span> = Urinogenital system, Heart, blood cells, digestive <br>respiratory muscles<br>Limb bones<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Head</span> =  Support tissue and musculature"
EndodermDigestive tube, Pancreas, Mucosa<br>Pharynx ,Thyroid, Glands<br>Respiratory tube Lung cell (alveolar)
Comparative Embryology- Organ systems may resemble those in other organisms<br>o Experimental evidence with these alternative systems<br>may supply information as to developmental defects
TeratologyInvolves genetics, chemicals etc that can induce changes<br>in functioning or appearance of body systems
Cell-Cell Communication in Developement- All organ tissues consist of an epithelium plus an<br>associated mesenchyme component e.g. skin =<br>epithelium plus dermis<br>o Their interactions determine their functionality
Embryological Origin of Epithelial Cells"Ectoderm forms the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">skin</span>, lining of <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mouth, anus and nose</span><br>Mesoderm forms the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">kidney epithelium</span><br>Endoderm forms the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mucosal</span> surfaces and<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> glandular</span> linings"
Functionality of Epithelia"<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Cells form a sheet which behaves as if it were a single functional unit</span>.<br>They are maintained as such by<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> cells having close contact</span> with both each<br>other and the <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">underlying basement membrane</span> (extracellular matrix).<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Adherence </span>is mediated by cell matrix proteins and cell <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">junctions</span><br>(specialized areas of cell membrane through which cells communicate with<br>each other and the basement membrane)"
Occluding Junctions (Tight Junctions)- Impermeable barrier preventing diffusion of molecules between<br>adjacent cells and lateral movement of cell membrane proteins<br> Evident in cells with secretory or absorptive roles (e.g. gut), intra-<br>membranous proteins (sealing strands) wrap round neighboring cells
Anchoring Junctions"- Provide mechanical stability to groups of epithelial cells.<br> <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Cell –cell interactions</span> – mediated by <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">adherent junctions</span> (join cells<br>by linking their actin filaments) and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""><i>desmosomes</i></span> (bundles of<br>intermediate filaments attached to adjacent cells by d<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">esmogleins</span>)<br> <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Cell - > basement membrane interactions</span> – mediated by <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">focal<br>contacts</span> (join cells’ actin proteins to basement membrane via<br>integrins) and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">hemidesmosomes</span> (resemble desmosomes and attach to<br>the basement membrane via link proteins)"
Communcation Junctions<div>- Circular patches containing several hundred pores that allow cell-cell diffusion of molecules and facilitate communication<br> Important in cardiac and smooth muscle where they pass contraction<br>signals between cells (low levels in other places)<div></div></div><div></div><br>
Epithelial Cell Surface SpecializationsIncreasing surface area<br>Important as there is restricted space for absorption and secretion
Microvilli- Finger-like procections (smaller form of a villus) that are found in<br>most epithelial cells but developed in kidney tubule and small bowel<br>(brush border)<br> They also play an important role as stereocilia sensory cells in the ear<br>and in taste bud and olfactory receptor cells
Basolateral Folds- Deep folds in surface of cell result in “striped” appearance or striated<br>epithelium found in renal tubular glands, ducts of secretory glands<br> These are often associated with numerous mitochondria that are<br>responsible for pumping ions in and out of the cells
Membrane Plaques- Rigid areas of apical cell membrane fold into cell when bladder is<br>empty and unfold to increase surface area when bladder is full; only<br>in bladder epithelium (uroepithelium)<br> New studies have suggested that the presence of these structures is<br>essential to maintain fluid content inside the bladder; animals with<br>defective plaques leak fluid out and lose urea back into the circulation
Epithelial cell surface specializations – Moving fluid and cells; Cilia"Hair-like projections 0.25m in diameter with a “9+2” arrangement of<br>microtubules found in respiratory tract, fallopian tube, sperm<br><img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.12.38 PM.png"">"
Problems With Cilliary Functions - Kartagener's Syndrome"<div><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">1:32,000 live births</span><br> <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Major defect is usually in dynein arm of cilia</span>; since this affects whole of<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">respiratory tract</span> as well as <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">sperm motility</span> and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">fallopian tube movement</span><br>patients usually have sterility issues as well as <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">chronic infections</span><br> As ciliated tissue is also involved in location of the body organs, there<br>may also be <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">situs inversus</span> (where the lungs, heart etc are swapped over)<br> Patients present with <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">chronic nasal, sinus and ear infections from<br>childhood</span><br> Recurrent nasal symptoms may also be associated with <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">diminished sense<br>of smell and hearing loss </span>can occur if the infections are not treated<br>promptly with antibiotics<br> There is often a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">series of chronic bronchial infections and poor<br>oxygenation</span> (clubbing of fingers may be seen)<br><div></div></div><div><div><br></div></div>"
Types of Epithelial Tissue - Simple Epithelium(single layers of cells)<br>Allow absorption and/ or secretion to occur
Simple Squamous"<img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.15.40 PM.png"" width=""146""><br>- Consists of “pavement-like” cells<br> Located in blood vessels, lining of<br>the heart and air sacs of the lungs<br> Acts to allow diffusion and<br>osmosis (permeable cells)"
Simple Cuboidal"<img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.16.57 PM.png""><br>- Consists of cells with central<br>nuclei, which are “cube” shaped<br> Pigmented epithelium lines anterior<br>surface of the lens<br> Forms lining of small ducts of<br>many glands (secretory)<br>"
Non-Ciliated Simple Columnar"<img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.17.47 PM.png""><br>- Consists of “column-shaped”<br>cells interspersed with goblet<br>cells<br> Also may be thought of as<br>“gastrointestinal epithelium”<br>since it lines the alimentary tract<br>from stomach to anus<br> Found in the major ducts of many glands and in the gallbladder"
Ciliated Simple Columnar"<div><div>- Resembles non ciliated; each cell has up to several hundred cilia.<br> Epithelium lines part of the upper<br>airways, some of paranasal sinuses,<br>Fallopian tubes, uterus and in the<br>central canal of the spinal cord<br> Cilia indicate motility, simple means<br>it is involved in absorption and<br>secretion<div></div></div></div><div></div><img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.19.59 PM.png""><br>"
Types of Epithelial Cells - Complex TissueUnlike “simple” epithelia these prevent diffusion and are protective.<br>Surface cells are true to cell shape, deeper layers tend show<br>distortion
Stratified Squamous"- Several layers of cells that appear squamous to<br>cuboidal/ columnar.<br> <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Keratinized</span> = superficial layer of skin and <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">non-keratinized</span> lines mouth, esophagus and tongue.<br><img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.21.28 PM.png"">"
Stratified Cuboidal- Usually present as two or more layers of<br>cells; chief location is in the ducts of sweat<br>glands (adult)
Stratified Columnar- Cells are columnar to polyhedral in shape.<br> Lines large excretory ducts of some glands,<br>parts of anal mucosa and part of eye conjunctiva
Traditional Epithelium"- Appears to consist of a variety of cell types<br>ranging from cuboidal to squamous<br> Also termed “urinary epithelium”<br><img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.23.05 PM.png"">"
Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar"<div><div>- Cells appear to have several layers but appearance of stratification is<br>due to nuclei being present at various levels; all cells are attached to<br>the basement membrane but not all reach the outer surface.<br> Also termed “respiratory epithelium”, together with ciliated simple<br>columnar epithelium it lines most of the upper respiratory tract<div></div></div></div><div><img src=""Screen Shot 2023-09-24 at 8.23.46 PM.png""><br></div><div></div><br>"
How are support cells organized?Support cells are vital to producing mechanical stability and have the<br>following common features<br> Produce variety of extracellular (EC) matrix materials<br> Mature cells form sparsely cellular tissue in which matrix is the main<br>component e.g. bone<br> Cell adhesion focuses on attachment to matrix rather than other cells
Support cells actively secreting matrix have names ending in _____<br>If support cells are in a quiescent phase they have names ending in _____blast<br>cyte
Origins of the support cells<div><div>During embryogenesis a set of mesenchymal cells that are spindle-shaped<br>and differentiate into a “support cell family” of<br>Fibroblasts - secrete EC matrix components of most tissues<br>Myofibroblasts - secrete EC matrix components and have contractile<br>function<br>Adipocytes - store lipids and have cushioning and padding function<br>Chondroblasts - secrete EC matrix components of cartilage<br>Osteoblasts - secrete EC matrix components of bone<br></div></div>
Fibroblasts"<div><div>- In the embryo these are seen as <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mesenchymic spindle-shaped</span> cells that <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">secrete collagen</span>; later they make a variety of components including<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">collagen, elastic and reticular fibers and fibrocollagenous tissue</span><br> <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Fibrocollagenous tissue</span> is described as <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">loose when collagen is thin<br>and widely spaced and dense when fibers are virtually confluent </span>e.g.<br>tendons and ligaments; this tissue is relatively acellular, poorly<br>supplied with blood and heals slowly when damaged<div></div></div></div><div></div><br>"
Fibrocollagenous Tissue Functions"- Supports nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics<br>- Separates functional layers in organs and tissues - loose<br>arrangement and elastic content allow mobility and stretching<br>- Provides support (home) for immune cell population<br>- Forms protective <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">fibrous capsule</span> surrounding most parenchymal<br>organs e.g. liver, kidney and spleen<br>- In response to damage they de-differentiate and produce<br>endothelial cells, myofibroblasts and fibroblasts to repair the<br>damaged area leaving a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">fibrous scar</span>"
Types Of Collagen"In addition there are over <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">20 types of the protein collagen</span>, which<br>perform a number of roles in the body e.g. providing confluence<br>between tendons/ligaments with cartilage/ bones<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Type I</span> is present in all types of cartilage as well as <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">bone and skin</span><br>-<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> Type II </span>is in <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">hyaline and elastic cartilage and vertebral discs</span><br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Type IV </span>is in all <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">basement membranes, forms the lens capsule and<br>meshwork of bone marrow</span>"
Myofibroblasts- Resemble fibroblasts by light microscopy but contain actin associated<br>with myosin which allow them to serve a contractile function<br> Not prominent in normal support tissues but involved in repair<br>process following tissue damage
Adipocytes"- In the fetus these are <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mesenchymal cells</span> able to<br>accumulate fat in their cytoplasm first as small<br>vacuoles and later as a single large vacuole (<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">lipoblast</span>)<br> Once formed mature <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">adipocytes</span> are large, polyhedral<br>cells that appear empty unless stained with lipid stains<br>- Adipose tissue acts as shock absorption especially on soles of feet,<br>buttocks and around the orbit of the eye; may also replace damaged<br>tissue and act as food reserve<br>"
Chondroblasts and Chondrocytes- Chondroblasts are large, open cells with well-developed<br>nuclei that form cartilage; they then shrink down becoming<br>inactive chondrocytes surrounded by “gaps” (lacunae)<br> Cartilage contains particular glycoproteins that allow<br>resistance to deformation by compressive forces and fibrous<br>collagen that confers mechanical stability
Cartilage Growth"<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">results from 2 sites of proliferation</span><br>- Chondroblast proliferation within established EC matrix<br>(interstitial growth)<br>- Development of new chondroblasts from confining sheet of<br>undifferentiated/fibroblast mesenchyme surrounding cartilage<br>called perichondrium (appositional growth)"
Hyaline Cartilagetemporary skeleton in early development (replaced by bone) and support tissue in respiratory passage
Fibrocartilageintervertebral discs, tendon attachment to bones and junctions between flat bones of pelvis
Elastic Cartilageauricle of ear, external auditory canal walls and epiglottis
Osteoblastslarge, cuboidal cells that form bone; they then shrink down into inactive osteocytes surrounded by “gaps” called lacunae
Bone"<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">collagen and glycosaminoglycans</span> (osteoid) that bind<br>calcium and inorganic salts that provide strength and allow it to<br>perform a number of functions including <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mechanical support</span> (ribs),<br><span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">locomotion</span> (long bones), <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">protectio</span>n (skull), <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">reservoir</span> (mineral salts)"
Woven Bonehaphazard organization of collagen fibers and mechanically weak; produced during rapid production: <br>o Fetal bone is replaced by lamellar bone (temporary)<br>o In adults, following fracture or during disease
Lamellar Bone"regular parallel arrangement of collagen (90%) into<br>sheets, which are mechanically strong, due to <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">hydroxyapatite</span><br>(calcium phosphate) content; virtually all bone in adults<br>o <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Outer cortical/ compact zone</span>; rigid shell resists deformation<br>o<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);""> Inner trabecular zone</span>; mesh containing bone marrow cells"
When does ossification begin?within 1 ½ months of conception
Intramembranous Ossification"- Condensation from sheets of <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mesenchymal cells</span>, which act as<br>bone-forming membranes of flat bones e.g. skull<br>- Mesenchymal cells transform into osteoprogenitors (osteoblasts),<br>which deposit osteoid in small islands<br>- This is mineralized into bone and remodeled to produce sheets"
Endochondrial ossification- Transformation of existing cartilage into bone<br>- Permits elongation and thickening of bone during fetal<br>development and throughout childhood until bone growth ceases
Phases of Endochondrial Ossification- Chondrocytes enlarge and deposit fibrillar glycoproteins<br>allowing mineralization to form bone<br>o Invasion of cartilage by blood vessels<br>o Death of chondrocytes allowing space for bone marrow<br>o Differentiation of mesenchyme around cartilage into<br>osteoblasts
Osteoclastsremodeling and changes to bone<br>- use parathormone and inhibited by calcitonin
Extracellular Matrix"Consists of <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">interaction between proteins and glycosaminoglycans</span><br>producing a <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">mesh-like structure</span> providing a binding/ interaction site<br>for parenchymal and support cells (<span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">basement membrane</span>)"
Important Components of Extracellular Matrix"- Chondrocytes will not survive and differentiate if not <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">surrounded<br>by matrix</span><br>- Proteins within the matrix may induce specific gene expression<br>leading to formation of liver, testis and mammary gland<br>- <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">Migration of mesenchymal cells involves their interaction with the<br>protein fibronectin</span>, their adhesion in specific locations <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">involves<br>binding to another protein laminin</span> (present in all basement<br>membranes)"
Glycosaminoglycans- Negatively charged<br>- Retain sodium ions and water<br>- Able to easily link to proteins forming proteoglycans; this<br>capacity allows the generation of a molecular sieve providing a<br>permeability barrier to the parenchymal tissue
Basement membrane- In blood vessels it prevents leakage of large proteins<br>- In kidney it prevents protein loss from filtered blood during urine<br>production<br>- In lung it allows gaseous exchange<br>- May also control cell organization and differentiation and play a<br>role in spread of cancer
Tenascin"- Non-fibrillar protein<br>- Expressed only in embryonic tissue and believed to be important<br>to glial cell migration in developing nervous system especially<br>optical locations<br>- Synthesized by neural crest cells and glial cells<br>- Function in the nervous system is probably related to <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">promoting<br>cell motility</span> and establishing selective barriers to neurite<br>outgrowth<br>- Over expression is seen in gliomas but the connection between<br>these events is unclear"
FibronectinFibrillar protein involved in early phases of mesoderm migration<br>during gastrulation<br>- Death of the embryo by day 8<br>o No notochord or somites are made as the protein is<br>necessary for the organization of the precursor cells<br>o Red blood cells are made but no vessels<br>o Neural crest cells become kinked and abnormal<br>o No skeletal muscle or heart muscle is produced
Fibrilin"- Fibrillar protein thought to be involved in <span style=""background-color: rgb(0, 0, 127);"">restricting bone length</span><br>- Composed of microfibrils found as part of elastic fibers, renal<br>glomeruli, suspensory fibers of leg; prominent in skin, lung and<br>blood vessels"
Osteogenesis ImperfectaBrittle bone syndrome<br> Defect in type I collagen; this protein constitutes 30% of the body’s<br>weight<br> A number of types of disease exist; some are lethal in utero (type II) and<br>in some cases babies may undergo fractures whilst still in the womb<br>(types III and IV)<br> Type I is the mildest with patients having<br>o No overall height, long bone or teeth issues<br>o High tolerance to pain despite frequent fractures<br>o Often blue sclera (eye)<br>o Deafness by age 40 (50%)
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome- Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern for most forms except the<br>severe<br> Joint hypermobility, skin fragility (easy scarring and with a<br>hyperextensible, soft, doughy consistency)<br> Collagen defect affecting a variety of structural collagens but commonly<br>affects types I, III or V collagen or tenascin expression (cf OI)<br> Type III collagen is an integral protein in skin, blood vessels and<br>intestines with type V collagen present on or near the basement<br>membranes of most cell
Marfan's Syndrome<div><div>- Autosomal dominant mutations in fibrillin<br> Increased height, long limbs and digits with laxity (arachnodactyly)<br> Patients may also exhibit sunken chest and flat feet due to laxity of elastic<br>fibers in these locations<br> Scoliosis (spine curvature) is a major problem<br> Mitral valve defects also frequently present (lack of sufficient cusps,<br>chordae tendinae abnormal)<br> Aortic problems (may lead to aneurisms)<br> Loose lenses and myopia<div></div></div></div><div><div><br></div></div>