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Career Project Worksheet: Explore Your Dream Job

Name: _____________________________
Date: ___________________________
Step 1: Take the Tests
Please make sure you have completed the Career Test and Multiple Intelligence Test to
determine which career best suits you.
Step 2: Apply for Job
Fill out your application and hand it into Miss. Wolfe. Your ‘About Me’ presentation was like
your resume, and that will assist in the application process.
Step 3: Interview
If there are duplicate applicants for a job, the interview process may need to take place in
order to decide who is the best applicant for the job.
Step 4: Career Job Search
Before your Research please use one of the search engines below to look up job postings
for your job in the area (Saskatchewan, Canada or Abroad) that you would like to be. You
will be looking for 3 job announcements. Once you have completed this write a brief
description about the one you plan to pick below, and why. Try for 3-5 sentences.
Step 5: Career Research Template
Please complete the whole Research Template as this will gain you marks for completing
the Rough Copy. Make sure you keep note of the Resources you use to give credit to the
authors of the book or website. Remember Google is NOT a resource, it is a search engine.
And you do not need to write the whole URL down, just the first part up to the com, ca, org,
gov. etc.. Information is best collected from 3 or more sources.
Step 6: Create a Presentation
Present your information on a poster board. . You must include all the information in this
research template booklet and hand this booklet in for marks as your ‘Rough Copy’.
Step 7: Create Cardboard City
You will be in charge of creating the building or ‘place of work’ for your Career. Keep in
mind this needs to be close to the scale of the rest of the buildings being created in the
class. We will pick a location and plan out our ‘City’ to create dimensions before we start
the building process. This can be worked on at school, otherwise it may need to be
completed at home.
EXTRA: if you are in my ELA class must also create a Dream House Descriptive Writing & 5
Paragraph Essay.
Due Date: ________________
Step 8: Career Fair Presentation Day
On presentation day, you will present your work to the class. In your presentation you will:
Dress up like your Career
Be able to share information with your classmates as you are the ‘Expert’
Due Date: _________________
Done Early Extra: if you finish everything early and we have extra work periods, then you
can use this time to create a slideshow collage of pictures dreaming up your DREAM LIFE if
you had the Salary of your Career or Occupation. Think about including the following:
House (location, how big, furnishings, travel home)
Cars (you and your spouse, kids, RV, boat, quad)
Trips (family trip, destinations)
Pets (farm, lots of pets)
Extra “Toys” (trampoline, pool, hot tub, bouncy castle)
Career Research Template
(Career Field)
(Job Title)
(Student Name)
(Draw 5 Pictures that Represent Your Career )
Job Description: ______________________________________________
5 Responsibilities/Daily Routines: ______________________________________
Quick Info
Education Required: ___________________ Salary: ____________________
Certificates, Training or Licenses: ___________________________________
Technology Used: _________________________________________________
Similar Jobs: ______________________________________________________
How it includes STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math):
Work Environment (Where do you have to go to daily, describe it):
Future of this Career (will anything change about the job in the future):
Skills & Abilities (5 each)
Current Skills/Abilities (what you already have that relates to this job ) :
Future Skills/Abilities (what you would need to work on for this job) :
Helpful Values You Have (part of life you find important to you):
Past/Current Activities (Your involvement in the past that would help
this career. Ex. take care of a pet, safety patrol, robotics):
: __________________________________________
: __________________________________________
Future Activities (Your involvement now or this year that could help this
career. Ex. helping a grandparent, babysitting, chores):
: __________________________________________
: __________________________________________
Fun Facts (something to make your job stand out, WOW FACTOR):
Websites or Books Used: ___________________________________________
Career Rubric
Student Name(s): _________________ Career: _________________________
● Career Field
● Job Title
● Description
● Responsibilities
Education Required
Similar Jobs
Work Environment
& Abilities
Current Skills & Abilities
FutureSkills & Abilities
Past/Current Activities
Future Activities
● Fun Facts
● Resources
● Pictures
Creative Presentation:
● Completed Rough Copy
● Job Search Paragraph
● Loud Voice/Eye Contact
● Organization of Thoughts
● Creative/Colourful
● Finished on Time
● Used Work Time Productively
● Went Above and Beyond
Cardboard City
● To Scale
● Creative
5 Paragraph Careers Essay
1. Introduction – Give a short description of the career you have chosen to research and explain why this is
your dream career. What career field does this fall into? What made you want to get involved with this
2. Skills, Abilities, Education, Training and Volunteerism – Explain what skills are desirable for the career
you chose. What education and/or training are required? Do you have any of these skills anad abilities?
Do you do any volunteer work or chores currently that relate to this career? If not how could you get
involved and volunteer in the future?
3. Working Environment/Conditions – Describe in detail what the working environment and conditions
will be for this career. Will you work in an office, outside, or at home? Or will you have to travel? What
would a day in the life of your career look like. Write a short daily schedule including your
4. Advantage/Disadvantages – What are the advantages and disadvantages of this career? Is the salary an
advantage or disadvantage? Do you have the opportunity to travel and see places without having to
spend your own money? Come up with 3 obstacles you might come across during your path to your
dream job. How can you overcome one of these challenges or obstacles?
5. Salary/Similar Jobs/Future of Career – What is the average salary for this career choice? How much
can you expect to make right when you start? Can you receive raises? What about promotions? What are
other jobs that are like this job? What does the future of this job look like? What would the world or our
community look like without this certain job?
6. Conclusion – Explain how you are suited to this career. What qualities do you possess that could help
you in this career? What interests would help you succeed in this career choice? Talk about your life
values here. Have you often been told, “You should become a _________________, because
___________________.” Restate why this is your dream career.
Possible Careers
Advertising Manager
Advertising Sales Agent
Aircraft Mechanic
Airline Pilot
Airport Security
Aircraft Controller
Auto Mechanic
Budget Analyst
Cardiovascular Technologist
Chief Executive Officer
Chemical Technician
Childcare Worker
Computer Programming
Computer Systems Analyst
Construction Laborer
Correctional Officer
Customer Service Representative
Dental Hygienist
English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher
Event Planner
Fashion Designer
Financial Advisor
Fitness Trainer
Flight Attendant
Funeral Director
Grant Writer
Graphic Designer
Guidance Counselor
Hairdresser, Hairstylist, and Cosmetologist
Human Resource Manager
Home Health Aide
Interior Designer
Interpreter and Translator
Licensed Practical Nurse
Loan Officer
Market Research Analyst
Marriage and Family Therapist
Massage Therapist
Mechanical Engineer
Medical Assistant
Nurse Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Paralegal and Legal Assistant
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Police Officer
Postal Service Worker
Psychiatric Aide
Registered Nurse
Security Guard
Social Media Manager
Social Worker
Software Developer
Special Education Teacher
Web Developer
Look at Road Map to Success and Dream Career GOogle Docs and Cardboard City has Interest Survey