SALE NOTFOR FREE COIY SAMPLE VirginiaEvans- JennyDooley !# m Express Publishing VirginiaEvans JennyDooley GJ Express Publishing Contents p .5 1 rhernderinite#.1,:]"" ............. SubjecUObject Pronouns....... 2 Personal 3 Th ever b 'tob e ' ......... (Units1-3) .......... Exploring Grammar (Units1-3)......... Revision p .6 p .7 p .10 /V{mdule 6 ......... p.46 1 7 P re s e nCo t n t in u o u s 18 PresentSimple- PresentContinuous.. p.49 (Units17-181......... p. 52 Exploring Grammar Re v is io(Un n it s1 -1 8 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . 5 3 p. 11 Mn d u le7 ili\odu[s? 4 The verb'havegot' 5 Plurals 6 This/These - That/Those........ (Units4-6) .......... Exploring Grammar (Units1-6)......... Revision 7 8 9 10 ffi*c{u[e3 Thereis/Thereare ......... , S o m e /An .......... y Possessive Adjectives........... Prepositionsof Place (Units7-10) ........ Exploring Grammar (Units1-10) ....... Revision p.12 p. 1 5 p.17 p. 1 8 p. 1 9 p. 20 p.22 P .24 p.25 p.26 p.27 Module4 C an ......... Possessive Case....... PresentSimple Prepositions of Time:at, on, in ......... (Units11-141....... Exploring Grammar (Units1-141....... Revision p. 28 p. 30 p.32 p. 36 p. 38 p. 39 Module5 ........... 15 Adverbsof Frequehcy 16 QuestionWords (Units15-16)....... Exploring Grammar (Units1-16)....... Revision p.4 0 p.4 1 p.4 3 p.4 4 11 12 13 14 19 Was/Were ...... p. 54 p. 56 20 PastSimple(regularverbs) (Units19-20)......... p. 60 Exploring Grammar Re v is io(Un n it s1 -2 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p . 6 1 Mo d u leS verbs)............. 21 PastSimple(irregular Nouns............ 22 Countable/Uncountable many........ 23 Some/Any - Howmuch/How ExploringGrammar(Units21-231 Re v is io(Un n it s1 -2 3 ). . . . . . . p. 62 p. 65 p. 66 p. 68 p . 69 2 4 A ' A n-' n " . . . . . : : : : : : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 A{ust- Itlustn't (Units24-251......... Exploring Grammar Re v is io(Un n it s1 -2 5 ). . . . . . . p.70 p.71 p.72 p . 73 Mo d u lst 0 ......... 2 6 B e g o in g t o . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 27 fmperative ..... 2 8 Ca n- Ca n ' t (Units26-281......... Exploring Grammar (Units1-28)....... Revision p . 74 p.77 p . 78 p.79 p. 80 lrregularVerbs 3 The Indefinite Article d - d(r o We usean beforewordswhichbeginwith a vowel(a, e, i, o, u ). an orange an atlas on eraser o (b, c, d, f ,9,h, j, k, [, m, Weusea beforewordsthat beginwith a consonant [, p, g, l, s, t, v, w, x, y, z). a notebook 4 I a pen a ruler Fillin olan,asin the example. i umbretta 2 Write the wordsin the correct column. . appte o footbatl o notebook o attas o umbretta o pencil o book o eraser butter fty I .........icecr eam Speaking Pointto objectsin the classroomand say their namesin English.Usealan. 5 Personal SubjectPronouns/Object Pronouns SubjectPronouns Singular lwe you he she it 4 ! Plural you theY | -- atwayswith a capitalletter you r in the singularandplura[for bothforms he r for a manor a boy she r for a womanor a girl it --+for an animalor a thins we -+for peopte they r for peopte,animats or things ObjectPronouns Singular Plural me you us you h im her it them Fill in the correctsubjectpronoun. _ _ _ ." 7 ? Choosethe correct subjectlobjectpronoun. 1 Thisis my umbretta.l/lt is red. 2 Thisis Peter.She/Heis fourteen. 3 This is Lauraand Rose.They/Sheare my 4 5 6 7 8 friends. Thisis TomandI'm Steven.Lookat us/them. Thisis are my dogs. Lookat she/her.She'sKathy. Thisis my is btue. Thisis Tony.Comeand meet he/him. Speaking Work in pairs.Pointto peoplearoundyou and saythe correctsubjectpronoun. A: B: A: B: A: B: Mark! He. Sally! She. Bill and Tom! They. Theverb 'to be' LongForm lam we are you are youare he is sheis it is theyare I am not youare not heis not sheis not it is not we are not youare not theyare not I' m you're he' s she' s it' s Interrogative Negative LongForm Short Form we're you're they're ShortAnswers Short Form l 'm n o t youaren't heisn't sheisn't it isn't we aren't youaren't theyaren't Am Are ls Are | ...? you...? he ...? she...?. it ...? we...? you...? they...? Yes,lam . Yes,youare. Yes,heis. Yes,sheis. Yes,it is. Yes,we ar e. Yes,youare. Yes,theyare. No,I' m not. No,youaren't. No,heisn' t. No,sheisn't. No,it isn' t. No,we ar en' t. No,youaren't. No,theyaren't. Wedo not repeatthe whotequestion in shortanswers. WeontyuseYesor No, the subjectpronoun andthe appropriate verbform. Weusethe [ongformof theverbto be in positiveshortanswers. /ssheo teocher? Yes,sheis. (NOI: ) Weusethe shortformof the verbto be in negativeshortanswers. Areyouin grade7?No,l'm not. (NOT: ) Fill in :'m l em ,' slis,'relare,as in the example. 1 She> 'slisSusan. 2 1 . . . . . . . . . . .t.w el ve . 3 You.. .. myfriend. 4 5 6 7 8 I t . . . . . . . . . . .a. p e n ci l . They... . b ro th e rs. We... . t w i n s. H e . . . . . . . . . . .Pa . u t. Sh e . . . . fro mE n g ta n d . Hi! M y n a me1 ) 2) eleven years old and | 3) from the UK. I 4) a studentat Newcastle Secondary S ch o o l. My f a v o u rit e s u b je c t s 5 ). . . . . Geo g ra p h ya n d Mu s ic .My f a v o u rit ec o lo u pinkand my favouriteday7) 6) Saturday.Helenand Sophie8) my bestfriends. Theverb 'to be' fl Fill in: am, is or ore,asin the example. .t E Underlinethe correctformof the verb to be. a, youBettyWittiams? Excuse me. 1) Y e sl,2 ) .. . Wh o3 ) | 4) .... KettyPhitips, Ann'sfriend. Niceto meetyou,Ketty. N i c et o m e e tyo u ,to o .Wh e re5 ) ............ Ann?6) ... shehere? B : Y e ss, h e7 ) .... . S h e8 ) the gym. A: B: A: B: A: Lookat the picturesandthe notes,then A t completethe exchanges. 1 I'm fromlretand. I'm not/isn'tfromEngtand. 2 Weisn't/aren'tin Grade6. 3 'ArePhitipandHelenteachers?' 'Yes,theyare/is.' 4 Hearen't/isn'tmybrother. 5 They're/'smy bestfriends. 6 'Areyounewto the schoolJohn?' 'Yes,I is/am.' 7 Are/lstheyin yourctass? 8 ls/AreshefromCanada? 6 Lookat the pictures.Askandanswer,asin the example. r i " F '--.Are they oranges? r 1 A: ffirya B: No,theyaren't. A: Amanda:w Areyousixteen,John? J o h n : Yes.I m*am. 2 Amanda: Markeighteen? J o h n : Yes,he your favourite J o h n : What schoolsubject,Amanda? Amanda:Art. John: Mark'sfavourite schoolsubjectEngtish? Amanda:No,it Mark: Where .... youfrom,John? John: | ............fro mS o u th A frica. Mark: Amandafrom New Zeatand? J o h n : No,she ... . S he from Austratia. 8 2A: B: A: They're[emons. a computer? C A: B: A: ,.* n, B: A: .. pens? ......c r ay ons . .... a student? ... a teacher. 5 A: ... a teacher? B: A: .... a s r nger . Theverb'to be' 10 Fill in: ere, is, 's, 're, 'm, aren'tor isn't. Write questionsfor the answers. I 1 > Areyouthirteen? No,l'm not.I'm fourteen. 2 ............? Yes,I am.Mycousinis twetve,too. 3 *;,;;,;;;;;;;il;;; ? 4 Yes,theyare.They'refromlretand. 8 Lookat the table.Thenwrite short answers. ......youfr omlr etand? No.| ..........not.| om Aus tr al i a. .......yournam ePhitip? No,it . . lt .. .... Peter . Who.... ... yourfavourite singer? It ...........Br itney Spear She s. ........... fromthe USA. 4A: Howold . yourbrothers? B: Jack.. sixandSteven .......nine. 5A: . theygoodat tennis? B: No,they ... . They 1A: B: 2A: B: 3A: B: goodat footbatl. 11 Putthe wordsin orderto make sentences. 1 actor /an/is/he > Heis anoctor. 2 is / favourite/ btue/ your/ cotour? faftcrine tarnet Haric Aeorge lreland Canada theusA 1 ls Katherine fourteenyearsotd? 3 not / they/ CanadalareI from 2 ls George fromCanada? 4 from / are / Australia/ you? 3 ls Jamesfromlreland? 5 twelve/ar e/we/not 4 ls Katherine fromthe USA? yearsold? 5 ls Jamesnineteen Speaking In pairs,askeachother questions.Askabout: 6 AreGeorgeandMarietwentyyearsotd? Matchthe questions to the answers. 9M FTI Aretheystudents? \ ET-l ls Tomfrom the UK? a Yes,sheis. f3T-l lsMarynineteen \ c No,heisn't. years otd? lZT-l Areyoua teacher? \ A Yes,we are. tET-l Arewein class2E? o age o favouriteschoolsubject o favouriteday of the week o favouritecotour o favouritesinger >A: Areyou twelve? B: Yes,lom. A: ls Historyyourfavouriteschoolwbject?etc. Wri ing Useyourpartner'sanswers to write a short text abouthim/her. Johnis twelveyearsold. Hisfavourite... 9 ( U nit s l-3) w Theverb'to be' W ShortAnswers 3 Readthe text andunderlineall short formsof the verb to be. Then write the longforms. a) Answerthe questions. 1 ls Brenda fromthe USA? + Yes,shels. lsMandy a singer? 3 ls KatefromCanada? -T !E, 4 lsJack20yearsotd? 5 AreKateandJackbrotherandsister? 6 AreBrenda andMandyfriends? Mg ncme's Brendaond f'm JromtheUSA.l'm twentg-three gecrsoldand l'm a singer. Mg bestJriend is Kate.She's i\ fromCanada. 1) Kote's 25 geors otdond she'sa teacher. She'so verggoodteacher. Kcte'ssister'sMandgond herbrother'sJock.2) l4andg's18cnd 3) Jock's19.4) MandgandJockarestudents. Theg'reverynice.We'reaLl, verggoodJrtends. A Fillin the blankswith is, isn't,are,aren't. L 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Brenda a singer. J a c k. . . . ........ 1 4ye a rs old. Brenda .... sisters. andMandy Mandy sister. .... Jack's Jack. .. Brenda's brother. Ka t ea n dJa ck............b ro th ear n dsister . b) Whendo we uselongformsin short answers? w A/An A -r a) Maketrue sentences. Bnrruon Knrr ls fiffimmwumv is n ' t Jeex a an student actor singer teacher b) Whendo we usealanTGivemore examples. w rsonalpronouns 5 a) Lookat the wordsin boldin the text in Ex. 1. Replace themwith the appropriate personalpronoun. 2 ...... 3 ...... 4 b) Whichpersonalsubjectpronounis the samein the singular andthe plural? Circlethe correctitem. Als Cathyfromlreland? BA re CAm What........yourfavourite school subject? Ais Ba m C a re W e. . . . . . . .f r o mN e wZ e a ta n d . A isn't B amnot C aren't theyfromEngtand? AAre Bis CAm 'ls shea teacher?' 'Yes,she A isn't B is 12 'AreyoufromAustralia?' A Yes,I'm. B No,I'm not. C Yes,theyare. 13 W hois........?' 'MrWatter.' Ait Bhe C him 14 Myname Aam Cis 15 Ais Bam C aren't 7 Where Aam appte. Ba n BettyandThomas from? Bis C are T h i si s . . . . . . . .atl a s. Aa Ban Lookat Ashd c Bhe 10 I t ' s. . . . . . . .n o te b o o k.. ABan C are 16 Lookat Tomand Pete.Lookat A him Thisis Aa Kevin. Bar e B they C them 17 SteveandMary........20yearsotd. A 'm not B isn't C aren't 18 'lsthisa ruter?' ' Yes,' Ahe Bthey Cit 19 'lsheyourbrother?' ' No,he.........' A is B isn' t C aren't c C her 'Aretheystudents?' Ca 'Yes,.........t A we are B youare C theyare 1 1 T h i s. . . . . . . .m yfri e n d . Aam Bi s C are 11 Theverb'havegot' '-r:: ! o :j :: ,1r:. :i : I We usethe verb have got to: a) showthat somethingbetongsto somebody. John has got two block cats. b) describethe characteristics of people,animatsor things. lvlaryhasgot longred hair andgreen eyes. c) tatk aboutretationships. Wehave got onebrother. I I haveeot you you he he got she has she ,i t iq we we you ,' havegot you they they / thev - Hashe / she / it got? I 've qot ' you ,h e I have not got you .. 's got she ,i t i : hasnot got ,We , We he she it ' 've got you . have not got you they ; they Yes,| / you/ we / theyhave. N o ,l/you/we/they haven't. Yes,he / she/ it has. No, he / she/ it hasn't. haven't got hasn't got haven't got NOTE:In short answers we do notusegot. NOTE: She'sa teacher.(Sheis) She'sgot a dog.(Shehas) r':::l I Fill in have('ve),haven't,has('s)or hasn't. I JutieandLynn>-havegotfair hairandblue eyes. A: . Kengot greeneyes? B: No,he We... ...... gota redcar.We'vegot a btueone. yougotmanyfriends? A: B: Yes,| . er H e t e n ' gra s n d mo th ................ . . . . got whitehairandgreeneyes. L2 A: ... theygota dog? B: No,they A: .... theygotshortbtackhair? B: Yes,they got btueeyes.I 'v e got | ............ greeneyes. A: ............... AuntBettygotanumbr e[l a? B: Yes,she... 10 W e......... twobooksOne . for youandonefor me. Theverb 'havegot' a) Lookat the tableandwrite sentences, asin the example. 1 MrGreen/a moustache? * 1,o... fi -egn ,.-.' : "" I:' .' r,S l C i ' .r.a \i25r ; | "","': ftd 2 Beth/alemon? '-=:=: 3 they/whitehair? 4 he/a ctock? x -f---N 4 / / it/bigears? h Anna has got a dog, an umbrello ,ut!;ltl .omDuter.Shehasn't eot o boll. A -r Putthe wordsin the correctorder. 1 got i Mike / feet / has / big 2 hair/ AnnaandSue/ fair / got / have? b) Lookat the tableabove.In pairs,ask andanswerquestions, asin the example. = A: HosAnnogot a ball? B: No,shehasn't.HasMarkgot an umbrella? A: Yes,he has. etc. | / got / eyes/ not / btue/ have have/ short/ got / tegs/ etephants ? a / he / has/ moustache / got? 13 Theverb 'havegot' Findandwritethe sixdifferences. 5 ,/- 1 (hat)F /n picture A the clown has got a big hat. i 'x ;iir lti'r' ii l"'e . '.1',r k;sn't got . Hehass,ot... 2 ( h a i r ) . ..... 3 (eyes) A l a e r c \J , \ s qr 5 (nose) 6 /faaf \ Speaking Writing Describeyourselfto the class. Writea shortdescriptionof the person sittingnext to you. > /'rn tall and slim.I've got blue eyesand long blackhair.l've got a smollmouthand small eors. etc. L4 > Pedrois shortand slim. He'sgot browneyes and shortbrownhair.He'sgot a smallmouth anda smallnose. etc. Plurals e Mostnounstake-s to formthe plural. - cameras cQmera shoe- shoes helmet- helmets r Nouns endingin -s, -ss,-sh,-ch, -X,-o take-esto formthe plurat. bus --+ buses,glass --+ glasses,brush -+ brushes, fox -- foxes, tomato --+ tomatoes lrregularplurals o Nouns + y plural. endingin a vowel take-s in the plural Singular -+ --+ boy boys, toy toys man men o Nounsendingin a consonant+ y dropthe -y and woman women take-iesin the plural. chitd children Iady --+ ladies, butterfly -t butterflies foot feet o Nounsendingin -f or -fe, dropthe -f or -fe andtake tooth teeth -vesin the plurat. mouse mlce scarf --t scarves,Iife --+Iives person people i 7 L 1 scarf F SCOrVeS 2 ftv 3 classes 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 tomato In the puzzle,find 10 pluralwords. JFSNA KLITE LADIE W MORB APPLE TSFMP watches cGo Nq boys HJXW O EVERL SASRO foot mouse box women friends tooth buses chitd gtove ladies 'l'i:::t I E S U s N X s E R 5H TH MW IH CT EE AY IV AV UB H A N D B A G 5 E T E S G L A S s E S E - That/Those This/These This- These o We usethis (singular)/ these (plural)to point peopte, nearus. thingsandanimats ru rururu ru fhis is a chair. Theseare chairs. That- Those o We usethat (singular)/ those (plural)to point to peopte,thingsor animats far awayfrom us. That is a choir. ruh Thoseare chairs. Weusethis / theseandthat / thosein questions. with it or they. Weanswerthesequestions What'sthis I that? lt's a pencil.(NOT: ) Whatare theselthose? Theyare pencils.(NOT: ) [g s@' ctocks and watches. 1 [g + Ihis i. a bicycteand > rhci fs a helmet. il t [g a fty and butterfly. !g Writethe sentences in the plural. h L . . . . . . . c a me raasn d teddybears. 1 Thatis a cap. * fho.seare(ops. 2 Thisis a box. 3 Thisis anumbretta. Thatis a mouse. 5 Thisis a watch. 4 [g Speaking an elephantand a kangaroo. Workin pairs.Pointto objectsnearor far from you andmakesentences. Ihis is an eroser.Thoseare pencils. etc. L] (Units 4-6) * Havegot a) Readthe text and write the correct name. Hi! My name's Nicole .I ' m 17 yearsold and l've g o t long curly hair and green eyes.I'm short and thin. I'm a quiet person. Thesearemy bestfriends, Marthaand Claire.Mart h ais 16 yearsold and shestall and thin. Shesgot short brown hair and brown eyes.Shesreallypopular at school. Claireis 17 yearsold .S h e s tall and thin. S hesgot s h o rt fair hair and blue eyes.Shes beautifuland kind. I I lovemy friends.I t h in k they'refantastic. I 0 Plurals 3 4 Findthreewordsin the plural in the text in Ex.1. a) Writethe wordsin the plural. (scarf);a red one 1 Jim'sgot two .. anda btueone. 2 Hetenhasgota newpairof . (shoe). got 3 MrsWettshasn't four (child). ( butter fly) ! 4 llove.... 5 Hetpmeopenthe .... (box),please! b) Findthe irregularpluralinEx.4a.Give two moreexamples of irregularplurals. s This/These - ThaUThose F tl .a IU Complete the rules. 1 Weusethislthese for things 2 W eusethat/those for things' .... ..... a far awayfromus b nearus b) Underline the havegot formsin the text. Writethemin the negativeform. ar a) Readthe text in Ex. 1 againandanswer h the followingquestions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 HasNicolegotthreebestfriends? HasCtairegotfair hair? HasMarthagot blueeyes? HaveCtaireandMarthagotshorthair? HasNicotegot[onghair? HaveCtaireandMarthagotgreeneyes? b) Howdo we form the shortanswersof the verbhovegot?Whichis the wordwe do not use? (Units l'6) Revision Circlethe correctitem. popular 1 NicoteKidman andMe[Gibson Australianactors. Aam Bi s C a re 2 Etephants ........ggtstrong[egs. A have B has C hasn't 3 Catherine is lrish.She........Scottish. A 'm not B isn't C aren't 4 Lynngot red hair? A H a v e n ' t B Ha s , 5 Th e ya r e. . . . . . . .. A box B boxes 6 youan actor? A ls B lsn't 7 . . . . .. . .a r em i c e . A These B That C H a ve 1 0 Loo ka t . . . . . . . .ma n ! A that B those is a teacher. A She B I 12 Howold A is C You KenandMike? B are C am 13 "Whatarethose?" "........areflies." A Those B These C They 14 "What'sthis?" "lt' s........mouse." Aan Ba C C boxs 15 Fiona........ gottwo bikes.She'sgotone. A have B hasn't C has C Are 16 Jim'sgottwo new A scarves B scarfs C This 8 "Haveyougot a dictionary?" "No,we ........." A have B hasn't C haven't 9 M yn a i n e. . . . . . . .W i l ti a m. A'm B's 11 17 I ........ thirteenyearsold. l'm twelve. A isn't B aren't C 'm not 18 LucyandJanetaresisters. aretwins. A They B We C You 19 C 're C these C scarfes Greggot greeneyes? A Hasn't B Have C Has 20 Bobhasn'tgotbig A foot B foots C feet /mart:- \ 20/ \ 19 Thereis/Thereare Plural Thereis a cat./There's a cat. Therearetwo cats. Affirmative Therearen'ttwo cats. Thereisn't a cat. Negative Aretheretwo cats? Interrogative ls there a cat? Singular Weusethereis to list thingsin the singutar. There'san umbrella,an appleandan orangeon the table. (NOT: an umbrella,an appleandan orangeon the table.) Weusethereare to list thingsin the ptural.Thereare hasn'tgota shortform. Thereare five desksin the classroom. ShortAnswers Yes,thereis' lsthere...? No,thereisn't. Arethere...? Yes'thereare' No,therearen't. Lookat the pictureandfill in thereislisn't and therearel aren't, a bedbut .. a carpet. .... a tampbut a bookcase. threepillowsbut cushions. ... a windowbut ......a painting. 20 o In shortanswers we useYes,there is/areor No,there isn't/aren't.We do not repeatthewholequestion. ls there a fly in the kitchen?Yes, there rs. (NOI: 2 Usethe promptsto askandanswer questions, asin the example. fivetemons/ paperbag?- No. A: > Aretherefive lemonsin thepaperbag? B: No,therearen't. - Yes. ten students/ ctassroom? A: .... B:.......... dog/house?- Yes. A: ...... B: ........ - No fourcats/ garden? A: .... B: .... or ange/fr idge?- Yes. A: .... B: - No. 6 threebooks/ schoolbag? A: B: Thereis/Thereare A Rewritethe sentences, asin the example. J 1 Thereis a chairin the livingroom.(four) p lhere arefour chairsin the livingroom. 2 Therearetwo mugson thetable.(one) > Thereis onemugon the table. 3 Thereis onewindowin the room.(two) 4 Putthe wordsin orderto makesentences. 1 is / desk/ there/ a / the / in / ctassroom 2 aren't / books/ three / schootbag / there / in / my 3 ther e/ a/ in/ dog/the/ par k/is? 4 Therearefivebedrooms in theftat. (one) 4 two / mugs/ on / there/ the / table/ are7 (one) 5 Therearetenstudents in thectassroom. 5 isn't/ a / computer/on/ desk/the/ there 6 Thereisn't one dogin the garden.(three) 7 Therearen'tsixpensin the pencitcase.(one) 6 there/ are / pencits/ four / in / penci[/ case/ the ? 8 Thereisn'toneappteon thetabte.(six) 7 E J o n / b e d / t h e / is n ' t / t h e re / t e d d y / a / b e a r Look at the two pictures and spot the differences.Write sentences,as in the example. oca t od o g owindows oboy egirls o f rid g e o g t a s s o rT lu g o c o o k e r o b o o k o CDs o towe[ o carrots o orangeso chairs o knife * ln pictureA there'sa cot. ln pictureB thereisn'ta cat. Thereis a dog. Speaking Writing Workin pairs.Askeachother aboutwhat thereislare in the two picturesabove. Drawa pictureof your kitchenandwrite a paragraph aboutwhat thereislorein it. * A: Are theretwo windowsin pictureA? B: Yes,thereare. ls therea dogin pictureB? F Ihe kitchenin my houseis big. Thereis a table... 2L Some/Any Countable nouns Unountablenouns Plural Affirmative Therearesomeerasers. Thereis someorangejuice. Negative Therearen'tanyerasers.Thereisn't any orangejuice. Interrogative Arethereanyerasers? ls there any orangejuice? Some o We use somein affirmativesentences with pluratcountabtenounsand with uncountabte nouns. Weneedsomeeggsand somecoffee. Any o Weuseanyin negative andinterrogative sentences with bothcountabte nounsin the ptural,anduncountabte nouns. Are thereony |emons in thefridge?Thereisn'tany soup. NOTE:Weusesomein interrogative sentences to makeoffersandrequests. Wouldyou likesomepizza?(offer) CanI havesomefruit juice?(request) Lookat the picturesandthe wordsandsaywhatthere islisn't,arelaren'tin the picture,asin the example. 1 oranges/apptes = Therearen'tany oranges, but thereare someopples. 4 coffee/mitk keerl 5 oranges/temons 3 carrots/tomatoes 22 /Any Some A Fill in someor ony,asin the example. L 1 Woutdyoulike ts somecoffee? 2 ls there 3 Therearen't 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 ..... pizzaT ..... desks in the ctassroom. Arethere ...... pens? Thereisn't . ice creamin the fridge. T h e r ei s . . . .... .... mi tki n th efridge. juice? .... orange CanI have Thereare ..... . pencils onthe desk. Arethere in the basket? ....... apples Therearen't towelsin the * bathroom. A: Ar ether e1) ............biscuits teft? B: Yes,woutdyoulike2l .... biscuits? A: Yesand3) ... tea,ptease. B: Coming! A: Havewe got 1) .... apptes? B: Yes,thereare 2) .... in the fruit bowt. A: Great!Let'smakean apptepie. Speaking Thisis Sam'sclassroom. Lookat the picture.Askandanswerquestions about the following. . toys o pens o girts r mirrors o ftowers o boys r chairs o lamps o desks o posters Tick (/) the correctsentences.lf a sentenceis wrong,correctthe mistake. Haveyougot anylemons? >/ > some CanI have coffee? Thereis anymeatin the fridge. Arethereanychitdrenin the ctassroom? Therearen'tsomepencits in the bag. Hehasn'tgotsomemoney. Theriraresomemicein the house. Aretheresomeboysin the garden? Woutdyoulike anycoffee? Wehaven'tgot sometomatoes. Completethe dialogueswith some,eny. 1 A: l st h e r e1) ............j u i cei n th efri dge? B: No, l'm afraidthereisn't 2) j u i c e .W o u tdyo ul i ke 3 )............Coke instead? Yes,ptease.CanI have4) ... ice too? B: Yes,of course. * A: Are thereany toysin the clossroomT B: No,thereeren't ony.Arethereany pens? A: Yes,thereore some. Writing Usethe ideasfrom the speakingactivity andyour own ideasto write a paragraph aboutyour classroom. > ln my classroomthere are somedesks. 23 Adjectives Possessive Singular l- - +my you -r your he --+his she--+her Plural we --+our you--t your theY--+1691t it --+its into your the table.Translate Cbmplete language. 4l 2 3 4 5 2 youhesheit-. 6 w e -, 7 yo u 8 they- adjectives. Writethe possessive 1 This bicycle belongsto me. lt's > my bicycte. 2 T h a td o gb e to n gtos T i m.l t' 3 Thesehats betongto my mother.They're . . .. h a ts. This computerbetongsto my brotherand's .... computer. belongto myfamity.They're Thosepaintings . paintings. That lamp belongsto your famity. lt's [amp. Thosetowelsbelongto me.They're towels. That car betongsto Phitipand's . .. ca r. 24 Possessive adjectivesshow: a) that something betongs to somebody. Ihis fsmy book. b) the retationship betweentwo or more peopte. Sheis our grandmother. Weput possessive adjectivesbeforenouns. Ihis fs his desk. 1 Fillin, asin the example. tt 1 > His(he)cat is blackandwhite. 2 ... (we)ftat is notverybig. (you)dress? 3 Maryis this.. is verysmatt. 4 ... (they)house (she) mother is a singerand 5 .... (she)fatheris anactor. 4 Underlinethe correctwordin bold. 1 lrty/lnameis Samantha. Avenue. 2 They/Theirhouseis on Witson 3 New Zealandis a beautifulcountry.lts/lt capitalis Wettington. 4 OurAffelivingroomis verybig. 5 lsthisyou/yourpen? 6 He/Hisdeskis overthere. favouritesoortis basketbatt. 7 She/Her I l/Mybirthdayis in Aprit. Speaking Workin pairs.Mix up your pencils,rulers, pencilcasesand books,etc, then sort themout. A: Ihis is my eraser. B: Yes,and theseareyour pencils. Prepositions of Ptace ffi J bunder ln o behind & nextto We use prepositions of placeto say where is. somebody or something WeuselNwith names of citiesandcountries. z./lzt in London,in England in front of Fillin the correctpreposition. 1 1 Thestudents are the ctassroom. 2 Thewomanis the umbrella. fi 3 Theappteis the books. 4 Themanis the twowomen. 5 Theboyis the piano. 2 near between Lookat the picture and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Mrs Walterhasa lovelylivingroom.Thereis a cotfeetable 1) s' r,' the livingroom,2) thesofa.Therearesomecushions 3) ............... the sofa.Thereis a window4) ............... thesofaanda p ic t u re5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t h e wa ll,5 ) . . . . . . . . , . . th . . .e. window.Thereis a rug 7) ............... the floor, B).......... the table. The sofa is 9) .........,.......... two tables.Thereis one lamp 10)............... eachtable.Therearetwo armchairs 11) . . . . . . . . . . .t.h. o m. Speaking Usethe wordsin boldin Ex.2 to askand answerquestions. === A: Where'sthe coffeetable? B: lt's in front of the sofa. Writing your Writea shortparagraph describing livingroom.Sticka picture. 25 {Units 7- | 0} My brother and I have got friends America. friendsarefromAmerica. o Possessive Adjectives ReadJim'sletter to hispenpalandcircle adjectives.Whatcomes the possessive adjectives? after possessive o Thereis/Thereare 3 a) Readthe letter and markthe sentences T (true) or F (false).Correctthe false sentences. 1 Therearetwo bicyclesin the garage. 2 Therearen'tanyftowersin the park. on the third 3 Thereisn't a bedroom floor. park. 4 Thereisn't a garden in Richmond 5 Thereis a gotfcoursebehindthe restaurant. b) Whendo we usefhere islthereare?Find examplesin the letter. herearetwo l. lnttregarage ls e'vegotadogtoo!ltsname tu\, we arenearRichmond arehappyherebecause reesa aresome There Park. heret Sometimes he Park. .." t busesin thePark" rt' rr'! Denlllu thereanda biggotfcourse Plantation' islsabella ;;;it. too.ttsname it?Arehere aparknear Whatsyou'nou" tiiii tt t'ttt init? anYanimals Wrilesoon' Jim. 2 with the correct Completethe sentences possessive adjective. o Some/Any 4 1 Therearesomeftowersin the garden. 2 Thereisn't anyorangejuicein the glass. in the classroom 3 Therearen'tanystudents 4 Thereis someicecreamin the fridge. 5 Therearesometreesin the park. 1 Ruthhasgot a housenearthe park. is nearthe park. ....... house Thedoe'sgota longtail. . tail is tong. Jim andGreghavegot bigbedrooms. . bedrooms are big. Tony'sgot a newcomputer. is new. ... computer 26 in the negativeor a) Rewritethe sentences affirmative. b) Whendo we usesomeandwhendo we useany?Findexamplesin the letter. o Prepositions of place 5 Readthe letter againandcircleall the prepositions of placeyoucanfind. Canyou nametwo more? Can Weusecanto express ability. I canploy the guitar. Canis the samein atl persons. Thenegative of canis cannotor can't (NOf: ) Affirmative Negative Interrogative Shortanswers | / youI he / she/ it / we / you/ theycanwatk. l / yo ul h e /she / it /we /you / theycannot/can' twatk. Can| / you/ he / she/ it / we I you/ theywatk? Yes,| / you/ he / she/ it / we / you/ theycan. N o ,l / yo u/ h e/ she/ it / we /you /theycan' t. Whatcanyou do?Lookat the picturesand tick (/). Thensaywhatyoucanor can't do. t L a) Lookat the tableandfill in conor cen't. c o o k ilX X ____|___ l---,-lttvt dr awili,X/ ,/ ,/ T * /ca n donc fl dance o swim! x 2 ptaythepiano! rideabike i4 ridea bike ! i / t ,/ 1 ,/ 1 Linda. cookbutshe.......... dr aw . 2 Jason .. speakEngtish andhe ptaythe guitarbut he .. cook. 3 Betty. . singbutshe..........dr aw . 4 Betty,Jason,andLinda .. ridea bike. sing but they 5 Betty and Jason .. ptaythe guitar. b) Lookat the tableagain.In pairs,ask andanswerquestions, asin the example. 5 cook! 28 ffi arive! * A: 8: A: 8: CanBettycook? Yes,shecan, CanJasoncook? No,he can't. etc. Can Askandanswerquestions, asin the example. ? .t 1 it/tatk? * Canit talk? Yes,it can. 5 Lookat the picturesandfollowthe lines. Thenusethe wordsto askandanswer,as in the example. \ 4 it/read? 5 they/usea computer? 6 4 he / see? Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make sentences, asin the example. 1 ptaytheguitar / | / can * / canplaytheguitor. 2 y o u / r i d e a bi ke /ca n ? 3 can't/ Mary/ sing/ verywet[ 4 ptaybasketball/ can / he? 1 Anna/dance F,--A: CanAnnadancei B: No, shecan't"Sneton ea2" 2 Mark/ridea bike 3 Tony/drivea car 4 Emma/use a computer 5 Betty/ptaythe pinao 5 Davidi speakRussian /can Writing 6 ptaythe piano/ they / canT Writefive sentences aboutwhatyou can/can't do. 29 Possessive Case Toshowpossession: c) a) We add 's to namesand singutar nouns. Ihfs is Sally'shondbag. b) Weadd' to pluralnounsendingin -s. Ihis is the girls'ball. In generalthe possessive caseis usedfor peopte.Inorderto tatkaboutthings,we use of. Mory'smother,the legs the preposition of the table. We use whose to ask about possession. Whosedogis this?lt's Mike's. Matchthe phrases to the pictures. 1 These ar e........pencits. A the girts B the girt C the girt's M y........Sue. A sisters B sister's C sisters' Thisis the A woman's B women C woman Lookat that bicycteoverthere.l si t bicycte? A Paul's B Pau[ C Pauts Thisis A Helen r? handbag. B Heten's C Hetens' Circlethe correctwordin bold. -*ffi* who's= whois A: Whose/ Who'sLinda? B: She's Anna'smother. A: Who's/ Whosepenis this? B: lt'sTom's. 1 the boys'skateboards3 the girt'scamera 2 the girts'cameras 4 the boy'sskateboard 2 Circlethe correctitem. 1 T h i si s . .......d o g . A John B John's 30 A: Whose/ Who'she? B: He'smyteacher. A: Who's/ Whosenotebooks arethese? B: They'reNancy's. A: Whose/ Who'sbrotheris Derek? B: He'sJohn'sbrother. C Johns' A: Who's/ WhoseSusan? B: She'smyfriend. Possessive Case Askandanswer,asin the example. 4 5 Lookat the family tree and completethe sentences,as in the example. 1 computer?/thechildren 2 umbrelta?/PauI 3 boat?/the coupte 4 rotter-skates?/Kate 5 bicycte?/Jason girls 6 batt?/the 1 Steveis father.He's=-= father. 2 Ritais and........m otherShe' . s mother. 3 Mar kis br otherHe' . other . 4 Satly andMarkare and........chitdren. They're chitdren. Ritais and........chitd.She' s ........ chitd. 6 Satty is sister. She's........sister. 7 Jittis........mother .She' s mother . . 8 Steve is andfat her H e's grandfather. Speaking 7 dog?/theboy UseSally'sfamily tree in Ex. 5, to talk about her family. Writing Drawyourfamilytree.Thenwrite sentences asin Ex.5. 31 Present Simple PresentSimple(affirmative) o Affimative I you he she it we you they work works work (l / you/ Weformthe presentsimptewith the subjects he / she/ it / we / you/ they)andthe baseformof theverb(dance, sing,etc). We use the presentsimpteto describepermanent states,repeatedactionsor habitsanddailyroutines. Jim work in onoffice.(permanent state) Heoftenplaysfootbo{l.(repeated action) Hedrivesto work.(habit) Hestartsworkat 9 o'clock.(daityroutine) Spelling(3'dpersonsingular) o Weformthe third person (he/she/ it) by adding-s to the endof most singutar verbs. I love- he loves,I drink^ he drinks o Weadd-esto verbsthat endin -ss,-sh,-ch, -x, or -o. / kiss- he kfsses,I wash- he washes,lwatch - he watches,I mix - he mixes,I go - he goes Timeexpressions usedwith the o Verbsendingin a consonant presentsimple: + y, dropthey andtake-ies. usualty, often,everyday/week/month, I fly - he flies,I try - he tries sometimes. etc o Verbsendingin a vowel+ y, take-s. I say- he says,I buy - hebuys PresentSimple(negative& interrogative) Negative LongForm tl you he she it we you they 32 do not work you he doesnot work she it we do not work you they ShortForm don'twork doesn'twork don'twork Weformthe third person singutar in the negative with doesnot/doesn't+ mainverb. Weformall otherpersons in the negative with do + not/don't mainverb. Present Simple Interrogative Do Does Do I you he she it we you they ShortAnswers work? Y e s,l /youdo. N o ,l /youdon' t. work? Yes,he / she/ it does. No,he / she/ it doesn't. work? Yes,we / you/ theydo. No,we / you/ theydon't. A Writethe third personsingular. I 1 2 3 4 5 ar L I tike- he 6 | w a tch- h e ..... ldo-he 7 I write - he I wash- he I drink- he lmix-he 8 l sa y-h e 9 l try-h e 1 0 l g o -h e Usethe verbsin bracketsto completethe sentences, asin the example. 1 | > live(live)in Edinburgh. 2 He ....... (do)hishomework everyevening. (w o rk at ) 3 S h e 'as t e a c heS r.h e................ Newcastte Schoot. 'Areyoua singer?' 'No, l'm a pitot. I 5 6 7 8 (fly)aeroptanes. (wash)herhaireveryday. Joanne Themuseum ... (close)at seven in the evening. Dan.... . (brush)histeeth everymorning. at university. She .. (study)Science Weformthe third person singular in the interrogative with does + subject+ mainverb. Weformalltheother persons with do + subject + mainverb. (give)his EverySaturday, Pau[ doga bath. 1 0 Inthe mornings, Betty...... .. (take) hersisterto schoot. pool 1 1 We .. . (go)to the swimming at theweekend. 1 2 BittandKetty. .... (have)a cup of tea in the afternoon. 9 3 Usethe promptsto write sentences, asin the example. tl.t- he/every day/work on the computer > He works on the computereveryday. 2 Susan/at theweekend/do hertaundry 33 Present Simpte !3' My friendsand l/at the T::::::::::T:: \4 he/everymorning/read the newspaper the i..5 Shetty/exercise/in mornrng 7:30/eat they/dinner/at 5 1 Pau[speaksFrench,but he ... speak Russian. Anna. .. tikejazz musicbut she hiphop. ' ...........heptaythesaxophone?' 'Oh,no,he ptaysthe guitar.' ' ........... they listen to musici n the evenings?' ' No, they............' 5 Where ... youwork? 6 W e........... stayin on Fr iday eveni ngs . jogging 7 ' ...........yougo in them orni ng?' ' No,1............' 8 ' ...........Kar en usea computer at wor k ?' 'Yes,shedoes.' 9 He...........goto school onSunday s . 10 What. . youhavefor dinner? I 4 Writequestions andnegations, asin the example. 1 Bradlivesin Australia. > Does Bradlivein Austrolia? Braddoesn'tlivein Australia. MissParkerteachesGeography. v 1 2 3 4 5 games. 3 Youtikeptaying computer 7 4 PeterandSueworkin a caf6. 8 5 Wedo the shopping on Saturdays. 9 10 6 Thebabycriesatl the time. 34 Fill in do, does,don'tor doesn't. Complete the sentences aboutyourself. | > don't have(have)an Engtish lessonon Sundays. Myfather .. (work)in anoffice. Myfriends .... (like)basketbatt. | ........ ... ( live)in a fl at. (do)the laundryat the Mymother weekend. ( go)shopp i ng | ...... w i th myfriendson Saturday. ( g etup) Myfam ityand| ....... eartyat the weekend. Mybestfriend .. (play)computer games in the afternoon. (cook)dinner Mymother everyday. (wash)the dishes Myfather afterdinner. Present Simple 7 Matchthe questions to the answers. , tlT--] ET--] lST--] FT-l fdl-l a b c d e Whattime doessheget up? Howdoesshegoto schoot? Doesshehavebreakfast everyday? Whatdoesshedo in the afternoon? Whendoesshegoto bed? your / take / father / does/ work / bus/ the / to? do Bill,BettyandPeterdo in the { flWnat r v evenings after school? Lookat the table andaskandanswer,asin the example. Shegoesto bedat 10:00. Shewatksto schoot. Shegetsup at 7:00. No,shedoesn't. Shedoesherhomework. watch a DVD 8 Writethg questions in full, andthen answerthem. 1 w h e n / s t a r t/sch o o [ > Whendoyoustortschool? how/ go /school listento music 3 what/ have/ lunch * A: DoesBill watch a DVDin the evenings? B: Yes,he does. 4 what/ do / afternoons 5 howoften/ playtennis 9 Put the wordsin the correctorderto make questions. Thenanswerthem. 1 you / do / Swedish / speak? 2 you/ do/ ride/ bikelyour / schoo[/ to? 3 work/ does/ your/ mother/ in / bank/ a? 4 Speaking In pairs,askandanswerquestions to find out aboutyourpartner'sdailyroutine. Askabout: r when/get up o morning/afternoon/evening activities o when/goto bed > A: B: A: B: Whendoyouget up in the morning? I get up at 7:00. Doyouhavebreakfasteverymorning? Yes,I do. like / jazz / do / you / music? 5 you/ the /guitar / do / ptay? do / eat / the / dinner/ with / your/ in / f a m i t y/ y o u /e ve n i n g s? Writing Useyourpartner'sanswers to write a shorttext abouthis/herdailyroutine. Martingetsup at 7:00in the morning.He has breakfast ... etc 35 Prepositions of Timeat, on, in o Weuseprepositions of timeto saywhensomething happens. Weuseat with: o time:at 6 o'clock,at 6:30,etc o hotidays: at the weekend o expressions: af midday,at midnight,at night,at noon Weusein with: o partsof the day:in the morning/ afternoonI evening o months:in January,etc o seasons: in the winter / spring / summer/ autumn,etc Weuseon with: o years:in 2006,in 1994,etc o days:on Sunday, on Wednesdays, . expressions: in half an hour, on weekdays, etc in 30 minutes,etc o dates:on 17thApril, etc o expressions: in themorning/ Theyhave computerclasses ofternoon/ evening on lvlondays. 11 Suewatches TV........theevening . Aat Bon Cin Circlethecorrectitem. 1 Ai n Bon Cat 2 R o sgao e st o b e d........1 0o 'cto ck. Aat Bin Con 3 Wegoskiing thewinter. Aon Bat Cin 4 l d r i n km i t k emo rn i n g . Aa t Bin Con 5 J i t t ' sb i r t h dai ys........D e ce mb e r. Ain Bon Cat 6 Samdoesn'tgo jogging Aon Bin 7 Shegoesto work Ai n B at Sundays. Cat 9:00everyday. Con 8 | havea cupof tea ........theafternoon. Aat Bon Cin J oa n dM a r yh a vel u n ch........1 2n o on. Ain Bat Con 1 0 Thetrainleaves Ao n Bin 36 hatfan hour. Cat 12 Wehavea pianolesson Aat Bin 13 Thecinemaopens Ain Bon theweekend. Con midday. Cat Complete the text with in or at. Lindagetsup 1) * at 6:302l ...... the morning.She has breakfast 3 ) . . . . . .7. : 0 0a n d4 ) . . . . . .7. : 3 0s h e leaves for school.Sheis at school 0 u t e s . 6. .). . . .n. o o n , 5 ) . . . . . . . 3min she has lunch at school.She i g e t sh o me7 l . . . . . . . 3 : 080) . . . . . . . € = the afternoon.She listensto music. then does her homework.She has dinner {i 9) .......8 o' clock and then watchesTV. She goes to bed 1 0 ). . . . 1 . .1 : 0 01 1 ). . . .n. .ig h t . Prepositions of Timeat, otr, in 3 a) Complete the tablewith phrasesfrom the list. . 14thFebruaryo Friday o night o 7:30o August o the weekendo 7004 o hatfanhour o 1 o' ctock o 15thJanuaryo midnight o weekdayso midday o a quarterto two o theafternoono the morning a) Readandfillin the correctprepositioniat,onor in. 4 ffi96Fovorxm"ftte *mg6$ My favourite dayis Saturday. 1)......Saturdays lget up 2) .. . 9: 3 03 ). . . . . .t h e mo rn in gI.h a v ea c u po f t e a ,t h e nlg o j o g g i n g 4) 1 0 : 3 0 I. ru n f o r a b o u tt h o u r,a n d 5 ). . . . . .n o o nI h a v ea sandwich for lunch.Afterlunch,I watchTVor listento music. I don't see my best friend much 6) weekdays, so I usually visithim 7) ......Saturday afternoon.We stayat his houseand watcha DVDor we go for a walkin the park. | g e t h o me8 ) 8 o ' c lo c k9 ). . . . . t h e e v e n inagn dh a v ed in n e r1 0 ). . . . . 8 . : 3 0 .A f t e r go out with my friends. dinnelI sometimes I get back 11) go 11:00 and I to bed 12) 1 1 : 3 01 3 ). . . . . n. ig h t I. lo v eS a t u rd a y s ! b) Whichsentences are true?Correctthe falseones. Hisfavouritedayis Saturday. Hegetsupat 7:30in the morning. b) Writetrue sentences about yourselfusingthe verbs belowandthe phrases from the tablein Ex.3a,asin the example. o getup o goto schoot/work o havelunch o gojogging o watcha DVDo eatdinner o do myhomework o listento music o goto bed o dotheshopping > / get up at 8:00in the morning. 3 After lunchhe goesjogging. 4 Hevisitshisbestfriendon Saturday afternoon. 5 Hehasdinnerat 9 o'clockin theevening. 6 He goesto bed at midnight. Speaking Tellthe classaboutyour favouritedayof the week. Writing Write a short text about your favourite day, usingthe text in Ex. 4a as a model.Write: o what time you get up o what you do in the morning/afternoon/etc o what time you go to bed 31 (Uni ts I l - l 4 > o PresentSimple a) Readthe text andunderlinethe verbs in the PresentSimpletense.Whichof theseverbsare in the third person singular? Howcanyou tell? JustinTimberlake is a famousooo singerfromthe USA,His birthday's on He'sgota nicefamily,His 31st January, father's nameis Randalland hismother's got nameis Lynn.He's twobrothers. His brothers' names are Steohen and Jonathan.Justindoesn'tlive with his family. Helivesaloneina bighouse. just pop Justinisn't a star.He'sbusywiththreeother jobs,He designsclothes. Hisclothinglabel'snameis 'William Rast'.He'salsoa chef.Hecancookgreatfood. Hehasan ltalianrestaurant in Manhattan, NewYorkand in Hollywood, anAsianrestaurant California Justinalso acts.He'sin threenewfilms-AlphaDog,BlackSnake MoanandEdison.He'salsoa voicein Shrek3. Justindoesn'thavemuchfreetime.Whenhe has, though,he enjoysridingmotorcycles and playinggolf. go Healsolikesto skiinginthewinter. Justinis verypopularwithfansof all ages.He'sa greatentertainer person. anda wonderful b) Writethe verbsyou underlinedin the negativeform.Whichverbdo we useto form the negativeT Whatare the changes to the mainverb? c) Whendo we usethe presentsimple? 2 a) Readagainandanswerthe questions. 1 WheredoesJustincomefrom? 2 Whatkindof workdoeshedo? 3 Whatdoeshedoin hisfreetime? 38 b) Lookat questions 1-3.Howdoweform present the simpleinterrogative? o Can 3 a) Readthe text andfind an exampleof the canform. b) Whatare the negativeformsof canT I 4 PossessiveCase a) Readthe text andunderlinethe examplesof the possessiye case.Whatis the differencebetweenthem? b) Circlethe correctanswers. Randat[ is a Justin'sdad b Justins' dad Justinis a Randatl andLynn's son. b Randatl's andLynnson. Stephen andJonathan are a Justins'brothers b Justin'sbrothers . 5 Prepositionsof tlme a) Whichprepositions of timeare therein the text in Ex.1a? b) Fillin ot, onor in. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M ybir thday is ............18thJuty. Wegoswimming ... the summer. Bobgoesto schoo[ .... 8:00everyday. Thebusleaves .... hatfanhour. Lindahasan Engtish lesson ... Fridays. Jackdoeshishomework......... theafternoon. Wegoto the cinema ... theweekends. Kellygoesto school .. weekdays. goon hotiday Theyatways thespring. Stevegetsupearty ... themorning. (Units l- l4) Revision Circlethe correctitem. Thisis Aa 2 AI appte. B Can is myfriend. B They 3 Where Ais hefrom? B are got a computer? A Shehas B Hasshe A can't B can C cannot CHe 12 These arethe ........batts. B boys C boy's A boy Cam everyday. 13 school B don'twalk C walks A watk C Shehasn't 14 | usually reada book........ theevening. Bin Cat Aon . 5 T h e y a r e , . . ...... A butterfty B butterftys C butterflies 15 John........ likeFr ench fitm s. C isn't A doesn't B don't arefromScotland. 6 ........ scarves Alt B These C That 16 My........nameis Ftuffy. A cat's B cats 7 therea dogin the park? C Are A Am Bls A any A. Our Ba B Her 10 There'sa window B in A under A Does B Do C cats' C Are C some 18 Maggie's birthdayis ........ October. Aon Bin Cat C His 19 Fish........ swim. A can't B can the kitchen. Con Aat Bin C cannot Con /ttlarr: \ 20/ \ 39 Adverbsof Frequency Adverbsof frequencygo beforethe mainverbbut afterthe verbto be. Shealwoys haspizzafor Iunch. Theyare never late for work. tetl us how Adverbs of frequency happens. oftensomething Someof theseare: (25%) atways(100%)sometimes (75%) never(0%) usuatty often(50%) 5 go to bedat 11 o'ctock A Putthe adverbsin the correctplace,asin I the example. 1 Crocodites eatgrass.(never) z nevereatgrass. * Crocodiles I swimbefore[unch.(sometimes) 3 Tigershuntat noon.(usually) 3 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make sentences. 1 with / dog/ Stetta/ ptays/ often/ her 2 usua[ty / my/ | / in / write/ diary/night/at (often) 4 Benis latefor schoot. TomandNick/ schoo[/ atways/ their / ride / to / bikes 5 Theywatktheirdogat night.(always) 4 arelong.(usually) 6 Chameleons' tongues swim/ tunch/ never/ We/ after / sometimes / 5 is / tittte / brother/ naughty Erica's 2 Usethe phrasesandthe adverbsof about frequencyto write sentences yourself. 1 getupat 7 o'ctock 2 walk to school 3 visit my friendsafter school 4 go joggingin the evening Speaking Telltheclasstwo thingsyoualwaysdo on Saturdays. never- sometimes Writing Whatdo youalways,usually,often, Write neverdo at weekends? sometimes, sentences aboutyourself. * I alwaysgo to the cinemawith myf riends. 40 QuestionWords Wh-questions that startwith wordssuchaswho, what, where,when,etc. To are questions verbbeforethesubject. formwh-questions, we putthe auxitiary Questionword + auxiliaryverb + subject People:who/whose "Whois your bestf riend?" "Mary." "Whoseis that dog?""lt's John's." Objects:what/which "Whatis that?" "lt's e hat." "Whichscarfdoyou |ike?""Thered one." Placds: where "Wheredoyoulive?" "ln Madrid." Time:when/whattime/howoften/ how long "Whendo yougo to bed?" "At 10 o'clock." "Whot time doesHelenget up?" "At 6 o'clock." "Howoften do theyvisit their friends?" "Everyday." "Howlongdo polarbearslive?" "Fifteento eighteenyears." o Size:howlong/howtall "How longis a tiger'stoil?" "About1 metrelong." "Howtoll isyourbrother?""He's1.%)m." o Quantities/numbers: howmuch/how many "How muchdoesSallyweigh?' "50 kilos." "Howmanyorangesdo youeat every day?' "Three." o Manner:how "Howdo yougo to school?"'By bike." o Reason: why "Whycon't penguins fly?" they'retoo heavy." "Beceuse o Age:howold "Howold is Tom?""Eighteen," o Distance: howfar "Howfar is thezoo?" "About10 minutes'walk." Fill in the gapswith oneof the questionwordsfromthe list. o w h a t o w he n o h Ow o w h y o w h oseowher e owho owhich A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: > Whichis yourdog? Thatbigone,overthere. .. is yoursister? She'sfine. .... arethoseshoes?. They'rePaut's. . . . . i s yo u rn a me ? Daniet. 5 A: B: 6 A: B: 7 A: B: 8 A: B: areJaneandKate? They'reat school. .... is Ken'sbirthday? lt's in February. ... canwolves runfast? Because they'vegotstrong[egs. .. is thatman? He'smygrandpa. 41, QuestionWords 2 Firstfill in the gapsin the questionswith what time, howoften, howlong(x21,how toll, howmuch,howmony,howold, or how /ar. Thenmatchthe questionsto the answers. Peter: do theyeat? Rita: Oh,almosteverything.Buttheylove fish! Peter:And......... dotheysleep? Rita: Onmybed,of course! 1 > How/ongis a giraffe'sneck? pencilshaveyougotin your 2 penciIcase? 3 doeshe goto school? 4 is the museum? 5 tea do youdrinkeveryday? 6 doesSaltygoto the cinema? 7 do rhinos[ive? 4 Lookat the answersand fill in the questions. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 1) > Whatis thisanimal? lt'sa ltama. 2) ........ ..... .........? lt eatsgrassandplants. 3) .......... .............? lt livesin SouthAmerica., 4) ..... .......? lt's 1.20mta[[. 5) .......... ................? lt weighsabout120kg. 6) ....... ...... .........? lt livesfor about20years. tr -l J Putthe wordsin the correctorderto form questions, asin the example. 8 ... .......isyourmother? 9 ........ ... arethetw i ns ? l-t-f-l l-5-l-_l fc-l---] F-T-_l 50yearsor more. Atmosteveryweek. Twocups. At 8 o'ctock. ij th]-_l They're17yearsold. tl-T__l About20minutes'walk. Fill in the gapswith the correctquestionwords. 1 is / yourI what / cotour/ favourite? 2 live I do I giraffes/ howlong? 42 Peter: catshaveyougot? Rita: I'vegottwo. Peter: ... aretheirnames? Rita: MittyandPaco. Peter: ... arethey? Rita: Mittyis one and Pacois three years otd. 3 who/ Jenny's/ is / brother? 4 sleep/ whattime / tucy / does? 5 ticketsI got I John/ howmany/ has? [' Words Question Readthe text, then,in pairs,askandanswerquestions, asin Ex.2. 6 iant pandasare mammals. Theyhavebabiesand feedthem f are about 1 . 8me t re st a ll \ - mi l k . The yl i vein China.P andas a n dw eig hm or eth an 100kg.Theyhavegot bla c ka n dwh it e coats,big bodiesand roundfaces.Theirmaincharacteristic is t h e i r bla ckeye sand ears.Theycanclimbtreesa n d t h e y c a n s wi m .The ye a t bambooand they sleepi n b a mb o o t r e e s .P a n d acan s eat up to 16 hoursa dayandt h e n s le e p f o r t h e r e stof the day! Theirenemiesare leo p a rd a s nd jackals. Theylivefor abouttwenty-fiveyears. lL- A: Wha tls th lsonimal? B : l t's o p o n ti a.... ng Speaki Usethe promptsto askand answerquestionsaboutthesefour animals. v 7 a b out200kg about300kg 45 kg about90kg about1m a b o u 1.20m t about80cm about2m meat grass andplants meat grassandptants about11 years about12years about10years about6 years 54: Howmuchdo kangaroos weigh? 58: About 90 kg. Whatdo tigerseat? 5A: Theyeat meat. etc Writing Usethe informationaboveto write a short descriptionabout one of these animals. Zebrasweighabout 300kg and theyare about 1.20mtall. They... . 43 (Units I5- l6) o QuestionWords o Adverbs of Frequency a) Readthe text andcircle the adverbsof frequency. 2 ,t Readthe text in Ex.1againand answerthe questions. 1 WheredoAfricanlions[ive? 2 Howtatl arethey? 3 Howmuchdo theyweigh? 4 Whathavemalelionsgot? 5 Whatdo theyeat? Atrican lions are mammalsthat live in grasslands in Africa.Theyareusuallyabout1.2 metrestalland oftenweighmorethan200kg. Theyhavegot shorthair.Malelionshavegot blondor blackmanes.Theyalwayshuntearly in the morning,Theyofteneat antelopes and gazelles. Theyusuallyliveforabouttenyears. 6 Whendo theyhunt? 7 Howlongdo they [ive? 4 Usethe phrases to askandanswer questions abouttheseanimals. b) Howdo we usethe adverbsof frequency? A L Useadverbsof frequencyto make sentences 1-5true forAfricanlions. 1 Theyaretatl andheavy. 2 Theyhaveshorthair. 3 Theyeat grass. 4 Theyhuntin theevening. 5 They[ivefor 15years. 44 weigh?upto8,000kg tqll? loboul3.5m eot? plonts,fruit, vegetobles oboul60 yeors obout50 kg oboutl.5m fruit,leoves, insects obout45 yeors i > A: HowmuchdoAfricanelephants weigh? B: Upto8,0N kg.Whatdo theyeat? etc (Units l- | 6) Revision Circlethe correctitem. 1 Sheitaalwayscomestate. She's........ on time. A usuatty B never C sometimes 2 "Doyou[ikedancing?" " Yes, . . . . . .d. .o . " A they B you 12 Haveyougotany........? A matches B match cl 3 Henrywatches TV........ the evening. A in Bat Con gojogging?' 4 "........doesTom "Everyday.". A Where B Why C Howoften 5 Thisis ........towel. A Mary B Mary's 6 " thatwoman?" "She'smymum." A Whose B Howold 7 11 What........yournickname? Aar e Bam Cis C lvlarys' C Who got a CDptayer? A HasKim B Haven'tKim C Kimhasn't C matchs 13 Therearen't booksin the cupboard. Asome Bany Ca 14 "Are these tickets?" "No,theyaren'tour tickets." A your B her C their 15 Thefridgeis ........ thecookerandthe sink. A on B under C between 16 "CanHetensing?" "Yes, she........." A cannot B can't 17 C can owlssleepduringthe day? A Do B Does C Doesn't 18 Cows........ eat meat.Theyeat grass. A usually B atways C never 8 "Whose is" A thdse B those c that 19 Thisis Jo. ........ myfriendfromEngland. A He B He's C His 9 Thisis the A boy B boys C boys' 20 Mybirthdayis ........ Aprit. Ain Bon Cat 10 Thereis ........ armchair in the livingroom. A_ Ban Ca (u"n' . ) 45 Present Continuous Affirmative ShortForm LongForm I am readingI 'm readingI you are readingyou 're readingyou he he he she is reading she 's reading she it it it we we we you are readingyou 're readingyou they they they Negative ShortForm LongForm 'm not reading am not reading| are not readingyou aren't reading he is not reading she isn't reading it we are not reading you aren't reading they Interrogative ShortAnswers Am I reading? Yes,lam. No,I'm not. youreading?Yes,youare. No,youaren't. Are he reading? Yes,heis. No,heisn't. ls shereading?Yes,sheis. No,sheisn't. it reading? Yes,it is. No,it isn't. we reading? Yes,we are. No,we aren't. youreading?Yes,youare. No,youaren't. Are theyreading?Yes,theyare. No,theyaren't. Form Weformthe presentcontinuous with the ys1! + ing verb to be and the main ending. He'sreadinga booknow. get - getting,cut - cutting, shopshopping o Verbsendingin -ie dropthe -ie and take-ying. die - dying Spelling o Weform the presentcontinuous of Use o We usethe presentcontinuous mostverbsby adding-ing to the to baseformof the mainverb.walktatk aboutactionshappening now, walking,try - trying, at the momentof speaking. o Time expressionsused with the sleep- sleeping, eat - eating o Verbsendingin -e dropthe -e and present continuous:now,at the take-ing. moment, at present write - writing, take- taking Billyis watchingTVnow. o Verbs ending in a vowel + a The baby is sleeping at the consonant doubtetheconsonant and moment. take-ing. Sheis livingin Romeat present. 46 Present Continuous Puttheverbsin thecorrectbox. 1 o talk o write o stop o go o swim o Sing o make o run o dance o start o eat o sit . type . ride o put + ing 2 -2r+ Ing double + ing consonant ? { Lookat the picturesandusethe phrases in the list to correctthe sentences. o fly a kite o havea picnic o ridea bike o reada newspapero eat an icecream o make a pizza 1 Samis jogging. 2 Kirkis skateboarding. Usethe phrases to describethe pictures. o dotheshoppingo cookdinner o waterthe ptantso ptaybasketbat[ o watkthe dogs . takepictures Tomis windsurfing. Sandy G 4 Karenis dancing. Heten 5 Theyare watching TV. StevenandTom Phittip andNancy 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 Markis sleeping. 41 Present Continuous 4 Askandanswer,asin the examples. 1 Patty/tidy/her room/now?Yes. > ls Patty tidyingher roomnow? * Yes,sheis. your brother/work/onhis computer/now? No/have/[unch. > ls your brother workingon his computer now? > No,he isn't.Heis havinglunch. you/do/your homework/atthe moment? Yes. 7 are / listening/ the / to/ teacher/ you/ not 8 cat / garden/ the / ptaying/ is / the / in ? 6 Lookat the pictureand put the verbsin bracketsinto the presentcontinuous. Jack/sleep/in/theliving room?No/watch/ TV. 5 Mum/wash/the carlnow? No/do/thelaundry. they/listen/tomusic/atthe moment?No/ ptay/aboardgame. A .l .U Put the wordsin the correctorder to make sentences. 1 chitdren/ doingI areI homework / their/ the l" Ihe childrenore doingtheirhomework. 2 a / wearing/ is / he / not I raincoat 3 they/ watching/ footbattmatch/ a I are? 4 she/ not / lunch/ eating/ is 48 .. ( sit)at the anda woman1) ........... . ( wear )a table.Theman2) ..... greyT-shirtandthe woman3) .... (wear)a white T-shirtand a greytop. The man4) ..... (work)on his taptop. The woman5) .... ..... ( hold)a c up ( r ead)a letter . andshe6) .................. Speaking Finda picturein a magazine. Workin pairs.Describeyour pictureto your partner. 5 you/ going/ to I bank/ the / are / now? Writing 6 having/ cup/ we / a I are I of / coffee Write a shorttext describingyour picture. Present Simpte- PresentContinuous o Weusethe presentsimpteto describe daityroutines, habitsandpermanent states. o Weusethe present continuous to describe actionshappening now,at the momentof speaking. 5uegefsup at 7 o'clock.(daityroutine) Shetokesthe busto work.(habit) Shelivesin the city.(permanent state) Sueis typinga letter at the moment.(happening at the moment of speaking) Non-Continuous Verbs - I want to watcha DVD.(NOT: DVD.) - I love skateboarding. (NOT: - I knowWilliam.(NOT: - I like my newschool.(NOT: I to watcha skateboarding.) William.) my new school.) Lookat the pictures.Writesentences. I I :=:-- playtennisevery afternoon S h e:,' r ' pln,/: "c ride her biketo schoolat 8 o'clock everymorning walkto school watcha DVD everyevening fly a kite ' 'c:,Pr!aiternoon.Sheisn't '-,'r She's paintinga picture. listento music everyafternoon roller-skate with her friend 49 Present Simpte- Present Continuous 1 L Findthe differencesandtell your partner.Usetheseverbs. oread refrt rsleep odrinkeskateboard rfty rwatk oride.log ffiffi ln plctureA, Adomis readinga newspoDey. ln picture B, he'ssleeping. 3 50 Put the verbsin bracketsinto the presentsimpleor present continuous. A: Where'sPeter? B: He .... (study)for an examin his roomright now. A: I usualty (play) basketbatl on Tuesday afternoons. B: R e a t t y| ? ..............(h a ve ) a dancelesson then. A: Why (you/carry)an umbretta? B: O h ,b e ca u se i t ............... (rain)outside. A: What .. (they/do)? B: They ... (watch) TV. A: What (you/do)at the moment? B: | . . ..... (co o k) dinner. ll -t Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the presentcontinuous or the presentsimple. Dear Alice, lamily and | 1) Greelinqe lrom Auslralid' Vy lime in gydnei the weatrhe'2) "----"--"' a wondertul (twe)'tourty beach'AL rhe andwe 5) " """""""' ' (ve) rt Nhe irrl (sir) on my towel and I 5) """""""""""' | 4) ......',,""""""" momertc, (anbathe). Mum 6) (play)in Lhewater andthev e) "" """' " "' Jimmyn ".".".,'..--"' (make)a eandcaEtte' (6rt) werl Dad,andTommy9) """"" """"' (grvrm)andwe 11) """""""""""' (annbarhe) We 10) ........,..,,.". (eac) in a reetauranl every dayand aL niqhlwe 12) """""""""andr'henwe 13) We 14) (qo) tor a walk' (lorc) ft herel LoLe of love, 7ffiY #:# ^ **a.f*""rd*"**.4_'1tr4-=*'*3,*-'/F4"--4F -ru4"*eff- Present Simple- Present Continuous 5 Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present simpleor presentcontinuous. 1 Steve...... 2 Thebaby (wear)hisnewhattoday. (sleep)at 10 the moment. (wear) Karensometimes longskirts. heavily today? ....... (it/snow) Howmuch ...... (it/cost)? They. . (not/play)computer games now. Mr Harris . (work)in a museum. Howoften ..... (you/go) to the cinema? (try)to do Please bequiet!| ...... myhomework. (not/like)rainydays. | ...... I Correctthe mistakes. 4 5 6 7 8 v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 She dinnereveryevening . > cooks Doestheytikeapptes? Sheis weara btuedresstoday. Heis doinghishomework in the moment. She'seat a hot dog. I startsschoolat 8:00am. Doshedriveto work? Whataretheyreadnow? Shedon'tlivein London. Weare watchTV now. T Writetrue sentences aboutyourself.Use the adverbsandadverbialphrasesbelow. . now o usualtyo often o at the moment o eveu day o never o at the weekends o today 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Speaking Lookat the pictures.Describethem to your partnerusingthe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous. Talkabout: o ptace o clothes r activities o weather ln picture A I can seea family. Theyare at o pork. Theyare sitting on a blanketand they are havinga picnic. Theyare wearingshorts andT-shirts.If is warm. Writing Choosea pictureandwrite a short descriptionof it. 51 o PresentContinuous a) Readthe text. Underline the verbsin the presentsimple.Whendo we usethe presentsimpleT b) Whatis the spellingrulefor the ending of verbslike sitting?Canyou think of two morerules? 3 Readagainandanswerthe questions. 1 WhereareTomandhisfamitystaying? Tom and his family are in Barcelona fortheir summerholidays. Theyare staying at a beautifulhotelnearthe beach.Theylove Barcelona andvisitit everysummer. Tlle weatheris greattherethistimeof the year. It'salways warmandsunny.InJulythetemperature variesfrom 18"Cto 25"C.In Augustit sometimes getsveryhotandthetemperature goesupto 38"C| WhenTomand his familyare on holidaythey usuallygo swimming in the afternoon. Tomloves fishingand his dad likeswindsurfing! His mum likessunbathing andsheusuallylieson thebeach forhours. Todayis a specialday for Tom.His favourite team,FCBarcelona, areplayingagainstLiverpool. Tomandhisdadareat thestadium. Theyarevery excited.TheyarewearinghatsandT-shirts withthe flagof Barcelona on them.TheyaredrinkingCoke andeatingpopcorn. Theyaresittingnextto many Barcelona fansandtheyareallsinging! 2 WhatdoTomandhisfamilydoeverysummer? 3 WhatdoesTom'smumlike doing? 4 5 Whatare Tomand his dadwearing? 4 1t L 52 a) Lookat the text andcirclethe verbsin the presentcontinuous. Whendo we use the present continuousT Putthe verbsinto the presentsimpleor presentcontinuous. A: Whereis Sam? B: He the moment. (do)hishomework at 2A: B: 3A: B: 4 A: Whattime . for schoot? B: I usuatty busat 7:30. b) Circleall of the verbsin the present simplethird personsingular. c) Write the verbsin the presentsimplein the negativeform. Which verb do we use to form the negative?What are the changesto the main verb? Whyis it a specialday for Tomtoday? A: What B: | .. E .... (you/leave) .. (catch)the schoo[ (you/do)on Sundays? (play)tennisbut todayI (stay)at home. Correctthe mistakes. .a .J 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heoften a sandwich for lunch. eats Look!Littte Dianeis walk! Hedon't [ivein Madrid. Howoften do you ptayingtennis? Oh,no! lt is rainoutside. Are you tike fishing? Circlethe correctitem. I t is . . . . . . . .h e a v i lto y d a y. B raining A rains 2 Ptease be quiet!Thebaby Bis A a re C rain sleeping. C does J ohn. . . . . . . .p a i n ti npgi ctu re s. C loves A loving B love " . . . . .. . .i s t h i sj a cke t? " " "Bitt's. A Whose B Who C Which " . . . . .. . .O oy o , g oto w o rk? " "Bybus." C Why A When B How "Whattime doesthe partystart?" " . . . . . . . .8 o ' c [ o c k ." Cln AO n BAt Coke,please? CanI have C an A any B some do youneed? Howmany C tomatoes A tomaties B tomatos 11 Thisis . B we A they 12 Richard speakGerman? CDoes ADo Bls 13 "........Anthony?" "Ben'sbestfriend." A Whose B Who 10 Thisis seventeen. C His A He B She C Who's 14 The........bikesar ein thegar den. B boys's C boys A boys' 15 Mary........gotblueeyesandbtackhair. A is B has C have s ........nam e? 16 W hat'your A brother'sB brothers' C brother is ........ 25'hDecember! 17 Paut's birthday Con Aat Bin 18 "Where's myschoolbag?" " "lt' yourdesk. A next B behind 19 9 Excuse me.Whattime........ it? C has B isn't Ais C our Als C on thereanysweetsin the bag? B Are C lsn' t up at 8 o'clock. 20 Sheusuatty C waking A wakes B wake /tvtart<:\ 20/ \ 53 Was/Were Negative Affirmative I you he she it we you they was were was were LongForm I you he she it we you was not were not was not were not they Yes,l /he/she/itwas. No ,l / he / she/ itwasn't. Yes,you / we I they were. No,you / we / theyweren't. o 4 Interrogative Was Were Was WC ShortAnswers o ShortForm I wasn't you weren't he she wasn't it o o o you they weren't Were The past simpleof the verb to be is was/were. We usewas with /, he, she,it. We use were with we, Vou, they. Marilyn Monroe was an octress. Weform the interrogativewith was/were+ subject pronoun. Wherewos he last week? Timeexpressions usedwith the past We form the negativewith was/were simple:yesterday, lastweek/month, two + not. days/weeks/ months/years ago,in 1997,etc Theyweren't at the park yesterday. Lookat the picturesandanswerthe questions. ! TODAY 1 2 3 4 54 | ...? you...? he ...? she...? it ...? we...? you..? they...? WherewasTomyesterday? Washe alone? Wherewere his friends? Washe happy? 5 Whereis Tomtoday? 6 ls he atone? 7 Whereare hisfriends? 8 ls he happy? Was/Were 2 Matchthe sentences in columnA with the onesin columnB to form exchanges. m m E] fl t f, Whatwasthe fitm tike? WasMarywith them? I wasin Milantwo daysago. WhenwasTim'sbirthday? Hewasa greatwriter. Wereyouat work? ,, A GI Y 3 Satvador Dati/ exptorer/ artist ,.,, ,, AgathaChristie/ composer/writer ..1.,1,,, '1"-''-"-.=,=. a Wereyou? b Yes,I was. c It waswonderfut! d Whichwerehismostfamousbooks? e Lastmonth. f No,shewasn't.Shewasat schoot. Usethe promptsbelowto askandanswer questions, asin the example. 1 NadiaComaneci/artist/ gymnast * A: WasNadiaCanonect anartist? B: No, shewasnr. Slrc woso gymnast. NeiIArmstrong/ professor/astronaut Speaking Usethe ideasbelowto askyour partner questions. o what/favourite toy/young o who/favourite teacherat school o who/bestfriend(s)/when/seven yearsold o what/favouritefood/fiveyearsago o howotd/in2000 o when/tastbirthdayparty o where/lastweekend o where/at9 o' ctock/lastnight > A: Wherewereyouat 9 o'clocklostnight?etc B: lwas at home.etc Writin Useyour partner'sanswersto write a short paragraph abouthim/her. > fularia's favouritetoy whenshewasyoungwas a doll. Herfovouriteteocherot schoolwas... . etc Thomas Edisoni president/inventor 55 PastSimpte(regutar verbs) Negative Affirmative I you he she it we you they worked worked worked Interrogative LongForm I you he she it we you they did not work did not work did not work ShortForm I you he she it we you they didn'twork didn'twork didn't work ShortAnswers Yes,| / you/ he/ she/ it / we / you/ theydid. Did| / you/ he / she/ it / we / you/ No, | / you / he / she/ it / we / you / they theywork? didn't. o We form negationswith did noU Spelling o Weformthe pastsimpteof regutar didn't + the baseformof the verb. verbsby adding-ed to the main He didn't walk the dog yesterday verb. afternoon. I pack-I packed,I cook-I cooked Use o Weadd-d to verbsendingin -e. o Weusethe pastsimpteto describe I sove- I saved,I type - I typed actionswhichstartedand finished o Verbsendingin consonant + y, drop in the past. The time is either the -y andadd -ied I cry - l cried, I statedor implied. study- I studied She cooked dinner on Saturday. o Verbsendingin one stressed vowel (When?On Saturday.The time is betweentwo consonants doubtethe stated.) lastconsonant andtake-ed. We travelled to Barcelona last stop- stopped night.(When? Lastnight.) Form Wetrovelled by aeroplane.(When? o Weformquestions with the auxiliary The time is not mentionedbut it's verb did + subjectpronoun+ the implied.Theytravelledlastnight.) baseform of the verb. Time expressions usedwith the past Did he walk the dogyesterday simple: yesterday,last week, last afternoon? month, [ast year, two days/weeks/ months/years ago,in 1979,etc 56 PastSimpte(regular verbs) A Write the post simpleof the t verbs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A L appear borrow carry close ptay jog tive smile wash grab 3 Lookat Fred'sagendafor yesterdayand make sentences. . 8:oO walkdo+{ > appeared Put the verbsin bracketsinto the post simple. Q:oo pla4 Eolfwith?aul)( tv. . 1 1:OOwater flowergX . 17:OOc*oEIvwh?{ a / 7:OO workonr,ompv*er . 5:OOvieit qrandpa / . 6:OQ reVair't\l { o 7:OOr,oakdinnorX . 6:oohd4hougs)( o J:OO rntr.h a|VP / iii 1 * Yesterday,Fred walked the dog. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 Put the verbsinto the past simple,then matchthe questionsto the answers. 1 Where Last yea[ Ketty and Diane ) g o to 1) . . . . . . : . . . . . . . .(. d e ci d eto France. They2) . (travel) by aeroplane to Parisand3) (share)a roomat a wonderfulhotel. They4) . (love)the Eiffet Towerandthe Champs They Etys6es. 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (. .w a lk)a ttd a yi n th e beautifuIstreets of the city and 6) ..............(visit)manymuseums. Theyalso7) .................(travel)to Nice, where they 8) (sunbathe)on the beachfor hours. They 9) . (enjoy) their hotidaya [ot! o 2 Who. .... (you/live)ten yearsago? ... (TomandSue/visit) tastnight? .......( yourmum/ W hattim e cook)dinneryesterday? (Ann/start)ptayingtennis? 4 When 5 When ...... (they/move) to Portugat? 6 How. .... (SaintGeorge/kill) the dragon? yesterday What .. ... (Helen/study) afternoon? Howmanyletters . (you/type) [astmonth? t trl t il Fifteenyearsago. Withhislance. Theirfriends. At 6 o' ctock. Chemistry. ln lretand. Onlyfour. Whenshewas8 yearsotd. 51 PastSimpte(regutar verbs) E .t Lookat the picturesandanswerthe questions. DidSophiecookrice tastnight? i,'o,sheciclnt. \trc ccc,<ed pa.-iu. DidSophieenjoythe party [astweek? 3 DidSophie watchTVyesterday afternoon? 6 5 DidSophie travelto Parislastsummer? 6 DidSophiehavea picnic[astweekend? Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the correctform of the pasf simple. ....... (watch)a great film at the cinematwo weeksago. .. (K e n d ra /s tudy) for ". . . . . . theexamlastnight?" "Yes,shedid." Phitip. .... (not/ask) hisdadto borrowthe car lastnight. H o wm a n yso n g s. ........( you/ download) fromthe Internetlastweek? When ......(B i l l/m ove) to thishouse? 1 KenandMark. 58 4 DidSophie tidy herroomyesterday? ) ptay | ...... .... ( not/enjoyt he at alt. lt wasreattyboring! Thebr avem an, ......( k i l l )the ( save) m onster and............... thepr i nc es s . Mydad ... (not/repair) mycomputer, so| .. (not/use) it altweekend. PastSimpte(regularverbs) 7 Put the wordsin the correctorder to make sentences. 1 last / PeterandJosh/ to I weekend/ did I Itaty/ travel? not / we I the / water I did / yesterday flowers 3 my / d a y s / g r a nd p a /tw o/l /a g o /vi si ted their / Fionaand Martha / tidy / not / bedroomi did I 9 Formquestions,then askyour partnerto answerthem. 1 you / watchTV lastnight? > A: DldyouwatchTVlastnight? 8: No.ldidn' t. your parents/ visit / their friends last weekend? 3 your parents / travel / abroad / tast summer? 4 your best friend i ptay footbatl / last weekend? 5 you/ tistento music/ yesterday afternoon? Readthe emailandput the verbsin bracketsinto the correctform of the pasf simple. DearBi[[, . (be)your Howareyou?How1) ...... (be) great. weekend? Mine2) (not/be)good Theweather3) . (stay) at home and so | 4) ) fri e n d to s vi si t. 5 ) . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .(.i n vi te my (play)computergames, We 6) ) mu si a 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.l iste nto c n dth e nw e 8) ...... .... (watch)TV.Whataboutyou? 9) .... basketbatt? ... (you/play) Hopeyouare 0K. Tatkto yousoon. Steve Speaking In pairs,askandanswerquestions about you what did lastSaturday. > A: Did you visit your grandparentslost Soturdoy? B: Yes,ldid. A: Didyoucleanthe houseT 8: No,ldidn't. etc Writing Useyour partner'sanswersto write a short paragraphaboutwhat he/shedid lastSaturday. > LostSaturday,Manuelvisitedhisgrandporents. Hedidn't cleanthe house. etc 59 (Units l9-20) o PastSimple(regularverbs) a) Readthe text andfill in the gapswith the verbsbelowin the post simple, play ,.'; .: : ..ii' rCe reach join dr'.c aPPeaf 2 a) Howdo we form shortanswersin the past simple? b) Readthe text in Ex. 1 againandanswer the questions. cry Staft DidRingoStarrform TheQuarrymenT join the bandin 1958? 2 DidGeorge Harrison Didlhe Beatlesrecordtheir first atbumin 1960? 4 Didpeople[ovethem? 5 Didtheybreakup in 1980? The Beatleswere the most successfulpop band of all time. The memberswere John lrnnon, Paul McCartney,GeorgeHarrison and Ringo Starr. It all l) inl957,when lennon formed a band, called The Quarrymen, with some friends from school. Paul McCartney 2) the band in 1957 and George Harrison joined in 1958. In 1960,the band 3) their name to TheBeatles and started playing in music clubs. Soon, the drummer Ringo Starr joined the band. In 1963, the band recorded their first album, which was a huge success.Many of their songs 4) .............No. 1 in the charts and The Beatles 5) many concerts. They were very popular. People loved them so much that many even6) or screamedduring their concerts. In 1966, The Beatles D .............their last concert in San Francisco.They continued to make recordsuntil 1970,when they 8) ............. to break up. They were a fantastic band. They created some of the most brilliant albums in music history and they changedthe face of pop musicforever. b) Howdo we form the interrogatfveand negativepastforms?Whatauxiliaryverb do we use?Whathappens to the main verb? 60 . WasAilere 3 a) Whatis the past simpleof the verb "fo be"? Findexamples in the text. b) Howdo we form the interrogotiveand negativepastformsof the verb "to be"? 4 Usethe time expressions in bracketsto rewritethe sentences in the pasf simple. 1 ls shea famous (tenyearsago) ballerina? FionaandMarkdon'tchecktheiremails everyweek.(lastweek) 3 Myparentsareat work.(yesterday) Doyougojoggingin the afternoon? (last night) 5 | livein Bristol.(threemonthsago) 6 Peterisn'ta student. (in 1998) Circlethe correctitem. "ls this bike?" "No,it isn''sBen's." A you B your C his "........aretheycarrying anumbretla?" it's raining. " "Because A Where B Why C When 3 ........youandLisaat thecinema tastnight? A Were B Did C Was 4 Therearen't carrotsin the fridge. Ano C any E some 11 youwaterthe ptantstastnight? ADo B Did C Were 12 "CanPhitipridea bike?" "No,he........." A can B can't C doesn't 13 | loveShakira. myfavourite singer. A She B Her C Hers 14 "Didyourbrothertidy hisroom?" "Yes,he........." A didn't B was c did 5 . . . . . . ..t h e yh a v ed in n ear t 8 o 'cto ck? A Are B Does CDo 15 6 Mydadgoesfishing Aon Ba t 1 6 "WasEtvisPrestey a famoussinger?" Sundays. Cin got a son? A Jimhasn't B HasJim is a bigmouse in the kitchen! A They B There C Their 10 Tigers havegotbig......... A teeth B tooths he........." "Yes, A was B did C wasn't A stared C starred C Jimhas 8 Wh a t . . . . . . .A. u n tBre n dco a o ki n g ? Aam B are Cis 9 aremynephews, TeddyandScott. A That B This C These C teeths B star 18 Haveyougot........newCDs? Asom e Bany Ca 19 ltatyeverysummer. A travel B is travetting C travets 20 youtikerockmusic? ADo B Are C Have /t,larx:\20 61 PastSimpte(irregular verbs) Affirmative I left you left she left he left it left we left you left they left Negative LongForm I did not leave youdid not leave shedid not leave hedid not leave it did not leave we did not leave youdid not [eave theydid not teave ShortForm I didn't leave youdidn't leave shedidn't leave he didn't leave it didn't leave we didn't leave youdidn't leave theydidn't leave Interrogative Did | leave? Did you leave? Did sheleave? Did he leave? Did it leave? Did we leave? Did you leave? Did they [eave? lrregutar verbsdo notformthe pastsimpteby adding-ed. leave- Ieft, make- made, soy- said (Seetistof irregutar verbsat the endof the book.) with did/didnot (didn't)andbasicformof the Theyformquestions andnegations verb. Heleft - Did he leave?- Hedidn't leave. in the pastsimpleto write whatthe peopledid yesterday. 4T ' Lookat the pictures.Usethe phrases I r go to the cinema e drink tea o catchthe bus o ride his bike o eat cherries watches TVon Paulusuatty he Sundays, but yesterday Saltyusuattygoesto school by car, but yesterdayshe playsfootbatton Jimusually he Saturdays, but yesterday 62 Karenusuattydrinkscoffee in the morning, but yester day she..... .......... havecakefor Theyusuatty they dessert, butyesterday PastSimpte(irregular verbs) 2 Completethe crosswordwith the post simpleof the verbsin brackets. Across (find) her handbagin 2 Susan the wardrobe. 4 Whenthe parade .... (begin), we wereexcited. 6 Tom . .. (think)the partywasboring. 8 Sandy ....... (fly)to Spaintastweek. 10 Margaret .. (make)roastlamb andpotatoesyesterday. 12 We ... .... (drive)to Waleslastweek. 14 J oh n. ..... (co meh) o mee a rl y thisafternoon. Down 1 They .... (buy)a newcarlastmonth. (break)the lamp 3 Thechitdren yesterday. 5 She.. ....... (give)mea nicepresent. 7 Tony . . (tell) me a funnyjoke. 9 She... .. (write)a letterto her brotheryesterday. 11 We .. ..... (meet)George at the parklastweek. 13 Sheonty ... (drink)a gtassof water. 3 Fill in the blankswith the verbsin brackets in the past simple. 4 Yourfriend is backfrom holiday.Usethe wordsto askquestions. 1 where/go 2 golwindsurfing 3 meet/newpeopte 4 take/photos 5 read/books 6 buy/souvenirs 63 PastSimpte(irregular verbs) 5 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make sentences. 1 we / the I go / didn't / to / park/ yesterday read / he / book/ science-fiction/ a / week / last buy/ she/ new/ bicycle/ last/ a / month/ did 4 they/ have/ didn't/ party/ a /week/ last did / bed / your / you/ make / yesterday """? :"""' saw / we / a / [ast / fitm / good/ night A v 2 Cathy: 3 Peter& Heten: Wemet Georgefor dinner. 4 satty:<.-.1 iglght3I"gI!tTJ, J -- feedthe cat takethe dogfor a watk Annie: He[to. Betty: HiAnnie.Howareyou? Annie: I'm fine.Thanks. Betty: Wet[,1l > didyougoto the bank? Annie: Yes,and| 2) .... . thecatbut I th el a u n d ry. 3 ) . . . . . . .. 4 ) ................... Bett y : l t d o e s n 't ma tte r. the room? living Annie: Yes,andI atso5) ..... the dog for a walk. Bett y : G o o d6. ) ........... d i n n e r? Annie: No,Betty.I'm sorry.I forgot. Betty: That'sokay.Wecanordertakeaway. Annie: Thanks Betty.That'sgreat. I renteda car. 5 Martha: 6 Kevin'l puddingyesterday. I ateYorkshire 1 (party) F No,he didn'tgo to a streetparade. Hewentto a partyyesterdoy afternoon. (biscuits) Annie'sflatmateleft a list of thingsfor her to do. Now,they are talkingon the phone. Usethe notesto completethe dialogue. Anniedon'tforgetto ... 64 7 Somepeoplearetellinglies.Readwhat they say,then usethe wordsin bracketsto correctthe falsestatements. I wentto a streetparade 1 Tony: yesterday afternoon. 3 (lunch) 4 (skirt) 5 (bicycle) 6 (roast beef) Speaking In pairs,askandanswerquestions about whatyoudid lastweekend.Includetwo lies.Seeif yourpartnercanguessthem. Writin aboutwhat you Writea shortparagraph did lastweekend. Nouns Countable/ Uncountable Countable nounsare nounswhichwe cancount. one tomoto- two tomotoes nounsare nounswhichwe cannotcount. Uncountabte somebread, somemilk nounsusuallyhaveonlysingutarforms.Thesenounsinclude: Uncountable food: bread,meot, cheese,rice, sugor,pasta,etc liquid: coffee,woter, milk, tea, etc nouns in frontof someuncountable nouns to showquantity: Wecanusethefottowing o bottle of oil, o cupof teo,a glassof water,a bowlof rice,a sliceof pizza,a loof of breod,o kilo of meat,o pieceof cake,a cortonof eggs 4 a) Putthe wordsin the right column. T . meat o soup r onion . sausage o egg o bread r ice cream r biscuit r watermelon o peach o pasta o coffee tr nounIn eachgroup. Circlethe uncountable J potato- biscuit- rice- cherry - banana honey- egg- sausage pumpkin - mitk- peach- appte - cheese - lemon- carrot sausage - tomato bread- onion- watermelon slice- piece- kilo- pasta I 2 3 4 5 6 Writing Youneedto goshopping. Writeyour shopplng list. canbe plural? b) Whichof the above'words Matchthe columns, asin the example. 1 L F a e a (. e fA m t ro t a glassof a cupof a loafof a kitoof a bottle of a bowl of a b c d e f bread meat water rice coffee oil e ? a e F 55 /Any- Howmuch/How Some many Affirmative Negative Interrogative Countablenouns PLURAL Thereare someonions. Therearen'tanyonions. Arethereany onions? Unountablenouns Thereis somemitk. Thereisn'tanymitk. ls thereany mitk? o Weusesomein affirmativesentences with pturalcountabte nounsandwith uncountabte nouns.I needsomebiscuitsand somesugarfor my tea. o Weuseanyin negative andintenogative sentences with bothcountabte nounsin the plural,and uncountabte nouns.Are thereany tomatoes in thefridge?Thereisn'tany milkin mycoffee. NOTE:We usesomein interrogativesentences to makeoffers andrequests. Wouldyou like somefea?(offer) CanI havesomewater?(request) nounsto ask Weusehowmuchwith uncountable abouttheamountof something. Howmuch milk do you want?Twobottles. CanI have somestrawberries, Weusehow manywith countabte nounsto ask please? aboutthe numberof things. B: Sure,howmanydo youneed? Howmany appleshoveyougot?Three. A: 500g. Fillin the gapswith someor ony. 1 1 ls there in the fridge? .. cheese '2 Woutdyoutike . juice? 3 T h e r ea r e ..........b a n a n ai ns th efruitbowl 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . apples. but therearen't .. mitkfor my coffee? CanI have cake but there are There isn't .. biscuits. T h e r ei s . . . b b a gi e n th eb o wt. Woutdyoulike .. sushi? Therearen't .. pineapples. Arethere onionsin thisdish? ls there . breadin the bag? 2 Write questionswith howmuchandhow many,asin the example. 1 coffee/ the cup * Howmuchcoffeeis therein the evp? Coke/ the bottte 3 eggs/ the fridge 4 tea / the cup 5 tomatoes/ the bag 6 soup/ the bowl 7 orangejuice / the glass 8 sweets/ the packet 66 /Any- Howmuch/Howmany Some tt Fill in the sentences with howmuch,how meny,someandany. .t A: T h e r ei s 1 ) . . ..... mi tki n th efri d g e. B : 2l . . . . . . i s th e re ? A: A bottte. A: 3).. . . b ro th e rsand sistershave yougot? B: l've got two brothersbut I haven't got 4l .. . . . . si ste rs. A: p e n sh a veyo u g o t i n yo ur 5).. . . penciIcase? l've got three. A : CanI have6) ...'. .. meat,please? B: 7l .. . . . . . wo u tdyo u[i ke ? A: A kito,ptease. g o t8 ) A: 0h , n o !| h a v e n 't ......w a te r ! B: 9) .. . . . . . doyo un e e d ? A: A bottte. A: 10)... .. booksaretherein yourbag? B: T h e r ea r e n ' t1 1 ).... I -r Underlineandcorrectthe mistakes. Howmanysugaris therein yourcoffee? Thereareanybookson the tabte. Aretheresomecherries in the basket? you Howmuchmeatsdo eat everyday? you Howmanycoffeewould [ike? Thereisn't someCokein the bottte. Howmuchslicesof pizzacanyoueat? | havegot any meat and potatoesfor my dinnertonight! 9 Howmuchhoursdo youstudyeveryday? 10 Howmanymoneydoesa busticketcost? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E J r\latchthe questionsto the answers. Howmuchdoesthis bookcost? tlTl ET--l Woutdyoulike somesugarin yourcoffee? in the box? f3T-l Arethereanychocotates of water do you drink lZT--.l Howmanygtasses everyday? fdT-l ls thereanytea in the cup? reTl Howmuchcoffeedo youdrinkeveryday? a Yes,ptease. b No,therearen't any. Eight. 6 E fl E E E E E E E E d 115 e Yes,thereis some. f Twocups. Lookat the followingdialogueandput the sentences in the right order. A: Hetto.CanI hetpyou? B: A kito,please. A: Yes,there are. How manywoutdyou tike? B: Yes.Arethereanybananas? A: Of course.Howmuchwouldyou[ike? B: Twobotttes,ptease. A: Of course.Howmanybotttes? A:'s f,15attogether. B: Six,please. AndcanI havesomeCoke? please? B: Hetto.CanI havesomecheese, A: Anything etse? Speaking In pairsaskquestions abouteachother's everydayeatinghabits.Askabout: o water o milk o cheeseo apples . carrots . eggs o meat o biscuits o coffee o orangejuice * A: Howmuchwater do you drink everydoy? B: Sixglosses. 61 {Ur"rits2 I -23) o PastSimple(irregularverbs) Listall the verbsin the pasttensein the text. Whichare regular?Whichare irregularT Last year I celebratedHalloween,on October 3lst, with rny hmily and friends. My mum bought a pumpkinand we cut a scaryhce in it and put it in the window.My friendsand I went trick-or-treating in the afternoon.Wewore scarycostumesandwent o Countable / Uncountable Nouns 3 Findthree uncountablenounsandtwo countablenounsrelatedto food in the text in Ex. 1. 4 Write C for countableand U for uncountable nextto eachitem. 1 2 3 4 5 tomato meat rice biscuit egg 6 7 8 9 10 fish bread cherry potato tea from house to house and people gaveus sweets.In the evening,I had a Halloween costume party'.My o Some/ Any/ Howmuch/ How many mum and I decoratedour house.Wetied blackand orangeballoonsto the backof the chairsandput old horror film posters on the walls.My mum made pizzaand some sandwiches. My friends arrived at eighto'clock.Everyonesat in the livingroom andate 5 J some food and drank some lemonade.Then we b) Lookat the sentences below. played party games.My favourite game was apple bobbing.Weput some applesin a bucket of water and tried to take an applefrom the water with our teeth. I got all wet but I didnt catch any apples! Later,we had a costume contest and we voted for a) Whendo we usesomeandony?Find examples in the text. A: Howmuchorangejuice do youwant? B: Threecartons. A: Howmanyoranges haveyougot? B: Two. the best costume.I took lots of pictures of my Whendo we usehowmuchand howmany? friends.My party was a hugesuccessand everyone hadlots of fun. "Niil}i€4Mqs 1 L -w@w{ e+::@i ry::. a) Finda negotivepostform in the text. Howis it formed? b) Howdo we form the interrogativeform in the past simple? 68 A v 1 2 3 4 5 Fill in the gapswith some,any, howmuch andhowmony. Ther e ar e............... in thebas k et. bananas Ther e isn' t............... mitkin thefr idge. ............... biscuits ar ein thepacket? coffeeis in the cupboard? gir lsar ether ein yourcta s s ? ............... Revision (Units l-23) Circlethe correctitem. 1 . . . . . .. .y o u rn a m eT o m? AA m BA r e 2 Cls got a bike? A Shehas B Shehasn't C Hasshe 3 ........ aresometreesin the garden. A There B They C This 4 youtikeapples? A Does B Doesn't C Do 11 How........mitkdowe need? A many B long C much 12 There A wasn't anyaeroplanes 200yearsago. B weren't C aren't 13 She........herhomeworatk them oment. A do B does C is doing 14 Bittoften A writes letters. B write C is writing 5 Thereisn't......n.ricein thecupboard. A some B a c any 15 | ........yoursisterlastweek. A see B saw c amseeing 6 T o mca nr i d ea b i keb u th e o k. A can B can't c cannot 16 W thecinemtast a night. go A B went c aregoing 7 s he.. . . . . . b . r e a k faestve ryd a y. A has B have C don't have 17 How........petshaveyougot? A much B tong C many 8 | drinka cupof coffee Aon Bat 18 woutdyoutike........tea? Aany Ba Csom e the morning. Cin 9 He........comes earty.He'snever[ate. A sometimes B always C usuatly 10 Laur a. . . . . . . .m a k inag ca ke . A is B does C has 19 yougoto schoolyesterday? A Did B Do C Are 20 Satty........ herleglastSunday. A breaks B is breaking C broke /tvtart<:\ 20/ \ 69 A/An- The The IndefiniteArticle'A./An" r The indefinite articte a/an is used beforesingular countabte nouns.Weuse a before nounswhich begin with a consonant soundand an beforenouns whichbeginwitha vowetsound. in frontof anadjectivewhenthereis no nounafterit. Butwhenthereis a noun after the adjective, we use a for adjectives whichbeginwith a consonant soundandan for adjectives whichbegin with a vowelsound. It is a is new It is a new bike. It is olsoan expensive a unicorn(consonant sound) an umbrella(vowelsound) a hat (consonant sound) an hour(h is sitent) Y The DefiniteArticle"The' o The definiteartictethe is usedwith singutar or pturalnouns. the boy,the women,the foresf, etc Weusea/an o with singutar countabte nounswhenwe wantto say what somebody/something Weusethe o with nounswhenwe are tatkingabout something specific,for examptewhen the noun is mentionedfor a second time or is atreadyknown. In other words, when we can ai\swer the question"Who?"or "Which?" Wedon't usea/an o with uncountable or ptura[nouns.We canusesomeinstead. somecheese,somebiscuifs,etc 1 10 Fill in with o, an or the. 1 ....... skirtyouboughtis lovely. is ....... bookshop .. shopnext 2 Borders famousbakery. to it is 3 ....... womanin thispictureis John'ssister. 4 l w a n t t o b u y....... n e w sp a p ebr,ut....... newsagent's is ctosed. 5 L i s a 'bs r o th eirs .......a cro b a t. i n th e g a is 6 I c a ns e e....... b i cycte . . . . . . .o t dbi cycte . NeitArmstrong was....... astronaut. Hewas first manto watkon the moon. 7 Fill in the gapswith o, an or the. **,a_*-Maria is from ltaly. She liveswith her parentsin 1)....... small villagenear Parma.They have got 2) .......beautifulhousewith 3) ....... gardenis very big and Maria playsin it all the time. Maria hasgot 5) 6)'snameis Luna and it follows Maria everywhere. Everyday Maria goes to school by bus. 7) ....... bus stop is not far from her house.Sometimesshe goes to school on her bike, which was B) ....... presentfor her is 9) .......expensivered bike and Maria lovesit. Must- Mustn't Weusemust/mustn't to: o describeobtigationor duty.Youmust listento your teacher. o givestrongadvice.Youmusthelpotherpeople.Youmustn'teat too muchjunk food. . express prohibition.Youmustn'tdrivefast. I Fill in the sentences with mustand mustn't. Insects keepourgardens clean.(We/notkitt them) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You.. .. (o yourhomework everyday. You.. be rudeto yourparents. Yo u. . . . . ......w o rrya b o uth t ee xa m . We ............buysomeftowers fortheparty. You.. . drinktoo muchcoffee. You.... cteanyourteetheveryday. Yo u. . . . . . . ....d ri vefa st. You..............drinka cupof mitkeveryday. You............... exercise threetimesa week. You .. ... eat too manysweets. 2 Writefull sentences, asin the example. 1 Thedogis itt. (You/take it/vet) * Youmusttakeit to the vet. (He/take/aspirin) Johnhasa headache. 3 Themilksmells bad.(You/not drinkit) You must wear a helmet whenyou ride a bicycle. The studentsare havinga test. (They/not talk to eachother) 3 Matchthe signsto the sentences. Thereis one extra sentence. l-1T--]Youmustn'twalkhere. ET_-lYoumustturnright. Youmustn'tenter. FT-l Youmuststop. fs-l--]Youmustn'tturnright. FTI Youmustn'tswimhere. f3T-] 4 lt's a rainyday.(l/take/umbrelta) 5 Thewateris dirty.(You/not swimhere) (l/feed/her) 6 Thebabyis hungry. 7 Maryis cotd.(She/wear/sweater) Writing Whatmusfor mustn'tyoudoin class? Use the verbs/phrases andmakesentences. o tatk o be tate o listento yourteacher o be potiteto yourteacher o be quiet r- eat anddrink 7L Revision (Units | -25) Circlethe correctitem. 1 Mary be at school at 8.30 every morning. A mustn't B can c must 11 Heten was sad yesterday.She night. A crying B cried c cryed 2 12 Amadeus Mozart Awer e Bwas . shopnextto the cinemasettsbooks. A Th e BA CAn 3 LastsummerTomsaw sea. Aan Bt h e dotphinin the 13 where Awas travelling! B loves photos from your c where 16 Ronaldo and........ sistertivein Brazit. A her B his C he's c loving 1l rhere A is 8 . . . . . . . . s p e e d t imi t i s 7 0 mp h o n th e motorway. A Th i s BT h e CA yougo to the cinematastnight? A Are B Do c Did 10 The Smith famity summer. A go B goes is yourbirthday? A why B when C these 7 How........ meatdoyoueateveryweek? A m a n y B m u ch C any 9 youlastnight? Bar e cwer e 14 Weare . for our examsat the moment. A studyingB study c studied 15 6 Peter. A love a composer. Chas Ca 4 Leicester Square is ........ London. Aon BFt Cin 5 Have you got summerhotidays? A any B some att anymoneyin the purse. B aren't C isn't 18 He,sgotver ybig........! A foots B feets C feet 19 Anna tikes swimmingbut she tike sunbathing. A don't B doesn't C didn't z0 Thisis Athe interesting fitm. Ba Can to Austratiatast C went (Mark: _ \ \\/ 13 Begoingto Affirmative Short Form LongForm I amgoingto I 'm goingto you aregoingto you 're goingto he he she is goingto she 's goingto it it we we you aregoingto you 're goingto they they * Am Are Are lnterrogative goingto ...? I you goingto ...? he goingto ...? she it we goingto ...? you they Negative LongForm I you am not goingto I are not goingto you he she it we you he is not goingto she it we are not goingto you they they Short Form 'm not goingto aren't goingto isn't goingto aren'tgoingto Short Answers Yes,I am. Yes,youare. Yes,heis. Yes,sheis. Yes,it is. Yes,we are. Yes,youare. Yes,theyare. No,l'm not. No,youaren't. No,heisn' t. No,sheisn't. No,it isn' t. No,we aren't. No,youaren't. No,theyaren't. Use Timeexpressions usedwith be goingto: tomorrow,this weekend,next Monday/ Weusebe goingto: o to talkaboutourfutureptansandintentions. Tuesday/etc, nextmonth/week/etc She'sgoingto havea picnictomorrow.(= Shet planning to ...) o to makepredictions onwhatwe cansee. based It's goingto rain. Thereare manydark clouds in thesky.(l canseethectouds.) I Usethe phrases to completethe sentences. I o takean aspirin o weara scarf r stdvhome o takeit for a watk o makea chocotatemitkshake o buya newone o go shoppingo buitda snowmano go to the beach o take pianolessons 1 The dogwantsto go out. > I'm goingto take it for a walk. Lucyhasa headache. She 14 3 lt's snowing. Brenda andKate Mikeis reallytiredtonight. He Begoingto \'r 5 We'vegotsomechocotate icecreamandmilk. 6 pack/heavy ctothes (I) We.. 6 It'sverywindyoutside. Anna.. 7 MrandMrsJohnson's caris veryold. 7 goswimming/at beach(/) They. 8 Heten[ovesmusic. S h e .. I needsomenewctothes. t..... 10 It'sveryhottoday. BittandJim.. 9 1 L 8 steep/many hours(I) Cathyis plannlnga holidayto Mexico. Lookat the picturesandwrite whatshe islisn't goingto do. 9 buy/souvenirs for famity(/) 1 golskiing.(,,r) = Sheisn't goingto go skiing. 3 Write questionswith goingfo. 1 l'm goingto Carol'sbirthdayparty.(what/ 2 eat/[ocatdishes(/) wear)? 2 Bittis goingon holiday.(where/go)? 3 Pattyand Samare goingto the cinema. (what/watch)? 3 goifishing(X) ."..... i 4 Sueis goingto Barcelona. (how long/stay)? 5 Her grandmais comingfor lunch.(what/ cook)? take/totsof pictures(/) 6 l'm goingto the shops.(who/gowith)? send/postcards to friends(/) -6'cl 7 .8 (what/study)? Harryis goingto university. MarkandJimaregoingto the supermarket. (what/buy)? 15 Begoingto 4 Lookat the Parkers'familydiaryfor next week.In pairs,askandanswerquestions usingthe prompts,asin the example. qeoYge- tldg hLsroovw Sunday Monday Mrs Parkcr - wateYthe ?Lanf,s Tuesday cLwdg - vklt her b estfrlev'A WedqesdaY MrParleer- rePaLrthecar Thursday qeoYge-ln1footbaLL Friday Mr awdMrsPnrktr - go shaPql"4 Saturday cLwdg avrAqeorge- watoh a DVD 1 George/tidy hisroom/Sunday? > A: ls Georgegoingto tidy his roomon Sundoy? B: Yes,he is. 2 MrsParker/water the plants/Friday? 3 Cindy/visit herbestfriend/Tuesday? 4 Mr Parker/play tennis/Wednesday? 5 George/play footbatt/Thursday? 6, MrandMrsParker/go shopping/Friday? 7 CindyandGeorge/wash the dog/Saturday? 5 Fill in the gapswith the correctform of be goingfo andthe verbsin brackets. 1 L u c y. . . ..... (g o )o na to urar ound Europe nextsummer. (you/hire)a motorbike whenyouarein ltaty? L o o ka t t h a tma n H ! e ... .......( steal) thatwoman's bag! | . . . . . . . ..... (w a l k)to w o rktomor r ow. Thebusis always[ate! Martha's birthday is nextweek,so| .......... (buy)hera gift. 76 Ken... ..... (not/play) tennisthis weekend because he'ssick. (you/help)medo the laundrytomorrow? Betty . (not/come)to the cinemawith us.She'sverytired. ChrisandRita . ... (visit)their parentsnextThursday. 10 When (we/buy)a newcar? Thisoneis veryotd! 6 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make sentences. 1 wear/ are / to / your/ new/ going/ the / you/dr ess/to/par ty? out / dinner/ going/ Timand | / tonight/ go / f o r/ t o / a re a / is / this / going/ buy/ bike/ summer/ not/Bob/to next/ l/ NewYork / to / going/ month/ fty/not/to/am week/ paint/ MrWilson/ our/ to / this/ is / house/ going? Speaking Telltheclassaboutyourplansfor this weekend. I amgoingto goswimmingthisweekend. Writing Youareplanningto goon holidayto lvlajorca. Writeanemailto yourfriendaboutyour plansfor yourholiday.Writeabout: o how/goo where/stay. what/do lmperative We form the imperativewith the baseform of the verb withoutthe subject. Feedthe dog,please! We form the negativeimperative with do noVdon'tandthe baseform of the verb.Don'tclosethedoor! Matchthe sentences with the pictures. o Blowout the candtes!o Raise yourhands! o Getout! o dequiet! o Lookoverthere! e Writeonthe board! We use the imperativeto tetl someone whatto do or notto do. Bequiet!Don'ttalk. We use the imperativeto give orders:Don'tgo out! Comein! 2 Rewritethe following sentences, asin the example. The. gooq athlete Youmustn'tsleep[ate. > Don'tsleeplate! z l'z Youmusteat a [ot of fruit andvegetables. ..........! Youmustn'teat fatty foods. I ;;;il;;;;;i;;;;;"; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! Youmustn'tdrink coffee. @ ;;;il;;;;:;;;;;;; I I Speaking Tellyourpartnerwhatto dolnotto do in the classroom. Usethe verbs: o write o eat o listen . tatk o ptay o shout o steep o dance Don'twrite on the walls! Writein yournotebook! etc Writing Writeten rulesfor yourclassroom. 11 Can- Can't Weusecanto: . talk aboutabitity.I canplay the piano. o givepermission.Youcanborrow my car. o showpossibitity. Youcan buy bookshere. Weusecan't to refusepermission. Youcan't usemypencil.I needit. Circlethecorrectword. 1 Youcan /Ql)go to the cinematonight, youhaveto do yourhomework. because I can't7 cancomeandseeyoutomorrow if youlike. Youcan / can't play toud musicin the tibrary. Youcan't / can borrowmy ruter.I don't needit. 5 Wecan/ can'teat in the ctassroom. 6 Theycan't / canwalkon the's not atlowed. Satlycan / can't take pictureswith her doesn'thavea camera. Tomcan't / can dancevery wett. He'sa goodsinger,too. .Youcan / can't ptayfootbatlin the house, Jack. 10 Hetencan't / canswimverywett,but she's taking[essons. 1 L Matchthe picturesto their meanings. Youcan'tsmokehere. ETI Youcan'tdrinkthewater. t3Tl Youcanridea bikehere. t4Tt Youcan'tdrivefast. fsT-l Youcancrossthe road. tlTl Speaking Whatcanlcan'fyou do with a DVDplayer?Use the verbsto tellyour partner. o take photos o listen to CDs o ptaycomputer games o watch DVDs o sendemails o take videos Writing Mybedroomrules.Writea shortnoteabout whatpeoplecanandcan'tdowhentheyare in yourr@m.Usethe phrases belowand yourownideas. . usemy computer o eot in my room . borrowmy CDs. removemy posters c reodmy books o play loudmusic 78 Re Edt YR de '-J s(d lM tut -,* In; iiry Elp 3, SpckE "S drcd I Atbdr l! . -r mty 9S L-i tuDt -b Ofirr To: urc Subject: Summerplans! Hi Sandy! Howareyou?l'm fineandl'vegotsomegreatnews.My friendEricaandI areplanning our summer holiday, island!Canyou imagine? andwe'vedecided a Spanish Twowholeweekson to go to Menorca, this beautifulMediterranean island!lt's goingto befantastic! We'rebothveryexcitedandkeepthinking aboutallthedifferent thingsthatwe'regoingto do oncewe'rethere! BothEricaand I lovethe seaandthe sun,sowe aregoingto spenda lot of time on the beach.We're goingto do as manythingsthereas possible! We'regoingto go windsurfing and,of course,we're goingto sunbathe for hours!We canalsogojet skiingandsailing.Ericaalsowantsto go scubadiving, but I'm not goinFto join her,because l'm afraidof beingunderwater for so long. We'realsogoingto go sightseeing, andlearnasmuchas possible aboutthe richhistoryandculture of Menorca.We arecertainlygoingto attendsomeof the localfiestasandtry someof the famouslocal cheese, called'Formatge de Mao.' It's goingto be a greatholidayandwe can'twait to go! Whataboutyou?Whatareyou goingto do for the summerholiday? Youcanjoin us if youwant,you know!Writesoonandtell mewhatyouthink! I haveto go now. l'm goingto buya presentfor my sister'spartytomorrow. Love, Louise o Begoingto b) Usethe verbsbelowto completethe sentences. a) Whendo we usebe goingto? tidy b) Readthe emailandunderline allthe be goingto forms.Whatform of the verb do we useafter be goingfo? Howdo we form the interrogative and negative? 1 2 3 4 o lmperatives 2 a) Find two imperafiyes in the email. What is the negativeform of the imperotiveT worry look close write .. the window!lt's too cold! ..... youranswers in yournotebook. ! l'm goingto helpyou. ..... overthere!Doyouseethat mountain? .... yourroom!lt'sreatlymessy! o Can- Can't 3 Readthe emailagainandfind: a) one examplewhereconis usedto express possibility andb) oneexamplewherecon is usedto expresspermission. 79 Circlethe correctitem. 11 Bittis goingto m eetNina........noo n. Bon Cat Ain 1 CanI havea ........of meatptease? C loaf B bottte A kito 2 touchthat knife! B Does ADo 1 2 "Didyou eggsdo we needfor the cake? A Howmuch B Howmany C Howlong You allowed. A can "Yes,I did." A wrote C Don't 13 There A aren't a letter to yourgrandma?" B write C writes anyptanes300yearsago. C weren't B wasn't park your car here. lt's not B mustn't C don't t tomorrow. She........ somepostcards B sent A is goingto send C sends Thereis a boat in the water. white. CAn BThe AA boat is 7 You........swimnearwindsurfers. B mustn't C can A must Lucy........a newhatyesterdaY. B is goingto buY A bought C buys eat that sliceof gizza?. B AmYougoingto A Areyougoingto C ls yougoingto in the office. 1 0 Therearetwo A womens B womans C women 14 Jitt........r idea bikebut shecan'tdr i v ea car. B mustn't C can A must 15 Als Marytikewhite-waterrafting? C Has B Does 16 "........ dotheygoswimming?" "EverySaturday." A Howoften B Howmuch C How 17 That'snotRita'shat.........hatis pink. C Her B Our A Your anda m ap. 18 W e........a com pass C hasn'tgot B 've got A 's got jacket. 19 Youcan'tborrow C Bitt's B Bitts' A BiII 20 CanI have Asome gtassof water,Ptease? Can Ba (ma'r' ) - 80 lrreffil[nrVel'bm be itcil beat ibrti becomebrknm/ begin/brgln/ bite lbarV blow /blou/ break /lcrerk/ bring/brq/ buitdlbrld/ burn /bs:rn/ buy toal was beat became began bit blew broke br.ought buitt burnt(burned) bought can /k@n/ catch /k€et/ choose/tJu:z/ come/k^m/ cost /kost/ cut /k^t/ could caught chose came cost cut dig tdts/ do ldvl draw ldrct dream /dri:m/' drink /drmkl drive /drarv/ dug did drew dreamt(dreamed) drank drove eat /tt/ ate fa[[ ltcy feed ffidl feel fill fight /fat/ find ltarnd/ fly fiiail forget fergqt/ forgive/fergry/ freeze lfti:zl fett fed fett fought found ftew forgot forgave froze get /ggt/ give lgy go tsgpl grov't,lgtqul got gave went grew hangnenl have/hav/ hear /hrer/ hide /had/ hit /rril hotd/troold/ hurt /hs:rV hung(hanged) had heard hid hit hetd hurt keep ftqpl know/nou/ kept knew il !:i let /let/ lie /|arl tie /arl tight /aru lose/lu:z/ tet tay tied tit Iost make /merk/ mean/min/ meet /mif/ made meant met pay tpq1,l put /puv paid put read /ri:d/ nde lratdl ring trnl rise lrazl run /r^n/ read rode rang rose ran say /se/ see /si:/ sell /sel/ send/send/ set /set/ sew /sou/ shake4et/ shine4anl shoot 4u:t/ show4qol shut 4lV sing /stD/ sit /srV sleep lstip/ sme[[/smel/ speak/spild spell /spql/ spend/spend/ stand/st@nd/ stea[/sti:l/ stick /stru sting/stn/ swear/sweer/ sweep/sw!p/ swim/swrm/ said saw sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shut sang sat stept smett(smetted) spoke spett(spelted) spent stood stole stuck stung swore swept swam take /teild teach ^it/ ;, tear /teer/ tell /tet/ think /0mU throw /0roo/ il ;r it understand/AnQerstend/ took taught tore totd thought threw understood l tay /e/ lead /li:d/ learn /lsrn/ leave /li:v/ lend /lend/ taid ted leamt(tearned) teft i::: i; wake/werk/ wear/weer/ ii win/wln/ t I write /rat/ woke wore won wrote i' " i ,- " " *i Access is a four-levelEnglishcoursedesignedexcrusively for studentsstudyingEnglishat BeginnerLevel.The coursefollows the principlesof the Councilof EuropeCommon Frameworkof ReferenceLevel41. I v@@_@tw *_1*.----kt*n\ - 4-\ ''*..-,.'*=.' , Studenfs CD tqFld*m "" " trarnmarBoo\< Workbook E46Pdele Teocher's Resource Pock ClassCDs Teacher's ResourcePack Esdrdnh (Worksheets, Pairwork Activities, Portfolio Activities, Games& Tests) i ft;'s Bofrlfterieaved) lsBN978-'t -84679-426-.1 Exprhing,llilJll[ilfll[[[[[l1il