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Math 277 FAQ: Course Details & Assessment Guide

MATH 277 Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Assessment components of Math 277?
There are Eight in Class Quizzes (32%) , Active Learning Credit (8%) , Midterm Test (20%)
and a comprehensive Final Examination (40%)
Quizzes, Midterm Test and Final Examination consists of Multiple Choice Questions
and / or short answers ( simply type a single letter or a number)
What activities are planned for the three instructional - hours of Math 277?
(i) Active Learning and / or quizzes will be held during the scheduled two Hours classes.
(ii) At the end of each week , students are expected to have reviewed recommended material.
In the scheduled one hour classes , the Teaching Assistant will be available to answer any
questions you may have or help you diagnose your difficulties in the material you have reviewed
in the previous week.
This class activity will begin on the week of January 16 ( the second week of classes).
It is strongly recommended that you attend these classes, even if you do not have any
questions to ask. You may benefit from answers to other students questions.
Where and when Quizzes will be held?
(i) Eight - 50 minutes Quizzes will be held in person in the second hour of the scheduled two hours
block Classes during the weeks of :
January 23, 30, February 06 , 27 , March 13 , 20 , 27 and April 03.
For example if your are in Block 6 , your first quiz will be on Tuesday January 24
from 11:00 am - 11:50 am , and so on.
(ii) Note : Quizzes are 40 minutes each, plus 10 minutes for Internet/ Browser issues.
(iii) Quizzes will be administered online on D2L. on your own Laptop , Tablet , ipad , etc.
To access the Quiz : Go to Assessment , choose Quizzes from drop down menu,
Select the quiz and Click start.
What material / aids are permitted in quizzes , Midterm Test and Final Examination?
All Quizzes , Midterm Test and Final Examination are Open Book.
Here is a list of allowed Material / Aids
(i) All Material posted on D2L including your own notes made
from that material are allowed.
(ii) A scientific non-programmable calculator is allowed
(iii) Using other online material such as Wolfram Alpha ,... etc. is strictly prohibited.
Warning : For fairness sake, violators will be reported to administration
to protect vast majority of students.
What Grading System is used for the course?
The official U of C four-point grading system will be used.
This system is NOT Convertible to Percentage!
Please, carefully read the Grading Document posted on D2L
For now you have to compare your score in a Quiz or Midterm Test with the actual
U of C grading scale (attached to grading document).
For example if you got a grade point value 3.45 in a Quiz , your approximate grade is B+
Do not worry , to get an "A" , you do not need 4.0 , a range will be created at the end.
For Example, at end of course , an "A+" could be from 3.90 to 4.0 ,
an "A" Grade could be any where from 3.8 to 3.89 , a "C" Grade could be from
1.85 to 2.15 and so on.
A passing Grade in the Final Exam is "D" Grade (1.00). This is Essential for passing
the course as a whole. However you need a grade of "C -" or better to be able to take a
course where MATH 277 is a prerequisite.
Never aim to achieve only the Minimum , always do your Best. Official Letter grading
documents will be posted, once grades are approved by the Department’s Head
What happens if I miss a quiz , Midterm or an Active Learning Session?
(i) All Eight Quizzes will be counted. Therefore, if you missed a quiz , there is no need
to contact us. The weight of the quiz will be added to either the Midterm Test
or Final Examination.
Note : Preparing for Quizzes will prevent you from falling behind in the study of course material.
Quizzes are also excellent source of preparation for Midterm & Final Examination.
To prevent significant increase in the weight of Midterm Test or Final examination,
please, do your best and try not to miss more than three quizzes.
(ii) If you missed the Midterm Test for an approved reason , a deferred Midterm Test
will be arranged within 7 - 10 days.
(iii) There are Eleven Active Learning sessions. You will receive full credit if you were present
in Eight sessions.
Note : Active Learning credit will not be transferred to other course component.
Please, arrange among yourselves groups of a Minimum of 4 students and a
Maximum of six students per table
Tables will be marked and participation sheet will be circulated at end of each hour.
When Active Learning Begin?
Active Learning Sessions Begin on the week of January 16 ( the Second Week of Classes)
All Active Learning Sheets are already posted on D2L.
Solutions will be posted every Thursday at 5:00 PM.
For instance : Solutions to First Active Learning Sheet will be posted on Thursday
January 19 at 5:00 PM
What Materials are available on D2L to Study from?
1. Class Notes ( Hard Copies)
2.Lecture Recordings
3. Active Learning Worksheets with solutions.
4. Review Sheets of Midterm / Final Examination with Answers and solutions.
Solutions will be delayed and will be released closer to the day of testing.
It is not healthy to just read solutions. We strongly encourage you to attempt problems ,
check answers and if incorrect , then you look at solutions.
5. Essential Background Material ( Review of Integration, Vectors , and Special plane curves).
It is strongly recommended that you review the material on your own , particularly Vectors.
What Material is Recommended to study Weekly?
All Weekly material are clearly marked :
You have three options :
Option 1 : View Recorded Lectures , they are done in a very slow pace with multiple
emphasis on certain topics where mistakes often occur.
Option 2 Read posted Class Notes.
Option 3 : Do both options 1 & 2.
Option 1 is strongly recommend, provided that you are taking notes while viewing recorded lecture,
like you would do in a regular in person class!!!.
Once the material is covered, you will be able to solve problems in the corresponding
Active Learning Sheet(s)
Example : At end of Week one ( January 09 - 13), it is expected that you have either
(i) Viewed the three Recorded Lectures of week # 1, or
(ii) Read corresponding class notes, section I , Page 03 - 25 or done both.
(iii) Solved all Problems of Active Learning Sheet # 1.
What if I have an Accommodations?
There is no need to contact me. I have all information in your letter.
Your quiz , Midterm and Final examination duration time will be adjusted accordingly.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 1?
Quiz 1 will be held on the week of January 23. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 1 ( Part I , II , III)
(ii) Class Notes : Section I , page 03 - 25
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 1.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 2?
Quiz 2 will be held on the week of January 30. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 2 ( Part I , II , III) and Week 3 ( Part I)
(ii) Class Notes : Section I , page 26 - 63
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 2.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 3?
Quiz 3 will be held on the week of February 06. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 3 ( Part II , III) and Week 4 ( Part I , II , III)
(ii) Class Notes : Section I , page 64 - 105
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 3 , and Sheet # 4 ( Only Problems 1 - 4).
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 4?
Quiz 4 will be held on the week of February 27. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 5 ( Part I , II , III) and Week 6 ( Part I )
(ii) Class Notes : Section II , page 03 - 44
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 4 (Only Problems 5 - 8).
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 5?
Quiz 5 will be held on the week of March 13. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 9 ( Part I , II , III )
(ii) Class Notes : Section II , page 87 - 117
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 7.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 6?
Quiz 6 will be held on the week of March 20. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 10 ( Part I , II ) and Part III ( from 0:00 - 18:50 only)
(ii) Class Notes : Section III , page 03 - 31
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 8.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 7?
Quiz 7 will be held on the week of March 27. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 10 Part III ( from 18:51. - 1:11:36) , and Week 11 ( Part I , II)
(ii) Class Notes : Section III , page 32 - 53
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 9.
How do I prepare well for Quiz # 8?
Quiz 8 will be held on the week of April 03. The quiz covers the material of :
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 11 ( Part III) and Week 12 ( Part I , II , III)
(ii) Class Notes : Section III , page 54 - 85
(iii) Active Learning Sheet # 10.
Midterm Test
Midterm Test will be held online on D2L, Wednesday March 08, from 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
Duration 120 Minutes : 90 Minutes Plus 30 Minutes for connection or Browser Issues) ,
( Plus accommodation time if Applicable).
You can write the Midterm Test any where you like.
Note: Students must start writing at 7:00 PM.
Students starting Midterm Test on or after 7:16 PM will be disqualified
How do I prepare well for Midterm Test?
(i) Recorded Lectures of Week 1 to Week 8.
(ii) Class Notes : All of Section I & Section II ( Page 03 - 86)
(iii) Active Learning Work Sheets 1 - 6.
Notes :
(ii) Midterm Review Sheet is an Excellent Source to Prepare for Midterm Test.