BIO 321 : Genetics MENDELIAN GENETICS Mendel's Monohybrid Cross Mendel worked with peas: • Many varieties available from seed merchants. These varieties varied in easily scored traits such as seed color and shape, pod color and shape, flower color and location on the stem. These varieties were pure-bred in the sense that the traits Mendel was interested in were stably inherited and invariant in each variety if inbred such that purple flowering plants always gave rise to purple flowering plants and white flowering plants always gave rise to white flowering progeny. • Short generation times-a number of generations could be raised in a single growing season • Large numbers of progeny can be obtained in crosses which allowed Mendel to carry out statistical analyses of his results. • Peas are self-fertilizing. The flower is closed at the time the pollen and ova mature. This is important because you can be confident that foreign pollen wasn't blow in or carried into the pea patch and mess up the results. • It is possible to cross fertilize pea plants by cutting open the flower, cutting off the anthers carrying the immature pollen, and apply foreign pollen with a paint brush. Thus Mendel had good control of the crosses. • The reason why Mendel was able to infer the rules of inheritance was because be approached the problem by: • 1. Studying simple variant traits in pure-bred lines. • 2. Applied a statistical analyses of his results. • Example: Mendel crossed pure-bred green seeded plants with pure-bred yellow seeded plants. • All the progeny contained yellow seeds. • When these yellow hybrid seeds were grown into plants and allowed to self-fertilize, Mendel observed 6,022 yellow seeds and 2,001 green seeds on these plants. • When Mendel planted these seeds and allowed the resulting plants to selffertilized, he found that the following pattern: • Of 519 of the yellow seeds, 166 gave plants with only yellow seeds and these always bred true. • The remaining 353 yellow seeds gave plants with both yellow and green seeds in a 3:1 ratio • All the green seeds gave plants that bore only green seeds. Yellow X Green All Yellow Seeds ↓ 6,022 Yellow Parental F1 Self cross + 2,001 Green F2 166 All Yellow All Green + 353 3/4 Yellow 1/4 Green F3 A 3:1 ratio of Y:G Self cross Of the yellow, 1:2 pure-bred: hybrid • • • • • Mendel inferred from these results There is a single character encoding seed color, for which there are two forms: yellow and green. Each seed (or plant) has two copies of this character. A hybrid seed that has one yellow and one green form is yellow because yellow is dominant to green. From now on, I will refer to the trait by a single letter, in this case Y because yellow is dominant. I will represent the yellow form of the trait in upper case and the green form in lower case. A genetically YY or Yy plant is yellow, yy is green. A hybrid plant produces equal numbers of gametes (ova and pollen) carrying each of the forms of this character. By these rules we can explain the results of the cross as follows (assigning Y for the yellow form and y for the green form): Yellow (YY) X Green (yy) ↓ All Y ↓ All Yellow Seeds (Yy) ↓ pollen 1/2Y ½y Parental ↓ All y Parental gametes F1 ova ½Y ½y ↓ Self cross 6,022 Yellow + 2,001 Green F2 (1/4 YY, ½ Yy, 1/4 yy) ↓ 1/3 YY 2/3 Yy ↓ ↓ 166 All Yellow 353 3/4 Yellow F1 gametes A 3:1 ratio of Y:G Self cross 1/4 Green Some terms defined: • Gene- the character or trait, seed color here • Allele- the form of the trait, yellow or green here • Dominant allele- the form of the trait that is expressed in the hybrid, yellow is the dominant trait • Recessive- the unexpressed trait in the hybrid, green is recessive to yellow • Genotype- the genetic composition of an organism, a hybrid is Yy, a green seed is yy, a yellow seed can be YY or yy • Phenotype- the appearance of an organism, yellow or green here • Homozygote- an organisms that has two copies of the same allele, a green seed is homozygous or a genotype can be homozygous yellow (YY) • Heterozygote- an organism with two different alleles for a gene, a Yy seed is heterozygous here SS or Ss-smooth phenotype, ss wrinkled phenotype Pure-bred Smooth, Yellow x Pure-bred Wrinkled, Green (SSYY) (ssyy) ↓ All Smooth, Yellow F1 (SsYy) ↓ self cross ↓ 315 Smooth, Yellow 101 Wrinkled, Yellow 108 Smooth, Green 32 Wrinkled, Green 16 Fig 2-12b 9 3 3 1 How do these arise? Mendel inferred by independent assortment of the alleles into the gametes. We expect in a hybrid cross 3/4 dominant and 1/4 recessive. (3/4 x 3/4= 9/16) • The sum of all the fertilization events that can occur gives (DRAW) • 1/16 SSYY, 2/16 SsYY, 2/16 SSYy, 4/16 SsYy - 9/16 SY • • 1/16 ssYY, 2/16 ssYy - 3/16 sY 1/16 SSyy, 2/16 Ssyy - 3/16 Sy • 1/16 ssyy - 1/16 sy Fig 2-12b • We could arrive at the same answer by assuming if 3/4 of the progeny are smooth and 3/4 are yellow, and if the traits assort independently, than 3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16 smooth and yellow. Etc. • We can explain these results based upon what we know about meiosis if we assume that these two genes are on different chromosomes • Mendel also carried out back-crosses between the heterozygote SsYy and each of the pure-bred parents: • YySs x YYSS All progeny have dominant phenotype • YySs x yyss: 55 YS, 44 Ys, 51 yS, 53 ys of all four possible phenotypes equal numbers • Mendel sent 12 copies of his paper out to famous scientists of the time. One went to Charles Darwin, Mendel's results provided a mechanism for the inheritance of rare traits required for Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin never read the paper… • Mendel's principles can predict the outcome of any cross, or in many cases infer the genotypes of individuals from a cross. AaBbCcDdEe X AaBbCcDdEe What fraction of the progeny will be ABCDE? (IMP : Indep Assortment, Draw?) 3/4 A x 3/4 B x 3/4 C x 3/4 D x 3/4 E = 243/1024 or AbCdE? 3/4 A x 1/4 b x 3/4 C x 1/4 d x 3/4 E = 27/1024 or have the AabbCCDdEe genotype? ½ Aa x 1/4 bb x 1/4 CC x ½ Dd x ½ Ee = 1/128 • Other crosses can also be predicted. AaBb x aabb Genotypes: ½ Aa, ½ aa and ½ Bb, ½ bb = 1/4 AaBb 1/4 Aabb 1/4 aaBb 1/4 aabb Phenotypes: ½ A, ½ a and ½ B, ½ b = 1/4 AB 1/4 Ab 1/4 aB 1/4 ab This last cross is sometimes called a test cross because the second parent is homozygous recessive, so whatever the genotype of the first parent is, it will come through on the cross. • AB x ab: All AB progeny- first parent must be AABB. • ½ Ab, ½ AB progeny- first parent must be AABb. • ½ AB, ½ aB progeny- first parent must be AaBB. • 1/4 each AB, Ab, aB, ab- first parent must be AaBb. Pedigree Analysis in Human Genetics • One obvious requirement for the analyses of genetic crosses as indicated here, is the need to look at large numbers of progeny in order to obtain accurate ratios of phenotypes. • It is also advantageous to carry crosses out over several generations. • Neither of these conditions are satisfied when we apply genetic analyses to humans. • For example, if an individual is albino, lacking melanin, the pigment which colors the skin and eyes, and marries a normal individual, if they have two children and both are normal what does that mean? It is possible that albinism is a dominant trait, and the albino parent was heterozygous while the normal parent was homozygous recessive (Aaxaa). We would predict that ½ of their children would be albino. But if they had only two children, it is certainly within the realm of probability that they would both be normal. • • It is also possible that albinism is a recessive trait and the normal parent was homozygous wildtype (AAxaa). This would certainly be consistent with both children being wildtype. Or, perhaps albinism is recessive and the normal parent was heterozygous (Aaxaa). Then only 1/2 of the children should be albino, and it is not at all strange that 2 of 2 were normal. Actually, the classical form of albinism is caused by an autosomal recessive mutation (1/30000 in U.S, white skin, red eyes). Mutation affects the gene for tyrosinase, an enzyme needed to convert tyrosine to DOPA, from which the brown pigment melanin is formed. Melanin protects the skin from UV light by absorbing them. There are two other kinds of albinism at least because many steps are involved from tyrosine to melanin synthesis (thus complementation can occur, so albino parents can have normal kids!) see fig 10.1 aaBB x AAbb→ AaBb albino albino normal carrier • The point is that we can conclude nothing from this data, and, since we cannot carry out further crosses with the parents or direct crosses with the progeny, for social and time reasons, how can we deal with human genetics? • The answer is we can't, at least not on the level that we do genetics with peas or mice or fruit flies or a variety of microorganisms. • Nonetheless, there is some interest in human genetics so we have developed some procedures. • The first we will talk about here is pedigree analysis. Essentially, if we can't go forward in time, we can go back and look at family history. That is one advantage of working with humans; we can look at past events. • Patient walks into doctors office with rare disease. The doctor takes a family history. Other members of the family have this disease despite its rarity. A coincidence? An environmental problem (family members have bee drinking water from the same well for generations)? Or is the trait inherited? The doctor draws a family tree, perhaps questions other members of the family. Rules common environmental factors-affected family members raised in different localities and have different vocations. Maybe its genetic. Look at other reports in the medical literature, contact other physicians, get more pedigrees. Rules for interpreting pedigrees: Dominant alleles: (except if trait lost) Never skip a generation Recessive alleles: Can skip generations, but there must be some history in the family.