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Database Design Assignment: Polly Pipe System

Database Solution for Pollypipe
HND in Computing (ESOFT Metro Campus)
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Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
BTEC HND in Computing
Programme title
Internal Verifier
Unit 04: Database Design & Development
Database Solution for Polly Pipe
Assignment title
Student’s name
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen
List which assessment criteria
the Assessor has awarded.
Do the assessment criteria awarded match
those shown in the assignment brief?
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria?
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature
Internal Verifier signature
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen
Unit Title
Unit 04:
Assignment Number
Database Design & Development
Submission Date
Date Received
1st submission
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
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Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student
Action Plan
Summative feedback
Feedback: Student to Assessor
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Student signature
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Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 04: Database Design & Development
Assignment 01
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General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
Word Processing Rules
The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your
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5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation
and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
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Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it
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1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.
2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of
the assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will
be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source
in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a
binding agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document
is not attached to the assignment.
Student’s Signature:
(Provide E-mail ID)
(Provide Submission Date)
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Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen
Unit Number and Title
Unit 4: Database Design & Development
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Data base system for Polly Pipe
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission format
Part 1: The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide in-text citation
and bibliography using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3,000–
3,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Part 2: The submission should be in the form of a fully functional relational database system
demonstrated to the Tutor; and an individual written report (please see details in Part 1 above).
Part 3: The submission should be in the form of a witness statement of the testing completed
by the Tutor; technical documentation; and a written report (please see details in Part 1
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.
LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
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Assignment brief
Polly Pipe is a water sports provider and installer based in Braintree, England. They need you
to design and implement a database that meets the data requirements. These necessities are
defined in this scenario and below are samples of the paper records that the Polly Pipe
Polly Pipe is focused in placing aquariums at business customers. Customers can request
several installations, but each installation is tailor-made for a specific customer. Facilities are
classified by type. One or more employees are assigned to each facility. Because these
facilities are often very large, they can include carpenters and masons as well as water
installers. The facilities use equipment such as aquariums, air pumps and thermostats. There
can be multiple computers in a facility.
Below are examples of paper records that Polly Pipe currently maintains.
Staff Management Record
Staff Number
Dave Clark
John Smith
Freddy Davies
Satpal Singh
Winstn Kodogo
Alison Smith
Installation Manager
Aquatics installer
Aquatics installer
Aquatics installer
Brick Layer
Equipment Type Table
Air Pumps
20 gallon tank, 50 gallon tank, 100
gallon tank, 200 gallon tank
Standard, Super
Standard, Super
Air driven, Undergravel
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10 | P a g e
Instillation Management Form
n Type
Installatio Customer Equipment
n Name
Freshwater Oak House, Lee A.
2 air
200 gallons
fish tank
ire, H5 667
Freshwater Bayliss
2 air
200 gallons
fish tank
Kent, K7
Gravel Bag
Eaglestone Perry
2 x 200
Vanderru gallons fish
Eaglestone ne
, Kent
500 Wood
Freshwater Humbertso Perry
n Castle,
Kent, K8
Wilts. W55
Types of Staff
1 x Carpenter
1 x Aquatics
1 x Electrician
5 x Carpenters
1 x Aquatics
1 x Plumber
3 x Labourers
1st June
2005 –
1st June
10 x
30th June
1 x Aquatics
1 x Plumber
3 x Labourers
No staff required
2 air
200 gallons
fish tank
2 air
1 x Aquatics
400 gallons
fish tank
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of Staff
From 1st
er 2012
er 2005
– 1st
er 2012
11 | P a g e
Activity 1
Identify the user and system requirements to design a database for the above
scenario and design a relational database system using conceptual design (ER Model) by
including identifiers (primary Key) of entities and cardinalities, participations of
relationships. Convert the ER Model into logical database design using relational
database model including primary keys foreign keys and referential Integrities. It should
contain at least five interrelated tables. Check whether the provided logical design is
normalised. If not, normalize the database by removing the anomalies.
(Note:-It is allowed to have your own assumptions and related attributes within the scope of the case study
Design set of simple interfaces to input and output for the above scenario using
Wireframe or any interface-designing tool. Evaluate the effectiveness of the given design
(ERD and Logical design) in terms of the identified user and system requirements .
Activity 2
Activity 2.1
a. Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created
(Use SQL DDL statements). Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a
simple interface to insert, update and delete data in the database. Implement proper
security mechanisms in the developed database.
Evaluate the database solution developed and its effectiveness with relevant to the
user and system requirements identified, system security mechanisms (EX: -User
groups, access permissions) and the maintenance of the database.
Activity 2.2
a. Explain the usage of DML with below mentioned queries by giving at least one single
example per each case from the developed database. Assess the usage of the below
SQL statements with the examples from the developed database to prove that the
data extracted through them are meaningful and relevant to the given scenario.
Select/ Where / Update / Between / In / Group by / Order by / Having
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12 | P a g e
Activity 3
Activity 3.1
Provide a suitable test plan to test the system against user and system requirements.
provide relevant test cases for the database you have implemented. Assess how the
selected test data can be used to improve the effectiveness of testing.
Note:- Learner needs to give expected results in a tabular format and screenshots of the actual results with
the conclusion
Activity 3.2
Get independent feedback on your database solution from the non-technical users and
some developers (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting
method) and make recommendations and suggestions for improvements in a separate
conclusion/recommendations section.
Activity 4
Produce a technical documentation and a user guide for the developed database system.
Suitable diagrams diagrams (Use case diagram, class diagram, flow charts, DFD level 0 and
1) should be included in the technical documentation to show data movement in the system.
Assess the developed database by suggesting future enhancements to ensure the
effectiveness of the system.
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13 | P a g e
Grading Criteria
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool
to design a relational database
system for a substantial problem
P1 Design a relational database
system using appropriate design
tools and techniques, containing at
least four interrelated tables, with
clear statements of user and
system requirements.
M1 Produce a comprehensive
design for a fully functional system
that includes interface and output
designs, data validations and data
D1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the
design in relation to user and system
LO2 Develop a fully functional
relational database system, based
on an existing system design
P2 Develop the database system
with evidence of user interface,
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output, and data validations, and
querying across multiple tables.
P3 Implement a query language
into the relational database system
M2 Implement a fully functional
database system that includes
system security and database
M3 Assess whether meaningful
data has been extracted using
query tools to produce appropriate
management information.
LO3 Test the systems against user
and system requirements
P4 Test the system against user and
system requirements.
M4 Assess the effectiveness of the
testing, including an explanation of
the choice of test data used.
LO2 & LO3
D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the
database solution in relation to user
suggest improvements.
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LO4 Produce technical and user
P5 Produce technical and user
M5 Produce technical and user
diagrams showing movement of
data through the system, and
flowcharts describing how the
system works.
terms of improvements needed to
effectiveness of the system.
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................... 19
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 20
Activity 1 ..................................................................................................................... 21
User Requirement ..................................................................................................... 21
System Requirement ................................................................................................ 22
Entities and Attributes for Polly Pipe Aquarium Database. ..................................... 25
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ........................................................................ 26
Entity Relationship Diagram for Polly Pipe Aquarium. .......................................... 27
Entity Relationship Model ....................................................................................... 28
Logical Database Diagram ....................................................................................... 28
Data Integrity............................................................................................................ 28
Data Validation ........................................................................................................ 29
Database Normalization ........................................................................................... 30
User Interface Design for Polly Pipe Aquarium System.......................................... 36
Activity 2 ..................................................................................................................... 41
SQL Commands ....................................................................................................... 41
Login Table........................................................................................................... 42
Customer Table..................................................................................................... 43
Installation Table .................................................................................................. 44
Staff Table ............................................................................................................ 44
Equipment Table................................................................................................... 45
Evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple interface to insert, update
and delete data in the database. ................................................................................ 45
Insert ..................................................................................................................... 45
Update ................................................................................................................... 47
Delete .................................................................................................................... 49
Database Security ..................................................................................................... 50
Here are some main database security threats that many companies face. .............. 51
These are the security mechanisms used for the database security of our Pollypipe
database system. ....................................................................................................... 52
Access control (Authentication) ........................................................................... 52
Encryption ............................................................................................................ 53
Database Maintenance Schedule .............................................................................. 54
Usage of DML of SQL queries with examples per each case from the Pollypipe
Database. .................................................................................................................. 55
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Activity 3 ..................................................................................................................... 60
Test Cases ................................................................................................................. 60
Database test case ..................................................................................................... 60
Customer Table Test Case .................................................................................... 62
Staff Table Test Case ............................................................................................ 64
Installation Table test case .................................................................................... 66
Equipment Table Test Case .................................................................................. 68
Assess how the selected test data can be used to improve the effectiveness of
testing. ...................................................................................................................... 70
The feedback form and feedback response of the Database system are given below.
.................................................................................................................................. 71
Feedback response ................................................................................................ 72
Activity 4 ..................................................................................................................... 74
User Manual ............................................................................................................. 74
Step 1 – Login....................................................................................................... 74
Step 2 – Main Menu ............................................................................................. 75
Technical Documentation ..................................................................................... 79
Data Flow Diagram for the main functions of Pollypipe system. ............................ 80
System Login ........................................................................................................ 80
Register New Record ............................................................................................ 81
Update Record ...................................................................................................... 82
Delete Record ....................................................................................................... 83
System Improvements can be considered for further enhancement of the system in
the future. ................................................................................................................. 83
Reference ..................................................................................................................... 84
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I really appreciate the assistance and professional guidance provided by Mr. Praveen,
professor for the Database Design and Development course at the E-soft Metro
Campus in Colombo.
I would want to express my gratitude to my mother, my family, and my loved ones for
giving me the inspiration and support I needed to complete my project. I would want
to sincerely thank each and every one of them.
My friends who helped me with the project and others who gave their expertise to aid
me also deserve my gratitude and respect.
Thank you,
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen
COL 00142013 / E133118
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen | Unit 4: Database Design & Development | Assignment - 01 19 | P a g e
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Based in Braintree, England, Polly pipe is a supplier and installation of water sports
equipment. Its manual database system aspires to create and implement a database
that satisfies a computerized system's data needs. As a result, this system was created
as a solution for installers and suppliers of water sports to satisfy their clients.
Polly Pipe uses a manual approach to keep its data. A paper record is used in the
manual system. Each installation is custom-made for a particular customer and can
include carpenters, bricklayers, water installers, and equipment like aquariums, air
pumps, thermostats, etc. The computerized system controls the company's data of
maintainable assets through an asset register, making it simple to control customer
requests for several installations.
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Activity 1
User Requirement
User requirements are a set of requirements which was provided by clients/users to
produce the software based on the given requirements and typically described in a
narrative and uncomplicated text in a User Requirement Document (URD) so the
system developer can understand it and create the system requirement and system based
on the user requirement. (Parker, 2012)
User requirements that apply to Polly Pipe Aquarium Database System.
Should be able to Add, Update, and Delete Customer Details in the System.
The following details should be added to the Customer details.
✓ Customer Name
✓ Customer Address
✓ Mobile Number
Should be able to Add, Update, and Delete Employee Details in the System.
The following details should be added to the Employee Details.
✓ Employee Name
✓ Telephone Number
✓ Address
✓ Date of Birth
✓ Employee Type
Should be able to Add, Update, and Delete Equipment Details in the System.
The following details should be added to the Equipment Details.
✓ Equipment Name
✓ Equipment Type
✓ Equipment Description.
Should be able to Add, Update, and Delete Installation Details in the System.
✓ Installation Type
✓ Staff Assigned Period
✓ Installation Time
✓ Installation Address
✓ Equipment required
✓ No of Employees required.
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Certain Staff members and admins should be able to login into the system with
the given username and password.
System Requirement
The specification that a system must have for a piece of hardware or software to
function properly is known as the system requirements. Installation or performance
issues may arise in the system if these conditions are not met. The Installation problem
may block the installation of a system or application, whereas the performance may
cause a product to malfunction, perform inadequately, hang, or crash. Clients are often
provided with these by system developers and software development companies as part
of the product. (Anon., 2015)
Software requirements describe the system's functional and non-functional
requirements that specify the system's software components. (Parker, 2012)
To run the Database system, the following system requirement must be fulfilled in a
Operating System:
Windows 10 or 11
Minimum i3 Processor or i5 Processor must be installed.
Hard disk
4.00 GB or Above
System type
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
SQL Server must be installed to run the Polly Pipe Aquarium Database System.
Functional Requirement
A Functional Requirement (FR) is a specification of the service that the program must
provide. It defines a software system or a component of one. A function is nothing more
than a software system's inputs, actions, and outputs. It might be computation, data
manipulation, business process, user interaction, or any other unique feature that
determines what function a system is likely to accomplish. (Martin, 2022)
When it comes to a database system the functional requirements should relate to the
tasks that the database system will perform, which are typically searching and sorting
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen | Unit 4: Database Design & Development | Assignment - 01 22 | P a g e
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(query). Functional requirements can also contain information about the data to be
stored in the database.
Non-Functional Requirement
Non-functional requirements are a set of specifications that specify the operational
capabilities and restrictions of the system and aim to improve its functionality such as
security, reliability, performance, maintainability, scalability, and usability.
An entity could be a distinguishable real-world ‘object’ that exists. An object must not
be thought of as an ‘entity’ till it is simply known from all the different objects of the
important world. in a piece of very information, solely that ‘thing’ or ‘object’ is
considered as an entity concerning that knowledge is held on or retrieved from a
database system. A single person, a sole product, or a single organization are all can be
taken as examples of entities. (Neha, 2019)
Entities had been categorized into two types.
Strong Entity- Strong entity is an entity that can stand without the help of
another element.
Weak Entity- It is an entity that depends on another entity in a database.
Attributes are the traits or properties of an entity that are highlighted in a highly
informative table. A data table entity is defined by a 'fixed' set of characteristics. For
example, if we want to build a student entity, we may do so by utilizing a few properties
including roll number, name, and course. The attribute values of each student entity can
validate its attributes inside the table. (Neha, 2019)
Types of Attributes.
Simple Attribute
A simple attribute cannot be split down into smaller, more relevant
components for the Database.
Composite Attribute
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Composite attributes are qualities that are dependent on another attribute and
are split down into little attributes.
Multi-Valued Attribute
A multivalued attribute may take more than one value for an entity.
Single Value Attribute
A single-value attribute accepts only one value for an entity.
Stored Attribute
A stored attribute is an attribute value that may be saved in a database.
Derived Attribute
A derived attribute may calculate its value based on the value of a stored
There are three types of Relationships in a database that we can use to connect
One-to-One Relationship
It is a connection in which a record in one entity is linked to exactly one record in
another entity. For example, there might be a one-to-one relationship between
employees and the cars they drive. Let us say an employee can have a car for
travelling purposes, indicating a one-to-one relationship.
One-to-many Relationship
It is a connection in which a record in an entity is connected to another entity which
can have many records. We can take a person and his mobile number as an
example. A person can have two or more mobile numbers, but we can’t share a
mobile number with another person.
Many-to-many Relationship
It is a connection which occurs when multiple records in an entity are connected
with a set of multiple records in another entity, for example, let us take student and
course enrollment. A student can get enrolled on two or more courses, likewise, 1
course can have many students.
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Entities and Attributes for Polly Pipe Aquarium Database.
Customer – Entity
The following Attribute should be added to the Customer Entity.
✓ Customer ID - Attribute
✓ Customer Name - Attribute
✓ Customer Address - Attribute
✓ Mobile Number - Attribute
Employee – Entity
The following Attribute should be added to the Employee Entity.
✓ Employee ID - Attribute
✓ Employee Name - Attribute
✓ Telephone Number - Attribute
✓ Address - Attribute
✓ Date of Birth - Attribute
✓ Employee Type - Attribute
Equipment – Entity
The following Attribute should be added to the Equipment Entity.
✓ Equipment No - Attribute
✓ Equipment Name - Attribute
✓ Equipment Type - Attribute
✓ Equipment Description - Attribute
Installation – Entity
The following Attribute should be added to the Installation Entity.
✓ Installation No - Attribute
✓ Installation Type - Attribute
✓ Staff Assigned Period - Attribute
✓ Installation Time - Attribute
✓ Installation Address - Attribute
✓ Equipment required - Attribute
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✓ No of Employees required – Attribute
The symbols that are shown in this picture are used to create an ER Diagram.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram) is a graphical or visual representation
of groupings or entities of comparable interest. As a result, a structure is built using a
variety of symbols of varying shapes and sizes to serve as a model for representing the
inside structure and relationship. (Anon., 2022)
Entity Relationship Diagrams are frequently used in the following situations:
ER Models in Database Design:
These are designed to read information tables and their linkages. It is
also used in information troubleshooting.
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ER Diagrams in Software Engineering:
The ER diagrams are commonly used throughout the design stages of a
software system project. It is customary to determine multiple system
pieces and how they interact with one another.
Entity Relationship Diagram for Polly Pipe Aquarium.
As a system developer, I utilized the draw.io application to construct the necessary
Diagrams and the logical Database diagram required to establish the Polypipe
Aquarium Database system. The diagram below was generated utilizing Entities,
several types of Attributes, and Relationships, all of which are required to easily
understand and build the system.
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Entity Relationship Model
The Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model) is a high-level knowledge model or
graphical approach to data design that describes data elements and their connections
inside a specific system or application.
The ER Diagram is a visual representation of the ER Model.
Logical Database Diagram
Data Integrity
Data accuracy, validity and consistency are the main aspects of data integrity and in
terms of legal procedures, security is one of the important roles in data integrity. It is
done by a set of procedures, guidelines, and standards at the designing phase of the
Types of Data integrity.
✓ Entity Integrity
Professional specialists generate a primary key for each set of data saved
in the database to differentiate it from other sets of data, preventing null
values and data duplication in relational databases.
✓ Referential Integrity
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Referential integrity refers to a series of steps used to consistently save
and retrieve data, enabling rules to be implemented into a database's
architecture with regard to the use of foreign keys. As a result, data sets
may be combined consistently and effectively across the database.
✓ Domain Integrity
A collection of procedures that ensures the accuracy of the data
values inside a column is referred to as domain integrity. This can also
apply to restrictions on the data type, format, and quantity of added data,
such as the protocols that a data column must follow.
Data validation is also a part of data integrity.
Data Validation
The process of confirming the correctness and quality of data is referred to as data
validation. It is accomplished by including various checks into a system or report to
guarantee that input and stored data are logically consistent. Data is input into
automated systems with little or no human monitoring. As a result, it is critical to
guarantee that the data entered into the system is valid and satisfies the specified
requirements. (CFI Team, 2022)
There are several forms of data validation, some of which are listed here.
Data Type Check
A data type check ensures that the information entered is of the right data
type. Let us take a field as an example, that may only take numeric values. If
this is the case, the system should reject any data including additional characters
such as letters or special symbols.
The picture below shows the evidence of data type check of data validation for a noninteger value and error message.
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Format Check
Many data types have a predetermined format. Date columns kept in a set
format, such as "YYYY-MM-DD" or "DD-MM-YYYY," are a popular use
case. A data validation technique that ensures dates are formatted correctly aids
in ensuring consistency across data and time.
The picture below shows the format check for the date data type of the staff table and
the error message.
Consistency Check
A consistency check is a form of a logical check that ensures data is entered
in a technically consistent manner.
Uniqueness Check
Some data, such as IDs or email addresses, are inherently unique. These
fields in a database should most likely contain unique entries. This type of data
validation check guarantees that an item is not put into a database more than
Database Normalization
The following structure of decreasing or removing data duplication of Database
characteristics is described as database normalization. Data redundancy can cause
problems with insertion, deletion, and updating. Therefore, this normalization method
helps to reduce data redundancy.
Data Anomalies
Data Anomalies are the problems that occur in a poorly managed database without
normalization of the database as a result of data redundancy.
There are three types of data anomalies,
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Insert Anomaly
An insertion anomaly is an inability to add data to the database due to the
absence of other data.
Update Anomaly
An update anomaly is a data inconsistency caused by data redundancy and
incomplete updating.
Delete Anomaly
Delete Anomaly- A deletion anomaly is unintended data loss due to other data
There are two main situations where Database Normalization can be used.
Increases the database size needlessly since the same information is repeated
several times in a table, known as Data redundancy.
To ensure that functional dependency is available to ensure that there are no
inconsistency problems in the database.
Six normalization rules are used in Database Normalization.
There is continuous progress and development in Data Normalization and researched
up to the sixth normal form but mostly used up to the 3rd normal form in MySQL server
and achieved its complete progress on a database system. (Peterson, 2022)
✓ 1NF (First Normal Form)
Every table cell should have a single value.
Each record needs to be unique.
✓ 2NF (Second Normal Form)
Be in 1NF (first normal form rules must be fulfilled).
There should be a single-column primary key that is not functionally
reliant on any subset of candidate key relations.
✓ 3NF (Third Normal Form)
Be in 2NF (second normal form rules must be fulfilled).
Has no transitive functional dependencies
✓ BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)
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Even when a database is in the 3rd Normal Form, there would still be
anomalies resulting if it has more than one Candidate Key.
Sometimes BCNF is also referred to as the 3.5 Normal Form.
✓ 4NF (Fourth Normal Form)
The 4th Normal Form exists when no database table instance has two or
more independent and multivalued data characterizing the relevant
✓ 5NF (Fifth Normal Form)
Only if a table is in 4th normal form and cannot be deconstructed into any
number of smaller tables without data loss is it in the 5th Normal Form.
✓ 6NF (Sixth Normal Form)
6th Normal Form is not standardized however, it has been discussed by
database experts for some time.
The tables below are examples of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd normal forms.
Diploma in IT,
HND in Computing
HND in Tourism & Colombo
Diploma in BM,
BeEng (Top-up) in Ja-Ela
Software Engineering
The below normal forms were created based on the data given in the above table.
1NF (First Normal Form)
Diploma in IT
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HND in Computing
HND in Tourism & Colombo
Diploma in BM
BeEng (Top-up) in Ja-Ela
Software Engineering
2NF (Second Normal Form)
Contact Number
Diploma in IT
HND in Computing
HND in Tourism &
Diploma in BM
Software Engineering
3NF (Third Normal Form)
Branch ID
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Branch ID
Diploma in IT
HND in Computing
HND in Tourism &
Diploma in BM
Software Engineering
Primary Key
A primary key is a single-column value used to uniquely identify each row in a table.
Here are some characteristics of the primary key.
A given column's data is always unique.
There can only be one primary key in a database table.
It is used to identify each record in a relational database table.
A primary key value cannot be removed from the database table.
It does not accept null values.
Composite Key
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A composite key is a combination of two or more columns in a table that may be used
to uniquely identify each row in the table.
A composite key must have the following characteristics.
This primary key has two or more attributes, such as multiple columns.
Data in different columns may differ from one another.
The composite key is created when more than one column is used to identify
every row in the database.
Foreign Key
Foreign keys are the columns that connect two or more tables. They are the primary
keys of another table.
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User Interface Design for Polly Pipe Aquarium System.
I created the interface design for the Polly pipe system in Visual Studio 2017 and linked
it to the SQL server so that the user could simply run the Polly pipe database system.
Here are some pieces of evidence for interface designs that I created.
Login Form.
This is the form that is used to login into the system by the user and when the user gives
the correct username and password the Main Menu will be displayed.
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Main Menu Form
This is the Main Menu form that will be shown after logging into the system, and it
contains five options to access the page: Cu, Staff, Installation, and Equipment.
Installation Form
This form was created to record the installation data and I have used radio buttons as a
feature because it would be very convenient for the user to record or edit the records
using this interface.
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Staff form
This form was intended to record the Polly pipe company's personnel details. Every
employee is allocated an ID number, and employee information may be quickly
recovered by entering the ID in the "Employee No" field
With this form, it is quite easy to keep employee records and allocate them to work
based on the relevant installations. The Employee records in the database will be
updated according to the resignation of staff members and the recruitment of new
employees. Employee information in the database will be updated in response to
employee resignations and the hiring of new employees. If a problem arises because of
employee attendance or some other problems regarding employees, then this record
will help monitor employees.
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Customer Form
This is the Customer Menu of the Polly pipe system and register, update, and delete
options can be seen. This menu is used to register customer information into the system.
Having customer data is critical for Polly pipe business organization since it is a largescale organization and if an issue arises with the customer regarding the service, it will
be much more efficient in resolving it if the customer record is available.
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Equipment Form
Administrators may easily edit the Polypipe company's equipment records using this
interface, and it is very convenient to update the installation menu by utilizing the
equipment record from the database with the equipment menu interface.
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Activity 2
SQL Commands
SQL is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. SQL commands are the
instructions that are used to interface with a database to conduct operations, functions,
and queries on data. SQL commands may be used to search the database as well as do
other tasks such as creating tables, adding data to tables, changing data, and deleting
Types of SQL Statements are divided into 5 categories.
(DDL) Data Definition Language
Data Definition Language (DDL) commands are used in databases and tables
to create, manipulate, and change objects.
✓ Create- Used to create databases and tables.
✓ Alter- Used to modify databases.
✓ Drop- Used to remove or delete databases and tables.
(DML) Data Manipulation Language
It is a command that permits users to manipulate data in a database.
✓ Insert- Used to insert data into a database record.
✓ Select- Used to select data from the database record.
✓ Delete- Used to delete data from the database record.
✓ Update- Used to update/modify data from the database record.
The 2 SQL commands that are mostly used to create the Polly pipe database system are
DDL and DML most of the time.
(DCL) Data Control Language
(TCS) Transaction Control Language
• (SCS) Session Control Statement
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To create the Polypipe database system, I used Microsoft SQL server management
studio version 18.12.1 and below are the pieces of evidence of queries that I have used
to create the database system.
Login Table
These are the queries that I used to build the login table, as shown in the picture above.
The user can only access the system by entering the above-mentioned username and
password, and if either is incorrect, the user will be unable to log in. Only the
administrator could input or add the new password and username to the database,
demonstrating how secure the system appears.
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Customer Table
I used queries to enter four values into the customer table, which represent the
customers that Polypipe had previously. There are four columns in the customer
database that are represented in the screenshot below the queries with the customer
details. Using the system application, the user may change the customer data or add
new data to the database.
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Installation Table
So as shown above, the installation table has 5 columns for installation and 5 rows of
values that have been filled. The installation table will be updated with more values as
more customers request installation.
Staff Table
Polypipe currently employs seven people, and their information has been included in
the staff table. With these employee details in the database, the corporation may allocate
these employees to the installation as needed and contact them as needed. Many issues
that develop as a result of a lack of employee records might potentially be resolved by
the company. The user can register or remove their information when an employee
resigns or gets hired.
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Equipment Table
I have included four values of equipment data, and the company can quickly identify
the equipment by using the equipment ID, as well as allocate the equipment required
for installations from this table.
Evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple interface to insert,
update and delete data in the database.
I used the register button in the Pollypipe system's GUI to input data into the database,
and the proof of adding data to the customer table is seen below.
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As you can see in the above picture, I have registered a new customer and the picture
below shows the registered customer data in the data grid view as well.
The below picture shows the C# code for the register button and the SQL query used
for it.
The SQL DML query used in visual studio for Insertion.
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I have utilized the Pollypipe system's GUI update button to edit the previously existing
data in a table, and the proof of updating the customer table is seen below. The column
that is used to update is (“Mobile Number- 466378”) column of (“Customer No -14”)
to (“Mobile Number- 4663985”).
The form below shows the Updated value of the customer table.
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The below pictures show the C# code for the update button and the SQL update query.
SQL DML query for Update.
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I used the Delete button in the Pollypipe system's GUI to delete the Customer data row
from the customer table where (“customer no -14”), and the evidence is shown below.
The Picture below shows that there is no Customer data for Customer No- “14” in the
Data grid view of Customer GUI.
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The below picture shows the C# code for the Delete button of the Customer GUI and
the SQL Delete query.
SQL DML query for Delete.
Database Security
Database security programs include all security measures applied to the database
management system and are designed to protect not only the data contained inside the
database but also the data management system and any applications that use it, from
unauthorized use and cyber threats. (Ilyukha, n.d.)
Database Security is necessary for every organization that has Database systems so they
can protect the pieces of information that are related to their organization.
Here are some methods of implementing database security.
Setting up security controls: Most database management solutions have
unique security assurance and monitoring mechanisms. Developers must
change the settings according to the company’s preference for security.
• DBMS configuration: Configuration includes customizing your system and
the database server. You can control how the database server runs and what
function is available and providing database security requires an organized data
structure, Permission, and access controls.
Authentication: It is the process or act of verifying whether or not a user
seeking to log in to a system is permitted to do so.
Constant database auditing: monitoring database security aids in detecting
security flaws in real-time, lowering the severity of a breach, and detecting
suspicious trends.
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Backups: A secure database always includes an audited method for creating
and managing backups. Even if your data is stolen or lost, you will always have
a backup.
• Encryption: Using file encryption prevents thieves from understanding and
using the contents of the file. Even if they are successful in stealing the file, they
will not be able to access it.
Here are some main database security threats that many companies face.
Insider threats
It is the most basic database threat, yet it is also the most difficult to forecast. A
person who has been granted access to the database and its settings leaks and destroys
or deletes information in a variety of ways and here are the types of insider threats that
can be seen. (Ilyukha, n.d.)
Malicious intent: someone steals official access to the database, and it might be a
firm employee or an authorized partner.
Negligence: a person may inadvertently disclose database access via an email or
flash drive, or after contracting a virus.
Infiltration: This occurs when someone enters the team intending to steal the
company's data.
Injection attacks
Injection attacks are especially targeted at databases or database management
systems. A cybercriminal puts SQL or NoSQL attack strings into a database. The
application's HTTP protocols and data layers are threatened since the system interprets
false strings as real ones. (Ilyukha, n.d.)
Denial of service (DoS/DDoS) attacks
If an attacker wants to disrupt database performance, he or she can use a large
number of queries, not just lengthy ones, as in cache overload. When the server can no
longer manage the volume of data processing requests, it shuts down. Downtime costs
the firm potential clients, and income, and endangers the company's brand. (Ilyukha,
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Backup attacks
Organizations are not always vigilant about safeguarding backup files. They frequently
employ the same procedures and controls as the primary database. If the primary
contents were hacked, it would not take long for an attacker to break the backup.
Another typical blunder is neglecting to safeguard backup data entirely or failing to
properly monitor their position. (Ilyukha, n.d.)
We implemented the database security program for the Pollypipe database system
because the above-mentioned threats can be faced.
These are the security mechanisms used for the database security of our
Pollypipe database system.
Access control (Authentication)
This security mechanism is used to restrict unauthorized access and to make sure only
eligible people such as the administrator and other administrative staff members can
access the database system.
So far only the Administrator has been able to access it since user access is only
provided to him to manage the Pollypipe database system.
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The above picture shows the username and password provided for an administrator.
This mechanism is used to protect sensitive data such as Passwords and it is encoded
using encryption algorithms so the readable characters of the database transform into
unreadable characters.
For the Pollypipe database system, we achieved this encryption mechanism and were
able to protect our data from unauthorized access. The below picture shows how the
user will not be able to access the system if the username or password is incorrect.
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Database Maintenance Schedule
Database maintenance is a collection of operations used to assure the correct operation
of a database. Database management systems, such as Oracle and SQL Server, require
regular upgrades to keep up with modern technologies and security threats. (Odogwu,
Database maintenance is compulsory since Pollypipe is an organization so maintenance
and database security could take more time without a proper schedule.
The table below is the Database system maintenance schedule of the Pollypipe
System upgrade
name Monday
to System Developer
specifies it is used to Thursday
upgrade & update the
system for proper
System This role is assigned Everyday 24/7 System Security
to protect the system
System Backup
This is the role of Monday
the Friday
system data of the
to Database Administrator
(The role of
Backing up system is
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Usage of DML of SQL queries with examples per each case from the
Pollypipe Database.
Under Data Manipulation Language (DML) there are 4 statements that are used to
manipulate tables of the database system. The 4 statements of DML are seen below
with examples.
The evidence of DML queries below is used for the manipulation of the Staff table.
Insert- Used to insert data into a database record.
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Update- Used to update/modify data from the database record.
Select- Used to select data from the database record.
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Delete- Used to delete data from the database record.
Between – Used to select/modify a column or a row in between 2 columns or rows.
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Group By-
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Order by-
The same queries that are applied to the Staff table apply to other tables of the Pollypipe
database as well. The above queries are more useful to modify or manipulate the
database table in the case of an emergency when GUI system software is shut down for
maintenance purposes.
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Activity 3
Test Cases
A test case is a series of operations carried out on a system to see if it complies with
system requirements and operates properly. A test case's objective is to evaluate
whether various system features operate as anticipated and to confirm that the system
complies with all relevant requirements, guidelines, and user requirements. The act of
creating a test case can also aid in identifying faults or errors in the system. (Kate, 2020)
Database test case
This type of test case examines what is going on internally, assisting testers in
understanding where the data is going in the system. SQL queries are frequently used
by testing teams to create database test cases. This is the type of test case we used.
Customer Table Test Plan
Test Case
Test Data
Steps to be performed
Expected Output
Customer ID
Add Customer Data.
Creating 1 row
(1 row affected)
Customer Address
Update the Customer Table update
Address using an ID
from the table.
Customer ID
Delete Customer Data Delete row
using an ID from the
Customer ID
Search Customer Data Display Customer
using ID
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Staff Table Test Plan
Test Case
Test Data
Steps to be performed
Expected Output
Employee ID
Add Employee Data.
Creating 1 row
(1 row affected)
Employee Address
Update the Employee Table update
Address using an ID
from the table.
Employee ID
Delete Employee Data Delete row
using an ID from the
Employee ID
Search Employee Data Display Employee
using ID
mentioned ID.
Installation Table Test Plan
Test Case
Test Data
Steps to be performed
Expected Output
Installation ID
Add Installation Data.
Creating 1 row
(1 row affected)
Assigned Update Staff Assigned Table update
Period using an ID from
the table.
Installation ID
Delete Installation Data Delete row
using an ID from the
Installation ID
Search Installation Data Display Installation
using ID
mentioned ID.
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Equipment Table Test Plan
Test Case
Test Data
Steps to be performed
Expected Output
Equipment ID
Add Equipment Data.
Creating 1 row
(1 row affected)
Equipment Type
Update the Equipment Table update
Type using an ID from
the table.
Equipment ID
Delete Equipment Data Delete row
using an ID from the
Equipment ID
Search Equipment Data Display Equipment
using ID
mentioned ID.
Below Picture are the pieces of evidence of the test cases for the above test case plans.
Customer Table Test Case
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Staff Table Test Case
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Installation Table test case
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Equipment Table Test Case
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Assess how the selected test data can be used to improve the effectiveness
of testing.
It is compulsory to run the test phase for the system when it is being developed so that
solutions can be provided for the errors and bugs that are found. This testing phase must
be completed in order for the system to satisfy the system & user requirements of the
client. Records of the testing failures and successes must be taken for further evaluation
of the system for the modification and adjustment of the system.
The above-mentioned testing case method, which is the database testing method was
helpful in evaluating the main functions of the Pollypipe Aquarium database system
and there were fewer errors in the database systems were found.
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The feedback form and feedback response of the Database system are
given below.
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Feedback response
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Activity 4
User Manual
Step 1 – Login
When you open the Pollypipe Aquarium System a login interface will be displayed.
Username – Admin
Password – admin123
Once you log in, the Main Menu interface will be displayed as seen below.
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Step 2 – Main Menu
Once the Main Menu is displayed you can access the following interface by clicking
the buttons provided in the Main Menu interface.
✓ Customer
✓ Staff
✓ Installation
✓ Equipment
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You can see the following interface by clicking Customer in the main menu.
The user can register, update, and delete a customer record using this interface.
By selecting Customer No, a user could update or delete the customer record from the
system database.
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By clicking the Staff in the main menu, you can see the following interface.
The user can register, update, and delete an employee record using this interface.
You can view the employee record by selecting the employee no from the box shown
at the top near the Employee No.
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The following interface will be viewed by clicking Installation in the main menu.
The user can register, update, and delete an installation record using this interface.
You can view the installation record by selecting the installation no from the box
shown at the top near Installation No.
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You can view the following interface by clicking Equipment in the Main Menu.
The user can register, update, and delete an Equipment record using this interface.
You can view the equipment record by selecting the equipment ID from the box
shown at the top near Equipment No.
Technical Documentation
Software Requirement
The following requirements must be fulfilled for a good performance of the system.
Processor : Core i3 5th Gen or Above
RAM: 4GB or above.
Hard disk: 256 GB Minimum
SSD: 128GB Minimum
Operating System: Windows 10 or above.
Microsoft SQL Server 2019
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SQL Server Management Studio v18.12.1
Data Flow Diagram for the main functions of Pollypipe system.
System Login
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Register New Record
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Update Record
Ameerul Asikeen Azeen | Unit 4: Database Design & Development | Assignment - 01 82 | P a g e
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Delete Record
System Improvements can be considered for further enhancement of the
system in the future.
✓ Show password feature can be added for further modification of the Interface
✓ Refresh features can be added to the system when the performance gets low.
✓ Payment function can be added to the system for employee salary and customer
✓ Can give Multi-user access to the administrative staff members.
✓ Increasing the storage space of the system to store database records.
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