SILABUS Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Dosen SKS/JP Hari/Jam/ruang Kontak : : : : : : MANAJEMEN STRATEGI MM-5401 Drs. T. Handono Eko Prabowo, MBA, Ph.D 3/3 Selasa /10.00 – 12.30/ VC A. DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH Mata kuliah manajemen strategi adalah mata kuliah yang mempelajari peran, tugas dan tanggung jawab seseorang yang berperanan manajerial di organisasi bisnis, pemerintah, dan sosial yang digelutinya. Matakuliah Manajemen Strategi tidak hanya matakuliah yang multidisiplin tetapi ”interdisiplin” (ada interaksi antar disiplin ilmu) yang membahas tentang proses manajemen strategi: formulasi, implementasi, dan evaluasi strategi beserta langkah-langkah utamanya pada masing-masing tahap proses tersebut. Proses tersebut dilakukan dengan selalu memandang organisasi bisnis, pemerintah, dan sosial secara menyeluruh, dinamis dan memeriksa berbagai lingkungan yang dihadapinya. B. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Metode pembelajaran terdiri dari (1) overview materi pokok bahasan topik dan sub topik manajemen strategi; (2) presentasi kelompok yang sudah terjadwal bertugas presentasi terdiri dari teori, bagaimana implementasi di organisasi/lembaga (bisnis, pemerintah, sosial) beserta contoh praktis dalam bentuk video, gambar, peragaan, dan laporan kasus (lihat tabel); (3) pembahasan oleh kelompok yang terjadwal sebagai kelompok pembahas; (4) pembahasan oleh seluruh peserta mata kuliah; (5) endnote dari dosen; (6) Setiap kelompok mengumpulkan laporan kasus (sesuai tabel kasus) hanya pada jadwal yang sudah ditentukan; (7) mengerjakan UTS dan UAS terjadwal. Pada awal sampai dengan pertengahan semester perkuliahan, grup mahasiswa sudah bisa menentukan organisasi/lembaga (bisnis, pemerintah, sosial) apa yang akan dijadikan Final Strategic Management Paper. Organisasi tersebut bisa tempat saat ini ia (mahasiswa) bekerja. Tiap bagian dari Final Strategic Management Paper dikerjakan setiap mahasiswa sejalan dengan pembahasan topik dan sub topik terjadwal. Sehingga setelah semua topik dan sub topik mata kuliah Manajemen Strategi selesai dibahas maka Final Strategic Management Paper juga sudah selesai dan siap dipresentasikan. Kelompok mahasiswa terdiri dari: 2 orang (ditentukan kemudian). C. KOMPETENSI 1. Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan, mengimplementasikan, dan mengevaluasi langkahlangkah pengembangan manajemen strategi pada organisasi/lembaga (bisnis, pemerintah, sosial) tempat saat ini ia bekerja atau organisasi lain yang diminati. 2. Mahasiswa mampu memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan manajemen strategi pada organisasi/lembaga di tempat saat ini ia bekerja atau organisasi lain yang diminati. 3. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan riset dan mengambil keputusan strategis dengan akuntabilitas dan tanggung jawab penuh atas semua aspek manajemen strategi pada organisasi/lembaga di tempat saat ini ia bekerja atau organisasi lain yang diminati. D. POKOK-POKOK BAHASAN No Topics Date Hours 7/9 3 14/9 3 21/9 3 5/10 3 12/10 3 Chapter 5 Vision and Mission Analysis Vision statements: what do we want to Become?; Mission statements: what is our Business?; The process of developing vision and mission statements; The importance (Benefits) of vision and mission Statements; Characteristics of a mission statement; Components of a mission statement; Evaluating and writing mission statements. Assignment: mission, vision, goals for the organization in which you work or another organization. 19/10 3 Chapter 6 The Internal Audit The nature of an internal audit; integrating strategy and Culture; management; marketing; finance and accounting; production/operations; Research and development. Assignment: identification and analysis of the internal environment in your organization or other organizations. 26/10 3 7 Chapter 7 The External Audit The purpose and nature of an external audit; Ten external forces That affect organizations; Porter’s five-forces model sources of external information; Forecasting Tools and Techniques; The external factor evaluation matrix; The Competitive profile matrix. Assignment: identification and analysis of the External environment in your organization or other organizations. 2/11 3 8 Chapter 8 Strategy Generation The strategy analysis and Choice process; The strategy-formulation analytical framework; The SWOT matrix; The strategic position and action evaluation (SPACE) matrix; The Boston Consulting Group 9/11 3 0 1 Chapter 1 Strategic Management Essentials 2 Chapter 2 Outside-USA Strategic Planning 3 Chapter 3 Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability 4 Chapter 4 Types of Strategies 5 6 Sub topics Orientation to Strategic Management Syllabus & Overview Linkage Management, Functional Management, and Strategy Management; Definition and nature of capstone Management Strategy; Process Management Strategy; The Importance of Strategy Management; Guidelines for effective Strategic Management. Assignment: share personal strategic vs their organizational strategic The nature of doing Business Globally; Advantages and disadvantages of doing; Business Globally; The Global Challenge; American versus foreign Business Culture; Business Culture across Countries. Why “Good ethics is Good Business” ?; Whistle-Blowing, Bribery, and workplace Romance; Social Responsibility and policy; environmental sustainability; Wildlife welfare. Long-Term objectives; Types of strategies; Integration strategies; Intensive strategies; Diversification strategies; Defensive strategies; Michael porter’s five Generic strategies; Means for achieving strategies; Tactics to facilitate strategies; Strategic management in nonprofit, Governmental, and Small firms. No Date Hours 16/11 3 Chapter 10 Strategy Execution Transitioning from formulating to implementing Strategies; The need for Clear annual objectives; The need for Clear policies; Match structure with strategy; Types of organizational structure; Dos and Don’ts in developing organizational charts; Strategic Production/Operations issues Strategic Human Resource issues. Assignment: identification and analysis of strategies used in the non profit organization and government organization. 23/11 3 Chapter 11 Strategy Monitoring The strategy-evaluation process, Criteria, and methods; The Three strategy-evaluation activities; The Balanced Scorecard; Published sources of strategy-evaluation information; Characteristics of an Effective Strategy Evaluation System; Contingency planning; Auditing; Twenty-first-Century Challenges in strategic management Guidelines for effective strategic management. Assignment: explain the evaluation of the strategy done by the organization that they do or other organizations. 30/11 3 12 Field Study Every group conducts field studies at the institution where he works to produce a strategic management paper. The strategic management paper made by each group is applied. So that the strategic management papers created by groups are directly beneficial to the organizations where students work. 7/12 13 Presentation & Discussion Presentation & Discussion: Group Final Strategic Management Paper 14 Submisi Final Paper Strategic Management 9 10 11 Topics Sub topics and Selection (BCG) matrix; The internal-external (IE) matrix; The Grand strategy matrix; The decision stage: The Quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM); Cultural aspects of strategy analysis and Choice; The politics of strategy analysis and Choice; BOD. Strategic marketing issues; Social media marketing; Market segmentation; Strategic finance/accounting issues; EPS / EBIT analysis: Acquire needed Capital; projected financial statements; Corporate valuation; IPOs, Cash management, and Corporate Bonds; Strategic Research and development (R&d) issues; Strategic management information Systems (MIS) issues. Chapter 9 Strategy Implementation TOTAL MEETING HOURS E. EVALUASI Ujian Tengah Semester Final Strategic Management Paper Tugas-tugas Diskusi, presentasi, dan partisipasi kelas 14/12 21/12 3/1/20 24 16 x : 25% : 25% : 20% : 30% F. REFERENSI David, Fred R. 2017. Strategic Management: Concepts and Case. Sixteenth Edition. Boston: Prentice Hall. (ada ebook). (Mandatory) Dess, Gregory. McNamara, Gerry. Eisner, Alan. Lee, Seung-Hyun.. 2020. Strategic Management: Text and Case. Tenth Edition New York, McGraw-Hill, (Complementary) 3 6 3 48 LIST OF TOPICS, CASES, AND GROUP PRESENTERS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CLASS - PRP MM USD (SEM I AY 2023 – 2024) No 1 Chapter 2 0 - 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LIST OF TOPICS CASE *) 3 4 Orientation to Strategic Management Syllabus & Overview Chapter 1 THE COHESION CASE: NESTLÉ S.A. Strategic Management p. 54 Essentials Chapter 2 EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Outside-USA Strategic p. 525 Planning Chapter 3 Ethics, Social Responsibility, AVON PRODUCTS, INC. and p.614 Sustainability Chapter 4 Types of Strategies Chapter 5 Vision and Mission Analysis Date Group 6 7/9 - 14/9 1/ 3 21/9 2/ 4 5/10 3/1 THE EMIRATES GROUP p. 472 12/10 4/2 L’ORÉAL SA. p. 606 19/10 1/3 26/10 2/ 4 2/11 3/ 1 9/11 4/2 16/11 1/3 23/11 2/4 30/11 3/1 7/12 - 14/12 1,2 / 3,4 21/12 3,4 / 1,2 3/1/ 2024 1,2,3,4 Chapter 6 APPLE INC. The Internal Audit p. 545 Chapter 7 DUNKIN’ BRANDS GROUP, INC. 7 The External Audit p. 415 Chapter 8 FEDEX CORPORATION 8 Strategy Generation p. 434 and Selection Chapter 9 FORD MOTOR COMPANY 9 Strategy Implementation p. 508 Chapter 10 Strategy FACEBOOK, INC. 10 Execution p. 491 Chapter 11 Strategy NIKON CORPORATION 11 Monitoring p. 581 Strategic Management - Field Study Presentation & Discussion: Group Final Strategic Management Paper (kelp 1) & (kelp 2) Presentation & Discussion: Group Final Strategic Management Paper (kelp 3) & (kelp 4) Revised Final Strategic Management Paper – Submission due date 3 Jan 2024, 23.59 pm 6 *) NOTE: 1. Each group must collect case reports and submit them according to the specified schedule. The lecturer does not accept case reports that arrive late. 2. There are group presentations and discussants 3. Each group is required to always update on each case discussed or presented.