Distributor A Distributor B Distributor Z UNISALES U NI S ALES ANDROMEDA The most powerful dynamic reporting system www.NileDelta.Net Tele: 02 22682442 14 El-Nasr St., Sheraton, Heliopolis PHARMACEUTICAL U NI S ALES S e t m o n t h / y e a r Ta r g e t a n d c a l culate performance for Reps/Supervisor/Managers Products Lines Import all these data into your system to get sales report for all areas Navigate from the total sales value up to individual pharmacy sale With these analysis you can simply modify or redesign your advertising campaign Analyze your Sales’ data by Pharmacies Chains S t o r e s ( )المححو ح ح ل ل ل Te n d e r s Lines Products Areas & bricks U NI S ALES Get monthly sales’ data from more than one distributers with different area codes as well as your own sales