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Landslide Remedial Measures Thesis Outline - Baguio City

Sample of a thesis outline (3-page)
Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting
Thesis Title:
Landslide Occurrences and their Remedial Measures
in Baguio City
Background of the Study
One such factor affecting land use if the slope of the
land. Steep slopes generally offer unfavorable sites for
settlement and industrialization since they are susceptible
to slides and strong erosion processes.
Baguio City is located on a highly dissected plateau
of 1,300 meters above sea level mean elevation. Relief is
moderate with elevations ranging from 900 meters long along
Bued River to 1,600 meters at Pacdal. Land slope is
generally moderately steep with 36% mean slope. Steep
slopes are found mostly at Loakan west of the airport and
Camp 8 along Kennon Road.
The geologic history of an area as well as activities
associated with human occupation, directly determines or
contributes to the conditions that lead to slope failure.
The basic causes of slope instability are fairly wellknown. They can be inherent such as weaknesses in
composition or structure of the rock or soil; variable,
such as heavy rain and changes in groundwater level;
transient, such as seismic or volcanic activity or due to
new environmental conditions such as those imposed by
construction activity. (Varnes and the International
Association of Engineering Geology, 1984) It is imperative
that planners, local officials, decision-makers,
developers, realtors and emergency response personnel
inform and understand the types and causes of slope
instability. To attempt a solution without understanding
the problem is inefficient, if not dangerous.
Different methods of slope protection and
Stabilization have been implemented through the Baguio City
District Engineer’s Office-Departmental of Public Works and
Highway, Cordillera Administrative Region. Some of these
works stood for several years others however, failed a few
months after implementation. There is then a question on
its suitability, adaptability, and effectiveness. This
paper entitled, Landslide Occurrences and their Remedial
Measures in Baguio City aims to review and study the slope
stabilization techniques implemented in order to provide
guidance for soil engineering works related to slopes.
Statement of the Problem
This study seeks to analyze landslide occurrences and
their remedial measures in the City of Baguio. The
following specific problems were formulated to find
definite answers:
1. What are the factors that contribute to the
instability of slopes in Baguio City ?
2. How do the recommended remedial measures by
geologists and geotechnical engineers to mitigate and
prevent landslide occurrences in Baguio City differ ?
3. How do the recommended and implemented remedial
Measures to mitigate and prevent landslide occurrences in
Baguio City differ ?
Scope and Delimitation
In this research, the review in slope stabilization
including some studies and applications used in Baguio, are
as follows:
stone masonry
soil reinforcement (soil nailing and shotcreting)
grouting and admixtures (injection stabilization piles)
retaining walls
In each technique, its principles, effectiveness,
suitable soil types, materials used, equipment, properties
of treated soils and its applications are tabulated. Data
and information to be gathered will be from existing
reports commenced in the year 1990 to present.
The descriptive-survey-evaluative type of research
will be adopted because this study involved mainly
description, recording, analysis and interpretation of
conditions that now exist. To acquire an adequate data
base, extensive research and data gathering will be
undertaken. Other agencies conducting related studies will
be solicited some information. Among these agencies are,
Baguio City District Engineer’s Office, Department of
Public Works and Highways, Department of Environment and
Natural Resources, Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration, National Mapping and
Resource Information Authority, Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology, and the Baguio Midland Courier.
Other information will be obtained from related
studies from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Saint
Louis University, Bureau of Research and Standards.
Data to be gathered will be tabulated, categorized,
analyzed and interpreted through appropriate statistical
Research Paradigm
Expected Outcome