Management Information Systems (Fall Semester, 2023) Instructor: Ho Geun Lee Yonsei School of Business Tel: 2123-4470, Fax: 393-7430 Email: Class hour: Monday 13:00-14:50, Wednesday 14:00-14:50 Classroom: 경영관 102호 (대면수업) Office hour: Appointment via email Teaching assistant: To be determined. Purpose of course: Adapting its objectives to the mission of Yonsei School of Business which is to educate students into creative, global, and ethical business leaders, this course introduces you to the information systems (IS) as an essential tool for conducting business in the digital age. Over the last two decades, firms’ IT (information technology) investments per full-time employee have more than tripled. Nowadays companies are spending almost as much on IT each year as they do on physical plants such as factories and buildings. The goal of Management Information Systems is to provide students with concepts, theories, and frameworks that permit them to realize IT value for organizations as well as to manage IT effectively. Course materials help students understand the type of benefits conferred by IT, the mechanisms by which these benefits are delivered and maximized, and the roles played by business leaders in IT success. The course’s theme can be summarized as: IT confers benefits by delivering capabilities. Capabilities (and benefits) are maximized when appropriate organizational complements are put in place in parallel with the technology itself. Business leaders’ responsibilities with respect to IT are to make IT selection decisions based on desired capabilities, to lead adoption efforts that implement both technologies and complements, and to maximize the exploitation of IT once adopted. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 1/13 Upon the successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Describe the basic concepts of IS/IT Become familiar with key IS applications commonly used in organizations Understand how IT can be used for competitive advantages in markets Understand how IS/IT can be managed and used in efficient and effective ways Evaluate how IS/IT affects organizations and people. Structure of course: This course consists of three parts (please see the course structure table in page 4). The first part (Part I: Information Systems in the Digital Age) investigates the role of information systems in today’s businesses and demonstrates how information systems can help businesses become more competitive. The second part (Part II: Information Technology Infrastructure) deals with how to effectively manage IT assets such as hardware, software, database (big data), and networks. The third part (Part III: Key IS Applications for the Digital Age) introduces key application systems such as ERP, SCM, CRM and discusses recent issues such as e-Business, Fintech, and new emerging technologies (Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things). Security and ethical issues related to information systems are also addressed in this part. Teaching Materials: (1) Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firms (16th Edition), by Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, Pearson (Global Edition), 2020. (2) Harvard Business Review articles (three articles) can be downloaded from Yonsei online library, (3) Cases (10 Business Cases) can be downloaded from the Harvard Business School Publishing, (4) Class presentation materials (PPT files) will be posted on LearnUs (5) 보조 교재: 성당에서 시장으로 (From the Cathedral to the Bazaar): 4차산업혁명과 디지털 트랜스포메이션, 연세대학교 대학출판문화원, 2021 (개정판). Grading: (1) Mid-term Report (20%): Individual Works (2) Final Report (30%): Individual Works (3) Written Assignment for Case Analysis (20%): Team Work (4) Class/Discussion Participation (30%): Individual Work Mid-term and Final Reports: Two written exams will be taken in the middle and at the end of the class. The exams will be used to evaluate the level of students’ understandings on key concepts and issues. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 2/13 Written Assignment for Case Analysis: Students are required to form a team (three students in a maximum) to prepare for the written case analysis report. Each team should select one out of 10 cases for the assignment based on their interests. The team then should choose two questions out of the five key questions (listed in the syllabus) and provide a report answering the questions chosen by the team. The report, whose length is limited to less than 3 pages, should be submitted before the case is discussed in the class. The format of the reports should be PDF. Class Participation: Class attendance and participation in the class discussions. The student activities (raising questions, answer the questions and participation in the discussion) will be counted and used for the course evaluation. Team Construction and Student Photos: (1) Students should make a team (maximum three students per team) for the written assignment. If you can make a team by yourself with classmates, you can just inform the TA of the team members via email, together with the case your team has chosen. If you cannot make a team by yourself, you can ask TA to construct a team for you. In this case, you have to send TA 3 cases of your interests with priorities, so that TA can make a team for you based on the cases of interests. (2) Students should submit a photo file to TA via email, with name and student ID. The photo will be used by the instructor to match each student with his/her name. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 3/13 COURSE STRUCTURE TABLE Week Part Topics Readings (Date) 1st (Sep. 4 & 6) 2 Information nd Systems (Sep. 11 & 13) in the Digital 3rd Age (Sep. 18 & 20) 4 th (Sep. 25 & 27) 5h & 6th (Oct. 4 & 11)* th Information 7 Technology (Oct. 16 & 18) Infrastructure 8th (Oct. 23 & 25) 9 th (Oct. 30 & Nov. 1) 10th (Nov. 6 & 8) 11 th (Nov. 13 & 15) 12 Key IS (Nov. 20 & 22) Applications for the Digital Age th 13th (Nov. 27 & 29) IT for Business Textbook Chapter 1 Firms IT for Competitive Differences (HBR article) Global e-Business Textbook Chapter 2 and Collaboration Alibaba and Future of Business (HBR article) Strategy and IT Textbook Chapter 3 Zara’s Sustainability Dilemma (Columbia case) IT and Industry Shaping Strategy (HBR article) Transformation Disney at Disruptive Trends (IMD case) Information Textbook Chapter 5 Infrastructure Apple Inc. in 2020 (HBS case) BI and Textbook Chapter 6 Big Data Stitch Fix: Personalization with Data (IVEY case) Mid-term Exam. Internet and Textbook Chapter 7 Mobile Network AT&T Triple Play (Thunderbird case) Enterprise Textbook Chapter 8 Applications Dell Technologies (HBS case) e-Business Textbook Chapter 9 Strategy, 2021 (HBS case) Mobile Payment Ant Financial and Tencent (INSEAD case) and Blockchain The Economics of Cryptocurrency (Darden case) 4th Industrial Rev. Textbook Chapter 11 & New Tech. 성당에서 시장으로 제2부 Voice War (HBS case) 14h (Dec. 4 & 6) h Security and Textbook Chapter 4 Ethics Textbook Chapter 8 15 (Dec. 11 & 13) Supplementary Studies. 16th (Dec. 18 & 20) Final Exam. : Textbook : Articles : Business Case *10월 2일은 휴강 (추석연휴), 사례분석보고서 작성으로 대체. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 4/13 COURSE MODULE AND SCHEDULE PART I: Information Systems in the Digital Age Week 1 (September 4/6): IT for Business Firms • Reasons for studying Management Information Systems Abstract • How can IT be used for competitive advantages • Impacts of IT on industry structure and firm performance Chapter 1: Information Systems in Global Business Today Readings McAfee, A. and Brynjolfsson, E. "Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference," Harvard Business Review, July-August 2008, pp.98-107. Week 2 (September 11/13): Global e-Business and Collaboration • The roles and functions of information systems in organizations Abstract • Major types of business information systems • How can IT be used to maximize returns on investments? Chapter 2: Global E-business and Collaboration Readings Zeng, M. “Alibaba and the Future of Business,” Harvard Business Review, September-October 2018, pp. 88-96. Week 3 (September 18/20): Strategy and IT • Framework for competitive advantage Abstract • How can IT be used to increase competitive advantages in markets? • How did Zara achieve strategic advantages with IT? Chapter 3: Information Systems, Organizations and Strategy Readings Burbano, V., Chiles, B. and Wang, D. J. “Zara’s Sustainability Dilemma” ID#190401, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2022. ① Fashion 산업에서 고객의 수요예측이 어려운 이유는 무엇이며, 이를 해결하기 위해 어떠한 전략을 사용하고 있는가? ② Fashion 산업에서 Quick Response(QR)는 무엇이며, QR을 위해 IT 가 어떻게 활용될 수 있는가? Case Discussion ③ 경쟁업체와 비교할 때 Zara가 QR을 더 잘하고 있음을 보여주는 evidence는 무엇이며, Zara가 우위를 유지할 수 있는 핵심역량은 Questions 무엇인가? ④ Zara의 IT 사용전략이 기업의 IT 활용에 시사하는 바는 무엇인가? ⑤ Zara가 Sustainability 를 위해 취해야 하는 전략은? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 5/13 Week 4 (September 25/27): IT and Industry Transformation • Discussing the role of IT in innovating firms’ products and services Abstract • How can IT transform the industry through disruption? • Investigate how Internet transformed the video rental service industry Hagel III, J. Brown, J. S. and Davison, L. “Shaping Strategy in a World of Readings Constant Disruption,” Harvard Business Review, October 2008, pp. 81-89. Benouari, F., Ahmad, S. U. and Mourad, R. “Disney at the Crossroads of Disruptive Trends” IMD Case IM1049, International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2020. ① Netflix 가 OTT 시장을 선점할 수 있었던 중요한 경쟁요소는 무엇인가? ② Disney 가 OTT 시장에 진입한 이유는 무엇일까? Case ③ Disney 가 Netflix 와 경쟁하기 위해 어떠한 전략을 채택해야 할까? Discussion Questions ④ 통신회사와 케이블 TV 기업들은 OTT 시장에 어떻게 대응하는 것이 바람직할까? ⑤ 국내 토종 OTT 사업자가 글로벌 OTT 사업자와 경쟁하기 위해 어떠한 전략을 채택해야 할까? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 6/13 PART II: Information Technology Infrastructure Week 5/6 (October 4/11): Information Infrastructure • Major types of computer hardware & software used in business Abstract • Principle issues in managing hardware and software technology Readings • Investigate emerging hardware technologies with Apple case Chapter 5: IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies Yoffie, D. B. and Fisher, D. “Apple Inc. in 2020,” HBS Case 9-720-454, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2020. ① Apple의 Steve Jobs가 컴퓨터 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 시장의 혁신에 공헌한 바는 무엇인가? ② 스마트폰 시장에서 Apple 아이폰이 가지는 경쟁력의 원천은 무엇인가? Case Discussion ③ 하드웨어가 아닌 서비스 시장에서 Apple의 전략은 무엇이며, 현재의 서비스 전략의 방향이 바람직하다고 보는가? Questions ④ 스마트폰 이후의 Post-iPhone 시대를 대비해 Apple 이 취할 수 있는 전략은 무엇일까? ⑤ Apple이 Mobility (전기차와 자율주행차) 시장에 진입해야 한다면 어떠한 진입 전략이 바람직할까? Week 7 (October 16/18): Business Intelligence and Big data • Concept of relational databases and database management systems Abstract • Business tools to provide information from databases Readings • Characteristics of big data and its usage in organization Chapter 6: Foundation of Business Intelligence – Database and Information Management Chatterjee, S., Basch, D., Fennell, H., Vinson, J. and Yoger, B. “Stitch Fix: Revolutionizing Personalization with Data,” IVEY Case W20939, IVEY Business School, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 2020. ① Stitch Fix 비즈니스 모델의 강점 (Strength) 과 약점 (Weakness) 은 무엇인가? ② Stitch Fix의 성공을 위해 Big Data가 중요한 이유는 무엇이며, Big Data를 확보하기 위해 어떠한 전략을 채택하고 있는가? Case Discussion ③ Stitch Fix 가 Target으로 설정하고 있는 고객층은 무엇이며, 그 이유는? Questions ④ Stitch Fix의 성공에 자극 받아 Amazon이 도입한 새로운 패션 분야 서비스에는 어떠한 것들이 있는가? ⑤ 코로나 19가 Stitch Fix에 미친 영향은 무엇이며, Stitch Fix가 지속적인 성장을 위해 채택해야 할 전략적 방향은 무엇일까? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 7/13 Week 8 (October 23/25): Mid-term Exam Week 9 (October 30/November 1): Internet and Mobile Network • Concept of telecommunications technology and standards Abstract • Standard for wireless technology and its business value Readings • Understanding Internet technology and strategy Chapter 7: Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology Inkpen, A. “AT&T: An Underperforming Conglomerate?” Thunderbird Case A08-20-0002 (TB0581), Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise, 2020. ① Triple Play가 통신산업을 어떻게 변화시켰나? ② Media, IT 그리고 Entertainment의 Convergence 사례를 제시하고, 그 의미를 설명하시오. Case Discussion ③ 전화회사인 AT&T와 Verizon 두 회사의 Triple Play에 대한 전략을 비교하고, 어느 쪽에 동의하는지 설명하시오. Questions ④ 당신이 AT&T의 CEO라면 Elliott의 편지에 대해 어떻게 답변하겠는가? ⑤ Triple Play 하에서 미래의 전화회사와 케이블TV 회사의 경쟁이 어떻게 전개될 것으로 보는가? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 8/13 PART III: Key IS Applications for the Digital Age Week 10 (November 6/8): Enterprise Applications • Understanding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), SCM (Supply Chain Management) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Abstract • How to maximize the returns from IT investment? • Investigate how Dell conducted Digital Transformation Chapter 8: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy – Enterprise Applications Readings Mojir, N. and Rangan, K. “Dell Technologies: Bringing the Cloud to the Ground,” HBS Case 9-521-036, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2022. ① PC시장에서 Dell 의 고객 segmentation 는 어떻게 구성되어 있는가? ② PC 시장에서 Dell Direct Model 이란? Direct Model 의 장점과 단점은? Case ③ Dell 의 Direct Model 을 위해 IT(ERP)가 어떻게 활용되었는지 설명하시오. Discussion Questions ④ Dell 이 2013년 상장을 철폐하고 private firm으로 전환한 배경은 무엇인가? ⑤ Dell 이 EMC를 인수한 배경과 전략은 무엇인가? Week 11 (November 13/15): e-Business Strategy • Internet and new value proposition and new business models Abstract • Unique features of e-business, digital markets and digital goods Readings • Analyzing the Amazon and Walmart Competition for e-Commerce Chapter 10: e-Commerce – Digital Markets, Digital Goods Wells, J., Weinstock, B., Danskin, G. and Ellsworth, G. “, 2021,” HBS Case 9-716-402, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2021. ① 아마존이 미국의 e-Business 시장을 석권한 성공요인은 무엇이라고 생각하는가? ② 아마존이 Whole Foods 인수나 Amazon Go 등으로 오프라인 유통시장에 진입하는 배경은 무엇인가? Case Discussion ③ 월마트와 같은 오프라인 유통기업들이 아마존과 같은 온라인 유통기업과 경쟁하기 위해 취할 수 있는 전략은? Questions ④ 국내 eBiz 벤처 기업(쿠팡, 티몬, 위메프 등)들이 아마존을 벤치마킹하면서 엄청난 적자를 감수하며 공격적으로 경영하는 것이 바람직한 전략일까? ⑤ Amazon에 대한 정부가 추진중인 규제의 내용은 무엇이며, 이에 대한 아마존의 대응책은 무엇인가? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 9/13 Week 12 (November 20/22): Mobile Payment and Blockchain • Concepts and types of Fintech Abstract • Success factors of Mobile Payment • Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) and Applications of Blockchain Wu, K., Chen, G. and Tong, T. “Ant Financial and Tencent: A Tale of Readings Two FinTech Unicorns in China,” IN-1667, INSEAD, 2020. Hackem, K. “The Economics of Cryptocurrency,” HBS UW8298, Darden Business Publishing, University of Virginia, Arlington, VA, 2022. ① 모바일 페이먼트가 빠르게 성장하는 이유는 무엇이며, 모바일 페이먼트 서비스는 어떻게 분류할 수 있을까? Case ② 알리바바와 텐센트 같은 빅테크 기업들이 금융산업으로 진입하는 이유는 Discussion 무엇인가? Questions ③ 장기적으로 암호화폐가 법정화폐 (원화, 달러화)를 대체할 수 있을까? ④ 블록체인의 주요 응용분야에는 어떠한 것들이 있는가? ⑤ 빅테크 기업들의 금융 서비스 시장 진입에 대응해 기존의 금융기관 (은행 증권업 등) 들은 어떻게 대응해야 할까? Week 13 (November 27/29): 4차산업혁명과 New Technologies • The impacts of the 4th industrial revolution Abstract • Digital transformation with new technologies • Smart speakers and connected homes in the future Chapter 11: Managing Knowledge and Artificial Intelligence 성당에서 시장으로 (제2부 4차산업혁명을 대표하는 기술들, 8장~13장), 이호근, 2021, 연세대학교 대학출판문화원. Yoffie, D. B., Wu, Liang, Sweizer, J., Eden, D. and Ahuja, K. “Voice War: Hey Google vs. Alexa vs. Siri,” HBS Case 9-718-519, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2020. Readings ① 사물인터넷 (IOT) 을 활용하는 스마트 제품은 어떠한 가치 (Value)를 새로 만들어 낼 수 있는가? ② 아마존 (에코), 구글 (구글홈), 애플 (홈팟)의 스마트스피커 전략은 어떻게 다른가? Case Discussion ③ 사물인터넷을 이용하는 스마트홈이 초창기 생각보다 활성화되지 못하고 있는 이유는 무엇이라 생각하는가? Questions ④ 스마트스피커와 같은 사물인터넷 서비스와 GE의 산업인터넷은 어떻게 다른가? ⑤ 스마트스피커에서 사용하는 음성위주의 컴퓨터 소통 방식이 향후 Text 위주의 컴퓨터 소통방식을 얼마나 대체할 수 있을까? Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 10/13 Week 14 (December 4/6): Information Security and Ethics • Ethical issues and moral dimensions of information systems Abstract • Design of organizational framework for information security and control • Protection of individual privacy and intellectual property Readings Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Chapter 8: Securing Information Systems Week 15 (December 11/13): Supplementary Studies Week 16 (December 18/20): Final Exam : Textbook : Articles : Business Case Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 11/13 READING PACKAGE Articles (1) McAfee, A. and Brynjolfsson, E. "Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference," Harvard Business Review, July-August 2008, pp.98-107. (2) Zeng, M. “Alibaba and the Future of Business,” Harvard Business Review, SeptemberOctober 2018, pp. 88-96. (3) Hagel III, J. Brown, J. S. and Davison, L. “Shaping Strategy in a World of Constant Disruption,” Harvard Business Review, October 2008, pp. 81-89. (4) 성당에서 시장으로 (개정판, 제2부 4차산업혁명을 대표하는 기술들, 8장~13장), 이호근, 2021, 연세대학교 대학출판문화원. Business Cases (1) Burbano, V., Chiles, B. and Wang, D. J. “Zara’s Sustainability Dilemma” ID#190401, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2022. (2) Benouari, F., Ahmad, S. U. and Mourad, R. “Disney at the Crossroads of Disruptive Trends” IMD Case IM1049, International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2020. (3) Yoffie, D. B. and Fisher, D. “Apple Inc. in 2020,” HBS Case 9-720-454, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2020. (4) Chatterjee, S., Basch, D., Fennell, H., Vinson, J. and Yoger, B. “Stitch Fix: Revolutionizing Personalization with Data,” IVEY Case W20939, IVEY Business School, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 2020. (5) Inkpen, A. “AT&T: An Underperforming Conglomerate?” Thunderbird Case A08-200002 (TB0581), Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise, 2020. (6) Mojir, N. and Rangan, K. “Dell Technologies: Bringing the Cloud to the Ground,” HBS Case 9-521-036, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2022. (7) Wells, J., Weinstock, B., Danskin, G. and Ellsworth, G. “, 2021,” HBS Case 9-716-402, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2021. (8) Wu, K., Chen, G. and Tong, T. “Ant Financial and Tencent: A Tale of Two FinTech Unicorns in China,” IN-1667, INSEAD, 2020. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 12/13 (9) Hackem, K. “The Economics of Cryptocurrency,” HBS UW8298, Darden Business Publishing, University of Virginia, Arlington, VA, 2022. (10) Yoffie, D. B., Wu, Liang, Sweizer, J., Eden, D. and Ahuja, K. “Voice War: Hey Google vs. Alexa vs. Siri,” HBS Case 9-718-519, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, 2020. Management Information Systems (Fall 2023) by Ho Geun Lee 13/13