PRESENTATION CAPI PREPARED BY M. Rehan Maqbool CONTENTS 01. What is CAPI 04. What is Data & Data Collection? 02. Other Variants of CAPI 05. What is Data Analysis Process? 03. What makes CAPI popular? 06. Kobotoolbox as a data collection CO M PUT E R A S S I ST E D PE R S O N A L I N T E R VI EWI N G COMPUTER DATABASE STORAGE CONNECTIVITY CA PI VA R I A N T S Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI) Computer Assisted Telephonic Interviewing (CATI) Computer Aided Web Interviewing (CAWI) WH AT M A K E S CA PI P O PU L A R Technology, all in one loop Powerful Management System Availability of cloud based server Affordable Internet Availability of low cost devices (android) DATA Information that has been translated into a form that is eff icient for movement or processing DATA COLLECTION The process of gathering data for use in business decision-making, strategic planning, research and other purposes DATA A N A LYS I S PR O C E S S The practice of working with data to glean useful information, which can then be used to make informed decisions. ST E P S I N DATA A N A LYS I S Def ining the question. Collecting the data. Cleaning the data. Analyzing the data. Sharing your results. Embracing failure. Summary. GIGO Garbage In - Garbage Out KOBOTOOLBOX KoBoToolbox was f irst developed in 2009 as a project by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), now known as the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Program on Resilient Communities. The initiative aimed to create a tool that would improve data collection and analysis in humanitarian and development contexts. 1. Data Collection 2. Offline Data Collection 3. Customized Forms 4. Data Visualization 5. Data Storage and Security 6. Data Sharing 7. Integration with external tools 8. Mobile Data Collection 9. Real-Time Monitoring 10. Open-Source and community driven