Uploaded by Andrea Mattia


Hello nice to meet you, thanks for accepting my request
I was searching on QQ, and I saw your profile and added you, I hope you are not angry?
I was actually looking for a Chinese friend of mine that will both live in America before,
But I could not find him, but anyway it nice to meet a new Chinese friend like you, I hope we can be friends?
I am new here, and you are my first Chinese female friend
May I ask to know you better, I mean tell me where you are from, where you stay? Are you married? How old are you? Do you have kids and how many? Where you work and what do you do on your free time, i will like us to have time for chat ...sorry for being so inquisitive, just want us to get together as good friends.
How are you and i want to quickly write you a little about me before i go out, i am 50 years old America and i am a soldier by profession currently in Syria for peace keeping. I have been with the U.S. Army Thunderbird's for 25 years now and am second Lieutenant here from Nellis Army Base, Nevada. (Al Ghab Airfield Syria Camp)
I am a responsible man who once had a lovely family in the states, i lost my wife years ago and i have beautiful daughter named Anna and Annabel they are both 9 year old, they both living and studying in the UN State boarding school.
Hello dear how are you doing today and how was your night? hope everything is fine with you, i just got back from patrol i quickly rush here to say hello to you...i will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty and trust although we just got to know each other...i will like us to share ideas and discuss about more issues as we talk more about ourselves, and i believe as time goes on there may be something great for us in the future ...what do you say?
Hi, how is the situation of things is over there in regards to the economic standard and security in your country? =======================================
Thanks a lot I assure you that we will be best of friends that people will envy you and I, all we need to do is to be sincere in our communication as good friends... Okay. I am 175cm and weight 79kg...what about you pretty
I am 175cm and weight 85kg
What are your hobbies, interest, lifestyle and religious believe
I am a Christian and i like swimming, listening to music, reading, watching football and playing golf but i have not done any of that in years since i lost my wife cause all i do now is work, work and work so when i get back i don't have to think or feel lonely. I am simple and understanding man, i have a shy and quiet lifestyle.
How is your life over there? Do you like your job there? i hope i can get to know you more though cause i hope to make honest friendship and more with you
I have been in the camp for 9 months now and i should be retired from here in less than 3 months and this is why i want to make friends before i leave here it's easy for me when am out cause i don't have friends or relatives out there except my daughter and that is also one of the reasons i want to retire soon.
When am retired, i intend to go in to supplies of copper wires and tractors for buildings and telecommunications networks so am not idle...i hope to retire soon cause i want to be able to spend more time with my little girl and also have a family again " complete family "...i lost my parents when i was young, i have no siblings and same as my daughter so she leave in the boarding school for now and all we have is each other.
Life hasn't been fair to us too over here ... sorry i can't call you because we are not allowed to use mobiles =======================================
i want you to keep our conversation between us cause we are not allowed to talk with strangers when we are on a mission...but i don't feel you are a stranger to me that is why i am open with you and i am free too to share my pic with you...some people might want to add you acting US Army but please don't accept them they are only spy trying to monitor us...hope you got this? I trust you and i know you can protect my job, have a good night rest sweetie...see you again later
hi dear, i like to tell you more about my work and what we do here every day so that you will know what we are going through here. There is this evil group of peopled called al Qaeda or Taliban’s, they plan and attack to other countries around the world and they also destroy life and property of the people of Afghanistan for their own personal interest in order to take control of the cities and country, they also kidnap foreigners that come here to work, every day we the US Army go across the stress for patrol and make sure we stop their plan and secure the people here before they take control of the cities and country, my work takes most of my time and working here is like " a storyline in a typical American movie or news " cause every day when we go for patrol something happens which most times involves dead bodies. I can't wait to retired in 3 months’ time because i miss my daughter so much and now i kind of miss you too. It hurts me that i can't hear your voice as long am here because we aren't allowed to use mobile devices for security reasons.
I believe in a healthy relationship, I value honesty and trust. i love my daughter who is 7 years old. She is the most precious and only family i have now, if you have the opportunity to meet her, i know you will like her
I want you to know that distance and language is not a problem in a relationship as i will come and meet you over there...as the saying goes, a journey of 1000 miles begins with a step, i don't have much time to get out and meet someone new because of the nature of my job so i am very happy to have you in my life
I am a very passionate man, and i need a passionate woman to be my partner and also who can communicate what she desires and has the ability to listen and the ability to share her heart. I want to share my life with someone who won't be as a playmate. you need to be ready to make a commitment if the relationship matures. i have got to know the value of a woman in a man's life.
I am responsible, supportive, caring and have a loyal and tolerant character very humble, honest, understanding and truthful. i am a very passionate, physical person that would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, hopeful, wise and smart
======================================W.E.B. Dubois Rd, Accra, Ghana
I wish I could tell you but I don’t want to scare you away from me, and I would rather write you and not be with you then to never see you , because writing you every day is a gift from God that I was blessed with. I guess I will never know how you feel unless I confess my feelings to you. Who knows - you might feel the same about me.
I really think I love you. I just don’t know how to tell you. I think about you every second of every day. When I fall asleep, my dreams are about you. When I wake up, I look at the empty pillow next to me and wish you were there looking into my eyes. I wish I could tell you how I really feel. I’m just afraid that it’s too late...
i know that this might be too forward or fast but i just thought it is better you knew what i felt and i am sorry if this is not what you wanted
Darling you have very much attracted me, you have touch my soul. Maybe we can give to each other that which we seek: love, understanding, and care about each other. I am tired from loneliness. I wish to fall asleep and wake up in embraces of the beloved in the morning, making breakfast by bed for the woman i love and all those romantic attitudes....I am going to end this now so i don’t bore you with more of what i have to say. Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful day.
I admire the way you think, your outlook in life and how you express yourself.......The relationship between two people includes love and passion also understanding. The love is respect, trust, unity of hearts. It is when you want to do everything to make that special person who you love and you want to see she is happy with a huge smile on her face. If love exists then passion will be between people, but if there are no trust and no faith, love will die!
My darling Cony,
I want you to know that you, you, you and you alone ... You will rule in my heart. You are the wish that I could not finish without me. I will live for you alone, and I will work for you alone. Let me give you my thoughts, my heart, my soul and my body. I will not force you to even with words. In your presence, I have to always be honest, transparent and understanding. I always want to be on your side ... I want to love you. I want you to know that you are the one, which leads to my heart, I wish we can tonight chat so i wish you a wonderful day and please know that you are always in my thought ok, I will think of you and i will always do.
I writing to you so you know how much i love you so if you are willing to wait for me and have faith then be patient my love cause i just have less than 3 months left for my retirement.
i am happy that you are in my life, you are the person who I would like to come to my life, the person whom I would like to see near with me, the person who has a deep inner world and the person who is full of love to give. I promise to be honest with you and I am so glad that we met. We do not have anything to hide from each other and with each letter we know something new about each other. As for me, I think that it is possible to fall in love with a person whom you have never seen face to face because what the heart feels is far greater than what the eye sees, but I also believe that 1000 letters will never replace a real meeting...i hope you will trust and care for me and also my lovely daughter. I am very kind, gentle, romantic man. In my heart it is full of love, tenderness, cares and all this I wish to give to the only and the beloved woman. I am that man for which house, wife, children are most important in my life. I will love the woman and she will be my only woman on all Planet Earth. For me there will not be other women. I wish to make my lovely wife happy. I wish to speak to my beloved wife with a lot of gentle and tender words every day, each hour, every minute and second.
I hope you don't have any man in your life already because i want you all for myself not to share with nobody.
Hello my love, my day has been so, so terrible cause i lost a comrade last night and am so sad...i pity for the wife and his 2 kids cause they are so young ... am really not happy today, I just wanted to write you a little that am back to base now ... so don't worry too much about me ok .. Do have a nice day and you know, all i kept thinking of today was you and Zoe ... love you both... I know that “LOVE" is quite big and a strong word but it's true
Hi and how are you? Am sorry i made you worried yesterday, i couldn't sleep and you know that the comrade was my boy because i trained him. Am so sad cause i don't know what to say to his family when i leave here? The worst is that we risk our lives on the field only to get little pay though am the commander in operations on field.
This morning we all gave our last respect to the soldier that died and i hope i can do something nice for his family when i live here because his married with two kids...
It's nice of you to think of me, it means you care and i appreciate that cause that makes it 2 people who cares about me that i know now... You and Zoe... Until later