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Recruitment Grade Check Guide

How to Check Grades for Recruitment
First Time Freshmen
i. Will tell you High School GPA
● Transcript GPA
i. Can input their high school transcript GPA if different from their UT GPA
Current Upperclass Students (sophomore and above) that are NOT transfers
ii. This will tell you credit hours and GPA for upperclassmen UT students
iii. Enter ID, Click “UG”, then Term Spring 2018
Transfer Students – you can tell if someone is a new transfer student because if you
look them up first in SHATERM, they won’t have a cumulative term GPA, but it will say
if they have any transfer hours. That’s when you know to ‘X’ out of SHATERM and
iv. Will tell you GPA for upperclassmen TRANSFER students (
v. For “level” – click UG for Undergraduate
Export PNMs and check grades by Council PNM number – that will help you
keep track of who you have checked v. who is a newly registered PNM
Always double check their year status before checking grades. If someone is in
the Secondary pool (so they are a sophomore or above) but you enter in the high school
GPA code, it will show you their high school GPA instead of their current GPA, which is
really what you want. Easy way to make sure you don’t do this is by exporting the PNM
data and sorting them into either Primary or Secondary groups. That way you know
which PNMs need the freshman codes and which need the upperclassmen codes.
Campus Director How-Tos
● Edit individual PNM information
o Setup > Accounts > Edit PNM Accounts or Edit PNM Uploads (for pictures
and/or resumes)
o Always hit save when enrolling PNMs
● Enroll PNMs
o When you have checked grades and are sure that the PNM information is correct,
go ahead and move those PNMs over into Enrolled. This way you can keep all of
the PNMs that aren’t complete, you haven’t checked, or there are issues with
● Withdrawing a PNM from Recruitment
o If someone contacts you about wanting to withdraw, DO NOT delete their
account – only delete an account if it is a duplicate account.
o Go to Actions > Edit Withdraws > No Show (if prior to recruitment beginning)
> Submit
o Recruitment is technically non-refundable, but if a PNM contacts you wanting to
withdraw from recruitment for a specific reason and directly asks for a refund
(not coming to UT anymore, wants to join NPHC/MGC, etc), we can request for a
refund of their money. (I do not typically offer a reimbursement if they don’t ask
because their payment confirmation does say non-refundable)
▪ Email all refund requests to Ashley Eppler at Greek Bill aeppler@greekbill.com>
▪ Include the PNM’s name and PNM ID # and request a refund of their
registration fee
▪ I typically cc the PNM onto the email so they can see that the request has
been made
Campus Director Tips:
● Double check capitalization and if email addresses are entered correctly – always check
email if someone says that they didn’t get a confirmation email – chances are they
probably entered their email address incorrectly.
● Other thing to check if they didn’t get a confirmation is if they completed their
registration by making their payment. If payment did not go through, they may be listed
as an Incomplete PNM or their information may be lost completely.
● If a PNM is listed twice, it is most likely because they started their registration, didn’t
finish it, and then started a new one because they cannot log back in. Figure out which of
the two accounts is the incomplete one and then we can delete that duplicate account.
● If a PNM is obviously a male that mistakenly signed up for the wrong recruitment, send
them this email:
Hi _________,
I see that you are currently registered for Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment. I’m
thinking that maybe you meant to sign up for our fraternity recruitment
instead? If this is the case, I would be happy to cancel your registration and have
your money refunded. You would still need to register for that recruitment, but
good news is that their registration price is a lot cheaper! You can find
information about how to sign up here - http://utifc.org/recruitment/.
Please let me know what you would like to do and I’m happy to help.
● If you’re not sure whether a PNM is male or female, let me know and we can figure out
how to politically and carefully figure that out.