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Spartina alterniflora: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
1) Elsey-Quirk, T., D. Seliskar and J. Gallagher. 2011. Differential Population Response of
Allocation, Phenology, and Tissue Chemistry in Spartina alterniflora. Plant Ecology. 212:
Phenotypic variation within species is widespread among salt marsh plants. For
Spartina alterniflora, the dominant species of low intertidal wetlands across the Atlantic
and Gulf coasts of the US, distinct phenological and morphological differences among
populations from different latitudes have been found. To determine whether S. alterniflora
plants from lower latitudes and those regenerated from Delaware tissue cultures would
maintain differences from that of native plants, we conducted a field study in a natural salt
marsh in Delaware, US. After two growing seasons, plant height, stem density, above- and
belowground biomass, elemental composition, and nutrient resorption were measured.
Natural variation in porewater salinity influenced physiological traits of Na+/K+ ratio
regulation and nitrogen resorption efficiency similarly across populations. While plant
height exhibited plasticity where populations tended to converge to a similar height,
several other traits remained distinct. Delaware plants had a greater rate of rhizome
growth than Georgia and Louisiana plants, which correlated with a greater magnitude of
fall senescence. If traits such as seasonal translocation are plastic and can change with the
length of the growing season, climate warming may alter belowground biomass production
of S. alterniflora in wetlands of the mid-Atlantic.
Extra Notes:
-Geographic patterns of genetic variation exist
-S. alterniflora separated into 2 distinct groups based on morphological characteristics
-Distinct differences between Gulf coast and south Atlantic populations
-Tissue culture technique produced plants that were phenotypically divergent
-Emphasis on belowground biomass
-Suggests that a natural marsh environment can exert a greater influence on height than
population differences
-Researchers raise questions on how populations will respond to climate change
2) Proffitt, C. E., S. E. Travis and K. R. Edwards. 2003. Genotype and Elevation Influence
Spartina alterniflora Colonization and Growth in a Created Salt Marsh. Ecological
Applications. 13: 180-192.
Colonization, growth, and clonal morphology differ with genotype and are influenced
by elevation. Local adaptation of Spartina alterniflora to environmental conditions may
lead to dominance by different suites of genotypes in different locations within a marsh. In
a constructed marsh, we found reduced colonization in terms of density of clones with
increasing distance from edge in a 200-ha mudflat created in 1996; however, growth in
diameter was not different among three 100-m-long zones that differed in distance from
site edge. Distance from edge was confounded by elevation in this comparison of natural
colonization. The rate of clonal expansion in diameter was 3.1 m/yr, and clonal growth was
linear over the 28 mo of the study. The area dominated by S. alterniflora in the three
distance zones increased concomitantly with clonal growth. However, the lower initial
clonal densities and colonization by other plant species resulted in reduced overall
dominance by S. alterniflora in the two more-interior locations. Seedling recruitment was
an important component of S. alterniflora colonization at all elevations and distances from
edge two years after site creation. Seedlings were spatially very patchy and tended to occur
near clones that probably produced them.
A field experiment revealed that S. alterniflora height and total stem length varied
with genotype, while stem density and flowering stem density did not. Differences between
edge and center of clonal patches also occurred for some response variables, and there
were also significant interactions with genotype. Differences between edge and center are
interpreted as differences in clone morphology. Elevation differences over distances of a
few meters influenced total stem length and flowering stem density but not other response
variables. Clones that were larger in diameter also tended to have greater stem heights and
total stem lengths. A number of plant morphological measures were found to vary
significantly among the five genotypes and had broad-sense heritabilities ranging up to
These results indicate that S. alterniflora populations developing on new substrata
colonize broadly, but growth and reproduction vary with genotype and are influenced by
changes in elevation (range: 11.8 cm), and probably other environmental factors, over
relatively small distances. Differences in growth and clone morphology of different genets,
and the frequent occurrence of seedlings throughout the site, underscore the importance of
genetic variability in natural and created populations.
Extra Notes:
-S. alterniflora attains dominance in low intertidal areas mainly through its ability to
tolerate anoxic flooded sediments
-Colonization of bare intertidal substrate occurs through dispersal of vegetative propagules
and seeds and by clonal growth
Methods: DNA typing to ensure that clones were identifiably different genotypes
-Clonal expansion as growth in diameter
-All clones responded similarly to changes in elevation by having greater growth at lower
-Differences in growth of the clonal plant due to heterogeneity in elevation over relatively
small spatial scales and plant genotype
-Clone produces the greatest growth near the outer-edge and facilitates the capture of
Maintaining genetic diversity – sexual recombination
3) He, W., R. Feagin, J. Lu, W. Liu, Q. Yan and Z. Xie. 2007. Impacts of introduced Spartina
alterniflora along an elevation gradient at Jiuduansha Shoals in the Yangtze Estuary,
suburban Shanghai, China. Ecological Engineering. 29: 245-248.
Although much research has focused upon the negative impacts of invasive Spartina
alterniflora upon salt marshes dominated by other Spartina spp., little is known about its
impacts upon native Scirpus mariqueter marshes. In 1997, S. alterniflora was introduced to
the Jiu- duansha Shoals, Yangtze Estuary, China, to accelerate the formation of marsh
habitat via accretionary processes, with the larger goal of drawing waterfowl away from
wetlands near the Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, China. In 2000, a nature reserve
was established on the Jiuduansha Shoals, making the impact upon the native S. mariqueter
community a high priority for research. Our objective was to quantify the impacts of
introduced S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis to the native S. mariqueter-dominated
community at this site in four elevation zones, as compared with a nearby natural shoal.
We found that species diversity was greater in the lower elevations with the engineering,
through elimination of the natural dominance of S. mariqueter. We also found that diversity
was lessened in the higher elevations, due to rapid growth and exclusion by the planted S.
alterniflora in con- junction with the native P. australis. Moreover, we found that the
growth of the native S. mariqueter was stimulated when S. alterniflora was planted nearby.
It is quite likely that the net effect of these ecological processes will be to accelerate further
accretion, leading to an eventual replacement of the S. mariqueter-dominated community
in the long-term. Future management approaches should focus upon harvesting, grazing,
and perimeter-ditching the S. alterniflora to avoid this situation.
Extra Notes:
-Objective – quantify the impacts of introducing S. alterniflora to S. mariqueter marshes
along the elevation gradient at the Jiuduansha Shoals.
-Highest plant diversity was found in the intertidal high zone
-Study shows that the introduction of S. alterniflora may initially increase plant diversity in
these marshes by shifting the dominance of S. mariqueter in the intertidal zones,
contradicting to the findings in northeastern USA
4) Holmer, M., B. Gribsholt and E. Kristensen. 2002. Effects of sea level rise on growth of
Spartina anglica and oxygen dynamics in rhizosphere and salt marsh sediments. Marine
Ecology Progress Series. 225:197-204.
The effect of sea level rise on the growth of Spartina anglica seedlings and on key
sediment biogeochemical variables (oxygen concentrations and sulfur cycling) was studied
for 4 mo in a laboratory experiment. S. anglica, grown under drained and waterlogged
conditions, showed no significant differences in leaf elongation and above-ground biomass
between treatments. Sulfate reduction rates were not significantly different between
treatments (4.1 and 5.3 mmol m–2 d–1, respectively), and although pools of reduced
sulfides were high (12.1 to 14.9 mol S m–2), no dissolved sulfides were detected in the
sediments. Measurements of oxygen concentrations in rhizosphere sediment done with
microelectrodes revealed a distinct oxic microzone of up to 2.5 mm around the roots of S.
anglica. The oxic microzone comprised 30 to 60% of the S. anglica rhizosphere sediment,
suggesting that the root-mediated oxygen supply to the rhizosphere has profound effects
on the microbial processes in the sediments. The sulfate reduction was probably hampered
due to the root-mediated loss of oxygen from the plants. There was no difference in oxygen
dynamics in the rhizosphere between treatments, indicating that S. anglica is efficient in
oxidizing the sediments also under waterlogged conditions. The root-mediated loss of
oxygen from S. anglica counteracts the expected changes in sediment conditions as a
consequence of sea level rise, e.g. accumulation of phytotoxic compounds such as sulfides.
The results suggest that possible negative impacts of sea level rise are more likely to be
found for plants with less developed root systems.
5) Ravit, B., J. G. Ehrenfeld and M. M. Haggblom. 2003. A comparison of sediment microbial
communities associated with Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora in two brackish
wetlands of New Jersey. Estuaries. 26: 465-474.
The extensive spread of Phragmites australis throughout brackish marshes on the
East Coast of the United States is a major factor governing management and restoration
decisions because it is assumed that biogeochemical functions are altered by the invasion.
Microbial activity is important in providing wetland biogeochemical functions such as
carbon and nitrogen cycling, but there is little known about sediment microbial
communities in Phragmites marshes. Microbial populations associated with invasive
Phragmites vegetation and with native salt marsh cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, may
differ in the relative abundance of microbial taxa (community structure) and in the ability
of this biota to decompose organic substrates (community biogeochemical function). This
study compares sediment microbial communities associated with Phragmites and Spartina
vegetation in an undisturbed brackish marsh near Tuckerton, New Jersey (MUL), and in a
brackish marsh in the anthropogenically affected Hackensack Meadowlands (SMC). We use
phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and enzymatic activity to profile sediment
microbial communities associated with both plants in each site. Sediment analyses include
bulk density, total organic matter, and root biomass. PLFA profiles indicate that the
microbial communities differ between sites with the undisturbed site exhibiting greater
fatty acid richness (62 PLFA recovered from MUL versus 38 from SMC). Activity of the 5
enzymes analyzed (,-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, chitobiase, and 2 oxidases) was higher
in the undisturbed site. Differences between vegetation species as measured by Principal
Components Analysis were significantly greater at the undisturbed MUL site than at SMC,
and patterns of enzyme activity and PLFAs did not correspond to patterns of root biomass.
We suggest that in natural wetland sediments, macrophyte rhizosphere effects influence
the community composition of sediment microbial populations. Physical and chemical site
disturbances may impose limits on these rhizosphere effects, decreasing sediment
microbial diversity and potentially, microbial biogeochemical functions.
1) Blum, M. J., K. J. Bando, M. Katz and D. R. Strong. 2007. Geographic structure, genetic
diversity and source tracking of Spartina alterniflora. Journal of Biogeography. 34: 20552069.
Aim: To examine the distribution and structure of genetic variation among native Spartina
alterniflora and to characterize the evolutionary mechanisms underlying the success of
non-native S. alterniflora.
Location: Intertidal marshes along the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of North America.
Methods: AMOVA, parsimony analysis, haplotype networks of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)
sequences, neighbour-joining analysis, Bayesian analysis of population structure, and
individual assignment testing were used.
Results: Low levels of gene flow and geographic patterns of genetic variation were found
among native S. alterniflora from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. The
distribution of cpDNA haplotypes indicates that Atlantic coast S. alterniflora are subdivided
into ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ groups. Variation observed at microsatellite loci further
suggests that mid-Atlantic S. alterniflora are differentiated from S. alterniflora found in
southern Atlantic and New England coastal marshes. Comparisons between native
populations on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and non-native Pacific coast populations
substantiate prior studies demonstrating reciprocal interspecific hybridization in San
Francisco Bay. Our results corroborate historical evidence that S. alterniflora was
introduced into Willapa Bay from multiple source populations. However, we found that
some Willapa Bay S. alterniflora are genetically divergent from putative sources, probably
as a result of admixture following secondary contact among previously allopatric native
populations. We further recovered evidence in support of models suggesting that S.
alterniflora has secondarily spread within Washington State, from Willapa Bay to Grays
Main conclusions: Underlying genetic structure has often been cited as a factor
contributing to ecological variation of native S. alterniflora. Patterns of genetic structure
within native S. alterniflora may be the result of environmental differences among
biogeographical provinces, of migration barriers, or of responses to historical conditions.
Interactions among these factors, rather than one single factor, may best explain the
distribution of genetic variation among native S. alterniflora. Comprehensive genetic
comparisons of native and introduced populations can illustrate how biological invasions
may result from dramatically different underlying factors – some of which might otherwise
go unrecognized. Demonstrating that invasions can result from several independent or
interacting mechanisms is important for improving risk assessment and future forecasting.
Further research on S. alterniflora not only may clarify what forces structure native
populations, but also may improve the management of non- native populations by enabling
post-introduction genetic changes and the rapid evolution of life-history traits to be more
successfully exploited.
Extra notes:
-S. alterniflora introduced to UK, hybridization with S. maritime and led to allopolyploid
speciation and spread of hybrid, S. anglica
***examine continental- scale patterns of genetic variation among native S. alterniflora
using both chloroplast and nuclear molecular markers
Methods: DNA Extraction - .15-.25g of leaf tissue – DNeasy plant extraction kits
Chloroplast DNA sequencing and analysis – universal primers listed in Taberlet
-amplified and sequenced the trnT-trnF chloroplast intergenic spacer
-15μL PCR to amplify trnT-trnF region for each individual
- 2sets of PCR product: trnT-trnL segment and trnL-trnF segment
-Haplotypes differentiated by sequence polymorphism and idel size
variation across the trnT-trnF region
-Parsimony analysis using PAUP
-Trees obtained by random stepwise addition with random addition
sequence (RAS) and tree bisection-reconnection branch swapping
Microsatellite genotyping – genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci (listed)
-Calculated expected and observed heterozygosity, Nei’s unbiased estimator
of genetic diversity and genotypic diversity using ARLEQUIN
Results: haplotypes into 5 groups
Greatest amount of sequence divergence occurs between Delaware and Texas
**Nearly all sampled genets exhibited a unique microsatellite genotype (table 2),
which is consistent with previous studies that have demonstrated high genotypic
diversity among S. alterniflora clones within marshes
Focused on the comparison of non-native S. alterniflora (invasive) to native
2) Travis, S. E., C. E. Proffitt, R. C. Lowenfeld and T. W. Mitchell. 2002. A Comparative
Assessment of Genetic Diversity among Differently-Aged Populations of Spartina
Alterniflora on Restored versus Natural Wetlands. Restoration Ecology. 10: 37-42.
We collected naturally recolonizing Spartina alterniflora (smooth cord grass) from
each of three restored sites and one undisturbed reference site in southwestern Louisiana
to assess the impact of wetland restoration on genetic diversity. We used amplified
fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to produce 94 polymorphic genetic markers,
which were used to characterize genetic diversity as average heterozygosity <H> and the
proportion of polymorphic loci <P>. Overall our findings indicate that restored populations
of S. alterniflora maintain levels of genetic diversity comparable to natural populations,
which should provide some measure of resistance against environmental disturbances.
Diversity estimates were lowest for the natural reference site (<H> = 0.1059; <P> =
0.2763), whereas estimates for the three restored sites ranged from <H> = 0.1148 to
0.1256 and <P> = 0.3114 to 0.3202. All sites maintained sufficiently high diversity levels to
suggest significant rates of outcrossing. Overall, genetic differentiation among populations
was small (Weir and Cockerham’s (H) = 0.0645), with the values from each pairwise
comparison among the populations increasing with the geographic distance between sites
(range � 0.0490–0.1101). These values indicate an average migration rate of 3.6 migrants,
either pollen or seeds, per generation.
Extra Notes:
-Purpose of establishing baseline estimates of genetic diversity for populations
Methods: DNA extraction using CTAB-based method
Characterized diversity based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)
2 PCRs – a selective preamplification – adenine AND selective restriction fragment
amplification (SRFA)
Fixation Index
Within sites- it was determined that all of the individuals determined were genetically
distinct -> indicator of high levels of clonal diversity
Diversity: gene flow, migration by windborne or waterborne movement of pollen/seeds,
3) Ayres, D. R. and D. R. Strong. 2001. Origin and Genetic Diversity of Spartina anglica
(Poaceae) Using Nuclear DNA Markers. America Journal of Botany. 88: 1863-1867.
Spartina alterniflora, introduced into the UK in the 1800s, was the seed parent in an
interspecific hybridization with S. maritima. The sterile Fl hybrid S. Xtownsendii gave rise
to the fertile allopolyploid S. anglica by chromosomal doubling. Previous chromosome,
isozyme, and cpDNA surveys did not reveal notable genetic variation within either the
parental or the hybrid species. We used nuclear DNA markers (random amplified
polymorphic DNA ([RAPD]) and inter-simple sequence repeats(ISSR) to further explore the
origin, diversity, and parentage of S. anglica. We found DNA fragments in S. xtownsendii
were the aggregate of diagnostic DNA fragments from S. maritima and S. alterniflora, thus
confirming its hybrid origin. The S. Xtownsendii genotype was identical to most of the S.
anglica individuals analyzed, establishing the genetic concordance of these two taxa. We
found widespread genetic variation within S. anglica. This could indicate that S. anglica
arose several times, from different S. maritime sires. Alternatively, alleles could have been
lost through recombination and/or through loss of entire chromosomes in S. anglica.
Finally, all but one S. anglica individual had a S. alterniflora component that was
indistinguishable from a S. alterniflora plant extant in Marchwood, UK, leaving open the
possibility that this plant is the actual seed parent of S. anglica.
Extra Notes:
-DNA markers generated through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) analysis can reveal more genetic variation than either the
isozyme or cpDNA surveys
Methods- DNA Extraction – Proteinase K-based methodology of Guidet
PCR – goal to identify RAPD and ISSR primers that strongly and reproducibly
amplified species-specific diagnostic DNA fragments in S. alterniflora and S. martima
-band was diagnostic if it was present in only one species
Genetic similarity relationships were portrayed by unweighted pair group clustering
(UPGMA) ***Figure 1***
S. anglica contained species-specific DNA fragments from both S. alterniflora and S.
4) Baumel, A., M. L. Ainouche and J. E. Levasseur. 2001. Molecular investigations in
populations of Spartina anglica C. H. Hubbard (Poaceae) invading coastal Brittany (France).
Molecular Ecology. 10: 1689-1701.
Spartina anglica is a classical example of recent alloploid speciation. It arose during
the end of the nineteenth century in England by hybridization between the indigenous
Spartina maritima and the introduced East-American Spartina alterniflora. Duplication of
the hybrid genome (Spartina x townsendii) gave rise to a vigorous allopolyploid involved in
natural and artificial invasions on different continents. Spartina anglica was first recorded
in France in 1906, and since then, it has spread all along the western French coast. Earlier
studies revealed that native British populations display consistent morphological plasticity
and lack of isozyme variation. In this paper, we use different molecular markers (randomly
amplified polymorphic DNA, intersimple sequence repeats and restriction patterns from
nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences) to analyse the genetic patterns of the French
populations of S. anglica. Our results show that French populations are mainly composed of
one ‘major’ multilocus genotype. This genotype is identical to the first-generation hybrid S.
x townsendii from England. Losses of few markers from this genotype are observed but are
restricted to a few populations from Brittany; it is likely that they appeared independently,
subsequent to their introduction. In southern Brittany, no hybrids between S. anglica and S.
maritima have been found where the two species co-occur. All French populations of S.
anglica display the same chloroplast DNA sequences as S. alterniflora, the maternal genome
donor. These findings are consistent with a severe genetic bottleneck at the time of the
species formation, as a con- sequence of a unique origin of the species. Both parental
nuclear sequences are present in the allopolyploid populations, revealing that for the
markers investigated, no extensive changes have occurred in this young species.
Extra Notes:
-Molecular markers to analyze the genetic patterns on S. anglica – RAPD, ISSR, and
restriction patterns from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences (RFLP)
-Ability to accumulate large volumes of tidal sediments as a pioneer species has led to its
introduction in many parts of the world
-S. alterniflora = maternal genome donor when hybridization occurred because shares
same tRNA L intron sequence in the chloroplast genome
-Asks important question: What is the level of the genetic diversity within and among
populations, for molecular markers concerning noncoding portions of the genome, which
are likely to be more variable than coding regions such as isozyme loci? In other words, is
the lack of isozyme variation in S. anglica populations characteristic of just those loci
surveyed or does it reflect a general paucity of genetic diversity over the whole genome of
this species?
Methods: RAPD is a PCR-based DNA fingerprint technique used for estimating genetic
variation and relationships among closely related populations or species
ISSR – amplified from single-primer PCR reactions, amplified markers represent
the nucleotide sequence between two microsatellite sites situated n two
opposite DNA strands
*For RAPD and ISSR data, the presence or absence of the PCR products
(bands) were scored by eye **Figure 2**
cpDNA – likely to reveal multiple origins when a parental species has
alternatively provided the paternal and the maternal genome **Table 4**
In the ITS region, 48 nucleotide differences between S. martima and S. alterniflora were
Results: Table 4 and 5
-Weak molecular variation was encountered in the French populations of Spartina anglica
analyzed, even though RAPDs usually detect high polymorphism in populations even with
small sample sizes or in species that reproduce clonally.
-Morphological analysis of plants from populations across the geographical and ecological
distribution of the species also suggests little genetically based variation (Thompson et al.
1991a, b). Lack of genetic variation could be the result of either a unique hybridization
event between S. alterniflora and S. maritima in southern England, or of multiple events
involving similar parental genotypes. ---- So is there limited variation clonally due to the
many hybridizations? Or does this just pertain to France?
-All the chloroplast sequences investigated in the French populations of S. anglica were
identical to those of S. alterniflora and S. x townsendii, in agreement with previous
observations of Ferris et al. (1997) who concluded that S. alterniflora is the maternal
genome donor to S. anglica.
-S. anglica is a model where genetic diversity is restricted at the intergenomic level (two
differentiated duplicated genomes in the same nucleus)
***5) Stiller, J. W. and A. L. Denton. 1995. One hundred years of Spartina alterniflora
(Poaceae) in Willapa Bay, Washington: random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of an
invasive population. Molecular Ecology. 4: 355-363.
Spartina altemiflora (smooth cordgrass) has invaded Willapa Bay, Washington, covering
bare mud flats and seagrass beds. At current expansion rates it threatens to occupy most of
the intertidal habitat in the bay within 40 years. Although a major mitigation effort is
underway, nothing is known about the genetic structure of the Willapa Bay S. altemiflora
population or the underlying causes for the dramatic increase in seed set that has occurred
in the last 15 years. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was assessed as
a method of DNA fingerprinting to analyse the genetic history and current structure of the
Willapa population. The results suggest that all S. altemiflora clones in Willapa Bay are
descended from a single genet. Given the limited genetic variability expected in a clonally
founded population, we discuss the utility of RAPDs as genetic markers to explore the large
morphological and reproductive differences reported among Willapa clones. Cluster
analysis of RAPD fragments was used to show relatedness among S. altemiflora genets and
may be helpful in locating the most prolific clones for mitigation efforts. Overall, RAPDs
show great potential in genetic analysis of S. altemiflora, particularly in invasive
populations where isozyme variability is low or nonexistent.
Extra Notes:
Methods: RAPD and Cluster analysis of RAPD fragments
-Articles keep referencing the limited genetic variability present in the Spartina
populations and that the reproductive and morphological differences among the physically
distinct patches are due to environmental factors
-In this paper, it assesses the use of RAPD
-Sampled at 5m intervals beginning in center to assess the potential for variability of
RAPD profiles within a presumed single genet
-DNA extraction – young leaves using CTAB procedure
-Primer and template concentration templates were run to achieve optimal RAPD
patterns while minimizing artefactual bands
**Table 1 and 2**
-UPGMA cluster analysis – Figure 2
Results: **Note** - RAPDs are highly sensitive to PCR conditions, with proper controls they
have been shown to be reliable for genotype fingerprinting and parentage analysis
-No variability was seen between replicate ramets taken from the same clone
-Figure 3 – gels of RAPDs generated by 3 primers
-Explanation of genetic differences between center and outer portions of the alpha patch is
a die-back at the center and then recolonization after at least one sexual generation
**In allozyme studies of a variety of animals and plants, the proportion of polymorphic loci
in a population is positively correlated with, and greater than, the proportional of
heterozygous loci per individual
-Phenotypic plasticity and microenvironmental differences
6) Anttila, C. K., R. A. King, C. Ferris, D. R Ayres and D. R. Strong. 2000. Reciprocal hybrid
formation of Spartina in San Francisco Bay. Molecular Ecology. 9: 765-770.
Diversity in the tRNALEU1 intron of the chloroplast genome of Spartina was used to
study hybridization of native California cordgrass, Spartina foliosa, with S. alterniflora,
introduced to San Francisco Bay ! 25 years ago. We sequenced 544 bases of the tRNALEU1
intron and found three polymorphic sites, a pyrimidine transition at site 126 and
transversions at sites 382 and 430. Spartina from outside of San Francisco Bay, where
hybridization between these species is impossible, gave cpDNA genotypes of the parental
species. S. foliosa had a single chloroplast haplotype, CCT, and this was unique to California
cordgrass. S. alterniflora from the native range along the Atlantic coast of North America
had three chloroplast haplotypes, CAT, TAA, and TAT. Hybrids were discriminated by
random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) phenotypes developed in a previous study.
We found one hybrid that contained a cpDNA haplotype unknown in either parental
species (TCT). The most significant finding was that hybridization proceeds in both
directions, assuming maternal inheritance of cpDNA; 26 of the 36 hybrid Spartina plants
from San Francisco Bay contained the S. foliosa haplotype, nine contained haplotypes of the
invad- ing S. alterniflora, and one had the cpDNA of unknown origin. Furthermore, cpDNA
of both parental species was distributed throughout the broad range of RAPD phenotypes,
suggesting ongoing contributions to the hybrid swarm from both. The preponderance of S.
foliosa cpDNA has entered the hybrid swarm indirectly, we propose, from F1s that
backcross to S. foliosa. Flowering of the native precedes by several weeks that of the
invading species, with little overlap between the two. Thus, F1 hybrids would be rare and
sired by the last S. foliosa pollen upon the first S. alterniflora stigmas. The native species
produces little pollen and this has low viability. An intermediate flowering time of hybrids
as well as pollen that is more vigourous and abundant than that of the native species would
predispose F1s to high fitness in a vast sea of native ovules. Thus, spread of hybrids to
other S. foliosa marshes could be an even greater threat to the native species than
introductions of alien S. alterniflora.
Extra Notes:
**READ for methods, not the invasive or hybrid detail**
-Chloroplast DNA is strictly maternally inherited, the direction of hybridization can be
-discriminated parental species and hybrids according to RAPD techniques – Table 2
-PCR amplification using universal primers from Taberlet et al. (1991)
-screened for variation of tRNA(LEU1) intron of chloroplast genome
7) Chelaifa, H., F. Mahé and M. Ainouche. 2010. Transcriptome divergence between the
hexaploid salt-marsh sister species Spartina maritima and Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae).
Molecular Ecology. 19: 2050-2063.
Invasive species are ideal model systems to investigate the evolutionary processes
associated with their ecological success by comparison with closely related species. In this
article, we explore transcriptome evolution following divergence between two closely
related salt-marsh species, the invasive Spartina alterniflora (native to the East- American
Atlantic coast, introduced in several continents) and the declining Spartina maritima
(native to the Euro-African Atlantic coast). We have explored the utility of cross-species
hybridization microarrays using rice (Oryza sativa) oligo-microarrays to compare leaf
expression patterns between these species. Coding sequence comparisons from 10 nuclear
genes (2256 bp) revealed that nucleotide divergence between Spartina and Oryza range
from 8% to 14%. More than 70% of the 60-mer oligonucleotide sequences spotted on the
rice microarray exhibited stable and repeatable patterns when hybridized against Spartina
RNA. In total, 9353 (44.5%) genes on the array hybridized with both species S. maritima
and S. alterniflora. Among these genes, 1247 genes were found to be differentially
expressed between the two Spartina species, most of them (957) being up-regulated in S.
alterniflora. In particular, developmental and cellular growth genes (gene ontology,
biological process) were highly up-regulated in S. alterniflora and down-regulated in S.
maritima, whereas genes involved in stress response were up- regulated in S. maritima.
Our findings indicate the suitability of cross-species microarray hybridization between
Spartina and O. sativa and reveal the extent of leaf transcriptome evolution that took place
during the divergence between S. alterniflora and S. maritima. Expression patterns are
consistent with the morphological differentiation and differential expansion of the two
Extra Notes:
-Microarrays – tool in the comparison of genome-wide expression patterns
-EST – Expressed sequence tags doesn’t exist for Spartina
Methods: include arrays of anonymous cDNA clones and the reliance on sequence
conservation in homologous coding regions of model and nonmodel species
-Using the Agilent 4x44K 60-mer oligo-microarrays designed from the sequenced rice
-RNA extraction
-Table 1 – RT-PCR analysis results
-cDNA library was created
-Lots of info on Spartina – background
Continue reading for further analysis if appropriate…
8) Freshwater, D. W. 1988. Relative genome-size differences among populations of
Spartina alterniflora Loisel (Poaceae) along East and Gulf Coasts of U.S.A. Journal of
Experimental and Marine Biology. 120: 239-246.
Flow cytometric analysis of mithramycin-stained rhizome nuclei was used to compare
relative amounts of DNA among 18 populations of Spartina alterniflora Loisel (Poaceae)
from the East and Gulf Coasts of the U.S.A. The DNA amount increases significantly with
increasing latitude. These findings support the general model of genome size change with
Extra Notes:
-Measurements of genome size in many plant species show an extensive variation in DNA
content per nucleus
-If variations in DNA content are of adaptive significance they would most likely occur in
species with wide ranges in distribution, environment, physiological traits, and
morphological features
Objective: to determine if populations of S. alterniflora vary in relative DNA content along
the East and Gulf Coasts
-Collection and analysis of rhizome because has less variability in fluorescence peaks than
leaf or root
-Methods: Flow cytometric analysis of mithramycin-stained rhizome nuclei
-Results indicated a positive correlation of increasing DNA amount with increasing latitude
***Figure 2 ** - gradual trend of DNA change observed in the data supports the idea of
changes which proceed in small steps by the accumulation of small deletions or
duplications of the genome
9) Utomo, H. S., I. Wenefrida, M. D. Materne and S. A. Harrison. 2009. Genetic diversity and
population genetic structure of saltmarsh Spartina alterniflora from four coastal Louisiana
basins. Aquatic Botany. 90: 30-36.
Seventy-two Spartina alterniflora accessions originating from four coastal Louisiana
basins (18 accessions per basin) were used to evaluate the genetic structure of this native
perennial low-intertidal plant species. The objective of this study was to determine the
population genetic structure and diversity of S. alterniflora accessions originating from
these four basins using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of
250 unambiguous and highly repeatable AFLP markers, 186 of which (74.4%) were
polymorphic, were obtained using four primer combinations. Overall, pairwise similarity
estimates between accessions ranged from 0.70 to 0.93 (average = 0.80) with only a small
portion of alleles (0.54– 1.08%) unique to each basin. The average Hs (genetic diversity
within coastal basins) was 0.20 with an Hs values of 0.19, 0.20, 0.20, and 0.21 for
Mermentau, Terrebonne, Calcasieu, and Barataria-Breton basin, respectively. AMOVA
analysis showed no genetic structure among basins, with the majority of genetic variation,
96.6%, residing within the basins. There was no indication of isolation by distance. Our
results suggest that maintaining high levels of genetic diversity can be accomplished
through the use of an adequate number of S. alterniflora samples collected within any large
basin. Choosing parental lines from several Louisiana coastal basins for breeding purposes
may not significantly increase genetic variability
Extra Notes:
-Populations of S. alterniflora in the Atlantic coast have different flowering behavior, and
the differences in flowering phenology became a natural barrier for genetic exchange to
occur between the Atlantic groups
-DNA extraction – young piece of leaf tissue – Dneasy kit
Methods: amplified fragment length polymorphism – AFLP – followed by gel analysis
-Neighbor-joining method to estimate phylogeny **Figure 1**
10) Ainouche, M. L., A. Baumel, A. Salmon and G. Yannic. 2003. Hybridization, polyploidy
and speciation in Spartina (Poaceae). New Phytologist. 161:165-172.
Hybridization and polyploidy are well illustrated in the genus Spartina. This paper
examines how recent molecular approaches have helped our understanding of the past and
recent reticulate history of species, with special focus on allopolyploid spe- ciation.
Spartina species are tetraploid, hexaploid or dodecaploid perennials, most of them being
native to the New World. The molecular phylogeny indicates an ancient split between the
tetraploid and the hexaploid species, with S. argentinensis as sister to the hexaploid
lineage. Recent hybridization and polyploidization events involved hexaploid species,
resulting from introductions of the east-American S. alterniflora. In California, ongoing
hybridizations with its sister species S. foliosa result in intro- gressant hybrid swarms. In
Europe, hybridization with S. maritima resulted in S. × neyrautii (France) and S. ×
townsendii (England), with. S. alterniflora as the maternal parent. The allopolyploid S.
anglica resulted from chromosome doubling of S. × townsendii. This young allopolyploid
contains divergent homoeologous sub- genomes that have not undergone significant
changes since their reunion. Hybridization, rather than genome duplication, appears to
have shaped the allopolyploid genome at both the structural and epigenetic levels.
1) Xiao, D., L. Zhang and Z. Zhu. 2010. The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora
on salt marshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science. 88: 99104.
The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora and the roles which sexual
reproduction and asexual propagation play in range expansion were investigated at the
Chongming Dongtan nature reserve in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Two range expansion
patterns of S. alterniflora at its advancing fronts could be found (1) S. alterniflora mudflat
front (S-M) and (2) S. alterniflora-Scirpus mariqueter-mudflat front (S-S-M). One feature
revealed by this study was that a flush of seedling recruitment and establishment in spring
was a crucial way for S. alterniflora to colonize new habitats and achieve a fast rate of range
expansion. The mean number of seedlings recruited at the S-M front was much higher than
that at the S-S-M front. Once established, the survivorship of seedlings was high, both at the
S-M and S-S-M fronts. The established seedlings formed new tussocks quickly by vegetative
tillering and growth of rhizomes and these finally merged into dense meadows. The mean
distance of range expansion of S. alterniflora, after one growing season at the S-M front,
was 25.4 +/- 3.1 m yr^-1�and 2.7+/-0.5 m yr^-1 at the S-S-M front. Sexual reproduction by
seedlings and asexual propagation by tillering and growth of rhizomes were the two main
means by which S. alterniflora could maintain a fast rate of range expansion on the salt
marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. The colonization behaviors of S. alterniflora on advancing
fronts differed as a reaction to various external and internal factors. The impact of abiotic
and biotic factors governing the range expansion of S. alterniflora and its implications for
the spatial structure of tidal wetlands are discussed.
2) Dai, T. and R. G. Wiegert. 1996. Ramet Population Dynamics and Net Aerial Primary
Productivity of Spartina Alterniflora. Ecology. 77: 276-288.
Ramet dynamics and net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) were studied in samples of
Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) at Sapelo Island, Georgia. Three populations were
compared: tall, short, and short with nitrogen fertilization in spring (short/ N). Tall and
short S. alterniflora populations had different demographic characteristics. The short
population had a shorter leaf longevity (49 vs. 72 d) and a higher leaf turnover than the tall
population, which may be due to high salinity and nitrogen limitation in the high marsh.
Although the average ramet longevities of tall and short populations were similar (231 and
204 d, respectively), cohorts of the tall population that emerged early in the growing
season had a significantly longer average life-span than those of the short population,
probably because they had more support from belowground reserves that led to a higher
initial survival rate. Leaf number, leaf area, shoot density, and biomass production of the
short population were greatly increased by spring nitrogen fertilization, but the longevity
of leaves and ramets was little affected. Using the demographic data and phytometric
equations (nondestructive method), new growth was found throughout the year in S.
alterniflora populations at Sapelo Island. The average dry mass NAPP was estimated to be
1105, 2244, and 1520 g.m-2.yr-1 for the short, short/N, and tall populations, respectively.
Because of its higher leaf turnover, the short population had a higher leaf to stem
production ratio than the tall population. NAPP estimates obtained by nondestructive
methods usually lie between overestimates and underestimates from harvest methods,
indicating that non- destructive methods give accurate estimates of NAPP for salt marshes.
Using the highest spring aerial production rates, the upper limits of annual dry mass total
production of S. alterniflora at Sapelo Island were calculated as 2555 g/m2 for the short
population and 4526 g/m2 for the tall population. These limits are lower than many
previous estimates of annual total primary production for S. alterniflora.
1) Alber, M., E. M. Swenson, S. C. Adamowicz and I. A. Mendelssohn. 2008. Salt Marsh
Dieback: An overview of recent events in the US. Estuarine, Costal, and Shelf Science. 80:111.
This paper provides an overview of the marsh dieback events that have been observed
along the east and gulf coasts of the U.S. over the past decade. It is likely that some of the
recently reported changes in marsh vegetation were affected by physical or biotic
disturbances that are known to generate bare areas, such as overgrazing or wrack
smothering. Other areas may be experiencing a state change such as that caused by longterm changes in sea level. However, sites in many areas are not readily explained by these
causes and are considered to have experienced ‘‘sudden dieback.’’ In such cases, there are
observations that the above-ground plant material thinned or browned or, in some cases,
failed to re-emerge in the spring; the dieback occurred over a period of months and usually
affected multiple sites within the area; and there is evidence that these events are transient
(through successful transplants or natural regrowth/ recovery), although some areas take
years to recover. We explored the potential linkage of dieback with drought (as
characterized by the Palmer Severity Drought Index), and found that there is evidence for
an association in the southeast (GA and SC) and the Gulf (LA), but not in the mid-Atlantic
(DE, VA) or northeast (ME, RI, CT). We also review the evidence for potential causes of
sudden dieback, including changes in soil chemistry, fungal pathogens, top–down
consumer controls, and multiple stressors. There is currently no single explanation that can
be applied to recent dieback. We highlight the need for the development of improved
diagnostics that will allow us to better classify dieback areas and provide evidence for (or
against) potential causes.
2) White, S. N. and M. Alber. 2009. Drought-Associated Shifts in Spartina alterniflora and S.
Cynosuroides in the Altamaha River Estuary. Wetlands. 29:215-224.
In estuarine systems, informed water resource management decisions rely, in part, on
evaluating how changes in freshwater inflow and salinity affect a selected management
target (i.e., habitat or organismal changes). This study examined the distribution of
Spartina alterniflora and S. cynosuriodes species along the Altamaha River estuary in
Georgia in association with an extensive drought, during which time freshwater inflow
decreased considerably and salty water encroached into previously brackish areas.
Bankside vegetation was surveyed along the length of the estuary at the beginning and end
of the drought (2000, 2002), and again in 2004 after flows had increased. In addition, a
removal experiment, in which one or the other plant was removed from naturally mixed
communities, was conducted during the drought (2001–2002). In all surveys, S.
cynosuroides densities decreased at a location that corresponded to where average high
tide salinities were 14 psu, such that the downstream border shifted from approximately 3
to 6 km from the mouth of the river between 2000 and 2002 and then back to 3 km in
2004. Although the peak density of S. alterniflora also shifted upstream between 2000 and
2002, upstream densities were high in 2004 and plant distribution did not correspond with
salinity. In the removal experiment, densities and relative % cover of S. alterniflora
increased in all treatments (including controls), whereas densities of S. cynosuroides
remained relatively constant except in treatments where it was purposely removed. We
interpret these results to suggest that S. alterniflora is a strong invader that can expand
into new habitat under stressful (increased salinity, low flow) conditions, and that once it is
established it can co-exist with S. cynosuroides. The more rapid response of S.
cynosuroides (shifts occurred within 2 years) suggests that its downstream limit is a
potential indicator of changes in inflow conditions in this system.
3) Edwards, K. R., S. E. Travis and C. E. Proffitt. 2005. Genetic Effects of a Large-Scale
Spartina alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass) Dieback and Recovery in the Northern Gulf of
Mexico. Estuaries. 28: 204-214.
A large-scale dieback event struck marshes along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico coast
during summer 2000, in apparent response to a prolonged and severe drought. Along the
Louisiana coast, large areas of the dominant marsh species, Spartina alterniflora, turned
brown, followed by death of at least the aboveground structures or entire plant mortality.
Key ecological and genetic measures were studied in a dieback-affected marsh in
southwest Louisiana (C83 marsh, Sabine National Wildlife Refuge), for which existed
predieback ecologic and genetic datasets. Effects on genetic diversity only were studied in a
second set of sites in southeastern Louisiana (near BayJunop), where the dieback was more
widespread. We hypothesized that stem density, live aboveground biomass, and genetic
diversity would be significantly reduced compared to predieback conditions and to nearby
unaffected marshes. Stem densities and biomass levels approached predieback conditions
14 months after first observance of the dieback in the Sabine marsh and were similar to or
exceeded the same measures for a nearby unaffected marsh. DNA extracted from leaf
samples in the Sabine and Bay Junop sites was used to construct genotype profiles using
AFLPs and analyzed using the complement of Simpson's Index (1-D), the richness measure
G/N, average heterozygosity <H>, and the estimated proportion of polymorphic genes <P>.
Genetic diversity was relatively unaffected by the dieback at either the Sabine or Bay Junop
sites. Evidence from field observations and the results of the genetic analyses suggest that
seedling recruitment is an important factor in the recovery of both the Bay Junop and C83
sites, although re-growth from surviving below-ground rhizomes appeared to dominate
recovery at the latter site. Survival of below-ground structures, leading to the rapid
recovery observed, indicates a high level of resilience of the Sabine marsh to droughtinduced stress. Still, the genetic diversity of S. alterniflora-dominated marshes may be
promoted by occasional disturbance events, which produce open areas in which seedling
recruitment can occur.
- Present high levels of inter – and intra – specific polymorphism
-Higher variability of microsatellites is due to a higher rate of mutation compared to other
neutral regions of DNA
-Amplified for identification by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process, using the
unique sequences of flanking regions as primers
-Mutation in microsatellite alleles is biases in the sense that larger alleles contain more
bases and are therefore likely to be mistranslated in DNA replication
-Most common cause of length changes in short sequence repeats in replication slippage,
caused by mismatches between DNA strands while being replicated during meiosis
-Microsatellites within introns also influence phenotype
1) Rafalski, J. A. and S. T. Tingey. 1993. Genetic diagnostics in plant breeding: RAPDs,
microsatellites and machines. TIG August. 9: 275-280.
No abstract. Just a review on Microsatellite repeats, RAPD, and CAPs.
Extra notes:
-RFLP – restriction fragment length polymorphisms – markers are codominant and provide
complete genetic information at a single locus
-The RAPD amplification reaction is performed on a genomic DNA template and primed by
an arbitrary oligonucleotide primer, resulting in the amplification of several discrete DNA
- Using short primers and low annealing temperatures ensures that several sites,
randomly distributed in the genome, give rise to amplification products.
- RAPD technology provided researchers with a quick and efficient screen for DNA
sequence-based polymorphisms at a very large number of loci.
***Table 1:
- Microsatellite repeats (also known as simple sequence repeats), in particular the
dinucleotide repeats (AC)n, (AG)n and (AT)n, have recently been shown to be abundant
and highly polymorphic in eukaryotic genomes 22-24.
**Box 1, page 277
- Morgante and Olivieri30 found that simple sequence repeats are very polymorphic
and that AT repeats are more numerous than AC repeats, at least among the DNA
sequences in genome databases.
-CAPS – Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic sequence - partial DNA sequence information for
the locus of interest is used to create a set of PCR primers.
2) Selkoe, K. A. and R. J. Toonen. 2006. Microsatellites for ecologists: a practical guide to
using and evaluating microsatellite markers. Ecology Letters. 9: 615-629.
Recent improvements in genetic analysis and genotyping methods have resulted in a
rapid expansion of the power of molecular markers to address ecological questions.
Microsatellites have emerged as the most popular and versatile marker type for ecological
applications. The rise of commercial services that can isolate microsatellites for new study
species and genotype samples at reasonable prices presents ecologists with the
unprecedented ability to employ genetic approaches without heavy investment in
specialized equipment. Nevertheless, the lack of accessible, synthesized information on the
practicalities and pitfalls of using genetic tools impedes ecologists’ ability to make informed
decisions on using molecular approaches and creates the risk that some will use
microsatellites without understanding the steps needed to evaluate the quality of a genetic
data set. The first goal of this synthesis is to provide an overview of the strengths and
limitations of microsatellite markers and the risks, cost and time requirements of isolating
and using microsatellites with the aid of commercial services. The second goal is to
encourage the use and consistent reporting of thorough marker screening to ensure high
quality data. To that end, we present a multistep screening process to evaluate candidate
loci for inclusion in a genetic study that is broadly targeted to both novice and experienced
geneticists alike.
Extra Notes:
-Microsatellites have emerged as one of the most popular choices for these studies in part
because they have the potential to provide contemporary estimates of migration, have the
resolving power to distinguish relatively high rates of migration from panmixia, and can
estimate the relatedness of individuals.
-Microsatellites are tandem repeats of 1–6 nucleotides found at high frequency in the
nuclear genomes of most taxa.
-Other names: simple sequence repeats (SSR), variable number tandem repeats (VNTR),
and short tandem repeats (STR)
-DNA surrounding a microsatellite locus is termed the flanking region
-Short stretches of DNA, called oligonucleotides or primers, can be designed to bind to the
flanking region and guide the amplification of a microsatellite locus with polymerase chain
reaction (PCR).
-Microsatellites are of particular interest to ecologists because they are one of the few
molecular markers that allow researchers insight into fine-scale ecological questions.
-a molecular marker must fundamentally be selectively neutral and follow Mendelian
inheritance in order to be used as a tool for detecting demographic patterns, and these
traits should always be confirmed for any marker type
-The stability of DNA compared with enzymes allows the use of simple tissue preservatives
(such as 95% ethanol) for storage. The stability of DNA compared with enzymes allows the
use of simple tissue preservatives (such as 95% ethanol) for storage.
- Thus, taking multiple samples of the genome by combining the results from many loci
provides a more precise and statistically powerful way of comparing populations and
- Although AFLP, allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques
are also multilocus, none of them have the resolution and power of a multilocus
microsatellite study (but for distinct reasons; see Sunnucks 2000).
- Microsatellites have become so popular because they are single locus, co-dominant
markers for which many loci can be efficiently combined in the genotyping process to
provide fast and inexpensive replicated sampling of the genome.
-the region where the primer binds must be identical, with few or no mutations
causing interindividual differences.
- several statistics based on estimates of allele frequencies (e.g. FST and RST) rely
explicitly on a mutation model
-the stepwise mutational model (SMM), adds or subtracts one or more repeat units
from the string of repeats at some constant rate to mimic the process of errors
during DNA replication that generates mutations, creating a Gaussian-shaped allele
frequency distribution
-requires the assumption that all distinct alleles differ in length
- Homoplasy dampens the visible allelic diversity of populations and may inflate
estimates of gene flow when mutation rate is high
-homoplasy is often a minimal source of bias for population genetic studies
limited to populations with a ÔshallowÕ history or moderate effective
population size, as the chance of homoplasy is proportional to the genetic
distance of two individuals or populations
-Finding a useful DNA marker locus requires identifying a region of the genome with
a sufficiently high mutation rate that multiple versions (alleles) exist in a given
population, and which is also located adjacent to a low mutation rate stretch of DNA
that will bind PCR primers in the vast majority (approaching 100%) of individuals of
the species.
-There is a searchable database online for any microsatellite primers published in this
journal (http://tomato.bio.trinity.edu/). The sequences themselves are archived in
GenBank, and are often submitted long before their use appears in published studies.
GenBank can be searched with a web-based engine run by the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)
- In our survey of 50 recent microsatellite studies, 28% of studies mention the importance
of quality control screening but fail to report any results of statistical tests.
- The most commonly reported test of loci is conformity to HWE, in which observed
genotype frequencies are com- pared with the frequencies expected for an ideal population
- the more loci included in a study, the more reliable the resultant data set will be.
3) Zane, L., L. Bargelloni and T. Patarnello. 2002. Strategies for microsatellites isolation: a
review. Molecular Ecology. 11: 1-16.
In the last few years microsatellites have become one of the most popular molecular
markers used with applications in many different fields. High polymorphism and the
relative ease of scoring represent the two major features that make microsatellites of large
interest for many genetic studies. The major drawback of microsatellites is that they need
to be isolated de novo from species that are being examined for the first time. The aim of
the present paper is to review the various methods of microsatellite isolation described in
the literature with the purpose of providing useful guidelines in making appropriate
choices among the large number of currently available options. In addition, we propose a
fast and easy protocol which is a combination of different published methods.
4) Gupta, P. K. and R.K. Varshney. 2000. The development and use of microsatellite markers
for genetic analysis and plant breeding with emphasis on bread wheat. Molecular Biology.
In recent years, a variety of molecular markers, based on microsatellites or simple
sequence repeats (SSRs) have become the markers of choice, thus necessitating their
development and use in a variety of plant systems. In this review, the basic principles
underlying different hybridization-based (oligonucleotide fingerprinting) and PCR based
approaches (STMS, MP-PCR, AMP-PCR/ ISSR/ ASSR, RAMPs/ dRAMPs, SAMPL), making use
of microsatellites, have been outlined. Different methods for enrichment of genomic
libraries for microsatellites have also been outlined. Relevant literature on the subject,
giving a summary of results obtained using each approach, has been reviewed and critically
discussed. The review also includes a discussion on literature, which deals with the use of
microsatellites in genome mapping, gene tagging, DNA fingerprinting, characterization of
germplasm and cytogenetics research. Special emphasis has been laid on the genome of
bread wheat, where the work done in the authors’ own laboratory has also been briefly
5) Huang, B. X., R. Peakall and P. J. Hanna. 2000. Analysis of genetic structure of blacklip
abalone (Haliotis rubra) populations using RAPD, minisatellite and microsatellite marker.
Marine Biology. 136: 207-216.
We investigated the utility of three polymerase chain-reaction (PCR)-based DNA
molecular markers in analysing genetic structure of the populations of the blacklip abalone
Haliotis rubra (Leach) of Victoria, Australia. The DNA markers included 84 randomly
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) bands amplified using six random primers, two
minisatellites, GHR (putative growth-hormone-gene-repeat) and MIPR (putative molluscainsulin-like peptide-gene-repeat), and three microsatellites, RUBGT1 [containing (GT)n
repeats], RUBCA1 [containing (CA)n repeats] and RUBGACA1 [containing (GACA)n
repeats]. All three types of DNA markers revealed significant subdivision in the H. rubra
populations along the coastline. This is postulated as being related to the abalone's
relatively short pelagic period and limited dispersion. Further analysis revealed that a
Point Cook population sampled from within the semi-enclosed Port Phillip Bay was distinct
from two other central zone populations (Apollo Bay and Cape Schanck). The genotypes of
microsatellites indicated excessive homozygotes across all the populations at all three
microsatellite loci, and possible causes such as larval recruitment pattern and
asynchronous spawning are discussed. The excessive homozygotes recorded for the three
microsatellite loci contrast with those observed in the minisatellite loci GHR and MIPR, the
heterozygosities of which were at Hardy±Weinberg equilibrium.
6) Biswas, M. K., L. Chai, M. H. Amar, X. Zhang, and X. Deng. 2011. Comparative analysis of
genetic diversity in Citrus germplasm collection using AFLP, SSAP, SAMPL and SSR
markers. Scientia Horticulturae. 129: 798-803.
In this study we evaluate the informativeness and efficiency of Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphism (AFLP), Sequence-Specific Amplified Polymorphism (S-SAP),
Selectively Amplified Microsatellite Polymorphic Loci (SAMPL) and Simple Sequence
Repeat (SSR) markers for genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship among the Citrus
species and mapping ability of the marker system. The SSR exhibited relatively higher level
of polymorphism information content in terms of the expected heterozygosity, than that of
the AFLPs, SSAPs and SAMPLs. For each marker system, average level of the discriminating
potential was very close to the actual discriminating potential. Similarity matrices showed
weak, yet significant correlations when Mantel’s test was applied. The highest positive
(0.72) correlation was found between the AFLP and SSAP markers. The SSR and SAMPL
markers were poorly correlated. The dendrogram topology among the four marker
systems had high similarity. Taken together, the SSAP and SAMPL were highly efficient in
detecting genetic similarity in Citrus, while the SSR may be more useful for segregation
studies and genome mapping in Citrus. The SSAP and SAMPL markers could be useful for
Citrus genome mapping in combination with AFLP and SSR markers. To our knowledge,
this was the first detail report of a comparison of performances among AFLP, SSR and
retrotrasposon based molecular marker technique on a set of samples of Citrus. Our result
provides guidance for future efficient use of these molecular methods in genetic analysis of
Citrus sp. and its relatives.
7) Zakaria, L., H. Kulaveraaingham, T. S. Guan, F. Abdullah, and H. Y. Wan. 2005. Random
Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Random Amplified Micorsatellite (RAMS) of
Ganoderma from Infected Oil Palm and Coconut Stumps in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 13: 23-34.
S)analyseswereused to determine the genetic relatedness within and between Ganoderma
boninense isolates from infected oil palm and Ganoderma sp. from coconut stumps from
different locations in Malaysia. RAPD analysis using four random primers
showed variations of banding patterns within and between the isolates from oil palm and
coconut stumps, indicating that they were genetically heterogeneous. There was no specific
banding pattern that could differentiate between G. boninense isolates from infected oil
palm and Ganoderma sp. from coconut stumps. RAMS analysis using four microsatellite
primers, 5’BDB(ACA)5, 5’DD(CCA)5, 5’DHB(CGA)5 and 5’YHY(GT)5G, also showed
variable banding patterns among the isolates from infected oil palm and coconut stumps.
However, five common bands i.e. two bands (900 bp and 1200 bp) produced by primer
(CGA)5, one band (1400 bp) by primer (ACA)5 and two bands (350 bp and 380 bp) by
primer (CCA)5 were shown by all the G. boninense isolates from infected oil palm and
Ganoderma sp. from coconut stumps. Dendrograms from cluster analysis based on UPGMA
of RAPD and RAMS data showed that G. boninense isolates from infected oil palm and
Ganoderma sp. from coconut stumps did not cluster separately into two distinct clusters,
but were clustered together, which indicated that both groups of Ganoderma are closely
related. The finding that the Ganoderma isolates from coconut stumps are closely related to
G. boninense isolates from infected oil palm would have an important bearing in the
formulation of disease control measures and replanting procedures, especially in areas
where the previous crop was coconut.
8) Simbaqueba, J., P. Sanchez, E. Sanchez, V. Zarantes, M. I. Chacon, L. S. Barrero and L.
Maino-Ramirez. 2011. Development and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for the
Cape Gooseberry Physalis peruviana. PLoS One 6(10): 1-6.
Physalis peruviana, commonly known as Cape gooseberry, is an Andean Solanaceae
fruit with high nutritional value and interesting medicinal properties. In the present study
we report the development and characterization of microsatellite loci from a P. peruviana
commercial Colombian genotype. We identified 932 imperfect and 201 perfect Simple
Sequence Repeats (SSR) loci in untranslated regions (UTRs) and 304 imperfect and 83
perfect SSR loci in coding regions from the assembled Physalis peruviana leaf
transcriptome. The UTR SSR loci were used for the development of 162 primers for
amplification. The efficiency of these primers was tested via PCR in a panel of seven P.
peruviana accessions including Colombia, Kenya and Ecuador ecotypes and one closely
related species Physalis floridana. We obtained an amplification rate of 83% and a
polymorphic rate of 22%. Here we report the first P. peruviana specific microsatellite set, a
valuable tool for a wide variety of applications, including functional diversity, conservation
and improvement of the species.