The Meaning of Vision Big Picture Thinking Direction A vision is the North Star that Having a clear and inspiring guides an organization towards vision allows everyone in the A well-articulated vision its desired future state. It organization to understand inspires and motivates people requires big picture thinking their role in achieving it, to work towards a common and a desire to create providing direction and focus to goal. It creates a sense of something that doesn't yet decision making. purpose and meaning. exist. Inspiration and Motivation Importance of Formula and Strategy 1 Formula A clear formula outlines the specific Strategy 2 actions and resources required to achieve the vision. It defines the approach and methodology for The strategy outlines how the formula success. will be implemented. It considers market trends, competition, and other factors to determine the most effective approach. 3 Alignment Aligning the formula and strategy with the vision ensures that everyone is Agility Adapting the formula and strategy to changing circumstances allows the organization to remain agile and responsive to new opportunities and challenges. 4 working towards the same goal and reduces the risk of wasted time and resources. Organizational Alignment Leadership Collaboration Leaders must clearly communicate the vision, Effective collaboration ensures that everyone formula, and strategy, and encourage is working together to achieve the vision. This everyone to align their work with these requires clear communication, joint decision components. They must also model making, and a culture of trust and respect. behaviours that support the vision. Accountability Culture Accountability ensures that everyone takes An organizational culture that supports the ownership of their role in achieving the vision. vision, formula, and strategy ensures that It requires clear expectations, regular everyone is working towards the same goal. feedback, and consequences for failure to This requires a focus on values, norms, and meet expectations. behaviours that align with the vision. Components of a Successful Organizational Formula • A clearly stated and compelling vision • A formula that outlines specific actions and resources required to achieve the vision • A strategy that outlines how the formula will be implemented • Cross-functional collaboration to ensure alignment and accountability CLOE's 52 Weeks of Leadership Programme 52 Weeks Collaboration Training and Development A year-long development The programme promotes programme that provides collaboration by bringing The programme includes a leaders with the tools, leaders together to learn from variety of training and resources, and support they each other and share best development opportunities need to build stronger and practices. It also includes team including workshops, webinars, more effective organizations. coaching sessions to improve coaching, and mentoring to communication and decision support the growth and making. development of leaders. Leadership Trends for 2022 1 Authenticity Emphasis on leaders being genuine and transparent, building trust with their teams 2 Technology The rise of remote work and the importance of technology for collaboration and communication. 3 Diversity and Inclusion Greater focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, including ensuring diverse representation in leadership.