RUBRICS IN PAPER PRESENTATION CATEGORY ORGANIZATION (20 PTS) CONTENT (30 POINTS) Delivery (30 points) RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS (10 points) Collaboration (10 points) Score CRITERIA POINTS Introduction is attention-getting, lays out 10 the problem well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation Information is presented in a logical 5 sequence. Conclusion succinctly summarizes the 5 presentation to reiterate how the main points support the purpose/central thesis. Technical terms are well-defined in language 5 appropriate for the target audience Presentation demonstrates substance and depth. 10 Material included is relevant to the overall 5 message/purpose. Points made reflect mastery of data analysis. 5 Overall message/purpose is made relevant to 5 the target audience. Speaker maintains good eye contact with the 5 audience and is appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, movement, inflection) Speaker uses a clear audible voice. 5 Delivery is natural and enthusiastic. 5 Good language skills (grammar, pronunciation) 5 are used. Visual aids are well prepared, informative, 5 and used effortlessly to enhance the presentation OR presentation is highly effective without the use of visual aids Length of presentation is within the assigned 5 time limits. Demonstrates full knowledge of topic and 5 responds easily and confidently to questions. Actively listens to question and clarifies 5 (when necessary) prior to answering. Demonstrates collaborative actions in the 5 research Actively helps in the tasks given and 5 knowledgeable of the study Total Points 100 Prepared by: Prof. Reality Mae S. Tabernero