Assessment in Project Based Learning[PBLA] PRESENTER: RA JKUMAR TYATA M.ED.4 TH SEM. KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY THANKS TO: DEEPENDRA BUDHATHOKI & NIROJ DAHAL Presentation Synopsis: Starting Problem What is PBL? Why PBL? Types of Project? How to create Project? Essential Elements in Project Assessment in Project Sample Rubrics Reference 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 2 Starting Problem How do you solve it? 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 3 What is PBL(Project Based Learning)? A project is an activity in which time constraints has been largely removed (compared to an examination) and can be undertaken individually or by a group, and usually involves a significant element of work being done at home or out of school (Firth and Mackintosh, 1987). In project, the whole work process is as important as the final result or product. Project work is an integrated learning experience that encourages students to break away from the compartmentalisation of knowledge and instead involves drawing upon different aspects of knowledge. provides an opportunity for students to explore different approaches in solving problems 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 4 Components of PBL: 1. Students choice 2. Dividing the tasks 3. Researching and writing book 4. Developing essential Questions 5. Book Development 6. Getting related WORD-ART 7. 3D presentation 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 5 Why PBL? - Peer learning can improve the overall quality of student learning - Group work can help develop specific generic skills sought by employers. ◦ Collaborative skills, organisational and time management skills, analytical and cognitive skills, teamwork skills - Group work may reduce the workload involved in assessing, grading and providing feedback to students. - it is an opportunity to boost up the higher order thinking skills of students. 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 6 Types of Project: 1. Research- based Project ◦ More theoretical in nature ◦ may consist of putting a question, formulating a problem or setting up some hypotheses ◦ Eg. Educational project, science research project 2. Product-based Project ◦ Production of concrete object, a service ◦ A dance performance, a film, an exhibition, play, a computer programme 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 7 How to create Project? Most projects have certain common defining features (Katz & Chard, 1989) Student centred A definite beginning, middle, and end Content meaningful to students; directly observable in their environment Real-world problems Firsthand investigation Sensitivity to local culture and culturally appropriate Specific goals related to curriculum A tangible product that can be shared with the intended audience Connections among school, life, and work skills Opportunity for reflective thinking and student self-assessment Authentic assessments (portfolios, journals, etc.) 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 8 Essential elements of PBL: 1. Situation or Problem 2. Project description and purpose 3. Performance specification 4. Rules 5. List of project participants with roles assigned 6. Assessment 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 9 Seven essential things in Project: 1. A need to know (entry event-trip, video, lively discussion etc..) 2. A Driving Question (heart of the project) 3. Students voice and choice (Own style and area of interest) 4. 21st century skills (collaboration, presentation, …) 5. Inquiry and Innovation (with real people than researching in diff. sources) 6. Feedback and Revision (for high quality product by rubrics…) 7. A publicly presented product (parents, peers and community) Lermer and Mergendoller Seven essential for Project based learning 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 10 Assessment in PBL: 1. 4P Model (Project Log, Written Project report, Practical Development,Project presentation) 2. Checklist 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 11 Six A’s Project Checklist: 1. Authenticity ◦ Meaningful to the student? Similar with project undertaken by adult? Useful for them beyond school? 2. Academic Rigor ◦ Enable student to acquire and apply knowledge of one or more discipline? 3. Applied Learning 4. Active Exploration 5. Adult Relationship 6. Assessment practices 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 12 What you Assess? Product or Process? 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 13 Domains Learning Outcomes Knowledge application Students will be able to make connections across different areas of knowledge and to generate, [Apply creative and critical develop and evaluate ideas and information so as to apply these skills to the project task. thinking skills] be able to choose a knowledge area and within this delimit a task or a problem, be able to choose relevant material, methods as well as relevant tools, be held to draw up a project plan and where needed revise it Communication [Improve communication skills; both oral and written] Students will acquire the skills to communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently to specific audience in both the written and oral forms be able to discuss with their supervising teacher how their work is developing, be able to provide a written report of the project describing the progress of the work from initial idea to final product be able to produce a final product which means an independent solution to the task or problem chosen Collaboration [Foster collaborative learning skills] Independent Learning [Develop self-directed inquiry and life-long learning skills] Students will acquire collaborative skills through working in a team to achieve common goals. 9/23/2023 Students will be able to learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it. be able to use a logbook documenting the progress of their work and regularly report the process be able to assess either in writing or verbally their work process and results. TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 14 How to Assess: Some tools: 1. Summative Assessments: ◦ Rubrics ◦ Model making scheme 2. Formative Assessments: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Individual Conference Posing Questions Tickets to Lunch Online bulletin board Graffiti Wall 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 15 General Marking Criteria for Projects 100 -90% Exceptional and distinguished work of a professional standard. Outstanding technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating exceptional creativity and imagination. Work displaying great flair and originality. 89-80% Excellent and highly developed work of a professional standard. Extremely good technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating a high level of creativity and imagination. Work displaying flair and originality. 79-70% Very good work which approaches professional standard. Very good technical and expressive skills. Work demonstrating good creativity and imagination. Work displaying originality. 69-60% A good standard of work. Good technical and expressive skills. Work displaying creativity and imagination. Work displaying some originality. 59-50% A reasonable standard of work. Adequate technical and expressive skills. Work displaying competence in the criteria assessed, but which may be lacking some creativity or originality. 49-40% A limited, but adequate standard of work. Limited technical and expressive skills. Work displaying some weaknesses in the criteria assessed and lacking creativity or originality. 39-30% Limited work which fails to meet the required standard. Weak technical and expressive skills. Work displaying significant weaknesses in the criteria assessed. 29-20% Poor work. Unsatisfactory technical or expressive skills. Work displaying significant or fundamental weaknesses in the criteria assessed. 19-10% Very poor work or work where very little attempt has been made. A lack of technical or expressive skills. Work displaying fundamental weaknesses in the criteria assessed. 9-1% Extremely poor work or work where no serious attempt has been made. 9/23/2023 Table 5.3 General Marking Scheme for Projects [source: Chard, S. C. (1992). The Project Approach: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Printing Services] TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 16 Methods of Assessing: Product Scoring: Method 1: Shared group Marks Method 2: Share-out Marks Method 3: Individual Marks(Allocated task or Method 4: Individual Examination Marks Method 5: Combination of Group Average and individual Marks 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 17 Process scoring: 1. Peer/ Self evaluation Marks 9/23/2023 2. Individual journals 3. Minutes of group Meeting TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 4. Group/ Individual contribution Marks 18 Sample Rubrics: Grade 8 maths: 9/23/2023 •Here you are. TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 19 Challenges in PBL: -resources - qualified and skilled tutor - planning - students management - follow up - individual recording 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 20 Thank You!!! Reference: Lermer J. & Mergendoller J.R.(), Seven essential for project based learning Droppelt Y.(2003), Implementation and Assessment of project based learning in flexible environment Machella J. & Dyszel J.(2014), project based assessment update Starking S. (1997), Assessing Students Project Closing Video! 9/23/2023 TYATA2016@GMAIL.COM 21