Uploaded by Xueyi “Terra” Wei

Pt 3题目类型

Pt 3 题目类型
Skill Set 1: Introducing and Supporting Opinions
Skill Set 2: Evaluating two Different Opinions
Skill Set 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Skill Set 4: Talking about Advantages & Disadvantages
Skill Set 5: Assessing Degree / Importance
Skill Set 6: Proposing Solutions to Problems
Skill Set 7: Speculating About Future Events
1. Giving and Supporting Opinions
Do you think children should be made to wear a uniform to school?
Do you believe it is acceptable that animals are used for cosmetics testing?
Do you feel that city life is suitable for elderly people?
What To SAY?
- Introduce and state your opinions clearly
- Support your opinions with reasons or examples
2. Evaluating Two Different Opinions
Why do some people think that university life is the best stage in life while others disagree?
Suggest reasons why some people prefer to travel in groups, yet others prefer to travel
Give reasons why some people hold the opinion that it is acceptable to eat meat, while
others insist on being vegetarians. *
What To SAY?
- Talk about which types of people hold which opinions
- State why different people hold these opinions
3. Agreeing and Disagreeing
Do you agree that famous people should be used to advertise products on television?
Would you agree that people should have 4 day working weeks and 3 day weekends?
Do you agree or disagree that office workers should all wear very formal clothes?
What To SAY?
- If you agree you should:
State your agreement, give reasons why you agree
- If you only partially agree / disagree you should:
Say to what extent you agree then state your disagreement, give reasons to support
- If you totally disagree you should:
State your strong disagreement politely, give reasons why you disagree
4. Talking About Advantages and Disadvantages
What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying and using a motor car?
Tell me about the advantages of keeping pets like dogs and cats in the home.
Describe some of the disadvantages of big city life.
What To SAY?
There are 3 types of questions the examiner is likely to ask you:
1. What are the advantages of X?
Talk about 2 or 3 advantages of X and give reasons and examples.
2. What are the disadvantages of X?
Talk about 2 or 3 disadvantages of X and give reasons and examples.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of X?
Talk about 2 advantages and disadvantages of X and give reasons and examples.
5. Expressing Importance & Priority
What are the most important things to bear in mind if you are planning an overseas trip?
Which subjects, sports, activities or lessons do you believe to have the highest priority in
a child’s education?
What environmental concerns today are the most in need of being addressed quickly?
What To SAY?
- Say how important you think X is
- Compare the importance of X with other things
- Explain why you think this
6. Proposing Solutions to Problems
Think about restaurants and customer services in your town or city. What kind of problems
are there? How would you suggest they solve these problems?
What are the main environmental problems facing the world today? How could they be
What are the drawbacks of travelling in your country as a foreigner? How could tourist
companies as well as individuals go about surmounting these problems?
What To SAY?
- Identify the problems
- Suggest solutions
- Suggest definite actions that should be taken
7. Speculating About Future Events & Outcomes
Describe some of the major changes you think will happen in your country in the next 20
Do you think that people in the future will have solved many of the environmental and social
problems that we are still facing today?
What future predictions would you make about how technology in the future will develop
and how it will affect the daily lives of humans?
What To SAY?
- State present conditions
- Predict future outcomes
- Talk about what will happen in the future “if” we take certain steps