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Fr Story
Quai - port
Maigret and Lapointe were marching along the port.
Date: 25th march, first real day of spring (vrai jour de Printemps)
Comissonaire stands with hands behind back (les mains derriere le dos)
Where: Saint-Louis
They go to Marie Bridge. See a GRAY barge (gris peniche) called Le Poitou. It was being
unloaded (decharged)
Another barge could be seen 50m away (cinquantaine de meters), it was cleaned the same
morning (Elle semblait avoid eye nettoyee le matin meme)
It had a BELGIUM flag on it (belge drape), white cabin (cabine blanche), and baby sleeping on
Tall man, cheveux blonde pale was there
His boat’s name: De Zwarte Zwaan—FLEMISH name (flammand)
This language Maigret et Lapointe ne comprenainet, didnt know
Other courthouse (Palais de Justice) pull up—judges (judges) Parrain, Dantziger, and a old
greffier (notetaker)
THEY GO DOWN RAMP to Van Houtte. No one knew anything yet.
MARINIER - sailer, Jef Van Houtte
They saw young woman. Maigret disigne to a baby and asked “voter fils” aka your son
He said no—FILLE. Name is YOLANE, same as his sister.
Parrain interrupted and signified (signe) the notetaker to take notes
Beginning stuff
He never (jamais) the man who drowned (noye)
Boat was AMARRE (tied) to deck since yday night (heir sir)
He was going from Jeumant, needed to go to Rouen. Cross Paris and stop in Sureesnes,
but sum wrong (chose n’allait) with MOTEUR (engine)
Did man throw (jete) himsefl-no
DID HE NOTICE (REMARQUE) the man under the bridge - no, they are there always
What happened
Was having DINE. With HUBERT (brother) and Anneke (real name, vrai nom, Anna. His
Hubert put on beau costume to danse
He is vignt deux (22)
He was not there—he was at MARCHÉ (market)
After diner: working on MOTEUR (motor/engine) trying til this morning
NOT done yet.
FIRST — He heard cris (screams) and CLIMBED (MONTÉ) up to check
Smoked cigar (fumes un cigarette) while Anneke slept. Some nights Anne pleure (cries)
about dentes (teeth)
Was about 10pm
Then went back down to engine.
Longtemps, he hears a BRUIT (SOUND) from engine like a virtue arrete (stopped) not fa
from the BATEAU (boat)
Then there was a slash (plouf)
He then monte again to see.
Saw men couraient to voiture, running to car
Car was ROUGE, Peugeot 403
Saw one man wearing an impermeable clair (clear raincoat)
Saw some numbers
Car started immediately (en Marche) so couldn’t see men
Some time between man was thrown and moment he screamed…
Screamed MINUIT PASSE (after midnight)
SOME people watched, even hobos
POITOU was unloading sand at the time (decharger du sable dans des camions, trucks)
It was LOUD cry.
The PATRON OF POITOU (boss of poitou ship) also heard and ran from his bated, essayist
d’attraper something with his gaffe (like he was trying to catch something with his
He jumped onto boat.
Souprie - he sighed bc of all the questions, Jef
Both tire de l’eau—pulled man out.
He VOMIR on the ship. He vomitted on the ship.
He had his yeux obverts (open eyes) and water sortir sa bouche (water left mouth)
Someone called from bridge and called cops, two agents came after and one went to get a
Wife woke up, put on a coat
There was blood. There was light from TROU AVAIT LA TETE (hole on head)
Doctor told.
HE cleaned the boat (laver le bateu) after
There are TOUJOURS people there. So he didnt notice.
He heard footsteps (extend pas)
He was already in water when he went up (deja dans l’eau)
Wife interrogate - no, she is flamand
He needs to sign declaration. He needs to go to Rouen and tenir au Courant (keep updated)
Apres midi will sign
They go to marie bridge. Saw a NICHE (hole) that Parrain (judge) didnt touch
Found a
couverture (blanket)
Two pieces of PAIN (bread)
Dizaine (douzen) cm of SAUCISSON
Autre coin (other corner) - JOURNAL (NEWSPAPER - PRESSE MEDICALE (medical
Viex vetements
Fat woman
Said Toubib - doctor
Vraiment mexicain
Lived there for years
Woman seemed 60, no teeth, rire (laughed) with eyes, kepit laughing
Was MAL A L’AISE (uncomfy) with all these policemen and well dressed gentlemen
(messieurs trop bien habilles)
Did he live here always — no. was at PONT NEUF AND QUAI DE BERCY
Buvait beaucoup? - vin rouge - jamais ivre (never drunk) comme her
Didnt hear anything - designs Louis Phillipe pont
Maire bridge where he lived, Louis Phillips where it happened (?)
Fat woman says its funny a CLOCHARD (hobo) was attacked and jet into waters
She heard scream tho
Doctor SPENDS time on quoi so she didnt think much
Went in PYJAMA.
Saw van houtte and other dude chasing with blunder (gaffe)
She grabbed the doctors leg or something, eyes were open, vomited water
She will go hospital later (fat woman).
Maigrait tells Lapointe—send agent (envoie un agent), retrouve ici (meet here)
Shook hands w/ judges (serve la main)
Fat woman name - Léa
Was more a son aise (at ease) that juges (judges) were gone
She fills wine. Says il ne sera plus bon quand le Toubib reviendra (the wine wont be good when
doctor arrives) after Maigret asks if she had any
Vin was doctors bc he asks her if she took anything else, she said no—a rien (its useless)
Clochards ne se volent pas entre tux (they dont steal from each other, maigret knew from
Doctor used to buy vin in a BISTRO (bistoro) on AVE MARIA street.
Around coin (corner) of JARDINS.
When Maigrait asked how the doctor was with everyone—a faire plaisir (he always seeked to
She really said — idk. Not much different
No one talked about their VIE (life)
He saw a children CHEVAL EN BOIS (children horse thing)
Someone was coming down - He held a net - filet - it was brother of VAN HOUTTE (jeune,
young) - it was Hubert
Woman asked if she can finish vin, he just nodded
Lapointe came with agent - told her to keep doctors treasure in check (tresor du toubib) until
He goes to HUBERT. Asked if he danced.
He was at BASTILLE. (CHEZ LEON) is what it was called
Maigrait asked if he already knew about it - Hubert said j’y suit all plusieurs foes (been there a
He knows only what brother said (seulement queen mon free raconteur)
Hubert and his fam can leave APRES MIDI
Some time later—they go to bistro, le petit turin
Boss was at front door, no one inside. He runs away suirprised (retreat—retire). dehors la
comptoir (outside the counter), 3 tables.
They ask for CHIANTI VIN.
Went from flamand accent to Italian. (?)
Did doctor buy vin — souvent (often)
Deux litres par jour , when he had money
He earns by PANNEAUX RECLAMES (walking advertisements signs). The bartender gave him
credit (something he can pay later).
He was not a VAGABOND like the others. He saved his wife.
Wife was in kitchen, also fat.
Wife comes by.
She had ECZEMA for 15 months. He gave pommades that sentient mauvais (ointments that
smelled bad). Doctor said — je cross queen je jeux vous GUERIR (I think I can cure you)
She asked if he was vraiment doctor - he said “on ne m’a retire le droit de pratique” I have the
right to practice
He asked for ARGENT, then went to pharmacy himself
He told her to wash herself w SEAWATER - SALÉE
In two months, GEURIE (CURED)
Wife said idk. He didnt talk much. He had daughter bc they have one and once doctors daughter
was looking at him. He said - n’aie pas peur. (Dont be afraid). I have little girl too
The Italian told them not to pay for vin.
They left.
Head nerve (infirmere chef) pulls up - they go t HOTEL DIEU. Where he was being kept.
He told her he was commissaire maigret-nurse ne lei disait rien (she didnt care he was
He asked how he is. Nurse says prof Magnin taking care.
IL A OPERE? (Surgery)
Nurse - idk
MAigret asked to see card of DOCTOR:
He talked to doctor. 80% chances of living.
He then visits his wife and talks with her, mentions his name. Fracois Keller. Wife recognizes,
calls friends, then gets info
Keller was a doctor and married to the daughter of a judge.
Judge died shortly before wedding
Mrs. Keller inherited the money from taunt (aunt) and is now rich.
Toubib and Mrs. Keller left their house to settle in private mansion, had a daughter. She
married with some Rousselet guy so thats her name now instead of Keller. That guy is
some pharmaceutical guy. They live in Paris.
Keller stayed w wife then disappeared.
He looks through telephonique annuaire to find Rousselet
He calls. Asks if born in Mulhouse and maiden name Keller.
Rich houses
He visits his daughter Mrs, Rousset. (Jacqueline) Maiden name was Keller. A valet leads him.
She (looked 35, has 4 kids, she says she thought this was about Mr. Rousslet her husband,
Maigret asks if hes in Paris and she says not now) tells Maigret that her father went to Africa.
She last saw him when she was 13. Some thought he was a saint (cognate) others thought he
was crazy. He left a note for divorce.
Maigret asked if she knew he was revenu at Paris—she BAISSE her eyes - didnt know
Mom didnt bc catholic.
Born in Mulhouse.
Someone (mothers friend) from Mulhouse say him in Saint Michel, doing sign advertisements
(panneuux reclaims). When that someone said his name, the man TrEsSAILLI (Trembled/
flinched) but semblance de ne pas le reconnatire (pretended he didnt know him)
How was father—he was doux (gentil)
He never ELEVER LA VOIX (raises voice). He wasnt there tho (solvent la). He visited his
MALADES (PATIENTS). She mentions her mother saying meilleur medicine (best doctor)
Maigret - mother still in Mulhouse?
Rousset - in Paris. She lives at Quai d’orleans 29a.
MAIGRET TRESSAILI - he FLINCHED. He says it is VERY close to where he was hit. 300m. Under
marie bridge. He was at HOTEL DIEU.
HE GOES to the mother - MRS KELLER
Mother reveals her name is Jacqueline.
Mother - is it true he is in pain or did you say this to CALM my daughter
Maigret - says doctor is Magnin. 80% chance living
Mother - ik him.
Maigret - Did you know. Your husband (Mari) is in Paris
Mother - yes and no. he left (parti) for Africa 20 years ago. All she got was 2 cards.
Maigret gave card. She confirms yea
Mother - havent hard DIRECTEMENT
Maigret - indirectement
Mother - met at a friend’s house gouvenor of gabon, where husband lived in Africa. Friend
asked if she was related to Mr. Keller (j’etais parente)
Maigret - what’d u say
Mother - LA VERITE. The turn. Governor said he had not found (trovue) what he was looking
Maigret - what search
Mother - he was idealist. He was disappointment (deception)
Mother gets tea from Berthe. Maigret takes nothing. She says he was doctor for pauvres people.
He worked for two years to prepare for exam. But, like always, a friend of the big boss was A
ETE NOMME (was appointed).
Then he lost courage. He proposed DIVORCE, she didnt even have the IDEE.
He started drinking (buvait). She never seen, but he had bottle and would go to small bistros.
This was when they were all together.
THEN he went Africa. In gabon - wanted to be doctor to treat the NEGRES (blacks). He led a life
INDIGNE (bad) and maybe because of the climate left drinking
The administration said it is not his place and IL EST PARTI. He left.
How long did it take for your friends to recontre (MEET) him in Saint-Michel - daughter talked
about it - just repeated that Francois looked at the friend like he didnt know her.
Maigret - I cant have u come in and RECONNAITRE (recognize) him rn. Pansements (bandages)
on his face (visage). When he is BETTER (sera MIEUX)
Mother - is he penible - painful
The journal will talk about it le moins possible (less reporting)
Mother - u sure u dont want anything
Maigret - no. then he says torrence - where can I find bistro I am SOIF (THIRSTY)