Unit 7,8 grammer book review for exam Ballad: It is a long poem that tells a story, sometimes with a point to make at the end. A good ballad should: 1-tell a complete story, usually focusing on one individual 2-usually include a lesson or warning 3-be divided into regular verses that give structure to the story 4-have regular rhyme or rhythm that makes them easier to remember Future tenses: Sudden idea: I will open a shop Planning: I am going to open a shop Arrangement: I am opening a shop Ok this is a short story to make things easier. So lets say am walking on the street I see a shop for sale I think to myself I want to open a shop or I will open a shop so that’s a sudden idea when u go home u start planning so you say I am going to open a shop then u call the shop owner and u make a deal with him to buy the shop so you say I am opening a shop its guaranteed. Gerund and infinitives: ok so for gerund u have certain words before a verb which when together makes sense An example of a gerund: I enjoy talking to him Talking is verb + ing An example of infinitive: I need to study Infinitives always have to before the verb Here is a table prefixes and suffixes prefixes change the meaning they are letters added at the start of a word suffixes change the part of speech they are letters added at the end of words to give them a different part of speech example of prefixe: react re is a prefixe added to the start to change its meaning example of suffixe: action ion changed its part of speech and meaning. Connectives A connective is a word that joins one part of a text to another. Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs Kinds of connectives: 1- Contrast:despite,although,nevertheless 2-example:for example, such as, namely 3-addition:equally, similarly, furthermore. Student book unit 6,7,8,9 review for exam Unit 6 Phrases and prepositions A phrase is a few words without a verb that must be joined to a sentence A preposition is a word that joins a phrase to a sentence. Onomatopoeic words are words that mimic a sound. anagrams an anagram is made when u jumble up the letters in a word or words for example, sword is an anagram of words haiku a haiku is a poem with three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven syllables, and the third has five syllables. Unit 7 Similes similes are when u compare a human being with a animal using like personification is when u personify a object Discourse markers These words and phrases are called discourse markers because they mark stages along an argument. Using them will make your paragraphs clearer and more orderly. Unit 8 Techniques writers use 1-describe the setting 2-introduce character 3-adress the reader 4-go straight into the action 5-provide history/backround to the story 6- include speech/ conversation 7-reflect on what has happened 8-withhold information from the reader 9-suggest what the story is going to be about An adverbial phrase is a group of words that functions like and adverb Adverbs are words that end with ly A relative pronoun does what it says it takes an idea and relates it to be a person or a thing. Be careful,though- you have to use who for people and which for things. Prepared by: Zher hogr Class: 8C