THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM By using the graphic organizer below, share your ideas about the universe. Write words that describe the universe. Initial Task: THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM All the stars systems, galaxies, gas and dusts, including all the matter and energy that exist at present, and will exist in the future are contained in the universe. The universe is so vast that it includes all of space and time. The study of THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM In an effort to make sense of the universe, humans use religion, traditions, philosophy, and science to describe its origin and structure. Humankind most recent understanding of the universe is built upon previous knowledge and THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM The Theory of Creation The narrative from Genesis, one of the books of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament, describe how God separated light from darkness, created the sky, land, sea, moon, stars and every living Figure 1. Theory of Creation THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM The Theory of Oscillating Universe The oscillating universe theory is a cosmological model that states that the universe experiences self-regulating, indefinite cycles of expansion and contraction. These culminate in a "Big Bang" and "Big Crunch", meaning we are currently in between and infinite THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Steady State Theory Proposed by astronomers Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold and Hermann Bondi, the steady state theory predicted a universe that expanded but did not change its densitymatter was inserted into the universe as it expanded in order to maintain a constant density. THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Big Bang Theory THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Big Bang Theory The current accepted model on the formation of the universe. The Big Bang describes the universe as expanding, having originated from an infinitely tiny dense point around 14billion years ago. According to this theory, matter was not present at the beginning of time; there was only pure energy compressed in a single point called singularity, as illustrated in Figure 3. THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Big Bang Theory The big bang caused rapid inflation and expansion of the universe. At that point, the universe was extremely hot that matter could not form. After about three minutes, with the universe continuously expanding it started to cool down allowing After 100 million years, stars and matter to form galaxies began to form. The overall composition of the universe transitioned from light elements to solid particles in the form of nebula. This nebulae would later form the star systems and planets known THE FORMATION OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Big Bang Theory The fundamental statement of the Big Bang theory is attributed to Belgian Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre in 1927. It was later supported by Edwin Hubble’s demonstration of the continuously expanding universe through his observation of galactic red shifts in 1929 and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation by HOW DID THE SOLAR SYSTEM ORIGINATE Figure 6. The Solar System As shown in Figure 6, the universe may have begun with the big bang which occurred 13.8 billion years ago, but it was only after one billion years that galaxies began to form. The age of the Solar System and that of the planet Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. This is based on the age of meteorites which are believed to have been formed the same time as the rest of the Solar system. Encounter Hypothesis States that about 5 billion years ago, a rogue star passed close to the sun and stripped materials (hot gases) from both the sun and the rogue star. The hot gases continued to spin in the same direction as the sun and fused into smaller lumps which formed the planets. The encounter hypothesis as shown in Figure 7, was able to explain why all the planets revolve in the same direction and why the inner plants are denser than the outer ones. However, it failed to explain Nebular Hypothesis In the 1700s Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, and Pierre-Simon Laplace stated that the entire solar system started as a large cloud of gas that contracted due to selfgravity. Conservation of angular momentum requires that a rotating disk form with a large concentration at the center which form the protosun, while planets would begin forming within the disk. However, this hypothesis does not provide a mechanism to explain why the Protoplanet Hypothesis The present working model on the formation of the Solar System which is built on the main concepts of the nebular hypothesis (improvement of nebular hypothesis). It stated that the solar system began with a fragment form an interstellar cloud composed mainly of hydrogen, helium and trace amounts of the light elements. The fragments of the interstellar clouds then formed the dense central region of the solar nebula. As the solar nebula contracted, it rotated rapidly, conserving its angular momentum, materials continued to fall inward from its surroundings. The solar nebula eventually formed the sun. Figure 9 further illustrates Protoplanet Protoplanet Hypothesis