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Communication Skills Module: Oral & Signed Communication

Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 – Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Interact Successfully in Oral/Signed Communication.
Activity 1
Method: Group Discussion
Instructions : Identify the ways to communicate business
information. Then decide in what situation each particular
communication form could best be used.
1. Ways to communicate business information?
2. What situation can the communication form could best be used?
But if you can meet in person, then do so A business meeting with your entire team or
department is an ideal way to notify everyone of an important matter
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 – Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Interact Successfully in Oral/Signed Communication.
Activity 2
Method: Individual Activity
Level of understanding of your audience can greatly impact your communication give
people enough information so they understand the need to act and feel confident
about the action they need to take.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 – Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Interact Successfully in Oral/Signed Communication.
Activity 3
Method: Individual Activity
Instructions: Take a moment to think about this. Do you agree that use
of jargon outside of the group of people who understand it is not very
That’s the problem with thinking, it is important to give the opportunity for they body
language, motivation, cheering or booing responses, disturbances or attending and
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 – Chapter 1
Activity 4
Method : Group Activity
Instructions : Identify the appropriate form of communication in each of
the situations below:
Form of communication
You have to take time off work.
Invite someone to the movies.
Invite your boss to dinner.
Cancel an insurance policy.
Request a meeting with your superior.
Send greetings to a friend.
Apply for a loan.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119457 – Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Use Strategies That Capture and Retain the Interest of an Audience
Activity 5
Method : Individual Activity
Instructions :
1. List the people with whom you communicate with on a regular basis.
2. Do you communicate in exactly the same way with each of these
people? Give reasons for this.
1. Name of person
A personal name
2. Reasons
Relationships between employees are very important. If
people working for you.
Good communication can help you
develop good relationships between employees.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119457 – Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Use Strategies That Capture and Retain the Interest of an Audience
Activity 6
Method : Individual Activity
1. What is it about doing a presentation that worries you the most?
2. What should you do before a presentation to ensure that it is
The best way to overcome your presentation fears is to approach them in a different light.
You can use your presentation fears as motivation.
If you feel nervous at the thought of having to stand up in front of your peers and deliver
a presentation you're not alone
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119457 – Chapter 2
Activity 7
Method : Group Discussion
Instructions : You will no doubt have seen someone who is a good
presenter. You may also have been part of an audience where
someone made a poor presentation. Complete the table below by
writing down those things that made for a poor or good
But presentation jitters aren’t necessarily
bad. Nerves and excitement feel the same
in the body, so reframing nervousness as
excitement means you’ll feel more
positively about your feelings and the
upcoming presentation.
Not engaging the audience in beginning of
the presentation. Poorly designed
presentation materials (poor color contrast,
background design, font size or type, etc.)
Incorrect or misleading graphs, charts and
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119457 – Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Use Strategies That Capture and Retain the Interest of an Audience
Activity 8
Method : Group Discussion
Instructions : Answer the following questions:
a) How do you stop the nervousness that is part of doing such a presentation?
b) What do you understand about BODY LANGUAGE? Give examples from your
daily life.
c) Give examples of cultural differences with regard to body language.
d) List any other factor - other than the content of the speech - that you think will be
important in making sure that your audience attends to what you are saying and feels at the
end of your presentation that you have given a good presentation
It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic But with preparation
and persistence, you can overcome your fear.
Body language include facial expressions, eye gaze, gestures, posture, and body
movements. Body language is true feelings and to give our message more impact.
Body language is the act of communicating using anything other than your words.
They may differ depending on the age, gender, ethnicity, profession, and status of the
people involved.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119457 – Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Use Strategies That Capture and Retain the Interest of an Audience
Activity 9
Method: Group Activity
Instructions: You have been asked to address a group of young people who will
be travelling overseas. They will all need to give a short presentation to people
in the countries where they are going. What advice would you give them about
making such presentations? Explain fully.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Identify and Respond to Manipulative Use of Language
Activity 10
Method : Group Activity
Instructions :
1) What is an agenda?
2) Do you agree that the layout of a venue can impact on a meeting?
Support your response.
3) How would you suggest that one limits the length of a meeting?
A formal meeting without a meeting agenda, there’s no clear purpose or goal A focused
meeting agenda empowers every teammate to contribute, leading to higher
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 Chapter 3
Self-Reflection– US119472
Rate your understanding
1. No understanding, 2. Some idea, 3. Understand
Find and use suitable learning resources
Use learning strategies
Manage occupational learning programme materials
Plan and gather relevant information for use in a given context
Function in a team
Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and
occupational context affect learning.
Module 1 – Communication Skills
119472 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Interpret and use information from texts
Activity 11
Method: Individual Activity
Instructions: Word Attack Skills. Look at this list of complex terms on the left hand of this
table and match them with the correct explanations. Use your word attack skills to help you
complete this activity.
1. Multi-national
2. Multi-millionaire
a. Having lots of money
b. Sum total of the variety of life and its interaction and can be
divided into genetic diversity; species diversity; ecological or
ecosystem diversity
3. Groundwater
c. The study of construction
4. Biodiversity
d. The study of machines related to communication
5. Information Technology
e. The chemistry of the earth
6. building Science
f. Study of how all life systems function in the environment
7. Eco-systems
g. Condition of having body temperature below normal
8. Eco-tourism
h. When visitors and tourists use the environment in a nonF
damaging way
9. Geochemistry
i. Water found underground in cracks and spaces in soil, sand and
H rock.
10. Hypothermia
11. Alien vegetation
j. More than one country
k. Vegetation not indigenous to South Africa which needs constant
monitoring and removal to keep it in check.