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7A Respiration

7A: Respiration
Cellular respiration is the process by which food is broken down to produce ATP. Glucose is the
main respiratory substrate used by cells. Aerobic respiration is the process of breaking down a
respiratory substrate in order to produce ATP using oxygen
glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy
C6H1206 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + 2870 kJ
The energy that is released during the process is used to phosphorylate (add a phosphate) ADP to
form ATP. ATP can be broken down in a hydrolysis reaction, catalyzed by ATPase, to provide
energy for other chemical reactions.
The process of aerobic respiration using glucose can be split into four stages which each occurs
at a particular location in a eukaryotic cell:
1. Glycolysis takes place in the cell cytoplasm – no oxygen required
2. The Link reaction takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria
3. The Krebs cycle takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria
4. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs at the inner membrane of the mitochondria
These chemical reactions are controlled by intracellular enzymes that catalyze reactions within
the cell – ensuring that the energy trapped within the chemical bonds of the glucose molecule is
released gradually and not all at once.
A sudden release of such a large amount of energy would result in an increase in body
temperature to levels that would denature enzymes. The enzyme that catalyzes these reactions
the slowest will determine the overall rate of aerobic respiration
Since mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration, the number of mitochondria in the cell is an
indicator of how active the cell is.
Although glucose is the main fuel for respiration, organisms can also break down other
molecules (such as fatty acids or amino acids) to be respired
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
Mitochondria have two phospholipid membranes.
The outer membrane is:
Permeable to several small molecules
The inner membrane is:
Folded (cristae)
Less permeable
The site of the electron transport chain (used in oxidative phosphorylation)
Location of ATP synthase enzymes (used in oxidative phosphorylation)
The intermembrane space:
Has a low pH due to the high concentration of protons
The concentration gradient across the inner membrane is formed during oxidative
phosphorylation and is essential for ATP synthesis
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
The matrix:
Is an aqueous solution
Contains ribosomes, enzymes and circular mitochondrial DNA
Hydrogen acceptor is a molecule which receives hydrogen and become reduced in cell
biochemistry. The most common hydrogen acceptors are NAD and FAD.
Several coenzymes are required during respiration to transfer various molecules involved in the
process. NAD and FAD are the coenzymes responsible for transferring hydrogen between
molecules. Depending on whether they give or take hydrogen, they are able to reduce or oxidise
a molecule.
Coenzyme A is responsible for the transfer of acetate (also known as acetic acid) from
one molecule to another
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
Glycolysis is the first stage of respiration. It does not require oxygen to take place and is
therefore the first step for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Glucose is only partially
oxidised during glycolysis.
In glycolysis, a 6-C glucose molecule is broken down into 2 molecules of 3-C pyruvate in a
series of 10 reactions.
It takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell and involves:
Trapping glucose in the cell by phosphorylating the molecule
Oxidizing triose phosphate (by losing hydrogen)
It results in the production of
2 Pyruvate (3C) molecules which moves into the matrix of mitochondria to be used
during the link reaction
2 reduced NAD (NADH), which will be used during a later stage called oxidative
Under anaerobic conditions, glycolysis produces lactic acid or lactate instead of pyruvate
Steps of glycolysis:
1. Phosphorylation of glucose (a hexose sugar)
This makes the sugar more reactive
The sugar is unable to pass through the cell membrane and is trapped within the cell
Two molecules of ATP are needed
This produces
■ 2 molecules of triose phosphate
■ 2 molecules of ADP
2. Oxidation of triose phosphate
After triose phosphate loses hydrogen, it forms two molecules of pyruvate
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
The hydrogen ions are collected by NAD which reduces the coenzyme
This forms 2 molecules of NADH
Even though a total of four ATP molecules were produced during glycolysis, two of them
were used to phosphorylate glucose
There was therefore a net gain of two ATP molecules
If plenty of oxygen is available, the pyruvate will enter the mitochondria to participate in Kreb’s
cycle. If oxygen levels are low, the pyruvate remains in the cytoplasm and is converted either to
ethanol (plants and yeast) or lactate (mammals) with no additional ATP produced.
net glucose production in glycolysis = –2 + 4 = 2 ATP
Draw fig B (page 167)
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
Sometimes cells experience conditions with little or no oxygen. There are several consequences
when there is not enough oxygen available for respiration:
● There is no final acceptor (oxygen) of electrons from the electron transport chain
● The electron transport chain stops functioning
● No more ATP is produced via oxidative phosphorylation
● Reduced NAD and FAD aren’t oxidised by an electron carrier
● No oxidised NAD and FAD are available for dehydrogenation in the Krebs cycle
● The Krebs cycle stops
● The link reaction also stops
However, there is still a way for cells to produce some ATP in low oxygen conditions through
anaerobic respiration. Some cells are able to oxidise the reduced NAD produced during
glycolysis so it can be used for further hydrogen transport. This means that glycolysis can
continue and small amounts of ATP are still produced. Different cells use different pathways to
achieve this.
Anaerobic respiration in mammals
● During high intensity exercise, muscles do not receive enough oxygen to meet their needs
● The products of glycolysis cannot continue to the aerobic stages of respiration – muscles
have to respire anaerobically
● The pyruvate from glycolysis is converted to lactic acid – dissociates to form lactate and
hydrogen ions
● Anaerobic respiration produces only two molecules of ATP – some of the reduced NAD
is used to reduce pyruvate to lactate rather than entering the electron transport chain.
C6H12O6 → 2 C3H6O3
The levels of lactate and hydrogen ions increase during anaerobic respiration and cause the pH to
fall – muscle tissue becomes acidic. This affects the central nervous system (CNS). It reduces
nervous stimulation from the CNS that reduces and stops muscle contraction.
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
When exercise stops, the level of lactate in the blood remains high. This lactate is toxic and must
be oxidized back to pyruvate to enter the Krebs cycle. The lactate is carried to the liver where it
is converted back to pyruvate and respired in liver cells. Oxygen is needed to oxidize the
pyruvate made from accumulated lactate – breathing rate increases after exercise. This extra
oxygen is referred to as an oxygen debt.
Sprint athletes run up to 95% of a race relying on anaerobic respiration. Long distance runners
need to maintain a higher level of aerobic respiration to minimize lactate production. Training
allows athletes to get more oxygen to their muscles at a faster rate (better blood supply) and
tolerate higher levels of lactate before muscles become tired (more lactate transporter molecules
Anaerobic respiration in plants and fungi
Yeast is well known for anaerobic respiration as it produces ethanol and carbon dioxide
Anaerobic respiration occurs in the root cells of plants when the soil contains high levels
of water – produce ethanol
C6H12O6 → 2 C2H5OH + 2 CO2 + ATP
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
The end product of glycolysis is pyruvate. Pyruvate contains a substantial amount of chemical
energy that can be further utilised in respiration to produce more ATP. The enzymes and
coenzymes that are required for the link reaction are found in the mitochondrial matrix. When
oxygen is available pyruvate will enter the mitochondrial matrix and aerobic respiration will
continue. Pyruvate moves across the double membrane of the mitochondria via active transport.
Once in the mitochondrial matrix pyruvate takes part in the link reaction.
The link reaction takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria and links glycolysis to the Krebs
cycle. The steps are:
1. Pyruvate is oxidized (hydrogen is removed) by enzymes to produce acetate
2. Pyruvate is also decarboxylated (carbon is removed) in the form of carbon dioxide
3. Acetate combines with coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)
4. Reduction of NAD to NADH (to be used in electron transport chain)
No ATP is produced during the link reaction. It produces:
● Acetyl CoA
● Carbon dioxide (CO2)
● Reduced NAD (NADH)
pyruvate + NAD + CoA → acetyl CoA + carbon dioxide + reduced NAD
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
The Krebs cycle (sometimes called the citric acid cycle) is a series of biochemical steps that lead
to the complete oxidation of glucose, resulting in the production of CO2, H2O and relatively
large amounts of ATP. It consists of several enzyme-controlled reactions.
● 2 carbon (2C) Acetyl CoA enters the circular pathway from the link reaction in glucose
● 4 carbon (4C) oxaloacetate accepts the 2C acetyl CoA to form the 6 carbon (6C) citrate
Coenzyme A is released in this reaction to be reused in the next link reaction
● Citrate is then converted back to oxaloacetate through a series of oxidation-reduction
(redox) reactions
Oxaloacetate is regenerated in the Krebs cycle through a series of redox reactions
● Decarboxylation of citrate – Releasing 2 CO2 as waste gas
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
● Oxidation (dehydrogenation) of citrate – Releasing H atoms that reduce coenzymes NAD
and FAD. These will be used during oxidative phosphorylation
3 NAD and 1 FAD → 3NADH + H+ and 1 FADH2
● A phosphate is transferred from one of the intermediates to ADP, forming 1 ATP to
supply energy.
Products of Krebs cycle are:
● 1 ATP
● 3 NADH (reduced NAD)
● 1 FADH2 (reduced FAD)
● 2 CO2
Oxidative phosphorylation is the last stage of aerobic respiration. It takes place at the inner
mitochondrial membrane. It results in the production of many molecules of ATP and the
production of water from oxygen. The process involves an electron transport chain.
Oxidative phosphorylation – the oxygen dependent process in the electron transport chain
where ADP is phosphorylated.
Electron transport chain – a series of electron carrying compounds along which electrons are
transferred in the series of oxidation - reduction reactions, driving the production of ATP.
The current model for oxidative phosphorylation is the chemiosmotic theory.
Chemiosmosis – The process that links the electrons that are passed along the electron transport
chain to the production of ATP, by the movement of hydrogen ions through the membrane along
electrochemical, concentration and pH gradients.
The chemiosmotic model states that energy from electrons is passed through a chain of proteins
in the membrane, known as the electron transport chain.
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
This energy is used to pump protons (hydrogen ions) against their concentration gradient
into the intermembrane space.
The protons are then allowed to flow by facilitated diffusion through a channel enzyme
called ATP synthase into the matrix
The energy of the protons flowing down their concentration gradient is harnessed
resulting in the phosphorylation of ADP into ATP by ATP synthase
Outline of oxidative phosphorylation
1. Hydrogen atoms are donated by NADH and FADH2 from the Krebs Cycle.
2. Hydrogen atoms split into protons (H+ ions) and electrons.
3. The high energy electrons enter the ETC and release energy as they move through it.
4. The energy released is used to transport H+ ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane from
the matrix into the intermembrane space.
5. A conc. gradient of H+ ions is established between the intermembrane space and the matrix.
6. The H+ ions return to the matrix via facilitated diffusion (channel enzyme ATP synthase).
7. The movement of H+ ions down their concentration gradient provides energy for ATP synthesis.
8. Oxygen acts as the 'final electron acceptor' and combines with protons and electrons at the end of
the electron transport chain to form water.
Draw fig A (page 172)
There are four main electron carriers involved:
● The coenzymes NAD and FAD act as hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen released in the
Krebs cycle
● Cytochromes are protein pigments with an ion group – they are reduced by electrons
from NADH and FADH2
● Cytochrome oxidase is an enzyme that relieves electrons from the cytochromes
● Oxygen is the final electron acceptor and is reduced to form water.
The electron transport chain and ATP production occurs on the inner membrane of the
mitochondria which is folded up to form cristae, producing a large surface area. The surface of
the cristae is covered with closely packed stalk particles which contain ATPase enzymes.
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
Electron Transport Chain:
The ETC is made up of a series of membrane proteins (electron carriers)
They are positioned close together which allows the electrons to pass from carrier to
The inner membrane of the mitochondria is impermeable to H+ ions so these electron
carriers are required to pump the protons across the membrane to establish conc. gradient.
Total ATP Production:
Oxidative phosphorylation uses energy from reduced NAD and FAD to produce ATP
● 3 ATP molecules for every reduced NAD molecule
● 2 ATP molecules for every reduced FAD molecule
For every molecule of glucose a total of 38 ATP molecules can be produced during aerobic
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of carbon dioxide molecules produced to oxygen
molecules taken in during respiration.
Respiratory Substrate: The substance used as fuel and oxidized during cellular respiration.
Example – glucose, carbohydrates and fats.
Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins have different typical RQ values. This is because the number
of carbon-hydrogen bonds differs in each type of biological molecule.
More carbon-hydrogen bonds means that more hydrogen atoms can be used to create a proton
gradient. More hydrogens means that more ATP molecules can be produced. More oxygen is
therefore required to break down the molecule (in the last step of oxidative phosphorylation to
form water).
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee
When glucose is aerobically respired equal amounts of carbon dioxide are produced to oxygen
taken in, meaning it has an RQ value of 1.
● RQ = 1 suggests that a lot of carbohydrate is being used in cellular respiration.
● RQ < 1 indicates that a combination of carbohydrates and lipid is being respired.
● RQ > 1 indicates anaerobic respiration (less O2 being used as compared to CO2 produced)
For aerobic respiration the RQ will typically be less than 1 since oxygen is being used to break
down the substrate. Photosynthetic organisms have very low RQ values because much of the
CO2 produced is used in making new sugars.
Prepared by Maisha Islam Monamee