Biomedical Ultrasound (MPHY0018) Acoustics Basics • wavenumber k (rad/m) and wavelength λ (m) are related by k = 2π/λ • temporal frequency, ω (rad/s) or f (Hz), and time period of a wave T (s) are related by f = ω/2π = 1/T • wavelength, λ, frequency, f and wave speed c0 are related by c0 = f λ • p is the acoustic pressure (Pa), u is the acoustic particle velocity (vector) (m/s), ρ is the acoustic density (kg/m3 ) • total field is given by the sum of ambient and acoustic parts, e.g., pT = p0 + p • instantaneous acoustic intensity is a vector defined as Iinst (x, t) = p(x, t)u(x, t) RT • time-averaged acoustic intensity is Iav (x) = (1/T ) 0 pudt where T is the acoustic period p • sound pressure level Lp = 20log10 pref dB, sound power (or intensity) level LP = 10log10 PPref dB Deriving the Wave Equation • material derivative D/Dt = ∂/∂t + (u · ∇) • linearised equation of state p = c20 ρ • linearised mass equation ∂ρ/∂t = −ρ0 ∇ · u, or ∂ρ/∂t = −ρ0 ∂u/∂x in 1D • linearised momentum equation ∂u/∂t = −(1/ρ0 )∇p, or ∂u/∂t = −(1/ρ0 )∂p/∂x in 1D • wave equation (∂ 2 /∂t2 − c20 ∇2 )p = 0, or (1/c20 )∂ 2 p/∂t2 = ∂ 2 p/∂x2 in 1D • (linear) sound speed c20 = (∂p/∂ρ|s,0 = B/ρ0 where B is the bulk modulus Solutions to the 1D Wave Equation (plane waves) • plane wave solutions g(x ± c0 t) where ± indicates propagation towards x = ∓∞ • harmonic plane wave p = Re Aei(kx±ωt) = A cos(kx ± ωt) • acoustic pressure and particle velocity are related by p = ∓ρ0 c0 u • instantaneous acoustic intensity, Iinst (t) = p2 /ρ0 c0 • time-averaged acoustic intensity, Iav = A2 /2ρ0 c0 • first-order accurate forward difference ∂f /∂x|j ≈ fj+1 −fj ∆x Wave Phenomena • characteristic acoustic impedance Z = ρ0 c0 • normal incidence pressure reflection coefficient, R = (Z2 − Z1 )/(Z2 + Z1 ) • normal incident pressure transmission coefficient, T = 2Z2 /(Z2 + Z1 ) • for pressure reflection coefficients: 1 + R = T • energy reflection coefficient: Re = |R|2 • energy transmission coefficient: Te = 1 − |R|2 • conservation of energy: Re + Te = 1 • Snell’s law: sin θi /c1 = sin θt /c2 where θi is the incidence angle and θt transmission angle Attenuation and Absorption • plane wave, p = Aei(kx−ωt) e−αx where α is the absorption coefficient • intensity Iattenuated (x) = Iunattenuated e−2αx • α in dB/cm = 8.7 × (α in Nepers/cm) Ultrasound Transducers • centre frequency fc = c/2L where L is the width of the piezoelectric element • matched-load bandwidth (full-width-half-maximum) ∆f = 2c/3L • fractional bandwidth = ∆f /fc × 100 • Quality factor Q = fc /∆f • quarter-wave matching layer impedance ZML = √ ZP ZT • quarter-wave matching layer thickness LML = λML /4 = cML /4f • matched load receive response S(f ) ∝ sinc(πf L/c) • matched load receive response minima at f = nc/L, n = 1, 2, . . . Ultrasound Fields • Here, a is the radius of a single element plane piston transducer, or, in the multiple element case, either half the width of the array or half the elevation height of a single element. • unfocussed beam, width of near field region W ≈ 2a • unfocussed beam, position of last axial maximum (start of far field) zn = (4a2 − λ2 )/(4λ) • unfocussed beam, far field directivity function D(θ) = 2J1 (ka sin θ)/ka sin θ where θ is the angle with the beam axis, and J1 is a first-order Bessel function of the first kind • unfocussed beam, far field beam divergence angle θd = sin−1 (0.61λ/a) √ • unfocussed beam, acoustic pressure amplitude on beam axis |p(z)| = 2ρ0 c0 Un sin(k( a2 + z 2 − z)/2) where Un is the amplitude of the normal particle velocity at the transducer surface • focussed beam, width of focal zone W = 1.41λF/2a where F is the focal length • focussed beam, length of focal zone D = 9.7λ(F/2a)2 • For an axial beam, grating lobes angles θ = sin−1 (nλ/d), n = 1, 2, . . . where d is the pitch Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging & Doppler • pulse repetition frequency, PRF = c0 /2Lmax where Lmax is the imaging depth • frame rate, FR = PRF/N where N is the number of scan lines • axial resolution zmin = tp c0 /2 where tp is the pulse envelope width • Doppler shift fd = 2f v cos θ/c0 where v is the flow velocity (which can be positive or negative), θ is the angle between the flow and the transducer beam axis, and f is the transmit frequency • pulse wave Doppler, maximum measurable Doppler shift fd,max = PRF/2 • pulse wave Doppler, maximum measurable velocity, vmax = c20 /(8f Lmax cos θ) where Lmax is the imaging depth Nonlinear Acoustics • convective and material nonlinearities c ≈ c0 + u + 0.5(B/A)u = c0 + βu • coefficient of nonlinearity β ≡ 1 + 0.5(B/A) where B/A is the nonlinearity parameter • shock distance xshock = ρ0 c30 /(2πf0 βp) where f0 is the frequency (Hz), p is the pressure amplitude. Ultrasound Biophysics & Safety • time-averaged acoustic intensity in 1D (in the presence of absorption) Iav (x) = (A2 /2ρ0 c0 )e−2αx 2 2 (x) e−2αx = αPρA0 c(x) where PA (x) = Ae−αx is the local = ραA • volume rate of heat deposition Q = − dIav dx 0 c0 0 pressure amplitude • temperature rise (no diffusion) ∆T = αPA2 t/ρ20 c0 C, where C (Jkg−1 K−1 ) is specific heat capacity, t (s) time • thermal dose (cumulative equivalent minutes) t43 = tR43−T where T is the (constant) temperature in ◦ C, and R = 0.5(T ≥ 43◦ C) or R = 0.25(T < 43◦ C) • thermal index TI = P0 /Pdeg where P0 is the time averaged power, Pdeg is the power to raise tissue by 1 ◦ C √ • mechanical index, MI = Pr / f depends on peak rarefactional pressure Pr in MPa, and f is frequency in MHz. • volume radiation force F V = Q/c0 • surface radiation force Fabsorbing = P0 /c0 , Freflecting = 2P0 /c0 Elastography • shear wave speed cs = p G/ρ0 where G is the shear modulus • Young’s modulus in soft tissue E ≈ 3G Metrology • pulse duration td = 1.25 × (t90% − t10% ), where tx% is the time the pressure squared integral pi reaches x% of its maximum. • derated intensity I.3 = Ie−0.069fc z , where I is the intensity measured in water, fc (MHz) is the centre frequency of the pulse used, and z (cm) is distance travelled.